How to make a stork on the roof. How to make a large garden figure of a stork with your own hands. Industrial style

A decorative stork made of plywood with your own hands will decorate any local area. Children's playgrounds and summer cottages look a bit boring without any kind of decoration. A well-groomed flowerbed will attract attention and please the eye even more if you complement it with a fake bird, shown in the photo. There are a lot of variations in making artificial birds, made from all sorts of available materials, which sometimes you can’t even imagine in the form of a craft.

Some animals require special skills and abilities and take up a lot of precious time, so it is better to take on work that is sure to be productive without painstaking efforts. One of these creations is a stork made from plywood by hand.

Why the stork? The answer is quite reasoned. Even small child it is known that this noble bird personifies peace, tranquility, family well-being, fidelity, and constancy. Many beliefs and signs are associated with the location of the stork’s nest, their annual return and offspring.

Where to start making decor

It has been proven and tested in practice that all ingenious inventions are simple and accessible to everyone. This simple composition is acceptable in terms of material costs and complexity for people seeking to embellish and ennoble not only their territory, but also the surrounding space.

You will have to work with plywood. Quite suitable material for those who are trying to master carpentry lessons. The material is easy to cut, although quite durable and dense. It can be processed without grinder, using sandpaper. After covering with several layers of drying oil or varnish, it is not at all susceptible to swelling, delamination, cracking due to external influence precipitation and temperature changes.

Garden plywood storks are made from medium grades and thickness wood board. Eliminate exposure to factors external environment It’s absolutely impossible, but looking for the most expensive and high-quality plywood for outdoor display is an unwise decision. Therefore, it is pointless to describe the characteristics of the material in detail. Whatever they get, a superb creature from the feathered family will be molded from there.

You need to start by roughly imagining the actual size of the bird in order to know the specific parameters of the consumables. There are plywood sheets different sizes, but there is no need to cut out a two-meter bird. If a stork settles in the front garden, then a small bird will fit into this space, perhaps more than one. And if you attach it to the gable of the house, clear example in the photo, it is advisable to make a larger-scale decor so that it is visible from afar and does not get lost.

How can such beauty be lost, even if the color scheme is simple and at the same time bright? Looking ahead a little, we will have to stipulate that the color of the finished stork, cut and assembled with your own hands, includes only three colors: gray, red, black.

Based on the description of the stork for the dacha or garden, you can already make an estimate of materials for its production:

  • plywood sheet;
  • paper or finished sketch;
  • pencil, scissors;
  • jigsaw;
  • paint with brush;
  • ship varnish.

Work sequence

You can cut a stork from plywood in a matter of hours. Sleight of hand and imagination will speed up the process without hindrance. The first step is to draw it. Everyone imagines what a stork looks like, but not everyone will be able to portray it.

The plywood stork drawings in the photo make the first step easier. All that remains is to project them onto a large paper format. As can be seen in the proposed sketch, a pattern, compass and other technical tools are not useful. Anyone can draw two ovals and connect them with smooth lines. Try to depict a bird with a long neck, beak and wings in such a way that the silhouette resembles a representative of the stork order. The better the proportions are maintained relative to the template, the greater the chances of getting something similar to the source.

Next, the drawn silhouette must be cut out. The plywood stork stencil is ready. Even a schoolchild can do all the stages of creating a symbol of devotion and good luck, so the participation of children will not hurt. The paper stork must be placed on a plywood sheet and lightly attached with buttons, a stapler, or tape, whatever comes handy. Trace the outlines with a pencil. The lines must be clear so that when cutting, all the smooth curves of the body and the sharp angles of the beak, tail and wings are preserved. Now you can start cutting. At this stage, there is no need to rush and put strong pressure on the jigsaw. You need to work slowly.

The plywood stork template will be completely ready after careful sanding on all sides. The first grinding is done with rough sandpaper, after which be sure to go through the fine grain a couple of times, including cuts. When the surface becomes smooth, without burrs, the most beautiful stage of creating a creation with your own hands begins: assembling all the parts into a single product.

Screwing the legs and gluing the wings is quick and easy. If the stork takes up residence in the garden, it must be placed on a base. Take a small block of wood, drill holes in it, generously coat them with wood glue and insert the legs. It will take a little time for the wings and support to dry. It is advisable to press it with a clamp and fix the wings with the body.

After which it’s time to paint the bird. The most popular and suitable paint is acrylic. The color pattern is shown in the photo: the beak and legs are red (can be dark orange), the body is light gray, the plumage of the tips of the wings and tail is black, the eyes are marked with small black circles. Apply varnish when the paint is dry.

That's the whole procedure! A video with a lesson on how to make a magic bird is attached.

Arrangement of crafts

It’s not enough to make a stork out of plywood. Regardless of the location of the plywood stork, you still need to make a nest for it. It will even resemble the real thing, because it will have to be built from thin branches. On a horizontal surface, the nest should become like a stork's. Just as wide and deep. On the roof gable, the nest can also be imitated. Make it voluminous so that the composition looks complete.

If desired, the stork is given a pair. Then he is not alone. “Producing” miracle birds is inexpensive, so after several training sculptures, you can take on more complex and labor-intensive designs.

stork from plastic bottles Do it yourself without any problems. To do this, you just need to be well prepared and patient. Most of the materials required for manufacturing must be in required quantity on most country or garden plots. The situation is similar with the tool, which is also available. So it turns out that all you need to create a craft is time and desire. All this can be highlighted if necessary.

Materials and tools

When making a figurine such as a stork from plastic bottles with your own hands, you need the following components:

Tools you will need:

  • pliers;
  • scissors;
  • black marker.

Before carrying out the work, it is best to prepare a picture according to which the work will be carried out.

The basis

Making a stork from plastic bottles with your own hands is enough for a long time. For beginning craftsmen, this can take up to 10 days. So before work you need to be patient. The frame is a 5-liter container, which is attached to two wires. At the first stage, the side and bottom are cut out, except for one seam at the bottom on the other side. The cut out section is lowered into the middle of the container and its top is fixed with wire or screws. This also removes the handle, if there is one. The wire is bent in the Russian letter “P”. Its bottom is fixed on a wooden circle, but before that, either a pipe or a hose is put on it. It is enough just to hide two parallel sections. On the received load-bearing structure a 5-liter canister is put on through the previously made cutout. A mesh is placed on the top of the canister and secured with wire. The basis for making a stork from plastic bottles with your own hands is ready.

Finishing work

At the first stage, we cut bird feathers from plastic flasks. Next, you need to distinguish between the white and black parts of the body. To do this, draw the corresponding line with a black marker. Next, using glue, the lower part of the bird’s body is glued with cutouts from black containers. While the previously obtained result dries, we make a head out of foam plastic using a knife. We use buttons as eyes that are glued in the holes. The beak is cut from plastic containers any color and then covered with a red helmet. After it has dried, it is secured with screws. The head and body are connected using wire. It is advisable to make as many of these seams as possible, but you need to make sure that they are not visible.

Then you need to glue the remaining white feathers on the upper body, neck and head. How Alternative option- you can cover the last two elements with a thick layer of white paint. Then the legs turn red. All this must dry. At the final stage of making a stork from plastic bottles, we assemble the feet. To do this, cut out 8 fingers of the required length from plastic. They are attached to a wooden circle with thin wire and covered with red paint. This must be done very carefully so as not to stain the base. That's it, the work is ready, and after the last components have dried, you can take it out into the garden.


Crafts made from PET bottles are becoming increasingly popular every day. With this material you can do whatever your heart desires. The proposed option is only one of many. It can be considered as basic. By adding something of your own to it, you can get a completely unpredictable result.

Have you ever imagined, dear readers, that it could be used as...a material for making art objects. Although it may not be art as such, in its literal sense, it is quite possible to make a decoration for the garden - a small sculpture. In fact, polyurethane foam is unusually plastic, hardens quickly and is easy to process - why not a material for creativity?

Today I will tell you how to make polyurethane foam stork sculpture to decorate your garden or summer cottage. You need very few materials, and they are very cheap. If you pay attention to how much they cost garden sculptures V construction stores, then you will understand that the price of a pair of foam cylinders is not commensurate with their cost. Besides, our stork will turn out much better. So let's get started.

Stork frame

To begin with, we will select a suitable body for the stork - a frame on which the foam will be sprayed. Plastic canister from under water with a capacity of 5 liters is perfect. We make the stork’s neck from wire, and to add volume, you can attach strips of foam plastic to the wire. The stork's legs can also be made from wire, and the nose and head can be cut out either from foam plastic or wood - whichever is more convenient and preferable.

Making a sculpture

After making a simple frame, we begin to spray foam on our sculpture - we do this carefully, imagining the contours of the finished stork. To make it easier, print out a large bird. If the foam does not lie as you intended, no problem - after drying, the excess can be easily removed with a knife. By the way, if you wish, you can use real bird feathers for the tail - who knows, maybe you will make a peacock instead of a stork. After the foam has dried and finished with a knife, we paint the sculpture with regular paint. acrylic paint, fix it in place in the garden, and invite your friends to appreciate your creative genius. Good luck!

It is very easy to make a stork from plastic bottles with your own hands; the master class will allow you to complete this product in a short time. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow all instructions in order to truly obtain good result. The product can be placed on a personal plot, which will make it possible to decorate the area.

A master class allows you to make a stork yourself, for which you need to use plastic bottles and other available materials. To make the craft look most realistic, you need to make blanks from plywood. Wings and a body are drawn on them. The prepared templates must be carefully cut out.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • plastic bottles;
  • insulating tape;
  • self-tapping screws

It is better to take opaque (white) and dark bottles, and then arrange them, and only red electrical tape will do.

The previously prepared templates need to be combined. For this you will need self-tapping screws. To make feathers, they use white bottles, in which dairy products are usually sold. They need to be cut so that you get strips of the same width. You need to make a lot of shallow cuts along the edges to get the fringe.

The resulting wings are fixed on the body of the bird. To make the fastening as strong as possible, use glue gun. It must be applied carefully, without leaving traces of glue on the body. To make the tail and the rest of the body, which will be located below, you need to use dark-colored plastic bottles. For example, beer is sold in such containers.

The beak can be obtained from a blank plastic bottle, since the stork has a red beak; the base is wrapped with red electrical tape. The stork also needs legs. To make them, you can use thick wire. For the eyes, take large beads, which are attached to the head with glue. This completes the DIY stork for the garden. It can be placed near a flower bed or on some kind of stand.

Manufacturing details of the second version

To make a talisman bird for your garden with your own hands, you should prepare the following materials and tools:

  • empty plastic bottles;
  • 2 wooden beams: thick and wide (will serve as a base);
  • thick aluminum wire (you can use a rod) to make the lower limbs;
  • polystyrene foam (thickness 10 cm);
  • corrugated hose;
  • plastic canister (2 pcs., capacity 5 l);
  • metal mesh (under the wings);
  • stapler

How to make a stork with your own hands? The procedure will take a little time, but the algorithm is simple. A stork will appear on the paths of the plot or in the garden after several hours of doing this.

First you need to start making the head and beak of the bird. These parts are cut out of foam plastic. On the surface you can either paint eyes with black paint or glue 2 black buttons (you can use beads).

The beak itself must be cut from a dark plastic bottle. It will consist of 2 parts and is glued to the head. To make the bird's body, you need to cut off the handle from the canister.

Bending tightly around the contour of the canister, bend metal mesh. Remove excess material. You can perform the lower limbs by bending a rod, the ends of which should be secured in wooden block. Plastic feathers are cut from bottles. They are attached to the base of the canister. The tail should be attached first.

You can attach the neck to the stork by attaching wire to the fittings. The next step: put the prepared hose on the wire. Since the feathers on the neck should be small, they are attached with tape. The feathers along the body are fixed on a metal mesh.

Since the bird in the garden will be in an upright position, its wings will be folded. They must be secured with a stapler. The feathers should be positioned so that the details of each subsequent row overlap 1/3 of the previous row. This will give the craft a natural look and feel.

The master class ends with fastening the individual elements. To give the product maximum attractiveness, you can perform decorative tint on the beak, eyes, and legs. The craft can stand outside throughout the summer and is not afraid of bad weather.

Alternative product

An original do-it-yourself stork for the garden can be supplemented with a baby in the nest. Implementing this option will help make your home happy and bring prosperity and well-being to your home. To make a stork sitting in a nest, patterns from the Tilda bird are used as a basis. This is quite modern and fashionable today homemade toy from fabric matter. The patterns for it are simple.

From dense and durable fabric cut out individual elements crafts. The parts are sewn together with thread. To give the body volume, it needs to be stuffed with any filler, so there is no need to completely sew the bird together right away. The filler can be burlap, sawdust, straw, feathers, unnecessary scraps, etc. After completing the filling stage, the hole is completely sewn up.

The beak is made separately. To create it you will need durable red cardboard. Finished part attached to an already made head. You can sew clothes. To do this, you need to take measurements from the finished bird. At the final stage, the eyes are glued on, the baby is wrapped in a light cloth and placed next to the mother.

If you install a craft on the branches of trees in the garden, when it rains, you need to remove it from there so that appearance the product has not deteriorated. This bird is also placed on window sills; it will harmonize perfectly with indoor flowers.

Based on a fabric stork, feathers are obtained from plastic bottles white, which sell milk or other dairy products. They are fastened together. Eventually the wings come out.

Unusual option

The master class on making a stork, which is based on a large plastic bottle with a volume of 6 liters, is worthy of attention. To make the head, you need to use foam, which will need to be carefully cut out. Don't forget about the shape of the beak and eyes. Black pebbles can act as eyes and are fixed with glue.

The beak can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle. It also sticks to the head. A large plastic bottle will act as the body. You need to cut off the neck of it. Special metal mesh - wings. If the bird's wings are bent, it is necessary to make appropriate bends on the mesh.

The legs are made of wire, which is folded in several layers. The feathers will be from light-colored plastic bottles. They are cut so that individual feathers look realistic. Fixation is done using wire to the wings themselves.

To make the neck look voluminous, the bottles need to be finely chopped to create a fringe. They are arranged in rows. Small bottles are placed on the paws, which are also cut at the base. If the fixation of parts seems weak, then the fastening process can be carried out using self-tapping screws.

Making a stork is not a very long and difficult undertaking. To bring your idea to life, you can use the recommendations provided. However, you can make certain adjustments to the idea that will allow you to create a unique and original product.
