Clinker facade installation. Clinker floor tiles: free laying and glued. Laying tiles using classical technology

Regarding the issue of facing steps, we cannot ignore the use of clinker tiles. This is an innovative finishing material that includes excellent performance characteristics combined with high decorative function. Laying clinker steps has its own characteristics, which will be discussed further.

Characteristics of clinker tiles

The production of finishing material with the prefix “clinker” is based on a special extrusion method for processing shale clay. Thanks to this, clinker tiles have all the necessary properties for laying on steps.

Frost resistance

Immunity to moisture (water absorption at 2%) ensures a stable response of clinker tiles to temperature fluctuations. For seasonal changes, the zero point is especially dangerous, when water is converted into ice and vice versa. When laying steps using clinker material the design can withstand about 300 critical cycles. This is possible thanks to the capillary structure of the product, which promotes the release excess moisture, which is one of key factors, influencing the choice in favor of clinker cladding of external surfaces.

This is especially true for stairs, since the area between the risers and steps is subject to maximum load, and minor delamination can provoke rapid destruction of the structure. If you lay the tiles correctly, there is virtually no risk of chipping or chipping.

Important! Application modern technologies allows you to line steps with clinker material in any season.

Wear resistance and mechanical strength

Flooring material used for street decoration, must have increased wear resistance. For traditional ceramics these conditions are not met. The clinker tiles intended for laying steps have abrasion classes 4 and 5, so the durability of the cladding is guaranteed if the work technology is followed. The level of resistance to mechanical stress also depends on the manufacturer:

  • The German Stoeher coating is the most durable; even if you want to scratch the surface, only sparks will fly from it.
  • Spanish products are less stable, but their cost is lower.
  • Things are worse for Polish manufacturers, who periodically offer ordinary ceramics instead of clinker tiles for laying steps.

An important indicator is the resistance of the material under bending loads. The clinker lining chosen for laying the steps is characterized by indicators of 20 MPa. Since the load during operation of the steps is distributed more to the edge of the structure, the value mechanical strength plays a decisive role.

Anti-slip properties

When laying tiles on steps, you should remember elevated level danger of injury during the operation of the ladder. Therefore, care should be taken to choose a non-slip surface of the material. There is no standard by which the degree of sliding of a cladding product is determined in Russia. Besides visual inspection and their own feelings, consumers can be guided by European standards.

Note! Based on their anti-slip properties, facing ceramics are divided into five levels: from R9 to R13. It is better to install clinker steps using tiles with a class from R11 to R13.

It is worth noting such an indicator as adhesion to glue. The advantages of clinker are especially obvious when compared with porcelain stoneware. Despite its popularity, the reverse side of porcelain stoneware has a smooth texture, so when laid with glue it sticks much worse. The structured surface of the mounting base of the clinker product promotes high adhesion to the glue. And finally, looking at the characteristics facing material made of clinker, its environmental safety should be emphasized.

Types of formats

Assortment of clinker products for laying steps in terms of choice of texture or color palette small. But exquisite appearance stairs are provided with a perfect structural basis and a variety of formats, among which are:

  • Steps: ordinary, notched, corner, with Florentine profile.
  • Skirting board: regular, corner, figured, under steps.
  • There are also balcony coverings and profiled plinths with an angle.

All parts are produced in various options, both tonal and geometric. Therefore, the task of tiling stairs even with complex design becomes feasible. Individual elements clinker products do not have significant functional significance, but are highly decorative and allow you to show creative inclinations in the design of steps.

Technological process

The technology for laying clinker tiles on steps requires the presence of a reliable surface made of concrete, stone or brick.

Surface preparation

Due to the rigid base of clinker products, the surface of the steps for cladding should not be subject to deformation due to mechanical stress, humidity fluctuations or temperature changes. Therefore, correct installation is only possible on a solid foundation. Reinforced concrete takes first place in terms of reliability. You can begin the installation process after meeting the following conditions:

  • The surface of the steps will be cleaned of foreign deposits, debris and dirt using a drill with a special attachment or a metal brush.
  • All existing irregularities have been corrected using cement-sand mortar.
  • Before installation, it is necessary to waterproof the surface of the steps.


The technology of tiling stairs contains many facets, including:

  • maintaining a horizontal plane;
  • formation of smooth seams;
  • maintaining the same height of steps.

The last condition is not always feasible due to the initially irregular shape of the rough structure. In this case, the master’s task is to visually achieve same size steps after laying clinker tiles. When marking, it is necessary to strive for the integrity of the slabs in width and length. Trimming along the edges often does not look aesthetically pleasing, so they resort to slight shortening central elements to ensure integrity of the poles. Outdoor steps often have sidewalls, so vertical installation will be inevitable.

Important ! According to the laying technology, when marking steps, you should monitor the direction of the lines on the mounting surface of the clinker parts.

They should not be perpendicular to each other. This will prevent cracks from forming in the seam areas.


Before starting installation, you should decide what composition will be used for fixation. In addition to glue, you can use a solution of cement and sand in a ratio of 1:4. For these purposes, sand is selected whose fraction does not exceed 7 mm, otherwise insufficient adhesion will provoke the risk of clinker tiles peeling off from the steps. A mixture of ready-made glue is more reliable; Ceresit CM12 is excellent for these purposes. The proposed adhesive is produced specifically for clinker products, but is also suitable for ceramics with porcelain tiles. The only exception is marble. Dilute the glue in the proportions indicated on the manufacturer's packaging.

Laying technology has different variants: Some tilers start from the top level, others from the bottom level. Regardless of the method chosen, the process includes the following steps:

  • The first step is to start correctly with the lighthouse laying of a horizontal row. This will set the plane and determine the thickness of the seams.
  • Then the steps are laid exclusively with horizontal tiles.
  • After the glue has hardened, they proceed to lining the risers.

Attention ! When decorating steps on the street, the protruding part of the tile is not glued. This will protect the clinker lining from damage when the base surface is deformed.

Finishing stairs located on the street requires the use of special frost-resistant glue.


The width of the joints varies depending on the type of clinker material. From the point of view of technical characteristics and aesthetic appearance, it is correct to form a thickness of 4-5 mm, but the acceptable size is 10 mm.

A rubber or metal spatula is suitable for grouting between the joint spaces on the steps. The metal tool should be selected narrow, corresponding to the width of the gaps after laying the tiles. You need to work with a semi-dry mixture; you can check the desired consistency by squeezing it in your palm - the grout should not crumble.

Ceramic tiles are not suitable for installation outdoors: they will not withstand regular changes in temperature, humidity and high load. But clinker is good for outdoor work. floor tiles. It is not afraid of frost and has a non-slip surface.

Quick navigation through the article

Advantages of clinker tiles

Areas of application

Clinker tiles are excellent for cladding:

  • Areas around swimming pools;
  • Terraces and gazebos;
  • Porch, steps, stairs;
  • Areas around barbecues;
  • Floor in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, hallway;
  • Premises with high traffic and load: halls, kitchens in cafes and restaurants;
  • Garages and parking lots;
  • Workshops and production premises.

Installation with glue

For extruded clinker tiles when laying on the floor, the recommended joint thickness is 8-10 mm. For pressed clinker - 4-5 mm.

To work, you need to have a spatula-comb and a rubber grater, a sponge and a container of water, plastic crosses, a level, and a rubber hammer.

The surface must be dry, clean and level. Before starting work, you need to sweep or vacuum the floor to avoid any debris. Perfect optioncement-sand screed more than 28 days old or concrete older than 4 months, with humidity less than 4%. On the porch and stairs, a slope of 1-2 degrees must be provided in advance for water drainage.

Tiles from all packages are pulled out and mixed to obtain a uniform pattern. If an ornament is planned, a preliminary dry layout is done. This is one of the features of clinker tiles; they should not have the same tone.

Using the flat side of the comb, apply the glue to the floor in an even layer. The excess is removed with the notched side of the spatula. Depending on the angle of the spatula, the thickness of the glue will change.

The tile is laid on the glue and pressed. After checking the level, you can tap it with a rubber mallet, or, on the contrary, remove it and add glue. It is better to check the horizontal plane with two levels: short to look at deviations from neighboring elements, and long to look at the evenness of the entire row.

Plastic crosses are inserted between the tiles to maintain even gaps.

When laying outdoors, it is recommended to make expansion gaps every 20-25 meters, and indoors every 50-70 meters. In narrow spaces, gaps should be every 5 linear meters. The minimum width of the expansion joint is 10 mm. It is filled with elastomer to match the color of the cladding. When installing skirting boards, it is recommended to leave a hidden elastic seam of 10 mm underneath them.

Clinker floor tiles are easy to cut using a grinder with diamond blade on tiles or .

Grouting joints

Clinker tiles are highly absorbent, so before starting grouting you need to thoroughly moisten the surface.

The grout mixture should allow it to be used to fill joints of more than 5 mm; this can be found in the instructions.

The seams are filled with diluted grout using a rubber float.

When the solution dries a little, you need to wash the tiles with a damp sponge, without washing the grout out of the joints.

Some types of grout may require the use of a special detergent to remove.

Adhesive for clinker tiles

Not every glue is suitable for installation; you need to read the instructions about the possibility of using it with clinker tiles. For example, good fit:

  • Ceresit CM 11 (with the addition of elasticizer CC 83),
  • Ceresit CM 16 (elastic),
  • Ceresit CM 17 (super elastic),
  • Ceresit CM 117,
  • Litokol Litogres K97 ECO FAST,
  • Litokol Litoflex K80 and K80 ECO,
  • Litokol Litoflex K81,
  • Baumacol Standard,
  • Baumacol Gres,
  • Baumacol Flex.

When installing outdoors, use only frost-resistant glue and grout.


There are special clinker parts for cladding steps.

First, the tiles are glued to the riser and then laid on the tread. Laying a step with a round nose Laying a step with a straight nose

Free styling

Installation without glue allows you to save money and speed up the installation process. No need to prepare concrete base, buy glue. This method can be used not only on the ground, but also on the roof. If the soil is properly prepared, the finished surface will be able to withstand even the load of a car.

  • Depending on the soil, traditional preparation of the load-bearing base is done.
    • To prevent grass from sprouting, you can lay a layer of geotextile on the ground.
    • If necessary, waterproofing is done.
    • A 20-60 cm layer of 32 mm coarse crushed stone is poured. Every 10 cm a compaction is made. Under no circumstances should you use sand as a base.
    • The surface is finally leveled with 5-7 mm crushed stone (without sand).
  • Terrace clinker tiles are laid.
  • To create uniform gaps, you can use 4-8 mm plastic crosses or special spacers.
  • The seams are sealed with a special grout (Quick Mix, PCI, etc.). It is applied like on regular paving slabs:
    • The surface is abundantly moistened.
    • The mixture is diluted according to the instructions and poured onto the floor.
    • Using a rubber scraper, the mixture is distributed over the surface and seals all seams.
    • When the mixture hardens, it needs to be moistened and cleaned with a rubber scraper.
    • Final cleaning is done with a jet of water.

When the cladding is ready, you need to protect it until the repair work is completed.

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For those who are wondering what and how to decorate the facade of their home, let’s consider what you need to know about clinker tiles in order to make the right choice, and the technologies for laying them.

Clinker tiles are an excellent material for facade cladding

Facade finishing:

  • calculating the need for tiles;
  • surface preparation;
  • methods of finishing facades: wet and dry.

Properties of clinker


  • high strength and wear resistance due to a layer of melted clay on the surface of the tile;
  • moisture, heat and frost resistance (water absorption coefficient up to 2.5%);
  • small specific gravity(15-20 kg per 1 square meter of surface);
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays (does not fade in the sun);
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • wide choice of colors and textures;
  • ease of daily care.


  • fragility (vulnerable to impact loads, including after installation);
  • relatively high cost.

High specifications allow the use of clinker tiles for external finishing works in different climatic zones.

Depending on the area of ​​application, facing clinker is produced in the following types:

  • technical - for paving roads;
  • facing – for exterior finishing facades and other surfaces;
  • waterproof - for cladding bases that are in long-term contact with water (swimming pools, saunas, baths);
  • special - for performing complex artistic decoration.

Clinker tiles vary in size, color scheme and by surface texture

In relation to the finishing of facades, we will consider facing clinker ceramics, which, in turn, is divided into:

  • tiles;
  • thermal panels.

Clinker tiles- This is a product made of baked clay, uniform throughout its entire thickness, laid on the base using tile adhesive.

Thermal panel made of clinker– multilayer finishing tiles, consisting of a front clinker layer and a base insulation. Thermal panels are produced in the size of one tile or in the form of a fragment of several clinker products on common ground. The thickness of the thermal panel can be from 4 to 8 cm.

Facade cladding

Finishing a facade with clinker tiles, like any other type of finishing work, consists of several stages, the success of each of which determines the overall result. Let's look at these stages.

Finishing the facade with clinker tiles includes several stages

Calculation of the need for tiles

Each type of clinker tile includes two types of products:

  • main - for cladding flat surfaces;
  • corner – for laying on corners.

The amount of basic clinker is measured in square meters, the requirement for corner material– in linear meters.

To independently calculate the amount of clinker tiles required for finishing the facade, you need to multiply the length of the facade in meters by its height and then subtract from the resulting value the areas not subject to finishing (windows and doorways, area adjacent to the porch façade).

In order for the cladding of the facade of a house with clinker tiles to be successful, you need to know exactly how much material is required

The packaging of clinker usually indicates its consumption for facing one square meter surfaces, taking into account the recommended joint width. If this value is missing, you can lay it out on an area of ​​1 square meter. imitation brickwork from the selected tile, leaving seams 1-1.5 cm wide between the products, and count the amount of material in pieces. Depending on the quality of the material, 5-10% is added to the obtained value.

The consumption of thermal panels for finishing one square meter of base is indicated on the packaging, or the area of ​​one fragment is indicated.

To determine the need for corner tiles, measure in meters the length of all corner joints of the facade. By dividing the resulting value by the consumption of corner clinker for finishing a linear meter, the need for this material is obtained.

Surface preparation

The technology of façade cladding with clinker tiles requires preliminary preparation surfaces in the same way as finishing other types of ceramics. First of all, everything installed is removed from the facade: drainage risers, antennas, brackets, etc. Then they begin to remove the old cladding along with the peeling tile adhesive and plaster. After removing the worn-out finish, the surface is primed with two or three layers of moisture-resistant primer with antifungal additives, after which the base is leveled.

On a smooth concrete surface for reinforcement bearing capacity a notch is applied. Porous bases (shell rock, slag and aerated concrete) do not need notching. The surfaces for laying those types of thermal panels that are mounted without a frame are leveled especially carefully in order to minimize the presence of voids between the cladding and the base.

After leveling the surface, it is necessary to assess the condition of the base with a two-meter strip. If, taking into account level differences, the layer of tile adhesive under the clinker exceeds 1.5 cm, then the base, in the case of using conventional single-layer clinker, must be reinforced.

Facing is carried out no earlier than a week after reinforcement

Reinforcement is carried out by fixing a steel or fiberglass flat fine mesh to the surface of the facade. The mesh on the base is tightened with dowels or self-tapping screws on concrete so that there is a distance of 3-5 mm between the planes of the mesh and the base. Then, using a spatula, fill the mesh cells with tile adhesive and begin laying the clinker.

“Wet” method of finishing facades with clinker tiles

“Wet” is the name given to the technology of clinker cladding when laying tiles on tile adhesive. Currently, it is common to stick clinker ceramics onto a facade insulated with a layer of regular or extruded foam, on top of which mesh reinforcement is installed to enhance the load-bearing capacity. Let's consider the technology of laying clinker, since the presence of thermal insulation on the base being lined does not change anything in it.

The “wet” method involves the use adhesive composition


Decorating the façade of a house with clinker tiles begins with the doors, window openings and corners at the level of the outer window sill. Best result finishing is provided by preliminary marking of window (door) openings and corners of the building for laying clinker corner elements. Then the spans between the slopes and corners are marked, connecting the corner clinker in rows to each other and placing the trimmed tiles in the middle of the row.

Marking is carried out with control of the horizon of the rows using a bubble or laser level, control cords or tags. A support strip is attached to the wall under the first row of tiles.

For clinker cladding, moisture- and frost-resistant materials are used. tile adhesives cement-based, for example, RKS adhesive from the manufacturer Quick-mix, Ceresit SM-117 or Litoflex K 80 from Litokol. Some mixtures specifically indicate the suitability of the material for working with clinker.

When choosing glue, be sure to read all its characteristics

A layer of adhesive is applied to the back surface of the tile with a trowel, the excess of which is removed with a notched trowel with teeth 8-10 mm in size. Enough glue should be applied so that its excess does not protrude from the seams onto the clinker, contaminating the tiles.

When facing the base, glue is applied to both contact surfaces, and tiles are selected that are twice as thick and in format.

In this regard, reinforcement of the surface of the base is mandatory. The first row of plinth tiles is laid just below ground level.

After applying the glue, the clinker is pressed to the base at the design location and lightly struck rubber mallet the final position is given. Clinker tiles are cut using a grinder with a dry cutter or a high-quality manual tile cutter.

To maintain a fixed width of the joints, imitating real brickwork, use strips cut from glass 0.8-1.0 mm wide, pieces of which 2-3 cm long are inserted perpendicular to the surface into the joints. After a day, the glass retainers are removed by rotating around their axis with pliers.

“Dry” method of finishing a facade with clinker

Dry is the method of cladding facades with clinker thermal panels. Complete with this finishing material The mounting hardware for it is also for sale. The panels are fastened to each other using structural locks at the ends of the products, and fastening to the base is done with self-tapping screws through the mounting holes in the tiles.

There are two methods of installing tiles: dry and wet

Corner thermal panels are produced for cladding corners, but their successful installation depends on the geometry of the building. Therefore, imitation of brickwork on slopes and corners of a building is often done by plastering and cutting seams after laying thermal panels.

The technology of finishing facades with thermal panels is less labor-intensive and saves time, but the cost of such material is much higher than conventional clinker tiles.

The “wet” method of cladding allows the joints to be grouted 2-3 days after laying the clinker. After the “dry” clinker finishing, the joints can be grouted immediately after installation. Correctly selected contrasting combination of cladding and grout mixture- the key to the aesthetics of the facade finishing, so the color of the grout mixture should not be close to the color of the tiles.

Even more important point is to completely and thoroughly fill the seams and structural joints with a grouting compound to prevent water from flowing under the cladding. It is better to fill the joints of the plinth cladding with compounds based on reactive resins, and the joints on the walls with cement-based mixtures.

An example of a grout mixture for facade clinker is cement composition Ardex FL, Quick-mix RFS, and for the base - Cristallit, Ceresit SM17 and SM117, "Granite" or furan resins.

To fill the joints, a special clinker grout is used, which can be selected by color

High-quality filling of joints is carried out with a construction gun for grouting joints. In this case, the prepared mixture should be quite liquid. In the absence of this tool, you can use a thick plastic bag with a cut off corner, into which the grout solution is added as it is used. The seams are filled flush with the finishing surface, after which they are leveled and compacted with construction jointing. The jointing can be made independently from a metal tube with a diameter of 8-10 mm cut lengthwise.

If the tiles are contaminated with cement-based grout, remove the mixture with a damp rag or foam rubber.

Contamination with resin-based grout is carried out according to the instructions on the packaging of the grout material. Failure to comply with these rules is fraught with loss of aesthetics of the surface area.


High-quality finishing of the facade with clinker will not leave anyone indifferent, and if the financial side of the issue does not bother you, feel free to make a choice in favor of clinker tiles, the service life and aesthetics of which can be measured in decades.

To work with clinker, a specialist must have extensive experience and master all the tricks of laying clinker tiles. Unfortunately, not every tiler can work with it. And below you will learn not about the technology itself, but how much it costs to lay clinker tiles, which will allow you to find a specialist for optimal price. We will provide average prices at the end of the article, after reading which you can calculate your upcoming expenses.

How to work with clinker tiles?

Without experience, it is impossible to lay clinker tiles yourself. You run a high risk of ruining the material. All the tips given below will not be instructions. They are intended to provide a general overview of clinker work for better understanding as well as control of the work of the tiler. If it does not work using the technology that we list below, you should doubt its competence.

What do you need to know for cladding?

  • Prepare the surface for installation. Dismantle old materials, seal cracks, prime, perform reinforcement (if necessary).
  • Mix the tiles in advance so that they go one after another, one from each new box. If the tiles are not from the same batch, their shades may differ slightly.
  • Choosing a method for laying (pressing) clinker tiles. There are several of them (row, Flemish, etc.), but the tiler must know them and explain the difference. Work always starts from the corners, if there are any.
  • The seam of clinker tiles requires a special grouting technology. To be more precise, it is not grouting that is carried out, but “filling” of the seams. In the event of a malfunction, it will be impossible to correct such a defect - it is impossible to wipe the grout off the tiles. Two main methods are offered - a construction gun (lighter, faster, wider color palette, but also more expensive) or a “semi-dry” laying (cheaper, but fewer flowers, and the technology is more complex).
External and internal finishing

Most often, clinker tiles are used on facade works, in finishing the steps and porch. However, clinker is also used indoors. This became possible due to their variety of textures and shades, resistance to frost and abrasion, and durability.

Many people mistakenly believe that finishing a facade with clinker tiles is a simple task that even a non-professional can easily handle. But such a simple, at first glance, work requires special tools and certain knowledge, as well as appropriate devices. Here are the main difficulties that you will definitely have to face:

  • In hot weather and rain, tiles can be laid under the protection of an awning.
  • Each tile must be laid and leveled with the utmost care and precision.
  • First of all, installation is carried out around window and doorways, and lastly - near the corners.
  • Avoid getting grouting solution on the outer surface of the slabs.

Such subtleties are not obvious, and most amateur craftsmen make serious mistakes, and the finish, due to their incorrect actions, turns out to be of poor quality. So that as a result you do not have to remove poorly laid tiles and spend money on re-laying them, we advise you to seek help from professionals from the very beginning. They will not only perform the cladding efficiently and quickly, but will also provide a guarantee for the work performed.

How much does it cost to lay clinker tiles? Market prices

To summarize, it is worth noting that the main points of success are: making the right choice material and a professional tiler. In this case, the latter plays a more important role. A would-be master can ruin the most expensive tiles. But a professional will also install inexpensive tiles as a feast for the eyes. If you do not want to take risks in choosing a material or specialist, or you still have any questions, you can ask us through the form feedback on the Remontik website.

At all times, people have strived to improve their home, to make it not only practical and comfortable, but also presentable. Modern market offers building materials huge selection new technologies and methods of home improvement. One of the most popular methods of finishing facades in last years is laying clinker tiles.
This tile is an innovative material, different high quality and unique strength characteristics. The facades of buildings with such cladding have a refined and noble appearance, are reliable and have a long service life. It is often used for lining house stoves, porches, steps, as well as for interior decoration apartments, using clinker instead of tiles.

In this article we will talk about what clinker tiles are, what their advantages and disadvantages are, and how to glue them to the facade.

General information, types of clinker

For the first time an analogue of this building material appeared back in Ancient Rome, then in the nineteenth century the Dutch applied more advanced technology and obtained modern clinker. The clay used is refractory, of excellent quality, purified from various impurities, and fired at temperatures up to 1300 degrees. During processing, the raw material mass is sintered, forming a monolithic product with high performance strength.

It's environmentally friendly pure material, it does not contain chemical substances and dyes.

There are two types based on the type of processing of the front surface:

There are several types that are distinguished by method of application:

  • The option for cladding is in great demand not only because of its unique characteristics, but also because of its attractive size: rectangular like a brick. Used for finishing various parts buildings: walls, floors, stairs, etc. Suitable for any type of facade: plasterboard, wood, foam blocks.
  • Waterproof option - used in buildings and rooms that are in high humidity: swimming pools, saunas, etc.
  • The technical version has become widespread in European countries. Used for flooring in in public places where there is a large flow of people, for paving sidewalks, roads, pedestrian areas, etc. Usually has rectangular shape(200x100 mm), but, if desired, you can find square paving stones.
  • Options for details of complex architectural forms.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of clinker tiles are due to their functional characteristics. In terms of its parameters, it fully complies with European standards, and in some ways even exceeds them.

The advantages of such cladding include:

  • Durability - the product is resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress. Due to the formation of a layer of melted clay on the surface, it is almost impossible to scratch it.
  • Resistant to direct sunlight - it does not fade, so it is safely used for cladding building facades.
  • Frost resistance - used for cladding buildings in harsh climatic conditions.
  • Withstands temperature changes.
  • Not affected by mold, mildew, etc.
  • High moisture resistance – determined by the high density of the feedstock.
  • The material is environmentally friendly - all its components are natural.
  • Durability.
  • This tile is easy to work with.
  • Uniformity of color - thanks to this, scratches, damage and chips are visible only upon closer inspection.
  • Large range of textures and colors. There are more than a hundred color options. Variety of shapes and sizes - thanks to the production method (extrusion), you can get products of almost any shape.

Clinker tiles have very few disadvantages. The main disadvantage is:

  • High price.

Facade cladding methods

There are two ways to lay tile cladding:

Wet is the most common option. It is used when facing with standard clinker. This method involves the use of glue. Installation is carried out by gluing the tiles individually: each element is coated with the mixture, then pressed against a previously prepared surface. Laying tiles using the wet method provides for the possibility of insulation: the heat insulator is attached to the surface using self-tapping screws. The insulating layer is then reinforced with reinforcing mesh. After this, another layer of primer is applied and the facing material is glued.

Advantages: long term operation, durability, high aesthetic performance.

Disadvantages: quite labor-intensive process of facing facades.

Dry – used when laying clinker panels. This type of cladding consists of an insulating layer (for example, polystyrene foam) and boards. Mounts using the mounting hardware included in the kit. If the surface of the walls is uneven, in order to avoid problems in the next stages of work, it is recommended to make a frame from profiles.

Advantages: simplicity and ease of installation - laying the panels does not require additional processing of the seams. This makes the work much easier: there is no need to monitor the evenness of the seams, and you also do not have to rub the seams.

Disadvantages: high cost.

Laying cladding - clinker tiles - on the facade with your own hands does not require any special skills and abilities; it is quite possible to do it yourself without the help of a specialist. But still, certain knowledge will be required: for example, what kind of glue should be used to make the cladding last a long time, the stages of work to be carried out. To do this, it is recommended to watch the master class on video.

Solutions used for cladding.

  1. One-component - available in the form of a paste, but this solution takes a very long time to dry. Most often it is used for slabs of small thickness and size.
  2. Two-component - obtained by mixing two components. Has good elasticity. and reliability. The disadvantage is the high cost.
  3. Cement mortars are still used in their “pure” form, although their popularity has noticeably dropped. A modified version is used with the addition of cement mortar plasticizers and additives that retain water and increase dispersion properties.

It is better to give preference to those mixtures that contain plasticizers. Masonry with such solutions is not affected by moisture or temperature changes. In addition, it does not deform during the shrinkage of the building.

Stages of installing external wall cladding

There are certain rules for carrying out work on arranging cladding, so you should follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • The facade masonry should begin from the base, retreating 40 cm from the ground level. Then a series of openings: window and door openings, the next ones - the corners are formed. And only after completing the above work, you can begin cladding the walls. The last to be sheathed are the external window sills.

  • It is necessary to prepare the surface: it must be flat: the difference is no more than 4 mm, otherwise the plane should be leveled using cement mortar.
  • Seal all cracks, potholes, etc. - otherwise there is a risk of moisture accumulation in wall defects, which will worsen the performance properties of the tiles.
  • The prepared surface must be treated with a primer. If necessary, an insulating layer is installed, which is attached to the surface with self-tapping screws.
  • Then the insulation is strengthened, for example, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam: smeared with an adhesive mixture, a reinforcing mesh is applied, treated again with the composition and, after drying, a primer is applied.

  • Choose the right glue.
  • During the laying process, it is necessary to ensure that the seam is even. This can be achieved by using a rod (preferably metal). Its diameter should not exceed 6-8 mm.
  • The seams must be sealed. The space between the rows is filled with grout and compacted with a special tool.
  • Applying adhesive: before installation, the tiles must be moistened with water, then apply a primer to working side and then the mixture.

It is better to cladding the base as follows: the solution must be applied to both the tile and the surface.
