Standards for installing electrical wiring in a wooden house. Open electrical wiring in a wooden house. Installation of distribution board

Despite the pursuit modern technologies, V last years some industries are going back to basics. Most a shining example is the construction sector: people much more often give preference to the construction of suburban wooden houses. This is facilitated by a number of reasons, ranging from lightness and efficiency to the environmental friendliness of the final product.

Wood is a natural anti-allergenic material. Thanks to the latest innovations, 100% natural substances are used in the construction of such buildings. Wood has its drawbacks, but the main one is considered increased level fire hazard. Therefore, wiring in a wooden house must comply with all recommendations, installation and operation rules. And it doesn’t matter whether you lay it yourself or turn to professional specialists for help.

What kind of electrical wiring is suitable for a wooden house?

Not a single modern residential building, whether it is made of wood, concrete or adobe blocks, can do without electricity. Depending on what building materials were used to construct the building, the organization of electrical wiring will have different features. The main nuance of wiring in a wooden house is the increased risk of fire and higher requirements for the quality of wiring.

Open or closed

There are two main types of electrical wiring: open and closed. In the first case, the cable is located in an open place: attached to the walls, laid on external shelves, and so on.

The process of laying cables using the open method in a wooden house can be done in one of two main ways:

  1. Using boxes corrugated pipes or cable channels. This option is suitable for houses with flat walls, which, for example, are trimmed with clapboard. The key advantage of this approach is the availability of the cable, the possibility of prompt repair or replacement, and the installation of an additional branch. Since the wires are open, they are perfectly cooled, which eliminates the possibility of overheating or fire. For better ventilation the cavity of the cable channel should be filled with wires by 60% or less.
  2. For wooden house from rounded logs installation is suitable cables using insulators. First, ceramic rollers, which are excellent dielectrics, are fixed, then cables are attached to them. This technology is outdated and rarely used even today. Ideally, multi-colored twisted pair cables should be used.

  1. Installation on brackets. An alternative method that is suitable if it is impossible to lay the cable in boxes or fix it on insulators.
  2. Retro wiring that allows you to most effectively and unusually disguise the cable fixed on the walls and under the ceiling.

Hidden installation of electrical wiring is appropriate and desirable in all situations where external walls, the floor and ceiling of the house were not yet covered finishing materials. For wooden houses, cables should be hidden in metal or corrugated pipes. The use of plastic cable ducts is strictly prohibited. The method requires large investments, but allows for high-quality and safe installation, hiding the cable from view.

It is impossible to say for sure whether hidden or open electrical wiring is better or worse for a wooden house. It all depends on individual preferences, operating conditions, presence or absence suitable tool and other factors. For example, the walls in the house have already been finished, so you don’t want to tear down the lining to perform hidden installation. In such a case, the open installation method is chosen.

Basic requirements for electrical wiring in a wooden house

Above, we determined that wood is the most dangerous and flammable construction material, used as a basis for the construction of residential buildings.

We list the basic requirements that must be followed when organizing electrical wiring in a wooden house:

  1. Increased level of electrical and fire safety. Make sure that cables and wires are laid in such a way that will minimize the likelihood of overheating of the insulation and subsequent ignition, and will prevent the spread of open flame to other parts of the wooden structure. During the design process, it is necessary to achieve full compliance with technical parameters and performance characteristics the wires and products used and the peak load for a specific section of the circuit. To reduce the likelihood of overheating, empty cavities are left in cable channels and metal corrugations, and the wire cross-section is taken with a margin of 20-30%. To increase safety, it is advisable to choose an open installation method, which allows you to monitor the condition of the wires throughout their entire service life, perform timely diagnostics, identifying and promptly eliminating damage.

  1. High quality insulation. Electrical shield must be reliably isolated from any wooden products. Ideally, you need to choose rooms with a partition made of non-combustible materials.
  2. Reliable guide. It is best to use three-core copper wires with high-quality non-flammable insulation. Avoid laying cables through PVC corrugation.
  3. Efficient automation. Each group of working devices in the electrical circuit must be supplemented with a circuit breaker. The operating threshold of this product depends on the permissible current load. Try not to overestimate these values, otherwise the conductor will overheat.


All requirements and rules for installing electrical wiring in a wooden house are clearly stated in three documents:

  1. PUE, edition 7. The main document that guides the design of electrical networks of residential buildings. Here you will find basic recommendations for selecting cables, distribution equipment, automatic protection devices and lighting devices.
  2. SNiP 3.05.06-85. Describes the organization of electrical wiring in old and new buildings. From the document you will learn the basic methods of connecting and inserting wires into living rooms.
  3. SNiP 31-02. Additional rules and recommendations that are important to consider when laying cables in a residential building.

These SNiPs contain many technical terms and parameters, so this language will be incomprehensible to an inexperienced person. Thus, it is enough to study the corresponding edition of the PUE.

Drawing up a diagram

Building an electrical wiring diagram – preparatory stage, prior to any cable installation or replacement work. Only a competent and technically correct project guarantees high-quality installation of a reliable and safe electrical circuit that complies with the rules and regulations.

When drawing up a diagram of future electrical wiring, follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Important electrical components, including panels, meters and sockets, must be placed in accessible places. You must be able to get to such a unit at any time in order to carry out prompt repairs or replacement, eliminating the likelihood of a fire or short circuit.
  2. Place the switches on open places so that they are not cluttered with furniture. This error was common in Soviet times, and today hidden switches can often be found in the houses of parents and grandparents. The ideal height for any switch is at least 50 cm from the floor.
  3. When choosing the location of future outlets, think in advance where all household appliances should be located. Try to install a number of outlets that will be sufficient to operate devices without extension cords. The height from the floor for sockets should be 25-50 cm. In theory, it is enough to have one socket for every 6 square meters. m. However, if the situation requires it, then their number can be increased.

  1. Twists and frequent kinks of the electrical cable are excluded. It is desirable that all the lines in the diagram be at right angles to the floor, ceiling and walls - horizontally or vertically. Bottom or top electrical wiring is used: the cable is placed at a distance of 15 cm from the floor or ceiling, respectively.
  2. It is important to use metal junction boxes for connecting wires. The use of plastic or wooden products is prohibited.

Preparing a home power supply project

Before you start designing wiring for a wooden house, you need to contact your electricity supplier to obtain technical specifications. It is from them that you need to start when doing this work. First, you should calculate the total power consumed by all electrical appliances in the house, including lighting sources.

Further development of the project is as follows:

  1. Build technical diagram residential building. Indicate on the plan all the places where sockets, switches and lighting sources will be located. Add electrical devices that require separate connections to the circuit.
  2. The type of cable is selected depending on the characteristics of the electrical point. For example, for two-gang switches and grounded outlets require a three-wire wire.

  1. Please indicate the location of all distribution boxes. In a pair of adjacent rooms, you can use one common one.
  2. Add the power of all individual appliances to the plan. If your device is equipped electric motor, then you should indicate the starting power of the unit.
  3. Appliances are divided into different groups: one includes lighting products, the other includes powerful boilers, boilers and electric stoves. Switching must be carried out through differential automatic machines, which should be indicated in the diagram.
  4. Mark the distance between the cable and door/window openings, electrical points and floor/ceiling.

Important! Any rotation of the cable must be done at a right angle (90 degrees).

At the end of the work, a calculation is made of the maximum power that will be required when all electrical devices in the house. This allows you to determine the load level on the input machine.

Selecting cables and electrical devices

To select a cable, any table that indicates the ratio of wire cross-section to a specific load is suitable. You can use a special electrical reference book. The cable cross-section is selected depending on the power electrical appliances and their number in a separate group. You can find out the level of consumed load from the equipment data sheet or by studying the label on the product (packaging). To determine the cross-section of the input cable, the powers of all electrical appliances are summed up, and a small margin of 20-30% is taken.

NYM brand copper wires are popular for wooden houses. This product has an additional insulating shell and is characterized by durability and ease of use. If you use an aluminum cable, try to avoid frequent kinks. In addition, it often breaks during the cutting process.

Three-core cables are used for sockets and lighting fixtures, increasing the safety of the equipment. Grounding is required when operating any powerful equipment, including street floodlights.

The choice of sockets and switches is based on the current load, the type of electrical wiring (open or hidden), the ability to switch the entire block and switch in one frame.

Selection of input cable and circuit breaker at the input

After calculating the rated load of the devices, select a suitable cross-section for the input cable. In the event of an upgrade of electrical wiring and the need to replace internal cables and circuit breakers to increase power, it is necessary to replace the input wire.

Having changed the wiring in the house, installing strong circuit breakers, you may encounter another problem: a lack of cross-sectional area for the input cable, which will subsequently cause a fire. It is prohibited to change the input cable yourself, so the only way out is to contact your electricity supplier with a corresponding request.

Three-phase electrical networks require the connection of a three-pole circuit breaker. Single-phase networks are more common and for them one- and two-pole differential circuit breakers are used to break the phase with the neutral.

Advice! When choosing a differential circuit breaker, consider a rated power that will be sufficient to break the circuit and prevent a short circuit, rather than a complete power outage in the house when the maximum load is reached.

Rating and type of machine for single-phase power supply

When choosing a circuit breaker, use the following formulas:

  1. The total power of all electrical appliances and the maximum permissible current load: I (max) = P/U*cosA, where cosФ is equal to 0.8. The resulting current value is corrected using a correction factor equal to 1.1. As a result, a current will be obtained, upon reaching which the device will operate. A 25 A circuit breaker is usually sufficient for the cable entry at home.
  2. To determine the type of machine, you must calculate the minimum value of the short circuit current. For a single-phase 220 V network, a simple formula is used: I (short circuit) = 3260 * S/L, where S is the cross-section of the wire in square millimeters, and L is its length in meters. This formula is relevant for an extended section with small cross-section wires.
  3. The ratio of short circuit current to maximum current is the most important parameter circuit breaker. For wooden houses, type C differential circuit breakers are more often chosen, suitable for mixed-load electrical networks.

The input circuit breaker for a private house is placed after the electric meter. This device together with the metering device and the RCD, they are fixed in a special panel attached to a metal profile.

Installing electrical wiring in a wooden house with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

The process of installing electrical wiring in a wooden house is divided into several stages:

  • placement of power input cable;
  • installation of a distribution panel;
  • installation of cable lines;
  • fastening switches and sockets;
  • contact switching;
  • checking network functionality.

These works will require availability different instruments, including electric drill with a crown, a screwdriver with various attachments, an indicator and rubber gloves to protect against electric shock.

Installation of distribution panel

The input cable from the nearest electrical pole is laid into the house. Any branches are excluded before it ends up in the main distribution panel.

The shield includes several important components:

  1. Plastic or metal body. For wooden houses, the second option is preferable. There are no strict regulations regarding the size of the box, so proceed from individual devices and make a reserve. Keep in mind that the electrical network may need to be upgraded in the future.
  2. Electricity meter with seal.
  3. Automatic switch at the input. A device with two or three poles is selected. The electricity supplier places a seal on this equipment.

  1. Additional single-pole circuit breakers mounted on DIN rails. The number of such devices is not regulated in any way. The home electrical network is divided into several sections, so a separate circuit breaker is installed for each. One zone can be allocated to illuminate the courtyard and buildings near a residential building, another - rooms, and so on. The power of the machine will be calculated individually for working area. The main condition for calculations is timely operation due to overload in weak areas. For example, if the permissible current load for an outlet is 15 A, then the machine should trip at the slightest excess of this value.
  2. The residual current device is expensive, and most homeowners ignore installing it. The device turns off the power supply when a leak is detected. This will prevent electric shock. Only a qualified specialist will be able to select a device with suitable technical and operational parameters.


The wiring is hidden in cable ducts or under baseboards. The work consists of several stages. At the first stage, the wire is cut into segments, the number of which depends on the number of sockets and switches. The length of a separate wire is equal to the distance between the socket and switches with a margin of 15-20 cm.

Next, the installation of cable channels is carried out, which are attached strictly vertically or horizontally. To ensure the boxes are level, use a building level. At the end of the work electrical wire fits inside the cable channels, but do not rush to close them.

Electrical installation of distribution boxes

A junction box should be installed wherever the main cable branches to connect outlets or switches. The device is used to divide power lines and further distribute them to other parts of the room.

The cable is secured in the box using one of the following methods:

  1. Using PPE caps, which differ in size and color. To install, the end of the wire is stripped 30 mm, twisted, then threaded through the cap and twisted. The twisted ends of the two sections are hidden in the distribution box so as to prevent contact with other twists.
  2. Special vags. This product is selected depending on specific sizes. The devices differ in the number of holes for wiring and cross-section. For switching, the ends of the wires are stripped to 10-15 mm, after which they are placed in the holes until they click. The ends of the cables are run in different directions, excluding contact and short circuit.
  3. Twisted with electrical tape. After stripping the ends, the two wires are twisted together and then covered with electrical tape. The insulated twist is located inside the distribution box.

Installation of switches and sockets

Sockets and switches are attached directly to the wall. Before installation, aluminum or asbestos insulation is laid. The sockets are screwed as tightly and firmly as possible to prevent loosening. When connecting a three-core cable, the yellow-green wire is used for grounding.

Installation of lighting fixtures

Lighting fixtures in a private residential building are divided into three main categories:

  • built-in;
  • invoices;
  • street

It is important to use metal platforms for fastening wall lamps, sconces and similar ceiling products, which will increase fire safety. Switching the lamp to the network is carried out according to a simple scheme using yellow-green wires. Each product is equipped with contacts for connecting to a three-phase network.

How difficult is the job of replacing wiring?

Replacing wiring in a wooden house does not present any difficulties for experienced craftsmen. The process will be especially easy if you use outer gasket. After turning off the power supply at the input machine, all old cable lines are removed and a new wire of a suitable cross-section is laid in their place.

If there is hidden wiring in the house, it is absolutely not necessary to destroy all the walls. You can disconnect the old wiring from the input machine, attach a new cable to it and install it using the open method.

Grounding device and installation of RCD

For grounding, a PE bus is used, which is connected to a grounding device. It is installed in the ground near the wall of a residential building. Externally, such equipment consists of several metal sticks with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm and a length of up to 3 m, they are connected by a common metal strip.

To connect the grounding device and the bus, a single-core wire of the same cross-section as the input cable is suitable. After the installation is completed, the resistance of the grounding device is measured. In single-phase networks it should be equal to 8, three-phase - 4 Ohms.

Installation errors

The occurrence of fires in wooden houses is often associated with violations of safety rules during the installation or operation of electrical wiring.

We list the main mistakes that are made in both cases:

  1. Installation of hidden wiring under the ceiling. Often the electrical wire is placed in interfloor ceilings, forgetting about additional measures isolation. In this case, the cable is in close proximity to wooden surfaces. If the cross-section is incorrectly selected, the cable line will begin to overheat, which will gradually lead to a fire.
  2. Cable laying under the baseboard. There is little space underneath, which is not enough to create a “safe air barrier.” Because of this, the wire is constantly in contact with wood or plastic skirting board, which leads to overheating and fire. Gaps in the plinth should be at least 10-15 mm.

  1. The use of corrugated polyvinyl chloride pipes is strictly unacceptable when installing electrical wiring in wooden houses. Replace the products with standard metal or corrugated cable ducts.
  2. Cable placement in a groove without insulation. When choosing a hidden installation method, it is permissible to use prepared recesses - grooves. However, even in this case, it is not a bare cable that needs to be placed in the groove, but a metal corrugation or a steel tube.
  3. Installation boxes for sockets and switches must be made of metal. The use of plastic structures is unacceptable.

Fire protection measures

To provide high level Fire protection requires taking into account a number of key factors:

  1. Select and install an RCD with suitable parameters.
  2. Install a modular-pin type grounding circuit and corresponding resistance depending on the number of phases in the network.
  3. Ensure the functionality of the system that equalizes potentials.
  4. Ensure continuity of grounding at each section of the circuit.
  5. Install only overhead sockets.
  6. Realize hidden installation using metal cable channels and pipes.

By following the listed rules, recommendations and standards, you can organize safe electrical wiring in a wooden house with your own hands or make sure of the competence of the specialists called. And this is very important, since the risk of fire in these residential buildings is much higher.

A log house or a cottage made of timber: any building made of wood, regardless of the impregnation of the material with fire retardants, is fire hazardous, and many owners wonder whether it is necessary hidden wiring in a wooden house.

Is hidden wiring possible in a wooden house?

In an apartment in a high-rise building, in order to install an electrical network in the premises, concrete walls subjected to gating, that is, shallow grooves are machined. With brick it is often easier to do this, simply hiding the wiring under a thick layer of plaster. In buildings made of logs or beams, things are somewhat more complicated. Even the highest quality cable can easily burn out due to an accidental short circuit, which is why there is a high probability of a fire. Of course, there is an optimal solution - to lay the network so that all the wires are visible. But many will find this option unaesthetic.

Is hidden electrical wiring acceptable in a wooden house? Quite if you use special channels that should fit into the walls. The main requirement is to prevent the cable from coming into contact with the wood.. The fact is that even without short circuits, the metal core hidden in the insulation tends to heat up when there is a high load on the network, which occurs when several household appliances are turned on. Care must be taken in advance to ensure that wooden walls do not heat up from the wiring, and this is achieved with the help of special boxes, sleeves or pipes laid in the walls.

Selecting a channel for pulling the cable

So, in order to hide all the wires in the thickness of the walls, you will have to hollow out recesses, grooves, cavities, through holes, and so on in logs or beams. However, as already mentioned, even an insulated cable should not come into contact with the wood. As a precaution, many use metal hoses, which are completely unsuitable for this purpose (due to poor thermal insulation properties); they are intended for pulling external networks. For laying cables inside wooden walls, special metal tubes are used, in extreme cases - non-flammable or plastic, which tend to fade without external intervention. Let's consider both options.

Metal cable ducts are preferable for the simple reason that they are not at all susceptible to fire. In addition, you should take into account the shrinkage of the walls, due to which plastic pipes, unlike copper ones, are easily deformed. On the other hand, the channels must bend in the corners, in which case, if you are working with copper, you need to be patient. The fact is that first a wire is pulled into the tube, after which it should be carefully bent using a special pipe bending device. In this case, the bend must have a certain radius, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the cable.

Plastic channels are less preferable, although they are more cost-effective and allow you to save a lot of money when laying the electrical network. It is best to just place them in grooves knocked out at the ends of the logs that limit the doorway; in extreme cases, use them to pull wires through walls. It is better not to insert plastic tubes into the thickness of the partitions between rooms, remembering the shrinkage of the crowns. The grooves with cable channels are closed with plugs cut from a board or block, which are subsequently covered with platbands or masked using a special putty for wood, followed by sanding the surface, as well as stain and varnish.

What is the easiest way to hide the electrical network in a log house?

It is best to do room wiring not along the walls, but either under the flooring or under the ceiling cladding. Since this placement of cables is considered hidden, we lay them along the joists (or under them, if on the ceiling) copper tubes, connecting in special junction boxes, which in no case should come into contact with the wood. It is advisable to separate such highway intersections from the sheathing with asbestos or metal sheets. In the wall, at the end of each groove for a network branch, we hollow out a recess for the mounting box, on top of which a socket or switch is attached. The diameter of the pipe and the thickness of its wall are selected depending on the cross-section of the wire.

Twists of wires, even covered with junction boxes, must be insulated with caps, especially in places where wood is located in close proximity. If you plan to cover the walls with clapboard, you can run cable ducts directly along their surface without gouging out grooves. It is in this case that non-flammable plastic pipes are most appropriate, and, regardless of the material, the wires should be completely hidden in them, especially at the junction with junction boxes. As an option, a combined scheme is possible, when the lines are hidden in metal gutters and pipes under the cladding of walls, floors and ceilings, and the point-to-point distribution is done half-open, in boxes.

Open wiring in a wooden house as part of the design

It is not at all necessary to hide the cables if the walls are not planned to be hidden under lathing and then finished with plaster or under wallpaper. It will go perfectly with log partitions between rooms; in a wooden house this solution can become part of the design. However, if it seems to you that the electrical network, stretched along the walls and ceiling, will not be combined with paintings and rugs, it can be laid in plastic boxes that will fit into any environment.

It is also allowed to lay cables in special channels of decorative skirting boards, which is convenient during European-quality renovation, when you do not want to make the apartment look like an office using boxes. Some homeowners use plastic corrugated tubes, which are flexible, but do not protect the wiring at all and are not aesthetically pleasing. IN non-residential premises Very often, cables are mounted using metal brackets; this option is appropriate in a bathroom or bathhouse, as well as in a workshop, garage, cellar or barn.

An external power supply is convenient because it is easy to find and correct damage caused by a short circuit or for any other reason.

The most interesting is the open one, made in a “retro” style, when insulated copper wires twisted into a pigtail are stretched directly along the wall, secured with ceramic insulators. In stores you can often find models of sockets and switches in the style of the 30-40s, with massive cases (although the sockets will almost certainly have a grounding contact). The only condition for organizing such a network is to maintain a gap of 10 millimeters between the cable and the wall. However, this type also has disadvantages, in particular: children have open access to the wires (what if they want to cut them with scissors), as well as the high cost and shortage of ceramic rollers for fastening two-wire twisting.


When performing repair and construction work great importance has a correctly executed electrical wiring diagram in a wooden house. This is primarily due to ensuring electrical and fire safety of such buildings during further operation. Wood is a flammable material, so there are a number of restrictions and technical conditions for laying wires and cables, installing electrical appliances and equipment. Exact fulfillment of all requirements will avoid fire and other negative consequences.

Electrical wiring diagram in a wooden house

The electrical wiring diagram, including for a wooden house, is drawn up even before installation work begins. A typical project consists of a planned wiring diagram and an estimated quantity necessary materials. There are recommendations from experts that must be followed. For example, all switches, sockets, junction boxes, meters and other points of the electrical circuit must be located in places accessible for their maintenance and repair.

When deciding how to make electrical wiring in a wooden house with your own hands, you need to pay attention to the location of the switches. Their placement is carried out in such a way that they are not covered by cabinets, sliding doors and other items. The minimum height from the floor level is 1 meter, however, modern standards allow installation at any height in terms of aesthetics and ease of use.

The placement of sockets on the diagram is planned in such a way that when all electrical appliances are turned on, no additional extension cords are required. Therefore, you need to think about placement in advance household appliances and electrical equipment. ranges from 25 to 40 cm, and on an area of ​​6 m2 there should be at least one of them. In the kitchen, the minimum number of sockets is 3 pcs. The distance of each of them from metal structures must be at least 50 cm.

When laying electrical wiring, all lines must be positioned strictly vertically or horizontally. The main line is located 15 cm below the ceiling and at a distance of 5 to 10 cm from the beams and cornices. Branches for sockets and switches are laid no closer than 15 cm from door and window openings. If completed bottom wiring cable, then its distance from the floor is at least 15 cm. Junction boxes are used to connect the wires. In addition, it is necessary to provide a grounding connection and an RCD.

After drawing up the project it is very easy to calculate required amount materials and equipment that will be installed in the premises.

Schemes for installing electrical wiring in a wooden house

The installation diagram is slightly different from the electrical wiring diagram. The installation locations of all devices and lines have already been determined; it remains to indicate the sequence of electrical installation work, that is, the order in which certain devices and equipment are connected.

Before starting work, you need to determine the power consumed by all electrical appliances turned on at the same time. If the obtained value is less than 15 kW, a 25 A input circuit breaker is installed. If this figure is exceeded, the installation of a transformer will additionally be required.

Next, the electric meter and input machines are installed. When installing these devices outdoors, a sealed housing is used, protected from the penetration of dirt, dust and moisture. To make it more convenient to take readings, the cabinet is equipped with a viewing window.

The counter is installed after the introductory machine. Then an RCD is installed that provides emergency shutdown of the current in the event of a short circuit. Next, the cable is connected to the electrical panel located inside the house. The rating of a machine located in the house is one step lower than that installed outside. In case of any violations, it will work first, eliminating the need to go outside to the input device.

In the home panel there are single-pole circuit breakers, from which the wires spread throughout all rooms. The number of such machines corresponds to the number of consumer groups. For the possible connection of new consumers, 2-3 free machines are installed.

Consumption groups in wooden houses can have different purposes. For example, power is supplied to the sockets through one machine, and to lighting fixtures. To powerful equipment - electric stoves, boilers, washing machines- power is supplied from personal machines. Individual groups include street lighting and power supply to outbuildings.

Separate power lines the best way ensure safe operation home network. Due to this, the number of potentially dangerous places connections, where oxidation and heating of contacts most often occur. For ease of installation, each line in the diagram is marked with its own color indicating the order of laying.

The next stage will be the installation of wires and cables in the premises. In wooden houses, laying cable lines can be done in the following ways:

  • External (open) wiring. It is laid using insulators. Currently, this method is again becoming popular with.
  • . In fact, this is the same open wiring, only laid in special trays.
  • Internal (hidden) wiring. Its installation is possible when it is planned to cover the surfaces of the ceiling and walls. For laying, metal corrugated sleeves or metal pipes. The bend angles are 90, 120 or 135 degrees, which makes it possible to replace a damaged section of the cable without disturbing the finish. Used for wire connections metal boxes with free access to them.

Next, in accordance with the diagram, the installation of sockets or switches is carried out. For wooden houses, there are special models with a metal mounting plate on which the external panel is installed. Plates made of non-flammable plastic certified by fire authorities can be used. For safety reasons, all outlets must have a ground wire.

Requirements for electrical wiring in a wooden house

Due to high fire hazard wooden houses, compliance with the rules and requirements for the installation of electrical wiring is of particular relevance.

Compliance with safety requirements begins already when connecting a wooden house to a power line. This event must be carried out by the organization responsible for the supply of electricity. After completing all necessary documentation, the meter is installed and a direct connection to the power supply is made. For these purposes, a flexible insulated wire is used, the integrity of the insulation is first checked.

As a rule, the meter is installed outside, and distribution board- inside the building. The cable connecting both points runs through a steel pipe through a hole punched in the wall. The entry height must be at least 2.75 m from the ground surface. Insulators and wires pass from the protruding part of the roof at a distance of at least 20 cm. The inlet pipe is protected from moisture penetration.

The beginning of internal wiring in a wooden house is the distribution board. Dry places are selected for its installation. This type of equipment cannot be located in a bathroom, shower or toilet. The shield must have a fireproof base and be locked with a key. There should not be at a distance of 50 cm from it heating devices and equipment, gas, water supply and sewerage systems.

The already discussed methods of laying cables and wires in wooden houses are also subject to requirements for ensuring electrical and fire safety.

Hidden wiring can be done in several ways:

  • An ordinary wire sheathed in flammable materials is laid on a fireproof lining, after which a layer of plaster 1 cm thick or more is applied to it.
  • An ordinary wire with a sheath made of fire-resistant materials can simply be laid on a fireproof lining along its entire length without subsequent plastering.
  • When using a wire in a metal corrugation, it can be laid on structural elements building.
  • In the case of using steel boxes fixed directly to structures, wires that do not have additional protection can be laid in them.
  • When using fire-resistant plastic boxes, it is allowed to lay any wires in them, provided that a lining made of fireproof materials is installed under them. Subsequently, the box itself is covered with plaster, a layer thickness of 1 cm or more.

An indispensable condition for use metal boxes and corrugated hoses is their additional grounding throughout the entire area of ​​laying cables and wires. The dimensions of the lining made of non-combustible materials are selected so that it protrudes beyond the dimensions of the box or corrugation by at least 1 cm.

Wiring in an open manner is in most cases performed using rollers. This method simpler with technical point vision and does not require as much material as with hidden wiring. The only drawback is appearance such lines, which are successfully hidden thanks to the original design solutions. For safety reasons, a lining made of non-combustible materials is laid along the entire length of the wires.

For open wiring a shell made of non-combustible materials is used, which is laid directly on the structural elements. If pipes or fireproof boxes are used, then the presence of an additional sheath of wires is not necessary. There are separate technical requirements for external wiring of a wooden house laid directly on the street. First of all, this concerns the minimum distance from the ground to the line, which is 2.75 meters. The gap between the wire and the wall of the building must be at least 0.5 meters, and the distance from balconies and windows - 1.5 meters and above.

The main attention is paid to entering the building and protecting it from the ingress and accumulation of moisture. For this purpose, special seals are used to ensure reliable sealing.

Before wiring, it is necessary to determine the location of all consumers and determine the total power of household appliances and equipment. Compliance with all technical standards and requirements will ensure reliable and long-term operation of the home electrical network. At the same time, electrical and fire safety issues, especially relevant for wooden houses, will be resolved.

Drawing up a power supply project

In modern wooden country houses a large number of household appliances and equipment with high energy consumption are installed. Most often these are electric boiler systems that supply hot water and space heating. Water supply, air conditioning and ventilation systems are also equipped with powerful pumps and other similar elements. In addition, every home has a variety of electronic household appliances that make household work easier and increase comfort for those living in the house.

Many owners of wooden houses install backup sources nutrition. All these factors must be taken into account when designing future electrical installation work. Electrical wiring in wooden houses must be designed especially carefully. Poor quality wires and cables running along wooden walls very often lead to fires. Therefore, the design and subsequent installation must be carried out by qualified electrical engineers who have the necessary knowledge and practical skills to perform such work.

An electrical project has specific requirements. First of all, they affect the reliability of cable input, automatic protection against short circuits and voltage surges, contour protective grounding, etc. When drawing up a project, you need to correctly calculate the power consumption and evenly distribute all loads. In wooden houses, it is mandatory to install an RCD to cut off power consumption in emergency situations in the network.

When developing a project, not only the method of laying electrical wiring is determined, but also cabling and wiring products with the appropriate parameters. All materials used for design must be certified.

Electrician in a wooden house

Wooden houses are chosen as housing for many reasons: some are contraindicated to live in concrete “boxes”, others like beautiful log cabins. However, living in them is closely related to the concept of safety. That is why electrical wiring in a wooden house is considered one of key aspects.

We will talk about how to properly install electrical wiring in a wooden house. Let us tell you what schemes Consumables and electrical installation products are used in laying lines along walls made of timber or logs. With our advice, you can create a secure and trouble-free network.

Even if all logs, beams and boards are treated with fire retardants, they remain vulnerable to accidental fire. For this reason, the stages of constructing an electrical system - from design to installation of sockets and switches - need to be known to both skilled “do-it-yourselfers” and owners who supervise the work of hired builders.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, for residential buildings with a power consumption of no more than 15 kW, drawing up an electrical network design is not required. But the company supplying electricity must provide a diagram and data on the total power consumption. This is necessary for calculating the allocated power on the line and installing a meter.

Some electricity supply companies, when concluding a contract, still require a project that includes, in addition to the internal wiring diagram, installation points for sockets, switches, junction boxes, and an electrical panel with a meter

In the process of developing a project, you need to take into account all the nuances: the exact location of electrical installations, the choice of cable and wiring method, the need for grounding, etc. Let’s look at how the project is drawn up and preparation for installation work in more detail.

Step #1 - drawing up a diagram and work plan

You can do the design yourself if you have experience in such work, or with the help of specialists by concluding an agreement with a design organization.

A professionally drawn up document contains the following points:

  • electrical panel diagram;
  • electrical installation plan;
  • calculations for installing a ground loop;
  • outputs outside the house, if any - autonomous sources of electricity;
  • equipment installation plan with specifications;
  • if approval is required, a package of permits;
  • explanatory note.

But first you should contact Energosbyt to obtain specifications - technical conditions, which are signed in accordance with SNiP.

Owners who apply for a connection with a power of less than 15 kW will have to collect the least amount of paperwork. They need to write a list of electrical appliances and calculate their total power. If the power consumption is more than 35 kW, it is necessary linear diagram electricity supply. For 380 V networks, a three-line diagram is drawn up.

A house built of wood is good. A lot of people prefer wood as a material for walls and this is not surprising. Let's compare wood with another popular building material - brick. A house made of wood is built much faster, wood is cheaper than brick, the heat transfer of wood is much lower, which means insulating the house will cost less. Not to mention the environmental friendliness and beauty of wood. Of course, wood is not a panacea; it has many disadvantages, and one of them is that it is easily flammable. There are fire-resistant impregnations, but they do not completely solve the problem, and besides, they must be impregnated regularly. That is why in our article, which talks about how to make wiring in such a house, the theme of fire safety rules when electrifying a wooden house will be a common thread.

Basic requirements for electrical installation

Depending on the area, configuration of your home and energy consumption, you need to think through all the nuances of installing electrical wiring, as well as a number of measures before and after completion of work:

  • Draw up a power supply diagram; without it, work cannot begin;
  • Decide on materials: types, brands, cross-sections of cables and wires, their quantity. It's the same with boxes, sockets, pipes and everything else;
  • Now you can begin practical actions. First of all, you need to prepare the walls for laying pipes, installing boxes and sockets according to the power supply diagram;
  • We select a distribution panel depending on the number of consumers and their power and install it;
  • We lay the wires in the pipes and place them in pre-prepared channels, after which we connect the sockets.

The requirements are clearly demonstrated in the video:

House power supply diagram

Depending on how much electricity your home will consume, an electrical supply diagram or project is made. The project is done when peak (all electrical appliances in the house are turned on simultaneously and at maximum power) consumption is more than 10 kW. In this case, the implementation of the project is mandatory and it is subject to registration with the organization supplying electricity. The project has quite serious requirements: it must contain data from electrical diagrams external and internal power supply up to the ratings of fuse links. Therefore, only a specialist can complete the project in full.

Even if the consumption is less than 10 kW, the circuit is still needed. It shows the exact locations of all elements and the routes of wires, preferably indicating all distances. This should be carefully thought out and verified taking into account the location of furniture and household appliances, so that extension cords are not blocked later.

Cable entry into the house

Electrical installation is divided into two types: external and internal.

External installations include building entry and external lighting. The entrance to the building is an important element of the fire safety system; the entrance can be airborne or underground. The following rules apply:

For underground input, if the house has a basement, the cable is inserted directly through the foundation through a pipe at least 1 meter from the foundation, depth - 70-80 cm. If there is no basement in the house, the cable rises along the wall of the house in a pipe to a height of at least 1.8 meters. Entering under the foundation is strictly prohibited.

Input distribution device (IDU)

It is to the ASU that the cable comes from overhead line. Here, at the ASU, the voltage is distributed throughout the house through circuit breakers and fuses. The grounding bus also comes here, connects to the grounding wires in the cable and grounds all electrical installations and lighting fixtures in the house. The ASU, or simply the shield, must be made specifically for a wooden house.

The housing of the ASU must be metal. It is very convenient to place an electric meter here, but this must be provided for by the design of the input distribution device.

Preparing the walls

When carrying out internal wiring, it is usually placed between the wall and the decorative covering. In this case, it is necessary to exclude direct contact of the cable with the wall surface and decorative covering. To do this, the conductor can be placed in a non-flammable metal hose, covering the latter on all sides with insulation in the form of cement or alabaster mortar. But the most reliable and safest way is to place the conductor in pipes, although this is more expensive.

If there is no decorative coating, then you need to make channels for the pipes and cut and hollow out spaces for sockets and switches. In this case, you need to think about how to close these channels beautifully and carefully.


In a wooden house, everything related to the electrical supply must be non-flammable:

  • The cable and wires must be copper and insulated from a material that does not support combustion, for example VVGng;
  • Sockets and switches must have a metal backing, and the plastic housing must be non-flammable, which must be indicated in the product certificate.

When choosing a cable, try to choose a cable from the same manufacturer with colored cores. This will avoid installation errors. It is customary to connect wires by color as follows:

If you decide to do internal wiring, you need to select pipes. They can be steel or copper. Steel pipes are less convenient for installation, since with small bending radii you will have to bend the pipe hot, warming up the pipe each time gas burner or a blowtorch. It is easier to work with copper pipes, but they have another drawback - the price is several times higher.

The diameter of the pipe should be such that the cable occupies no more than 40% of the pipe volume. The wall thickness should be 2.8-3.2 mm. Make sure that there are no burrs or sharp edges on the edges of the pipes that could cut through the insulation.

We insert metal branch boxes into previously prepared places and connect them to the pipes using soldering or welding.

After completing this stage of work, we check that all these elements are grounded.


Now we lay wires or cables in the pipes. It is advisable to take a three-wire or five-wire, with a grounding wire, depending on the connected load. The cable is pulled using a pulling cord. At the end of the stretching, be sure to measure the insulation resistance to make sure there is no damage.

Now we connect the wires to sockets, switches and lighting fixtures. Connections inside junction boxes can be made in several ways:

Open wiring

A cheaper and simpler wiring option compared to hidden wiring. It is carried out along the surface of the wall. The following devices are used for this:

  • Cable channel;
  • Electrical plinth;
  • Roller insulators.

Cable channel is a box consisting of two parts. One is attached to the wall, cables and wires are laid in it, the second locks them from above. In this case, the wires must be in non-flammable insulation. The convenience of cable channels lies in the easy accessibility of wiring. The material from which they are made must be non-flammable.

Electrical skirting board It is stamped from non-flammable plastic and has channels inside for laying cables.

Roller insulators have been known for a long time; in some places they have even been preserved in old houses. Now they are worried new life, they are used for open wiring in new houses, although this requires a certain style of the house, an appropriate interior, otherwise it will look ridiculous. With this type of wiring, a special stranded wire with PVC insulation and decorative silk braiding with non-flammable impregnation is mounted on the rollers.

The article describes the most common methods of electrifying a wooden house, and whichever one you choose, always respect electricity, and it will repay you in kind, bringing warmth and light into the house.
