Copious transparent stretchy discharge. Transparent discharge in women is the norm and factors influencing deviations. Transparent discharge with blood like snot and no odor

In different periods monthly cycle A woman may experience discharge that varies in consistency and quantity. Depending on the general condition of the body, their smell and color may also change. But if in the middle of the cycle there is active mucus secretion from the vagina, or more unusual discharge appears, this often makes a woman worry. After all, it is always important to know whether such a condition is normal, and whether these manifestations are a sign of a developing disease. Below we will talk about why lingering discharge in the form of mucus appears, as well as when white lingering discharge in women can be evidence of pathology.

Why does mucous discharge appear?

Why does abundant mucous discharge appear in women, what is it, and is it normal - such questions at certain periods of life become relevant for almost every woman. Normally, slightly white mucous discharge in women appears in small quantities. They are opaque because there are epithelial cells in the vagina, which gradually acquire a yellow-white tint on the underwear throughout the day. Before menstruation, mucous discharge may be more abundant; after menstruation, for several days it has a pinkish tint.

When is mucus discharge normal?

During the monthly cycle, mucus secretion in women occurs differently at different periods. Therefore, it is important to know in what cases the discharge is related to physiology and indicates a normal state of health.

The volume and consistency of discharge may vary due to the following factors:

  • Period of the monthly cycle. Throughout the cycle, changes occur in the consistency and volume of mucus. In the first half, the discharge is colorless and liquid, in the second it is more viscous, “snotty”. Just before your period, they become creamy and have a sour smell. After menstruation, the amount of mucus decreases and the smell disappears.
  • Age. In girls up to about ten years of age, vaginal discharge does not appear at all, since her eggs have not yet matured, and there are no cyclic changes yet. But if a little girl has discharge in the form of white clots, mixed with pus or blood, she needs to urgently consult a doctor - a pediatric gynecologist.
  • . During menopause, women are often bothered by vaginal dryness, which manifests itself due to a sharp reduction in mucus secretion due to a decrease in the amount of hormone. Therefore, during menopause, very little mucus is secreted.
  • Treatment with hormones and oral contraceptives. When using such products, some women secrete mucus in smaller quantities than usual.
  • Strong stress . At constant fatigue and tension or after experiencing stress, vaginal dryness is often noted. Therefore, the volume of clear mucus decreases.
  • Sexual intercourse. Before sexual contact, the amount of discharge increases sharply.
  • . Watery discharge becomes more abundant after conception. During pregnancy, the nature of the discharge changes.
  • Consequences of childbirth. Lochia – of blood and mucus gradually give way to clear mucus.
  • . During lactation it is actively produced. Less mucus is produced during this period.

More information about discharge at different periods of a woman’s life will be discussed below.

Discharge during ovulation

In the first phase of the monthly cycle, very abundant transparent discharge, as a rule, does not appear. But then, at the ovulatory stage, the mucus in the cervical canal liquefies. It becomes stringy and viscous to make it easier for sperm to enter the uterine cavity.

Therefore, during the period when a woman ovulates - approximately on days 12-16 of the cycle, light transparent discharge is replaced by viscous, stretchy and thicker ones. During ovulation, women experience more transparent mucous discharge, like egg white, sometimes jelly-like. The woman notices that there are many such leucorrhoea for several days. In addition, sometimes during ovulation there is pain or pulling sensation lower abdomen. Such sensations go away after a few days.

Discharge may appear during ovulation Pink colour. This is due to a slight release of blood as a result of follicle rupture. Such manifestations should not frighten or alarm, provided that they go away in a day or two.

After ovulation, the clear mucous vaginal discharge becomes sticky and sticky again. After ovulation, the functioning of the female reproductive system is determined by the hormone, so at this time the discharge is less abundant. But at the same time the mucus becomes thicker. Sometimes in the second half of the cycle, vaginal discharge is so scanty that a woman may think that she has no discharge.

But if white discharge appears after ovulation, and at the same time discomfort is felt in the genital area, one can suspect the development. In this case, why women secrete mucus white, it is better to ask a specialist.

Before sexual contact

The causes of transparent mucous discharge in women and girls may also be associated with strong arousal. Immediately before sexual contact, when excited, their number increases, as well as after sexual contact. In most cases, clear, odorless vaginal mucus causes genital irritation without causing itching or burning. Such manifestations are completely normal.

In the second half of the cycle

During this period, after the end ovulation , the discharge is normally more scanty, it has a creamy consistency. Often, clear discharge before menstruation becomes more abundant again - this happens 2-3 days before menstruation. A woman needs to worry only if leucorrhoea appears with an odor, pronounced white or yellow-green. This may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process or other pathological conditions. Therefore, if you are bothered by leucorrhoea with a smell, a strange consistency and color, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

Thus, throughout the entire cycle, the nature of the discharge changes. Immediately after menstruation, practically no clear mucus appears from the uterus, that is, immediately after menstruation, the so-called “dry” period begins. During ovulation, mucus becomes similar to egg white. In the second period of the cycle, the discharge again becomes sticky and sticky. And just before menstruation, clear liquid discharge appears in women, like water.

If there is a delay in menstruation, then instead of menstruation, mucous discharge also appears. After all, during pregnancy there is also discharge.

During pregnancy

Often, when a pregnant woman secretes mucus from the vagina in the form of snot, the woman begins to seriously worry about whether the process of bearing her baby is proceeding normally. To do this, it is important to know the characteristics of such manifestations at each stage of pregnancy.

Until the 12th week, the functioning of the reproductive system is determined by progesterone , under the influence of which mucous discharge appears - like “snot” from the vagina. Discharges as clear as snot are considered a sign of pregnancy.

But already from the 13th week, transparent discharge, like snot, without odor, becomes more liquid and abundant, as the phase of hormone activity begins. Normally, mucous, snot-like discharge in women does not cause discomfort and has no odor. If the eggs are a little stretchy, white-like, a little whitish, but at the same time uniform, this is normal.

If the mucus secretion is too intense, you should use panty liners. It is better not to use tampons during pregnancy.

Pregnant women often develop candidiasis , .

Too strong leucorrhoea, in which lumps, flakes, clots are detected, as well as very intense white discharge, like snot, with cheesy inclusions and an unpleasant odor, and also if the lower abdomen hurts, this is a reason to contact your gynecologist. He will determine why this is happening and prescribe the correct treatment. After all, this condition can cause termination of pregnancy.

Mucus discharge instead of menstruation

Often a woman experiences heavy discharge before her period. But, despite the fact that the answer to the question whether it is normal to have white discharge before menstruation is positive, it is important not to miss the onset of a developing disease. If branches purchased bad smell or any symptoms that alarm the woman develop, you should not delay consulting a doctor.

It happens that even on those days when menstruation is supposed to begin, a woman experiences white discharge instead of menstruation. If there are no unpleasant sensations, then it is quite possible that we're talking about about a slight delay, and your period will start soon. But if the secretions are cheesy, white-yellow, causing itching and burning, then most likely candidiasis or an infectious disease develops.

Sometimes abundant white discharge before menstruation is evidence of pregnancy. This is a peculiar defensive reaction body - mucus should protect the uterus from infections.

This is also possible with hormonal and endocrine disorders, after severe stress or after too intense physical activity. But in this case, it is still better to consult a doctor and make sure that everything is fine with your health.

The development of pathological processes should be suspected if the smell of mucus becomes sharp, sour and unpleasant. It may also smell like rotten fish. Such manifestations are typical for bacterial vaginitis or other sexually transmitted diseases. With genital infections, transparent, stretchy mucous discharge in men may also appear, so representatives of the stronger sex in this case will also need an urgent consultation with a doctor.

If heavy discharge changes color and becomes yellowish-green or deep yellow, sometimes the lower abdomen hurts, this also indicates the development of unpleasant diseases. Even if pain in the lower abdomen appears rarely, but the color of the mucus has changed dramatically, it is better to consult a doctor.

If a woman after forty years has very abundant watery discharge or mucus like jelly, this should also be alarming. The doctor will be able to determine whether the discharge is like jelly, whether it is a pathology or the norm, after examination and testing.

The mucous membranes gradually change their character during thrush - they become white and cheesy. In this case, discomfort, itching, and periodic burning develop. In this case, the use of antifungal drugs will be required. It is quite possible that your sexual partner will also have to undergo such therapy.

In any period other than menstruation, a woman should be concerned about why there is discharge mixed with blood. This may be evidence of dangerous diseases.

Thus, if for a long time the daily amount of mucus exceeds the volume of one teaspoon, if the color of the secretions changes to yellow, green, brown or red and a bad odor appears, you must definitely visit a doctor. Symptoms that should alert you are also pain in the lower abdomen, itching and redness of the genitals, and increased body temperature. If at least some of these symptoms bother a woman, it is important to get tested. After all, we can talk about inflammatory diseases, sexually transmitted infections, cysts , erosions and etc.


Mucous discharge from the vagina in a woman is a physiological phenomenon and absolutely normal. But at the same time, it is very important to carefully monitor whether their character changes and whether symptoms appear that are alarming. It should be understood that what formerly a woman If there are alarming signs, contact a gynecologist, the sooner the treatment prescribed by the doctor will take effect.

If you have certain doubts about whether everything is normal with vaginal discharge, or if you are periodically concerned about previously uncharacteristic phenomena, for example, mucus during menstruation, it is worth taking a smear test. Provided that the quantity is not more than normal and the flora is dominated by rods, you don’t have to worry about inflammation.

Every woman must follow the rules intimate hygiene. Mom needs to teach the girls this in a timely manner. After all, with the wrong approach to hygiene, mucus will accumulate on the genitals, and pathogenic microorganisms will begin to multiply in it.

Women of reproductive age often encounter gynecological problems. Sometimes there is copious discharge of a transparent color without odor and itching in women of reproductive age. Normally, they appear in some girls, but in small quantities. This physiological process can occur before menstruation, during ovulation.

Causes of thin, watery discharge

There are various processes in the body that can influence the birth of a large number of children. This may be a physiological feature, recent use of medications, antibiotics, or a bacterial infection.

The most common factors that cause heavy discharge include:

  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • physiological process before sexual intercourse;
  • menopause;
  • ovulation;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • tablets.

A woman’s hormonal background and her age can influence changes in secretion. Even a change in climate zone can affect the state of discharge.

Experts believe that normally a woman can have clear, odorless and itchy leucorrhoea. However, if green and appear, this is usually due to bacterial infection. In this case, discomfort in the intimate area and constant itching occurs.

Therefore, it is important not to treat clear discharge on your own. It is necessary to conduct an examination and take tests. This will allow you to determine why the discharge is abundant and regular.

Watery discharge before menstruation

Very often, watery discharge appears before menstruation. During this period, the cervix secretes a large amount of mucus. Therefore, in this case, liquid discharge such as water before menstruation does not require additional treatment.

Depending on age and regularity menstrual cycle vaginal mucus may appear in different period. The standard cycle includes:

  • 3-5 days before your period, clear or white mucus may appear, which thickens as you approach your period.
  • In the period after the end of menstruation until the 11-12th day of the cycle, the normal discharge is minimal, semi-liquid, odorless.
  • In the middle of the cycle, a lingering discharge that is transparent or light-colored may be observed. This is due to the occurrence of ovulation, when a favorable period for conception begins.

If the secretion is excessively thick and abundant, then this may be the cause of hormonal imbalance. It is usually observed in women after 45-50 years of age during menopause. But if mucus interferes with sexual activity or creates a feeling of discomfort, then you should definitely consult a gynecologist. It is important to remember that in girls such discharge is not considered normal.

Treatment of clear discharge

First of all, it is important to comply preventive measures to prevent fungal infection. Hygiene standards must be observed at all times. For this it is enough:

  1. wear cotton underwear and avoid synthetic fabrics;
  2. panty liners will reduce the risk of bacterial infection;
  3. Daily washing will prevent the development of pathogenic microbes.

Exist folk recipes to improve vaginal microflora. Herbal decoctions are usually used for washing, douching or medicinal tampons.

Useful herbs include:

  • chamomile;
  • Oak bark;
  • sage.

In order to reduce the inflammatory process in the vagina, you should use baking soda. It is dissolved in boiled water warm water(1 tsp per 200 ml of liquid). The solution is used for washing to reduce heavy discharge.

The doctor may prescribe tablets or suppositories with antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. Such drugs are usually prescribed for candidiasis or other fungal infections. Self-appointment not advisable, since watery discharge may not be associated with a fungus.

The following suppositories may be prescribed:

  • Hexicon.
  • Pimafucin.
  • Chlorhexidine.
  • Depantol.

Vaginal suppositories must be used for 5-7 days. A qualified specialist will help you select a suitable dosage regimen for heavy mucous discharge after examination.

For daily hygiene you can choose special consistencies with a neutral pH or regular baby soap. Avoid sanitary pads and other products with fragrances. They can affect the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

To improve internal processes in the body, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes and maintain a regular physical regimen. Copious discharge of a transparent color, odorless and itchy should not cause discomfort. If they are too thick, then you must definitely donate blood to check the level of hormones in the blood. If estrogen and testosterone levels are abnormal, the doctor may prescribe hormonal medications to normalize the levels.

From the moment the process of puberty begins and until the reproductive function completely subsides, women experience a characteristic secretion from the vagina. Most often, clear, odorless discharge is observed, like snot, which, as a rule, is considered to be a normal variant. However, such symptoms often signal pathological processes occurring in the body.

From the vagina are of no small importance in activity reproductive system. They help moisturize soft tissues and protect them from possible damage during intimacy. In addition, the secretion helps maintain normal acidity and the bacterial environment in the vagina, thereby preventing the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the cavity of the reproductive organ.

Thick transparent leucorrhoea contains secretion produced by special glands and liquid that penetrates from the lymph nodes and blood vessels through the walls of the vagina. Natural, mucous discharge with streaks is viscous in consistency. The level of density and transparency directly depends on the concentration of mucins and proteins.

Why does mucous discharge appear?

Like snot, in most cases it appears for natural reasons, but sometimes it indicates the onset of a pathological process.

The intensity and nature of secretion depend on many factors. As a rule, transparent stretchy mucus is observed during the period of ovulation and after successful fertilization. Often, a viscous, snot-like discharge appears as pathologies develop.

When is the appearance of mucous leucorrhoea considered normal?

The nature of vaginal secretion, depending on the period of the menstrual cycle, undergoes certain changes. This is due to hormonal fluctuations and the predominance of estrogen or progesterone. Colorless, stringy discharge is noted immediately after the end of the regulation. Then there is a gradual liquefaction of the mucus.

At the moment when the process of ovulation begins, the appearance of mucous leucorrhoea is considered normal. During this period, the most favorable conditions for fertilization are created. As soon as it is completed, the mucus discharge becomes somewhat different. The secret gradually thickens.

Odorless and itchy discharge may appear during sexual intercourse. They are caused by the production of natural lubrication.

Discharge during pregnancy

Dense translucent discharge is often observed against the background of a delay in menstruation. Such changes signal successful fertilization and are considered a normal physiological phenomenon. Abundant due to the fact that significant hormonal fluctuations begin to occur in the body. It can be observed throughout the first trimester and closer to childbirth.

Normally, this mucus does not contain clots or blood impurities. Pain and discomfort are also not observed. The presence of concomitant symptoms is an alarming signal and often indicates an increased risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Discharge after childbirth

After childbirth, the appearance of bloody mucus, similar to menstruation, is noted, instead of which, over time, mucous discharge with streaks is observed. There is no odor from the secretion and there is not even a slight feeling of discomfort.

If a woman continues to breastfeed her newborn, she will experience clear discharge with a light yellowish tint, which, after lactation is completed and the menstrual cycle is restored, takes on its usual appearance.

Discharge during menopause

In a woman’s body, with the onset of menopause, a change in hormonal levels begins to occur, as a result of which the ovaries cease to function normally. In this case, spotting translucent white discharge is noted.

Due to vaginal dryness and thinning of its mucous membranes, the risk of an inflammatory or infectious process increases. This in turn provokes the appearance of pathological mucus. It can be eliminated only after proper therapy.

May vary, so worth reading additional material on this issue.

Causes of pathological leucorrhoea

Mucus discharge in women, like snot, is an alarming symptom in the following cases:

  • viscous mucus with a rich yellow, brown, green or gray color;
  • uncharacteristic, quite Strong smell;
  • blood streaks are visible in the transparent mucus;
  • secretion of a curdled or foamy consistency, accompanied by itching;
  • copious secretion.

Inflammatory diseases, hormonal disorders and infections can provoke the appearance of such symptoms.

Bloody discharge

A change in the color of the secretion and the appearance, as a rule, indicates organ damage genitourinary system, the presence of neoplasms or inflammation. The causes of such symptoms are the following pathologies:

  1. Erosion, leukoplakia or cervical dysplasia. With the development of these diseases, the mucous membranes become damaged, and ulcers, cracks and keratinized areas form on the neck. They bleed during walking and when changing body position. Often this causes pain and secretion with blood, which is noted after intimacy. The reasons for the development of these diseases lie in hormonal imbalances and damage to organ tissue.
  2. Myoma. This is a neoplasm localized on the internal or external part of the reproductive organ. At the beginning of this pathological process, blood in the leucorrhoea is observed regardless of the phase of the cycle and has nothing to do with regulation.
  3. Endometriosis. This disease is characterized by excessive growth of the endometrium and damage to neighboring organs. At the same time, the secretion changes its consistency; it contains particles of the uterine layer and blood.
  4. Polyps. These are neoplasms that can be localized on the cervix and endometrium. They are an easily damaged and bleeding growth on a thin stalk.
  5. Malignant formation. Blood lumps and streaks are noted due to the destruction of the affected tissues. There is a risk of uterine bleeding.

Mucous leucorrhoea with unusual symptoms

The appearance of pathological leucorrhoea is caused by inflammatory processes, suppressed immunity, hypothermia and disruption of the vaginal microflora. The secretion may acquire an uncharacteristic odor and color shade. Its peculiarity is that the appearance of mucus does not depend in any way on the menstrual cycle. It is observed even after the end of regulation, when it should be as thick as possible and produced in minimal quantities.

Unusual symptoms are observed in the following cases:

  1. Inflammatory diseases occurring in the genitourinary system (cervicitis, salpingoophoritis, vulvovaginitis and endometritis). When they develop, discharge is observed in the form of green mucus, which has a very unpleasant aroma.
  2. Candidiasis. The development of pathology is due to the active proliferation of Candida fungus. Clinical manifestations are quite pronounced. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are the acquisition of a white color by the secretion, an unpleasant sour odor and a cheesy consistency.
  3. STD. If they develop, a change in the nature of the mucus is also noted. It becomes foamy, heterogeneous and acquires an uncharacteristic color (gray in case of chlamydia, and yellow-green in case of gonorrhea, genital herpes, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis).
  4. Bacterial vaginosis. The microflora changes its composition, and as a result, a gray secretion appears, which has the smell of rotten fish.

When a doctor's help is needed

The viscous white secretion itself is not dangerous. There are many physiological reasons why it appears. The reason for visiting a gynecologist is considered to be the acquisition of an uncharacteristic aroma by mucus and a change in color.

Also alarming symptoms are pain, severe burning, hyperthermia, itching, and general deterioration of the condition. If such clinical signs appear, it is strongly not recommended to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Vaginal secretion is one of the main indicators women's health. Changes in its nature and volume cannot be ignored. Only with careful monitoring of mucus secretion will it be possible to identify problems in a timely manner and quickly eliminate them.

Copious discharge without odor or itching is considered normal. They are observed during certain periods of the cycle and do not cause concern. Sometimes such secretion signals the beginning of a pathological process. It is worth figuring out in advance how to distinguish alarming symptoms from natural changes in the body.

As soon as a girl starts puberty, she notes. Vaginal secretion is observed throughout the entire reproductive period and stops only at the onset of menopause. If the discharge is odorless and colorless, this is normal.

Leucorrhoea in women is produced by special glands. They contain waste products of various microorganisms that are present in the microflora, and cervical fluid, which performs a protective function.

An increase in secretion volume during certain periods of the cycle is considered normal. Similar changes are observed during the period of ovulation, when the uterus is ready for fertilization, and closer to the arrival of the regula.

Changes in leucorrhoea in volume and consistency can be caused by various pathologies. Copious discharge with an unpleasant odor may be a symptom of the disease. Therefore, it is so important to constantly monitor all the features of vaginal secretion.

Diseases caused by heavy discharge

Abundant secretion without color or odor is often caused by diseases. There are several groups of pathologies that can lead to a change in the nature of leucorrhoea and an increase in its volume.

Inflammatory diseases

The reasons for strong discharge in women may lie in inflammatory processes occurring in the body. Among them are the following:

  1. Colpitis. The cause of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa is a change in the composition of the microflora and the predominance of pathogenic bacteria in it. Such violations can occur if the rules of intimate hygiene and frequent douching are neglected. Initially, profuse leucorrhoea is observed, in which pus appears over time.
  2. Cervicitis. The pathological process develops in the cervix. From the moment it begins, abundant secretion is observed, acquiring a pinkish tint due to damage to the blood vessels. Closer to the approach of the regula and immediately after their completion, the mucus turns brown.
  3. Endometritis. When its vessels are damaged, blood clots appear in the leucorrhoea. This symptomatology manifests itself most clearly after intimacy.
  4. Salpingitis. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes in acute form manifests itself in the form of a watery green secretion with a pungent aroma.
  5. Oophoritis. If the inflammatory process begins in the tubes of the reproductive organ, there is abundant discharge mixed with pus and an unpleasant odor.

Pathologies are often accompanied by pain localized in the lumbar and abdominal areas, as well as hyperthermia and cycle failure.

Venereal pathologies

With venereal diseases of the genital tract, as a rule, leucorrhoea appears with an admixture of pus, which has specific aroma. Urination becomes painful, and there is discomfort in the abdominal area. Other signs of the disease appear, including itching and burning in the intimate area.

The most common STDs are the following:

  1. Trichomoniasis. The appearance of intense gray-yellow foamy discharge with an unpleasant aroma is noted.
  2. Chlamydia. Leucorrhoea acquires a mucopurulent consistency and a pungent odor. On initial stage Developmental pathology is often asymptomatic.
  3. Gonorrhea. The secretion becomes yellow and quite abundant, it contains pus.


In the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process, secretion becomes abundant, its color and smell change.

In case of disturbances in the vaginal microflora, bacterial vaginosis often develops. This process can be triggered by hormonal fluctuations, various pathologies of the genitourinary system, and the use of antibiotic medications. In this case, leucorrhoea is profuse, causing irritation in the intimate area. As a rule, they have a gray color and a pungent odor of rotten fish.

The volume of discharge also increases in the case of thrush development. The consistency of the leucorrhoea becomes cheesy and the smell sour. Associated symptoms include itching and burning.

Volume of discharge

The secretion of a transparent, odorless color can be abundant or scanty. Depending on the volume of leucorrhoea, the reasons for its appearance will be different.


Previously abundant, transparent leucorrhoea often becomes scanty during certain phases of the cycle and does not indicate pathology. They are observed when the level of sex hormones in the female body significantly decreases, the mucous membranes become thinner, and reproductive function gradually fades away.

Often hidden sexually transmitted infections initial stage development is accompanied by slight secretion, which women perceive as normal. Only after a while is a large amount of discharge observed, acquiring an uncharacteristic aroma.


Normally, the volume of odorless discharge per day does not exceed 5 ml. The amount of secretion varies throughout the cycle. The appearance of excessively abundant discharge in women often signals problems such as:

  1. Erosion. In the presence of ulcerations on the cervix, there is a significant increase in the volume of secretions before the arrival of the regula.
  2. Salpingitis. At the initial stage of the inflammatory process, leucorrhoea becomes more abundant, and after a while it becomes yellow.
  3. Adnexitis. This pathology is characterized by the appearance of mucus, the consistency of which resembles snot.
  4. Vaginitis. The discharge not only increases in volume, but also acquires an unpleasant aroma.


Having no odor is considered normal, but only if no other clinical manifestations are noted. Transparent leucorrhoea appears after ovulation. If they acquire an uncharacteristic aroma, they may indicate the following pathologies:

  • chlamydia;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • thrush;
  • vulvitis

Consistency of secreted secretion

Copious discharge in women comes in different consistencies. Depending on these secretion features, several reasons for their appearance are identified.

Thick discharge

Normally, very thick mucus is observed at the time of ovulation and at early stages pregnancy. It is caused by natural physiological processes that occur in the body. In this case, purulent discharge of a thick consistency is an alarming symptom. Their appearance is often caused by sexually transmitted diseases and advanced inflammatory processes. If such clinical manifestations occur, you should seek help from a doctor without delay.


Such secretion is a normal phenomenon and causes absolutely no concern. The main thing is that it does not have any odor and is not accompanied by itching, discomfort and other unpleasant sensations.

If additional symptoms are present, it is no longer possible to consider mucous leucorrhoea as a variant of the norm.


Discharge that acquires a cheesy consistency signals the development of candidiasis. This disease develops due to the active proliferation of candida fungi. These microorganisms can for a long time to be in the microflora of the vagina and not make itself felt in any way. While creating favorable conditions their rapid development begins. In this case, a change in the consistency of secretion is noted. In addition, they acquire a pronounced sour odor. Severe itching and burning appear in the intimate area.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

In addition to normal leucorrhoea, dangerous ones can also be discharged from the vagina during pregnancy. Leaving this unattended is strictly prohibited. Often, during pregnancy, the body's protective functions are suppressed, the vaginal microflora is disrupted, which in turn leads to the development of candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis. Inflammatory and sexually transmitted diseases are not uncommon during this period.

With successful fertilization, the amount of secretion increases. In addition, it becomes thicker. Such symptoms are considered the absolute norm and are observed throughout the first trimester. Also, profuse leucorrhoea begins to appear closer to the expected birth. They are caused by the release of the mucus plug, which protects the reproductive organ from various infections.

The presence of blood in the mucus is observed during erosion. Such clinical manifestations may also signal an ectopic pregnancy. In addition to changes in the nature of secretion, pain in the abdominal area is noted.

Blood in the leucorrhoea can also be observed in the case of partial placental abruption. In this case, the woman needs to be urgently hospitalized. There is a high risk of spontaneous miscarriage and the onset of severe uterine bleeding.

After the end of labor for six weeks, women discharge lochia from the vagina, visually similar to menstruation. Gradually they become less abundant, first acquire a yellowish tint, and then take on a normal appearance.

After menstruation, before and in the middle of the cycle

The nature of secretion after menstruation and before it is significantly different. On the first day of menstruation, brown spotting may be observed, which gradually takes on the appearance of normal regula. Immediately after their completion, the amount of mucus becomes minimal, it liquefies and by the middle of the cycle significantly increases in volume.

By the time ovulation occurs, the secretion becomes viscous and similar to egg white. Thanks to this, it is easier for sperm to reach a mature egg, and the most favorable period for conception begins.

Discharge at the end of the cycle also becomes abundant and signals the imminent arrival of menstruation. A few days before the start critical days they often contain a small amount of blood, indicating the onset of endometrial rejection.

Such changes occur monthly; this is the norm for a healthy woman. But if an infection has entered the body or a gynecological pathology has begun to develop, the nature of the leucorrhoea may remain unchanged for a long time, which in itself is an alarming signal. Often the mucus acquires an uncharacteristic color and a pungent aroma. The clinical picture is complemented by accompanying symptoms.

Products for external and internal treatment

To select the most appropriate treatment regimen, the doctor conducts a comprehensive diagnosis, which includes measures such as:

  • examination using mirrors and palpation of the pelvic organs;
  • vaginal smear for microflora;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • colposcopy;
  • ultrasonography;
  • urine and blood tests;
  • biopsy and subsequent histological examination.

During the treatment, local medications and tablets are taken. If the reason for the increased secretion volume lies in hormonal fluctuations, then they resort to prescribing medications that help normalize hormone levels.

If the vaginal microflora is disturbed, vaginal suppositories are used to help normalize water balance, biocenosis and pH levels. It is possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms during menopause by using hormonal and natural anti-menopausal agents.

If erosion and polyps are detected, these areas are cauterized. By cleaning the cavity of the reproductive organ, neoplasms and endometriosis are eliminated. After surgical treatment medications are prescribed to promote rapid recovery of the body.

For inflammatory diseases, the use of topical medications is most often sufficient, but when the body is affected by STDs, therapy is carried out comprehensively. A number of systemic drugs are prescribed, including even antibiotic medications.

It is worth remembering that timely treatment and prevention of diseases is the key to women’s health. After completing therapy and eliminating problems, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Wash twice a day. Are used in this case special means. Soap should not be used when performing hygiene procedures.
  2. Eliminate bad habits and properly organize your diet.
  3. Avoid stress and excessive physical activity.
  4. Use during sexual intercourse barrier agents contraception.
  5. During critical days, replace hygiene items at least once every 4 hours.

Abundant, clear, odorless discharge most often indicates normal work reproductive system. An alarming sign is a change in the nature of secretion and the appearance of additional symptoms. In this case, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

The slightest changes in the body can indicate a number of pathologies, even the slightest deviation from the norm. The main thing is to notice it in time and consult a doctor.

The nature of the discharge is normal

The female genital area is designed in such a way that it periodically secretes secretions. By its condition one can judge the quality of health and the physiological state of the body, in healthy body they should be transparent, whitish in color.

Their composition is determined by the separation of enzymes from the cervix, vagina and dead epithelial cells.

The discharge should not cause irritation to the skin and mucous membrane of organs that come into contact with it.

A healthy woman's discharge is flaky and odorless. But depending on the time of the physiological state cycle, the nature and degree of viscosity can change.

The secret released must be insignificant and not strong odors. And it should not be accompanied by pain or fever.

Reasons why the nature of the secretion changes

Clear, odorless discharge like snot may be a sign of the following:

  • a mature egg is ready for fertilization;
  • pregnancy;
  • venereal diseases;
  • diseases of the intimate sphere of a non-infectious nature;
  • menopause period.

Yellowish color

This kind of secret is normal if:

The period after childbirth also provokes a yellowish discharge from the genitals, but this should not be accompanied by other symptoms. Yellow tint characteristic of the following pathologies:

  • Inflammation in the intimate area. The disease is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the genital area and during sex.
  • Venereal diseases. The discharge smells like rotting fish.

Green tint

This type is not present in a healthy body and is caused by a number of reasons:

If blood is present

This is completely abnormal for a healthy woman; it indicates a number of diseases and physiological conditions:

Black color

Such a secretion indicates the presence of blood, but it is very thick and has a heterogeneous viscous consistency or in the form of clots. In some conditions it is not dangerous, but it signals the following violations:

Transparent view

Characteristic for:

If other symptoms are added to these, for example, painful sensations when urinating in the urethra or during sex, and an unnatural aroma is added, then this serves as the beginning of a pathological process in the intimate sphere of a woman:

White color

White, odorless discharge in women should not cause concern as long as its quantity and consistency do not change.


  • Vaginitis. Inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa.
  • Inflammatory processes affecting the internal genital organs.
  • Allergic reactions to hygiene products, to linen fabric.
  • Thrush.
  • Treatment with hormonal drugs or long-term use of contraceptives.
  • Sedentary work.
Poor personal hygiene can also become a reason for a violation of the nature of the discharge.

What happens to girls who have not reached puberty?

It is difficult to say the exact time when secretions begin to be released in girls, but nevertheless they should be in small quantities, transparent or whitish. They should not cause inconvenience to the child or be accompanied by other symptoms.
