Model cg miles figure parameters. Plus size category: parameters, best brands. Famous plus size models. Advantages of overweight models over thin ones

Fashion always comes back; in ancient times it was a great privilege to have appetizing and voluminous shapes. The rounder the cheeks, the more beautiful and aristocratic the woman was. Then came the era of thinness, when a woman was considered beautiful without an extra gram of weight. If the body is compressed, nothing hangs anywhere, cheekbones are visible, then this is a model and her place on the catwalk.

Fashion has two standards

Today everything is mixed up and people are divided into several opinions. Some are for a slender and petite body, and some, on the contrary, for appetizing shapes. And this is absolutely everyone’s business, the main thing is that everything is in moderation. Naturally, a visible skeleton from under the skin or a 200-kilogram girl with many folds is not very attractive and should not be taken to extremes.

A little about fashion

In addition to being tall and slender, she also shows the appearance of plump girls. They are called Size plus models, they have lush breasts, hips, a rounded tummy, and it’s beautiful. They demonstrate on the catwalk clothes for ordinary women who do not diet themselves, or who are simply physiologically unable to have miniature sizes and shapes. Plus size models also participate in the Curves photo project, and not only here. Many fashion photographers prefer to shoot curvy models and see more beauty in them than in skinny ladies.

How to determine model: plus size (Size plus)

A plus-size model can be a girl who has a height of 170 centimeters, a beautiful and pleasant appearance, and proportional body parts. But in volume it can be more than 90x60x90, within reasonable limits, her clothing size should be from 42 to 54. If there are matches, then you are a Size plus model, the parameters of the waist, hips, and chest do not have an exact value.

large sizes

Size plus models differ from each other in many ways, and among them are the best of the best, who are not afraid to show their bodies to the whole world. They did not step back or to the side, experiencing difficulties, stress, worries, a lot of looks on their own body.

  1. Crystal Renn, the modeling agency liked her as a teenager, but the condition was to lose extra pounds. Unfortunately or fortunately, she failed to do this. And she decided to show everyone her beauty in full body and she succeeded. A few years later, she appeared on the cover of the famous publishing house Harper’s Bazaar. Over the course of time, she created the book “Hungry,” where she described her life, her desire for success and all the difficulties she overcame.
  2. Robyn Lawlay conquered Australian Vogue and appeared on their cover. Its parameters do not differ much from the 92x75x99 standards, but it is considered a plus size model.
  3. Kate Dillon was initially slender and was involved in modeling, but after learning about her anorexia, she decided to recover, thereby gaining excess weight. Today she is considered the face of Vogue and Gucci and is plus size.
  4. Katya Zharkova, a famous Russian TV presenter and model, won the “Sweet Woman” competition. She was featured in Vogue and in the Italian magazine Marie Claire. Moreover, her weight is more than 80 kilograms, but this does not bother her in any way.
  5. participated in the show program "America's Next Top Model", where she was on an equal footing with slender models. And then she beat everyone else and took the prize. She has a contract with Wilhelmina Models, which allows her to participate in famous shows and work with outstanding photographers. Participates in charity events.
  6. Sophie Dahl began her career with the Storm Model Agency. Famous photographers photographed her for Vogue, Visionaire, Marie Claire and more. Afterwards, she began to advertise many brands, among them Versace, Patrick Cox, and introduced the Opium fragrance, where she allowed her to expose her body. She also wrote several books and became a TV presenter. She achieved all this, having a size larger than the standards of models, her weight reached 80 kilograms.

No girl should be ashamed of her weight and overall appearance; having a punchy character, you can achieve great success. You need to start small, love your appearance. To do this, you can start taking care of your hair and skin, buy clothes by size, combining and inventing a suitable style that will decorate your appearance. To lift the spirits of insecure women, designers and photographers presented photographs where Russian Plus size models showed all the beauty, femininity and superiority without wearing clothes.

One of the successful plus size models

Russian Plus size models are also quite popular around the world. A role model can be someone who is successful all over the world. She became famous in Russia and abroad. You can see pictures of a Plus size model, the photos inspire admiration and allow you to increase your self-esteem.

Katya began her promotion in the modeling world at the age of 14, but, unfortunately, she did not meet the standards. Everyone advised her to stop eating cakes and sweets, and under this condition she was accepted into a modeling school. While undergoing training, Ekaterina adhered to a diet, did not eat sweets, tried to lose weight, but her weight did not reach standard parameters. Over time, they saw her potential as a model and turned a blind eye to her extra pounds. Since 1997, she has moved through the fashion world and developed internally and externally.

Afterwards she advanced to television, became a presenter on TnT, Muz-TV, Pyatnitsa, and was a producer. And then she came to Los Angeles, signed a contract with Wihelmina and became a famous plus model and remains so to this day. She is photographed for Russian and foreign magazines, and is not afraid to show her naked body to people, proving that perfection can weigh more than 60 kilograms. Helps ladies with curvy figures understand themselves and understand that all women are beautiful in their own way.

The pursuit of excellence

Every woman and girl can become a model, regardless of weight. Size plus models are increasingly appearing on magazine covers, participating in fashion shows and representing famous brands. The main thing is to be able to take care of yourself.

  1. You need to go to the hairdresser and get a fashionable, suitable hairstyle. It will highlight beautiful facial features and hide something from prying eyes. It will refresh your image and set you up for further achievements. One trip is not enough, you need to learn how to take care of your hair yourself at home and always look great.
  2. A visit to a cosmetologist will help transform your skin and achieve the desired result while looking in the mirror. Based on agencies and designers, they pay attention to the skin of the face and body; it should be smooth and clean.
  3. A visit to the dentist will transform simple teeth into perfect and white ones. A beautiful smile will help you attract the right glances and break into the world of advertising.
  4. Shopping helps get rid of depression, allows you to find clothes that fit and highlight the advantages of your appearance. This lifts your spirits and makes you blossom.

Now you have a little knowledge to figure out Plus size on your own, even if you are overweight.

Love yourself, the world around you will change

By paying more attention to her own appearance, a girl raises her self-esteem. She tunes in to positive emotions and strives to achieve her goal. Therefore, you don’t need to be upset when you see more and more numbers on the scales; you need to learn to love yourself in any guise. As an example for uptight women - Plus Size models, whose photos help you see all the beauty in a curvy body.

The right approach is the key to success

There is no need to squeeze and hide your body under a bunch of baggy clothes, sit in the room and eat cakes and pies. You need to do some kind of sports, aerobics, swimming, so that the skin does not hang, is taut and elastic. Nutrition should also be correct and balanced, more vegetables, fruits, water. In the future, maybe some kilograms will go away, the body will become slender, and perhaps, due to physiology, a person cannot weigh less and will simply tighten his sides and stomach.

You can try going to a photography studio, where professionals will capture all the beauty in the pictures, and the woman will finally see herself from the best side. She will understand that she can stand on par with thin girls, not inferior in beauty, and maybe vice versa. Prove to the whole world that a woman is more beautiful when she has rounded and appetizing shapes. And you shouldn’t be shy about it, you need to be able to present yourself.

You have to spend a lot of time choosing clothes and choosing the right size. There are a huge number of them, and in each country they have their own special designations.

Letter sizes

Upon closer examination, you will find that Men's and women's sizes are different. Letter designations can be found on clothing quite often, so you should know how these letters are deciphered and what sizes they correspond to.

Men's sizes (in Russia)

XS 44
S 46
M 48
L 50
XL 52
XXL 54-56
XXXL 58-60

Women's sizes (in Russia)

XS 42
S 44
M 46
L 48
XL 50
XXL 52
BXL 56

Sizes vary in all countries. That is why, when doing so, special attention should be paid to exactly which country size is indicated on the label.

A positive fact can be considered that with the advent of such models, the a variety of beautiful and fashionable plus size clothing. Now, when you come to the store, you can see not “hoodies” for fat girls, but quite pretty ones, and even very cute ones. Moreover, considering that in Russia these sizes are in incredible demand.

Both girls and men are now in demand. Therefore, you should not be afraid of your excess weight. If a person is beautiful, takes care of himself and can present himself, then he will be accepted, regardless of his weight. You need to love yourself as you are and be able to use what Mother Nature has given. And curvaceous forms have been popular since ancient times, because if you look at many classical paintings, then the woman in the body always stood in a high place.

The media and fashion industry manipulate us into believing that there is only one body type: skinny. Most people in this world will never be as thin as they are told to be.

Denise was born in Miami, where the cult of the ideal body reigns, but, unlike her thin friends, she managed to achieve real success. At the age of 18, the girl had to give up her dream of becoming an actress (casting directors asked her to lose 5-10 kilograms). But it was this decision that brought her into the world of fashion. So far, Bidot's track record is small - advertising campaigns for Lilly Pulitzer, Lane Bryant And Forever 21. We believe she has a great future.

I've never felt so much responsibility as I do talking to my daughter, who I'm trying to teach that there's nothing wrong with being yourself. I know that these ideas are instilled in each new generation, so my job is to be that voice. Tell her that she is beautiful and that she can achieve whatever she wants.

Thanks to Philomena Quao's wonderful friend who invited her to a nationwide modeling competition. The girl was noticed and began to be invited to work. Among the most striking offers are campaigns for Chromat, Lane Bryant and Fabletics, as well as shooting in a special issue of Sports Illustrated magazine dedicated to beach fashion.

Self-confidence is knowing that the sky won't open up after I put on shorts or a bikini. I'm still just as beautiful.

Paloma could hardly have expected that moving to Los Angeles would turn her life around 360 degrees. And she just came to this city to study psychology and English. But nothing happened - Paloma was noticed by the famous makeup artist Pat McGrath, and it began... First, Elsesser was invited to take part in the show Eckhaus Latta, then she became the muse of Rihanna, who first invited her to collaborate on Fenty x Puma, and then over Fenty Beauty. We admired Paloma in another beauty campaign - already for Glossier.

When you watch the show, you can count the “colored” girls on the fingers of one hand, but you won’t even be able to count the girls of different sizes - they simply don’t exist. Lacks variety.

Cross made Project Runway history as the first plus-size model to win. Cross's career looks promising: in addition to walking the catwalk at New York Fashion Week and appearing on the cover of the American Marie Claire, she also signed a lucrative contract with a lingerie brand Curvy Couture Intimates.

Some people consider fat or plus-size people to be grotesque. We must be invisible.

Here is a former beauty queen and one of the first plus-size models, thanks to whose efforts we have more diversity on magazine covers and on the catwalk. Candace began her ascent to the modeling Olympus at the age of 16. At first it was an advertising campaign for Lane Bryant, followed by a fruitful year in 2011, which featured a cover for Vogue Italia(she became the first “plus” in 10 years). After this, Huffine appeared in CR Fashion Book, Vogue USA, Harper's Bazaar and dozens of other respected magazines. Later she was praised for her work with designers Christian Siriano and Prabal Gurung. It is impossible not to note another achievement of Candice - filming for the legendary calendar Pirelli.

Any time you can debunk a myth or break stereotypes about a body that traditionally wouldn't belong to a model or a runner, that's a huge win.

Georgia was born and raised in Auckland, New Zealand. Her interest in modeling came immediately after receiving a degree in fashion design - the girl was trying to study the relationship between the two professions. She first tried herself as a model with the help of a close friend - he approached her during a barbecue and offered to star in an advertising campaign for a little-known brand. Since then, Pratt has not left the pages of magazines: she will star in an advertising campaign Lane Bryant, Christian Siriano or Tome, then she will become the main character of the shooting for Elle And Dazed Korea.

It’s a certain luxury to wear beautiful clothes in large sizes when famous brands rarely make clothes for people like me. Sometimes I have to wear something that is too small for me.


Karlsson is a fashion prodigy. The girl first tried herself in the modeling field at the age of 4, when she was noticed by a scout at a hairdresser (oh, those curls and freckles!). She liked it so much that she decided to connect her life with this profession. Now Sabina is in the major modeling league - her portfolio includes work for H&M, Levi's And Lane Bryant. Karlsson also walked in shows for renowned designers such as Betsey Johnson and Jean-Paul Gaultier.

Now that the market is more accepting of people who are different, I hope designers will start to embrace big girls, small girls, girls of different skin colors.

Alessandra is one of the lucky ones who was signed by IMG, and she was also very lucky to be born into the family of the talented actor Andy Garcia. It was thanks to her father that she went to New York to study cinematography, but not destiny. At the moment, Alessandra has appeared in advertising campaigns Lane Bryant And Target, and also worked with Christian Siriano, H&M, Forever 21 And Wet n Wild.

Diversity on the runway sounds great and I think it's the future. But it's also tiring. It's hard to always be under the gun of judgmental eyes. Sometimes at castings I want to ask: “Am I here at the play?”

Lawrence dreamed of being a swimmer, but became a model. Her career began in her teens. Iskra was 13 years old when her mother sent her to a competition Elle Girl. Then there was a modeling agency with its strict conditions - the grown Lawrence had a waist circumference of 91 cm, and not 86, as was required of her. And they told her about too wide hips almost every time they met. Since then, Iskra has repeatedly proven that her agency was wrong - she became the face of a lingerie brand Adore Me, a for Aerie agreed to be filmed without retouching. Her business biography also includes contracts with Chromat, L'Oréal And Christian Siriano.

Young girls just want to see someone normal in front of them. I normal. I fought for many years to become like this and thanks to this I was able to know myself and become who I am today.

Mexican Jocelyn Corona is just beginning her journey, but her name is already heard, and this is the main thing. In 2015, she attracted attention at the show Chromat. Since then, Jocelyn began to receive offers, one more profitable than the other. For example, Corona has walked for Christian Siriano, Rebecca Minkoff, Philip and David Blond, so it's safe to say you'll be seeing more of her in the future.


Like many other models, Lee was noticed at one of the castings in her native Atlanta when she was 18. However, the girl forced herself to forget about her modeling dream in order to graduate from college and go work as a lawyer. Fate intervened in her life again. Ultimately, Precious has in her arsenal to work with Lane Bryant, Old Navy and Saks Fifth Avenue. On top of everything else, she appeared in magazines Sports Illustrated And Paper, and also became the first black plus-size model on the pages Vogue.

We must admit: the development of modern technologies has played a cruel joke on the fashion industry and mass media. Back at the beginning of the century, women were encouraged to strive for the image of impeccably beautiful, but still living models, and a decade later the doll became the ideal of beauty: retouchers got so busy creating the ideal image that there was simply no real, living woman left behind it. Skin smoothed to the appearance of plastic, figures that argue with the laws of anatomy, and porcelain faces completely devoid of facial expressions - this is the new ideal of beauty. This time - unattainable. Neither natural abilities, nor sports, nor healthy eating, nor procedures - nothing else could help a woman get closer to the glossy ideal, it is simply unattainable. The nuts were tightened too tightly, and the thread predictably broke: any action gives rise to a reaction, and the gloss gave birth to body positivity - an idea that returns women their real, living body, with all its shortcomings. We are simply tired of chronic stress caused by the endless race for the unattainable standards imposed on us, and the standards, meanwhile, have gone so far from real life that they have begun to seem caricatured. But if we did, we would actually stop endlessly consuming all those products that sell us the ideal plastic image, and the industry could not allow this. And then plus-size models appeared.

Give us back our body!

The very idea of ​​models of “non-standard” sizes appearing in gloss and on catwalks was completely revolutionary, but at the same time frighteningly logical: why on earth are we being offered to look at clothes of the size that the majority of the female population of the planet last wore in puberty, at about thirteen years old? ? This simply defies common sense! This very common sense, supported by the ideas of feminism and body positivity, forced the industry to offer us a new standard: a woman who wears a clothing size other than XS, but at the same time she is beautiful, and most importantly, she is happy with herself and does not want to change anything about herself, does not wants to break himself for the sake of fashion. We said “Give us back our bodies!”, and plus-size models did it. “I won’t let others dictate how my body should look, and I wouldn’t advise you to either,” says Ashley Graham, one of the world’s most successful models, who appears in commercials without retouching. Young Barbie Ferreira also films without Photoshop and asks her Instagram followers to remember that any body should be treated with love and respect. Body positivity icon Tess Holliday never tires of reminding society that an overweight person is not necessarily ugly, unhappy or sick. But even she is not honest with her audience. All this is another deception.


Another unattainable ideal

The beauty of plus-size models has nothing to do with real life, nor do the slogans they utter. They tell us “Every woman is beautiful,” but at the same time they again impose unattainable ideals: these are still the same model parameters, just now in different sizes, and everything else remains the same. Plus-size models always have thin, perfectly sculpted faces. Of course, there is a certain percentage of women who have almost no fat deposits on their faces, but this percentage is absolutely negligible. Models simply remove the so-called Bisha fat pads (which results in sunken cheeks), undergo liposuction of the chin (due to which the double chin instantly disappears), and then polish the result using makeup and Photoshop. Voila - we see an ideal face that an ordinary woman does not and will not have. Each model is an X-shaped woman - she has full breasts, a thin and long waist, a flat stomach, steep hips, long legs and a round butt. Ideal figure! There are no models with a type O figure, when fat is mainly deposited on the waist and abdomen. There are no models with a T-type figure - with large shoulders and narrow hips. Regular models - yes, there are, but plus-size - never: we are told that a body with a large amount of fatty tissue can only be attractive if it fits a strict standard: girl-X, and nothing else!

Photo shoots supposedly without Photoshop, in which we can see cellulite on the hips and folds on the model’s waist, are another deception: Retouching is, of course, present in these photographs - for some reason, the models always have a perfectly even skin tone, not a single hair stands out from the hairstyles, and skin folds are present only at the waist - the rest of the body is perfectly smooth, and even facial wrinkles are absent. As a result, we get almost the same perfect picture, with a couple of “flaws” that only emphasize the perfection of everything else. What does this lead to?

Everyone is beautiful except you

This leads us to the same result: no plus-size woman looks at models and feels beautiful. On the contrary, the feeling of inferiority imposed on her is intensifying: before, she understood that she could not achieve the model ideal simply because nature gave her a completely different type of body, and, in addition, she understood that beautiful pictures from magazines exist only in magazines and not have nothing to do with real life. What does she see now? She sees incredibly, inhumanly beautiful plus size women. She is also plus size, but it is impossible to reach the beauty standards of plus-size models! She doesn't want to wear the clothes they advertise because the dress fits differently on an O figure than on an X figure: she looks at herself in the mirror and feels ugly. What fits perfectly on models with flat stomachs and steep hips, on her figure, stretches in one place and sags in folds in another. She takes a selfie and sees a double chin and plump cheeks, and on the Instagrams of plus-size models she is shown chiseled faces with high cheekbones (shot, naturally, from a favorable angle). She feels that now all the women in the world are beautiful - except for her: even with a lot of weight, you can be a dazzling beauty, but, unfortunately, it is not given to her. What does it mean?

This means that nothing has changed: she will again run after an unattainable ideal, simultaneously leaving her money in the pockets of the industry. The world has shaken itself up and returned to its previous tracks: we are again told that we are all terribly ugly and we urgently need to do something about it. Only now it’s served with the “Self-Love” sauce. No, no, don’t under any circumstances lose weight, darling, you’re beautiful just the way you are! Well, almost beautiful. All that remains is to polish you up from head to toe, and, perhaps, remove belly fat, enlarge your chest and butt, tighten your muscles, smooth your skin, raise your cheekbones, tighten your cheeks, emphasize your lips... Well, you get the idea. Forward to beauty, baby!

All bodies are beautiful, but some are more beautiful

The most unpleasant thing about all this is that plus-size models themselves constantly utter slogans in the spirit of body positivity - love yourself for who you are; any body is beautiful; do not allow anyone to drive you into the framework of invented beauty; - but at the same time they themselves are within the invented framework. The models of the past era were at least honest: they directly said that their bodies were the result of exhausting work on themselves and strict restrictions, and not everyone could achieve this. The world is unfair, nothing can be done. But the modern world, filled with the ideas of feminism, no longer wants to hear this about itself: we are tired of suffering and feeling inferior, we want to truly love ourselves. And they immediately slipped us the same dish, but with a different sauce, but now this is a particularly cynical deception: an ideally beautiful woman (that is, ideally fitting into the new standards of beauty) tells us that she overcame the pressure of standards and fell in love with her real self. What are you saying! Wow, what heroism is it to fall in love with a new ideal that billions of women will never be able to achieve. Bravo!

What they want to convey to us with the help of plus-size models is the same deception. It’s just that they used to tell us straight up, “Models are beautiful, but you are not, do something with yourself!”, and now they say, “Even plus-size women can be beautiful, but by the way, you’re ugly, do something with yourself!” " Previously there was one standard of beauty, now there are two - that’s the whole difference. The slogan “Love yourself” still means “do what you want, but fit into the standard!” Naturally, all this has nothing to do with truly accepting yourself, your body, your beauty. And this is important to understand at the moment when you compare yourself with the ideal plus-size young lady and feel that you are not beautiful enough. A new glossy bubble has simply been inflated in front of you, which may burst just like the previous one, and this is, perhaps, only a matter of time.

Tess Holliday

150 kg

Tess is now 33 years old. Not so long ago she was an ordinary housewife, and now she is the most talked about model in the world. She weighs 150 kg, but it was in this shape that she was finally able to love herself and accept her body. Tess inspires thousands of women with her example and often shares candid photos on social networks. Recently, the model starred for the cover of the British edition of Cosmopolitan magazine and gave a long interview, talking about psychological problems, as well as the fact that she was raped. She has been happily married to Australian artist Nick Halliday for three years and has two children. According to Tess, her husband was the first man with whom she was not ashamed to sleep naked.

Ashley Graham

91 kg

Ashley is considered a style icon and one of the most popular and sought-after models in the world. She was invited to appear in magazines such as Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and Glamor. She calls on all women to stop hiding their sweet spots and believes that the world has long been ready for more appetizing forms. The model has launched 16 lingerie collections, has appeared in bikini advertisements more than once, and is the host of the Miss Universe beauty contest. Ashley has been married since 2011 and her husband, Justin Irwin, is a cameraman and videographer.

Jessica Vander Leahy

90 kg

The Australian model is the founder of WomanKIND, a web project that talks about how to start loving your body. The model believes that every woman deserves to look and feel attractive, and the fashion industry needs to be more tactful when setting beauty standards.

“We want to be sexy too. We want to do everything our skinny colleagues do. We don't like being teddy chickens."

Louis O'Reilly

86 kg

The professional model works with eight modeling agencies in different parts of the world, collaborates with global clothing and cosmetics brands, and runs a fashion blog, Style Me Curvy, in which she talks about her life. “When I was a teenager, I was much bigger than I am now, and I had nothing to wear. The fashion industry is very different now than it used to be, and when I was younger I had to wear suit pants and baggy clothes, not what my friends wore. It was terrible,” Louis said in an interview.

Kate Dillon

81 kg

Nature rewarded Kate with curvaceous figures, which the model tried to fight all her life with the help of grueling diets and smoking. The result was anorexia, and then long-term treatment. After a course of therapy, Kate stopped mocking her body and decided to try herself as a plus size model. Now she collaborates with fashion brands for plus-size women and has starred for Vogue and Gucci.

Whitney Thompson

85 kg

As a teenager, Whitney was thin and worked as a fashion model. Then the girl recovered, but was not afraid to take part in the “America’s Next Top Model” project. And most importantly, she became the first plus-size girl to win a popular TV show. And she proved that you don’t have to be thin to have a brilliant career as a model. Whitney has starred in many glossy publications and advertising campaigns, worked with famous brands, and, in addition, is a member of the National Association for Eating Disorders.

Felicity Hayward

The 29-year-old British woman became a model by chance. She danced in a youth club, where a modeling agent noticed her and invited her to shoot. Now she is a successful plus size model, photographed for such magazines as Vogue, Glamour, i-D and Numero and is one of the favorite plus-size models of the Asos brand. Not long ago, netizens criticized Felicity’s revealing photos: “You’re not just fat, you’re fat.” To which the model responded with dignity: “Yes, like my bank account.”

Evgeniya Podberezkina

In the past, Evgenia was a world champion in synchronized swimming, and after finishing her sports career she began to gain weight, began to have severe complexes and was very worried. And then I decided to try myself as a plus size model. In 2016, Evgeniya posed for Maxim magazine, becoming the first Russian plus size model to appear on the cover of a men's glossy magazine.

Over time, working as a model not only opened my eyes to myself. I look at fat people differently, I see their beauty. Now I am more impressed by fat people than by ordinary matches on Louboutins. "The Diary of a Fat Lady"

Maria Pavlyuk

86 kg

Before becoming a mother, Maria worked as a fine arts teacher, and after maternity leave she decided to try herself as a plus size model. She became the winner of the “Model XL” project on the “1+1” channel, and a little later graced the cover of the Ukrainian edition of “Cosmopolitan”.

Maria Mayevskaya

80 kg

It is one of the most popular models in Russia.

Sometimes any girl should stand naked in front of a mirror and, after examining herself, accept her body as it is.