Class hour profession and health presentation. Profession and health

It would seem that what can be common between health and choice of profession? But in fact, these two seemingly incompatible concepts are closely interrelated.

If the work is too much for you

The need for work is as natural for a person as the need for food or rest. And work beyond one's strength or inaction are just as harmful to human health as lack or lack of food or sleep.

A job that is not enjoyable can also be harmful to your health. Even in our time, with numerous achievements of civilization, doctors record an increase in the number of psychosomatic diseases. These are both neuroses and disorders of cardio-vascular system, psychosis and others. Often these are occupationally caused diseases.

Leaders, entrepreneurs, and managers most often suffer from these diseases, as they most often fall into. After all, they have to make serious decisions and take responsibility. They are also afraid of competition and losing the status they have earned.

Recently it has become widespread. And as a result, doctors made a new diagnosis. It was called “manager syndrome”. Its symptoms are:

  • reduced immunity,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • worsening mood,
  • forgetfulness,
  • absent-mindedness.

According to doctors, this indicates that the person is minding his own business and thus his body signals that it is necessary to reduce the load. Otherwise, problems with his health may arise.

A special risk group includes people who have an inflated level of aspiration. They want to take a position that does not correspond to their capabilities.

Professions and health requirements

Almost any profession makes certain demands on human health. Conventionally, they can be divided into 4 groups.

  • Intellectual – the ability to think, attention and memory.
  • Neuropsychic – human balance nervous system, mobility, strength.
  • Analyzers – taste, smell, hearing, vision, touch.
  • Motor – muscle endurance, strength, proper coordination of movements.

Some specialties put forward very high demands on human health, since the field of activity may be associated with eye strain (watchmaker), long periods of standing (hairdresser), and severe neuropsychic stress (administrator,).

For other professions, special selection is required, which determines the suitability of the candidate based on his state of health, and also studies his socio-psychological and psychophysiological characteristics. This selection is carried out educational establishments military orientation, institutions of the FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations and others.

Classification of professions by working conditions

According to working conditions, doctors classify professions as follows:

Making a choice future profession you need to understand how this can affect your health, whether this choice will cause an aggravation of the problems you already have chronic diseases or the emergence of new ones.

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Elective course “your professional career”

The choice of profession is influenced by a number of factors, which are conventionally divided into external and internal.



“Image of a profession or professional” “Image of a professional” is a set of ideas and expectations associated not only with a future profession, but also with a future lifestyle. Unfortunately, students choosing a profession are often not aware or only aware of the superficial, external features of the “image of a professional”, which obscure the actual content of future activity.

“Image of myself in the profession” The “image of a professional” includes and most often turns out to be the most important “image of myself in the profession” (how I will behave, what abilities I will show and whether I will achieve great success, how “important” or “influential” or “significant” I will be in this profession, what “important” and interesting people I will be surrounded). A less significant and, accordingly, less conscious part of the “image of a professional” is, as a rule, the content of activities at a specific workplace (what am I going to do after all for 8 hours every day?).

Level of aspirations The level of aspirations is what a person strives for, what level of achievement he sets for himself. For example, a person who wants to become a doctor might aim to get into a top medical school ( high level aspirations) or can stop at medical school (low level of aspirations).

Self-esteem The level of aspirations is largely influenced by self-esteem, i.e. a person’s assessment of his capabilities and abilities. So, for example, a person might want to enter a university, but is afraid of not passing the competition, assessing his capabilities as insufficient.

Three components of the right choice of profession: Firstly, future work should be a joy, not a burden (I WANT). Do I WANT to be a professional in this field? Do I like the profession I choose? I want... I can...

Three components of the correct choice of profession I want... I can... Secondly, a person must have a set of professionally important qualities for this work: intellectual, physical, psychological (CAN). CAN I work in this profession? Are my abilities and health enough for this?

Three components of the correct choice of profession I want... I can... Thirdly, this profession must be in demand in the labor market (MUST). Is your chosen profession really NEEDED in the city? Will I be able to get a job later?


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  • define the concept of “health”, reveal the relationship between health and choice of profession, explain to students the need to take into account the state of their health when choosing a profession, use various forms and methods of consolidating and testing students’ knowledge.



a) define and correctly use basic concepts and terms in oral and written speech;
b) skillfully follow the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which speak of the state’s concern for protecting the health of workers;
c) demonstrate the ability to correctly correlate the state of your health with the requirements of your chosen profession;
d) familiarize students with medical contraindications for various groups of professions.


a) improve the ability to independently obtain knowledge (working with a textbook and other sources);
b) systematize and creatively process knowledge (filling out tables, questionnaires, individual cards, etc.);
c) practice discussion skills and the ability to present your position in a reasoned manner;
d) demonstrate communication skills in working in a group.


a) create a sense of responsibility for choosing a further educational and professional route;
b) show the formation in the minds of students of a holistic picture of their future professional career.

Forms of organizing student activities: individual, group, collective.

Categorical apparatus of the lesson. Basic concepts and terms used in this lesson: health; groups of professions by influence on them production factors; contraindicated professional and production factors; level of physical development.

Materials needed for the lesson: tutorial, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, individual cards, “Health Questionnaire”, computer presentation.

  1. Your professional career: a textbook for grades 8-9. – P.S. Larner, G.F. Mikhalchenko, A.V. Prudilo and others, edited by S.N. Chistyakova M.: Education, 2007;
  2. Technology 9th grade: materials for lessons in the section “ Professional self-determination” according to the program V.D. Simonenko - compiler A.N. Bobrovskaya - Volgograd, 2005;
  3. Proshchitskaya E.A. Health and professional fitness. // School and production No. 3, 1994;
  4. Career guidance training for high school students / edited by N.V. Afanasyeva - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2007.

By type, this lesson can be classified as combined, which is a combination of elements of theoretical and practical classes. The effectiveness of a lesson largely depends on active methods teaching applied in the lesson. They allow students to combine their knowledge and skills in group work, demonstrate communication skills, work creatively on assignments and participate in discussions, expressing and arguing their position.

Let's consider the course of the lesson in its logical sequence by stages (see. Annex 1).

Organizational start of the lesson

(when the bell rings, students enter the classroom and take their seats): Hello, guys, I am very pleased to see you today in our lesson, where we will continue to talk about professions, and specifically about what should be taken into account when choosing a future profession. After all, the success of your future will depend on this. professional activity. Like any other choice, choosing a future profession is a decision made with a large number of alternative options and the need to take into account various factors.

Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson

Today we will look at such an important factor when choosing a profession - health. Let’s answer the question of how health and professional fitness are interconnected, what are the health requirements of professions.

Next, the teacher poses a problematic question to the students: Can a profession have an adverse effect on human health? What does this mean? During its discussion, students come to the conclusion that when choosing a profession it is necessary to take into account the state of their health. Tell me, what do you understand by the term “health”? (Students’ answers: absence of illnesses, good health, excellent mood, etc.).

Explanation of a new topic

The human body is a complex system, the amazing coherence, expediency, wisdom and practicality of which are amazing. Correct, normal activity of the body is determined by the concept of “health”. According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

One of the most common mistakes made in choosing a profession is ignorance, overestimation or underestimation of one’s physical data and health status. Right choice profession, first of all, is associated with taking into account health status. If work activity corresponds to a person’s physical capabilities, then it has a beneficial effect on his general condition. And vice versa, if a profession or specialty does not correspond to his physical characteristics, this can lead to a sharp deterioration in health, decreased ability to work, and sometimes to its complete loss.

Then the teacher talks about legislation on protecting the health of working teenagers and reads out excerpts from articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For teenagers under 18 years of age, the following benefits are available during their labor activity:

a) reduced working hours: – at the age of 16 to 18 years – no more than 36 hours per week; – aged 14 to 15 years – no more than 24 hours a week;

b) increase in rest time: – employees under 18 years of age are granted annual leave of one calendar month;

c) granting leave in the first year of work, regardless of the time of continuous work at a given enterprise, that is, until the expiration of 11 months: leave is granted at any convenient time, failure to provide leave is prohibited;

d) lowering the norm for carrying and moving heavy objects: the maximum carrying norm should not exceed 4.1 kg;

e) it is prohibited to involve teenagers under 18 years of age in hard work and work with hazardous working conditions, on weekends and at night.

Besides, in labor code It is noted that when employing persons under 18 years of age, a medical examination is required; without this document, the administration does not have the right to hire a teenager. As well as workers and employees under 18 years of age wage with a reduced duration of daily work, the payment is paid in the same amount as for employees of the corresponding category with a normal duration of daily work.

It is necessary to draw the attention of students to the fact that the state’s concern for the health of working adolescents and young people should not be regarded by them as an opportunity to avoid hard work. Hard work has a positive effect on the development of the body and serves as one of the best indicators of the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Some professions and specialties are subject to the daily influence of the so-called professional production factors on the human body. Question: List what professional production factors you know? (Student answers: temperature changes, high humidity, noise, vibration, exposure to toxic substances, dust).

Different professions place different demands on a person’s health. (Then the teacher proceeds to talk about groups of professions based on medical contraindications). According to their influence on the human body, all professions and specialties can be divided into six groups (show presentation slides) (see. Appendix 2).

First group includes professions in conditions in which there are completely no adverse production factors. There are many such professions: seller of industrial goods, manager, fashion designer, etc. These professions and specialties can be recommended to all persons with inclination and ability.

Professions second group(cook, seller of vegetables and fruits) is distinguished by inconsistent or moderate exposure to any one unfavorable production factor (for example, high or low air temperature, humidity). Consequently, these professions can only be recommended for those who have well-developed thermoregulation, no diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system, and no tendency to catch colds.

Third group includes professions and specialties that are characterized by the impact of not one, but several unfavorable production factors. Such professions include, for example, weaver ( elevated temperature air, dust, intense constant noise), shoemaker (smell of glue, noise). This means that these professions cannot be recommended for persons with diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, or hearing organs.

TO fourth group include professions and specialties with difficult and harmful working conditions, for example, steelmaker, miner, diver and others. Only persons over 18 years of age are allowed to perform such work; the level of physical condition of the body of these workers must be very high.

Fifth group- these are professions and specialties associated with activities that most often take place under normal conditions, but the objects of labor require especially careful treatment on the part of workers. This applies to professions such as kindergarten teacher, pastry chef, pharmacist and others.

Sixth group- these are professions and specialties that require increased stress on certain organs (visual organs - draftsman, microcircuit assembler; hearing organs - tuner musical instruments, olfactory organs. If a person is healthy, he can choose any profession. If he has any deviations in his health, then when choosing a profession they must be taken into account. In this case, it is necessary to consult a professional consultant.

Practical part of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children to fill out a health questionnaire, which will help correlate their health status and the profession they would like to choose (see. Appendix 3).


Relaxation (quiet, pleasant music sounds):

The teacher suggests taking a little rest. Relax, close your eyes. Imagine a small rocky island far from the mainland. At the top of the island... a tall, strong lighthouse. Imagine yourself as this lighthouse standing on a rocky island. Your walls are strong that even the strong winds that constantly blow on the island cannot shake you. From your top floor windows, day and night, in good and bad weather, you send out a powerful beam of light that serves as a guide for ships. Remember the energy system that maintains the constancy of your light beam, warning sailors about shoals, which is a symbol of safety for people on shore. Now try to feel the inner source of light within yourself - a light that never goes out.

The practical part of the lesson continues:

Human life does not stand still, it is very complex and can sometimes give a person a “gift” in the form of deviations in his health, which in turn will limit him in his choice of profession.

However, it should be borne in mind that there cannot be absolute professional unsuitability. Human nature is multifaceted, and each individual has a large set of diverse qualities. In addition, a growing organism is characterized by greater plasticity and the possibility of developing compensation mechanisms. We can say with complete confidence that every person is professionally suitable for any profession; it is only necessary to define it. Next, students are asked to complete the following task: knowing the disease and the occupational and production factors contraindicated for this disease, derive the types of activities (professions and specialties) that can be engaged in while having such a disease (see. Appendix 4). When completing the task, you can refer to the table “Limitations of professional suitability for various diseases” (see. Appendix 5). (Students read out the tables).

The final part of the lesson

To consolidate and generalize the acquired knowledge, students are asked to complete the following task: create an individual memo for your chosen profession, which will reflect everything that is necessary in order to get closer to success in this profession (see. Appendix 6). Students receive health recommendations for each profession individually. Several students voice their memos.

Summing up the lesson

To conclude this lesson, I would like to tell you guys the following. A true professional takes good care of his tool, be it a computer, scalpel, camera or lathe. Our body is more than a tool. And most importantly, it is given to us once and for life. Your health is one of the factors of successful professional career. Everything is in your hands: your health and your future career. Remember: every achievement once seemed impossible!


Invite students to assess the level of their physical development by completing exercises 1,2,3.

Exercise 1.
Sipping. Perform pull-ups with straight arms with a pause of 1-2 seconds without jerking or swinging movements of the legs, raising the chin above the level of the bar.

Exercise 2.
Run. Run 100 meters on a stadium treadmill or on a flat track with any surface from a high start. The 1000 meter race is held on rough terrain (cross).

Exercise 3.
Swimming. Swim 100 meters freestyle, starting with a jump from the starting block. Perform the rotation by touching the pool wall with any part of your body.

Convert your results for each exercise into points from 1 to 10. A score of 5 points is considered average. Of course, lower grades are acceptable for girls (see. Appendix 7).The more points teenagers received, the higher their level of physical development. Of course, with proper training, they can achieve improved performance and overall health. By the way, good health won't hurt anyone. After all, not only physical, but also mental performance, mood and the ability to self-control depend on the state of health.

The lesson begins with a presentation. Slide 1

When approaching the choice of a future profession seriously and responsibly, you should not forget that the future profession should not only be interesting and exciting for you, but also be in demand in the labor market, match your abilities, and be safe for your health.

So, the topic of our lesson is called “Profession and Health.”

At the beginning of the lesson, it is proposed to conduct a warm-up “The World of Professions”. Teenagers need to name as many professions as possible that begin with the letters “Z, D, O, R, V, E” Slide 2

Remind the meaning of the word health the normal state of the human body, in which all its organs function correctly.

Main part.

The teacher asks to rank the children’s preferred values ​​in order of personal importance. Slide 3

  • Name the values ​​included in the top five.
  • Where did each of you place such a value as health?
  • When determining the place of health, have you thought about the real state of your body?

As a result of the discussion, bring children to the conclusion that health initially belongs to the person and is controlled by him, regardless of whether he realizes it or not.

Do you know about your health status?

Children are invited to answer questions from the “My Health” methodology with further discussion of the results. The more “no” answers you have, the less reason you have to worry about your health. More than half of the positive answers are a signal of trouble.

If more than ten statements talk about familiar sensations, pay attention to how you feel. .

Focus children's attention on the need to listen to these signals, otherwise serious health problems will inevitably occur. To strengthen and maintain health, that is, to manage it, you need to know what influences its formation, why do we get sick? The answers emphasize statements about hereditary diseases, infectious diseases, and diseases caused by lifestyle.

The teacher reports that according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are factors that influence the formation of human health. Slide 4

These factors can have different effects on our health.

Sphere of influence of factors


Health promoting

Impairing health


State of the environment

Medical support

Conditions and lifestyle

After filling out the table, read out the folk proverb “ Health is the peak to which You always have to climb yourself” discuss that human behavior can be aimed either at self-destruction or self-preservation.

What helps a person protect himself from diseases? In the conversation, emphasize the protective functions of the body itself.

Remind the meaning of the word immunity– the body’s ability to resist infections, germs, and diseases.

How to help the body fight disease? strengthen the immune system? The teacher offers the children rules healthy image life, strengthening the immune system. Slide 5

Children will have to determine how they feel about their health by completing the survey “Do you follow measures to prevent infectious diseases.” Summing up the results of the survey, the teacher once again emphasizes that a person himself is responsible for his own health, using preventive measures adopted throughout the world (vaccinations, food hygiene, timely treatment). medical care, healthy lifestyle).

Ask whether children know where they can find out about the level of health of their chosen profession?

The law of our state stipulates that teenagers must undergo a medical examination before entering any work, regardless of the degree of its harmfulness and severity.

It is proposed to list the specialties of the doctors visited (neurologist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, surgeon, narcologist, therapist). What are the different medical specialties for? Slide 6

The teacher reports that during medical examinations, the issue of a teenager’s suitability for studying or working in his chosen profession is decided, and based on data on his state of health, recommendations for professional work are given.

It is emphasized that, according to the results of medical examinations, a fairly significant number of adolescents, due to deviations in their health status, are to one degree or another limited in their choice of profession, and this is due to the fact that many of the professions mastered by adolescents place increased demands on the organs of vision, hearing, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system. During the discussion, the teacher leads the children to the conclusion that when choosing a profession, one should take into account the conditions in which it is necessary to work, as well as the requirements that professional work places on the human body.

The concept is given working conditions- a set of factors in the working environment and the labor process that influence the health of the employee. Slide 7

Safe working conditions are considered to be those conditions in which the employee’s exposure to harmful and dangerous production factors is excluded or their levels do not exceed hygienic standards. .

A harmful production factor is an environmental and labor process factor, the impact of which on a worker can cause an occupational disease, temporary or permanent decrease in working capacity, increase the frequency of somatic and infectious diseases, and lead to impaired health of offspring. .

The teacher proposes to determine which factors in the production sphere influence a person in certain working conditions. Where is the likelihood of exposure to hazardous occupational hazards higher? Slide 8

During the discussion, draw children's attention to the influence of physical factors (temperature, humidity, noise, dust, vibration), chemical factors, biological factors (microorganisms, cells), factors of the labor process (tension and physical severity of labor). Slide 9

Familiarize children with medical contraindications. Slide 10

Final part.

Development of personal strategy in a situation of professional choice. The teacher explains that a teenager can be considered professionally suitable only if he is able to successfully master a profession and work in it without harming his health.

The teacher reads out riddles. Children are asked to guess professions and determine how the profession's requirements for a person depend on working conditions. Slide 11,12

Andryusha has an older brother -
Excellent bearing of the soldiers.
He is serving, but at the same time
Armed with water and a hook.
He is on duty in the cold and in the heat.
Tell me, who is he?

Here on the edge with caution
He paints iron with paint,
He has a bucket in his hand,
He himself is colorfully painted.

Mom will make soup
For kids from different groups,
Deftly molds cutlets
And he will cut the vinaigrettes.
And with such a skillful mother
I am always the most well-fed!

The trains are noisy
And sometimes they honk
To us beeps or whistles,
And they are being led...

To comprehend the experience gained, children are asked to complete the phrase “Your health is .....”


  1. Bendyukov M., Solomin I., Tkachev M. ABC of career guidance, St. Petersburg, 1997.
  2. Rezapkina G.V., Psychology and choice of profession: pre-professional training program. M.: Genesis, 2009.
  3. Rodionov V.A. and others. I and others, Professional skills training for students in grades 1-11 - Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding: 2003.
  4. Russian encyclopedia on labor protection: In 3 volumes - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing house NTs ENAS, 2007.