Pulling an owl on a globe where did it come from. How the Normanists tried to pull an owl on the globe

There is such a winged Russian Internet expression: "pull an owl on a globe." It means hard-to-perform actions associated with extreme juggling, manipulation, fitting reality to any semi-fantastic settings.

We can do it! - said the magicians from the Primorsky Election Commission and did the impossible. Truly a man-made miracle. The victory of the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Andrei Ishchenko in the gubernatorial elections, a 7-8 percent gap between him and the United Russia candidate Andrei Tarasenko, at the cost of breathtaking efforts, turned into leadership (one and a half percent) of Tarasenko in a few hours.

"Apparently, according to the protocols, the number of votes for Tarasenko has increased"- with a disarming smile, a representative of the regional election commission told RIA Novosti. It turns out that in all the latest counted protocols, the checkmarks are only in front of the name of United Russia. Have you pulled the poor bird on a three-dimensional model of the Earth?

"The second round of gubernatorial elections in Primorye ended with a scandal. Almost all day, according to the CEC, the candidate from the Communist Party Andrei Ishchenko was in the lead. A new regional sensation was discussed in the media and social networks, and political scientists commented on the reasons and consequences of Ishchenko's victory, but after a few hours the results were changed in a strange way. In the interval from 98.77% to 99.03% of the processed protocols, the number of votes for Ishchenko decreased by 5 thousand, which is impossible in principle, and for Tarasenko it increased by 13.5 thousand, which allowed United Russia to win the elections. This change in the results provoked a storm of discussions about stuffing, falsification and rewriting of the final protocols."- notes the Actual Comments portal (pro-Kremlin, by the way).

"The somersault that was made is impossible purely mathematically. This is the biggest fraud in Russia", - said Alexander Glebov, deputy of the Duma of the city of Vladivostok. " Judging by how the results changed, fraud with data was carried out at the stage of entering data into the GAS Vybory database. This is done in TECs, which is why the changes were so massive. Rewriting protocols at individual PECs could not have had such an impact on the situation", - says the editor-in-chief of the site" Actual comments "Mikhail Karyagin. " You wanted arguments against direct elections of heads of regions? Presented. Completely. Nothing has changed for twenty-five years. And it won't change. It is much more honest and cleaner to give powers to the heads of regional parliaments", - Alexey Chesnakov, director of the Center for Political Conjuncture, wrote in his Telegram channel. " Is Tarasenko really such a valuable cadre that it would be possible to discredit the electoral system in such a way?"- asks the political strategist Abbas Gallyamov on Facebook.

Businessman-builder Andrey Ishchenko was congratulated on his confident victory by his party boss Gennady Zyuganov, ex-governor of Primorye Yevgeny Nazdratenko, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Territory Yulia Tolmacheva and many others ... At 7:40 am (0.40 Moscow time) Ishchenko announced an indefinite hunger strike. " Late tonight, when 95.74% of the ballots were processed, I was in the lead by a solid margin, in the morning the magic of numbers prophesies a failure for me. Friends, votes are being stolen from us. Treacherously and impudently, the regional election committee is trying to steal our victory. I won this election! I declare an indefinite hunger strike on the square of the fighters for the power of the Soviets in Vladivostok. At the moment, the legal service of the Communist Party is preparing lawsuits to challenge the election results in Artyom, Ussuriysk, Nakhodka and Vladivostok (Sovetsky district). We have a complete evidence base for this"- he wrote. Hundreds of Ishchenko's supporters came to the administration building of the Primorsky Territory. Motorists passing along Svetlanskaya Street greet the audience with horns.

Earlier, firefighters arrived at the building of the election commission of the Sovietsky district of Vladivostok. They explained their actions with information about a fire on the third floor and the need for evacuation. Upon closer examination, it turned out that the arrival of firefighters was caused by the refusal of observers from the Communist Party to leave the site. At the same time, the police cordoned off the building of the TEC of the Ussuriysk city district. State Duma deputy Yuri Afonin and member of the Legislative Assembly Anatoly Dolgachev tried to get into it, but they were not allowed into the room because of the "broken lock".

"This is chaos not only in relation to the Primorsky Territory, it is chaos in relation to the entire country, the entire political system, and even to the leadership of the country"- says State Duma deputy, press secretary of the Communist Party Alexander Yushchenko. He told Interfax about the massive fraud in Ussuriysk:" For polling station 2846, we have a copy of the protocol, where 219 votes are for Ishchenko, 247 for Tarasenko, but at the moment the numbers are entered into the GAS "Vybory": 216 for Ishchenko, 1347 for Tarasenko. The chairman of precinct 2866 escaped, took all the documents with him. We were not given a copy of the protocol, our members of the election commission are blocked in one room, they cannot move; they called for an additional squad of police officers, but no one came". Deputy Chairman of the Primorye Legislative Assembly Committee on Regional Policy and Legality Artyom Samsonov told the portal dvnovosti.ru that the results of 22 PECs in the Ussuriysk urban district were falsified. According to him, the results for 10 of these polling stations were changed after the introduction of the protocols into the Vybory GAS system.

United Russia responded by accusing the Communist Party of bribing voters. " It became known that at least 13,000 people were purchased in Vladivostok, 6,000 in Nakhodka, and about 5,000 in Khasan. They paid from 500 to 2 thousand rubles for a vote", - told TASS a representative of the headquarters of Andrei Tarasenko. " We have reliable information, which we are now making official use of. The fact that the headquarters of the candidate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation spent about 40 million rubles on the recruitment of voters. There are audio and video recordings, as well as photos to confirm this.", - Igor Khrushchev, the first deputy secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia, told reporters.

According to Boris Stupnitsky, chairman of the Public Chamber of the Primorsky Territory, the observers did not record any violations during the second round.

The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation will not sum up the results of the second round of the gubernatorial elections in Primorye. " Until we carefully analyze all the complaints that will be received, we will not sum up the results.", - said the head of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova to a TASS correspondent.In an interview with RIA Novosti, she admitted the possibility of canceling the results of the Primorye elections.The CEC will send specialists to Primorsky Krai to obtain additional information.

Ishchenko told journalist Taisiya Bekbulatova about Zyuganov's night call to Pamfilova. She allegedly complained that she could not influence the situation, that the regional election commission "pissed off and out of control".

I don't feel any sympathy for Mr. Ishchenko (a swindler, he scammed equity holders, an irresponsible balabol-populist, as the people of Vladivostok say). I hate democratic performances, I think that governors should be appointed by the federal center. But since you decide to play direct elections, play smart.

The internal political bloc of the Presidential Administration and local authorities first framed the President of the Russian Federation, completely failing the election campaign of the Kremlin candidate. And they set it up doubly when they organized such a clumsy and such a shameful interference in the counting of votes at the very finish line. Let's be cynical: there are plenty of ways to turn failure to your advantage without too much fuss. There are various levers, quiet, delicate methods. To slap a rolling disgrace like today's - it must be managed.

Kerch after "returning to their native harbor" prophesied a successful future. They said from the screens of Russian propaganda channels that Kerch is now the gates of the Crimea, that the city will begin to flourish ... But something went wrong.

Firstly, while according to rumors from construction hydro-engineers, the famous bridge across the Kerch Strait began to slowly fall into disrepair. Alas, the design was unstable. What they warned about turned out to be not a fantasy, but a reality. The bridge piers crept. And I think that this was a verdict for the people of Kerch.

It is clear that the so-called "Crimean Bridge" cannot just fall apart because of the Kremlin's ambitions and the colossal corruption that has engulfed all sectors of the Russian economy. And therefore, when the destruction of the bridge becomes irreversible, it can be assumed that it will simply be blown up. It will be a kind of good mine for a bad game. And they will write off, I think, all on the terrorist attack of the enemies of Russia. And, perhaps, in order to prepare public opinion for future events, a tragedy happened at the Kerch College on October 17th.

Secondly, I am afraid that the Kremlin authorities will not limit themselves to this. The situation in Russia is terrible. Poverty is growing at a rapid pace, and with it the dissatisfaction and protest moods of Russians with the Kremlin's policies, the country's leadership itself is completely out of touch with reality, so the special services have to take on a proven experience - explosions of the civilian population. Someone is already prophesying a "Volgograd scenario" for Kerch. We remember how houses exploded in Volgograd, and the GDP rating grew by leaps and bounds.

Why, you say, the Investigative Committee does not recognize the tragedy in Kerch as a terrorist attack? Just who will initiate them into secret operations of special services?! Besides, they are right in their own way. Terrorism, by definition, is blackmailing the authorities and, accordingly, certain demands on the part of terrorists. There are no requirements here. And this is invested in the suspicion "about the hand of the Kremlin." In fact, here we are witnessing a phenomenon when not the authorities, but the people are blackmailed with the help of terrorist attacks.

Now the question is, why do we need new "terrorist attacks", except to raise the rating of the geostrategist? And everything is very simple - to introduce the population into a state of constant stress. Scientists know that under stress, the human body produces abundantly the hormone cortisol. One of the negative consequences of an excess of this hormone in the body is a significant decrease in the intellectual abilities of a person, and in common parlance - dullness. It is precisely this kind of “stupefied” biomass that the current regime needs. It is easier to manage, it is more gullible to the Kremlin propaganda...

Unfortunately, Crimea has begun to fully “taste” Russian realities. The Crimeans, who did not know the terrorist attacks, obviously, were now at gunpoint. Moreover, the regime does not care who to sacrifice in Crimea - Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians or Russians. Whoever finds himself in the place of the next "terror attack" is out of luck.

It is strange to hear how some Crimean "experts" began to connect the terrorist attack in Kerch with the visit of a delegation of the Crimean authorities to Syria. With a hint that, they say, ISIS did not like it, and here is the result. I just want to say, guys, don't look for a black cat in a dark room - it's not there.

Of course, I am writing this, but I do not blame anyone. Blaming the FSB is dangerous, but there is so much information over the past 20 years that the conclusions themselves are asking not to write about it, but to shout about it!

It’s time for all these experts and ordinary Crimeans to realize that they used to have rights, and in imperial Russia with its current regime, we are all simply part of the biomass…

Zarema Seitablaeva, Crimean, blogger (author's name and surname have been changed for security reasons)

There is such a winged Russian Internet expression: "pull an owl on a globe." It means hard-to-perform actions associated with extreme juggling, manipulation, fitting reality to any semi-fantastic settings.

We can do it! - said the magicians from the Primorsky Election Commission and did the impossible. Truly a man-made miracle. The victory of the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Andrei Ishchenko in the gubernatorial elections, a 7-8 percent gap between him and the United Russia candidate Andrei Tarasenko, at the cost of breathtaking efforts, turned into leadership (one and a half percent) of Tarasenko in a few hours.

"Apparently, according to the protocols, the number of votes for Tarasenko has increased"- with a disarming smile, a representative of the regional election commission told RIA Novosti. It turns out that in all the latest counted protocols, the checkmarks are only in front of the name of United Russia. Have you pulled the poor bird on a three-dimensional model of the Earth?

"The second round of gubernatorial elections in Primorye ended with a scandal. Almost all day, according to the CEC, the candidate from the Communist Party Andrei Ishchenko was in the lead. A new regional sensation was discussed in the media and social networks, and political scientists commented on the reasons and consequences of Ishchenko's victory, but after a few hours the results were changed in a strange way. In the interval from 98.77% to 99.03% of the processed protocols, the number of votes for Ishchenko decreased by 5 thousand, which is impossible in principle, and for Tarasenko it increased by 13.5 thousand, which allowed United Russia to win the elections. This change in the results provoked a storm of discussions about stuffing, falsification and rewriting of the final protocols."- notes the Actual Comments portal (pro-Kremlin, by the way).

"The somersault that was made is impossible purely mathematically. This is the biggest fraud in Russia", - said Alexander Glebov, deputy of the Duma of the city of Vladivostok. " Judging by how the results changed, fraud with data was carried out at the stage of entering data into the GAS Vybory database. This is done in TECs, which is why the changes were so massive. Rewriting protocols at individual PECs could not have had such an impact on the situation", - says the editor-in-chief of the site" Actual comments "Mikhail Karyagin. " You wanted arguments against direct elections of heads of regions? Presented. Completely. Nothing has changed for twenty-five years. And it won't change. It is much more honest and cleaner to give powers to the heads of regional parliaments", - Alexey Chesnakov, director of the Center for Political Conjuncture, wrote in his Telegram channel. " Is Tarasenko really such a valuable cadre that it would be possible to discredit the electoral system in such a way?"- asks the political strategist Abbas Gallyamov on Facebook.

Businessman-builder Andrey Ishchenko was congratulated on his confident victory by his party boss Gennady Zyuganov, ex-governor of Primorye Yevgeny Nazdratenko, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Territory Yulia Tolmacheva and many others ... At 7:40 am (0.40 Moscow time) Ishchenko announced an indefinite hunger strike. " Late tonight, when 95.74% of the ballots were processed, I was in the lead by a solid margin, in the morning the magic of numbers prophesies a failure for me. Friends, votes are being stolen from us. Treacherously and impudently, the regional election committee is trying to steal our victory. I won this election! I declare an indefinite hunger strike on the square of the fighters for the power of the Soviets in Vladivostok. At the moment, the legal service of the Communist Party is preparing lawsuits to challenge the election results in Artyom, Ussuriysk, Nakhodka and Vladivostok (Sovetsky district). We have a complete evidence base for this"- he wrote. Hundreds of Ishchenko's supporters came to the administration building of the Primorsky Territory. Motorists passing along Svetlanskaya Street greet the audience with horns.

Earlier, firefighters arrived at the building of the election commission of the Sovietsky district of Vladivostok. They explained their actions with information about a fire on the third floor and the need for evacuation. Upon closer examination, it turned out that the arrival of firefighters was caused by the refusal of observers from the Communist Party to leave the site. At the same time, the police cordoned off the building of the TEC of the Ussuriysk city district. State Duma deputy Yuri Afonin and member of the Legislative Assembly Anatoly Dolgachev tried to get into it, but they were not allowed into the room because of the "broken lock".

"This is chaos not only in relation to the Primorsky Territory, it is chaos in relation to the entire country, the entire political system, and even to the leadership of the country"- says State Duma deputy, press secretary of the Communist Party Alexander Yushchenko. He told Interfax about the massive fraud in Ussuriysk:" For polling station 2846, we have a copy of the protocol, where 219 votes are for Ishchenko, 247 for Tarasenko, but at the moment the numbers are entered into the GAS "Vybory": 216 for Ishchenko, 1347 for Tarasenko. The chairman of precinct 2866 escaped, took all the documents with him. We were not given a copy of the protocol, our members of the election commission are blocked in one room, they cannot move; they called for an additional squad of police officers, but no one came". Deputy Chairman of the Primorye Legislative Assembly Committee on Regional Policy and Legality Artyom Samsonov told the portal dvnovosti.ru that the results of 22 PECs in the Ussuriysk urban district were falsified. According to him, the results for 10 of these polling stations were changed after the introduction of the protocols into the Vybory GAS system.

United Russia responded by accusing the Communist Party of bribing voters. " It became known that at least 13,000 people were purchased in Vladivostok, 6,000 in Nakhodka, and about 5,000 in Khasan. They paid from 500 to 2 thousand rubles for a vote", - told TASS a representative of the headquarters of Andrei Tarasenko. " We have reliable information, which we are now making official use of. The fact that the headquarters of the candidate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation spent about 40 million rubles on the recruitment of voters. There are audio and video recordings, as well as photos to confirm this.", - Igor Khrushchev, the first deputy secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia, told reporters.

According to Boris Stupnitsky, chairman of the Public Chamber of the Primorsky Territory, the observers did not record any violations during the second round.

The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation will not sum up the results of the second round of the gubernatorial elections in Primorye. " Until we carefully analyze all the complaints that will be received, we will not sum up the results.", - said the head of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova to a TASS correspondent.In an interview with RIA Novosti, she admitted the possibility of canceling the results of the Primorye elections.The CEC will send specialists to Primorsky Krai to obtain additional information.

Ishchenko told journalist Taisiya Bekbulatova about Zyuganov's night call to Pamfilova. She allegedly complained that she could not influence the situation, that the regional election commission "pissed off and out of control".

I don't feel any sympathy for Mr. Ishchenko (a swindler, he scammed equity holders, an irresponsible balabol-populist, as the people of Vladivostok say). I hate democratic performances, I think that governors should be appointed by the federal center. But since you decide to play direct elections, play smart.

The internal political bloc of the Presidential Administration and local authorities first framed the President of the Russian Federation, completely failing the election campaign of the Kremlin candidate. And they set it up doubly when they organized such a clumsy and such a shameful interference in the counting of votes at the very finish line. Let's be cynical: there are plenty of ways to turn failure to your advantage without too much fuss. There are various levers, quiet, delicate methods. To slap a rolling disgrace like today's - it must be managed.

“My tongue is my friend” - this is how you can paraphrase a well-known proverb. Because, in fact, our language, in most cases, gives us the opportunity to conduct an up-to-date and unbiased examination. Which will be devoid of any propaganda frenzy. There is no great desire to write a long article on this issue, therefore, as they say: “let's go over the top.

The mention of the toponym "Rus" in historical sources (mainly Byzantine) was initially associated directly with one city - Kyiv. And you can even say it was synonymous with its name. In one of my previous investigations, I even put forward the theory that it was directly called Rus - Samvatas, the High Castle, an impregnable rock on the path of the Turkic tribes - the main fortress of Kyiv. But this is not important, it is important that Kyiv was called Rus, and Kyiv - Rus.

But the borders of Kyiv did not end with the borders of its fortress - Rus. The borders of Kyiv stretched as far as he could "cover" them, conquer, protect, defend. Most likely, this is where the word “Land” came from, which in Slavic languages ​​means both: country, homeland, fatherland, and: part, piece, segment, end of something. And most importantly: "land".

The toponym "Ukraine" is first mentioned in the Kyiv Chronicle (according to the Ipatiev list). year 1187. In the episode about the death of Prince Vladimir Glebovich of Pereyaslav, then in the Galicia-Volyn Chronicle under 1213, 1280 and 1282. In all cases, the mention of the toponym is necessarily applied exclusively to the territory of Rus' - Kyiv. Toponyms Rus and Ukraine were never used in relation to Novgorod, Polotsk, and even more so Moscow. One could even say that Rus' and Ukraine have become synonymous. As a rule, Ukraine began to call Rus' at the time when it became part of the federation of Slavic countries - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia. References to Rus'-Ukraine can be found in the documents of the Grand Duchy of the XV-XVI centuries. So, in a letter dated 1500 to the Crimean Khan Mengli-Gerai, the Grand Duke of Lithuania calls “our Ukraines”: Kyiv, Volyn and Podolsk lands. That is the Lithuanian prince, paraphrasing, calls the historical regions of Rus'-Ukraine “our lands”! That is why the privilege of 1539 for the construction of a castle in Kiev Polissya refers to the usefulness of building such castles “in Ukraine” - “on the ground”.

In 1580, in the universal of King Stefan Batory, it is written: “To the elders, elders, sovereigns, princes, pan, knights I will become a people in Ukraine Russian: Kyiv, Volyn, Podlyashskaya, Braslavskaya lingering.” That is, Stefan Batory directly indicates that "Ukraine" is called Rus', or all the Russian possessions of the Polish crown, and not only new ones, but also old ones.

In a mournful poem from 1585 on the death of the Kyiv castellan, Prince Mikhail Vyshnevetsky, the Kiev region is called "Pridneprovskaya Ukraine" or, translating into a modern manner, "Pridneprovsky land." In 1621, Ukraine - the lands affected by the Tatars, are considered to be Kyiv, Bratslav, Volyn and Podolsk. That is the big Rus Ukraine was represented by separate lands-Ukraines: Bratslav, Kyiv, Prydniprovska, Zadniprovska and so on.

Hetman Vyhovsky demanded the concession of "the right to the whole of ancient Ukraine or Roksolania ... to the Vistula", and declared his desire to become the "Grand Duke of Ukraine", understanding "the whole of Ukraine" - "the whole Russian Land". And finally, to prove the theory that “Ukraine” is exactly “land”. After the Andrusovo truce of 1667, which divided Ukraine along the Dnieper, the term “Little Russian Ukraine” appears in everyday life, which can mean only one thing: “Little Russian land”.

Let me remind you that many countries are called "lands" or in English / German "land" and England - "Land of the Angles" and Germany - "Deutschland" - "Deutsche Land". And the word "land" itself is translated similarly to Ukraine - country, land, region, allotment, region. So if you are historically literate, then Ukraine should be called exactly "Rus Ukraine" - "Land of Rus"!

While one triangle plows like a thousand Stephen King's blacks, talking about games, I will not talk about triangles, but about ... other imaging technologies. I will be fast and merciless to details - otherwise matan, formulas and boring.

Most modern indie developers take a ready-made engine and don’t bother with screen display technologies at all. This is progress and the twenty-first century, these are plots, mechanics, interactive cinema... but the creators have little choice: 2D pictures or 3D scenes. The first option is built from pixels; the second option, I want to rhyme from voxels, but this is not about that, so the second one is built from polygons, or rather from triangles, that is, from triangles.

Voxels are three de pixels and don't have to be cubes. It's just that if they are balls, they will not evenly fill the space, or they will begin to penetrate into each other, and this is not convenient for us. Therefore, sometimes voxels are not only cubes, but also other three-dimensional figures.

There are also vector graphics for two screens. The first computers (not yet PCs) used it, but now it's SVG and Flash which is still alive in places.

All this is great, but in modern PCs (set-top boxes and other boxes) all graphics are built by special GPU accelerators (including those integrated into the CPU processor), so even two de will be drawn on top of a pair of triangles folded into a quad (square), which is stretched over the entire (and not) a screen, with a zed coordinate equal to zero or just a depth that is the same for all pixels.

The creators of soft-trenders do their best to make b-output of graphics, bypassing the pipeline of the video card. How true this turns out to be and whether the video card driver really translates their soft pixels without conversion - we are not interested. And the interesting thing is that soft-trenders do all the transformations inside the processor and display the finished image on the screen. All operations: sprite layout, geometry transformation, texturing and post-processing, lighting with various light sources, shadows, and so on, everything is done by the CPU. The finished piece of CPU memory is sent to the memory side of the video card, from where the GPU diligently displays it dot by dot on the screen.

With two dee, everything is simple - a lot of square pictures are copied onto the screen. They are square for people, but for a computer they are just a chain of consecutive bytes. For three te, we need to play the "project it" game: the displays are still flat and two-dimensional, but the scene is three-dimensional. You need to project the "shadow" of the three de object onto a flat screen, preferably using all sorts of perspective corrections... and blah blah blah, but first you need to go even deeper. Attention! If not matan, then geometry and philosophy are already close!

There is no need to explain why we need three tees on a flat screen, but somewhere in the wilds of pitch - this three tees scene is described in the form of triangles. Why a triangle? Because - this is the minimum figure with which you can cover or tile any surface. Generally any. The circle can be tiled with triangles. Yes, this will turn the circle into a polygon, but the number of dots on the display screen is still finite, so the more triangles, the rounder the circle. Plus, different profits from the geometry of triangles.

By the way, here it is appropriate to remember that any 3D scene is described as a surface. This is how we perceive the world around us - we feel the surface: by hand, by sound, by eye. To see what's inside an object, you first need to disassemble it and only then look at the new surfaces. There is also an x-ray, but there we see sections and complete the volume according to ... blah blah blah. In the case of pictures on the screen, it is interesting for us to “feel” the 3D surface with light. The rest of the physics of collisions of solid bodies and the sound of steps on the carpet and tiles in the pool is a separate topic for separate manuscripts.

So, we touch the triangles with light rays and get some kind of picture. A little boy, having touched the book of the Mir publishing house about computer graphics, is puzzled: why should I draw all these triangles, making some kind of transformations, when it is easier to draw ready-made objects, as in pixel art. Here is a table and a chair, here is a ball, a cylinder, a cube, draw! And the boy is right, but (!) We have limited computing resources and we just simulate all these objects, repeating the nature of light reflected from real objects. And there is a ball, and Monte Carlo on a mountain with a princess, and along the way Mario jumps on Yosha. Mathematicians have described it all. We got integrals and in some places even triple ones, but we won't do them. We will simplify.

When simplified, we got the first quake and many triangles. There was also wulfenstein and doom and hexen, but they are two-fiftieth-de. This is to be closer to the games. In fact, the opposite is true. A ray is emitted from each pixel of the screen, it collides with some kind of triangle, and if it collides, we look to see if light falls into this place. If it falls, then highlight this point. So faster and less likely to miss. There is also a texture, which, like a skin, is stretched over an object, so that it is beautiful and different materials.

To give graphics programmers control over this whole process, they came up with shaders - programs in the GPU that transform one triangle into another or just something geometric into something else geometric, or draw a pixel. Aha! This is almost what the boy asked for, only the shader program does not draw a whole table and chair, but just one point. But this is already something, because from the dots we can draw a table, and a chair, and pixel art, and even an owl on the table, and then the globe is within easy reach.

There are many processors inside the video card and they work in parallel. Let everyone do the same thing that a couple of cores of a conventional processor do in a softtrender. Better yet, let each microprocessor of the video card work on one pixel of the final image, but then let it do all the operations. So that, as in pixel art: we put a point - we see the result.

Points are good, but we have triangles there, and the more triangles, the more collisions with rays need to be counted; the fewer triangles, the less round the ball, and the owl gradually rolls up into a cylinder. If earlier it was simply considered: a beam of light collided - light, flew past - dark, now they screwed up a cool matan such as physically-accurate rendering (PBR) and efpees sank. Well, this is, maybe we can draw a chair right away?

And they drew it, but the efpees sank anyway. To be continued... or bury it if you don't need to...
