Methodological development in speech therapy (middle group) on the topic: “Visiting the tongue” (speech therapy entertainment for middle preschool age). Speech therapy and speech holidays and entertainment. Scenarios

Speech therapy leisure scenario for older preschoolers “How to be able to play well”

Integration Speech development, Communication, Cognitive development.

To develop the ability of older preschoolers to unite for joint games, teach them to enter into dialogue and negotiate.
Continue to develop the ability to hear interlocutors, learn to calmly defend your opinion.
Develop strong-willed qualities: follow the established game rules, cultivate a culture of fair competition.
Cultivate friendly relationships between children, teach them how to organize their free time.

Materials and attributes
plastic letters from the game "ABC", a ball, a Magpie costume (for the teacher), 2 easels, magnets, a set of cards from the game "Rainbow Kaye", an hourglass (1-3 minutes).

Leisure activities

Speech therapist
Guys, I want to remind you of the lines of the famous poem by Valentin Berestov
How good it is to be able to play You don’t have to pester your mother, You don’t have to shake your grandmother, You don’t have to pester your sister, You don’t have to call, you don’t have to wait, But you can go and play!

Of course, I changed the words a little, but I know for sure that you love to play.
I suggest you decide

Speech game "Who are we?"

Speech therapist on the street we are children... pedestrians
Speech therapist, and in transport - Children... passengers

Speech therapist in the store - Children... shoppers

Speech therapist in the theater - Children... spectators

Speech therapist at holidays and entertainment in kindergarten - Children... participants

Recording of "Bird Voices" Against the background of sounds in the hall appears Magpie with words:
“I am a white-sided magpie, hello, I know all the news, I collect all the news and tell others”
Speech therapist Hello, Soroka! And our guys are also learning to speak well and clearly and have already learned a lot of tongue twisters (and about your friends too), let's listen to them together.

"Tournament of Tongue Twisters":

who is bigger? who is more correct? (according to the hourglass - in 1 - 2 minutes)
Children pronounce previously learned tongue twisters.
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya. Ten owlets are sitting on a pine tree. All beavers are kind to their beavers. Three magpies were chattering on the hill.

Magpie. I liked how the guys handled the task, but when I’m in a hurry, I can sometimes make mistakes. Check it out guys, is it possible to say that?
Game "Correct the sentence - say it correctly"
Soroka pronounces deformed texts - children corrected.
Speech material to the game:
The goat brought food to the girl. The ball plays with Sasha. Gena broke the ball with the glass. Olya with a picture draws dad. Masha is carrying a bag in cabbage. Speech therapist: “It’s time to guess special speech therapy riddles. What sound will a person make if he lifts his tongue over his upper teeth like a cup, smiles and exhales? Try to say the answer.” Children - sh sh sh. Speech therapist: “What if you connect the voice?” Children - well, well.
Speech therapist: "That's right, now the next game"


Speech therapist: “Turn around yourself, turn into the sound R. Show that you have turned.” The children growl in response. “And now turn around yourself into the syllable RA and turn into the syllable RA. And now with the syllable RA we will play words. And you, Soroka, we invite you into our circle!”

Ball game

Speech therapist throws the ball to the child and pronounces the beginning of the word, the child catches the ball and returns it to the speech therapist, adding the syllable RA to the beginning of the word. Speech therapist successively passes the ball to the children in a circle and says: ig - game, dy - hole, u - hurray, ko - bark, konu - kennel, po - time, fa - headlight Speech therapist: “Turn around and turn into guys!”

Game with cards "Rainbow Kaye"

Speech therapist:“I now suggest that the participants lay out “paths” from cards on their easels. Who is faster?” Keeping track of time using an hourglass.

Next game - Friendly Train

Children stand one after another and hold the person in front by the belt. In this position, they overcome various obstacles:
- Walk between the pins in a “snake” manner.
- Make your way through the “dense forest”.
-Quietly drive through the “enchanted forest” so as not to “fall into the clutches of wild animals.” -Come up with your own route and go through it.
Throughout the entire journey, children should not become detached from each other.
Two trains can travel simultaneously. In this case, the winner will be the one who arrives at the finish line in full force: “The engine and the carriages were very attentive, took care of each other and therefore did not lose anyone along the way.”

Letter game: guess by touch

The game uses ordinary plastic letters from the ABC and Alphabet sets. (the game is familiar to children) Speech therapist: “I invite everyone who wants to become participants in the game, stand in a circle, put their hands behind their backs and receive from the host a letter, which will be placed in their palms. Children guess (without seeing it, examining it tactilely). Further, according to the rules of the game, everyone assumes: “I think , that I have a letter (calls) ...." And only after that he checks himself - looks at the letter, gives self-assessment: “I’m right!” or “I was wrong”
Magpie: "I learned so many new things and now I will play with my friends" Speech therapist: "Guys, let's say goodbye to the white-sided magpie and invite it to visit us for the next entertainment, which we will definitely prepare for you."

Resources used:
Berestov V.D. First leaf fall. Poetry. M., 1990
Borisova E.A. By playing we correct sounds - by playing we fix sounds Birobidzhan, OblIUU, 2005
Kaye V.A. Toolkit. Rainbow Kaye Developing subject-game system.
Kutyavina N.L. Formation of spatial representations in children with OHP // magazine "Speech therapist" No. 8 2010
Melekhin A.I. Teaching children to play preschool age// magazine "Handbook of educational psychologist" No. 2 2012
Seliverstov V.I. Games in speech therapy work with kids. M., "Enlightenment", 1987
Stepanova O.A. Prevention of school difficulties. /game technology series / M. 2003

Every adult has retained in his memory memories of childhood holidays. The holiday gives you the opportunity to take a break from everyday life and have fun with friends. Conducting speech festivals and entertainment is an important form of work for a speech therapist in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool institution.
The Federal State Educational Standard puts the following targets at the forefront:
— interest;
- creative initiative action;
— independence;
— active interaction with children and adults;
— volitional efforts, making one’s own decisions;
- a game where the self-worth of preschool age is preserved and the very nature of the preschooler is preserved.
The purpose of speech holidays is the development of cognitive interest and attention to native language, linguistic thinking, communicative abilities of children.
When organizing speech festivals, it is necessary to consider means of emotional influence:
music, dancing - help create a festive atmosphere;
poems, riddles, sayings, tongue twisters are selected taking into account automated sounds, in accordance with the theme, and should be short so as not to introduce boredom into the holiday.
games with elements of competition act as a means of activating children.
Conventionally, speech entertainment can be classified as follows:
Theatrical: games - dramatizations, various theaters (puppet, shadow, plane, toy theater) and others.
Educational: KVN, quizzes on studied lexical topics, sounds and letters.
Sports: attractions, outdoor games, competitions, relay races;
Literary - musical.
Required elements entertainment includes riddles, jokes, attractions, surprises.
Puzzles They enrich speech, broaden their horizons, develop inquisitiveness, attention, memory, and help introduce new sounds into children’s speech.
Jokes used at the holiday in between various tasks and games.
Attractions are selected taking into account the capabilities of the children. Here children compete in ingenuity, dexterity, and courage.
Surprises cause a storm of emotions, activates the activity of preschoolers. This could be an audio recording, a letter or telegram asking for help, an unexpected appearance at a holiday fairy tale characters, beautifully decorated box, surprise package.
Success of the holiday depends on following conditions:
1. Calendar and thematic planning of speech therapy holidays.
2. Definition of tasks (correctional - educational, correctional - developmental, educational).
3. Interest, consistency, active participation in the preparation of the speech therapy holiday for children, teachers and parents.
4. Discussion of the content of the holiday, distribution of roles, surprise moments, making attributes.
Entertainment is planned throughout academic year for seniors and preparatory groups(monthly, except December, when preparations are underway for New Year's matinees). These could be games - dramatizations of fairy tales, imaginary journeys (for example, in the first week of September “Journey to School”). Fairy tale stories with fairy tale “heroes” interest children. Wanting to help, children are not afraid to complete tasks, become active, work more productively and focused.
After studying the lexical topic, you can conduct a final lesson - speech therapy leisure, for example: “In the garden, in the vegetable garden” (“Vegetables - fruits”), “Grandmother Agafya’s bird yard” (“Poultry”), KVN “Visiting the old man - Lesovika (“Wild Animals”). Joint leisure time for children and parents “Feed the birds in winter” (“Wintering birds”). At such final classes, children with speech pathology have the opportunity to prepare for public speaking on holidays.
The music director is responsible for selecting and learning songs and choreographic movements. Speech material is selected by a speech therapist taking into account the individual speech capabilities of children, spoken in individual lessons.
The leading activity of preschoolers is play. Games are included in all parts of the entertainment. Speech holidays and entertainment can include games to develop all components of speech.

For the development of auditory attention and speech hearing The games used are “Quiet - loud”, “Where is it ringing?”, “Blind man’s buff with a voice”, “Guess whose voice”, “Who is flying, (running, walking, jumping)?”

For the development of lexical and grammatical structure of speech such games such as: “Find out by description”, “Name in one word”, “What’s missing?”, “Name it affectionately”, “Mom - dad - children?”, “Similar words”, “Prompt the word”, “The word is lost”, “Recognize the mistake.”

Games on the sound culture of speech: « Scatter the sounds,” “Let’s make sounds together.” “Choose pictures with a syllable...”, “Prompt the end of the word”, “Complete the word”, “Prompt the missing syllable”, “Which syllable is missing”, “Unspell the word”..., “Find the lost sound”, “Name the missing syllable” , “Word in a word”, “Words are inverted”, “Long words - short”, “Find a house for the word”, “Tap the word”, “Clap..., walk”, “Zvukoedik”, “Masha and Misha”.

Tasks and games for developing attention and memory:
“What word was lost”, “What has changed?”, “What (who is missing)?”, “What has been added?”

Games and exercises to develop speech breathing: “Whose bird will fly farther?”, “Inflate the toy”, “Blow on a feather”, “Leaf fall”, “Blow out the candle”, “Snowfall”.

A lot of imagination and skill is required from a speech therapist in order to maintain the interest and attention of children of the entire group, since at the holiday children are easily excitable, active, and behave more freely. During the celebration, the speech therapist helps children understand the terms of the competition tasks. It is necessary to think over gifts related to the theme of the holiday. These can be either individual gifts: sweets, coloring books, medals, books for kids, or a gift for the whole group: board game for a group, cake, book of fairy tales.

Participation of children in speech therapy activities:
Forms positive attitude to collective creative affairs, the ability to work together in a team of peers, the ability to make one’s own decisions, responsibility, resourcefulness;
Develops ingenuity, strong-willed efforts, activates vocabulary;
Contributes to the improvement of monologue and dialogic speech, the accumulation of children's experience of public speaking;

Speech therapy entertainment

"In the Land of Vowels"

Target: creating a positive emotional mood in children.


  • Strengthen children's knowledge of vowel sounds; about the letters denoting these sounds.
  • Continue to develop the ability to identify vowel sounds against the background of a word, determining their position in the word.
  • Develop fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, plasticity, rhythm, smoothness of movements, voluntary attention, phonemic hearing.
  • Cultivate cognitive interest in the sound side of speech.

Progress of entertainment

Speech therapist:

We looked for an interesting country together,

You can hardly find it on maps,

But if we all close our eyes together,

We'll probably build it quickly! (children close their eyes, teacher puts on headbands with letters)

Now open your eyes quickly,

And we found ourselves in the land of Vowels!

In our fairy tale, friends,

Letters live: from A to Z,

They live - they don’t grieve,

They are friends with all sounds!

The letter a

A melody sounds. A child comes out with a picture of the letter A.

Child (letter A):

Guys, I am the letter A,

Charming, smart,

Do you want to play with me?

Well, then tell me quickly

Those magic words

That always, always, always

Starts with A.

(Children name words that begin with the sound [a])

Speech therapist:

Now let’s lay out the letter A from glass beads, and you, dear letter, join us. (The game takes place in the form of a competition: children, upon a signal, lay out the letter A from glass beads on tables or on the floor, the speech therapist sums up the results: who laid out the letter faster and with better quality).

Children go to the chairs. A melody sounds.

Letter I

The letter I comes out - the child with the letter I is depicted, he has a basket, in it there are balls, knitting needles, threads, needles.

Speech therapist:

The letter I came to us,

What a fashionista, look!

Child (letter I):

Here I have wonderful balls, well, they just ask: “Wind us up, my friends!” (the letter I hands out balls of balls to the children and plays the game: “Who can wind up the ball of balls faster?”, the speech therapist sums up the game).

Speech therapist:

Letter I, what else is in your wonderful basket? (The letter I takes out objects (images), the children name them: threads, needles, knitting needles). Guys, let's determine where the sound [and] is heard in the names of these objects: at the beginning, middle or end of the word (on the easel there is a diagram with the help of which children determine the position of the sound in a word, names the word, for example, “threads”, the child takes the symbol sound [and] - a circle and puts it in the pocket in the right place: in 1 - if the sound is at the beginning of the word, in 2 - if the sound is in the middle of the word and in 3 - if the sound is at the end of the word; if there are two identifiable sounds in the word, the child must put two circles in in the right places. The speech therapist sums up the work).

Speech therapist: (takes out sets of improvised knitting needles with blunt ends (Chinese shelves or pencils))

And here are the knitting needles with which the letter I knits new clothes for itself, let’s make the letter I from them (there are 3 “knitting needles” on the tables, the children are divided into pairs and lay out the letter), and you, beautiful letter, check if the children remember you well? (The letter I checks the correct placement of the spokes).

Letter I, you are very interesting, stay with us.

Letter E

Music sounds, the letter E comes out - a child with a picture of the letter E.

Child (letter E):

Who doesn't know this letter?

This letter is the coolest!

Speech therapist:

She sings songs

And the game is a success!

She offers you the game "Finger Birds"

Well, who will be the best?

Logorhythmic exercise

Stand in a circle. We will imagine that our fingers are birds. They waved and flew.

Children sing along to the music and perform the appropriate movements.

Birds' fingers are flying,

Now forward and then back,

What kind of birds do you call?

These are my fingers.

They flew up high,

We flew far

It's already over your head,

Isn't it time for us to go home?

The birds were returning

They sank smoothly

Arrived and sat down

They wanted to eat

They pecked the millet,

It is obvious that they are tired.

Fingers rest

And they fly again.

Repeat 2 times, the second time the last line AND DO NOT FLY ANYMORE.

Letter E, how artistic you are! Join us too.

Letter U

Music sounds, a child comes out with the image of the letter U

Child (letter U):

I am the letter U, I am known to everyone,

Good and interesting

Here is my miracle locomotive,

He brought you riddles.

Guess what, guys?

Unusual riddles.

(describes the object shown in the picture (does not show it), the rest guess. For example: this is a vegetable, it is white, covered with brown skin, grows in the ground, it tastes bitter = onion. The speech therapist invites other children to make riddles (hands out pictures, in which have the sound U). Suggested words: bow, duck, lips, mustache.).

Speech therapist:

Now let’s all write the letter U in the air together. Dear letter U, you are very smart, sit down and join us.

Letter Y

Music sounds, the letter Y comes out - a child with a picture of the letter Y.

Child (letter Y):

Guys, I am the letter Y,

You all should know me!

Say the words with me

And quickly get into the circle!

Speech therapist:

I will talk about one item, and you will talk about many, for example: table-tables. (game: “One - many” with a massage ball). The game should select words that plural end with the sound [s], for example: elephant - elephants, crocodile - crocodiles, monkey - monkeys, hippopotamus - hippopotamuses, etc.)

Dear letter Y, it’s a lot of fun with you, stay with us.

Letter O

Music sounds, the letter O comes out - a child with a picture of the letter O.

Child (letter O):

I am like the sun, the moon,

I'm round on all sides

I am the letter O, beloved friends,

And here is my story: (tells the poem, highlighting words with the sound [o] in his voice)

I'm very, very, very, very

I love you guys, oh-autumn,

I love swimming in the lake,

There are catfish and o-perch there.

Speech therapist:

Well, did you recognize O in words?

Did you guess the general sound?

(Children name words with the sound [o] from the text of the poem, then name the general sound).

And the letter O also loves magical transformations into various round objects, try to turn the letter O into some object (children sit at tables on which there are sheets of paper with the letter O and pencils, complete the task, “letter O” together with the speech therapist help them).

Guys, tell me what objects the letter O has turned into? Magic letter O, did we get the drawings? Today we will organize an exhibition of our works (as an option, you can give drawings to guest teachers).

Speech therapist:

Dear letters, we were very glad to make friends with you! Guys, let's call them again: (children come out with letters) A, U, E, I, O, Y.

Come, letters, to us every day, we can’t live without you!

Goal: Development of articulatory motor skills, speech breathing.

1. Development of a directed air stream, articulatory motor skills.

2.Form a free, smooth, extended exhalation using special exercises.

3. To develop, by imitating the speech of an adult, the ability to pronounce small phrases or meaningful segments in one exhalation.

Equipment: slide accompaniment, games for the development of speech breathing: tubes for holding breathing exercises, the author's multifunctional manual for the development of speech breathing, bowls with straws, trays, a replaceable unit for soap bubbles.

Progress of the event

The music hall is decorated multi-colored balls and checkboxes. The music starts playing and the Fairy appears.

Teacher speech therapist : "Hello guys! Today we invite you on an exciting journey through a magical meadow. So that we don’t get lost, let’s practice our speech breathing.”

1. Warm-up game “Sing the vowels A OU I E” using ICT.

Teacher speech therapist:“Do you guys like fairy tales? Fairy tales can be funny and sad, kind and not so good, but always with a good ending. In fairy tales, good always wins. Guys, what fairy tales do you know? (Children's answers).

Now I will check how well you know fairy tales.

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

Treats butterflies, bumblebees,

He heals birds and animals,

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit)

Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round and ruddy side,

Rolled... (gingerbread man)

My father has a strange boy

Unusual, wooden,

On land and under water,

Looking for a golden key

He sticks his long nose everywhere

Who is this? (Bu-ra-ti-no).

She is kind, smart, beautiful and sweet,

And her name comes from the word “ash”

Who is this? (Cinderella).

I can recognize an animal by the tracks of any animal,
And a giraffe and a cow, and a beetle and a sparrow!
Whose traces are these that wind around the forest roads?
It's the nosebug and the wildhorn walking through the forest,

What cartoon is this funny heroine from?

(Masha and the Bear).

Teacher speech therapist: « Guys, I know that you are learning to hear and pronounce sounds correctly, to distinguish similar sounds. And now we will do gymnastics for our lips and tongues, and our friends “Masha and the Bear” will help us. (A multimedia presentation is turned on, where the characters perform gymnastics)

2.Articulation gymnastics with Masha.

Teacher speech therapist:“Let's demonstrate the dexterity of our fingers, repeat after me the movements with your fingers:

Fingers are a friendly family; they cannot live without each other.

Here is the big one, and this is the middle one, the nameless one and the last one -

Our little finger. You forgot your index finger.

So that our fingers can live together, we will connect them

And perform the movements.

We will show you the horns of a goat, and even the antlers of a deer,

We won't forget about the bunny, we'll use our ears.

To speak better, you need to be friends with your fingers.

Teacher speech therapist: « And now, guys, let’s train our fingers to the music, because competitions await us ahead.”

3. Finger games in audio recording: “Family”, “Five Fishes”, “Tea”.

Teacher speech therapist: “Well, now it’s time to have some fun! I suggest playing the games “Our hands are not for boredom”... (performed to music)

4. Games for the development of speech breathing:

"Put the ball into the goal"

Goal: to develop a long-term, focused air stream.

Execution: stretch your lips forward with a tube and blow for a long time onto a cotton ball lying in front of the child, driving it between two cubes standing in front of the table.

Guidelines: 1. make sure that your cheeks do not puff out. To do this, you can lightly hold them with your fingers. 2. Push the ball in with one exhalation, avoid an intermittent stream.

"Blow your testicles onto the plates"

Goal: to develop a smooth, long-lasting, continuous air stream running in the middle of the tongue.

“Blow the ball into the goal”, “Blow the car into the garage” using the author’s manual.

Teacher speech therapist: « Well done! Smart and kind guys. And you also know how to have fun! I want to invite you to dance." (Music sounds. Children dance).

5.Dance exercises according to the method of E. Zheleznova in audio recordings.

Teacher speech therapist : “Our journey through the clearing has come to an end. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten

Music is playing. The children leave.



Speech therapy entertainment

"Visiting a fairy" Have a beautiful speech»

(with children of the middle group)

Prepared by speech therapist teacher N.P. Bryndina.

Speech therapy entertainment on the topic “My toys” in the senior group with OHP.

Subject: Speech therapy entertainment script on the topic “My toys” for children senior group with ONR.
Klokova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU d/s No. 39, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: In children with OHP, all areas are impaired speech development, as well as general, fine motor skills, speech prosody. This entertainment is made up of movement and speech games. This contributes to the development of mental and physical health children with OHP. By playing outdoor and speech games, children expand their knowledge about toys and activate their vocabulary on this topic. The material will be of interest to speech therapists, teachers and parents.
Target: Generalization of knowledge on the topic “Toys”.
Expand passive and active dictionary children;
Develop thinking, imagination, attention;
Develop gross and fine motor skills;
Develop coordination of movements;
Develop a sense of cooperation and mutual assistance.
Preliminary work:
Reading and memorizing poems by A.L. Barto about toys.
Two dolls, two trucks, two balls, two pyramids, two strollers, cubes and bricks. Cards with pictures of toys.

Progress of entertainment:

Speech therapist: Guys, do you like to play with toys? I suggest you divide into two teams today and play. For each correct answer the team will receive a matryoshka doll. At the end we will count the nesting dolls and determine the winners.
1. Speech therapist:
We gathered today to play,
Well, quickly name the different toys!
Children take turns naming toys from memory.
2. Speech therapist:
Now my kids, guess the riddles:

Not thunder, but thunder.
But he is famous for that.

Yellow huts
They hold on to each other.
One with a pipe
He pulls everyone along with him.

There's a ladder in the field,
The house is running down the stairs.

They beat him with a hand and a stick,
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated.

What kind of bird?
Doesn't sing songs
Doesn't build a nest
Are you carrying people and cargo?

This funny animal is made of plush. . .
There are paws, there are ears,
Give some honey to the beast
And make him a den.
Winnie the Pooh

Friends of different heights
But they look alike
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy.

My beautiful cap. .
Dashingly shifted to the side.
I'm a funny toy
And my name is...

What a very strange thing this is
Wooden man?
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?..

What a strange chime
It can be heard from all sides.
You put her to sleep, she gets up,
Sings a song loudly.
This cute face
Everyone knows...

I'm spinning, I'm spinning -
And I'm not lazy
Spin like this all day.
And I'm buzzing like a bee,
Who, children, am I?

Head on a leg
And there are peas in my head.
Will ring in your ear

3. Speech therapist:
(Addressing the first team)
Look here
And tell me, child,
What parts is the machine made of?
Does the cargo consist?

Children name the parts of the car. (A truck has a cab, body, etc.)

4. Speech therapist:
(Addressing the second team)
Now say it together
What parts does the doll have?

Children name the parts of the doll. (The doll has a head, neck, etc.)
5. Speech therapist:
Now each team member will show his dexterity.
We will compete two from each team.
1 task.
You need to choose from building material only green bags, load them into the back of the truck, use a rope to drive the car along the path, unload the car, go around the chair and return to your place.

Task 2.
You need to run to the chair, build a tower out of cubes and run back to your place.

3 task.
You need to wrap the baby in a diaper, put him in the stroller, move the stroller along the path, around the chair, and return to his place.

4 task.
You need to run to the chair, assemble the pyramid correctly, from the large ring to the small one, and run back to your place.
Task 5.
You need to run to the chair and choose the largest ball, taking it and running back to your place.

6 task.
Knocking the ball on the floor, run to the chair, put the ball down and run back to your place.

6. Speech therapist:
Well done boys! Let's take a break and name the colors of the rings!
First command:
Name the color of the rings on the pyramid from top to bottom.
Second command:
Name the color of the rings on the pyramid from bottom to top.

7. Speech therapist:
Who knows poems about toys?
Let him read them now.

8. Speech therapist:
I suggest you guys
I'll count the toys
All numbers need to be correct
Call them in order.

(Children pass the toy to each other, while agreeing the numeral with the noun)
The first team counts:
One ball, two balls, three balls, four balls, five balls, six balls.
The second team counts:
One brick, two bricks, three bricks, four bricks, five bricks, six bricks.

9. Speech therapist:
And now, guys,
Keep the cards
And toys affectionately
Now you name it.
(If one of the children affectionately names a toy incorrectly, then the team helps).
Teddy bear is a target,
Squirrel - squirrel,
Machine - machine,
Doll - doll,
Ball - ball,
Steam locomotive - steam locomotive,
Elephant - elephant,
Hare - bunny,
Cat - cat,
Ball - ball,
Pistol - pistol,
An airplane is an airplane.

10. Speech therapist:
You guys are great!
Pleased from the bottom of my heart!

Turn into airplanes
Fly, don't collide!
And land on the ground!

Children start the engines (make rotational movements with their hands);
Spread their wings (arms to the sides);
They fly (run around the group);
Land (sit on the carpet)

11. The speech therapist sums up the results of the competition, praises the children and thanks them for a pleasant time spent.
Source of mysteries.
