Mousetrap made from a plastic bottle and oil. Mouse trap made from a plastic bottle. How to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle Humane mousetrap from plastic bottles

Neighborhood with rodents is fraught with the development of many problems. Mice mercilessly spoil food and chew furniture. And they consider wiring a special delicacy. Gnawing wires often causes fires in the house. In addition, mice are carriers of many infectious diseases, dangerous for both humans and pets. Therefore, when you notice the first rodents or their droppings, immediately begin to fight.

Benefits of homemade traps

When a house is attacked by rodents, there is a desire to get rid of them as quickly as possible. For these purposes, many poisonous chemicals, repellent devices or newfangled mousetraps have been developed. However, do not rush to purchase such funds. Experience has shown that an effective trap can be made within a few minutes. This device has four advantages compared to purchased products.

  1. Does not contain toxic substances. Chemicals are essentially poisons. They are toxic not only to rodents. Toxic substances can cause intoxication in humans or pets. Homemade mouse traps that you use cardboard or bottles will not harm you or your pets.
  2. No need to leave home. Since you do not use poisons, there is no need to transport children to their grandmothers, or your beloved pets to friends.
  3. The house is not in danger of unsanitary conditions. Another disadvantage of toxic substances is the inability to control the death of rodents. A poisoned mouse can climb into a hole and die there. Now imagine if it is not one rodent, but several at once. To eliminate the smell, you will have to break the walls, provided you know where the hole is. A mousetrap allows you to avoid this fate. You will always see the rodent you come across.
  4. Saving . Having decided to fight with mousetraps, you will be sad to note that effective means are not cheap. And to eliminate rodents you will need at least several traps. Homemade designs will help protect your budget.

Another advantage homemade traps- possibility of reusable use. If you master the technology of creating a mousetrap, you can use it at any time. There will be no need to waste energy searching for the complex design you once acquired.


No matter how original your trap is, you need to get the mice to fall into it. We need bait. When it comes to rodents, one immediately thinks of a piece of cheese. This seems obvious. However, your “tenants” may not fall for hard cheese. The following products are recognized as the most effective baits:

  • sunflower seeds;
  • piece of bread dipped in sunflower oil;
  • smoked sausage;
  • fresh or fried lard;
  • Sesame oil.

Device options

Human ingenuity has no limits. Look around. You are surrounded by many objects that can serve as the basis for making effective trap. So, arm yourself with the tools at hand and start crafting using the following seven ideas.

With elastic band for banknotes

Peculiarities. The mousetrap you make will allow you to catch only one rodent. Place the device near the proposed hole. The animal is attracted by the aroma of the bait. He runs into the bottle and pulls out the fixed food. The paperclip slides through the hole easily. The thread flies off the straight end. The neck of the bottle, no longer held in place, slams shut. The mouse is trapped.


  • 2 liter plastic bottle with a cap (it’s better to take a square one) - one;
  • elastic band for money - two;
  • thin stick - two;
  • strong thread - 30-40 cm long;
  • bait - one;
  • metal clip - one.

What to do

  1. Step back from the neck approximately 15-20 cm (by a third), make an incision sharp knife, moving in the transverse direction.
  2. Don't cut all the way through, leave one of the four sides intact if your bottle is square. You should end up with a “chest” with a folding top neck.
  3. Place the workpiece so that the uncut side is on top.
  4. Heat an awl over the fire.
  5. Do it to them through holes in a cone-shaped blank at the bottom, departing from the cut by 5-7 cm.
  6. Insert one of the sticks into the resulting holes.
  7. Repeat the procedure for making holes in a larger workpiece, stepping back from the first holes by the length of the elastic band.
  8. Insert a second stick into these holes.
  9. On one and the other side of the bottle, put elastic bands on the ends of the sticks.
  10. Now take a strong thread and tie one end of it to the neck of the bottle.
  11. Be sure to screw the lid on the neck, otherwise your “captive” will easily crawl out through the hole.
  12. If you did everything correctly, then by pulling the thread you can open your “chest”.
  13. Unfold the metal clip.
  14. Make a ring from one part, put the bait in it, and secure it tightly.
  15. Leave the other end of the paperclip straight.
  16. Make another hole at the base of the bottle with a hot awl.
  17. Insert a paperclip into this hole so that the bait is inside the bottle and the straight end comes out.
  18. Tie the free end of the thread to it.
  19. Pull the rope so that the neck of the bottle opens 90º.

Nail and thread

Peculiarities. The mouse, attracted by the bait, will make its way into the bottle. She, under the force of gravity, will tip down, but will not fall to the floor, but will hang in the air along with the captive.


  • plastic bottle (1.5 l or 2 l) - one;
  • nail - one;
  • thread - 20-30 cm long;
  • bait - one.

What to do:

  1. U plastic bottle cut off the neck.
  2. Step back 1-2 cm from the cut and make a hole with a hot awl.
  3. Thread the end of the thread into this hole and tie it tightly.
  4. Place bait in the bottle at the very end.
  5. Place a homemade mousetrap on the table so that part of the bottle (the one in which the bait lies) remains suspended.
  6. Tie the second end of the thread to a fixed nail.

Only plastic bottle

Peculiarities. The mousetrap must be placed near the hole. The mouse will easily get inside the bottle. And sharp teeth will prevent her from crawling back out.


  • plastic bottle - one;
  • bait - one.

What to do

  1. Cut off the neck of a plastic bottle. You will need the part that has the bottom left.
  2. Form the cut edge in a zigzag pattern.
  3. Try to make long “petals”.
  4. Bend the sharp edges inside the bottle.
  5. Place bait in the middle.

Bucket with water

Peculiarities. Such a trap will allow you to catch not one, but several rodents. But you can’t call her humane. The mouse falls into a bucket of water and dies. Place the structure near the proposed hole. The mouse will smell the bait, rush to it, and easily climb up the “slide.” But, stepping on a freely rotating bottle, he will lose his balance and fall into a bucket of water.


  • large bucket - one;
  • metal knitting needle - one;
  • plastic bottle or tin can - one;
  • board - two;
  • scotch;
  • bait.

What to do

  1. Pour water into the bucket, filling a third or half of the volume.
  2. Pierce the jar or bottle with a knitting needle lengthwise.
  3. Develop the holes a little so that the bottle rotates easily on the knitting needle.
  4. Using tape, attach to plastic container bait
  5. Place the knitting needle on the bucket.
  6. Place boards on both sides of the bucket, creating “slides”.

Made of wood

Peculiarities. Rodents, attracted by the fragrant food, will try to get into the hole. But a thread will block their path. The mouse will chew through it to get to the bait. As soon as the thread loosens, the spring is activated and the trap slams shut, firmly fixing the rodent.


  • block of wood - 120×90 mm, height 40 mm;
  • drill;
  • wire;
  • threads;
  • bait.

What to do

  1. Initially, sketch out the diagram, marking the centers of the trap holes.
  2. Apply markings to the block.
  3. Using a drill (30 mm), make blind holes, 75-80 mm long, into three cells at once.
  4. Make a wire loop that will allow you to attach a noose to the mousetrap.
  5. Now drill some holes to secure the springs and hinges.
  6. You will need a thread to tie the spring.
  7. Loading this trap is very easy. You just need to place the bait inside the blind holes.


Peculiarities. Never touch iron surfaces until the power is turned off. And if you are not an expert in electronics, then it is better to use other, more safe methods rodent control.


  • metal platform;
  • wires;
  • peanut butter as bait.

What to do

  1. Connect one contact to a metal platform on which the rodent will run.
  2. Raise the other contact above the platform.
  3. Coat this edge generously with peanut butter.
  4. Attach a plug to the end of the wire and plug it into the network.


Peculiarities. This is one of the most brutal methods of dealing with mice. It is accompanied by the squeaks and cries of animals trying to escape. Therefore, try not to be away for a long time in order to have time to unstick the rodent, which you will then release in the forest, away from home.


  • cardboard (or plywood) - a small sheet;
  • glue (purchase from a specialty store);
  • bait.

What to do

  1. Apply a layer of glue to the surface of the cardboard.
  2. Place bait in the center.
  3. Place a sticky trap near the hole.

Preventive actions

To say goodbye to rodents forever, you need to reconsider your habits and introduce new rules. Ignoring preventive measures will lead to reappearance there are mice in your apartment. There are very simple recommendations to protect against rodent invasion:

  • supplies - store cereals and sugar in special containers, or better yet, in glass containers;
  • aromas - place onion peels, pieces of garlic, laurel leaves on the shelves in cabinets that can repel mice;
  • audit - regularly inspect supplies for the presence of various pests and black lumps that characterize the appearance of uninvited guests;
  • garbage collection - regularly remove waste from the house, and always close the trash can with a lid;
  • “friends” - get a cat in the house, and if you live in a private house, then hang a birdhouse that attracts birds of prey that feed on rodents to your area.

Rodents do not like order; they avoid those houses in which there is no trash, and leftover food does not remain on the tables. Therefore, in order not to wage a cruel and merciless war, regularly clean your home.

In the fight against mice, one of the usual and sufficient effective means are mousetraps.

Bucket mousetrap

Option number one

Take a bucket and insert a metal rod into the top.

Place a 0.33 or 0.5 liter tin can on it lengthwise - for example, a beer can, or a plastic bottle.

The jar (bottle) should rotate quite freely on the rod. Place bait on it.

Place the bucket so that the mouse can reach the jar, and fill it with water to half or less.

When the mouse smells the bait, it will climb onto the bottle. The jar (bottle) will turn over and the mouse will fall into the bucket.

If you are using a jar, then it is important to select the distance between the edge of the bucket and the edge of the jar so that the mouse cannot step on the jar, but can jump; if it’s a bottle, position it so that the mouse first hits the neck of the bottle.

If you want to make a weapon for the mass destruction of rodents, place the bait in a ring around the bottle, and the mice will climb on it continuously.

The main thing is that there is enough bucket.

Option number two

Simply attach a strip cut from a plastic bottle to the edge of the bucket and place the bait on it. The strip will bend under the weight of the mouse, and the mouse will fall into the bucket.

Glass jar mousetrap

Conditions of a homemade mousetrap...

To get started, I suggest you watch a video on this homemade product:

Some people complain that they hear an incomprehensible grinding noise in their home... There are many reasons for this, one of which is that you have mice in your home!!! Many people are afraid of mice and therefore do not know how to catch them... Of course, there are many different types mouse traps, but most of them kill the mouse... And if you don't want to kill or just want to catch a live mouse and keep it as a trophy, then this article is just for you... In this article I will tell you how to do make your own homemade mousetrap at home, with the help of which you can catch a mouse, while it will remain alive and unharmed...

So, let's begin...

For our future mousetrap we will need:
- multi-liter bottle (bottle) for 5-6 liters;
- knife (scissors);
- bait (for example, a piece of cheese);
- a piece of wire;
- paper clip;
- a counterweight or weight (a washer or a piece of eraser)...

So, first you need to cut a multi-liter bottle into three parts as shown in the photo...

We do not cut out the middle part of the bottle exactly, but leave such a “tail” and fix a piece of wire on it... We bend the tail at an angle of 90 degrees...

We attach mouse bait (for example, a piece of cheese) to the tip of the cut out shape...

Now we turn the middle part of our cut boklag over and carefully place it in the lower part of the boklag...

Next, we carefully attach the shape we cut out to the rest of the mousetrap as shown in the photo... (We bend the “ears” of the shape and secure them with a wire axle...) We got something like a swing...

Now our swing needs to be balanced... To do this, attach a paper clip to one end of the form and add a weight until the “swing” is balanced...

You need to stretch, for example, a piece of cardboard from the surface to the top of the eggplant... This is done to make it easier for the mouse to get to the bait and get into the mousetrap...

That's all!!! Our mousetrap is ready...

Now I will explain how it works...

The mouse, seeing the cheese, wants to get it and cardboard box she will climb up, step on the “swing” and fall to the very bottom of the eggplant, after which she will not be able to get out of the eggplant on her own...

The problem with mice is relevant for you, but your cat can’t cope with its task? We will tell you how to get rid of pests without extra material costs using homemade traps. Complex wooden, metal and electronic models will be considered, as well as simpler ones that do not require specific skills for implementation. But most importantly, this article will reveal the options for the best baits.

Pros and cons of homemade devices

When there are rodents at home, it is not necessary to immediately purchase poisons that are very toxic to people and animals. The simplest and safest solution in all respects would be a mousetrap.

The classic version can be purchased at a hardware store. Only it has one significant drawback - if there are a lot of mice, you will have to spend a lot of money. The mechanism is simple, but its work is one-time only. After each capture you have to recharge the device. The conclusion follows from this: leaving a few mousetraps at the dacha and leaving with the hope that upon return the rodents will be exterminated will not work.

As practice has shown, most homemade traps, in addition to reusable use, have a number of advantages:

  • Does not contain poisons. Most chemicals used in rodent baiting are toxic and can cause illness in humans or pets. Mousetraps made from improvised materials do not contain hazardous substances, as they operate mainly mechanically.
  • There is no need to leave the premises. Professional rodent exterminators also use toxic substances. It is better not to appear indoors for some time after treatment, as there is a risk of intoxication. Mousetraps are completely safe in this regard.
  • There is no threat of unsanitary conditions. The caught mouse will die on the spot and the remains will be easy to dispose of. Being poisoned, she will most likely die in her hole, from where it will be impossible to get her. The body, decomposing, will begin to spread bad smell and attract carrion insects.
  • Saving. Homemade designs protect family budget from unnecessary expenses on purchased mechanisms. They are made from simple things that can be found in every home.

Advice: when there is a threat of a large invasion of mice, rather than two or three hosts, it is better to give preference to reusable traps. With them you don’t have to make new ones all the time and install them around the house.

The disadvantages include the fact that a person who is not accustomed to creating various mechanisms and structures needs practice. His first complex traps will be ineffective and, most likely, non-working. It is better to start with simple ones and remember that each model has advantages and disadvantages.

DIY mousetrap from a plastic bottle with oil

Not everyone will catch a pest with the goal of killing a living creature, even if not through direct contact. The most in a humane way To catch a rodent without harming it is a bottle trap. The mouse can then be released somewhere away from the house.


This is the most important component of any trap. After all, if the mouse doesn’t want to get there, the mechanism won’t work. Even the most successful design will be useless without the appropriate bait.

It’s worth clarifying right away that the notorious passion of rodents for cheese is nothing more than a stereotype. They treat this product no better than any other. Mice are much more attracted to raw seeds. To enhance the effect, you can lightly fry them in sunflower oil. Bread dipped in sesame oil also works great. You can use crackers, lard or even popcorn.

A do-it-yourself mousetrap made from a bottle can be of different types. Let's consider the simplest and most common option.

Tools and materials

  • plastic bottle - 2 l;
  • iron wire;
  • stationery knife;
  • bait;
  • sunflower oil.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

  1. Cut the bottle, but not exactly in the middle, but closer to the neck (divide the container by 2/3).
  2. Remove the plug.
  3. Turn the top over and insert the narrow part down.
  4. You can use a stapler, glue or wire to secure the edges.

Design in finished form on the picture.

How to charge a mousetrap: step-by-step instructions

  1. Sprinkle seeds or bread crumbs into the bottom.
  2. Lubricate vegetable oil the walls of the neck so that they are slippery. A pleasant smell for the mouse will attract, but it will not be able to get out of the trap.

The design itself is very light, and a rodent can turn it over. To avoid this, you need to strengthen the bottom or glue a wooden block to it.

How to make other types of mousetraps at home: instructions

Human ingenuity is limitless. He can put almost any object to good use. Enough to stock up detailed instructions, improvised means and your own ingenuity to get rid of mice.

From a bucket of water

This option allows you to catch several rodents at once without reloading, but we are not talking about humanity here. The presence of water in the container already suggests that the caught animal will drown. The structure should be placed near the pest’s habitat. Attracted by the smell of the bait, the mouse will climb up a special “slide”, but when it steps on the bottle, it will lose its balance and fall into the water.

What you will need for the craft:

  • a bucket made of any material;
  • metal knitting needle;
  • tin can or plastic bottle;
  • two small boards;
  • scotch;
  • bait.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fill a third or half of the container with water.
  2. Pierce a bottle or jar with a knitting needle. Design the hole so that nothing prevents rotation.
  3. Attach the bait to the container using tape. Better fit a piece of lard, as the bread will turn sour in the water.
  4. Place the knitting needle on the bucket.
  5. Place a board at each end of the rod, making a kind of bridge to the trap. A rodent will climb along them.

There is no need to constantly configure the device. A single installation and periodic updating of the bait is enough if there are a lot of pests.

Important: this option Also suitable for catching rats.


The structure consists of a piece of wood or plywood that is attached to a steel cage. The spring that slams the door is triggered when you try to take the bait. You can twist the rods yourself from thick wire or make an upper frame using an old cage for a small pet. If a mouse is detected in time, it can be released into the wild away from the house.

Effective Electric Mouse Trap

Not entirely simple and completely inhumane, but effective. One contact is connected to a metal grid with a fine mesh. The second one is raised above this platform and holds the bait. Peanut butter works best in this situation.

At the other end of the wire there is a plug that only needs to be connected to an electrical outlet. The discharge is enough to kill the animal. If the individual is small, impact force The current may be too much. You should prepare for the fact that the electric mousetrap will become a source of unpleasant odors.

Made of wood or “Beehive”

Attracted by the aroma of food, the pest will run into the hole. Inside you will come across a thread that will block the path to food. The mouse will chew through it and cause the exit to close.

Important: To create such a mousetrap you need a certain skill in wood processing.

What you will need:

  • wooden block - 120x90 mm, height 40 mm;
  • wire;
  • spring;
  • drill;
  • harsh thread;
  • bait.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make a drawing on paper, marking the centers of the main positions. Transfer the diagram to the block.
  2. Drill along the axis blind hole 30 mm in diameter and 50-70 mm in depth.
  3. On one of the faces wooden block draw a marking of a longitudinal line and two more parallel to it. There should be at least 20 mm to the front edge.
  4. Make through holes with a diameter of 3-4 mm and connect them with a line, deep to the middle of the hole. It will be more convenient to make small holes and then get rid of pieces of wood with a chisel or mounting knife.
  5. A trapping loop, U-shaped trap or flap will be lowered into the resulting slot. The latter option is being considered for a more humane solution to the problem - the animal will not be suffocated, but simply will not be able to run out. If you decide to thread the wire, you need to select a product no thinner than 2 mm in cross section. Based on 4-5 turns of the clamp and up to 70 mm at the ends. One of them is rigidly attached to the body, and the second is threaded through the loop and bent with a hook.
  6. At a distance of 30-35 mm from the edge and 5 mm from the central line, drill two holes through. Tie a strong thread through them.
  7. Compress the spring and tighten the knot from above. This is the mechanism for triggering a mousetrap. When the mouse chews the thread, it will set the hinge or flap in motion.
  8. The bait is placed at the very bottom of the hole.

Advice: When planning how to place a mousetrap, assume that you should not place it close to the hole. It is better to choose a place next to the food that the rodent is stealing.

A person is much smarter and more perspicacious than a mouse, so pest control should not cause much difficulty. Making a trap with your own hands from available materials or spending money and buying a ready-made one is everyone’s business. The main thing is that the method works.

To combat rodents, a lot of drugs and devices are produced: poisons with an attractive odor, spring and electric mousetraps, ultrasonic repellers. As a rule, purchasing these funds costs a pretty penny. A DIY mousetrap is practically free and does an excellent job of catching rodents.

For people who are unable to kill an animal, such traps are the only way out: most of them lure a mouse into a trap without causing it the slightest harm. Let's figure out how to make a mousetrap at home simply and without much effort.

Disposable traps

Disposable mousetraps will have to be reinstalled after each rodent caught. To make them, improvised materials (ropes, bowls, plastic bottles) and simple tools (scissors and an awl) are used.

1 option

The classic mousetrap is a slamming lid, it’s quick and easy to make. You need a small container: a 0.5-1 liter jar, a deep plate, a disposable plastic cup. You will also need a coin or a nut; the bait is tied to them on a short string. The coin is placed on the edge and the edge of the container rests on it. The mouse pulls the rope while climbing into the jar, and it falls, preventing the pest from escaping.

This elementary mousetrap from a jar can be improved: instead of a coin, you can cut out a rectangle about 2 cm wide from thick cardboard or plastic and sharpen it on one side to make it convenient to place the bait on it.

Option 2

If food spoiled by rodents is found on the table, a disposable bottle mousetrap is most convenient. To make it you will need a bottle of 1.5 liters, a rope about a meter long, an awl and strong scissors. We cut off the neck of the bottle at a distance of about 5 cm from the cork, pierce a hole at the top with an awl and tie a rope through it to the bottle. The second end of the rope needs to be secured to the table, for example, tied to the handle of a pan.

To catch a mouse in such a bottle, it is placed on the edge of the table so that the bottom with the bait hangs in the air. The mouse, having climbed inside, overhangs it, the entire structure falls down and hangs on the rope. All that remains is to drown the rodent or take it outside the house.

Option 3

The simplest mousetrap, but quite effective, is made from a plastic bottle as follows: using stationery knife you need to cut the bottle into 2 parts at the place where it begins to narrow.

Turn the neck over and insert it into the main part, the sections must be placed at the same level and secured with tape or glued together. Bait is placed at the bottom of the bottle, the neck is lubricated with any edible oil. The mouse, once inside, slides down and cannot get out.

The only difficulty is that this plastic bottle mousetrap must be positioned so that the mouse can easily reach the neck, for example, near the shelves. You can make paths for mice to make it easier for them to climb. Then the bottles will have to be weighed down by adding some stones or sand to the bottom.

Reusable traps

Making a reusable mousetrap is not much more complicated; the designs of most of them are elementary and do not require special skills. Such traps can be checked every few days, throwing away the caught rodents. True, they cannot be left for more than a week, otherwise the room will become saturated with the smell of decomposition.

The swing principle

The design of the first reusable mousetrap, which is easy to make yourself, is based on the principle of a swing. It will require any container with a volume of 5 liters or more with a wide neck: a bucket, a saucepan, plastic containers. A rigid wire, knitting needle or wooden twig is secured across the edge of the bucket using tape.

You also need a board several centimeters wide and slightly shorter than the diameter of the bucket. For example, a ruler or a rectangle cut from thick cardboard, plastic, or metal will do.

We place this board so that it rests on the knitting needle, one edge lies on the edge of the bucket, and the other with the bait placed on it is in the air. In order for the mouse to climb onto the board, a homemade mousetrap is installed on a stool at the edge of the table. You can make a ramp from a board and attach it to the trap.

To make the trap reusable, the balancing board must be attached to the spoke and positioned in such a way that it returns to its original state on its own.

Spinning drum

The basis of this trap is the same as the previous one: a bucket and a bridge leading to it. A rotating cylinder is used to drop the rodent into the container. To make it, you can take a small plastic bottle or tin can. A small hole is made in the bottom of the bottle, and then it is placed on a knitting needle. The knitting needle is placed on the bucket as an extension of the bridge and secured.

A bucket mousetrap will work for a long time if the bait is placed around the entire circumference of the bottle. You can spread it or attach it with a rubber band. The mouse, attracted by the smell, climbs onto the drum, it turns, and the rodent ends up in the bucket. If you do not plan to release the mouse outside the house, pour water into the bottom of the bucket so that it will choke.


Mousetraps work like traps, easily letting a rodent in and preventing them from getting back out. A simple option can be made from the same plastic bottle: cut off the top and cut the edge of the main part into narrow triangles 5-7 cm long. The resulting teeth are bent inside the bottle, and the bait is placed there. The mouse easily squeezes into the trap between the elastic plastic strips, but can no longer get out.

A more complex reusable version of this design can be made yourself from wooden box. A round hole is cut out in one of its walls at a distance of no more than 5 cm from the bottom. Along its perimeter, at a distance of 1 cm from each other, steel wires 5-7 cm long are inserted so that they are inside the box. The mouse, having climbed into the hole, falls through the wires and remains inside the box. Rat traps are made in the same way, you just need to increase the diameter of the hole.

Glue trap

When catching mice, you can use special glue from rodents. It is sold in hardware stores and supermarkets in the pest control section. According to the instructions, this glue is spread on cardboard, and bait is placed in the center. A mouse, even if it gets into it with one paw, is glued tightly. This is far from a humane mousetrap; the rodent in it dies long and painfully.

The disadvantage of this product is the ability of the glue to stick to curious pets and smear everything around. This can be avoided by building reusable homemade mousetraps. In a shoe box, a hole is made on the side for the rodent, under it inside the box there is a sheet of paper with glue applied, and in the depths there is a tasty-smelling bait. After that, all that remains is to replace the paper.

Bait selection

World cinema has long convinced everyone that rodents love cheese more than anything else. In fact, catching a mouse on any dairy product is quite difficult. The most effective way to attract them to traps is to use:

  • lard, especially smoked lard,
  • smoked sausage,
  • white bread croutons,
  • unrefined sunflower oil,
  • Sesame oil,
  • roasted sunflower seeds and peanuts.

Bread soaked in sesame oil is most attractive to rodents.

Baits need to be changed periodically, because mice, sensing danger, stop reacting to the smell of the treat.

A mousetrap made from improvised means will not require much effort or financial expenditure, and the results from its use are often better than from industrial products. And in some cases there is nothing left to do but make a mousetrap with your own hands. It will take much less time than looking for a working store late at night or dragging yourself into town from your dacha. Having decided what materials are in the house, you can always find suitable option from huge selection homemade traps.
