Competitions for a serious company at a corporate event. Then we begin! All of us have...

So we waited for spring. Along with a wonderful time of year comes a wonderful holiday: International Women's Day. On this holiday, everyone will play games, have fun and spend time no worse than in New Year's Eve, and new competitions for March 8 will help with this. Suitable for corporate events for women funny competitions, where there will be tasks, questions and relay races. You will be able to hold these competitions at the table and even conduct them without men.

The last winter holiday is Defender of the Fatherland Day. In schools, this holiday is taken very seriously. The girls are preparing a holiday for their boys, coming up with a script and competitions. It’s difficult to do this, because every year you have to come up with more and more new competitions. To make it easier for you, we have new competitions for February 23rd for 5th grade boys. Funny, table and active competitions are the best option for the holiday.

A real holiday should be fun and interesting. Therefore, it is necessary to think through everything in advance so that the participants of the holiday will forever remember it as the best in their lives. If you are doing something for men on February 23 at the office, then fun and cool competitions will help you make the evening brighter and more interesting. We have prepared several new competitions so that you can please and surprise your colleagues. Play and spend your time so that you don’t regret a single minute.

What usually happens at the holiday? Guests play games and competitions, dance and even sing. How can you diversify the party? Maybe it will help you comic lottery? For a cheerful company, such a lottery is both entertainment and fun. With its help, you will arrange a comic game that everyone will like. And at the same time, give gifts to all your guests and friends in a playful way. So, let's see what we offer.

Any, even the most creepy and scary holiday, can be turned into a fun one. And if we are talking about Halloween, then there is nothing to be afraid of, but to have fun! And they will help with this fun competitions for Halloween for students. Cool games, unusual pranks - all this will make Halloween special and unforgettable.

For most people, Halloween is a fun holiday when you don’t have to be afraid and hide under the blanket, but have fun and play with friends. This is why the new Halloween competitions for teenagers at school are so funny and cool. Our competitions will help you host an unforgettable party, prank your classmates and friends, and remember this day forever. Ready? Then let's begin!

The scariest and creepiest night of the year is approaching. The night when all the evil spirits creep out and begin to scare both adults and children. But this is only true in films, but in real life this night is fun and funny, because it’s Halloween! New funny Halloween contests for children 12 years old will help you celebrate the holiday at school and at home. See competition descriptions. Play them and then children will forever remember this night as a bright event, and not as a terrible story.

In the midst of autumn, when leaves fall from the trees outside the window, when the wind blows and it often rains freezing rain, the whole world is celebrating Halloween! For some it is an interesting holiday, but for others they don’t like it. Someone, on the contrary, is looking forward to it and is ready to have fun all night long with spirits and ghosts. Whatever category you fall into, new cool Halloween contests for the party will help you live this night fun and bright. Funny and funny competitions and games are the key to the success of your entire party. Watch, play and let this night be yours!

A corporate party is not only a way to unite the team, but also a fun time. In order for it to be such, you need to try. Games at a corporate party will lift the spirits of everyone present and brighten up any evening. Which ones are the most popular? Cool games at corporate events are usually organized in the form of competitions in which several team members, and sometimes entire teams, participate. This evening program will be suitable for both already united workers and strangers. It is best to hold competitions after a couple of toasts, when the drinks taken will relax and enliven the guests.

Let's take a closer look at these games and competitions:

  • “Don’t take pictures all evening!”
  • "Remember all".
  • "Accuracy".
  • "Deaf telephone" and others.

“Don’t take pictures all evening!”

Surely every man in the team will come to the corporate event in a formal suit, and women will wear dresses for the occasion. Such outfits seem too strict, they are not entirely suitable for fun, and the dark colors of the suits are not at all pleasing to the eye. Give business image This competition will help you to get excited. It is best suited for men. Women in this case will act as spectators.

The most unusual and bright elements wardrobe: hats, glasses, carnival masks, clown noses, skirts and much more. To the music, the competition participants will pass the box to each other, and as soon as its sound stops, without looking, they will choose one thing for themselves. It is the loser who puts it on himself. The game is played as a knockout game. Only one of the participants will be the winner and will be left without an addition to the costume.

Participants in the competition will have to wear all purchased items until the end of the evening. Surely it will be fun to see a security officer in a spectacular bra, and a plant director wearing a children's cap on his head.

"Remember all"

On sheets of paper you need to write one word each and form two teams of players. Each team chooses a piece of paper with a task word. They need to remember and sing a song containing this word. The team that sings the most songs wins. Unity in this competition is not the least important.


Games at corporate parties, funny and cheerful, usually have ambiguous connotations. Participants are divided into pairs: a man and a woman. The woman’s task is to firmly hold an empty bottle without a cap between her legs. A nail is attached to the man's trousers, which must be used to get into the neck of the bottle. This will not be easy to do. Under the laughter of colleagues and cheerful music, someone will have to become a winner.

"Deaf Phone"

We all played “Deaf Telephone” as children. Do you remember how fun it was? Why not borrow corporate party games from your childhood? It is best to choose words for participants that are complex and close to the profession. Participants can be confused by words that sound like obscene expressions. The longer the “deaf phone” chain, the more unexpected the last player’s answer will be.

"Zodiac sign"

Perhaps it is thanks to the corporate party that colleagues will open their eyes to many qualities of each other that were not known until now. Games at corporate parties, funny in nature, become even more fun if the participants have artistic talent. The essence of the game is that each person must depict his or her zodiac sign without words; you can only use gestures and facial expressions. The rest will have to guess. It is best to play the game in a cheerful group.

"Musical chairs"

Competitions and games for corporate parties do not have to be new; we should not forget about those that have become a tradition. No party is complete without musical chairs. The rules are simple and have long been known to everyone. The number of chairs is one less than the number of players. To the music, the participants move and dance around the chairs, and as soon as it turns off, everyone must take their place on one of them. The loser does not have enough chair, the game continues for elimination. The chairs are removed with each loser. There will be one winner.


Games at a corporate party in a team should lift your spirits and create a special atmosphere. Any number of people willing are invited to participate in the competition. They are given the task: to write a certain word or number in the air with part of their body. You need to do this with the fifth point, carefully drawing the details of the sign in the air. While the participants are completing the task, it is best to turn on erotic music for striptease. Members of the team who remain as spectators will watch an extremely funny picture.

Table games

Table games for corporate parties can be not only intellectual, but also fun. Time will fly by unnoticed, and most importantly, with benefit and pleasure. Table games exclude observers. All team members will be able to be involved in the process. Table games for women at corporate events are also most often used.


The cult game "Mafia" has become extremely popular. A bunch of positive points makes it not only interesting, but also useful. It unites the team, develops attentiveness and thinking, as well as acting skills and cunning, the ability to take risks and much more.

Any number of participants are seated at round table. Can be used playing cards and agree which one means what. The leader takes a number of cards equal to the number of participants. A small team may have one mafia, a large team may have two, etc. Red cards may represent the mafia, while black cards may represent civilians. The host deals the cards and the players get their role. The mafia's task is to deceive civilians, and they, in turn, must guess who the mafia is.

"What? Where? When?"

Another game familiar to everyone can become a “feature” of your corporate evening. Everyone knows the rules of the game. There should be two or more teams, but the tasks must be thought out in advance. It would be a good idea to link them to the theme of the evening or to the specialization of your company.


Team cohesion can become the object of careful testing with the help of games at a corporate party. Every day, spending everyday life with the same people, we remember them not only by their appearance, but also by their voice, and sometimes we recognize them by the sound of their steps. The “Voice” game involves testing your memory for the voices of your colleagues.

One participant is selected and turned with his back to the table. Each colleague speaks one phrase, changing his voice. The player, relying on memory and intuition, must determine who exactly the voice belongs to and voice the name of this person. This way you can not only have fun, but also test the degree of cohesion among employees.

"Not looking"

To play at a corporate party, a volunteer is selected and blindfolded. Without looking, by touch, he must recognize his colleagues and say their names. To confuse the participant, you can take off your tie, wear a push-up bra over your shirt, try on a wig, and so on. You may hear many unexpected answers to the question, which will undoubtedly be fun.


Pieces of paper are placed into the container, on which the names of the employees and their position are written. Any number of people can participate. Players take turns taking out a piece of paper. Each of them must show by gestures, habits and facial expressions whose name he got. The task of everyone else is to guess the position held and name their colleague.

"Let's shake hands"

Games at a corporate party for getting to know each other are usually held at the very beginning of the feast. Shaking each other's hands at the first meeting has been a tradition for a long time, and everyone knows about it. The entire team needs to be divided into two teams. A competitive spirit will help you make acquaintances quickly. To the music, people sitting at the table will have to shake hands in a chain. The team finishing first will be considered the winner.


Games at a corporate party in a team, held for getting to know each other, can also develop the memory of the participants. Employees sit in a large circle. One of them says his name. The next one is the name of the previous one and your own. So, from the starting player, everyone must say the names of all the previous people and then their own. The most difficult task, of course, will go to the person who will have to name all the names.

Mobile competitions for corporate events

Movement is life. Moving competitions will make you move a little. You can arrange a relay race among the participants. The tasks should not be too difficult. Teams of 5-6 people will have to strive not only to win and complete their tasks, but also to be a spectacle for observers.

"Director's name"

One letter is written on A4 sheets, and these sheets are compiled into a word. Or rather, in the name of the director of the enterprise. Teams must unravel the word encrypted on the sheets and quickly line up in in the right order so that the name is readable.

"Important Paper"

Participants of two teams must form two circles. Their hands are located behind their backs, and in the mouth of one of their colleagues there is an “important” paper. You need to pass it only with your mouth, holding the edge of the sheet. The team that does this faster will be the winner. It is important that the paper goes around a full circle and does not fall.

Competitions and games for corporate parties are the basis of a successful evening. Determine your own goals for the event in order to choose the right program for your pastime. Remember that each goal is achieved in its own way, but the shortest is a good mood and a positive approach. In any case, games and competitions are an important component of the so-called team building. They can be arranged not only at corporate events, but also during breaks in the work process.

A bright and cheerful New Year's corporate party begins with Have a good mood. Our article today will tell you how to pick it up and not drop it until the end of the holiday party. We have prepared a whole collection cool competitions, adult games and new entertaining ideas that can keep the degree of collective fun at a tremendous height all evening. And it doesn’t matter at all where your corporate party takes place: in a large hall at work, in a cozy restaurant, in a noisy nightclub, in a karaoke bar or outdoors under open air. You can have fun with your colleagues in any conditions, if you wish. Choose funny, active and cool table competitions for the New Year's corporate party 2018 - color the holiday with bright emotions and the roaring laughter of your friends.

How to choose New Year's competitions, games and entertainment for a corporate party for the New Year 2018

Organizing corporate events is a very serious matter. Large corporations are provided with special event departments that prepare all festive events. Medium-sized companies use the services of professional presenters and animators. And small offices usually manage on their own. It is for such small and friendly teams that we have prepared a selection useful tips on how to choose New Year's competitions, games and entertainment for a corporate party at New Year 2018.

  1. Find a script for a good entertainment program on the Internet. Use it as a template, a kind of “framework” for the party. You don't have to follow every step, but it will make it easier to time the drinking, gaming, and dancing portions of the party;
  2. Select the most original games, competitions and entertainment dedicated to the New Year 2018 and its features. Try not to repeat the scenario of last year’s corporate party, otherwise the guests will quickly get bored;
  3. Alternate active outdoor games with fun but calm ones. Don’t forget to hold competitions at the table so that the holiday does not turn into a primitive drinking party;
  4. Avoid overly vulgar entertainment. They may expose you to your superiors in a less than favorable light.
  5. Also, don't deliberately use flattering or sycophantic toasts to management. In a relaxed New Year's atmosphere, there is no place to worry about your career ladder.
  6. Try to prepare gifts for each winner of the competition: a festive corporate party will take on an even more magical and joyful look if you fill it with unexpected surprises and random gifts;
  7. All selected entertainment should be equally suitable for both men and women of different ages, or systematically alternate. No discrimination!

How to prepare and organize games and competitions for a corporate party for the New Year 2018

It doesn’t matter where your corporate party will take place for the New Year 2018 - in an office, a nightclub, a sauna or on a boat - you can’t do without New Year’s competitions, games and entertainment, so you need to choose them wisely and organize them correctly:

  • If the plan for the game part is drawn up in advance, there is an excellent opportunity to prepare all the necessary costumes, masks, signs, balls, bottles and other props. The more surroundings that accompany entertainment program, the brighter and more fun the result is;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the musical accompaniment. Tracks can be very different: funny and lyrical, with and without words, New Year's and neutral, cuts of popular moments of famous songs and films. During peak moments of games and competitions, music can be made louder and faster. Such is the intensity of passions in the auditorium and on playground will increase even more;
  • Don't forget about the prizes either. Every competition has a winner, which means there must be a gift. Serious or humorous - it's up to you; The most popular options: a bottle of champagne, a pack of sparklers, funny masks, small household items, comic medals and certificates;
  • And, of course, you need a sociable presenter with an excellent sense of humor and a wide vocabulary. It’s easy to find such a unique person in every work team, and offer him to lead the entertainment part of the evening.

Original competitions for a New Year's corporate party with jokes at the table

At the beginning of a corporate New Year's party, you should not hit active games with jokes, it’s better to hold a couple of original competitions at the table. While the guests are sober and constrained, they are unlikely to be able to have fun from the heart, joke about themselves and their comrades, or adequately respond to the humorous jokes of the host. Another thing is calm but funny quizzes, puzzles, auctions, forfeits, toasts, jokes, etc. They defuse even the most tense atmosphere, lift your spirits, relax you and put you in a festive mood. Which in itself is very difficult, given the presence of superiors and subordinates in the same restaurant hall. Example original competition for a New Year's corporate party with jokes at the table, see the next section.

An unusual table competition “Ruthless Auction” for a New Year’s corporate party

At the beginning of the evening, between toasts, you can hold a comic auction. The host shows the guests the lots, prepared in advance and wrapped in gift paper. To provoke the participants, he announces in a funny manner the purpose of the item at stake. The auction uses real money, but the initial bids must be minimal. Before presenting the purchase to the new owner, it is unwrapped to satisfy the idle curiosity of the spectators. It is recommended to alternate between valuable and funny lots to whet the excitement of the public.

Examples ready-made descriptions and lots:

  • Real African Guest (Coconut)
  • Without it, any feast is not a joy. (Salt)
  • Small that can become big. (Balloon)
  • An essential item for a business person. (Notebook)
  • An item for those who want to leave their mark. (Set of colored crayons)
  • Cold, green, long... (Bottle of champagne)
  • An integral attribute of civilized life. (Toilet paper roll)
  • Brief joy. (Box of chocolates)
  • A simulator for those who want to learn how to put on a good face when bad game. (Lemon)

Adult question-and-answer table competitions for a New Year's corporate party

One of the most popular types of competitions at adult New Year’s corporate parties is “question and answer”. As a rule, such entertainment results in a lot of funny moments, funny sayings, amusing remarks and even new catchphrases. Cool questions from the presenter give rise to equally cool answers from the participants, everyone’s mood noticeably rises, and colleagues open up in a new way. But don’t forget about the reason that brought everyone to the table. Some of the tasks should be dedicated to the outgoing or coming year, New Year's characters, and traditional holiday attributes. Select the best adult question-and-answer table competitions for a New Year's corporate party below.

Options for question-and-answer competitions for adults at a corporate party in honor of the New Year 2018

"What to do?"

The presenter invites each of the competition participants to resolve in an original way an atypical situation related to their work. The author of the most original way out of the situation wins and receives a small gift.

Example situations:

  • You are locked in the office late at night, and your wife is giving birth. What will you do?
  • You accidentally lost money to pay salaries to all employees. How do you explain the lack of salary to your colleagues?
  • You are stuck in an elevator between floors with the general manager of a company. What will you do?
  • Your dog hopelessly ruined (ate, tore up) the semi-annual report. How will you speak at the meeting?

"News program"

The host distributes to all guests sitting at the table one card with a selection of completely incoherent words (5-8 pieces). Such props must be prepared in advance. Each participant must read their words in their minds and compose a short but very hit news story in one sentence. The author of the most curious note wins.

Example words:

  • China, sambrero, plastic, dog, car, agrus;
  • New Year, beaver, plate, chess, flu;
  • Vodka, stapler, window, tongue, snowstorm, Africa;

Funny competitions for a corporate party in a restaurant for the New Year 2018

The greatest success among young people are funny competitions for corporate events in restaurants for the New Year 2018. A drunken obstacle course, blind identification of colleagues, various kinds of relay races, jumping, passing tangerines and throwing into a bottle - all these entertainments liberate party guests, allow them to laugh heartily and get to know your colleagues better. And also, holding active and active games between the “table blocks” allows everyone to sober up a little and not lose composure long before the end of the festive night.

See options for funny competitions for New Year's corporate events in a restaurant in funny videos.

Funny moving competitions for a New Year's corporate party in a restaurant: video

Karaoke competitions for corporate parties for the New Year: cool ideas

Another popular option for corporate parties is New Year's celebration in a karaoke bar with a light buffet, a wild disco and cool ideas for entertainment and competitions. If your team plans to conduct old year In such a place, be sure to get an operator on duty. As a rule, karaoke competitions for corporate parties for the New Year with cool ideas turn out to be the funniest and incredibly entertaining. This means that the holiday filmed (at least in fragments) will be very interesting to watch when the team gathers after the winter holidays.

The best music competitions for a New Year's party of colleagues in a karaoke bar

“Let’s sing, friends!”

Participants are divided into 2 teams. One “choir” must take turns asking a question, remembering a line from the song. For example: “What should I give you, my dear man?” Opponents quickly find the answer - a line from another piece of music, for example: “Million, million, million Red roses..." The last team to answer wins. You can make the task more difficult by choosing only New Year's questions.

"Dog Waltz"

Since the Year of the Dog is approaching, everyone can dance the “Dog Waltz”. Guests can learn this simply at a party. The movements in this dance are very simple. The dancers become pairs and, holding hands, take turns squatting in the dance. They also pretend to scratch themselves behind the ear and wag their tail; barking and squealing like a dog is not forbidden. The couple that manages to portray the funniest dogs wins.

Cool games for the New Year's corporate party 2018 at work

Even at work, you can have a fun New Year’s corporate party 2018 with dancing, games, competitions, songs and toasts. Of course, you will have to spend a little time on pre-holiday decoration of the hall, discussing and ordering restaurant food, and drawing up an interesting scenario. But in the end the holiday will turn out to be just as fun and unforgettable as in entertainment center or a cozy restaurant. If event organizers think about musical equipment in a timely manner, it will be possible to hold a lot of cool games for the New Year's corporate party 2018 at work. Which ones? Look further!

Options for cool adult games for corporate parties at work for the New Year of the Dog 2018

New competitions with jokes for a New Year's corporate party in nature

Often small creative companies prefer to hold corporate events for the New Year under open air Outdoors. The atmosphere in such conditions seems to instill an amazing festive spirit in the cheerful team: silver snow all around, a huge elegant spruce in the yard, a hot kitchen on the fire, fireworks, sparklers and, of course, all sorts of outdoor games for adults. New competitions with jokes for a New Year's corporate party in nature are of particular scope, because there is enough free space for them to be held and there are no constraining factors. Especially when the people are already “geeky”.

Because the next year dedicated to the Yellow Earth Dog, we recommend spending it on New Year's corporate party Outdoors new competition with "dog" manners. More details about the rules of the game in the next section.

Cool new competitions for outdoor corporate events in honor of the New Year 2018

"Dog Dancing"

To conduct this competition, you will have to divide the guests of the New Year's corporate party into three teams and invite them to dance in a round dance. True, this will not have to be done quite normally. For example, one team will have to depict an army round dance, another a dance in a kindergarten, and the third, in general, will show how patients in a psychiatric hospital will dance around a Christmas tree.

The winner is the team that succeeds in getting into the role best. And to make such dances even more fun, you can invite guests to dance them to rock or folk music.

"Noah's Ark"

The presenter writes in advance the names of the animals on pieces of paper (“each creature has a pair”: two hares, two giraffes, two elephants), folds the pieces of paper and puts them in the hat. Each participant pulls out “their animal,” and the presenter announces that now they need to find their pair, but they cannot make sounds or speak. You need to use facial expressions and gestures to portray your animal and look for “one like yourself.” The first couple to reunite wins. You can think of characteristic animals like a hare (show your ears - done), but it’s more interesting to come up with something less recognizable, for example, a hippopotamus or a lynx.

Well, you see how fun and original active and table competitions can be for the New Year's corporate party 2018. Collect best ideas games for adults, and create a bright scenario for a New Year's party at work, karaoke, outdoors, etc.

This scenario is designed for a female team, when you can joke and participate in all competitions without complexes. The essence of the script is to prove: every representative of the fair half of humanity is a real goddess who needs to be carried in her arms!



Hello, dear ladies! Today we can finally forget about the dull everyday life, rest a little and relax in purely female company. After all, who, if not the most faithful friend, can cheer you up and make the evening memorable for a long time!

But, needless to say, every woman, girl, lady wants to be loved, carried in their arms and considered at least a goddess. And today we will confirm our star status as real “goddesses”, are you ready???

Then we begin!

To make it easier for the goddesses to defend their beauty and sublimity, I propose to drink so that in each of us lives the one from whom everyone around would go crazy! Let's have a drink, dear ladies! For us!


What properties should a goddess have?

The women answer.


Absolutely right! Our first competition is called "Hostess". To participate in it you will need 5 brave goddesses who are not afraid to show their thriftiness!

So, competition!

Your task is to find from a huge number of pieces of paper with ingredients those that you will need to prepare borscht. You have exactly 1 minute, and the time is up!


Our hostesses completed the task. Let's drink to ensure that we always remain on top both in the kitchen and at work!


With the next competition we will test how well our goddesses sing. Those ladies who are confident in their talent, come to us!

We need 5 contestants!

So, the task!

You must sing the lines that I will give you, but to the minus melody that turns on!

Example lines:

  • On a bright day March 8
    I wish from the bottom of my heart
    Get a fur coat, girls,
    And hurry to the holiday!
  • What about March 8th?
    I love to dance.
    You just need to gradually
    Raise the required degree!
  • How can we live without a nice man in this world?
    It’s a pity that with them we have to wash 3 times more dishes!
  • Under the spring drops
    April will come to us again.
    But spring is already in fashion,
    Where are the new clothes in the wardrobe!
  • My dear friends, I wish on this day,
    So that all the blizzards go away, so that life is not too lazy!

Now your task is to sing these lines to your own music.

Ringtones options : “Vladimir Central”, “Khutoryanka”, “Valenki”, “My beloved name”.

You did a great job, you are just goddesses when it comes to singing! Let us raise our glasses so that our song may last long and flow like a river, and that to any adversity in life we ​​can answer “there is no need to be sad!” Your whole life is ahead, dear ladies! For us!

They drink and have a snack.


We are wonderful housewives, which means good wives! We sing well, which means we are wonderful artists. All that remains is to find out how feminine and graceful we are. What will allow us to do this? Of course, dance!

So, dance competition.

I ask all the ladies to stand in a circle. I will give each of you a piece of newspaper. You are familiar with the competition! Every time the melody changes, you need to fold the newspaper, thereby making it half the size. So, music, let's go!

Let me remind you that the winner will be the contestant whose newspaper is the smallest and who can dance on it. The one who falls is eliminated, but continues to dance!

Ladies, you all danced divinely! This means that you are actually goddesses!

Let's drink to us, such good housewives and good companions, faithful friends and beautiful models! For us, so similar and so different! Let us be carried in your arms not just one day a year, but always! For love and dreams!

Posted On 03/04/2018

Corporate events and general holidays are designed to unite the team and make it friendlier. The cheerful atmosphere contributes greatly to this. Funny competitions and original competitions will help to add variety, add even more brightness, laughter and jokes.

Guests are divided into several teams, depending on the total number of people at the holiday. The team should have approximately 5-6 people. The task of each team is to think over and show a funny short film from the theme: “One day in our work.” For the best acting, production, etc., the team receives an Oscar in the form of a bottle of champagne, for example.


Participants are given cards with funny questions. For example, “how to make a dog fly”, “how to quickly stop a plane”, “how to eat pea soup” and so on. In one or two minutes, players must compose detailed step-by-step instructions and write them down on a piece of paper. The author of the most detailed and funny instructions wins.

A word from each

All guests sit in a circle and start the game, each participant must name a word that will begin with the last letter of the previous word from their profession. Whoever doesn’t name is eliminated, and whoever remains until the last one will receive a prize. For example, a corporate party for accountants: balance - fixed assets - asset - gross product and so on.

Selfie of the evening.

At the beginning of the evening, the host announces that throughout the fun and celebration there will be a competition for the best selfie. That is, there will be a camera on the table that each of the guests can take and photograph themselves in the most interesting pose, for example, with the boss, on the balcony, and so on. At the end of the evening, all the shots are shown on the big screen (using a USB connection) and the best selfie is chosen based on the applause of the guests. And so that guests don’t forget, the host periodically reminds everyone about the selfie competition. As a prize, you can give a funny award - a photo frame with a photo of Chuck Norris, because he is the coolest.

Best motto for my work

In this competition, let everyone feel like a famous PR person and come up with the best motto for their work. Each participant receives a piece of paper, a marker and 5 minutes of time. Whoever presents their work best and comes up with the best motto will receive their prize.

Childhood dream

Stop smoking even at corporate events

At the beginning of the evening, the host announces that there are tokens at the exit for smokers; those who go out to smoke must take one token for one cigarette, that is, if a guest went out to smoke, for example, 5 times, he will have 5 tokens, and then the host remains silent. So that everyone does not forget about such tokens, at the exit you can use a special inscription and red color to mark the place of the tokens and put an exclamation mark, for example. At the end of the evening, the host asks the guests to count their tokens and finds out who has collected the most tokens.

Competition for staff: detailed instructions with examples

In the end, it turns out that this competition is against smoking, and those who do not have tokens will receive prizes, and the one who has the most will have to fulfill a desire, for example, to dance a “gypsy girl” or sing a song into a microphone.

Team spirit

Guests are divided into several teams of 2-3 people. The presenter gives each team a puzzle with a small amount details. Need to assemble a car ( various brands). Such puzzles are widespread on modern market puzzles At the leader’s command, the participants begin putting together their puzzles. Whoever completes the puzzle the fastest and correctly names the make of the car whose picture they put together, the members of that team receive prizes, for example, air fresheners in the car interior.

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The game is dedicated to the head of the company. You can spend it on his birthday or on the boss's holiday, celebrated on October 16th. Employees prepare various questions, and the manager answers them by pulling answers written on pieces of paper from the box. Read more…

Profitable business
For the competition, you need to produce banknotes in different currencies of any denomination on a color printer. This money is attached to a stretched rope with clothespins, and competitors with their eyes closed must collect it. More details...

The most dexterous teacher
Competition for young teachers or university students. Teams of “physicists” and “lyricists” compete with each other, finding out which of them is more dexterous. You must be able to overcome all sorts of obstacles with various objects in your hands. Read more…

And it's all about him
An interesting table game for a corporate anniversary (birthday). The host of the competition reads out questions about the hero of the occasion. Everyone is welcome to answer. The participant who gives the most correct answers wins. Read more…

“You can’t remove the words from a song”
A game for company employees. All players are given questionnaires containing several abbreviations and pens. Next to each abbreviation you need to write a line from a song (poem) or a proverb. Read more…

Spicy situations
Participants in the game are asked to find solutions to unforeseen and piquant situations, funny incidents that sometimes happen in life. We need to come up with a way out of a given situation. The one who turns out to be the most resourceful is awarded a prize. Read more…

Auction “Pig in a poke”
An auction in which valuable lots are put up for auction mixed with comic ones. All lots have the same bright packaging, so no one except the presenter knows what is in the packages. Lots are paid for with real money. Read more…

Miracle financier
Banknotes are drawn on a sheet of paper different countries in banknotes of various denominations. Participants in the game are asked to calculate their sum using a special algorithm. Whoever counts quickly and correctly receives a prize and the title of miracle financier. Read more…

Penny by penny
Players compete with each other in their ability to use a teaspoon to pick up and transfer coins to a small plate from a large one, without helping themselves with their free hand. The winner is the one who transfers more coins into his saucer within the time allotted by the presenter. Read more…

Robin Hood never fails
To play you need a large capacity and small “shells”. These could be nuts, candies, cards, drinking straws, etc. The players’ task in this game is to throw as many “shells” into the container as possible from a certain distance. Read more…

We are a team!
The game develops team spirit. Each team of 6 people is given a liter plastic bottle with juice (milk) and a rubber glove with holes in the fingers. At the leader’s signal, team members simultaneously begin to drink juice from the bottle, using the fingers of the glove as nipples. Read more…

Two players from a team stand in pairs, shoulder to shoulder. Their neighboring hands are tied. With their free hands they need to pack the item into beautiful paper. The resulting package must be tied with ribbon, and done faster than your opponents. Read more…

Branded snowflake
Creative competition requiring skillful hands, fantasy and wit. Participants are given napkins from which they need to cut out beautiful “branded” snowflakes. The author must present his creative concept - why his snowflake looks the way it does. Read more…

Money down the drain
The game is about the ability to throw money down the drain. Two teams compete, they must, while taking full lungs of air, blow hard on the bills, trying to blow them away as far as possible from the starting line. Read more…

New Year's pantomime
The game revolves around the ability of the contestants to transform into imperishable images of characters from famous fairy tales. The game host selects ten “actors” and creates a pantomime performance, becoming (also briefly) a talented director. Read more…

Winter melodies
At a New Year's corporate party, pieces of paper rolled into tubes are placed in a box or hat. They have “winter” themed words written on them. The competitor, having pulled out a piece of paper, must sing a song (tell a rhyme, tale, anecdote, proverb) in which this word appears. Read more…

Magic chain
A very easy game with deep meaning. Teams of players must make from paper clips chain. In this competition, it is very important to be able to distribute responsibilities and work efficiently and harmoniously. The team whose chain is longest wins. Read more…

Artist Lefty
Employees form teams, each team chooses a player who can draw. They are given a piece of paper and a marker. The presenter asks them a line from a song or a proverb. The artist’s task is to depict them on paper so that the team can guess the phrase. Read more…

Last ten
The competition is held between several couples consisting of a man and a woman. The woman’s task is to hit the tin can on your partner's belt. The man’s task is to perform something like a belly dance. Read more…

Treat from the Snow Maiden
A good New Year's competition for a small team.

Games (competitions) for corporate events and more.

It is necessary to prepare various foods in advance. Ladies and young ladies who know how to cook quickly and beautifully are invited to participate in the competition. Read more…

Al Capone
Players are given cards, just like in the Mafia game. Depending on the color of the card they receive, they become honest citizens who have paid taxes, or bandits. The game ends with the victory of law-abiding people or criminals, just like in life. Read more…

Geometry of success
Corporate competition, allowing you to determine the character of employees in an unusual geometric way. Each employee portrays himself using geometric figure. Then the presenter deciphers the meaning of the self-portraits to the entire honest company. Read more…

The question of how to increase an employee’s dedication without additional costs is always faced by a manager. Besides, in crisis situation non-material methods can, to a certain extent, compensate employees for material losses (reduced income). Each company creates its own non-material motivation program (based on the characteristics of the business, strategic goals and existing corporate culture), but the effectiveness of the program will be higher if the five rules are taken into account during the development.

1. The motivation program must solve tactical business problems while focusing on the company's strategy. The incentives used should be aimed at solving the most important problems at the moment. For example, when we created a branch network, the task was to form a team that could work in a single conceptual field, according to the standards adopted in the central office. We have developed a training program that includes training on team building and effective communications. And when we solved the problem of an innovative leap, a special program was developed to create a bank of innovative ideas, providing for appropriate competitions and incentives.

2. Non-financial motivation should cover all categories of employees. Typically, the emphasis is on manufacturing and commercial units that generate profits. However, non-financial incentives also need to be provided for accountants, secretaries and other back office employees. These may not be special motivational programs, as for sales specialists, but simply recognition of work results, praise, etc.

IN small company When the manager knows every employee, it is quite easy to light a fire in the employee’s eyes. The task becomes more difficult if we're talking about about a large company. In such a company, in order for employees to feel enthusiastic, it is necessary to maintain an individual approach to everyone's needs. This task falls on line managers who manage small departments of seven to ten people. They communicate closely with people and therefore know well what2 can stimulate everyone and how to help satisfy the subordinate's needs for respect and self-expression. That is why our company encourages line managers who involve their subordinates in developing decisions, working in project groups, and including them in the “Personnel Reserve” program.

3. Motivation should take into account the stage of development of the company. In a small family company, the main motivator is enthusiasm. Everyone already works with their sleeves rolled up, so a simple congratulations, praise from the manager, or an informal competition organized by him for the best employee will be excellent incentives. At the next stage of development, when there are more employees and some of the processes are formalized, motivational programs should also be focused on recognition of merit, but when developing programs it is necessary to provide for the possibility of collective recognition of employee successes (organize competitions, present winners, congratulate managers nominated for positions from number of company employees). To do this, you can use internal information resources, for example corporate printed publications, intranet.

4. Reasoned choice of motivators. We think that what motivates us will motivate others. However, it is not. Therefore, it is imperative to collect information about the true needs of employees. For example, it is important for employees in our production departments that the company reimburses food costs, and for employees in the sales department, it is important that they have the opportunity to participate in a mentoring program. At the same time, the process of selecting motivators should not be highly formalized: frequent surveys cause a negative reaction among employees. A list of specific needs, problems and ideas can be compiled by listening to department heads in regular meetings, while solving production problems, and simply during daily communication.

5. The effect of novelty. Rewards should not be allowed to become commonplace in a company, because there is nothing worse than the same motivational program repeated from year to year. For example, every six months it is worth coming up with a new award for the best employee, selected based on the results of each month.

Methods of non-material motivation

You can come up with an endless number of incentives suitable for different teams, departments and employees (see How else you can inspire employees). I will describe the current ones in our company.

Motivational meetings

Reporting meetings of branch directors are held quarterly at the central office. Their main goal is to analyze the activities for the previous quarter and approve new quarterly tasks. But also during meetings, we reward directors with certificates for completing targeted programs, winning quarterly competitions, and the branch recognized as the best is awarded a challenge blue banner with the company’s symbols. In addition, training is provided during meetings, both with the involvement of external providers and by our employees (commercial directors, technologists).

Internal competitions in the company

And, of course, a regional meeting is properly organized leisure time (for example, excursions).

Contests and competitions

We hold competitions both within departments and among specialists in different areas, as well as between branches. These competitions are designed primarily for sales managers. For example, we recently held a competition between managers on the volume of sales of flavoring additives. Employees of all commercial divisions participate in such competitions; the results and photograph of the best employee (or director of the best division), no matter where he is located - in Irkutsk or Nizhny Novgorod, are currently visible to all employees of the company. At the end of the competition, the unit may be rewarded with a trip to bowling, a trip to a boarding house, or simply a large corporate cake. We also hold creative competitions among our employees and their family members.

Congratulations on significant dates

It has become a good tradition in our company that the manager personally congratulates each employee on his birthday and celebrates his work achievements in the presence of colleagues. The atmosphere is both festive and spiritual. Congratulations from remote units are received by e-mail, because all employees see the photo of the birthday person on the corporate portal. The corporate newspaper “Vestnik” has a section that publishes congratulations from employees on marriages and the birth of a child; it is never empty, and sometimes takes up almost the entire last A3 page.

Discounts on services

The company cooperates with many suppliers and service providers (they are our clients and partners). Not long ago we began to negotiate discounts that they could provide to our employees. For example, a partner – an insurance company – gives our employees a 20% discount when taking out policies. We managed to negotiate discounts on travel packages with the travel company. At the same time, our company does not incur additional costs, and partners providing discounts receive good volumes of orders.

Communicating achievements

Encourage an employee for the results achieved, provide feedback to employees - all this is important to do in a timely and open manner. Our company has several information sources (intranet, printed publications “Vestnik” and “Bulletin of Success”) in which we publish information about achievements. For example, if we write about the results of a department, first of all we talk about the people who achieved these results. If we inform you about an exhibition, we be sure to name its participants.

Incentive travel

The company actively participates in exhibitions, most of which are held in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in major cities of Russia and the CIS countries. The best employees We delegate people from the regions to work at these exhibitions, providing the opportunity to be the face of the company.

Peer ratings

A person can be motivated not only by the assessment (praise) of his immediate supervisor, but also by the assessments of other employees of the company. In the Bulletin we publish a letter of gratitude from an employee to a colleague. It's not obligatory long text: sometimes it’s a simple thank you for the cleanliness of the company, for quickly organizing a business trip, etc.

Help with family matters

We try to provide targeted assistance if, for example, one of the employees is trying to place a child in kindergarten or a specific school. Line managers help keep abreast of everyday issues important to employees.

Valentina Iskandarova

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Deputy General Director by personnel.

Trade and industrial group "Soyuzsnab"

How else can you motivate employees?

1. Say hello to employees as you pass by and call them by name (learn their names if you haven't already).

2. Write “Thank you,” “Well done,” or something similar on a piece of paper and leave a note on his desk.

3. Reward employees with an extra day or half day off by allowing them to leave early.

4. In the hallway, lobby or dining room, hang graphs with the company's performance for each product, project and update the data weekly or monthly so that the dynamics are visible.

5. Find someone who knows how to juggle and ask him to teach all the employees.

After a stressful telephone conversation or performing a difficult task, juggling balls helps relieve stress.

6. Bring something delicious for all employees once a week or once a month: cake, bagels, pizza, apples, candy, nuts or popcorn.

7. Above each machine in production, hang signs with the name and position of the worker. People like to see their names and feel indispensable.

8. Make sure you have the opportunity to listen to employees, not just inform them.

9. Develop a reward specifically for those employees whose performance is usually overlooked.

10. Once a week or month, arrange meetings with several employees with whom you usually do not have the opportunity to communicate. Answer their questions, ask about problems.

11. Tell all employees about some fairly important issue and ask them to suggest solutions.

Based on materials from Bob Nelson’s books “1001 Ways to Motivate an Employee” and “1001 Ways to Encourage an Employee” (both – M.: Williams, 2007)

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