Mass Effect Andromeda - sharing our impressions. First impressions of Mass Effect: Andromeda

Job type: Tasks in Elea: Eos

Required conditions: outpost on Eos

Starting location: Eos

How to get a: install seismic hammer

Install the first seismic hammer


The level of seismic activity on Eos has increased. By influencing the tremors with a seismic hammer, the water supply to Prodromos could improve. Find the location of the first seismic hammer (1) and activate it. Prepare to be attacked by the Relics.

Install a second seismic hammer

Follow the navigation point (2) to the Relic monoliths, where the second hammer should be placed. As you approach, you meet people.

Check strangers

People from this group call themselves citizens of the sovereign state of Advent. They don't have enough water and would like to make a deal: extracting natural gas for Prodromos in exchange for water. You can agree, in which case the group leader will direct you to the next hammer.

After your conversation, two navigation points will appear on the map (3) (4) . Extraction of water at the point (3) , natural gas at point (4) . You cannot use both deposits at once. But no matter what you choose, the result will be the same - an epic battle awaits you.

Install a second hammer to start extracting water or gas

After selecting a drill location, another navigation point appears nearby to place the final seismic hammer (5) .

Install the third seismic hammer

Place the hammer at the last navigation point (5) .

Defeat the Architect of Relics

After placing the third seismic hammer, a giant Relic appears from the ground. This is the "father" of all Relics, called the Architect. On each planet where you establish an outpost, you can meet your Architect. You can find boxes of ammunition and health everywhere on the battlefield. Use them, and take cover often, to defeat the Architect.

Making an impression is the main quest for colonizing the planet Eos. This task will be available only after the outpost has been built. The task in “Make an Impression” is simple - activate three seismic hammers, thereby raising the water level, but not many people know what this mission will lead to. In this article we will tell you how to complete the mission to impress Mass Effect Andromeda.

Installation of the first seismic hammer

To receive the task, go to Eos and find the first point where one of the three hammers is located. According to the task, activating all three hammers will improve the water supply for Prodromos. After turning on the first hammer, the mission will activate and you will immediately be attacked by a small army of Relics.

Installation of a second seismic hammer

The next point to activate the hammer is the Remnant monolith inhabited by people. Upon first contact, people will not treat you particularly friendly and will announce that this is now a sovereign state of Advent. To install the second hammer, make a deal with people under which you must place the drill in a gas or water field. You can choose anything, it will not affect the plot.

Installation of the third seismic hammer and battle with the Architect

We go to the last point and place the hammer. After this, the Architect appears, a huge relic that will require a lot of effort to destroy. The battle with this mini-boss takes place in three phases. Shoot one of the relic's legs until it reveals the outline of its head. Don't forget to watch out for his main gun, as well as his machine gun and long-exploding mines. Ultimately, when the main health bar is used up, the architect will fall and thus be defeated - mission accomplished!

Summing up

Now you know how to complete the mission to impress Mass Effect Andromeda. For completing this quest you will receive a large amount of OPA and XP. As for the architects, it is worth noting that such giants will be encountered more than once on other planets, but it will be easier to fight them.

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Representatives Bioware wanted all journalists to know: the company has put its heart and soul into Mass Effect Andromeda, all your accumulated experience and all your strength. According to them, Andromeda is the most big project throughout the history of the studio.

Many representatives of the Western press managed to try out the game, we will post several of their opinions in this news. Let's start with the portal reviewer VG247, who published a detailed preview of the game and shared his emotions.

"Andromeda combines the style and aesthetics of the original Mass Effect, a well-developed story and interesting characters of the sequel and a dynamic combat system of the threequel."

I absolutely love the series Mass Effect, it was really fun to complete the entire trilogy 100% and get all the achievements. I spent a lot of time in multiplayer Mass Effect 3, read all the comics and enjoyed immersing myself in this universe again and again. But I was seriously worried about the quality Mass Effect Andromeda. EA showed practically nothing, time passed, and fears grew. There were suspicions that Bioware don’t want to spoil the game experience for players and will do the same Bethesda with their Fallout 4. But still, the game's release was approaching, and we still hadn't really seen anything except for the cinematic trailers. In my time, Fallout 4 received several hours-long demonstrations before the release, where all the features of the project were revealed in detail. Developments Andromeda continued to remain silent. Maybe they had something to hide? Well, now I can answer this question. I was trusted to try out the latest build of the game and to be honest, I’m shocked.

E.A. trusted us to try it PC-version of the project on top systems. You could play using either a platform-standard keyboard and mouse or a controller. Considering that the games in the series had some problems with control on gamepads, I think the company wanted to show that now this aspect will be ideal. We were given the opportunity to try out the prologue of the project and several story missions after it, so that we could experience the game not limited by the introduction.

What immediately caught my eye was that Mass Effect Andromeda, is very similar to its predecessors. From the first seconds of the game I felt a familiar atmosphere. I don’t know how the developers managed to do it, but they fit into one game all the good things that were in all parts of the series separately. I saw the familiar style of the original Mass Effect, the presentation of the story and the colorfulness of the characters are clearly inspired by the second part, and the combat system is very similar to Mass Effect 3. The game was clearly made to please the fans, it has everything that made us love this world, and even more.

But at the same time, the project feels like something new. From the first minutes of the prologue, I felt the familiar atmosphere of the original trilogy, even the font in the text is almost identical. But the subtitle itself " Andromeda"already hints that the game is moving away from the universe we are familiar with. There is clearly a familiar flavor here Mass Effect, but the emphasis on the subtitle is not in vain. Somewhat, Mass Effect Andromeda feels like new IP.

It’s good that the game has a prologue, in which you will be allowed to get used to the innovations and get acquainted with the updated controls. Where the sequels to the main trilogy had a story already familiar to players and could throw them right into the thick of things, Andromeda will give you time to take a breath and get acquainted with the new world. You will be given time to wander around the ship, talk with the crew and various characters, read texts and mission briefings.

From the very first mission you will be given the opportunity to do whatever your heart desires, you will be able to talk to any character you meet and interact with them. I spent a lot of time talking with the Azari doctor, but I was not allowed to meet all the ship's personnel. Representatives EA asked me to move further along the plot, since a lot of time could be spent talking here. For this reason, I cannot fully comment on the depth of this component of the game, but it is already clear that the secondary characters are simply excellently developed, interesting to talk to, and interesting to get to know them better. In this plan Andromeda surpassed Mass Effect 3.

Great emphasis in Mass Effect Andromeda made on planetary exploration and a sense of discovery. And the game copes with this entirely. The process of overcoming the planet's atmosphere and landing on it was done very effectively. In the first mission we went through, there was a feeling that we were back on Eden Prime from the original game, only this time it's bigger, wider in scope and much richer in unique content. The planet is very easy to distinguish from others due to its unique climate. There are frequent and severe thunderstorms, and the surroundings are filled with strange rocks. This planet clearly cannot be called the second Earth.

At some point the father of the family Riders scolded me for not doing enough research on the planet, and what I did find turned out to be useless. The size of the location is really large and it would take a lot of time to fully explore it. The good news is that the characters react uniquely to what the player does and how well they explore new planets. My colleague spent more time exploring the area and was rewarded with various bonuses and praise from the characters. I was also encouraged to do this, but due to lack of time, I decided that it was better to study the plot itself more thoroughly. But the size of the space on the first mission is simply amazing.

After getting acquainted with the structure of the planet and its attractions, we encountered its inhabitants. A serious battle ensued, and here we had a chance to try out all the charm of the project’s combat system. The core of the development team was the people responsible for multiplayer Mass Effect 3, and you can feel it. Combat system in Andromeda very much reminiscent of the third part of the series, but has become much more dynamic, impressive and interesting. You will have a large variety of unique abilities and skills that fit perfectly into the overall concept and make each battle so dynamic and addictive that it is simply impossible to tear yourself away. All abilities can be combined, making each battle unique. As for RPG games, this system is simply ideal, there will be no division into classes in the project and you will be able to develop your character with several unique features at once, which will affect your approach to battles.

The jetpack became a kind of cherry on the cake of the combat system. With its help, you can discover a completely new approach to battles, but no one has canceled the standard cover system and it will also be no less important. You will be able to make high jumps, dodge attacks and hover in the air. It all looks fantastic. At the same time, the game now has a dynamic cover system, which is not very good. Every time I tried to hide from enemy fire, I could not figure out whether I was hiding or not, and often died. Although the combat system here doesn’t look as fresh as in the new one Gears of War, it is still much better than what we saw in the original trilogy.

In the second half of the demo, I was given the opportunity to try out the abilities of a character with upgraded biotics. I know a lot of people were worried about the lack of traditional skill selection in the new game, but the new system is pretty easy to use and makes switching between skills a breeze. Players who prefer to play on PC in this regard, they will benefit even more; changing abilities there will be tied to special keys.

Later, I finally tried out the all-terrain vehicle" Nomad"which replaced" Mako"from the original Mass Effect. Its controls are very easy and responsive, which is good news. The all-terrain vehicle has two controllability modes: rear-wheel drive mode, which will significantly increase its speed, and all-wheel drive mode. When switching to four-wheel drive The speed of the all-terrain vehicle will be limited, but it will allow you to overcome large potholes and uneven areas.

"Nomad" will become key factor to cover long distances. We made sure that the most small world Andromeda is the most represented in Dragon Age Inquisition. This is of course crazy, since it will take a lot of time to study them. But an SUV moves much faster than a horse, so moving around the world won't take forever. And the trips themselves to " Nomad" will truly give you indescribable emotions, and you will truly feel like a pioneer. Thanks to the power of the engine Frostbite, you will stop repeatedly to admire the beauty of your surroundings.

The biggest disadvantage in Mass Effect Andromeda is facial animation. In some cutscenes, the characters' facial expressions did not match the voice acting, and the characters themselves were drawn rather strangely. Without a doubt, this is due to the large amount of work for the creators; there are a lot of heroes in the game and everyone needs to be given original look and facial expressions. But this aspect really stands out.

I'm a big fan of the series and was very worried about the quality new game. Until this moment, I did not see in it the makings of a worthy continuation of the series, but it seems that I was wrong. Much remains to be studied, many features of the project are not yet clear. In just a few hours of play, it is impossible to fully assess how it will turn out in the end. But the main elements of the upcoming project look great. It is not yet clear how it will perform in the end and many questions remain open, but this demo version has restored my faith in Mass Effect Andromeda, and I'm looking forward to its release.

In addition, reviewers from other portals also tested the game. Excerpts of their opinions are presented below.

"From the very beginning Mass Effect Andromeda appears to us as a strong game with a big focus on customization, RPG components and advanced featuresoriginaltrilogy."

"I'm looking forward to getting back into the game and spending more time in this universe. I want to get to know the game characters better and where this journey will lead. Gave me similar emotionsoriginalMass Effect. There is a very pleasant and dynamic combat system, but I did not like the lack of the ability to pause the battle and give orders to squad members, as was the case in the original trilogy".

"I spent four hours in the game and was pleasantly surprised, but I also noticed a few big problems. In particular, the version we played was still quite crude and buggy, and there was only a month left before release. I really liked the system of customization, crafting and leveling up heroes. But still, Andromeda does not live up to the cult first parts of the series, but is more reminiscent of an improved versionDragon Age: Inquisition . "

"Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to fully understand all the mechanics of the game and evaluate its components. But honestly speaking, all those 90 minutes what I spent in Mass Effect Andromeda, the feeling of frustration never left me."

"Honestly I must say that I was very sensitive to the new part of the series, after all, but Mass Effect 2 is my most favorite game. I was very upset to see how BioWare was losing ground and I was afraid they would ruin such a great series. Now, after spending several hours in Mass Effect Andromeda, I'm looking forward to its release and expect it to be a worthy continuation of the franchise Mass Effect ".

The game will go on sale March 23, 2017 year for PC,Xbox One And PlayStation 4.

Finally! After five years of waiting and getting to know a very stripped-down trial version, Mass Effect fans can go towards real adventures - the release of Mass Effect Andromeda has taken place.



Finally! After five years of waiting and getting to know a very stripped-down trial version, Mass Effect fans can go towards real adventures - the release of Mass Effect Andromeda has taken place.

In the coming days, we will spend a lot of time in Andromeda - there is a mountain of guides and amazing discoveries ahead - but for now, let's briefly list the best and worst moments encountered during the first hours of the game.

What's good so far

  • Optimization: the game works very well on both PlayStation 4 and PC; we have not yet seen any obvious performance problems. Xbox One? Our condolences.
  • Game world: explore new galaxy really interesting. Strange plants, creatures and objects force you to hold the scanner at the ready, large levels allow you to roam around with a jetpack - by the way, a nice thing. Perhaps after a while all this will get terribly boring, but so far everything is fine.
  • Plot: Andromeda has a rather controversial introduction, but after a while the story begins to open up and look more promising. What happened on the Nexus, what happened to the Arks, what happened to [spoilers] - there are many questions, the answers, we hope, will be interesting.
  • Combat system: compared to the original trilogy, the battles have clearly become more dynamic, the use of a jetpack seems really justified.

Which is already bad

  • ANIMATION: amazing thing. If you read the subtitles (Andromeda does not have Russian voice acting), then problems with animation will easily pass you by - with a quick glance you won’t pay attention to them. But if you start listening English speech and watch the facial expressions of the characters, you quickly realize that the animation in Andromeda was written either from robots, or was done with some very crooked hands. Yes, it's that bad.
  • Character Editor: BioWare has managed to build an editor that makes it very easy to create a monster and very difficult to get a decent looking character. Even if you give it your all and create a Ryder who vaguely resembles a human, the game may throw you a couple of surprises: it turns out that our hero’s eyelids do not close his eyes, but go through them. Yes, he can scare the kett with just a blink. I wonder why there is so much cosmetics in the editor?
  • Inventory system: perhaps we don’t understand something, but in Andromeda you cannot buy weapons (armor, whatever) from a merchant, immediately go into your inventory and use the received equipment. You will have to walk to a special station and change equipment there. Incredibly annoying. What's worse is that you can't change your teammates' equipment at all.
  • Combat system: yes, it has its drawbacks. Now teammates can only specify the location where they should move. The use of weapons, the use of skills - there is none of this. The AI ​​is downright stupid at times and does very strange things: even at high levels difficulties, opponents love to leave cover and expose themselves to shots in every possible way.
  • Galaxy map: looks frankly overcomplicated. To get 100 units of iron from an unfortunate asteroid, you need to perform a bunch of actions and watch a nice screensaver, which by the third time loses all its attractiveness.
So far, Andromeda leaves a contradictory impression: in some moments it looks like a worthy continuation of the series, in others it looks more like an unprofessional craft that still needs work and work. Let's see what will happen next.

Did you like the new part of Mass Effect? Tell us about your impressions, don’t bog me down.

First, we need to warn you about something - old system You won't see Renegade/Paragon again. So be prepared for the fact that playing the purest angel or the most malicious bastard in the universe will now be a little more difficult, and to be precise, a little different, but no one was going to take these options away from you.

There is no longer a good, neutral and evil answer, but this simple system has been replaced by a more a complex system, which will allow you to more accurately play the personality you need. However, when entering Mass Effect Andromeda for the first time, some players did not fully “enter” this new system, due to your inattention, or for some other reason.

In this article we will take a closer look at the dialogue system of Mass Effect Andromeda. This innovation in the series can be divided into two parts: response options that affect the outcome of the conversation between you and the NPC, and response options that differ in emotional overtones. Now we will take a closer look at these answer options.

Let's start with dialogue branches, which provide additional options during dialogue, and also trigger important processes, such as starting a romance or forming a friendship. But we'll get to that later.

Divergent arrowregular option response, which serves as an option to advance your dialogue with the NPC in a natural way. If you want to advance the plot, click on the arrows, logically and simply.
Question mark- this option means exactly what you expect from it. If you want to learn something new or Additional information about the topic of your conversation, there will be a question icon in the dialogue.
Two people- this option will help you make friends with the NPC with whom you are conducting a dialogue. Also, with the help of this dialogue branch, missions to increase loyalty are opened for you, which we can remember from the old Mass Effect trilogy. Plus, it's worth noting that if you choose this answer, you don't have to worry about your romantic relationship if your character is in one with this NPC.
Heart- this answer will lead you to your cherished romantic relationships with the character you want .

The above are something like control levers in dialogues. Now let's move on to responses in dialogues, with which you can respond with a certain emotional coloring.

There are a total of four special responses in dialogues that can be used to characterize your Rider, whose psychological profile, by the way, can be viewed in the Code, which is a good addition to the new dialogue system.

Emotional response (heart)- color your answers with emotions, but just be careful, or more precisely, attentive, since sometimes your Rider can express negative emotions. In general, consider the situation.
Logical answer(gear)— an answer filled with logic and pragmatism. Suitable for people who want to achieve their goal as quickly as possible and not waste time on unnecessary worries.
Simple answer (spiral)- easy answers that relieve tension in the current situation. Sometimes this answer may be responsible for sarcasm or some kind of joke.
Professional answer(square spiral)- a clear, professional answer. Sometimes reminiscent of the responses of the Renegade from the original Mass Effect series, but they do not cross all the boundaries like the same Renegade.
