Kim chen sy. Kim Jong Un is the leader of North Korea. What is he - the leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong-un? myths and facts. Three caste system

(according to other versions - in 1983 or in 1984). He is the youngest son of Kim Jong Il, the leader of the DPRK in 1994-2011, and the grandson of Kim Il Sung, the first head of North Korea (1972-1994), the founder of the Juche doctrine.

As his mother is called, the unofficial wife of the leader of the DPRK. She was born in Japan, trained in ballet and passed away in 2004.

Kim Jong Un (Switzerland). He studied at school with his brother Kim Jong Chol and sister Kim Yo Jong, however, according to South Korean media reports, Kim Jong Il's children, apart from school, practically did not leave their homes, so as not to fall under the influence of capitalism.

Education Kim Jong-un, studied at Kim Il Sung University and Kim Il Sung Military University in Pyongyang.

In 2006, badges with portraits of Kim Jong-un were handed out to senior officials of the Korean People's Party, which became an occasion for talk that he was being prepared for succession.

In April 2009, Kim Jong-un became a member of the National Defense Committee of the DPRK.

On May 28, 2009, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il officially appointed Kim Jong Un as his own. A notice of the appointment of an official heir was sent to the foreign missions of Pyongyang, as well as to the leadership of the DPRK.

On September 29, 2010, the media reported that he was the ruling Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and appointed to the post of vice chairman of the party's Central Military Committee. The appointment was made at the first WPK conference in 44 years.

On December 31, 2011, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea officially appointed Kim Jong-un to the country's armed forces.

On April 11, 2012, Kim Jong-un was appointed First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), Chairman of the Party's Central Military Committee. He also became a member of the Politburo of the WPK Central Committee and the Presidium of the Politburo.

On April 13, 2012, the Supreme People's Assembly (Parliament) of the DPRK approved him for the post of the State Defense Committee of the DPRK.

In July 2012, Kim Jong-un of the Korean People's Army (KPA).

In May 2016, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un took over as chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK). The Central Committee of the WPK also elected Kim Jong-un a member of the Presidium of the Politburo of the Central Committee.

On June 29, 2016, Kim Jong-un headed the new authority in the country -. It was reported that the State Council replaced the former State Defense Committee of the country.

In 2012, Kim Jong-un according to an online poll of readers of Time magazine, gaining more than five and a half million votes.

The wife of North Korean leader Lee Sol-ju (born in 1985) is a graduate of Kim Il Sung University, known in the DPRK

The first inter-Korean summit during the reign of Kim Jong-un in the DPRK began on Friday morning at the Phanmunjom border checkpoint, located in the demilitarized zone on the military demarcation line between the two countries. South Korean President Moon Jae-in was the first to arrive at the meeting point, then the North Korean leader approached the border, Yonhap reports.

The meeting began with a handshake that lasted about 30 seconds. After that, Kim Jong-un invited Moon Jae-in to visit the territory of the DPRK. Hand in hand, they crossed the border and did not stay long in North Korea. Then they crossed into South Korea. This country has not been visited by North Korean leaders since the end of the 1950-53 war.

The summit was the third in the history of North Korea and South Korea. Prior to that, the current South Korean presidents, Kim Dae-jung in 2000 and Roh Mun-hyun in 2007, met with the previous North Korean leader Kim Jong Il. Both meetings were held on the territory of the DPRK - in Pyongyang.

Kim Jong Un vows not to wake up Seoul with rocket fire

The talks culminated in Kim Jong-un's promise not to disturb the South Korean leader's morning sleep with missile salvos, Reuters reports. North Korean leader heard Moon Jae-in "always wakes up early" because of Pyongyang's ballistic missile tests , the press secretary of South Korean President Yun Yong Chan retold the context of Kim Jong-un's political humor. Kim Jong-un announced the rejection of the actual tests of ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons a week before the meeting with the South Korean president.

"Today we are at the starting line, where a new history of peace, prosperity and inter-Korean relations has been written," the North Korean leader said before the start of the talks. Moon Jae In expressed his hope for a frank conversation, which, in his opinion, could be "a great gift to Koreans and people around the world who want to live in peace."

The morning round of talks at the Peace Palace lasted about 1 hour and 40 minutes. The representative of the South Korean president said that it was about denuclearization and peace on the Korean peninsula. As a result of the summit, the signing of a joint declaration is expected, the work on the content of which is still ongoing.

Unification starts with roads

One of the topics of the talks was the potential unification of the Korean Peninsula. This issue was raised by the sister of the North Korean leader Kim Yo-jong, a spokesman for the South Korean president said.

The talks also touched upon the project of an inter-Korean railway. Discussing the possible visit of the South Korean leader to the DPRK, Kim Jong-un lamented that North Korean roads are not in the best condition, transmits Associated Press. To this, the President of South Korea noted that if the countries improve relations and unite their transport systems, ordinary residents of the DPRK will also be able to enjoy high-speed trains.

During the summit, the leaders of South and North Korea will jointly plant a pine tree on the demarcation line. Soil and river water from both countries will be used for planting. The tree should become a symbol of peace and prosperity.

North Korea is a bone in America's throat. This inelegant turn of phrase is taken from a statement by the current head of state, Kim Jong-un.

Indeed, the country is ungovernable. It does not live like all neighboring states, obeying only its own laws. The people worship the statues of their departed leader, rejoice at the sight of his son, their new ruler Kim Jong-un, never discuss or condemn his orders. Silently and in a friendly formation, he fulfills them, by order expressing his delight with pre-approved and memorized slogans.

How did Kim Jong Un come to power? or "Great Family of Korea"

Kim Il Sung - this is the name of the grandfather of the ruler, who "stood at the helm of power" for forty-six years. He created the state of North Korea in the form in which it exists today and "gave it the only true ideology - Juche."

Reference: Juche is a set of revolutionary ideas, the essence of which is to ensure that a person feels happy, faithfully serving the Motherland, the party and the person who is at the head of it. According to the founder of the ideology, Kim Il Sung, it was an ideology free from Marxism, Maoism and Stalinism, that is, completely independent.

Kim Il Sung's work was continued by his son Kim Jong Il. He succeeded in perfecting his father's theory and "brought the Korean people into a state of permanent happiness."

Choosing an heir

Over time, the aging ruler began to think about a successor. The choice was not easy, because I had to choose from two sons. The eldest, Kim Jong Nam, did not inspire confidence. He loved everything Chinese and Japanese, and this, according to Korean law, is a terrible crime. He loved secular parties and actresses, willingly gave interviews to journalists and rarely thought about what he said. Another of his antics angered his father and cost him the post of ruler of North Korea. In return, he received the right to live abroad, which he took advantage of, moving to Macau on the same day. After that, Kim Jong-un was declared the official heir.

Biography of the ruler

1. Age

In it, as it often happens, there are many inaccuracies and myths. For example, the date of birth - Kim Jong-un has three of them. Version one - he was born in 1982. It was necessary to add a couple of years so that the head of state did not look too young. Version two - Chen-un was born in 1983. She is associated with Kim Jong-un's studies abroad. Since he was there incognito, they changed not only his surname - there his name was Eun Pak, but also his age. The official biography states that Chen-un was born on January 8, 1984.

2. Education

Kim Jong-un has three higher educations. The first he received in Switzerland, at the Berne International School. The second and third - in their homeland, first at the humanitarian, then at the military university. Both universities are named after Kim Il Sung.

3. Ruler's family

In 2009, Kim Jong-un received congratulations from the nation. He married actress Lee Sol-ju. She is very pretty, graceful, knows how to elegantly wear European outfits, but prefers national dresses. Her grace is sung in songs, poems are written about her beauty. The couple have two children, born in 2010 and 2012.

4. Hobbies

The first hobby is football, which Chen-un got infected in England. He is an active fan of Manchester United. In second place is basketball, here the priorities are given to the NBA, the ruler does not miss a single match. Sick, of course, at home for security reasons. The third hobby is pop culture. There are many favorite artists here, but Chen-un does not disclose their names. Once he admitted that he would like to see Russian ballet in Korea.

5. Kim Jong-un's health

It's not about his health. It is said that in childhood he practically did not get sick. The problems began when the Great Family decided to make him the heir. Image makers did not choose the image for a long time. The face of Jong-un is very similar to his grandfather Kim Il Sung. but the figure ... A slender young man was put on a special high-calorie diet, and six months later his weight reached one hundred kilograms. The resemblance to the grandfather became absolute, but the liver could not stand it. There were constant headaches from hypertensive crises, then it turned out that the ruler had diabetes. Jong-un lost a little weight, dropping ten kilograms. According to the latest data, he weighs 90 kilograms, but with a height of 175 centimeters, another dozen would need to be dropped. But the image is above all, so the ruler of North Korea is not in danger of starvation.

Titles of Kim Jong-un

Ever since the nation vowed with “tears of blood” in December 2011 not to deviate from the path inscribed by the hand of the late Leadership Genius Kim Jong Il, all power in the state has belonged to Kim Jong Un. Talking about him. Need to pronounce:

  • Marshal of the DPRK
  • Brilliant comrade
  • Genius Leadership
  • New star
  • Genius among geniuses in military strategy
  • Supreme Leader of the country
  • Supreme Leader of the Party
  • Supreme Leader of the Army
  • supreme leader of the people

Clarification: the last four titles are allowed to be combined.

Today, North Korea is conducting nuclear tests, threateningly rebuking neighboring countries and America, if it seems to her that they encroach on her sovereignty. Kim Jong-un does not deviate from Juche in anything, continuing to rule the country as his grandfather and father did. And severely punishes anyone who dares to argue with him.

P.S. Help for those who do not know the peculiarities of the Korean language: The first word is the surname, the second two are the given name. Patronymic, that is, the name of the father, the Koreans do not have.

Kim Jong-un was born on January 8, 1982, 1983 or 1984 (the media give different dates of birth) in Pyongyang, in the family of the heir to the North Korean leader Kim Il Sung - the future leader of the DPRK Kim Jong Il and his third wife, former actress Ko Yong-hee, the youngest son . Differences in the date of birth are explained by the desire of the leader to look older. At first, representatives of the DPRK stated that he was born on January 8, 1983. However, then the official version changed, and the authorities began to say that he was a year older. South Korean intelligence supports the first version: Kim Jong-un is younger than he wants to appear.

According to South Korean intelligence, Kim Jong-un graduated from an international school in Bern, Switzerland. The International School of Berne, commune of Mouri-Bern). Since 2002, he studied individually at the Kim Il Sung University and the Kim Il Sung Military University in the DPRK.

Party growth

In 2006, there were reports in the press that badges with portraits of Kim Jong-un were distributed to the leaders of the Workers' Party of Korea, which became the reason for talk that Kim Jong-un would be his father's successor as leader of the DPRK. In January 2009, the Trud newspaper reported that Kim Jong Il issued a personal directive to the leaders of the Workers' Party of Korea, where he named Kim Jong-un his successor, which was later confirmed by the South Korean intelligence services.

26-year-old Kim Jong-un in 2008 in Pyongyang began to build a separate residence. In addition, the real appointment of Chen Yn as a successor did not take place at the beginning of 2009, as previously thought, but in January 2007. This was reported by the Seoul-based Open Radio of North Korea, citing a high-ranking source in the DPRK. In April 2009, South Korean news agency Yonhap reported that Kim had become a member of the DPRK National Defense Council.

In January 2010, news agencies, citing the South Korean edition of Daily NK, reported that the DPRK government declared January 8 - Kim Jong-un's birthday - a national holiday of the DPRK. This can be seen as another confirmation of the impending transfer of power in the DPRK from Kim Jong Il to his son.

In March 2010, in LiveJournal, the famous Korean scholar Andrei Lankov, confirmation of the appointment of Kim Jong-un as the official heir to Kim Jong-il appeared:

Leading the DPRK

Beginning of the reign

Kim Jong Il died on December 17, 2011 from a heart attack, but this was announced two days later. On December 24, in the central print organ of the WPK - the newspaper Rodong Sinmun, Kim Jong-un was named the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army for the first time: “We swear by tears of blood to call Kim Jong-un our supreme commander, our leader”. On the night of December 31, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea officially appointed him Supreme Commander of the country's armed forces. According to the North Korean newspaper Rodong Sinmun, he was approved as Chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of North Korea. Immediately after he became the leader of the DPRK, many compared him to Mikhail Gorbachev.

According to a BBC source, it was initially assumed that Kim Jong-un would share the rule of the country with his uncle Jang Song-taek (later, in December 2013, executed on charges of treason). On April 15, 2012, during a military parade dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong-un made his first public appearance.

Foreign policy

During his tenure at the head of the country, by the end of 2012, the DPRK entered the club of space powers, while violating two whole resolutions of the UN Security Council (from 2006 and 2009, respectively), thereby causing a surge of indignation from the international community. In February 2013, North Korea successfully conducted its third nuclear test in its history. The actions of Kim Jong-un and other leaders of the DPRK, who ignored the resolutions of the UN Security Council, resulted in a very negative reaction from the UN Security Council, which tightened sanctions against the North Korean regime. In response, the leader of North Korea issued threats of a possible preventive nuclear strike against the United States. Shortly after the incident, on March 8, 2013, the DPRK leadership annulled the non-aggression pact with South Korea, signed in 1953 after the end of the Korean War.

Domestic politics

The process of spreading information technologies has intensified in the DPRK: in 2014, smartphones and conventional mobile phones were imported from China for 82 million 840 thousand dollars (twice as much as in 2013).

Personal life

According to the BBC, Kim Jong-un, like his father, loves pop culture and follows NBA basketball games. Kim Jong-un is not in good health - in 2009 it was reported that he was overweight (90 kg with a height of 175 cm), diabetes and hypertension.

Kim Jong-un, according to media reports, has two children: the first child was born in autumn-winter 2010 or winter 2011, the second - at the end of December 2012.

In July 2012, the DPRK State Television reported that Kim Jong-un was married. His wife (with whom relations were supposedly legalized in 2009) - Lee Sol Zhu (kor. 리설주) - is a graduate of Kim Il Sung University in Pyongyang. Her father is a teacher, her mother is a doctor.


Kim Jong Un photo

One of the constant topics of all Russian-Chinese negotiations is Korea. And today, not disturbing, but optimistic messages came from the peninsula. The leader of South Korea and his wife came to visit their northern neighbor.

The DPRK was so happy that the first day of the talks went to a reception. Kim Jong-un regaled the guest with shark fin soup and pickled whitebell roots.

For ten years the foot of the President of South Korea has not set foot on the asphalt of Pyongyang. And today - flowers and bows from hospitable neighbors. The historic visit, the need for which has been talked about for so long all over the world, has taken place. The two leaders, like teenagers in love, rode through the streets of the North Korean capital, leaning waist-deep from the hatch of a limousine. Moon Jae In was moved to tears.

“If the people of South Korea see how warmly we are welcomed here, they will be very proud. They believe as much as we do that this summit will bear abundant fruit, — President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in said.

On both sides of the 38th parallel, great hopes are pinned on this meeting, the Koreans sincerely believe that the leaders of their countries, after walking around Pyongyang almost in an embrace, will decide to unite the countries.

— As a citizen of South Korea, I am very satisfied. I hope that by the end of the summit, we will see significant changes for the better, said businessman Jun Jong Sun.

- It would be great if, after President Moon's visit to Pyongyang, Kim Jong-un visited Seoul. I wish the speedy reunification of South and North Korea. Hope our economy will be strong, said Sun Yun-Jai, a soldier of the DPRK Army.

Kim Jong-un today seems to be ready, if not for a full-scale unification, then at least for maximum rapprochement. The supreme leader, on the wave of all-Korean love, today announced this almost openly.

“The warm welcome for President Moon Jae-in means that our people expect serious results from this meeting. After all, together we have already achieved a lot. I think that we should not forget the hopes and expectations of the people, but should work faster and achieve greater success,- North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

It is clear that if Ying and Eun sign at least one solid trade and economic agreement, then the northerners will live better and more fun - you won’t be full of missiles with which they scare the world. They are also waiting for their part of pleasant bonuses in the south.

I hope this summit will bear fruit, namely, President Moon will help stabilize relations between the US and North Korea. Thus, our ties with North Korea, the United States and China will become stronger, the economy will begin to grow,- says the representative of the trading company Kim Ok Man.

After the historic handshake at the border at the beginning of the year, this is the third meeting of the President with the Brilliant Comrade (this is one of Eun's official titles). After this visit, both Koreas will be able to live very differently.

- If now the negotiations are successful, a roadmap for disarmament will be developed. It is quite possible that some next steps will be the strengthening of economic, political, cultural and other ties,— noted political scientist Oleg Vedutov.

Both leaders are absolutely sincerely sure that it is not in vain that they meet again. Of course, there is no question of complete and unconditional love the very next day, but there is reason for optimism - there is only one people. And they love their leaders equally - the artists in the opera could not start the concert for ten minutes - there was no time for them.

On the first day of the meeting, Ying and Eun only had time to talk about business for two hours. Most of the time, the North Korean comrades surprised the honored guest with cultural events, a display of happy children, scientific achievements, and fed shark fins with bluebell roots. Tomorrow promises to be more eventful. In political terms.
