What course after technical school? Second education: why college is better than university

Before 2015, many students entered college after 9 on the budget, since professional education was considered as a first year undergraduate course. As a result, graduates of such institutions were admitted to the institute under a preferential program. However? the situation has changed. Since 2016, all graduates of vocational and technical institutions enter the first year of university, but instead of the Unified State Exam, they undergo an interview or take a short test.

Admission to college after 9th grade on a budget place

In many schools, starting from the 9th grade, tests are conducted to determine abilities and choose a profession. If a student has decided on a profession, for example, to enroll in a construction college on a budget after 9th grade, then most educational institutions of a certain level of accreditation announce enrollment of students from March 1.

Unified State Examination results;
Original certificate of completion of incomplete education;
Application (written directly to the commission when submitting documents);
Insurance policy;
Six 3x4 standard photo cards;
Certificate No. 086/у.

After 9th grade, students can enroll in college for banking based on the results of the Unified State Exam. However, many institutions arrange for their applicants, if they want to enroll on a budget, additional exams: a test or a dictation. Those students who do not have a 3 in their certificate and have good academic performance are enrolled in a budget place.

Exams for admission are taken at the school according to to the following principle: Russian language (required), specialty subject.

Students in colleges to become hairdressers after the 9th grade are accepted on a budget for a period of study of 2 years. For other specialties, the education time frame can be up to 4 years.

Entering college after 11th grade on a budget

Going to college after 11 on a budget is quite easy. It is necessary to collect and submit to the admissions committee, which begins work on June 20, a package of documents.

IMPORTANT! From March 1, all educational institutions announce the number of places for a certain specialty.

The documents for admission are as follows:
Application (written in the commission);
A copy of your passport and identification documents;
Original document confirming full completion of school;
Four photos standard size 3x4.

Since vocational education is recognized as generally available, it is not necessary to take the Unified State Exam. The college may admit a student based on the results of school tests or, for state employees, arrange an oral exam or interview. A free place with the right to receive a scholarship is given to students whose certificate does not have 3 or the highest grades.

IMPORTANT! We recommend taking the Unified State Exam if you plan to go to college on a budget after college and get a higher education. Some institutions require test scores, although they are not mandatory for college graduates.

Moscow colleges after 9th grade with budget places

It is worth noting that not all establishments have free seats. Therefore, the number of allocated places for free education after 9th grade it is worth checking with a specific institution.

Among the vocational and technical institutions that annually accept graduates after 9th grade for free places, we highlight:
College of Architecture and Design No. 26;
College "Moscow Region";
College of Architecture and Urban Planning;
College of Hospitality Industry No. 23;
College of Communications No. 54;
Moscow Regional College innovative technologies;
Construction College No. 30.

In other regions the number of colleges is noticeable, however, after 9th grade a student has wide choose educational institutions.

Colleges after 11th grade with budget places

Today in Russia there are over 3,000 colleges that accept graduates of 11th grade for free education. Of these, 170 colleges are in Moscow and the region, 80 are in St. Petersburg. The rest are distributed among other regions and large cities.

Is it possible to go to college on a budget after college?

According to the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, all college graduates who studied at free of charge, have the right to receive higher education also free of charge. This means that you can graduate from college for free, but not vice versa. If after university or institute you want to enter a technical school or school on a budget place, having previously received an education top level, the second training will be paid.

You might be interested.

College graduates Russian Federation have the right to continue professional education in higher educational institutions according to shortened programs. Let's look at the features of entering a university after college.

Who gets into the program

Not everyone can enroll directly into senior university courses and spend less time on higher education. If you have received only secondary education, that is, you graduated from school, lyceum, gymnasium in a narrow-profile class, even with a gold medal, this does not give you the right to be enrolled in a university to study under an accelerated program.

Abbreviated training is only available if you have a college or technical school diploma.

Complete completion of a secondary specialized institution and the presence of a certificate of successful completion of all subjects in the specialty is a prerequisite.

The second requirement is admission after college or technical school to a specialized higher education institution in your specialty or a related one. For example, if you received a school teaching diploma in college in English, then you can only enroll in this specialty in order to improve your professional level to a master’s degree. An alternative is to choose the “English language translator” specialization. For each individual case, inquiries must be made directly to admissions committee the university to which you intend to apply.

Important: if you have received an elementary diploma vocational school, the program does not apply to you.

Reasons for reducing training time

Each direction has its own standard set of compulsory disciplines. For example, all representatives technical professions are studying higher mathematics, banking specialists are studying economics, future teachers are studying languages ​​and the basics of pedagogical skills.

In college, you have already acquired skills and theoretical knowledge in the disciplines required for each profession, passed state exams and confirmed your professional mastery of the specialty.

The university curriculum is structured in such a way that almost all of these subjects are studied in the first two years.

There is no need to re-master the general education disciplines of the 10th and 11th grades of school. For humanists this is Russian and foreign language, physical education, world and Russian history, philosophy, psychology, ethics/aesthetics, religious studies, logic, pedagogy. The list is different for different directions, but this does not change the essence.

That is why:

  • college graduates have access to a shortened education at a university, subject to continuing education in the acquired or related specialty;
  • you need to choose a university that cooperates with your secondary specialized educational institution, or independently select an institution that offers an abbreviated form of education for holders of college diplomas.

About entrance exams

College and technical school graduates, just like school graduates, have to take entrance exams to a university. But they have two options, both require high-quality knowledge, but differ in the form of implementation:

  1. You can take specialized entrance exams to a specific university, the purpose of which is to confirm your ability to continue studying within its walls. Specifics: highly specialized knowledge and exam program, which universities usually keep secret.
  2. An alternative is to take the Unified State Exam, common to all applicants. Based on its results, you can also get into a shortened form of education after graduating from secondary vocational education institutions. Specifics: a general education exam covering a wide range of knowledge acquired at school requires serious preparation. Plus: the program is known in advance, and you can thoroughly prepare.

The choice of the type of exams is yours, but carefully evaluate your knowledge, the pros and cons of each option.

Which form of abbreviated training is better?

Today, two forms of education are available for college and technical school graduates: full-time and part-time. The latter is chosen more often, guided by the desire to start work in the specialty.

Pros of the daily form:

  • completeness of acquired knowledge;
  • regular practical and theoretical classes with the best teachers university or institute;
  • a chance to pursue a scientific career;
  • a larger number of budget places on each stream.

Advantages of the correspondence form:

  • saving time;
  • the opportunity to study independently at a convenient time;
  • combining study and work.

Be careful and check with the admissions committee what form of study is available to you at a particular university.

Which course will you take?

The updated legislation implies the enrollment of graduates of technical schools and colleges in the first year.

Previously, enrollment was carried out immediately in the third year, but due to the difficulty of combining two programs - college and university - this provision was canceled.

New methods of accelerated learning have now been developed.


  • studying with graduates like you;
  • gradual and measured mastery of subjects without gaps and difficulties that arise when joining a group of third-year students who have mastered a larger or smaller amount of knowledge.

Now special accelerated groups are formed from those admitted to the shortened training program; previously they were included in existing ones.

Shortened training schedule

Universities offer several different schedules for students in accelerated groups:

  • full school day (full-time);
  • evening uniform;
  • weekend classes;
  • session schedule (correspondence form).

The most common is the evening schedule of classes, in which students study separately from the general flow on weekday evenings.

Depending on the specialty, the duration of the shortened training varies from two and a half to three and a half years. For example, due to the greater complexity of the program, it takes longer to study medical specialties than humanities.

Hello dears. Today we’ll talk about whether it’s possible to enroll in a university after college, because many people, having graduated from college or technical school, sooner or later realize that higher education will definitely not hurt them in life. In order to get this higher education, you need to study at a university, defend your diploma, but that’s all later, first you need to understand whether it is possible to enter a university after college or not, will secondary specialized education remain your peak?

In general, first I would like to talk about where such questions come from. The thing is that after the 9th grade, less often after the 11th grade, they decided to get a secondary specialized education. As a result, you received this education, you even got a profession and the opportunity to get a better job than schoolchildren with a complete secondary education, who can only get a job in the most low-prestige and low-paid jobs - washing cars or selling low-quality products in a small stall.

You turned out to be smarter and received a secondary specialized education, which allowed you to work, for example, as a welder or electrician. Yes, the work is not that bad, but over time you will probably want more and a question will arise in your head, which is the subject of this article.

Is it possible to go to university after college?

Now you will find out whether the admissions committee is waiting for you or not.

Yes, of course you can, go ahead, study, remember that learning is light. In general, this formulation of the question is somewhat surprising, but this is exactly the question that is asked to the search engine. I can’t imagine what could prevent you from entering a university after college or technical school. Our wise leadership of the country cannot either, so there is no law that would prohibit doing this.

Moreover, you are not limited by anything, you have a bunch of possibilities, for example, the following:

  • You can enroll on a budget and study at a university for free. Isn't this a wonderful bonus? And it will be easier for you to study than for recent schoolchildren, since you know what a session and a semester are, but they do not know this. If you entered a university and continue to study the same specialty that you learned in college, then you will also know what they will teach, but this time they will teach you more deeply.
  • You can enroll in a completely different specialty. Well, you're tired of being a welder, now you want to be a programmer, no one will stop you. I would like to note just one point - do not choose a specialty that is very different from the one you received in college. A techie will never turn out to be a humanist, no, you may be able to finish your studies and get a diploma, but these troubles with philosophy, cultural studies and other things will turn you away from this profession so much that it will turn out that you studied in vain. Also, you should not enroll in a specialty that seems close to you, but is too difficult; I mentioned programming just above; think 100 times before enrolling there.

To summarize this sub-point, I will say that it is possible and even necessary to enroll in a university after college. Development must continue throughout your life, otherwise by the age of 40 you will be unable to analyze new information and will live “the way you are used to”, not understanding those around you and your own children.

Maybe you shouldn’t do it, huh?

After we found out that it is possible and necessary to enter a university after college, it is time to answer another, as it seems to me, more interesting question. This question concerns the process of entering a university, the presence of any advantages over school graduates, and so on.

The most important question that certainly worries everyone who has decided to go to university after college is the question of the Unified State Exam. Should I take it or not? I hasten to disappoint those who believe that if you continue studying in the same specialty, you won’t have to take anything. Starting from 2017, the following groups of people can enter a university after college without the Unified State Examination:

  1. College graduates who completed their secondary education in 2009 or earlier.
  2. Applicants with disabilities.

In other words, most college graduates will have to pass the Unified State Exam and only then submit documents for admission. In order to do this, you must take the following steps:

  1. Prepare for the Unified State Exam. Prepare thoroughly for the Unified State Exam, use tutors for this, solve the Unified State Exam of previous years, etc.
  2. It's good to pass the Unified State Exam. To do this, you need not only to prepare well, but also to be sure that you are really ready and will now pass the exams without any problems. Only good preparation and nothing else.
  3. Submit documents to the selected university. And also apply to a couple more universities, and you don’t need to be shy; you should apply for several specialties. You'll pass somewhere. List of documents that must be submitted to the admissions committee:
  • Copy of the passport.
  • Certificate or a copy thereof.
  • Diploma of secondary specialized education.
  • Unified State Examination certificate or otherwise called a certificate of passing the Unified State Examination.
  • 6 photos 3x4. With or without a corner, it is better to check with the admissions office or on the university website.
  • . Where to get it, read the link.
  1. Wait for the results of the admission campaign. At the same time, do not forget that enrollment occurs in 2 waves, and if you did not pass the first wave, then it is quite possible that you will be enrolled in the second wave.

That's it, I seem to have answered the questions of whether it is possible to enter a university after college and how to enter a university after college, I hope it was not in vain that I tormented the keyboard.

Peace for everyone!

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The abbreviation “ssuz” stands for Secondary Special Educational Institution and implies two levels at once - NPO and SPO, that is, primary vocational education and secondary vocational education. The first group is schools and lyceums, the second is colleges and technical schools.

NPO and SPO, despite the fact that they refer to the same term, have significant differences related to the time of study and level of training. But after any college, it makes sense to think about getting a university education. What are the advantages of enrolling and studying in higher school are waiting for college and lyceum graduates - read below.

A little for self-hypnosis

Before you start reading the article further, a little information for self-training: according to statistics, 70 percent of college graduates do not receive higher education due to the fact that they constantly postpone admission “to next year.” Therefore, there is no time to waste: as soon as you receive your diploma, run to the university of your dreams immediately, otherwise you risk being left with a secondary education. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, but still...

NOT a waste of time

Secondary specialized education, unfortunately, is not considered prestigious in our time. And the decline in popularity of this class of educational institutions is completely undeserved. Colleges have many advantages. Of course, if you do not oppose them to universities, but perceive them as a qualitative step ahead of them.

Finishing the nine-year school year, students (mostly their parents) are thinking about whether to continue in the 10th grade or take a certificate and go to college. What to choose, which will best help you build your career? Most people believe that it makes more sense to get a full secondary education and then go to university. According to statistics, this is 90 percent. And only a few decide on a different life scenario.

It is impossible to say unequivocally who is right and who is wrong in this situation; you just need to consider in detail the pros and cons of educational institutions, and choose the most convenient option.

Almost all mothers and fathers are sure that their daughters and sons are the smartest, and therefore after school they will enter universities without any problems. And here the clinging flare plays an unkind role for secondary schools - only those who do not do well at school go there, and study there for “slavish” low-paid professions: driver, mechanic, builder, seamstress. Not only parents, but also students think so.

But in no case should you compare a modern college or technical school with that same terrible vocational school, with which strict teachers scared for poor studies. Today, many colleges provide high-quality vocational secondary education, which is very useful in life.

Several myths about secondary specialized educational institutions:

They take everyone. Now in many colleges the competition is no less strict than in universities.

Waste of time. Not at all like that. Firstly, the program for grades 10 and 11 is mastered in 1 year. And this is a real saving of the most valuable human resource. Secondly, there will already be a ready-made specialist in a certain field. And thirdly, if you don’t like the profession, then it’s better to understand this while studying in college than at a university - there will be fewer tears and resentments for wasted time and money - studying is less and cheaper, or even free.

Only blue-collar jobs. And here is the misconception. Most modern colleges are multi-specialized; you can study not only as mechanics and plasterers, but also as veterinarians, accountants, lawyers, and in some places even as jewelers! However, despite the consonance, graduates of colleges or technical schools will never be equal in qualifications to university graduates.

After secondary school, the path to university is closed. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. For a student of a higher educational institution, the existing education will be an excellent help. We'll talk about this in more detail below. The only obstacle to studying at a university after technical school can only be laziness. Or young people will have to wait a year before entering the “tower” if they are drafted into the army.

Why is further training needed?

The main problem with obtaining higher education after college is your own reluctance. It all depends on the character and determination of a person, how he imagines his future. It happens that having a college diploma, young specialists do not see any point in improving their qualifications.

But modern market labor still dictates its terms. You need to understand that without higher education it is difficult to find a prestigious job. Even a small company requires employees with higher education. Of course, if you already have a profession thanks to a college, it is possible to find a job, but it is unlikely that you will be able to apply for leadership positions. Bosses believe that without a certain qualification, an applicant cannot be sufficiently qualified, even if he has experience and excellent personal qualities.

Not only representatives of white-collar professions, but also blue-collar and craft workers think about the need to study higher. For example, seamstresses or builders who love their work and do an excellent job are tired of “working for someone else” and want to open their own business, but lack knowledge in economics.

There are many reasons. And college graduates, whenever they enter a higher education institution, have a number of advantages over ordinary applicants.

Persona grata

When you, having graduated from a secondary vocational educational institution, decide to go further to study, many pleasant surprises await you...

It turns out to be much easier to get in than if you came straight after school. And it’s not just easier - but with open arms they can take you to the 2nd, 3rd or even 4th year. You may need to pass exams, but a passing score is usually the minimum.

This rule especially often applies to so-called friendly educational institutions (for example, when a college is attached to a university) - those universities that have entered into agreements with colleges or lyceums on the succession of students. But if the partner educational institution does not have the required specialty, then it is worth looking for another.

There are no strict conditions for which course you can enter a university after college; this is established directly by the university administration. One institute, for example, taking into account past studies, enrolls in more senior courses, in another - no concessions are given, and you have to study for all five years. Therefore, you need to choose in advance a university with the most convenient system.

How to shorten your student years?

We continue to list all the benefits of obtaining a higher education after college. As mentioned above, there is less to study after college than regular students. The Ministry of Education took care of this when, on May 13, 2002, it issued an order “On approval of the conditions for mastering basic educational programs of higher professional education in a shortened time frame.”

In fact, there is no student “freebie” here, because obtaining higher education in a shortened time is achieved, first of all, thanks to re-tests and re-certification of many disciplines studied and passed within the walls of the college. How to do it? - easily. All data will already be recorded in the diploma supplement.

In general, it all depends on how many hours and subjects coincide in educational institutions (that’s why it is advised to choose a specialized specialty), and then obtaining a higher education can take only 2.5 years!

Previously, when entering a university after technical school, they were immediately enrolled in the third year. Now, nominally, only for the first one. The key difference is that previously college graduates were assigned to formed groups of those 3-year students who entered after 11th grade. But quite recently, universities have created special courses consisting specifically of children who already have secondary vocational education.

But here is the fly in the ointment. The convenient, practical shortened program does not apply to graduates of primary vocational education. However, they shouldn’t be upset, because there is less to study in NPO than in SPO.

Very often, out of ignorance, the shortened form of training is called accelerated. This big mistake. In these two cases, persons who have already received education in secondary schools are accepted. But unlike the shortened one, the accelerated program does not involve re-testing disciplines, but rather mastering the main program in a shorter period of time.

In order to take advantage of such training, the student must write an application. But this will not be possible to do until after successful completion first session. The application is reviewed by the educational council, and if the decision on this issue is positive, then an order is issued and an individual schedule for training is developed. Usually, it is not possible to reduce it by more than a year.

Remember that the student can always return to the full program. Both the shortened and accelerated system are practiced in almost all state and commercial universities, institutes and academies, which ensure that young specialists have a continuous learning cycle.

Hurry up to work

It is no secret that children from disadvantaged families often enroll in colleges in order to learn as quickly as possible and earn their own piece of bread as quickly as possible. In such a situation, there can be no question of further full-time education.

Therefore, most of these applicants enroll in evening or correspondence courses. This makes it possible to effectively combine career activities with obtaining a “tower”. By the way, the abbreviated program is possible in any form: full-time, evening, correspondence.

Is it difficult to enroll without the Unified State Exam?

As soon as our schoolchildren were faced with such terrible phenomenon, as a unified state exam, colleges now have another category of students - those boys and girls who are not confident in their abilities, that after graduating from school they will be able to easily pass the Unified State Exam and score enough points to enter universities. And any secondary vocational education exempts you from taking the Unified State Exam before entering universities.

But NPO graduates will most likely still have to take the Unified State Exam. But even with this drawback, the knowledge gained at the lyceum will be enough to slightly simplify the learning process.

A small note on the topic of postponement

One of the reasons why young people fail to obtain higher education is conscription into the army immediately after high school. And here it is worth mentioning the category of lucky people who will be able to obtain a deferment and calmly enter the university. A lot of guys finish their nine-year school at 15 years old. They immediately go to study, for example, they successfully study at an NGO for three years as required by the program, and then, at the age of 18, they enter a university. But according to the law, a deferment from the army is granted only once, and since it was not taken during training at the school, it can be applied to higher education.

But if such a scheme is not possible, then you can use another one. And here, without any sarcasm, we need to thank the Ministry of Defense, which proposed allowing students to take academic leave while serving in armed forces. Then all the birds will be killed with one silver bullet: the army will receive recruits, and young people will go to serve with a clear conscience - the knowledge acquired in college will not be forgotten in 12 months and the guys will have a place to return to, because they will have time to go to college.

P.S. To enroll in a university after college or even a lyceum, an applicant needs only one thing - a sincere desire. And then neither conscription into the army, nor financial difficulties, nor a unified state exam will be an obstacle. Believe in yourself and everything will work out. And if another “but” arises, then read the paragraph “a little for self-hypnosis”!

Image: © Depositphotos/Hemeroskopion

You can go to study at any commercial higher education institution, but studying in such a place may pose some problems. Firstly, not everyone can afford the luxury of a paid education, and secondly, it is a graduate of a state university who will be more willing to be hired for a job in their specialty. That is why it is best to give preference government agency.

You can judge which state university to enroll in based on several criteria. The first criterion is entrance examinations. A person entering a university can take the institute’s own exam, or he can take the standard Unified State Exam. If the applicant already has the results of the Unified State Exam, he can provide them, and they will be counted as the results of the entrance tests.

The second criterion is the schedule for attending classes. The applicant can choose the schedule of classes that he needs. Recently, students have been trying to study by correspondence training, as it allows you to combine study with work or any other activity.

The third criterion is location. If an applicant studies on weekends, the location of the educational institution is not particularly important, but if on weekdays, it is advisable to choose a university located close to the center so that it is more convenient to reach it from anywhere in the city.

The very last fourth criterion is the cost of training. Even if you choose a state educational institution, you must understand that in order to study on a budget basis, you must have a very high passing grade. If the results of your entrance tests leave much to be desired, you will have to pay money for training.

After studying in college, a student opens up new opportunities for himself. But few people know how to implement them correctly, because in secondary specialized educational institution teachers rarely talk about this. Therefore, a vital question remains unanswered.


If you don’t know where to go, then first decide what is more important to you: continue to study and fully devote your time to education or work in the specialty that you have already received. There is also an option for those who want to combine both.

More often, it turns out that vocational secondary education is not enough to get a job with decent pay. Employers entrust important tasks to those who have a diploma higher education, considering such people more reliable. Accordingly, theirs is higher.

Therefore, the first option, which college graduates rarely use, is to enroll in a first-year university with a full curriculum. Many universities do not require Unified State Exam results among people who have graduated. This will suit you if, after studying to become a film and video technician, you suddenly realized that this is not your thing at all, and now you want to become a designer or journalist.

The second option is to enter university from the 3rd year in the specialty that you studied. Usually, it is enough to have a college diploma and pass the entrance test. Exams and tests in matching disciplines will be re-credited. Having entered the 3rd year (you will be assigned to one of the already existing groups), you will have to study for 1-2 years, and your higher education diploma will be yours.
