How to make a rotary vice mechanism with your own hands. Vise: we do it ourselves - options and varieties, diagrams, implementation. Nuts for the movement mechanism

Bench vices are necessary equipment in the workshop of any man, without whom it is difficult to do in one form or another of work.

It is not at all necessary to place them in the garage; you can set up a corner for a vice at home, for example, using a table or an ordinary stool.

Why do you need a bench vise?

When processing or sharpening any part, it is necessary to fix it firmly and reliably, that is, to hold it in a certain position. The photo of the vice shows the operating principle of this equipment.

The parameters and dimensions of the vice are determined depending on what type of tool needs to be firmly held.

The design of a carpenter's vice includes:

  • chassis screw;
  • handle;
  • movable and fixed sponge;
  • base plate.

Main types of bench vices

Before making a vice with your own hands, you need to decide on the choice of work associated with it.

All types of vices are divided into two types:

  • non-rotary have more simple design and they are easiest to make yourself. The part is fixed strictly in one position.
  • Rotary vices are most often adapted for drilling on a machine. During operation, it is possible to rotate the workpiece without unclenching it.

The material of the vice body is most often made of durable cast iron. It is important to know that cast iron is not intended to be exposed to high temperatures, steel metal is suitable for these purposes.

If the work will be carried out with small-sized parts, you should not increase financial costs and make compact small vices.

A small vice with a ball joint base is useful on the farm for processing very small parts that can be secured individually. These are mini-vises with suction cups, mounted on a glass or well-polished surface. But they are suitable for rare non-serious work.

Please note that it is wise to install soft attachments on the fastening part for working with soft parts, so as not to cause damage to them. A vice with the least amount of play when the jaws are fully extended is the ideal option.

A vice without a rotating mechanism will save a lot of money, unless, of course, it is needed in the work.

Work on making a bench vice at home

Carpenter's vices, made independently at home, will save significantly family budget than their store-bought ready-made “brothers”. And a huge plus is that the product can be made according to personal preferences and for certain individual types of work.

It is absolutely not difficult to find material for the structure; it could be: a piece of technical pipe, a used jack, old lathes, presses, etc.

And if you go to a metal collection point, there will undoubtedly be a suitable part for a vice that will cost you a penny.

Classic homemade vice

There are many types of vices, but the most popular and traditional is the type with steel material. Such a vice will be much more reliable than a factory-made one.

The structure consists of:


  • a steel plate of at least 3 mm, but it can be much thicker;
  • external and internal channel (120 and 100 mm);
  • steel lugs;
  • turning cutters 2 pieces;
  • a small piece of reinforcement (rod for a gate);
  • a nut (2 pieces), a pin or a screw of a certain diameter that corresponds to the rod;
  • washer (2 pieces) of the same diameter with the lead screw;
  • screw pair 335 mm;
  • To secure the propeller chassis, a thick plate is needed.

It is necessary to separate the lead screw with washers on both sides of the plate. One of the two washers must be secured with a cotter pin or a locking ring, so that the part is completely removable; you must first weld the screw thread to it.

The handle should also be collapsible on one side, and reverse side It is worth welding it with a nut. It is necessary to weld a nut with a channel from the screws flush to the plate. To make the channel inside with the screw move easier while moving, it is recommended to lightly process it with a file.

Sponges are welded to the so-called ears, made from turning cutters. They are placed on Right place When the lead screw is screwed in, the ears stand at the perfect distance from each other.

But you can also connect them with wire for greater convenience, so in the future it will be more convenient to fix uneven parts, the shape of which is expanded towards the bottom.

Such homemade vice Allows you to process larger parts.


To perform work in a home workshop, it is recommended to choose the simplest fixed vice for the machine.

It’s not at all difficult to make them yourself, you just have to watch the video and recommendations, which without special labor can be found on the Internet and drawn up correctly in advance.

DIY vise photo


Vice is one of the most important tools in any workshop. It allows you to expand the range of work and increase efficiency: thanks to them, the master’s hands are free, and the processing of parts is carried out on high level, and without outside help. Few know that enough is enough quality vices you can make it yourself. You just need to show some ingenuity, skills and attentiveness. Next, about the intricacies of the process of creating a tool.

Vices are widely used in construction work as an element-holding tool for various parts. The product in question is presented in the form of a base (body) with two clamping tubes, which allow you to firmly hold the part during milling, planing or drilling.

A vice is considered one of the main metalworking tools, because the quality of their final processing will depend on the strength of fastening of parts. In addition, such a product frees both hands, thus allowing you to carry out certain processes as accurately as possible.

Depending on the operational features, vices are divided into two categories: carpentry and metalworking. The latter, in turn, are divided into rotary and static. Static bench vices come in chair and parallel vices. The former do not have elements for permanent fastening and are easier to install/dismantle. The second ones differ more overall dimensions and are attached to work surface thoroughly.

Bench vices are designed primarily for working with fairly soft materials: plastic, wood, etc. They have high clamping jaws, which are either fixed statically or rotated on the base.

Machine tools are designed to work with hard materials, for example, metal. Their clamping jaws are less high for greater convenience and efficiency.

Making an instrument at home

To make a vice with your own hands, you need to prepare a certain set of materials and tools:

  • Metal plates;
  • Pins;
  • Boards;
  • Metal rod with a diameter of about 2 mm;
  • Fasteners.

The minimum tools you will need are an electric drill, a sledgehammer, a file and a hacksaw. The easiest way to make a bench vise with your own hands is therefore presented below. step-by-step instruction to create just such a tool:

Advice. Vises made at home can be more effective and convenient due to the fact that it is quite possible to adapt them to carry out any specific operations.

If you plan to make a vice with your own hands, you should take into account some nuances that will determine the strength and service life of the tool:

  • Material. Steel is most often used to create the product. It is advisable to choose a quality one, since the reliability and durability of the product, as well as its ability to firmly hold the part during processing, largely depend on this.
  • Product size. If you plan to work primarily with small parts, it is better to give preference to a compact model: it will be more convenient and easier to work with.
  • Thread pitch. Important point, which many often miss. The thread must be clear and small if spot work is planned.
  • Sponges. It is important to pay attention to the size and shape of this element. The first indicator depends on the type of products that will be processed, the second - on the materials of the workpieces. If you plan to work only (mostly) with soft materials, it is better to make the jaws flat.

Advice. Since you are making your own vise, you can go beyond the standard model by making optimal tool exactly for your needs. Remember that with the help of an additional option you can make the vice more efficient in operation. For example, the presence of a rotating mechanism in the product will allow you to work with small parts.

That's all the subtleties that you should know about creating such a tool as a vice with your own hands. As you can see, this process is quite simple, and the result of the work will please even experienced craftsman. Good luck!

How to make a vice with your own hands: video

If you decide to equip your own workshop, workbench or workbench, then you may definitely need a homemade vice. This is a relatively simple task, and the completed workbench or workshop will serve you for a long time. You should study in more detail the question of how to make a bench vice with your own hands and what nuances accompany this process.

Double screw joiner

If you are looking for a carpenter's bench vise that is truly powerful, then this is your best bet. two-screw modification of the specified device. M20 towbar bolts provide a force of several tons, which is a great option for such a vice. The assembly procedure for such a device is as follows:

  • We prepare everything necessary tools;
  • We make the appropriate slots and holes;
  • Insert bolts and turns;
  • We check the vice for strength and performance.

Step by step and detailed instructions on assembly and self-creation vices for the workshop and workbench are available on specialized resources and forums in the form of photographs and recommendations.

Very convenient for ready-made desktops make a mini Moxon vice. To begin with you will need following materials and tools:

After the workpiece has been cut, it is necessary to sand the edges using sandpaper. We round the edges of the wheels with a drill and the same sandpaper. To make screws, you need to purchase a long threaded rod and cut metal blanks into two parts.

After this, you need to insert the nuts into the holes. Glue the skin onto the clips and remove all excess. Surface protection is provided by tung oil. It, unlike other wood impregnation agents, polymerizes inside and outside the tree with rapid penetration into the lower layers. After the oil has dried, all that remains is to connect all the resulting parts together - and the vice will be ready for use.

They are also easy to make yourself. First you need to cut the plywood to size. Weld two nuts to the flat panel for the threaded guide and attach them under the table with screws, as this will add stability to the structure in question. It is very important to align everything correctly, otherwise it will not work.

After this, you need to use a chisel to make a recess for the nut. On the outer lock, drill a hole 3 cm deep. Therefore, the thickness of the plywood should be 3 cm.

It is a copy of a regular vice, only made of wood. Of the metal parts, only a screw 45 cm long and 8 cm thick should be used here. Massive pine plywood, well dried, is suitable.

The vise jaws are made from separate blocks, which are subsequently glued together. To give them their final shape, sand their edges with sandpaper. In this case, for one block it is worth choosing a thicker tree. This compensates for the space between the moving and fixed parts. The handle should fit through the head into the hole freely, then add the knob and anvil. When finished, remove the mounting screws, coat the vise elements with two coats of oil-based polyurethane and leave to dry overnight. Bolt the vise to the workbench.

Oak vice

The design of this structure is based on ancient drawings, the body is made of oak sleepers. The jaws can be cut by hand or with a saw. Grooves are punched down on both sides of the base. The brackets add strength to the rear jaw and secure it well to the base.

The top of the tee is on top of the clamping bolt. You will also need a large bolt and a square head that fits into the housing groove at the base of the vise. A steel strip should be added to each side of the base at the bottom to protect the side brackets from wear.

Make a homemade vice, as we see, it turns out, is not so difficult. There are many sites and articles on the Internet that talk in detail about the manufacture of devices for various workbenches and desktops. Making oak vices is very interesting, since solid pine plywood is ideal for them. A steel strip is a good addition as it prevents wear and tear on the brackets and vice in general. Happy work and making homemade workbenches!

If you have to change your workplace, you can equip each of them with a personal homemade, hand-made vice. Their design, like everything ingenious, lies on the surface and is simple but very effective, like much of what the famous one offers House master V. Legostaev.

Any self-respecting DIYer has a vice. However, a real full-fledged tool today is not only expensive, a good vice is also bulky and heavy. My workshop is actually the whole area: I have to work in different places, and a vice is needed very often. It turns out that you have to drag a heavy tool every time or run back and forth all the time to process parts.

Vise=Two pipes

It is known that gas and water pipes They are produced in such a way that any pipe must fit tightly inside a pipe of the next standard size. Taking this into account, I decided to take two pieces of pipe of two adjacent sizes. Inserted it into a large pipe and attached it to one of the ends using electric welding.

flange with large diameter nut - M16. On a smaller pipe, using the same electric welding, I installed a similar flange with a nut, but bigger size-M18. The M16 threaded rod in such a hole should rotate smoothly.

It was to this stud that I installed a nut at a short distance from the end, which was securely secured using electric welding. After that, I inserted a threaded rod into the cavity of the small pipe so that the fixed nut was inside the pipe and rested against the flange with big hole. I screwed another nut onto the protruding end of the stud and also secured it by welding. Between the flange and the nuts, I pre-installed intermediate sliding washers. Now screw the end of the threaded rod that sticks out enough from the pipe into the nut of the large pipe. The result is the main working element of the vice. All that remained was to install the pressure plates (jaws) and support plates (paws) on the vice. I made the jaws from a square pipe, and the paws from a corner. And the vice is ready!

For ease of maintenance, I welded a nut to the protruding end of the threaded rod in such a way that, by inserting any rod into it, it was possible to easily rotate the axis and control the vice.

Homemade vices have disadvantages

When working on such a vice inner tube It can spin behind the hairpin, but it doesn't scare me at all. You just need to hold this pipe in the desired position when fixing it. And it’s not difficult to eliminate this drawback - just install the lock.

It’s even easier to make a vice from two scraps of similar size square pipes. All technology remains the same.

DIY vice - photo

DIY vice: drawing

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One of the main tools in any workshop is a vice. At first glance, this is a fairly simple tool, but in fact, a fairly large number of operations can be performed using a vice. There are a huge number of varieties: carpentry, metalwork, chair, cross. It happens that the vice may become unusable. In this case, you can make a vice yourself.

In any carpentry workshop you can see a vice. It is often necessary to clamp parts in order to turn them or simply glue them together. A homemade vice, which you can make yourself, can handle these tasks, and the price of such a product will be quite low. Often the jaws of a vice are made of soft wood to avoid damage to the part being clamped.

For convenience, the vice can be screwed to the workbench. In the fixed part, it is necessary to secure a furniture nut into which a pin will be screwed, which, in turn, will move the movable mechanism. It is necessary to firmly attach the washer to the movable jaw, and attach the knob itself to the handle. As for the tips for the sponges, they can be made from pieces of plywood.

If you need to assemble a carpenter's vice with your own hands, then this option is considered optimal.

First, you need to mark all the parts, then cut out three identical bars (the longer the length of the bar, the more dimensionally you can clamp the product). The bed can be made from a thick board or from 3 pieces of plywood. Drill two vertical holes in two fixed bars. Drill a hole in one of the bars for a pin, which will act as a clamping mechanism. The next step is to install the nut into the beam.

At the end of the stud you need to weld a small rectangular patch and drill 4 holes in it for fastening. After this, screw the pin into the fixed jaw and screw its end to the movable jaw, and the structure itself to the workbench.

These vices are also called Moxon vices or bench vices; they cope quite successfully with clamping large boards, plywood, and various panels. The advantage of this type is that they do not take up small area in the workshop, and they are made of wood.

You need to select the dimensions yourself; you can make a carpenter's vice for a workbench with your own hands using a minimum of tools and material.

The design looks like this:

For production you will need two studs, four nuts, three boards. After the boards are prepared and cut to size, it is necessary to drill two holes in the fixed and moving parts. Then in the stationary part in drilled holes insert the nuts, having previously lubricated them with glue on both sides. A small nuance: The holes in the fixed part should be slightly smaller in diameter than the nuts themselves to prevent the nut from twisting in the hole. First, the studs need to be welded on the knob for convenience or a wooden handle must be made. The bed for the fixed part can be made in the form of a step. Screw the finished structure to the workbench with self-tapping screws or bolts.

If you often work with metal, then for these tasks you need a strong metal vice that you can make yourself.

In order to assemble a bench vise with your own hands, you need the following tools:

  • Welding machine.
  • Electric drill.
  • Grinder with a grinding wheel.
  • Square to maintain the required angles.
  • Drills of various diameters.

In addition to the tool, you will need:

  • Steel channel with a diameter of 6 mm.
  • Sheet metal 5-6 mm thick, more possible.
  • Corner 70 by 70 or 50 by 50.
  • Twenty bolts and nuts.

If there is a pin with a diameter of 16 mm, then you can use it as a clamping screw that will move the moving part. The two nuts into which the screw will be screwed are quite difficult to make yourself, and besides, the remaining parts are quite non-standard and quite difficult to find, so it makes sense to turn to a turner.

Then weld the nut to the channel, this must be done coaxially.

The ends of the channel must be closed using a piece sheet metal and cut a hole in the strip for the screw.

Use a grinder to cut out two corners and a plate. Place the corners against the channel on both sides and cover the top with a piece of sheet metal. The result will be a kind of U-shaped design.

The frame can be cut out of 7-10 mm metal and four holes can be drilled on each side, as well as 6 holes in the U-shape.

Weld one nut to the frame, and weld two metal stoppers on the sides of the nut.

From steel you need to cut blanks for two jaws, movable and fixed. A stationary workpiece can be welded immediately.

Then weld the second workpiece onto the moving part. On the sponges themselves you need to make some kind of heels from thick metal. They can be welded or bolted.

If desired, you can reinforce the jaws on both sides with corner gussets made of thick metal.

These vices are no worse than purchased ones, and the material costs required are minimal. Using this principle, you can make another version of yews from a hand jack. The finished product can be painted to give it an aesthetic appearance.

Anyone who uses a drilling machine probably knows how difficult it is to drill and at the same time hold a workpiece, which tends to spin or fly off and injure the master. As a rule, in old machines there is no vice on the bed, which brings certain inconvenience. For more comfortable work, you can purchase a tool, or you can make a vice for drilling machine with your own hands.

For machine vices you will need:

  • Corner 30 by 30.
  • Threaded stud.
  • Nuts for the stud.
  • Small bearing.
  • If desired, the product can be painted.

The drawing looks like this:

First you need to saw off two corners. The size is selected depending on the dimensions of the drilling machine bed. Using a grinder, cut out two jaws from thick metal and make markings. Drill holes in them to attach the jaws to the base.

Take a piece of angle iron and drill a hole for the pin. You can immediately weld the bearing, as shown in the figure.

Opposite the mount with the bearing, weld a similar corner and drill a hole for the shaft.

Opposite the mount where the bearing is located, three nuts must be welded.

To make it convenient to twist the stud, you can weld a nut to its beginning and insert a knob into it. Homemade vices for a drilling machine are in no way inferior in design and quality to factory ones and are several times cheaper.

Most anglers prefer homemade fly tying vices to commercial ones. The device itself has a fairly simple design, which makes it possible to manufacture them in short time and without special tools at home. The most difficult step in making a vice is the jaws themselves. They are made from steel bars rectangular shape. Two holes are drilled in the finished jaws for fastening to the yew and one for the adjusting screw. The holes need to be threaded (M6) with a tap.

The yew support can be made from a T-shaped or L-shaped steel rod. Sponges are welded to the end of one of the workpieces. The rod must be welded to the support, and if you need to make the support adjustable, then a piece of edged pipe is welded to the workpiece, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the workpiece. It is recommended to make the length of the support about 20-50 cm high for more comfortable work.

If the vice has become unusable and there is no way to repair it, then you should not immediately buy new ones, but try to make it yourself. Such a tool will serve for quite a long time and will cost several times less.
