Magnetized water. Project “The influence of magnets on the development of indoor plants”

Today we will talk about the effect of the magnetic field on plants. For the reader of the site who is interested in the problem of the relationship of bees to static electricity, some general explanations have already been made in the field of perception of electricity by living organisms in general - “” and the perception of earthly electricity by plants (feeding bees) in particular - «« ". Considering issues « The influence of the magnetic field on bees » we need to delve into magnetic processes, occurring in the apiary. In this regard, it is interesting to look at “magnetic” connections in the plant world.

The very fact that plants (like bees) are constantly under the influence of the Earth’s magnetic field suggests its decisive contribution to the life of the flora.

The effect of the dependence of the growth of plants (or their parts) on the magnetic field is called magnetotropism (tropos - direction). This effect has been studied thoroughly under natural and artificial conditions. In both variants, the plants did not remain indifferent to the influence of the magnetic field and showed the same reaction to the direction of the magnetic field.

Explanations for this reaction are based on plant physiology. This includes not only the growth and formation of plants, but also vital activity at the cellular level. The list of “magnetic quirks” of plants could go on for a long time. Let's look at the simplest examples.

It is possible to begin to verify the magnetic dependence of plants even visually. For example, in free development, plants are oriented towards the south magnetic pole. First of all, the roots develop predominantly in this direction.

When the roots of experimental wheat germs were artificially oriented in the direction of the south magnetic pole, the entire plant (both roots and stems) developed more efficiently compared to the orientation of the embryo in the direction of the north magnetic pole. A similar effect is observed in other agricultural crops: barley, oats, sunflowers, corn, beets, cucumbers, peas, melons, etc. The lateral roots of plants growing in free conditions are also located in the same direction. Thus, the functional and biochemical properties of plants are directly dependent on the direction of the magnetic field.

Another example is if the seeds coniferous species(spruce, pine, etc.) when sowing, oriented the roots of the embryos to the south, then they germinate faster by 4-5 days than those oriented to the north.

The following example is not from the world of miracles, but something close to it. It is known that there are cycles of solar activity that change approximately every 11 years. So plants also have such a cycle. Here the connection is hidden a little deeper.

The point is this. All plants are directed differently in space. Some are symmetrical. Others are asymmetrical. The latter can have a right or left type of direction. For example, if “moving” along the petals we move to the right (clockwise) - this is a right-sided plant, and if the petals are located in the opposite direction, then this is a left-sided plant. There are other signs of dissymmetry. This attitude towards a certain type is not permanent. The fact is that every 11 years... Did you guess it? Right. There is a change in the type of orientation of the plant in space. Moreover, the change in the type of direction fully corresponds to the cycles of solar activity. The change in polarity in the Sun (reversal of polarity, change of poles) and the change in the type of dissymmetry of flowers in plants are in strict accordance with each other.

Scientific research has reliably proven that if plant seeds of the left type are oriented with the tip of the embryonic root towards the south magnetic pole of the Earth, then they grow faster and have higher enzymatic activity (in particular, a higher chlorophyll content). Physiological processes in plants different types are characterized by different quantitative and qualitative dependence on the magnetic field. The yield of correctly oriented plants increases by 13-52%. To obtain a similar qualitative effect for right-handed plants, their embryos must be oriented towards the north magnetic pole.

Of course, one could “blame” all responsibility for better development plant oriented in a southerly direction, not to the magnetic field, but to sunlight. However, the distribution of metabolism in the plant also indicates the magnetic aspect in plant development. As scientists have found out using labeled phosphorus, on the northern and southern sides there is a significantly more intense flow of phosphorus into the plant than from the eastern or western directions.

As we know, the Earth’s magnetic field in different areas of the area has various characteristics. Plants also “know” this. If in some part of the Earth the magnetic field has values ​​significantly higher than the average, then the direction of development of the plant root system depends on the poles is not so pronounced. For example, in the area of ​​the Kursk magnetic anomaly, the root system of plants does not have a clearly defined orientation. Therefore, it is important to know and take into account not only the direction of the magnetic poles in general, but directly the direction and strength of the magnetic field in a given place.

The Earth's magnetic field affects not only root system plants, but also on the stem, leaves, and other parts. The bulk of flower baskets, blooming in a wide fan, are clearly oriented in space towards the Sun: southeast, south, southwest. Thuja orientalis, up to 90% of the skeletal branches extending to the east and west, branches into vertical planes mainly in the north-south direction. Even potatoes are thrown away in the southeast direction larger number leaves.

The effect of the magnetic field on the sex ratio (sexualization) of plants is similar. Experiments performed with cucumbers showed that their sexualization changes depending on the orientation of the seeds relative to the magnetic field. When the root of the embryo was oriented to the south, feminization of the plant occurred - more female flowers were formed, and when oriented to the north - male flowers. Thus, the orientation of the embryo roots to the south increased the yield, since it was female flowers form fruits. In addition, when the seed roots are oriented to the south, the aerial part of the plant is more developed, which should also be taken into account when determining the yield of certain plant species. At the same time, different types plants have their own “preferences in choosing” magnetic poles to increase the number of fruits.

Considering that all biological processes are subject to the comprehensive influence of fields (the Sun, the Earth), which have their own periods and rhythms (annual, seasonal, daily), plant life is completely subject to these “cosmic settings”. All disasters that occur on the “parents” also affect the “wards”. Solar Activity, magnetic storms have a direct internal response in plants. Cosmic electromagnetic weather affects the entire plant, starting with permeability cell membranes and ending with the amount of nectar secreted.

I think that the information in this post is useful, not only in connection with the consideration of e/m processes “around the bees,” but also for the gardener with spring chores. The use of artificial magnetic fields when growing seeds and oriented planting will help to significantly increase yield. Magnetic treatment can be performed on any plant. The stimulating effect “according to science” is preferably carried out using a magnetic field with an induction of 25 mT in the frequency range 1-12 Hz. The duration of exposure should be at least 45 minutes. The effect of magnetic treatment persists for 3 days on dry seeds, then decreases and disappears if seed germination does not begin within this period. Positive results can be obtained using conventional magnets.

The influence of a magnet and magnetic water on plant growth The work was completed by Ivan Blinov, a student of 4"B" grade (11 years old) of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary" comprehensive school No. 39" Project manager: Petrova N.F., teacher primary classes Petrozavodsk 2017

Purpose: to determine the effect of a magnet and magnetized water on growth indoor plants and on the growth of vegetable crops (onions). Objectives: to study the effect of a magnet and magnetized water on plant growth. Object of study: chlorophytum, a plant of the lily family, and onion. Research conditions: same temperature, same humidity, same lighting, same look plants. Research methods: 1.Working with information sources, Internet resources 2. Observation 3. Comparison 4. Experiments

Relevance In the mid-19th century, French scientist Louis Pasteur made a sensational discovery: the Earth's magnetic field has a positive effect on plant growth. From that moment on, hundreds of scientists in America, Russia, Japan, England and France began to conduct research in the field of the influence of the magnetic field on living organisms. A hundred years later, Canadian scientists published a report on improved germination of cereals after exposure to a magnetic field on the grain. Plants were exposed to magnets and watered with magnetic water. I decided to conduct my own research, the purpose of which was to find out: can an ordinary magnet really have a positive effect on plant growth?

Progress of the study: Two almost identical sockets were taken indoor flower chlorophytum and placed in identical cups of water for root germination. One rosette of the flower is placed in a glass of water with a magnet, the other in a glass without a magnet. Date Cuttings with a magnet Cuttings with ordinary water 01/11/16 01/18/16 1cm 5mm 01/25/16 2cm 1cm 02/02/16 3cm5mm 1cm 8 mm

Progress of the study: After a week After two weeks The rosette from a cup without a magnet did not have very long roots, but the other rosette from a cup, where a magnet lay under the bottom, had much longer roots. Conclusion: magnetic field affects growth.

Experiment 2: The influence of magnetic water on the growth of onions a. Purpose: To determine the effect of magnetized water on the growth and development of plants. Actions: I took two onions, then placed them in two glasses of water. One glass contained magnetized water, and the other running water. And for some time I watched the growth and development of the bulbs.

The influence of magnetic water on onion growth. Conclusion: The magnetic field and magnetized water affect the growth and development of plants. Beginning of the experiment Appearance of roots Appearance of sprouts Feather length Magnetic water 10/17 10/19 After 2 days 10/29 After 12 days 11/07 17cm Ordinary running water 10/17 10/21 After 4 days 11/02 After 1 4 days 11/07 7cm

Conclusion: From the experiments carried out, the following conclusions can be drawn: The magnet really affects the growth of the root system of indoor plants. The magnetic field and magnetized water influence the growth and development of plants. I suggest using magnetic water not only for germinating the root system of indoor plants, but also for soaking vegetable seeds

Literature Babin D.M. Encyclopedia of Floriculture, Minsk, 2003. Gerasimov S.O., Zhuravlev I.M.- indoor floriculture–M. Niva of Russia, 1992 Pasteur Louis https://

The work was completed by a student of grade 4 “B” of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 39” of the Petrozavodsk City District Ivan Blinov (11 years old) Project leader: Natalya Fedorovna Petrova, primary school teacher (89602108048)

IN various states Scientists around the world are studying the influence of a magnetic field on plants. In Canada, for example, " magnetize» before sowing, the seeds of soybeans, barley, buckwheat, peppers, oats, cucumbers are obtained from given harvest 20% more than from untreated seeds.

Russian scientists also present work in this direction. Physicists and biologists of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in the city of Dubna at one time transferred their experiments to state farm fields. “Magnetized” potatoes on 200 hectares yielded an additional 1000 tons of tubers.

Once upon a time early spring period I “relocated” from the edge of the forest to my land plot several strawberry plants that bloomed, but did not bear fruit, and their root systems were dug up by magnets from failed reproducers. And what? The plants changed completely: they began to grow powerful, they had full-fledged flowers.

A couple of bushes brought from the forest gave a rich harvest in the first year: 30-40 berries, round on one bush and oblong on another bush. Both were surprisingly aromatic, extremely tasty and, although close in taste to wild strawberries, they were somewhat larger. And in terms of productivity they were hardly inferior garden strawberries the best varieties.

I moved 1 bush into the room and even in such unusual conditions in the first summer it produced 36 berries. But I transplanted another bush into a pot very late; it stretched 40 cm, but only brought a few berries.

I moved several plants of this strawberry to the city of Kirovakan and, perhaps, due to the short length of the day, which is so characteristic of this zone, the nature of the ripening of its fruits changed. Or rather, the plants, although they bloomed twice a year - both in the spring and in autumn period, - however, they did not produce fruit at all. Only in the third year did the plants begin to bear fruit in accordance with the norm and in those conditions.

It is noteworthy that I also did not need to “magnetize” the plants isolated from rosettes formed from bushes “raised” in a magnetic field. At the same time, of course, I selected the most beautifully formed and productive plants and I hope that as I continue to work, such strawberries will compete with the best varieties. What if it’s possible to achieve fruit ripening twice a year?

And here’s what I observed when growing the hitherto capricious Alpine violet in a room.

In the autumn I planted in flower pot its shoot. Among winter period, during the February severe frosts, on the side of the plant where the ring magnet had lain nearby for 3 weeks, a long leaf suddenly erupted and grew. In March, when there was still a lack of light and warmth, the violet “moved” more than half into the ring of the magnet and... blossomed. In May, a powerful and luxurious “bouquet” was formed.

In June, the flower “moved” into the ring of the magnet almost entirely and “positioned itself” according to its lines of force. The number of shoots here was tens of times greater than outside the boundaries of the magnetic ring. All this seemed so clear, convincing and so accurately indicated the influence of the magnetic field that I had absolutely no room for doubt.

However, I saw the main thing that struck me only when I carefully lifted the magnet and cleared the ground. A powerful growth-rhizome formed there, its nature very reminiscent of growths on trees that have grown together with metal fences. Actually, I expected something similar, because a previously well-developed plant could only be formed with a powerful root system.

How to reveal the essence of this phenomenon? Indeed, after more accurate experiments, based on their results, in my opinion, it will be possible to discover rational ways for the widespread practical use of a magnet.

In order to once again confirm my assumptions, I conducted similar experiments with another flowering plant - Tradescantia. At the same time, this time I took into account not only the characteristics of the magnet, but also the quality of the soil and fertilizers.

Here's another example with fruit plant. The nine-year-old thin-branched pear produced huge shoots year after year, but never even bloomed, let alone harvested.

I know that old gardeners in our southern republics in such cases recommend burying a saw and an ax at the roots of such a parasitic tree in order to “scare” it: if it continues to “idle”, then, they say, it will be cut down or will be cut down. Tools, as a rule, are buried that are unsuitable for work: the tree is blind, it cannot distinguish between dull and sharp, so the gardener does not risk anything. However, after some time the tree begins to bear fruit.

At a landfill we managed to pick up a magnet, not very large, weighing about two kilograms, but powerful. I buried the magnet on the western side of the pear, probably closer to the trunk, but so as not to damage the roots. And in the same year, on the experimental side, the pear shoots visibly “shortened”; flower buds. And so, one summer, the branches on this side of the tree were breaking under the mass of fruits, while on the control, the eastern side, pears were visible only here and there. Yes, and it seems to me that they grew up not without the influence of a magnet.

Then I thought, why not “magnetize” plants in order to obtain sustainable yields using collapsible ring magnets, installing them at different heights?

Magnet influence on a small cactus made it not have many children, but one child. I also observed other deviations from the mother plant: in appearance, the baby no longer resembled an elongated cylinder with vertical grooves and ridges with spines, but was pear-shaped and bald on the lower side facing the magnet, completely devoid of spines. The mother plant on the side of the magnet was visibly retarded in growth, in the same place where the magnet pole was aimed, the cactus bloomed and gave birth to a baby.

I repeated this “indoor” experiment on clearly degenerating raspberry plants in the garden, placing magnets and metal waste under them. A year later, the number of shoots on the raspberry bushes decreased sharply (before that there were a lot of them, but they were all weak), and after a couple of years, single, powerful shoots began to grow. When the shoots were shortened by a third early in the spring, the yield increased sharply, the berries doubled and even tripled in size. At the same time, none of the shoots and none of the berries were damaged by diseases or pests. The taste and smell have become exceptional. And, interestingly, the most powerful shoots appeared in the vicinity of iron pipes driven into the ground.

Magnet influence and its fields, as well as metals, are not new. Millennia have passed since people began to notice their mysterious effects on living nature and on themselves. The period is respectable and necessary in order to achieve the necessary clarity. However, nature does not reveal secrets so easily, and besides, common sense and logic do not always coexist perfectly with facts, especially not so obvious ones.

Maybe you will decide to test the facts presented here and conduct such experiments yourself?

Contents: We bought a dacha in the summer. Irrigation water is pumped from the river. Old-time summer residents say that several years ago grandfather Kulibin lived at one of the dachas. Allegedly, this grandfather magnetized irrigation water simply by somehow strengthening ordinary magnets on a hose, and as if this grandfather was harvesting unimaginable harvests... Of course, we doubted it, and then we thought - what if such structuring of water really can increase productivity? Is this possible, and can you really make such a device yourself?


Yes, it's possible. Water exposed to a constant magnetic field has unusual properties. The idea of ​​magnetic water belongs to Dr. E.V. Utekhin, who introduced magnetic water into the everyday life of Russians in the early 80s. He proved that magnetized water becomes biologically active and therefore can have therapeutic effect.

Positive results of using magnetized water with medicinal effects in our country were revealed in the early 60s. A young science, magnetobiology, is currently studying this issue.

An idea of ​​the type of magnetic field can be obtained using iron filings. All you have to do is place a sheet of paper on the magnet and sprinkle iron filings on top.

From school course physicists know that the magnetic field of permanent magnets looks like this:

For permanent strip magnet:

For permanent arc-shaped magnet.

All electromagnetic generators are built on this principle. They contain permanent magnets or special electric coils, which create a magnetic field. In this field, other coils move (rotate), in which electromotive force (EMF) arises.

A magnetic field electric generator consists of a coil on which a copper wire is wound, and inside it a permanent magnet moves freely, generating a magnetic field.

Design principles homemade electric generators shown on the website:

Rice. Scheme of the simplest electric magnetic field generator

As soon as ordinary water crosses the magnetic lines of force in the optimal mode, it becomes completely different water for a day with different biological properties. True, the “memory” of magnetized water is short, no more than a day. The optimal magnetization mode is a fairly strong stream of tap water, average field strength, and a normal temperature range (from the coldest to boiling water).

You can make a device for magnetizing water yourself; for these purposes you need to use permanent magnets with induction B = 150-200 mT. Flat square or round magnets with a diameter of 40-50 mm and a thickness of 8-10 mm are best suited for magnetizing water. Such a magnet has an N (north) pole on one flat side and an S (south) pole on the other.

But it is better to purchase a special device for magnetic therapy - MUM-50 EDMA - at a pharmacy or at the All-Russian Exhibition Center.

Rice. Device for magnetizing water MUM-50 EDMA.

Water magnetized with a permanent magnet is very successfully used in agriculture both in medicine and in industry in the fight against scale. For example, soaking beet seeds in magnetic water for five hours significantly increases the yield; Irrigation with magnetic water stimulates the growth and yield of soybeans, sunflowers, corn, and tomatoes. In some countries, magnetic water also serves medicine: it helps remove kidney stones and has a bactericidal effect. Thus, the magnetic effect on water causes many effects, the nature and scope of which are just beginning to be studied. Penetration into the essence of this phenomenon will open up not only practical possibilities, but also new properties of water.

Having passed between the magnetic poles, ordinary water acquires remarkable properties. Magnetized water becomes biologically active and can therefore have a therapeutic effect. Experiments have shown that ingestion of magnetized water increases permeability biological membranes tissue cells, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and liver, regulates blood pressure, increases metabolism, and promotes the release of small stones from the kidneys.

Positive results were also noted in the treatment of patients suffering from eczema and various skin diseases - dermatitis - with magnetized water. In 1990, at the All-Union Conference on Magnetobiology and Magnetotherapy, the beneficial effects of baths and turbulent underwater massage on patients with prolonged pneumonia, nonspecific infectious polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and some other joint diseases were discussed in detail.

Since magnetized water has a normalizing effect on impaired cholesterol metabolism in atherosclerosis and has a positive effect on the course of the disease, a number of scientists recommend drinking it not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

It should be noted that physicochemical characteristics during magnetic treatment, they change to a greater extent in water in which more salts are dissolved, therefore, its therapeutic effect will be higher. Based on this, in sanatoriums in Sochi in 1973, the method of treatment with magnetized sea water was first used. Baths were prescribed to patients suffering from hypertension. After the course of treatment, most patients disappeared from complaints of headaches, tinnitus, fatigue and pain in the heart. Almost all patients had decreased blood pressure and normalized night sleep.

Thanks to a course of baths made of magnetized sea ​​water(10 sessions of 10 minutes each) can reduce blood pressure (up to 30 mm), relieve headaches, pain in the heart, sleep disturbances, and fatigue.

Irrigation of the oral cavity with magnetized water helps remove tartar, eliminate periodontal disease, and treat phlegmon. Magnetized water prevents the formation of dental plaque, cleanses the enamel of soft plaque, and stops bleeding gums.

The condition of patients with atherosclerosis improves when using magnetized water.

Today, mineral baths with magnetized water are used in many resorts in the country.

Experiments have shown that ingestion of magnetized water increases the permeability of biological membranes of tissue cells, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and liver, regulates blood pressure, increases metabolism, and promotes the release of small stones from the kidneys. Positive results were also noted in the treatment of patients suffering from eczema and various skin diseases - dermatitis - with magnetized water. Since magnetized water has a normalizing effect on impaired cholesterol metabolism in atherosclerosis and has a positive effect on the course of the disease, a number of scientists recommend drinking it not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

It should be noted that the physicochemical properties during magnetic treatment change to a greater extent in water in which more salts are dissolved, therefore, its therapeutic effect will be higher. Based on this, magnetic baths were prescribed to patients suffering from hypertension. After the course of treatment, most patients disappeared from complaints of headaches, tinnitus, fatigue and pain in the heart. Almost all patients had decreased blood pressure and normalized night sleep.

At the Rostov Regional Medical and Physical Education Dispensary, they used a proven “placebo” method: patients were prescribed two types of baths - with magnetized water and ordinary water, but supposedly activated by permanent magnets. Only magnetized water had an obvious effect. Here are just a few examples, including existing experience of the healing effects of magnetized water. Thanks to a course of baths from magnetized sea water (10 sessions of 10 minutes each), E.V. Utekhin managed to reduce blood pressure (up to 30 mm), relieve headaches, pain in the heart, sleep disturbances, and fatigue.

Candidate of Medical Sciences R.I. Mikhailova at the Central Research Institute of Dentistry found that irrigation (rinsing) with magnetized water helps remove tartar, eliminate periodontal disease, and treat phlegmon. Magnetic water prevents the formation of dental plaque, cleanses the enamel of soft plaque, and stops bleeding gums. V.V. Lisin and E.N. Ivanov (Saratov) noted an improvement in the condition of patients with atherosclerosis when using magnetized water. Professor E.M. Shimkus (Simferopol) received very encouraging results in the clinic in the treatment of urolithiasis. S.I. Dovzhansky (Saratov) achieved significant success in using this water for various skin diseases. And this list positive influence Magnetic water on the body can be continued.

In the early 90s, at the All-Union Conference on Magnetobiology and Magnetotherapy, the beneficial effects of baths and turbulent underwater massage on patients with prolonged pneumonia, nonspecific infectious polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and some other joint diseases were discussed in detail and recognized as beneficial.

But there are other surprising effects of water passing through the magnetic poles. A field irrigated with magnetized water produces a harvest that is 15-20 percent higher than standard. Concrete mixed with magnetized water gains increased strength and frost resistance. Magnetic water removes scale from steam boilers. And, of course, the influence of magnetized water on humans has been recorded.

However, the “memory” of magnetized water is not very long. She remembers the impact of the field for about a day. It is assumed that its healing effect is associated with an increase in the permeability of biological membranes due to its greater structure, because Under the influence of a magnetic field, water molecules - small dipoles - are oriented in an orderly manner relative to the poles of the magnet. It helps plants better absorb soil nutrients, and helps humans cleanse blood vessels of foreign compounds. And if this is so, then magnetic water should become an invaluable assistant in physical exercise, sharply increasing their effectiveness.

Ph.D. O.V. Mosin


Having passed between the magnetic poles, ordinary water acquires remarkable properties. A field irrigated with such water produces a harvest that is 25%-35% higher than the standard

Serious research into the properties of magnetic water in our country began in the late 60s of the last (XX) century.

Magnetic water prevents the formation of a film of solid salts and bubbles on plant roots, which promotes better absorption of minerals by plant roots.

Plants treated with such magnetically activated water have increased vitality and are less affected by diseases.

The benefits of magnetic water are evident when growing seedlings: the germination rate of seeds soaked in it is higher than the control, the shoots are longer and noticeably stronger. More responsive to fertilizer.

When watering plants with magnetic water, the transition of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other substances into more accessible for absorption by plants improves.


“In 1983-1984, extensive field testing was carried out.

Test irrigation of 6 thousand hectares with magnetic water gave a net income of almost 100 rubles per hectare.

The experiment covered 42 agricultural objects in the Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan regions, Stavropol and Krasnodar territories.

The area of ​​experimental land on which 20 types of grain, fodder, vegetable and melon crops were grown amounted to 11.4 thousand hectares.

The most responsive to magnetic water were moisture-loving crops - tomatoes and cucumbers.

A steady increase was noted in the crops of alfalfa, corn, wheat, peas, carrots, and soybeans. Thus, alfalfa gave an increase of 52-77 c/ha on an area of ​​1331 hectares, corn - 26 c/ha of green mass on 1,368 hectares and 4.4 c/ha of grain on 389 hectares.”

It has been noticed that the effect of each watering with magnetic water is cumulative. It turned out that it is especially advisable to use magnetic water for watering vegetables grown indoors - this allows not only to increase the yield, but also to slightly reduce the temperature in greenhouses.


Plant seeds look dry, but they contain water inside; wet seeds are even dried (at a temperature always below 100 ° C). Thus, seed treatment is treatment of water systems.

Experiments on pre-sowing treatment of agricultural plant seeds are being conducted in many countries, including the Russian Federation, the USA, Germany, France, and Japan.

Even just the listing of plant species indicates the scope of the work: - processed seeds of peas, mustard, cabbage, corn, onions, alfalfa, carrots, cucumbers, sunflowers, millet, wheat, radishes, radishes, rye, rice, lettuce, beets, soybeans, tomatoes , beans, cotton, barley, potato tubers.

In all cases, the yield increased by an average of 10-35%, and a number of individual publications indicate higher figures.

In agriculture, a result of over 25% is considered significant, and then only when it is reproduced for several years in a row. Therefore, skeptics’ attitude towards the results obtained is often restrained.

Doesn’t the very fact of increased productivity look strange?

You might think that a magnetic field increases the variety of seeds. There are even reports of an increase in protein content in grains of plants grown from magnetic seeds - in barley by 3%, in cotton by 10%.

Biologists say that the variety does not change, BUT, the potential capabilities of the genotype are revealed, which are not realized without magnetic treatment. In addition, plants get sick less and become more resilient.


If you plant magnetic seeds in the ground and water them with ordinary water, you can achieve a yield increase of 20% or more, and if you water them with magnetic water, you can achieve a yield increase of over 35%.

The yield increase did not exceed 20% when seeds were treated with ultrasound, infrared and laser irradiation. The combined action of these external factors in various combinations also did not increase the effect. This confirms the hypothesis of a genotype reserve.

At the same time, the genotypic reserve can be used up during normal plant growth. That is, the seeds themselves are from a healthy harvest, a favorable climate during the growth process. Therefore, treatment of seeds obtained by good harvest, does not provide a noticeable increase.

But, if the seeds were obtained from a field where there was insufficient fertilizing, or watering was rarely carried out, or the plants suffered a disease, or the seeds were mechanically injured, or there was an unstable and unfavorable climate - in all these cases, the effect of the physical factors of magnetic water is serious helps increase productivity. In this case, physical factors bring the reserve forces of the plant body into action. These explanations given by biologists and agronomists for the action of the magnetic field are entirely true.

Soaking and watering magnetic water is especially important in areas where the climate is unstable, poorly sunny and unfavorable. For example, our North-West Leningrad region.


Gardeners who know about the benefits of magnetic water come up with various devices, such as, for example, tying a piece of magnet to the spout of a watering can or passing a stream of water through a ring magnet, a magnetic funnel, or a piece of magnet thrown into a barrel of water for the day.

Of course, there is probably some small effect from these manipulations, but still, let's look at these methods from a more or less scientific point of view.

An ordinary magnet is a magnet made of ferroalloys charged with a magnetic field in production. Essentially, this is the same battery, which over time loses all its magnetic accumulated energy. The strength of the magnetic field, the range of action and the time of use of ferroalloy magnets are extremely small. These magnets are well used in furniture latches, loudspeakers and refrigerator magnets.

The problem of magnetization of water is solved either by an electromagnetic installation or a device for magnetic water of the MPV MWS brand.

1. Electromagnetic devices


Electromagnetic devices have high power. There are no losses of magnetic properties.


The installation of an electromagnetic device is difficult - it is necessary to install a separate electrical point with mandatory grounding.

Due to instability of electrical voltage in networks (voltage surges), devices quickly fail.

Impossibility of use without electricity (at the dacha, at a picnic).

High energy costs.

Risk of electric shock.

High price.

2 . Water magnetization devices MPV brandMWSusing high powerful magnets neodymium-iron-borr systems


Complete absence of operating costs.

  • Easy to install:- Anyone who knows how to use a wrench can handle the installation.
  • No electricity needed: - Can be used on a picnic or in a country house where there is no electricity.

Reduces the frequency of maintenance of water purification filters by 1.5 times. That is, it increases the service life of filter cartridges. If a conventional three-stage filter is designed for a family of three people on average for one year, then when using the MPV MWS water magnetization device, filter cartridges can be replaced once every year and a half.

  • Safe.
  • Low price.