Coconut palm at home. Coconut palm at home: real or not

Coconut palm - the only kind from the genus Coconut of the Palm or Arecaceae family. The origin of the name “coconut” is associated with the times of the famous Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama due to the similarity of the nuts to the face of a monkey (soso). Malaysia is believed to be its homeland. Another name for the tree is lithocarium.

At home, with appropriate conditions and care, a coconut palm grows up to 6 meters. But in an unsuitable room it can withstand no more than two years. This plant is light-loving, so it feels more comfortable in winter gardens and greenhouses.

Edible oval ones are especially valued, large fruits(nuts) weighing up to 2.5 kg. In nature, the harvest is harvested twice - in the first half of summer and at the end of autumn. One tree produces an average of one hundred fruits per season.

In greenhouse conditions it is rarely possible to obtain a harvest. The domestic coconut palm is grown as an ornamental plant.

Interesting! Palm trees often grow on sea coasts; their nuts, thanks to their waterproof shell, can “travel” over long distances on the waves, while remaining edible and without losing their germination.

Varieties, varieties and forms with photos

Of the dozens of varieties of coconut palms (regular and dwarf), only a few can be grown at home:

Growing a coconut tree at home

Growing a coconut palm at home is done with the help of a fruit or nut. To the question of how many seeds are in a coconut palm fruit, there is a clear answer - only one. The process of its germination can last up to six months.

Only ripe, unpeeled fruit is suitable for germination. There should be a lot of liquid inside it. Before planting, the fruit is soaked for at least three days. For successful germination special conditions are needed: temperature close to 30 degrees. It is best to keep it in a greenhouse with constantly high humidity.

When a sprout appears from the nut, the fruit is placed in a container with soil, while its upper part remains above the ground.

Conditions for growing seedlings:

Reproduction and how germination is carried out

There are two main methods for germinating seeds:

  • In a container. It is often used in nurseries. Seeds are placed in large quantities in a large container. At home, you can put it in a greenhouse. Plants are easy to monitor and can be selectively transplanted into individual containers.
  • Germination in a closed bag. This method is more suitable for home grown palm trees In this case, seeds planted in moist (but not wet) peat are placed in a plastic bag, which is placed next to the heater. In addition to warmth, they need good lighting, ventilation and moderate moisture.

The composition and structure of the soil is especially important for young plants. It should be a light, well-drained mixture (preferably sandy loam) with a pH of 5.5-8. A successful composition would be equal parts of turf and leaf soil, humus, perlite, peat and tree bark. You can even grow palm trees in sand, but then Special attention give them additional feedings.

Coconut can be sprouted at home in a bag or container.

Sometimes a palm tree produces daughter plants.

Reproduction by shoots is carried out as follows:

  • They are separated from a mature plant by cutting without disturbing its roots.
  • The shoot is planted in a peat-sand substrate and covered with a transparent greenhouse.
  • Rooting lasts up to 12 weeks. At this time they are watered little.
  • When a new shoot appears, the plant is ventilated daily, gradually increasing the time.
  • After the final removal of the greenhouse, watering is increased more frequently, and the seedlings are fed with organic matter once a month during watering.
  • The palm tree is transplanted into a large container next spring.

Interesting! The term "coconut" is not accurate. In reality, it is a drupe fruit with an outer, fibrous shell and an inner hard shell. It is equipped with three pores and three ovules. Only from one of them does the seed develop.

Features of home care

To grow a coconut palm, the following conditions are required:

Important. To avoid one-sidedness, the palm tree is turned twice a month.

Transplanting a plant

Young plants for better growth replanted annually. They do this in mid-spring. The new container should be only a couple of centimeters or 10% larger than the previous one.

The plant is removed from the tub with a lump of earth, only damaged roots are removed. The palm tree is planted at the same depth as before. The soil mixture and drainage layer should be the same as in the old place. If the roots are exposed or damaged during transplantation, then for better survival in the new place, some of the leaves of the palm tree are cut off.

Perennials that have reached 3-4 years of age are replanted only if necessary. A mature palm tree does not like to have its peace disturbed and its roots damaged. In response, it may stop growing.

Reference. It is interesting to know how long a coconut tree grows. Under natural conditions, tall varieties develop up to 80 years, and dwarf varieties - up to 40 years. In residential areas good care they continue to grow for 2-3 decades.

A grown palm tree must be replanted every year.

Diseases and pests of coconut trees and methods of combating them

Potted coconut trees can be affected by pests: scale insects, spider mites, mealybugs, thrips. Preventive measures include wet wiping of leaves. Young plants are “bathed” in a warm solution of Persian chamomile or green soap, and after some time they are washed off.

Pest control measures:

  1. Get rid of scale insects and mealybugs mechanical cleaning with a hard sponge and soap, spraying with a tobacco solution or (1 ml per liter of water).
  2. From spider mite A warm shower, a soap solution, an infusion of citrus peel or the same concentration of Actellik helps.
  3. If affected by powdery mildew, isolate the diseased plants and pollinate them wet with sulfur powder, repeating the treatment after 10 days.
  4. Thrips and aphids are eliminated by spraying with 3% chlorophos or infusions of tobacco and ash.

Treatments with home remedies are also effective: infusions of chamomile, mustard, potato tops, onions, garlic and others. They are done three times with weekly breaks.

If the palm tree has been attacked by pests, the leaves are treated with special preparations.

Excessive watering threatens fungal diseases:

  1. Yellowing of the crown is often an indicator of infection with phytoplasmosis. In this case, diseased plants are destroyed.
  2. Black root rot, spotting, and pink rot affect weakened plants. The leaves rot, the shoots wither, the trunk turns black, and pink spores appear. Fungicides based on thiophanate or methyl help against diseases. Spraying with preparations is carried out with weekly breaks until the plants recover.

You can see in the video detailed process germinating coconut at home.

Coconut palms grow in tropical regions around the world and are one of the most important agricultural crops in warm countries. Coconut is not easy to grow at home due to dry air, low humidity and limited space. At the same time, this is feasible and the coconut palm will become a true exotic indoor plant, capable of pleasing the eye for several years.

When planting a coconut tree, the main problem is finding the seed nut. Don't try to germinate the naked coconut sold at the grocery store. To germinate a palm tree, you need a fruit covered with an outer fibrous shell, which is usually removed and used in industrial purposes. The ideal option for planting a coconut palm is a ripe nut that has just fallen off the mother plant on its own.

If you have access to fresh unshelled coconuts, then this good opportunity grow a homemade coconut tree. For germination, you should choose a high-quality nut that has a good supply of juice, i.e. noticeably gurgling when shaken in the hands, and having an oblong shape with medium size.

How to plant coconut at home

Having obtained and selected a coconut suitable for planting, you need to soak it in a container of water at room temperature. Soaking should last 2-3 days; this procedure will help simulate the coconut floating across the ocean, and will also soak and saturate the fibrous shell with moisture. IN natural environment growth, coconuts germinate during the wet season at high temperatures.

For planting, select a shallow pot that is approximately twice the diameter of the nut and has plenty of drainage holes. As soil for the germination and subsequent life of the palm tree, use a flower mixture, additionally diluted by a quarter with coarse sand. Place a layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot, cover three-quarters with soil and prepare a hole for the coconut.

Coconut can be placed in the ground in two ways: vertically or horizontally. On the nut you can see pointed and blunt ends. The blunt end of the coconut was attached to the palm tree, and with this end it is worth digging it into the pot, leaving a third part on the surface. In addition, the coconut can be placed on any side, also by digging and compacting the soil around it.

In order for a coconut tree to germinate, it needs to be provided with the tropics: sun, warmth and humidity. The ideal temperature for this would be about 30 degrees Celsius and a mini greenhouse in the form of a light-transmitting shelter. The soil must be constantly kept moist, but without stagnation. When watering, the liquid should easily pass through the entire thickness of the soil into the sump. In hot weather, especially for clay pots, will require daily watering.

You will have to wait quite a long time for a coconut palm sprout to appear, from 3 to 6 months. This is exactly how long it takes to form a young palm tree and soften the strong coconut shell. If you don’t have the desire or ability to germinate coconut yourself, you can purchase a ready-grown palm tree decorative variety in a flower shop.

Conditions for growing a coconut tree at home

Keep your coconut tree in a warm, well-lit area away from constant exposure to direct sunlight. A slightly shaded south window or a bright balcony would work well. The temperature should not fall below 13-15 degrees Celsius. IN heating season It is advisable to additionally humidify the air in a room with tropical plants.

A grown palm tree should be transplanted into a larger pot, preserving the old earthen lump and adding new soil. In the future, instead of replanting, you can add fertilizer in the form of humus buried on the surface of the pot with a palm tree. The coconut palm, which naturally lives on sandy sea coasts, requires regular watering to prevent harmful drying out of the soil.

A coconut tree, if well cared for at home, will grow for 4-5 years, after which it will gradually begin to wither due to lack of sufficient space. Dwarf adapted varieties will be able to please their owners much longer. You don’t need to expect fruits from a coconut palm in your apartment, but such an iconic tropical plant will become a real pride among indoor flora.

A coconut tree growing in a large tub looks very exotic. Complements any interior, representing bright accent. But to grow it at home, you need to know the features of caring for this plant. Let's look at how to plant a coconut tree in a flowerpot and the nuances of its propagation. In the article you will find detailed descriptions stages of growing and photographs of the plant.

Forms, varieties and varieties

The coconut palm is the only representative of the Coconut genus. In the natural environment (tropics and subtropics) many varieties of this plant grow. For example, subspecies of coconut:

  • viridis, which has green fruits;
  • tall - typica;
  • dwarf forms - nana.

Coconut palm in natural conditions

Decorative low-growing palm trees have also been bred that produce inedible fruits. yellow color. Varietal forms have nuts of various shades, the most common are:

  1. Brown.
  2. Green.
  3. Orange.
  4. Yellow, etc.

Types of Coconuts

With variety appearance coconuts can be seen in the photo. The fruits differ not only in color, but also in shape; they can be oval, teardrop-shaped, round, pear-shaped, elongated, etc. The size of the nut and the kernel inside it also directly depends on the variety.

Important. In nature, the coconut palm reaches 30 m in height. But at home, it will grow no more than 6 m. To grow in a tub, you must try to find a specially bred low-growing form that can please the eye for many years. Whereas the tall variety will live at home for no more than 7 years.

Coconut tree propagation, germination and planting

Reproduction occurs by seeds, i.e. The fruit of the coconut tree itself germinates. Only shelled nuts are suitable for planting. Stores sell already shelled coconuts. The top layers - exocarp and coir - are always removed before the product hits the counter. This valuable raw material is used in industry.

Planting a coconut

To get a coconut palm sprout, you need to have ripe fruit, not subjected to processing. The photo clearly shows what a viable nut looks like. Coconuts with a large supply of juice inside germinate best. If you shake it, you can hear a gurgling sound. Before planting, the fruit must be soaked in water for at least 2-3 days. This creates conditions that are as close as possible to the natural environment when it swims in the ocean.

Important. Coconuts can travel across the ocean for more than a year. At the same time, their ability to germinate is not lost. And as soon as the wave hits the fruit on the sandy shore, a sprout will appear.

A coconut can only hatch at a temperature of about 30 °C. Air humidity should also be high. This is a very long process, it can take up to six months. Suitable conditions for germination can be created in a greenhouse or greenhouse. After the sprout appears, the fruit is placed in a tub with soil. Only the lower part is covered with the substrate, and the top of the nut should be above ground level. Imitating natural conditions. In their natural environment, coconut palms grow well in sand, but they can also grow in other soils.

Coconut tree sprout

To grow at home, the substrate must be soft and loose. It is good to use universal flower soil, diluted 1:1 with coarse sand. You can add peat and humus. Optimal diameter planting capacity - approximately twice the size of the fruit itself. Be sure to install a drainage layer and holes to allow excess moisture to escape.

Sprouting coconut requires patience and creation special conditions. If you don’t want to do this, you can always purchase a young plant of an ornamental variety at a garden center.

Features of care

This tropical plant must be kept in a well-lit place. But it is advisable to protect it from direct sunlight, since constant exposure causes the leaves to curl and dry out. A spacious, bright hall or a slightly shaded balcony would be suitable if it faces south. In rooms where there is not enough light, you will have to additionally artificially illuminate the young palm tree. The temperature should not drop below 15 °C; colder conditions threaten the palm tree with death.

A constant level of humidity is very important for the plant.

The plant needs wet air, ideally 75%. The heating system dries it out a lot. Therefore, in winter time provide additional air humidification in the room. When spraying, you need to try to ensure that water does not fall on the nut, but only irrigates the leaves.

Constant watering is vital for the coconut tree. After all, in its homeland it grows on the coasts of seas and oceans. The earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out completely. A young plant, especially if it is in a clay pot, is watered every day. The first 3-4 years require annual transplants. When placing the palm tree in a new, larger container, you need to preserve the earthen lump. At the age of 5 years or more, instead of transplanting, high-quality humus is added to the soil surface.

Important. An integral part of caring for a coconut tree growing in a tub is pruning. Remove broken, dried leaves. But leaf blades that have changed their color, darkened or slightly yellowed are left behind. Because the plant extracts the necessary nutritional compounds from them.

Fertilizers, fertilizing, typical diseases and pests

The coconut tree grows very slowly, consuming large amounts of nutrients. And although from a biological point of view the plant is undemanding to the composition of the soil, due to lack of space at home it must be fertilized. For this it is recommended to use organic substances. For getting best result, it is better to feed every month.

It is advisable to start fertilizing in the spring. Continue to do this regularly throughout the summer. And in the fall, gradually reduce feeding so that it is stopped in winter. In this period mature plant It is better to leave it alone, reducing not only nutrition, but also irrigation.

To develop a palm tree in an apartment, the plant needs regular feeding.

Insufficiently careful and thoughtful care of the plant provokes the occurrence of diseases. Excessive watering contributes to the development of fungal infections, under the influence of which root system capable of rotting. In potted cultivation, the coconut palm is affected by a number of pests, the most common of which are:

  1. Scale insects;
  2. Spider mites;
  3. Mealybugs;
  4. Thrips;
  5. False scale insects.

To combat these insects, insecticides are used, the use of which is permitted indoors.

Growing and caring for a coconut palm at home is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. But getting healthy beautiful specimen they can be rightfully proud. This exotic plant extremely attractive, decorative and unusual. It will definitely amaze guests and delight the hosts.

How to grow a palm tree in your home: video

Growing a coconut tree: photo

Coconut palm– large, tree plant, which is intensively cultivated in the tropics. The palm tree grows very quickly, the nuts it produces are used for food, and it is a very important agricultural crop. Coconut is widely distributed throughout the world, and even in the outback of Russia it is very easy to find it in a decent supermarket. The most curious, of course, will want to grow a coconut palm tree in a pot. It turns out that starting an indoor coconut is not so easy...

How to grow a coconut tree?

* Choosing the right coconut.

In order to germinate coconut, it is important to choose high-quality planting material. Regular “edible” nuts from the store are not suitable, since all the protective fibers are removed from them, which deprives them of germination. Fresh coconuts fallen from a palm tree germinate ideally. It is important that the coconut is ripe, juicy and healthy in appearance. You can bring them from vacation or order them online.

* Planting homemade coconut.

  • In nature, before sprouting, coconuts usually lie near the surf line, float in the water and become saturated with moisture. We should simulate a similar situation by soaking the coconut in soft water for 2-3 days. The water should be changed daily and, if possible, rotate the coconut so that the entire shell soaks evenly. This will make it easier for the future palm tree to emerge.
  • Suitable for planting shallow pot, 2 times larger in diameter than the nut itself. The pot should have plenty of drainage holes. You can use ready-made flower substrate; it is important to create a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.
  • When planting, the easiest way to place a coconut is in a lying position, on its side. You can also bury the blunt end into the soil, leaving 1/3 of the total length above the ground.
  • For the emergence of seedlings, a warm temperature of +30 degrees is important, sunlight And high humidity. The coconut can be covered by creating a translucent greenhouse, where a lot of condensation will collect. The soil should be maintained wet and make sure there is no mold or musty smell.
  • It takes a long time for a coconut to germinate, from three months to six months. This is due to the fact that the nut shell is very dense and it takes such a period of time for life to arise inside.

* Caring for a coconut tree at home.

At home it is very difficult to create conditions close to tropical ones. Our air is dry, and apart from a humidifier, nothing will help establish decent humidity. If you don’t have a device, spray the palm tree more often and place wet expanded clay in the tray.

The coconut palm is grown in a bright, well-lit place. If it is a south-facing window, do not forget about shading during peak solar activity. In summer the plant grows well outdoors.

Coconut grows at room temperature all year round. If the readings fall below +15, the plant may simply get sick!

As the palm tree grows, replanting will be required. The pot needs to be enlarged by transferring the nut by transferring it without destroying the earthen lump. After a year, light humus fertilizers can be added to the substrate.

Unfortunately, the residential environment significantly limits the life resources of the coconut tree. The plant cannot properly grow roots, develop, or produce fruit, and at the age of five it usually begins to wither and soon dies. If you are very lucky, in flower shops or at specialized exhibitions you can find homemade coconuts of special varieties suitable for indoor growing.

Either way, the experience of sprouting a coconut and observing the life of a tropical coconut tree is very interesting. This could be long term creative project for a child, or just an unforgettable experiment for you!




Lemon Tree



You can envy and sympathize with coconut lovers at the same time. Envy because from this product they will receive most of the vitamins and nutrients necessary for the body. But, unfortunately, we do not always find tropical nuts in our stores that are suitable for consumption. Often, due to long transportation, already overripe or dried coconuts end up on the shelves. Of course, even if you know how to grow coconut at home, this problem cannot be solved. But it is possible to get a beautiful palm tree.

This is a rather complex and time-consuming process, but it can still be done. The main catch is where to find coconuts to plant. Fruits sold in the store are not suitable for this. Most often, they are already cleared of the fibrous shell and therefore will not sprout. Ideally, it should be a nut that has fallen from a palm tree and is immediately delivered to you. Try contacting specialized stores or companies.

When the coconut is selected, proceed directly to cultivation. A coconut tree will grow at home only if you follow the instructions. Then you will soon be able to enjoy delicious coconut grown with your own hands.

Nut preparation

Before planting a coconut, it must be placed in a container filled with water. The nut should stay there for 2-3 days. In this way, you will bring the fruit closer to natural conditions, because often, before it hits the ground and germinates, a palm nut floats in the ocean. Also, water will soften the fibrous shell, and the coconut will sprout faster.

Pay attention to the container you will plant in. It should not be very deep, but have a large diameter: twice the size of a nut. Make drainage holes so the coconut can breathe. A flower mixture supplemented with sand is suitable as soil.

Planting a coconut

Take a pot and pour a small layer of expanded clay on the bottom, then mix earth with sand and make a hole for the fruit. The coconut palm can be planted at home in two ways: vertically and horizontally.

In the first case, pay attention to the blunt end of the nut. This is the place where it was attached to the palm tree. Place the coconut this side down and bury 2/3 of the fruit in the ground. For the second option, place the coconut on its side and compact the soil around it.

The sprout will not appear too quickly, it will take 3-6 months. If you don’t want to wait that long, buy a sprouted palm tree in the store. This will significantly save your time.

Features of care

It is necessary to follow the correct temperature regime. For such tropical plant The ideal temperature would be 30 degrees. It is also advisable to create a mini greenhouse. Cover the coconut with a material that allows light to pass through. Constantly maintain soil moisture, but at the same time, make sure that the water does not stagnate.

A coconut palm at home should be well lit, but not in direct sunlight. Perfect option– a south-facing window that has a light shadow. When the palm tree has sprouted enough, transplant it into a larger pot. Do not completely shake off the soil in which it grew from the nut. Just transfer it to a new container and add more soil.

A palm tree grown on a windowsill will not bear fruit, but will become a wonderful element for interior decor. The tree grows for about five years and during this time acquires quite impressive sizes. Then it dies, but if you care for it correctly, you can extend its life for several more years.

Coconut Tree: Video

Many types of citrus fruits grow well at home. But how to grow a lemon from a seed that would not only decorate the room with leathery dark green foliage, but also bear fruit?

It is the lack of ovaries on grown plants that often disappoints home citrus growers. After all, in best case scenario from planting to flowering indoor lemon takes place from 4 to 7 years. And yet, getting a lemon from a seed is an exciting and not hopeless activity. A strong tree can be used as a rootstock by grafting a cutting from a cultivated specimen onto it, or you can push it to bear fruit with proper care and crown formation.

When planning to grow a lemon from a seed at home, you need to be patient and have some knowledge.

The main mistake of amateurs indoor plants who failed in growing lemon or other citrus fruits, is that for sowing they used seeds that had long been removed from the fruit and had time to dry out.

It is much more correct to remove the seeds from ripe fresh lemons and rinse them warm water and embed into the substrate immediately, without drying. This will greatly increase the number of seedlings.

And experienced citrus growers recommend another way to increase the speed and quality of germination. For this purpose, wet lemon seeds intended for growing at home sharp knife carefully freed from the hard surface shell, which is the main obstacle to the sprout hidden in the seed.

Following this advice, you need to be extremely careful and careful. An incorrect movement threatens to damage the cotyledons or the tender embryo, and then the lemon will definitely not appear from the seed.

If lemon seeds remain in the shell, it is useful to immerse them in a solution of a growth stimulator for several hours, not allowing the surface of the seeds to dry out between processing and planting.

Growing lemon from seed at home

Before planting lemon seeds, choose shallow, wide containers with the required drainage holes. A 2-centimeter layer of fine expanded clay or vermiculite is poured onto the bottom of a pot or other container so that all excess moisture, dangerous for the delicate roots, flowing down, does not linger and leaves the soil in time.

You can make soil for growing lemon seeds at home yourself by mixing garden soil, humus and sand. It is useful to add a little crushed food to such a substrate. charcoal, which will reduce the risk of developing bacterial infections. If you don’t have the necessary ingredients on hand, a ready-made substrate for citrus fruits is suitable, which can be easily purchased at a specialty store.

All preparatory work carried out. Now it's time to start sowing. How to grow lemon from a seed at home?

The best sowing time is the end of winter. Then the hatching sprouts will receive good support in the form of increasing daylight hours.

The seeds are planted in moist soil to a depth of about two centimeters. You can plant several seeds in one container at once. Since the seedlings wait for the first transplant when they have 3-4 true leaves, the plants will not interfere with each other.

The containers are placed in a greenhouse or placed in a warm place, first covered with a bag or film. Do not forget that all citrus fruits are heat-loving, so growing lemon from a seed at home is possible only if a certain temperature regime is observed.

The seedlings will not begin to grow if the air and soil in the room are colder than +18 °C. It is optimal if seed germination and subsequent growth take place at a temperature of 22 to 25 °C, with constant high humidity, absence of drafts and other negative factors. Following simple rules on how to grow a lemon from a seed allows you to get friendly, strong shoots.

On average, from sowing to the moment sprouts appear, it takes from a week to a month. During this time, the soil in the pot can be carefully sprayed, but it should be watered only when there are obvious signs of drying out.

With the appearance of green sprouts above the soil surface, they gradually begin to accustom them to room conditions, ventilating and opening the greenhouse slightly. When 3-4 leaves appear on a young lemon from the seed, the film is removed completely, and the seedlings are sorted and transferred to their own small pots.

Since the seeds of hybrid fruits do not always bear parental characteristics, citrus growers trying to get lemon from a seed at home run the risk of growing “wild”.

You can understand how soon the tree will begin to bear fruit, and what quality the ripe fruits will be, by external signs. First of all, cultivated citrus trees are different a small amount thorns on the shoots.

Further care in the first year of seedlings consists of timely watering, replanting and pinching for the initial formation of the crown of the future tree.
In addition, plants:

  • in the summer months, feed every 10–14 days, alternating humus solution and liquid mineral fertilizers;
  • on cloudy days and in the cold season, they are additionally illuminated using fluorescent or LED phytolamps.

The duration of lighting largely affects the flowering and fruiting of plants from the tropical zone. Therefore, you should take care of purchasing such lamps before growing a lemon from a seed.

Replanting for young lemons is carried out annually, and the plant should be transferred very carefully, without disturbing the root system. If the roots have not yet mastered the entire earthen ball, you can get by by replacing the surface layer.

Interested in how to grow a lemon from a seed, many enthusiasts look forward to first the shoots and then the first flowers. But to avoid weakening the plant, the lemon should not be allowed to bear fruit until it reaches 2-3 years of age. A lemon from a seed is ripe for flowering when there is only one flower per 15 leaves of its crown.

If the earlier formation of the ovary weakens the tree, then pinching it at the age of about a year only promotes the formation of the crown and will lay the foundation for future ones. good harvests. Therefore, in a very young plant, you need to remove all shoots directed deep into the crown, pinch the tops of excessively long shoots, and also sometimes turn the pot with the tree so that it is illuminated and develops as evenly as possible.

Part 1. Planting seeds

Part 2. The appearance of the first shoots

Part 3. Transplanting seedlings

A coconut tree growing in a large tub looks very exotic. Complements any interior, representing a bright accent. But to grow it at home, you need to know the features of caring for this plant. Let's look at how to plant a coconut tree in a flowerpot and the nuances of its propagation. In the article you will find detailed descriptions of the growing stages and photographs of the plant.

Forms, varieties and varieties

The coconut palm is the only representative of the Coconut genus. In the natural environment (tropics and subtropics) many varieties of this plant grow. For example, subspecies of coconut:

  • viridis, which has green fruits;
  • tall - typica;
  • dwarf forms - nana.

Coconut palm in natural conditions

Ornamental low-growing palm trees have also been bred, producing inedible yellow fruits. Varietal forms have nuts of various shades, the most common are:

  1. Brown.
  2. Green.
  3. Orange.
  4. Yellow, etc.

Types of Coconuts

You can see the variety of appearance of coconuts in the photo. The fruits differ not only in color, but also in shape; they can be oval, teardrop-shaped, round, pear-shaped, elongated, etc. The size of the nut and the kernel inside it also directly depends on the variety.

Important. In nature, the coconut palm reaches 30 m in height. But at home, it will grow no more than 6 m. To grow in a tub, you must try to find a specially bred low-growing form that can please the eye for many years. Whereas the tall variety will live at home for no more than 7 years.

Coconut tree propagation, germination and planting

Reproduction occurs by seeds, i.e. The fruit of the coconut tree itself germinates. Only shelled nuts are suitable for planting. Stores sell already shelled coconuts. The top layers - exocarp and coir - are always removed before the product hits the counter. This valuable raw material is used in industry.

Planting a coconut

To get a coconut palm sprout, you must have a ripe fruit that has not been processed. The photo clearly shows what a viable nut looks like. Coconuts with a large supply of juice inside germinate best. If you shake it, you can hear a gurgling sound. Before planting, the fruit must be soaked in water for at least 2-3 days. This creates conditions that are as close as possible to the natural environment when it swims in the ocean.

Important. Coconuts can travel across the ocean for more than a year. At the same time, their ability to germinate is not lost. And as soon as the wave hits the fruit on the sandy shore, a sprout will appear.

A coconut can only hatch at a temperature of about 30 °C. Air humidity should also be high. This is a very long process, it can take up to six months. Suitable conditions for germination can be created in a greenhouse or greenhouse. After the sprout appears, the fruit is placed in a tub with soil. Only the lower part is covered with the substrate, and the top of the nut should be above ground level. Imitating natural conditions. In their natural environment, coconut palms grow well in sand, but they can also grow in other soils.

Coconut tree sprout

To grow at home, the substrate must be soft and loose. It is good to use universal flower soil, diluted 1:1 with coarse sand. You can add peat and humus. The optimal diameter of the planting container is approximately twice the size of the fruit itself. Be sure to install a drainage layer and holes to allow excess moisture to escape.

Sprouting coconut requires patience and special conditions. If you don’t want to do this, you can always purchase a young plant of an ornamental variety at a garden center.

Features of care

This tropical plant must be kept in a well-lit place. But it is advisable to protect it from direct sunlight, since constant exposure causes the leaves to curl and dry out. A spacious, bright hall or a slightly shaded balcony would be suitable if it faces south. In rooms where there is not enough light, you will have to additionally artificially illuminate the young palm tree. The temperature should not drop below 15 °C; colder conditions threaten the palm tree with death.

A constant level of humidity is very important for the plant.

The plant needs humid air, ideally 75%. The heating system dries it out a lot. Therefore, in winter they provide additional humidification of the indoor air. When spraying, you need to try to ensure that water does not fall on the nut, but only irrigates the leaves.

Constant watering is vital for the coconut tree. After all, in its homeland it grows on the coasts of seas and oceans. The earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out completely. A young plant, especially if it is in a clay pot, is watered every day. The first 3-4 years require annual transplants. When placing the palm tree in a new, larger container, you need to preserve the earthen lump. At the age of 5 years or more, instead of transplanting, high-quality humus is added to the soil surface.

Important. An integral part of caring for a coconut tree growing in a tub is pruning. Remove broken, dried leaves. But leaf blades that have changed their color, darkened or slightly yellowed are left behind. Because the plant extracts the necessary nutritional compounds from them.

Fertilizers, fertilizing, typical diseases and pests

The coconut tree grows very slowly, consuming large amounts of nutrients. And although from a biological point of view the plant is undemanding to the composition of the soil, due to lack of space at home it must be fertilized. For this it is recommended to use organic substances. To get the best results, it is better to feed every month.

It is advisable to start fertilizing in the spring. Continue to do this regularly throughout the summer. And in the fall, gradually reduce feeding so that it is stopped in winter. During this period, it is better to leave the adult plant alone, reducing not only nutrition, but also irrigation.

To develop a palm tree in an apartment, the plant needs regular feeding.

Insufficiently careful and thoughtful care of the plant provokes the occurrence of diseases. Excessive watering contributes to the development of fungal infections, under the influence of which the root system can rot. In potted cultivation, the coconut palm is affected by a number of pests, the most common of which are:

  1. Scale insects;
  2. Spider mites;
  3. Mealybugs;
  4. Thrips;
  5. False scale insects.

To combat these insects, insecticides are used, the use of which is permitted indoors.

Growing and caring for a coconut palm at home is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. But having received a healthy, beautiful specimen, you can rightfully be proud of it. Such an exotic plant is extremely attractive, decorative and unusual. It will definitely amaze guests and delight the hosts.

The coconut tree does not grow in our climate, but you can try planting it in a pot. It perfectly complements the interior of any room.

The coconut tree grows in hot climates

Growing a tree requires knowledge, which must be relied upon when choosing a fruit and planting it.

Natural habitat

The coconut palm grows in countries with tropical climates. The tree is native to Malaysia, but can be found in some coastal regions of Africa, North and South America(Brazil), etc.

The peculiarity of the tree is its fruits. Many nuts have kernels inside, but this plant has coconut water inside the fruit, which has pleasant taste and very useful.

What does a palm tree look like:

  • height 14 m;
  • wide shaggy trunk;
  • rosette-shaped crown;
  • the leaves resemble a bird's feather;
  • small flowers.

How coconuts grow: the fruits form groups of 15–20 pieces. Inside they contain coconut water, which tastes good. The coconut is a drupe with a diameter and length of up to 30 cm. The outer skin is thin and consists of fibers that hide the hard shell. Seed white and solid structure.

Coconuts are the fruit of the palm tree

Coconut varieties

The coconut palm is the only species of the Cocos genus. In natural climates you can find several varieties:

  • dwarf;
  • average;
  • tall.

You can also meet ornamental plants small sizes, but their fruits are unfit for consumption. They are distinguished depending on the color of the nut: brown, yellow or orange.

Fruits of different varieties differ not only in color, but in shape and size. In its natural environment, a palm tree can reach a height of about 30 m, and at home no more than 6 m.

If you decide to get a tree at home, then it is better to choose small varieties, because tall ones room conditions live no more than 7 years.

Coconut planting method

How to grow coconut: There is only one way - with seeds. For planting, unpeeled ripe fruits that have not been processed are selected. They should have a sufficient amount of juice.

How to plant a coconut:

  1. Place the nut in water for several days. This will create natural conditions for its germination.
  2. Optimum temperature 30 °C. Humidity should be high enough.
  3. When the nut germinates, it is moved to a tub with nutrient soil. Only half of the nut is buried in the soil, and the second part with the sprout should be located at the same level with the ground.
  4. The coconut palm is not picky about the composition of the soil. In its natural environment it even grows on sand. To obtain good tree, the soil should be light and loose. If desired, humus or peat can be added to the soil. The diameter of the planting container should be twice the size of the nut.

The tree grows slowly, but correct landing and care can speed up this process. This is a tropical plant that is not adapted to our conditions.

Coconut should be germinated before planting

Coconut Tree Care

Lighting is the main condition for growing coconut. But this does not mean that it should always be in direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will dry out and fall off. You need to choose a place where there is enough light, but no direct sunlight. A shaded balcony works well. LED lamps can be used.

The room temperature should not fall below 15 °C. If this happens, the tree will die. The air humidity for this tropical plant should be 75%.

Spend the winter wet cleaning in the room where the plant is located. Place a container of water next to it and spray it regularly. Water should only fall on the leaves; a wet nut will begin to rot. The palm tree needs regular watering.

If the coconut tree is young, then water it every day. An adult palm tree requires less water. The coconut should be replanted regularly for the first five years, and after this period, humus should be added to the soil.

A young coconut should be watered every day


The coconut palm grows very slowly at home; fertilizers are applied to speed up the process. Can be used as organic fertilizers, and inorganic. You can use bulk and liquid products.

Feeding begins in the spring and ends in the fall. In winter it is stopped, the amount of watering is reduced in order to remain dormant and begin to grow in the spring.

If the coconut tree was initially planted in soil rich in vitamins, then no fertilizer is applied for the first few years.

Coconut tree pests

Improper care and planting lead to diseases or pests. If we plant a plant incorrectly or water it more often than it should, we provoke problems.

These insects often attack the coconut palm:

  • scale insect;
  • mite;
  • mealybugs;
  • thrips;
  • false scale insects.

You can fight them with products that are sold in gardening stores or you can make them yourself.

Prevention should be carried out, planting and care rules should be followed, and the soil should be treated regularly. copper sulfate, and the leaves of the plant with a soap solution.
