Infusion of herbs for expectoration. Medicinal expectorant herb for cough. What herbs to treat wet cough

And difficulty breathing due to this illness is the most unpleasant companion of a cold. Herbal remedies will help fight the cause of cough caused by phlegm.

Cough interferes with work and rest and is the reason why a patient can infect others. Antiseptic drugs bring relief, but not for long and without a healing effect.

When affecting inflamed respiratory tracts, herbal infusions and teas help thin mucus and more quickly release it from the body. Some herbs have a calming effect and are capable of relaxing the body. Below is a list of the most popular herbs used in medicine:

  • Elecampane. Beneficial features This plant is found in the roots and rhizomes, which are usually brewed. Elecampane has a strengthening effect on the immune system, thins mucus, and is effective in the treatment of bronchial asthma.
  • Thermopsis. It has a stimulating effect on the respiratory tract and causes them to more actively push out mucus. It contains alkaloids, due to which it has a calming effect. Effective in treatment.
  • Coltsfoot. It has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, soothes inflamed airways and helps them clear of mucus.
  • Yarrow. It has a pleasant smell, promotes the formation of mucus in the respiratory tract, which thins phlegm, and also destroys harmful bacteria that irritate the throat.
  • Licorice. It has a beneficial effect on the upper respiratory tract, destroying harmful microorganisms there and soothing the tissues. Prevents development.
  • Eucalyptus. The essential oil of this plant is diluted and the resulting solution is rinsed sore throat. Eucalyptus is most effective in treating asthma and bronchitis.

A complete list of herbs beneficial for sore airways also includes wild rosemary, oregano, peppermint, chamomile, raspberry and thyme. Herbal preparations have the greatest effect, since they have a complex effect on the body.

- an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, which is characterized by an acute or chronic inflammatory process in the wall of the bronchi, due to which the mucous membrane swells and the production of bronchial secretions increases. As a result, the lumen of the affected bronchi narrows and the flow of air into the lungs becomes difficult. The main symptoms of acute bronchitis are fever, chest pain, and cough with sticky sputum. The chronic process occurs without fever and can last for years.

The chronic subtype of bronchitis is determined by cardinal changes in the structure of the bronchial apparatus, defects functional state bronchi and, of course, excessive sputum production.


  • regular acute cough lasting 14-17 days; if the cough lasts longer, this may lead to chronicity of the disease;
  • secreted sputum has a thick consistency and is opaque White color; the amount of sputum produced varies in the range of 20-30 g;
  • increase in body temperature, sometimes to a critical temperature;
  • With obstructive bronchitis, signs of the disease appear such as shortness of breath, wheezing and spasms in the throat, migraine.

The causes of illnesses are viral infections developing into acute respiratory diseases. Also pathogenic factors are inhalation of tobacco smoke (a smoker has a high chance of chronic disease), poisons, and toxins.

Effective herbal medicine for bronchitis

Herbal treatment is one of the fundamental areas of bronchitis therapy. Herbal treatment is attractive because it has virtually no side effects. Here is a list of folk expectorants for bronchitis.


This plant will not only remove phlegm from the bronchi, but also soften the cough. Sage is used as a decoction, but it is boiled not in water, but in milk. Also added to the decoction a small amount of butter to achieve a significant softening effect. The decoction is infused in hot milk for no more than forty minutes and drunk daily before bed. Sage is sold in crushed form everywhere, making this method of therapy very accessible.


The most universal remedy in herbal medicine for bronchitis. Licorice has not only an expectorant, but also anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. In herbal medicine, expectorant tea is prepared from licorice. Two teaspoons of crushed licorice root are added to a glass hot water. This herbal tea is infused for ten minutes. Licorice decoction should be used daily, but the course should not last more than six weeks. It is prohibited to use licorice root in the treatment of bronchitis for persons with cardiac disorders.


This plant does not have such strong expectorant properties as the herbs described above. However, infusions are also made based on it. The fact is that with bronchitis, pneumonia can develop, for which ginseng decoction helps very well. In addition, ginseng effectively relieves inflammation of the bronchial system.


Has a strong expectorant effect. Two teaspoons of mullein are infused in a glass of boiling water. Used twice a day. Also, a herbal decoction of mullein has a general calming effect on the respiratory tract.


Another commonly available plant for effectively counteracting bronchitis. Menthol contained in mint has pronounced anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. To prepare the decoction, you need to steep 2 teaspoons of chopped mint in boiling water for 15-17 minutes. The resulting decoction must be filtered and cooled, and only then taken orally. Mint removes phlegm, makes cough less acute, and lowers temperature. However, it is contraindicated to be treated with mint if pharmacological therapy is used. Mint can also be added to the list of herbs for inhalation for bronchitis.


Plantain juice is used to remove phlegm. This product is quite effective, but inconvenient to prepare. You will need a large amount of juice - 0.5 liters. However, the juice in pure form does not apply. It needs to be mixed with 500 gr. honey and cook on fire for 35-40 minutes. Cool the resulting mass and consume one tsp before eating.


In herbal medicine for bronchitis, elecampane root is used. Infuse 20 grams of boiling water in a glass. elecampane root Take 4-6 times a day.


Grind coltsfoot leaves in the amount of one tablespoon and leave to infuse for 15-18 minutes (be sure to cover the infused decoction tightly with a lid). Dose: one tablespoon of infusion every 2-3 hours. For acute bronchitis, a combination of coltsfoot decoction and honey is used. To do this, you need to leave a spoonful of crushed leaves in a water bath for about twenty minutes. Add a little linden honey. Allow the infusion to cool room temperature. Take the mixture 2-3 times a day, a third of a glass. A phyto-decoction of coltsfoot and honey has a very beneficial complex effect, acting as an antimicrobial, emollient and expectorant.


An effective herbal medicine for acute bronchitis. Grind the aloe to a paste. The amount of gruel should be at least 1 tablespoon. Pour a quarter liter of boiling water for half an hour, take before bed. Aloe contains a large number of active substances, so it is important to consult a physician before taking aloe infusion. Pregnancy can serve as a stopping factor for herbal medicine using aloe leaves.

The highest conversion is achieved when aloe and badger fat are used together. Grind the leaves, melt the fat, add 2-4 teaspoons of flower honey. Take the resulting mixture before bed in the amount of 1-2 teaspoons. This recipe shows the greatest effectiveness in the acute stage of bronchitis.


Marshmallow is effective for bronchitis when the sputum has a super-thick consistency. Althea has the property of liquefying thick discharge mucus from the bronchi. Althea has the most pronounced mucolytic effect compared to many medicinal herbs. It is taken orally in the form of syrup or expectorant tea. Marshmallow is not recommended for use during pregnancy and diabetes.

Breast training

Cough expectorant herbs can be used in combination with other plants. Mixing herbs is performed in order to enhance the effect of one or another component or to cover the maximum list of symptoms of bronchitis. To do this, herbalists combine breast infusions from several herbs.

An example of such a mixture. Mix coltsfoot, oregano and chamomile in equal parts (2 tablespoons each). The herbal mixture is poured with 500 ml of boiling water. The infusion is drunk 3-4 times, 100 ml each. Breast packs are presented in a variety of ways on pharmacy shelves, so it will not be difficult for the patient to find the one he needs.

Expectorant herbs can be a good alternative to pharmaceutical drugs for cough treatment. The healing power of medicinal plants has been tested by more than one generation of our ancestors. They helped get rid of diseases in conditions when there were no pharmacies or antibiotics. It was not for nothing that everyone treated healers with respect. The knowledge of how to collect, dry and use medicinal herbs was passed down from generation to generation. A considerable part of this information has reached us.

Features of herbs

Because the medicinal plants do not contain chemical substances, which can directly affect the cough center or the smooth muscles of the bronchi, their mechanism of action is very different from traditional pharmaceutical drugs. Although in the end their effectiveness is sometimes even higher, since there are no side effects.

Even ancient healers divided all expectorant herbs into two large groups: drying and moisturizing. After all, the purpose of their use is to rid the body of phlegm accumulated in it. And it can be done different ways. It all depends on the nature of the cough and the characteristics of the disease.

The cough herb of the drying group helps to dilate the bronchi and blood vessels, increases sweating, reduces swelling, and removes excess moisture from the body. Such plants have a pronounced pungent or bitter taste and are used in the treatment of wet cough with big amount sputum that is difficult to cough up.

Moisturizing plants, on the contrary, relieve attacks of dry, painful cough by thinning mucus, moisturizing and restoring mucous membranes. They have a sweetish or neutral taste, soothe pain and irritation in the throat and promote the rapid restoration of damaged mucous membranes. They transform a non-productive cough into a productive one and help cleanse the body of toxins and pus.

Methods of application

There are several ways to use expectorants medicinal herbs, from which you can choose one or use several at once. The main thing is to avoid overdose, as this can provoke allergies and other unwanted reactions.

Can be alternated various ways using different types of plants.

To achieve a lasting effect, the same product must be used for at least 10-14 days.

The course of treatment with herbs is somewhat longer than with traditional pharmaceutical drugs, even natural cough syrups. This is due to the fact that syrups use extracts or extracts of plants, in which the concentration active substance higher (sometimes several times) than in homemade decoctions and infusions.

Treatment of dry cough

As we have already found out, to treat a dry cough, you need, first of all, herbs that thin thick sputum and relieve inflammation and pain. They can be used individually or in an expectorant herbal collection.

It is better to prepare herbs according to recipes or buy them in pharmacies - now there are many of them, you can choose the one that contains the plants you need or love.

You can use ready-made syrups and mixtures based on these plants. For example, Mukaltin tablets are a completely natural drug that consists of crushed compressed herbs. It costs a penny, and the power of its effect is such that it gave the name to a whole group of drugs: “mucolytic”!

Treatment of wet cough

Herbs that increase the amount of sputum and promote its effective coughing are well suited for the treatment of wet cough. And the list in this category opens with the well-known marshmallow root from childhood, from which pharmacists prepare the sweetish mixture “Alteyka”. But if you’re not too lazy to bother, you can brew it at home.

Other herbs that are useful for wet coughs include:

  • Anise - Anise seeds have a distinctive flavor and are rich in essential oils, which have a softening effect on the mucous membranes, anise drops are added to milk or to a piece of sugar.
  • Elderberry - Elderberry flowers have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, soothe the throat, and help get rid of mucus.
  • Calendula - diluted alcohol tincture More often used for rinsing, it has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Plantain - the leaves of this plant have powerful antiseptic and wound-healing properties, and are good at restoring damaged mucous membranes.
  • Cumin - a decoction of the seeds of the plant is used, mainly in combination with other herbs due to its spicy taste, has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Violet tricolor - few people know that this plant even helps with allergic coughs, relieves swelling, and has expectorant properties.
  • Thyme - helps to increase the activity of ciliated cilia of the bronchi, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and softens cough well.

There are also universal plants that are good for all types of cough. These are St. John's wort, celandine, eucalyptus and almost all conifers: cedar, pine, fir. They are best used in the form of inhalations or rinses; drinking concentrated decoctions and tinctures of these plants is not recommended.

Contraindications and precautions

An absolute contraindication to herbal treatment is their individual intolerance. It is not so rare in some plants, so it is recommended to start taking herbs with small doses that gradually increase. At the first manifestation of an allergy from use of this plant in any form will have to be refused.

Many plants should not be used during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester - having a strong vasodilator or diuretic effect, they can cause miscarriage. When breastfeeding, there are fewer restrictions, since the concentration of herbs is not sufficient to affect the baby. But they can spoil the taste of milk, and the child will simply refuse it.

If you are treated not only with herbs, but also take traditional medicine prescribed by your doctor medications, be sure to ask how compatible they are. Some plants can significantly reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics, as they accelerate their elimination from the body.

The minimum course of treatment is 10-14 days, but expectorant herbs should also not be taken for longer than 2 months.

In order for them not to lose effectiveness, it is necessary to take a break, the duration of which is equal to the duration of the course of treatment. Moreover, a break does not mean replacing some herbs with others. If necessary, you will have to use other methods of treatment, and it is better not to get sick at all.

Various expectorant herbs are good for clearing mucus from the lungs. They provide soft action, liquefying and removing mucus. You can prepare cough herbs yourself, or you can buy them ready-made at the pharmacy.

To achieve positive results when using medicinal plants, you need to drink tea at least four times a day. To avoid causing a cough at night, it is recommended to drink the last portion of tea no later than three hours before bedtime.

Inhalations can be done with medicinal herbs. This procedure helps to warm up the bronchi and lungs and ensure the supply of nutrients.

Plants with expectorant effects

Expectorant herbs help remove phlegm and also kill viruses and bacteria. The influence of plants has a softening effect and accelerates the healing process of microwounds that occur during frequent dry cough.

The most common herbs are:

  1. Elecampane.
  2. Liquorice root.
  3. Althea.
  4. Ledum.
  5. Raspberries.
  6. Thermopsis.
  7. Mint.
  8. Eucalyptus.

And these are not all expectorant herbs, but they are the ones that are used most often. Decoctions, tinctures, and syrups are prepared from each type of plant. They are inhaled. Each plant has unique properties.

Medicinal marshmallow

This expectorant herb cough medicine has been used in medicine since ancient times. Marshmallow contains many useful and effective substances, such as polysaccharides, carotene, lecithin, oils, and mineral salts. Passing through the gastrointestinal tract, all contained substances settle on the walls of the larynx, intestines and stomach. Thus, they protect the mucous membranes from irritation. As a result, a rapid recovery occurs and the cough is relieved.

To prepare medicine from marshmallow, the root of the plant is taken. For the syrup you will need two grams of crushed root, a solution of wine alcohol and water in a ratio of 1:45, three tablespoons of sugar. An expectorant herb is taken and filled with wine solution. The product is left to infuse for an hour. Then the composition is filtered, sugar is added to it. The product is placed on fire and heated until all the sugar is completely dissolved. The finished syrup is taken two spoons four times a day.

You can prepare a decoction or make an infusion from marshmallow root.

The infusion is prepared from two tablespoons of crushed marshmallow root, poured with a glass of boiling water. The product is infused for two hours. Ready composition Take a tablespoon up to six times a day.

A decoction can be prepared from cough expectorant herbs. For it you will need to take a spoonful of root and two glasses of water. Everything is mixed and put on fire. The mixture is brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for thirty minutes. The cooled and strained product is taken one tablespoon five times a day.

Althea tinctures can be prepared from marshmallow root. To do this, pour a spoonful of the plant into a bottle of vodka and leave for two weeks. dark place. After this, the product is filtered. Fifteen drops of alcohol tincture are taken.

Tall elecampane

Elecampane roots are used to treat cough. This plant contains a large range of different useful substances: trace elements, organic acids, minerals, oils. A variety of cough medicines are prepared from elecampane, each of which has a thinning property.

For bronchitis, expectorant herbs can be used in the form of infusions and decoctions. To prepare an infusion of elecampane, you need to take two teaspoons of the root and add water. The product is infused overnight and filtered in the morning. Take half a glass with honey no more than four times a day.

A decoction can be made from the root of the plant. To do this, you will need to take a spoonful of roots and pour half a liter of water over them. The product is heated in a water bath for half an hour. Then the broth is filtered and taken a tablespoon every two hours.


The most versatile is licorice. This plant contains more than thirty flavonoids, making the herb unique in composition. There is starch, saccharides, vitamins, pectins and other useful elements.

Flavonoids relieve inflammation, promote tissue regeneration, and also soften the cough process.

A syrup is prepared from licorice root, which is always available in pharmacies.


This herb for dry cough contains a huge amount of a wide variety of useful substances, such as alkaloids, esters, vitamins, and resins. The plant is rich in tannins. Thermopsis herb has a pronounced expectorant property by improving the activity of the bronchial glands and increasing the activity of epithelial cilia.

All products prepared on the basis of thermopsis have a strong effect in removing phlegm. To prepare the infusion, you need to take a spoonful of the plant and pour boiling water over it. The product is infused overnight, and in the morning it is filtered and taken a tablespoon five times a day.


A unique expectorant herb for dry coughs is eucalyptus. The leaves of the tree contain essential and tannin oils, cinnamic and coumaric acids, phytoncides and other useful substances. Products prepared from the plant help separate mucus and remove it from the body.

Eucalyptus should not be taken by children under one year of age, and should also be used with caution to treat children under three years of age. Do not use the product if you have high blood pressure or if you are pregnant.

Eucalyptus has proven itself well as a plant for inhalation. But not only they help to cope with cough: a decoction is prepared from the plant. To do this, take ten grams of leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. The product is boiled for ten minutes over low heat. The finished drug is taken one tablespoon three times a day.


Among the herbs with an expectorant effect, mint is worth highlighting. It perfectly helps cope with bronchitis. Mint contains menthol, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

You can make decoctions, teas, and infusions from mint. Most often, this herb is taken as tea: a tablespoon is poured into a glass of boiling water and drunk as tea at least three times a day.

Mint can remove phlegm, make coughs less severe, and also reduce fever. You can use mint for inhalations for bronchitis.


To treat cough due to bronchitis, you can use coltsfoot. This plant is used for acute forms of the disease in combination with honey.

To prepare medicine from the leaves, you need to take a tablespoon of dry crushed leaves and steam them with boiling water. The product is infused for twenty minutes. The composition is taken one spoon every three hours. You can add a couple of spoons of honey to this infusion.


For acute bronchitis, aloe can be used. To do this, take a leaf and pound it into a paste. Then take a spoonful of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water, let the product infuse for an hour. The composition is taken before bedtime.

Aloe contains many different beneficial substances that stimulate the body's immune defense and also help with the removal of phlegm.


This unique plant can not only remove phlegm, but also soften cough. A decoction is prepared from the plant, but it is made not with water, but with milk. A small amount of butter is also added to the broth to soften the effect. To prepare the medicine, take a spoonful of sage and pour a glass of milk. The product is brought to a boil and then allowed to stand for at least half an hour. The composition is taken before bedtime.

Choosing a cough herb

When choosing a cough herb, it is important to consider the type. All of the above herbs are used to treat dry cough due to bronchitis and other pathologies. This type of reflex occurs in the absence of sputum production. After using the herbs, the sputum begins to disappear, and all pathogenic bacteria and viruses are removed with it.

To achieve the fastest results, you can use herbal remedies for dry cough. For example, the composition may include coltsfoot, mint, wild rosemary. You can take other types of plants, the main thing is to use them in equal parts.

It is best to use herbs that thin phlegm and expectorants in combination with agents that enhance immunity. These can be raspberries, rose hips, lemon, chamomile. They help remove waste products of viruses and bacteria from the body, and also supply a huge amount of vitamins and microelements.

For pneumonia, use only those herbs that have a mild effect and can also activate the immune system. St. John's wort and sage have proven themselves well. When used together, they have a calming effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

For children under one year of age, expectorant herb can be used only as prescribed by a doctor, as, indeed, for the treatment of adults. Therefore, before using any cough remedy, you should consult your doctor.

Herbal syrups

Some pharmaceutical companies produce syrups based on medicinal herbs. The most popular are licorice syrup, marshmallow, “Gerbion”, “Evkabal”, “Prospan”, “Linkas”.

There are preparations developed based on thyme extract. These include such products as “Tussamag”, “Bronchicum”. Since Soviet times, preparations based on thermopsis have been produced. There are other products produced on the basis of the most different plants. For example, pharmacies have eucalyptus and mint oil. These products can be used for inhalation, as well as applied to a scarf and hung around the house to saturate the air with beneficial substances and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. Despite this, many people are inclined to prepare their own medicine from herbs. When making this choice, it is important to understand that each herb has contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before use.

Statistics show that almost every person on the planet suffers from colds and viruses at least 2 times a year. And here expectorant herbs come to the rescue, helping to remove phlegm and cleanse the airways.

Plants with the most pronounced expectorant effect

  • thyme;
  • elecampane;
  • licorice;
  • thermopsis;
  • chamomile;
  • marshmallow root;
  • oregano;
  • mint;
  • plantain;
  • coltsfoot;
  • special breast mixtures containing expectorant herbs, sold in pharmacies.

Based on thermopsis, popular cough tablets Thermopsol are produced. Find out about them at.

Also, not only herbs, but also such universal antiseptic plants as onions and garlic will be effective as expectorants.

How to brew herbs correctly for maximum benefit

  • Herbs can be brewed in a thermos, but there is one little secret– the grass must breathe, and therefore the thermos should not be hermetically sealed. Otherwise, the broth will simply turn sour. Water also does not need to be filled to the top.
  • Herbal infusions can also be brewed like regular coffee. That is, just add water, bring to a boil, and then cover and leave until the temperature becomes comfortable.
  • Some people prefer a French press for brewing. This is a small teapot containing a piston with a filter in the form of a strainer. This method of brewing makes the broth rich and aromatic.

Before brewing, it is better to thoroughly grind the components of the collection. This way the plants will release their nutrients faster.

Medicinal plants for treating different types of cough

  • For dry cough
    For dry coughs, the expectorant herbs elecampane, thyme and coltsfoot are effective. Any of these herbs is brewed with boiling water and taken a third of a glass before meals. and children should only use it as directed by a doctor, when he considers that folk remedies will be ineffective.
  • For wet cough
    Eucalyptus will help with wet coughs. The proportions for brewing eucalyptus will be approximately 2 tablespoons per half liter. You can prepare a decoction of wild rosemary. To do this, 30 g of the plant is poured into a glass of water, infused and taken 3 times a day, 2 spoons. Herbal expectorants for wet coughs will also help significantly alleviate the condition.
  • If you have bronchitis
    For bronchitis, the expectorant herbs elecampane and licorice are usually used. In order to remove phlegm from bronchitis, licorice root is mainly used. This plant is also effective for pneumonia. Licorice is mixed with coltsfoot and plantain in equal proportions.
    Effective against bronchitis and elecampane. Pour 2 teaspoons of the root of this plant into a glass of boiling water and infuse. Read what other herbs are useful for bronchitis.
  • For a smoker's cough
    In order to relieve a smoker's cough, decoctions of herbs such as thyme, marshmallow, calendula, coltsfoot, elecampane, fennel, licorice root, oregano, and plantain will help. Decoctions of expectorant herbs for smokers can be taken orally or using steam inhalation.

Simple recipes for breastfeeding

There are effective and simple fees, which can easily be prepared at home.

  • 1 option expectorant herbal collection. 2 tablespoons of coltsfoot and the same amount of ordinary pharmaceutical chamomile and oregano are mixed and crushed. For every 2 tablespoons of the mixture there will be half a liter of water. First, the mixture must be brought to a boil, and then take 100 ml every 3-4 hours.
  • Option 2 expectorant chest collection. 40 g of birch and wild rosemary leaves are mixed with 10 g of birch buds, 10 g of nettle, 20 g of oregano. Boil 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a sealed container in half a liter of water. After boiling, leave for half an hour and take a third of a glass 3 times a day.
  • You can also make a herbal expectorant collection from oregano, coltsfoot, and raspberry fruits. Or you can brew viburnum. Both of these remedies are extremely effective.

Safe expectorant herbs and preparations for children

For children, expectorant herbs are used especially often, since pharmacological drugs can easily cause allergies. Decoctions will be the most pleasant and safe for children mint and oregano or licorice root.

You will learn about one of the methods of brewing medicinal herbs in the following video.

So, the above folk expectorants are not only incredibly effective, but also absolutely safe, and therefore can be used by anyone at home and without fear.
