How to make a big rooster from bottles. Rooster made from paper plates. Making a cockerel from old car tires

A craft like a rooster made from a plastic bottle is difficult to make. A needlewoman who wants to make such a product must be excellent with scissors and other materials that will be used in the work. Of course it's difficult. But if you have patience and at least basic skills, then you can succeed. In this publication, we decided to tell you about what kind of cockerel crafts you can make for the New Year from plastic bottles.

What types of cockerels can be made from a plastic bottle?

The first option is a cockerel.

This cockerel is one of the most simple crafts. To make it, you should use several plastic bottles of various colors. If you have bottles at home that are all the same color, then you simply paint them with acrylic paints. Before painting the bottle, you need to wash it well and remove labels. In this case, the paint will be able to lie evenly on the product.

Turn the painted bottle upside down. Place the bottle neck on a stick or any rod. Using a marker, make markings that will indicate the location of the scallop and wings.

Now take an empty shampoo bottle. You should cut out the rooster's beak from it and glue it to the bottle.

From other plastic bottles, cut out: tail feathers, comb, wings.

Apply glue to the bottle itself and secure the individual parts of the cockerel to the bottle.

Attach the tail to the bottle with a stapler or self-tapping screws.

And for the craft to turn out beautiful, your tail must be bushy.

The second option is a cockerel.

Making a rooster from a plastic bottle with your own hands can be done in another way. This craft option is a little more difficult to make. And all because the wings and tail of this rooster will consist of a huge number of fringed feathers.

The third option for making a rooster.

The next rooster craft should also be made from plastic bottles. However, in this case you will need a lot plastic containers. And in this case you will have to work hard.

They begin to create this craft by making two holes in a large bottle that are needed for the legs. Then make a cut in the part opposite the side with the holes.

The tube should be bent, threaded and secured.

It’s worth making a cockerel’s toes from a couple of plastic bottles. For this purpose, it is necessary to cut off the expanding part from the bottle and cut out three fingers for the rooster from it. In this case, each finger must be made sharp.

Put corrugated tubes on your feet, and then you must secure the prepared paws.

In order to make the head you need to use a piece of foam plastic, which needs to be painted.

To feather a rooster, you need to use a lot of plastic bottles. Moreover, each bottle should be cut into separate feathers.

To create tail feathers, bottles that have a capacity of 2.5 liters are used. They are cut into 5-7 parts. The bottle should be cut from the neck to the end. While working, focus on the raised protrusions. It is important to say that you need to use very sharp scissors when working.

To simplify the work of making the plumage, you need to cut the bottle lengthwise. Remove the bottom and neck from the bottle. Then cut out triangles or semicircles on the lower half of the plastic rectangle. As a result, you will get a row of feathers, which can be very easily screwed to the body with self-tapping screws or plastic glue. The work is carried out from the bottom up. Cover the entire part of the rooster in this way.

For the wings, oval sheets are cut from a plastic bottle. Attach feathers to them.


Crafts made from plastic bottles can be very different. But the best option This craft is a rooster, which step-by-step instructions will help you make. You should study it carefully, prepare everything necessary materials and create an original product.

This craft is made from plastic bottles. This craft is related to ecology. environment, since there are a very large number of polluting waste products, one of them is plastic, we wanted to show with this craft that from the garbage that we throw away we can make wonderful crafts who will tame our garden. This craft decorates the yard of our kindergarten.

Materials and tools

How to make a Petrunya craft from plastic bottles with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions for adults and children.

To make this craft we will need the following tools:

Let's start making a rooster from a canister:

6) Move the top of the canister about 3 cm.

7) We bend the metal-plastic pipe (shape the legs), in my case, the rooster is walking, and attach it to the canister with self-tapping screws.

8) For the neck, from 5 l. bottles, fold the envelope, attach it to the canister with self-tapping screws.

9) From 1.5 liter bottles we cut out two “thighs”, which we attach to the canister with self-tapping screws.

For feathers we used 1.5 liter bottles. Cut off the long neck, cut the bottle into 5 feathers (we are guided by the protrusions on the bottom of the bottle), use the upper part of the feathers.

We begin to cover the body from the “thighs”. Disconnect them from the canister for convenience.

1) Attach the corrugated tube to the neck of the bottle.

2) attach the feathers using wire.

3) Attach the finished legs back to the canister.

4) Starting from the back, we cover the entire body, except the back, with feathers (we attach it to the canister with self-tapping screws). We leave the back of the neck open because there will be other feathers there.

Then the body is painted spray paint(in our case, red).

After painting the body, we cut out the head from foam plastic; it is better to use a stationery knife for cutting. We also paint her head. If the process of cutting out the head seems difficult to you, you can cut it out in separate parts and then glue it together with glue.

With the help furniture stapler and staples (you can use wire) we begin to attach the long wing feathers. The back remains open.

I cover the top of the wings with these feathers from 1.5 liter corrugated feathers. bottles

We paint it with paint, let it dry well and attach it to the body using self-tapping screws and washers. Bend the mesh for attaching the tail


Let's start making the tail.

We cut feathers from 2 liters or 2.5 liters. bottles into 5 parts. We paint separately on both sides. Paint can be used different colors.

A rooster made from plastic bottles is considered a difficult craft, because it requires the ability to work with absolutely different materials, use different instruments. The list of everything that will be needed for it turns out to be very large, which is why many do not take on this work and in vain. You can also find simpler options; it’s always better to start with the simple, gradually moving on to the complex.

We offer you to look at two options on how to make a rooster from plastic bottles. First the simplest option.

A small cockerel made from one plastic bottle

To make such a cheerful rooster you will need one large bottle and very few bottles of different colors. Or you can take the same ones and paint them with acrylic paints.

Take a 2-2.5 liter bottle and wash it thoroughly so that there are no traces of the label or any dirt left. Place the bottle on a stick to make it easier for you to work with. Use a marker to mark the holes for the wings, beak and comb on the bottle. The material for the beak will be a shampoo bottle, cut it out and attach it to the base. Paint eyes on the lids, glue them to the base or attach fittings. From the remaining bottles we cut out feathers for the tail, wings and comb. Attach all the parts with glue; the tail can be secured with a stapler or self-tapping screw. As a decoration, you can make fringe on the wings and feathers in the tail. And to prevent it from deteriorating from precipitation and dirt, you can coat it with yacht varnish. It will become much stronger and more interesting.

And now you can make the option a little more complicated.

Rooster made from plastic bottles

To make such a cockerel you will need more old bottles. Its design is attached to self-tapping screws, so you will need a strong base in the form of a plastic canister. A five-liter canister will be the body, holes for the legs will be cut in it. Make a slot on the side opposite the holes. Bend a metal-plastic tube and insert it into the holes for the legs, securing it with self-tapping screws for stability. From a couple of plastic bottles, cut out pointed toes, three for each. Put the corrugation on your legs and secure the paws.

Another couple of one and a half liter bottles serve as material for the rooster's thighs; you need to cut off the necks and thread the corrugations into them.

The head is cut out of foam plastic, rubbed with sandpaper and covered acrylic primer. Then it is sanded again and painted with paints. A six-liter bottle will be useful for the neck. We cut off a rectangle and wrap it with a collar, which will be connected to the body with the help of self-tapping screws.

Feathers also need to be made from bottles; you will need a lot of them. For the tail feathers you will need the most big bottles, at least 2.5-liter. In such work, the main thing is that the scissors are not dull, otherwise you will have to cut the plastic for a long time and painfully. There are more easy way plumage cutting. For it you only need to make longitudinal cuts, remove the bottom and neck first. Cut out semicircular or triangular shapes from below to create a finished row of feathers. You will need to attach the feathers both with glue and with self-tapping screws; we will go from the bottom so that the joints of the fasteners are not visible. Cover the entire cockerel with feathers, except the tail, to prevent it from freezing in winter. All that remains is to cut out the wings and attach the feathers to them and our craft is ready!

And for dessert, we have prepared a very interesting way for you to make an original craft from bottle caps. To.

Rooster made from plastic bottle caps

The most difficult thing in this craft is to collect all the material for it; you will need a lot of bottle caps and preferably multi-colored ones. But the result will be very colorful!

So, according to the pre-prepared diagram, glue the lids in place. The drawing is needed so as not to get confused, because redoing it is even worse, try not to confuse anything. It’s easier to glue them on the back side to hold them tighter; the cockerel will turn out very colorful even from a distance. If you have accumulated a lot of caps, you can use the leftovers to make a beautiful background in the form of floral motifs.

This is how you make a rooster with your own hands from plastic bottles. As you can see, it’s not complicated, any child can handle such crafts!

If you want to decorate your site or house in an unusual way, there is no need to spend money on expensive sculptures or Consumables. From various available materials you can make a figurine of a funny, bright cockerel.

Bottles and caps made of plastic are the most affordable material. The big advantage is flexibility. Such plastic can be easily cut with a knife or scissors, and you can use a regular iron to round the surface and edges.

From plastic bottles

You can use multi-colored bottles to make crafts, or you can achieve a suitable color scheme using spray paints or TEX enamel.

Prepare in advance:

  • several empty plastic bottles;
  • wire or old corrugated hose;
  • Styrofoam;
  • scotch;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • glue;
  • paints.

How to make a rooster from plastic bottles? An empty five-liter bottle is used as the basis for the craft. Cut off the bottom from it, bend it inside the edges.

The cockerel looks great on the fence of the dacha or serves as an original weather vane.

There is another option for making a cockerel from plastic bottles: a master class designed for beginners. The craft does not require any special skills.

Prepare in advance:

  • three brown plastic bottles;
  • disposable cups and plates in yellow and red colors;
  • yellow ball for dry pool;
  • double-sided tape, regular tape;
  • stapler;
  • black marker.

Cut off the top parts of the bottles and fasten them together.

There is a more complicated option. It makes it possible to get a real sculpture on the site.

To work you will need:

They start by making the body and neck of the future sculpture. They are made from five-liter and one-and-a-half liter bottles. Pipes are used to make legs. For thighs, take a one and a half liter bottle.

Self-tapping screws of various sizes are used to fasten parts together.

The pipes are shaped and given the desired position of the bird's legs. Move the top of the bottle a few centimeters and roll up an envelope for the neck from the second bottle. The hips are cut out and attached to the base with self-tapping screws.

Feathers are cut from parts of bottles along the entire length. They cover the body of the bird, starting from the bottom. It is best to attach the feathers to a wire. The body is closed, leaving part of the neck open at the back. Another type of feathers is attached there.

Bend the wire for the paws. The hose will complete the further shape.. A tail is inserted between the pipes and everything is fixed with glue. Long and narrow claws are cut from the bottom of the bottle and secured with glue. Paint the sculpture using a can of spray paint.

While the body and legs are drying, they make the head. It is cut out of foam plastic using stationery knife. The cuts must be sharp, but not torn. You can cut out the head in parts and then attach them with glue.

Irregularities are removed with sandpaper. Then the surface is treated with acrylic lubricant. Apply a layer of regular glue and wait for it to dry completely. After this, the bird’s head is painted with acrylic paints and the eyes are made.

The head is attached to the body. Prepare the mold for the wings. They are attached to the back of the bird, leaving it open. Painted.

For the tail, feathers from a two-liter bottle are cut to length, painted on each side and attached to the body with wire. To complete the work, cut the feathers short, a couple of centimeters in length, and attach them to the back with self-tapping screws.

The option is difficult, takes a lot of time. But the end result is a real masterpiece.

Plywood figurine

You can make a cockerel from plywood. Even a schoolchild can do this kind of work.

Prepared for work:

Making a cockerel with your own hands– work for the diligent and patient. It requires attention, time and effort. But with desire and patience, everything will work out for beginners. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step algorithm.

To color the product, take bright colors. At the end of the work You can coat the cockerel with varnish. When using acrylic paints, varnishing is not necessary.

From bottle caps

To make a rooster from plastic bottle caps, prepare a diagram in advance. A suitable option for cross stitch or bead embroidery. Final work It will be very effective.

Collect the required number of caps in the desired colors. For accuracy, you can line the surface, as in the diagram. Glue corks if the panel is horizontal, or nail them if the work is vertical. Lids are easier to attach reverse side. They hold on tighter, and the cockerel turns out to be especially impressive from a distance.

If suddenly there are not enough caps of any colors, the problem will be solved acrylic paints. In places where it is impossible to nail the cork, attach it with a gun or glue.

After completing the work, remove the auxiliary lines.

The application can be done on external wall or inside the apartment.

From old tires

Old car tires are an excellent starting material for creativity. The dacha will be decorated with a colorful cockerel. Prepare a pair of tires, two polyethylene tubes, and a piece of plywood for small parts.

The body of the bird is made from one whole splint, the second is used partially for the tail. The tubes are taken for the legs of the rooster.

To cut tires, use a hacksaw or an electric hacksaw. A sharply honed one will also do. big knife. Wooden parts It's easier to cut with a jigsaw. But it is much more convenient to use plastic instead of plywood.

They secure everything with bolts and wire. Metal reinforcement is inserted into the legs so that one end of the rod goes into the ground and the other is attached to the hole in the tire. Then the sculpture is not afraid of bad weather.

A do-it-yourself wooden rooster is a task for a real master. Special knowledge and ability to work with the tool and feel the material will be required. It is very difficult for beginners to cope with such work. Even detailed master classes without certain skills they will not give you the opportunity to truly make beautiful product from wood the first time. And a plastic bottle - light material easy to use and easy to use. TO creative work Even children can be involved.

Attention, TODAY only!

If you want to decorate your yard, garden or country cottage area, but you don’t want to spend money on expensive consumables or buy ready-made factory products, then try making figurines from various available materials with your own hands. Plastic bottles, corks, old car tires - all these are excellent raw materials for making beautiful things. A real decoration of your dacha will be a motley and bright rooster - the owner of the yard, which can simply “guard” the yard and serve as a weather vane. There are many master classes showing in detail or giving instructions on how to make one interesting decor And what you need to do. Inspired by the ideas of the masters, you can easily make something out of unnecessary things and waste material very beautiful products.

Making a cockerel from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles and caps are practically the most affordable and cheap material for making crafts. In addition, its flexibility is a big plus - plastic can be easily cut with a regular knife or scissors, and if you need to round the edges or smooth the surface, this can be done using a regular iron. The bottles themselves come in different colors, but wider color scheme very easy to obtain using cans of different paints to suit your taste.

You can start by making simple shapes.

  • Take a large bottle (usually five liters) as a basis. You can paint it either with paints or with TEX enamel. Cut off the bottom and bend the edges inward.
  • The head can be made from papier-mâché or you can also use a bottle (you will need its lower part). In the second option, you will also need to make a beak for the rooster - this could be a bottle cap on which you attach the blank.
  • The legs are made either from a corrugated hose, or from old tubes, or from wire wound onto transparent tubes.
  • For the feathers and tail, you need to cut a lot of strips (you can cut each part into zigzag strips or separately). It is recommended to fasten it with glue and tape, self-tapping screws (there should be a lining made of foam plastic or wood inside the figure).
  • Cut a comb from the bottom of the bottle and attach it to the head of the cockerel. Wings can be made from halves of two bottles.
  • Color the item using different colors and shades to make the bird colorful and bright. You can use quick-drying bronze varnish and colors to make it even more impressive.
  • Cut out the eyes from the same plastic and color or draw them. You can decorate them with eyelashes.
  • Such a rooster made from plastic bottles will look great on a fence, pole or fence of your dacha and even serve as an original weather vane.

    You can simply build a frame for the future bird from bottles and cardboard, and then model a papier-mâché rooster figurine on it. Do not forget to dry each layer thoroughly, and then paint the product and cover it with yacht varnish.

    But more complex master class making a cockerel, but as a result of all your efforts you will get a real sculptural masterpiece.

  • First you need to prepare a form - the basis for the future figure. The master proposes to build it from five-liter plastic canisters and bottles. This will be the neck and torso. For the bird’s legs you need to take metal-plastic pipes, about thirty centimeters high, plus two one and a half liter bottles for the thighs.
  • To attach the parts to each other, you will need large and small self-tapping screws.
  • Connect the base elements together: give metal-plastic pipes shape and position of the legs, move the top of the canister a few centimeters and roll an envelope from the bottle to form a neck. Also cut out the thighs and attach them to the canister.
  • You can cut five feathers from one large bottle. Just first you need to cut off its long neck. You will need the top part of the feathers.
  • Cover the figure with feathers starting from the cockerel's thighs (you can detach them to make it more convenient. And when you're done, attach the legs back). Then work from the back and attach the feathers with self-tapping screws everywhere except the back and back of the neck (you'll need different feathers there).
  • Weave the legs from rigid copper wire and supplement them with corrugated tubes (there should be a hole in the middle through which you need to insert a piece of wire to attach to the legs).
  • Cut the claws from the bottom of the bottle and attach them with glue or liquid nails.
  • Paint the finished part of the bird (KUDO paint or enamel).
  • Now it's time to work on the cockerel's head. To make it, it is recommended to use construction foam (the parts can be cut out separately and then glued together. Use a stationery knife for cutting). To give your head the required form, you will need a medium one sandpaper. Then the part will need to be treated with acrylic putty, and when it dries, sand it thoroughly. When you achieve the required smoothness, go over it with glue (ordinary PVA will do). Only after complete drying can you begin painting.
  • You can also paint your head with acrylic - it’s much easier and more convenient. Pick up cockerel eyes at a fabric store and glue them into the holes.
  • The shape for the wings is cut from the mesh using side cutters. Attach long feathers to it, leaving the back open. On top you can also add plumage cut from corrugated bottles. Paint the new elements and let them dry. Then attach it to the body using self-tapping screws and perforated tape.
  • For the tail you will need to cut a lot of feathers and paint them. Attach it to the protruding part of the mesh from the wings (if you bend it, the tail will be more magnificent and luxurious).
  • Now close the backrest. To do this, cut out many feathers of different lengths and attach them several in rows. It is better to attach the last row with glue so that the heads of the screws are not visible. For the back of the head and sides of the head, use finer feathers.
  • Paint the new plumage, after covering with construction tape and bags those parts of the cockerel that were already painted earlier.
  • Insert spurs into the bird's legs and cover it with glossy varnish.

  • 1

    Making a cockerel from old car tires

    If you have unnecessary tires, don't throw them away. See how cool you can use them.

  • Prepare two tires - one will be needed whole, and the other partially (you will need to make a tail from it).
  • It is proposed to make the legs of a cockerel from two polyethylene tubes, and cut them from a piece of plywood small parts shapes: beard, comb, beak.
  • To cut the tire, use a hacksaw or electric hacksaw (if you don't have such tools, just take a sharp, large knife with a strong blade). For cutting wooden elements It's better to use a jigsaw. However, you can make your task easier and replace the plywood parts with plastic ones.
  • Everything can be assembled using wire and bolts. Insert metal reinforcement into the tube legs so that one end of the rod fits tightly into the ground, and the other is fixed into the ground. drilled hole in the tire. Then your sculpture will stand firmly and will not fall.
  • In the end, all that remains is to color the rooster made from tires according to your taste and desire.
  • It’s so simple enough, and most importantly, without special costs, you can decorate your dacha or yard with original figures.


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