What types of activities? Activities. There are different classifications of activities. A short minimum you need to know about OKVED

An individual entrepreneur has the right to engage in all types of activities that are not prohibited by law Russian Federation. Our publication today will discuss the types of activities of individual entrepreneurs and the features of each type of business activity.

The types of activities of an individual entrepreneur can be divided into groups. There are four in total:

  1. Regular.
  2. Licensed.
  3. Requiring permission (approval).
  4. Closed.

Usual activities of individual entrepreneurs

Upon completion of the registration process, the individual entrepreneur has the right to freely engage in these types of activities. To carry out normal activities, an individual entrepreneur does not need to receive additional documents(permits, licenses, approvals).

Typical activities of individual entrepreneurs include:

  • pedagogical activity (individual);
  • creative activity;
  • printing and publishing activities (except for counterfeit-proof goods);
  • rental of real estate;
  • Advertising activity;
  • rental household appliances(or personal items);
  • wholesale trade (except for trade in goods that are prohibited or restricted);
  • transportation by road (except for freight over 3.5 tons);
  • various services (consulting, legal, household, accounting and others).

Licensed types of activities of individual entrepreneurs

In order for an individual entrepreneur to carry out certain types of activities, he must obtain permission or a special license.

A license is a permitting document that allows an individual entrepreneur to carry out a specific type of activity. Wherein prerequisite is compliance with the requirements of the licensing authority for an organization or individual entrepreneur.

A licensing authority is a federal executive authority (executive authority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) that licenses specific types of business activities.

Federal executive authorities that carry out licensing of activities and the list of types of activities that are subject to licensing are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2006 N 45 “On the organization of licensing of certain types of activities.”

Licensed types of activities of individual entrepreneurs include:

  • travel agency;
  • detective;
  • pharmaceutical;
  • transportation of goods and passengers by air, sea, and rail.

Types of individual entrepreneur activities requiring permission (approval)

To implement individual entrepreneur types of activities that require permission require coordination with the authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, SES, etc.

Closed types of individual entrepreneur activities

An entrepreneur cannot engage in activities that are closed to individual entrepreneurs.

These types of activities include the production and sale of certain products (for example, military and dual-use), the development or trafficking of poisons and narcotic drugs.

Activities closed to individual entrepreneurs include:

  • activities of investment funds;
  • space activities;
  • passenger and cargo transportation by air;
  • production of medicines;
  • activities of non-state pension funds on pensions and pension insurance;
  • storage of explosive materials for industrial use;
  • activities to conduct industrial safety assessments;
  • production of weapons and military equipment;
  • development of aviation equipment, including dual-use aircraft;
  • testing of aviation equipment, including dual-use aircraft;
  • development of weapons and military equipment;
  • repair of weapons and military equipment;
  • trade in arms and military equipment;
  • disposal of weapons and military equipment;
  • repair of aviation equipment, including dual-use aircraft;
  • disposal of ammunition and their components;
  • production of ammunition for weapons and components of cartridges;
  • production of weapons and main parts of firearms;
  • trade in ammunition for weapons;
  • trade in weapons and major parts of firearms;
  • activities to ensure aviation security;
  • development and production of ammunition and their components;
  • production of explosive materials for industrial use;
  • use of explosive materials for industrial use;
  • production of pyrotechnic products;
  • collecting weapons, main parts of firearms, ammunition for weapons;
  • display of weapons, main parts of firearms, ammunition for weapons;
  • performance of work and provision of services for the storage, transportation and destruction of chemical weapons;
  • activities related to the management of investment funds, mutual funds and non-state pension funds;
  • cultivation of plants used for the production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
  • activities related to the employment of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation;
  • activities of specialized depositories of investment funds, mutual investment funds and non-state pension funds;
  • performing work to actively influence geophysical processes and phenomena;
  • performing work to actively influence hydrometeorological processes and phenomena;
  • activities related to the trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
  • activities related to the circulation of psychotropic substances; activities related to the sale of electrical energy to citizens.
  • activities for the distribution of explosive materials for industrial use;
  • activities for the distribution of pyrotechnic products of class IV and V in accordance with the national standard;
  • non-state (private) security activities;
  • production of alcohol, wholesale and retail trade in alcohol (except for beer and beer-containing products).

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Exist various classifications types of activities:

1. By method of implementation:

- Practical activities(transformation of objects of nature and society). It includes material and production activities (transformation of nature) and social and transformative activities (transformation of society);

- spiritual activity, associated with a change in people's consciousness. It includes:

Cognitive activity(reflection of reality in artistic and scientific form, in myths and religious teachings);

Value-oriented activity (people’s attitude to the phenomena of the surrounding world, the formation of their worldview);

Forecasting activities (planning and anticipation of possible changes in reality).

2. By the nature of human activity:

Creative activity - production of material and spiritual values;

Destructive activity - a negative impact on nature (environmental pollution) and society (wars, invasions, etc.).

3. By creative role in social development:

Reproductive activity - aimed at obtaining a known result of labor;

Productive activity is the production of new ideas, ways to achieve a goal.

4. Depending on compliance with general cultural values ​​and social norms:

Legal and illegal;

Moral and immoral.

5. Depending on the novelty of goals, results, means:

Monotonous, template, monotonous;

Innovative, inventive, creative.

6. Depending on the public spheres in which the activity takes place

Economic (production, consumer, etc.);

Political (state, military, international, etc.);


Spiritual (scientific, educational, leisure, etc.)

7. According to the method of formation of a person as an individual:

- a game;


Work- expedient social activity of a person aimed at transforming the environment and achieving a socially useful result. Distinctive feature labor activity is the uniqueness of her motives. Work is always aimed at achieving programmed results, pre-expected results. Labor, as a purposeful activity, began with the manufacture of tools. The presence of tools and special training is a specific feature of human labor activity. Only people are capable of acting environment using specially created labor tools. Success requires skill, knowledge, and skill. In any work activity, its participants solve a specific problem, plan their actions, and anticipate the result.

A game- the primary type of human activity, an imaginary representation of reality in artificially simulated situations. The main motive is not in the result, but in the process itself. Games are often in the nature of entertainment, with the goal of obtaining relaxation. Some forms of gaming activity take on the character of rituals, educational and training sessions, and sports hobbies. The most significant feature of gaming activity is its two-dimensionality:

On the one hand, the player carries out a real action;

On the other hand, actions are conditional. The game in its developed form includes the roles that the players take on. A role is compliance with accepted (conventional) norms of behavior in a game situation.

By engaging in any activity, a person learns something, and, therefore, we change ourselves. Target teachings- acquisition of knowledge and mastery of methods of action necessary for successful interaction with the world.

In the process of working together, people communicate with each other, exchange practical experience and methods of activity, i.e. are situated in communication.

In modern domestic science there are different points view of how activity and communication are connected:

1) these concepts are identified;

2) activity and communication are opposed to each other;

3) communication is considered along with activity as an independent but equal phenomenon.

IN textbooks The first point of view is more often represented.

Communication is a process of interconnection and interaction between people and social groups, during which information, experience, and performance results are exchanged. In the world of communication, the interaction of the subject occurs not with the object, but with the subject.

Depending on the diversity of subjects, the following types of communication are distinguished:

Communication between real subjects (two people);

Communication of a real subject with an illusory partner (communication with an animal),

Communication between a real subject and an imaginary partner ( internal dialogue);

Communication between imaginary partners (fictional characters).

All types of activities are interconnected and in everyday life it is difficult to separate them from each other. Thus, in the process of work, a person can communicate with a partner, arranging a game in the form of a competition, learning new skills, and in this process gain fundamentally new knowledge about the world, learning its laws. A number of scientists identify as a type of activity, along with work, play, communication and cognition(teaching in in this case is interpreted as private view knowledge).

Having decided to start an individual business, the first thing you need to do is decide on the type of activity (VD) bringing maximum profit. The chosen occupation requires compliance relevant requirements.

In some cases, registration of an individual entrepreneur may not be enough, and the organization of a legal entity will be required. Also, indicating the type of activity according to the all-Russian classifier is necessary at the time of registering a business with the Federal Tax Service.

It is better to choose the appropriate directions at the very beginning, before starting work, so as not to waste time making changes in the future.

Main and additional

According to Russian legislation, the number of types of activities of individual entrepreneurs not limited to. When registering and registering for tax purposes, you must indicate one main type, the rest will be considered additional.

Isolation of the main VD is also required by statistics for a more convenient classification of individual entrepreneurs. In addition, the selected code is important for the Social Insurance Fund, since it determines the injury rate.

There is no real obligation to engage in all of these areas. But the entrepreneur does not have the right to carry out activities for which information is not included in the register.

When adding to the list, it is important to consider that some types of activities are possible only with the permission of special services or with a license. If there is no actual work on them, such types do not need to be indicated.

You can switch from one registered view to another. There is no need to always stick to your main activity. Temporary cessation of work in the main type is also not prohibited.

  1. Advertising services.
  2. Consulting and legal support.
  3. Publishing and printing.
  4. Organization of entertainment events.
  5. Personnel selection.
  6. Wholesale trade.
  7. Different types of creative activities.
  8. Transportation using passenger vehicles.
  9. Retail some types of goods.

Requiring approval and permission

In some areas of business, in order to get started, you first need obtain permission from a number of regulatory authorities, which check the level of workplace safety, the likelihood of harm to employees and consumers.

The technical condition of the premises and execution are subject to control sanitary standards. Permission to start a business is issued by relevant service: sanitary-epidemiological, fire inspection, Ministry of Emergency Situations, city administration, urban planning and architecture department, etc.

Until all necessary regulatory organizations are ready, the individual entrepreneur cannot begin work.

The group of activities that require permission and approval includes such directions, How:

  1. Retail trade in food products.
  2. Organization Catering(cafes, restaurants, bars, canteens, etc.).
  3. Food production (bakeries, sausage shop, smokehouse, etc.
  4. Manufacturing of consumer goods.
  5. Entertainment services that involve the possibility of injury (shooting gallery, paintball club).
  6. Beauty services, hairdressing salons, manicure salons, SPA salons and other beauty services.


There are VAs that you can do only after receiving the appropriate license. Activities subject to licensing are controlled by federal laws.

To obtain a license you must complete row established conditions regarding the parameters of the premises used, technical equipment, availability necessary documents, skill level of performers.

The list of all types of activities available to individual entrepreneurs, for which a license is required, consists of 50 items.

These include:

  1. Private security, search service.
  2. Transportation of passengers.
  3. Making some medicines and medical equipment.
  4. Medical activity.
  5. Services in the field of education.
  6. Activities related to hydrometeorology or geophysics.
  7. Work related to military or aviation technology.
  8. Activities involving the storage, transportation and use of fire hazards and chemicals.
  9. Retail trade in excise goods (alcohol, tobacco).


For certain types of work for individual entrepreneurs it costs ban. These include the military and chemical industry, activities in the field of economics and finance, as well as everything that may threaten people’s lives.

If an entrepreneur wants to work in any of the listed areas, it is necessary to organize a legal entity that has a different list of powers and obligations, unlike an individual entrepreneur.

  1. Production and wholesale of alcohol.
  2. Distribution of weapons and ammunition (cartridges, spare parts).
  3. Creation, testing and repair of military equipment.
  4. Activities in the field of space exploration.
  5. Production and storage of explosives.
  6. Electricity sales work.
  7. Activities related to narcotic substances.
  8. Organization of non-state pension and mutual investment funds.
  9. Activities in the banking sector.
  10. Everything related to gambling.
  11. Media on television and radio.
  12. Passenger and cargo transportation using air transport.
  13. Industry that harms the environment.

You can learn how to add types of individual entrepreneur activities in this video.

How to choose OKVED and indicate it correctly in 2018

To do this, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service. What the entrepreneur plans to do is indicated in the application using the appropriate codes from the all-Russian classifier of types economic activity(OKVED). For initial registration, it is necessary to have the code of one main ID, but it is better to immediately enter additional ones.

Since 2018, an updated classifier has been in effect, so from January 1, activity codes must be taken from it. The classifier is structured by economic sectors, each section is under a specific Latin letter.

The code itself is made up of 6 numbers. The first two indicate the class to which the activity belongs, the next two determine the group, the rest - the subgroup and type. In the application it is enough to indicate the first 4 digits of the selected code, then specific directions included in one group will automatically be included.

In the future, the entrepreneur can replace or add new OKVED codes. To do this, you need to submit an application to the tax office again; making changes to the types of activities does not require payment of state duty.


An individual entrepreneur is responsible for the timeliness and accuracy of the mandatory information provided about individual entrepreneurs to the Federal Tax Service. OKVED codes refer to mandatory information.

If an entrepreneur is engaged in activities, information about which is not recorded in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs regarding this individual entrepreneur, the data about him is not reliable. Or if the start of this activity occurred before the corresponding change was made to the register, the data on the individual entrepreneur was not entered in a timely manner.

According to the law, registration of changes is given three days. For this kind of violation, the individual entrepreneur faces only an administrative fine of 5,000 rubles. No other measures are provided for entrepreneurs engaged in work not specified in the registration documents.

But failure to comply with requirements on the part of regulatory authorities in the case of certain types of activities is issued serious fines and possible suspension of work until the violations are eliminated. The absence of a compulsory license generally means the work is illegal and may result in criminal liability.

Popular business

Since IP, unlike legal entities, carries full financial responsibility for your personal property, entrepreneurs who have chosen this form of organizing their business try to choose a type of activity that will require minimal investment.

Lending and investment are not widely available to individual entrepreneurs. Complex production involves expensive equipment, higher requirements for premises, the level of special training of personnel, and strict safety rules.

Therefore, most often entrepreneurs start with retail trade, the provision of household services and small-scale production.

  1. In the wake of the propaganda of import substitution, it has become popular to open small stores offering farm products.
  2. The most popular product is always bread, which is why there are private bakeries and confectioneries in all cities.
  3. Today, a huge number of goods can be purchased online. The most favorable prices are for those who buy in small but wholesale quantities. This allows resale to be profitable. Retail trade of non-food products is the most common type of activity among individual entrepreneurs.
  4. Increasingly, people are willing to pay for comfort; most city residents no longer rely on their own strength in many everyday situations. Hence the growing interest of entrepreneurs in providing services such as repairs and cleaning of premises, installation of furniture and equipment, delivery of goods, etc.

With the opening of an individual entrepreneur, many are just starting to do business. Perhaps the main task of a novice entrepreneur is to choose the right type of activity. The law allows you to try your hand at different areas without wasting time on numerous re-registrations.

Each businessman, in turn, must take a responsible approach to obtaining the necessary permits, timely payment of taxes and maintaining records.

The selection of activities is described in this video.
