How to decorate trees in a garden at the dacha (4 photos). Natural garden - natural ideas for country house design Decor of cut trees in the garden

Original ideas garden decorations with your own hands will help to emphasize the natural charm and bring to life the hidden talents of the designer (and everyone has them). Before embarking on a critical mission, inspect your supplies... and go ahead!

Advice! Remember the sacred rule of a real dacha owner: you can’t throw anything away!

To create extraordinary things you will need things that are completely unnecessary at first glance: dilapidated furniture, old dishes, car tires, plastic bottles, firewood and scraps of building materials, tubs, barrels, shoes with holes, etc. Using stones, wood and plastic for decoration garden and dachas are the most effective ways.

DIY garden decorations: dedication to garden design art

The most important condition in creating decorative ornaments- sense of style. First, outline a style direction for yourself (taking into account the size of the territory, the style of the garden and your own preferences). All decoration ideas for decorating a garden plot can be divided into two groups:

  • functional;
  • non-functional.

DIY garden figures: functional ideas

This includes elements that harmoniously combine aesthetics and useful functionality.

Magic ponds. If you have old metal/plastic bathtubs or other containers, use them to create tranquil ponds. Plant aquatic plants in your ponds. You can even get unpretentious fish. Decorating flower beds and ponds on a summer cottage can be entrusted with boulders, pebbles or tiles.

Crafts for the garden from bottles and garden decoration with flowers (photo)

Flower world. Original flower beds from plastic bottles, old tires, unnecessary shoes, iron buckets. Here you can even beat old bed, chairs, bicycle or chest of drawers. If there are large stumps left on your site, do not rush to uproot them. From them you can make magnificent ones with your own hands. flowerpots for the garden and plant flowers there.

Advice! For flowerpots made from stumps, additionally use clay pots(to plant flowers). You should not plant flowers directly into a tree - it will rot from water.

Romantic buildings. Plastic bottles can be used (you can build an entire gazebo from them). What do you think of cozy benches with a canopy in the spirit of French villages? For this, unprocessed logs of various sizes are used. You can build cozy ones from old armchairs or chairs. swing or unusual crafts for decorating the garden with your own hands.

Wooden crafts for the garden and a decorative birdhouse for the garden with your own hands

Favorite birds. Our magic garden simply cannot do without bird sounds. To make the birds comfortable, you can come up with original wooden birdhouses for them. Decorate them decoupage, painting, decorative details. For the birdhouses themselves, you can use the remains of boards and wooden furniture. Birdhouses made from old large boots look great. You can awaken your imagination and create a real miracle of a birdhouse idea from corks or large porcelain teapots.

Advice! It is best to hang birdhouses on deciduous trees, with a slight tilt. And make the roof removable to make it easier to clean.

DIY garden sculptures: decor

A world of pure aesthetics reigns here, which pleases the eye and gives a special charm to the entire appearance of the garden. Various souvenirs, funny animal figurines, garden crafts– this kind of DIY garden decoration from scrap materials will be a real “highlight” yard design.

Crafts from stones for the garden

  • Fantasies made of stone or wood. You can make wonderful things from stones or leftover boards. To help you acrylic paints, beads, fragments of multi-colored glass. You can create funny gnomes, little men, or just wonderful little animals or insects. And if you paint the surfaces of stumps or boulders with fluorescent paint, you will get magical night lanterns.

Advice! Involve your children in exciting work with paints and applications. You will have a wonderful time with them!

  • The revival of plastic. Usage plastic bottles different volumes in design - the most economical option garden decorations. What type of garden decoration made from plastic bottles do you want?

In the garden it leads to the appearance of rough and not very attractive stumps. You can solve the issue in two ways - study the uprooting and get down to business, or decorate the stumps after cutting them down and liven up the quiet garden a little.

We decided that summer residents, who are always busy difficult work, it will be interesting to take a break to tidy up the garden without spending physical effort on it. Today we will look at the problem of stumps in the garden without uprooting and organizing tree stumps, which we have already discussed earlier. We will simply decorate the stumps with improvised objects and means, improve the area and give it an even more interesting and cheerful look.

Decorating and decorating stumps is in a great way rid yourself of the worries of uprooting, especially if there is no opportunity for this.

So, we forget about working with an expensive chainsaw, exclude cutting down roots and physical fatigue, and just consider the most interesting ideas that will help transform stumps and cuttings of old trees.

Decorating a cut tree with homemade figurines

We have great idea, which absolutely everyone can bring to life. In the photo below you can see an interesting picture - little fairy-tale woodcutters working over a tree trunk. You can make these babies from plastic or tin, or you can simply buy figurines in a toy and souvenir store.

You can place the figures and their accessories on the barrel using screws, nails, wire or clamps. As a result, you no longer get a bare tree trunk, but a truly soulful picture.

We decorate the stump with pots of plants

Surely, many of us grow flowers not only in the palisade or specially equipped flower beds, but also in pots and vertical beds. Our next proposal will be to decorate the stump with just such flowers, in pots. You can install several nice clay or plastic pots with already grown flowers around the stump, or you can plant them again. In addition, there is always the opportunity to decorate a stump with moss, play with it fairytale version, for example, adding ferns, bright flowers, animal figures around, turning small space into a real forest.

Finished decorations

Landscape designers, sellers of garden and vegetable stores, as well as ordinary entrepreneurs who want to earn a little money, have long come up with. They are intended for partial or complete decoration of the garden, lawn, and area as a whole. It is these colorful and funny products that are perfect for decorating a stump.

The image below shows a cheerful plaster frog, which majestically “conquered” a stump and remained on it forever. In addition, the stump of an old tree is decorated with improvised objects, ordinary country trash, and painted in cheerful colors. To tell the truth, this is only for two hours of free time and for an amount that could be spent on just a few chocolates.

How to make a mushroom from a stump

Classic shape transforming an old stump in the garden - a mushroom. It could be White mushroom or fly agaric - you choose, but we start from a more cheerful mood.

A little lower simplest option, which is great for summer residents who do not want to spend money on such fun. Yes, it is an old and dilapidated basin, which no longer holds water and cannot be used around the house, that becomes a mushroom hat. The stump itself forms the leg.

The inverted basin is secured with a pair of nails to the saw cut, painted in the color of the mushroom that you have chosen, and the stump is tinted in a color corresponding to the name of the mushroom or your mood. You can add decor, plant flowers nearby or herbaceous plants, but you can leave the mushroom in this form.

DIY stump chair

Here we will take a little break from fun and games, and move on to serious, and even adult things. The example we presented can only be done by real professionals with a certain amount of time and the availability of tools.

We propose to convert the stump into a chair that can be used in the garden for relaxation. How to do this, read now!!!

Correct cut

If there is an old and thick tree in the garden that needs to be cut down, it is perfect for our idea. Immediately you remove the upper branches, then the thicker ones below, and so on, according to all the rules of cutting big trees. But once you reach the main trunk, you should stop and work with the dimensions a little.

Comfortable height the seat height will be from 40 to 60 cm, but do not forget that each chair has a backrest. Therefore, the seat is at a height of, say, 50 cm from the ground, and the back and cut are at a height of 100 cm. It is at this mark that the chainsaw is cut.

Now a vertical cut, all the way to a horizontal one, to remove a piece of the trunk from the place where the seat of the chair is formed.

Naturally, all such work takes place with preliminary markings and compliance with all safety regulations.

Decorative finishing, seat formation

Now the chair is subject to decorative finishing, since we only have before us rough option. Finishing occurs using special tools - chisels, mallets, hammers, hacksaws, grinding machine, and possibly with the use of professional devices. The result depends on your efforts, desire and time, but this is what we got interesting option.

Fairytale castle made from a stump

One of these is already available in our previous article on design dacha area, but today we decided to install the lock a little higher. How to make it, decide for yourself - with your own hands or purchased. But installing a castle (or maybe an ordinary house or a forest hut) is simple. You need to nail or screw the base under the structure with self-tapping screws. This can be a figured board or a piece of chipboard impregnated with protective varnish.

Afterwards, using glue or screws, we install all parts of our structure, slowly and confidently moving towards the result. Upon completion of the work, you can get something similar to our example!

Decoration with live plants

Agree, it’s much more pleasant to watch on the territory summer cottage, from plants, rather than forms and compositions, which cause more surprise and misunderstanding than joy and delight. That’s why we suggest trying the option of decorating a cut tree with live plants. These could be herbaceous plants, small annual flowers, or even some ornamental plants. These are the ones we will plant in the stump.

On the cut of the stump we make a hole, which according to agricultural technology is sufficient for the root system of the selected plant. This could be a hole the size of flower pot. Next, pour a little nutrient substrate inside or garden soil with fertilizers, and plant the plant inside. See below what it will look like after a while!

Garden figure from a stump

Craft garden figures, sculpting or carving is very interesting, but today our task is less creative. We just need to come up with an image for the stump that will match the design of the garden or flower bed. Colorful characters, famous cartoon characters, and so on often come to mind, but doing something like this with your own hands is quite difficult. And this means only one thing - we will simplify everything as much as possible, paint the stump, create an elementary image that will not require investment.

The result is a wonderful image of a face on one half of the stump, as well as a decoration for the cut.

The simplest decoration of the cut and trunk of a stump

If you don’t have time or money for grandiose ideas, you can do it as shown in the photo below - simply paint the stump in cheerful colors, install flowers made of plastic bottles on the cut plane (we studied products made from plastic bottles not long ago), and plant plants nearby.

Funny figure from a stump, garden scarecrow

This completely non-scary scarecrow can be made from the trunk of an old tree. A stump is not suitable for this, but when cutting down, you can make the cut a little higher, then everything will definitely work out. To create an image we use imagination, old clothes and accessories, perhaps some additions. As a result of pleasant work, we get a wonderful creation that will amuse your guests and relatives.

If you have similar ideas or are ready to surprise us with something more exclusive and even exotic, please leave your thoughts in the comments, for which we will be very grateful.

Flower pots made from wooden saw cuts (video)

Today we looked at another way to have a pleasant and useful time at the dacha, but there is more to come more ideas, interesting ideas and implementation of decorating plans with your own hands!!!

Decorating stumps and saw cuts in the garden (20 photos)

Reviews and comments

Kot 02/18/2014

Ahaha) Looks very nice! Of course, I didn’t think of that. In my yard I simply painted all these stumps in bright color and drew all sorts of faces. Well, so that I can get at least some benefit from them :) Now I want to do it as in the second photo, i.e. put it on a stump beautiful flower and stab him with branches with berries, etc. Looks really nice!

Vershinin Nikolay. 26.06.2014

At my dacha there grew a large and very ugly gnarled birch tree, and at the very bottom there was a growth very similar to a nose. I cut down a birch tree, and near this nose I made eyes from DVD discs, a mouth and even a protruding tongue from a piece of red plastic. A decorated basin was also placed on his head. It turned out to be a very funny bug-eyed creature that everyone passing by laughed at, especially the kids.

Olga 03/03/2015

I also planted flowers in the stump :) I really like how they look there, I just need to water them more often. And so, it’s very nice, I love building all sorts of compositions around tree stumps, I immediately want to plant some residents next to each other :)

Marina 03/03/2015

I really liked the idea of ​​decorating the stump with flowers. And the chair turned out good. But a mushroom made from a hemp and a bowl looks bad; some people make these in our yards. You can experiment with fun options, but I think that such a creation will quickly get boring 12/09/2015

And when we cut down the tree, we made a table from the stump, nailing a board, and placed chairs made of logs around it. When it's cool, put cushions on the seats and enjoy drinking tea. In the summer there is also a barbecue here, next to it there is a barbecue made of bricks - a nice thing.

Sergey 07/14/2016

And I went a little further and saw on the Internet how a sculpture of a deer was made from a felled trunk. I had just such a tree that, at a distance from the ground, it leaned to the side. Here is the finished neck, and I made the head out of plaster, just like I used to make figurines for the garden. I fastened the whole thing together with metal rods and painted it along with the wood. It came out as one whole. Antlers can also be made by covering branches or wire with plaster or other material.

Svetlana-Karpova-vkontakte 11/23/2016

In our village we have two stumps on our property. One is from an apple tree, there is a small trunk. Therefore, we simply decorated it with flowers; when everything is in bloom, it is practically invisible. One stump is just standing there for now. We do not have the ability to make, for example, the figure of a deer, as in the previous comment. It's a pity, some animal would look very beautiful. A chair made from a stump is interesting, but the stump is not always in a convenient place for the chair to look harmonious with nature.

Masha 06.28.2017

Just the other day we cut down several fairly large plum trees on our site, and of course stumps remained from them. Never even the thought appeared that they could be somehow decorated. Most of all I liked the idea with flowers, it looks like a full-fledged flower bed, I think this is the option I will focus on. Now I will choose flowers that will suit this planting.

Alena 08/10/2017

For me, the coolest option is to use old stumps on garden plot- this is when the stump is cut down smoothly and decorated only with fresh flowers, adding artificial materials or the coloring is not at all appropriate.

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Decorating garden trees

In order to liven up your garden decor a little, you need desire and a little free time. Garden trees can be decorated using almost any available items, while material costs will be minimal. With a few ideas you can perfectly decorate your trees. personal plot or in the garden. Such trees will not go unnoticed and will become a source of pride for the owners of their summer cottage.

Pictures on trees

If you have artistic abilities, a tree trunk can be turned into a kind of canvas, on which a picture painted with your own hands will look good. This type of tree decoration is becoming more and more popular. Some owners of a summer cottage deliberately dig up dry tree trunks in the garden to make similar fakes out of them.

In order to create a picture tree, you must first strip the tree bark. It is best to do this with a metal scraper and preferably after rain. Since wet bark is much easier to peel off. If there has been no rain for a long time, the trunk can be thoroughly watered. Then the barrel must be cleaned with a wire brush, and then also with emery cloth. Small defects in the tree trunk should be filled with putty. If there are significant cracks or depressions in the trunk, you can use polyurethane foam. Then rinse the barrel again and leave it to dry. After the trunk has dried, a layer of primer is applied to it. Now you can start painting the tree. When the finished painting is dry, it needs to be covered with two layers of waterproof, frost-resistant varnish.

Tree – “pots”

You can make a beautiful one from an ordinary garden tree exotic plant. To do this, you just need to hang a few pots of water on its branches. flowering plants. Such a tree can delight the eyes of its owners from early spring to autumn. Pots with petunias are best suited for such purposes.

Houses for fairies, elves and gnomes

For those who love fairy tales about gnomes, elves and fairies the best way to decorate the trees in the garden there will be houses for these fairy tale characters. Moreover, such an element garden decor It's very easy to do it yourself. At the roots of the tree you can do small door– entrance to fairytale house, or supplement it with various windows, steps, paths, balconies and even a small garden.

To make a small door located at the roots of a garden tree more noticeable, you can paint it red, orange, yellow, blue or green color. The door will look more magical if you make it non-traditional rectangular shape, but round or oval. If the composition does not seem completely complete, next to the door you can install several small windows made in the same style as the door. Wooden or stone steps can also lead to the door. You can lay out a narrow path of small pebbles. To make the fairy house more visible, the doors can be installed not at the roots of the tree, but a little higher. In this case, the trunk can be decorated with a small balcony and steps that wrap around the tree. And around you can make a mini-garden from small things and flowers.

The fairy house can be styled as a birdhouse and installed on a stable tree branch. In this case, the fake will look like the real home of fairy-tale characters. A tree decorated in this way will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

Wind chimes Feng Shui as an element of garden tree decor

Such a Feng Shui talisman as wind music, which is also called a windmill or wind bells, is perceived by some simply as an element of decor for garden trees or the interior of a house, and some sincerely believe that it can attract good, positive energy into the house. In any case, wind chimes will never be an unnecessary element in the garden. Moreover, you can easily make wind chimes with your own hands from almost any materials that are at hand. If you use your imagination, you can create original elements Feng Shui and decorate the trees in the garden with these fakes.

For decoration autumn garden Wind chimes made from dry leaves and various beads are perfect. It will look original on garden trees wind music made from shells that will remind you of your past holiday at sea. Chinese talismans made from cutlery look interesting, flower pots, coins and banknotes, tin cans, various beads and metal sticks. For those who are interested in Chinese philosophy, it is better to decorate a tree in the garden classic options windmill from bells or bamboo.

If you decide to design your dacha yourself, this means that you have a creative outlook on things and at heart you are an artist. And the artist is able to see beauty in everything around him - in natural colors and shapes, in a beautifully curved branch or crooked tree trunk... It's all a natural garden, the same state country house design when there is no deliberateness.

Natural garden in the forms of dry wood

If you want to make the design of your dacha unusual, photos of beautiful man-made dacha corners should inspire you!

These benches in the photos are made from crooked branches and roots that you can easily find in any forest. Pine branches have especially beautiful “curves” - they can be used to make unusual country furniture.

Also You can also use cuts from a dry tree trunk, which make very beautiful bases and pedestals for container plants.

From dry wood chips you can make different funny figures. Such as this garden horse.

From dry trees or from thick bamboo trunks you can make a swing like this “without single nail» with rope fasteners.

Natural stones can also be used in garden design

In the photo you can see how the stones were used as a pedestal for a round bench made around a tree. Stones can be used to decorate a flower bed, a flower garden, or an alpine hill.

From large stones you can make the basis for a country bench. Stones must be present in the design of a Japanese garden!

Small stones can be used to decorate a flowerbed along the contour or limit the edges of the bed - this will give a finished look to the flower garden and garden plantings.

Around a tree trunk not only make a round bench, but also break a fluffy flowerbed from cereals. It will look especially original in contrast with a short-trimmed lawn.

Lovers of natural beauty - try it paint nearby buildings terracotta color ! You can also use two-layer painting, when you use two shades of paint, applying them in layers so that one layer is visible under the other.

Shells and other seafood in country house design

You can also use other natural finds in the design of your dacha - not just stones and branches of dry trees. If you go to the sea, you usually bring shells with you - you can also decorate a flowerbed with them.

Another one good idea- use houseplants in tubs that can be “relocated” to the patio for the summer.

Personally, I like to set up cactus gardens in bowls for the summer. You just need to make sure that they are often not exposed to rain; such gardens are best located under a roof - under a canopy, on a terrace or in a gazebo.

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