Beautiful poster for February 14th. Wall newspaper for Valentine's Day “Tree of Valentines. Instructions for creating a newspaper

Shunina Lyudmila

The closest and most beloved people for children are their parents. And on Valentine's Day the children and I decided to release wall newspaper with a declaration of love to them. The newspaper is based on an applique made using the quilling technique. For this we took strips of colored paper

and twisted them into spiral coils.

They gave them a “droplet” shape.

Then they were glued in pairs.

The results were these cute hearts.

I printed out color photographs of the children and also cut them into heart shapes.

I drew an outline on a white piece of paper tree, where we pasted photographs of the children and the resulting hearts.

They rolled small balls from colored napkins and laid out the phrase “We love you.”

In production wall newspapers children talked about how they love their parents, listened to poems and sang songs. In the evening there was a presentation wall newspapers for parents. Each child, coming out to their parents, confessed their love to them.

Publications on the topic:

Soon February 14th is “Valentine’s Day” and my children and I decided to make “Valentines” to congratulate our beloved parents. In that.

This is the newspaper we made with the kids for our parents. And that's how it was. First we drew our self-portraits.. Then we began.

February 14 is an amazing day, Holy holiday when you can safely confess your love. Those who celebrate this holiday give gifts to their loved ones.

February 14 - Valentine's Day has long become traditional in our culture. IN kindergarten On this day we introduce children to the history of the celebration.

A wall newspaper for Mother's Day was made in the second junior group. Creative work performed jointly by the teacher and the children. There were flowers.

We will soon celebrate Mother's Day. This holiday has been celebrated in Russia for a long time. Mom is the most important word in a person’s life. Every.

Mother's Day is a relatively “young” holiday, but people have already come to love and accept it. This year we decided to make a congratulatory party with the children.

As part of the implementation of the mini-project “If you want to be healthy,” my children and I junior group through conversations, consideration of illustrative.

Idea number 12(I continue the numbering in the first article of this year) Piñata!

What it is? I’ll quote Wikipedia: “Playing with a piñata is somewhat reminiscent of a children’s game common in Russia, when blindfolded children with scissors in their hands try to cut candies suspended in a row on strings. The piñata is also hung (at home on a hook to the ceiling, also on the street or in the garden on a tree), one of the children is given a stick in his hands, blindfolded and (optionally) spun in place (the rest of the children constantly move around to confuse the striker, sometimes - to avoid injury from the stick - quite far away or sit down), then he trying to find and break the piñata to get the candy contents."

You can put anything there: little surprises, small gifts, happiness vitamins (remember what those are?) and candy, of course!

How to make one piñata in the shape of a heart, see or (copy of page)
Golden piñata(very beautiful) - how to make -

Found on
(photos by Amanda Thomsen and tutorial by Brittany Watson Jepsen)

There are a lot of design options. Here are these hearts in higher resolution:

The pinata can be any shape - here's a moon pinata (a hint of romance under the moon)

Found on

A piñata can be made based on a balloon (inflate the balloon, cover it with paper - papier-mâché - take out the balloon - put gifts, seal it, decorate)
For more details, see the links to master classes under this photo.

Take a heart-shaped ball and your valentine pinata is ready!

So, how to make a piñata based on a balloon with your own hands, watch these master classes:
number 1 and number 2 and number 4 (English, but everything is clear even from the pictures)
Be sure to check out more on the topic of piñatas

Valentine's Day gift idea number 13. A gift in a basket of an improvised balloon. About Balloons I wrote about various kinds in this article, and let’s consider this a continuation))

Very beautiful design it turns out to be a small gift
I think everyone understands how to do it

Valentine's Day gift idea number 14. Gift with nautical motif. A note and a message from a mysterious stranger!
Come up with a legend (it will help you with this difficult task), buy beautiful bottle in the home decor section of the supermarket (there are a lot of them!)
and create!

The gift can be wrapped in several bags, each carefully sealed with tape and hidden at the bottom of the abyss of the sea bath
We tested it - this idea works! The main thing in implementation is so that the gift does not float to the surface(if it is light).
Take this into account! When we gave a flash drive and filled it with beer (because the gift needs to be washed, right?) in front of the amazed hero of the occasion, the plastic packaging with the flash drive had to be weighted in advance with a bag of coins.

Photo by Zoe in NZ

Photo by Zoe in NZ

By the way! If you're using candles to create ambiance, try this surprise idea (you'll love it)

Valentine's Day gift idea number 15. A gift with the motto “I give you the key to my heart.” It’s as banal as the word “LOVE”... But how you want to be told it, how anxiously you wait for it! Same with the key))
Give it only if it is sincere!

Interestingly: you don’t have to write a wish-declaration of love, but apply to satin ribbon!
It will look very impressive:

how to apply text on a satin ribbon - see in detail in this master class or this one, and also watch this video
(using a printer, iron and thermal transfer paper(aka Transfer Paper)
Please note that the text must be flipped upside down (so that when “translating” the inscription using an iron, the inscription can be read correctly)

You can also beat a long tape like this: (write) 1... 2... 3... 10... 20... no.. 25... and yet 45... 10,000... you know Still, I can’t count how many times I would like to kiss you! You are so tender, so loved!

Let's combine two ideas - a key with a ribbon on which your confession is written!

Insert into frame:

From all of the above, another idea is born: to put your recognition, wishes, and compliments to your loved one on something: a T-shirt or this! pillowcase: let it be Valentine's Day gift idea number 16!

Valentine's Day gift idea number 17. I already wrote about this once, but the idea is great, it can be repeated, I think))

The idea is this: format your congratulations in the form of an announcement.

That is, it will turn out like this:

Source kindovermatter

You can write:

I love you. Kisses... And write where exactly))
Such notices can be hung at home or glued to a gift box.
You can hang several along the route of your loved one. For example:

"You are beautiful! (beautiful)" Photo by Deb Did It

Valentine's Day gift idea number 18. The motto of the gift is “You light up my life!”
If you love someone, that's how it is, right?))
You can choose a lot of things for this idea, for example, a lamp (about this)
I draw your attention to the cool design of the gift itself. Here's a postcard (the light bulbs are fingerprints)
By the way, the gift itself can be thrown on top with a garland (and also plugged into an outlet through a hole in the box - by the way, this is an idea! The main thing is to ask to close your eyes, put your hands on the gift, ask to make a wish Don’t distract with stories about your love and compliments and turn off the lights!)
Well, okay, we digress))

Another option to convey the same message:

By Levi Brown, source

Valentine's Day gift idea number 19. Motto " You are my pearl!"The idea is simple and ingenious: we take two baking tins and put a gift in them. We fasten them with tape and tie them with a bow.
A good gift for girls with a nautical name (Marina)

Found on pinterest

Valentine's Day gift idea number 20. You are my sweetie (You are my sweetie) - this is the leitmotif of this gift (or rather, a way to beat the gift).
The gift is hidden under sugar hearts. You can write a note, fold it and tie it with a ribbon. And the edge of the tape is showing a little))
How to do it?

Valentine's Day gift idea number 21. I have already written about this idea in relation to birthdays, and I will repeat it again. The idea is brilliant! Honestly!


What's the point: you send several postcards by mail, which are put together like a puzzle so that your loved one can read the most important message!
You can also add a secret code there (the address at which you can download your audio greeting on the Internet (which is very cool, here’s my experience) or the phone number of the person who has the surprise gift hidden (here’s how we did it).
In general, here you can play with this idea as your heart desires))


In the original article the essence is slightly different: for the birthday different people they sent postcards and they all then composed a single congratulation poster.
I'm crazy about this idea!


Valentine's Day gift idea number 22. Let's take a break from such creativity)) Let's remember the wonderful old idea of ​​​​giving a heart in the palms of our hands.
You can draw it, or you can do it like this:

Valentine's Day gift idea number 23. What's great about this gift idea is that it's three in one: a gift, a card, and a gift box.

It looks like this from the outside:

It opens and inside there are many, many warm words, your photographs (or inspiring pictures - these are the ones I had in mind)

And a gift - an invitation to romantic evening, For example:


On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give hearts and gifts to loved ones and loved ones. What should those who want to congratulate everyone at once do? There is a solution - a large colorful wall newspaper for Valentine's Day will become a wonderful decoration for an educational institution, office, entrance of a house, trading floor store or beauty salon. Friends, classmates, colleagues, neighbors and visitors to the establishment will be happy with the unexpected surprise and will definitely appreciate the attention.

To draw a congratulatory wall newspaper, you don’t need to spend several days working and learning the basics of a complex art. We offer you a ready-made poster template that all you have to do is color it!

Download fragments of the wall newspaper for Valentine's Day

How to make a wall newspaper for Valentine's Day

  1. All 8 fragments must be printed in black and white on any printer using A4 paper.
  2. The resulting pictures should be put in order, looking at the hint on the site.
  3. To fasten the fragments together, you can use a glue stick or regular tape.
  4. The most exciting process is painting the figures. Pencils, paints and felt-tip pens will work for this purpose.
  5. There is no need to color the “windows” - poems and

On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give hearts to loved ones, relatives, that is, valentines, which are the main symbol and attribute of this holiday. But many people may have a problem. When you want to congratulate everyone, but there aren’t enough hearts for everyone. What to do in this situation? It’s simple, just draw and please all your relatives with a beautiful, festive wall newspaper, the more it will turn out unexpected and unusual. That's why a wall newspaper for Valentine's Day will be the only the right decision. It is worth noting that this method of congratulations is very relevant and in demand in educational institutions, as it allows you to congratulate and please with warm words not only all friends, classmates, but also teachers.

Currently, the school wall newspaper can be characterized by some features.

Features of modern wall newspapers.

    1. informational and cognitive function. In other words, each newspaper must have a small space allocated to tell about the history of the holiday, the features of its celebration in different countries, symbols and attributes. Remember that the more interesting the information, the more exciting the newspaper will be.
    2. congratulatory function. That is, wishes, poems and quatrains are posted. Very original and unusual solution there will be wishes for specific people. In the newspaper you should try to use a wide variety of congratulations, intended for both adults and children.

    How to make a wall newspaper for February 14 so that it becomes bright, colorful and beautiful, attracts attention, and is not like all the other standard and classic options. In order to achieve just such results, it is recommended not to be afraid to bring your ideas and ideas to life, and also to include all your imagination and creative skills. One of the most original and popular ideas for a newspaper is a version consisting of several fragments. It is worth noting that it turns out really unusual and attractive, if, of course, you approach this problem correctly and thoughtfully. What is needed for this? That's right, know and follow some rules and procedures for doing the work.

    Instructions for creating a newspaper.

    • First, the paper size should be used as a basis different colors and shades. In other words, great solution will become colorful sheets A 4 format, which are very easy to fasten together. It is this option that will become an attractive and eye-catching basis on which all information will be placed. As a rule, it is advisable to use tape or a glue stick to hold the fragments together, thereby appearance will not be spoiled by anything.
    • Secondly, prepare information in advance. How to understand this? First of all, you need to find Interesting Facts, which will be interesting and informative for everyone. By the way, all the information can be printed on one of the squares of such a colored base.
    • Thirdly, the selection of poems and wishes, which should also be beautifully placed on the base. This may be printed or handwritten.
    • Fourthly, the choice of drawings to make the newspaper brighter and more lively. As a rule, you can use black and white sketches, which you can then paint in required colors. If there are children in the class who draw well or even sketch, then it is best to entrust this work to them, since it is necessary to involve the maximum number of children in the work, and not to put everything on the shoulders of one person.
    • Fifthly, correctly arrange the squares among themselves so that each fragment is in its place, and everything together makes up a single and integral structure. After the picture is folded, you can start gluing the fragments.

    Remember, to make the newspaper different from all other options, it is advisable to use new information, storyline, pictures, congratulations, and also use bright and unusual colors, without being afraid to experiment and discover something new.

    A wall newspaper for Valentine's Day is a big valentine that is sure to please and surprise you with its external design everyone.

To please your friends and loved ones, you can draw something unusual. Minimal skills are required, but you need to use your imagination to the fullest. Take a sheet of paper in size A 1. Some people prefer Whatman paper. You don't necessarily need to draw everything; some elements can be depicted just fine on the computer. So, how to make a poster for February 14th for your significant other, as well as for loved ones in the form of a wall newspaper?

First we need a photograph so that you are depicted there with this person. We take a sheet, then mark the places where some elements will be located. Now we paste the photographs, do it very carefully, otherwise the sheets will be stained with glue. It is possible to use double-sided tape.

After which you need to take colored paper. We draw hearts, people, balls. Next we put it in poems and inscriptions. Think about it for yourself. Fortunately, there is the World Wide Web. Maybe you can come up with a poem yourself. There should be a space in the very center where the frame is placed. This is where the main congratulations will be. This is how we learn to make a beautiful poster for February 14th with our own hands.

Write down various poems, draw on the computer or find something cute on the Internet and print it out, and then hand it over. The gift will be very pleasant for your loved ones and loved ones. Surely they will all appreciate your creativity.

There is a proposal to make such wall newspapers using various packaging. The main thing is to choose them according to the inscriptions. For example, you can write that “you are the best”, and then stick on a pack of juice “Favorite”. Not necessarily big, small is quite enough. If you are still thinking about how to make a poster for February 14th, this is a very great idea. Collect several different packages from M&M's, Bounty, etc. Then come up with different inscriptions. Your boyfriend will surely appreciate such a cool and funny idea for Valentine's Day.

Video instructions on how to make a designer poster:

The latter is intended for people who have no actual abilities at all. We will give you some photos that you just have to save and print for the holiday on February 14th. Whether you have no artistic abilities and you are thinking about how to congratulate your loved ones, take advantage of them.

Photo gallery of the best ideas

Wall newspaper
