How to install an outdoor toilet correctly. How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands? Site selection and construction stages. How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands: basic definitions, project preparation

The toilet is an essential room in any place where there are people. In a country house where there is no sewerage system, it has a specific appearance and design. But this does not mean that modern country toilet It cannot be a comfortable and functional building that does not cause an internal shudder in the visitor.

With minimal experience and observing a number of sanitary and hygienic requirements, you can build a toilet yourself. Let's figure out how to do this?

Selecting a location

How to make a toilet in the country? The first and one of the most important stages of construction is the competent choice of location. In addition to ease of use, it must meet sanitary requirements.

When using a structure with a cesspool, consider the following points:

  • The distance between the toilet and the basement is 12 m;
  • From the bathhouse - at least 8 m;
  • At least 25 m from the nearest body of water (for example, a well). Groundwater should lie no higher than 2.5 m underground;
  • From the fence - a meter;
  • From trees - 4 m and from bushes - a meter.

The wind rose has a noticeable influence on the final decision: choose a place so that unpleasant odors do not cause inconvenience in the future. All these points must be observed in relation not only to your site, but also to those of your neighbors.

Other designs allow for a more free arrangement: rely only on your own convenience.


A toilet with a cesspool needs no further introduction and is familiar to everyone since childhood. The depth of the pit is 1.5-2 meters. The sewage that gets into it accumulates and decomposes naturally.

The problem of overcrowding used to be solved by moving the toilet house to another place; today, sewage machines are used to clean it. It should be done by filling the hole 2/3 full.

The cesspool of the backlash closet is sealed and cleaned with a sewer machine. Such a toilet, connected to the pit by a pipe, can be located at home.

In the powder closet cesspool replaces a smaller container installed under the toilet seat. It requires regular cleaning, and its contents can subsequently be used as fertilizer.

The rest of the time, peat or sawdust helps get rid of unpleasant odors: after using the toilet, you need to sprinkle them on the sewage. This type of toilet is suitable if, for sanitary reasons, it is impossible to dig a cesspool.

In your house, install an improved powder closet, also known as a peat toilet: it uses dry peat, not water, to flush away sewage. Also, do not forget to ventilate outside.

A dry toilet, more familiar to a city dweller, does not require additional effort during installation, since it can be purchased without any problems ready-made option. The impurities in it are broken down by special microorganisms.

The chemical toilet is similar to the previous principle of operation with one exception: instead of microorganisms, chemical reagents are used. Attention: feces processed in this way cannot be used as fertilizer.


Consider construction classic version with a cesspool.

The approximate dimensions of the pit are 1.5x1.5x2 meters. The walls are reinforced with bricks, concrete rings or antiseptic-treated boards. The cesspool of the backlash closet must be sealed, for which purpose the bottom is screeded or filled with crushed stone.

The concrete floor is poured on top. It must be strong enough to support the weight of whatever is placed on it. Leave openings for the toilet, ventilation and pumping out the contents - the last point can be omitted if the prospect of building a new toilet from time to time does not scare you.

You can build a house yourself, but it’s easier to buy a ready-made option.

Having decided to make it yourself, start by building a drawing of the toilet or use ready-made ones. Study photos of garden toilets to better understand how to proceed.

The most common are wooden structures, but nothing prevents you from making a reliable house made of brick. Please note that in this case it is necessary to take care of a reliable foundation around the pit. Typically, tape or columnar is used. A layer of waterproofing - roofing material - is laid between the foundation and the ground.

Under a wooden frame, bricks laid around the perimeter are enough. The structure will be additionally strengthened by support pillars made of timber and logs.

Cover the walls with clapboard, slate or metal profiles. Additionally, they can be insulated with cotton wool or polystyrene foam.

You can't do without ventilation. A pipe with a diameter of 10 cm should extend 15-20 cm into the cesspool and rise above the roof by about the same amount.

A small window under the roof will be a natural source of light. Installed upon request Wall lights connected to the battery.

The roof is covered with corrugated sheets or metal tiles, and it also has a hole for a ventilation pipe.

The door is hung on hinges and equipped with a latch, hook or other mechanism.

The construction of a powder closet has a nuance: in the back of the house it is necessary to provide a door through which you can remove the container with sewage.

We hope our instructions helped you figure out how to build a toilet with your own hands.

Photo of a toilet for a summer residence

On a dacha or private plot, the first building should be a toilet. Even if construction is just beginning, you cannot do without this structure. The situation will be more relevant if you live permanently or periodically travel to the country. The best solution would be to install an outdoor toilet. The construction is not particularly complicated. Anyone can handle the task House master. We will talk further about how to equip an outdoor toilet with your own hands.

Types of outdoor toilets

Toilet with cesspool. Most often, a wooden booth or house, under which there is a cesspool. It functions simply. All waste is placed in a pit. The liquid evaporates and is absorbed into the soil. Dense residues accumulate. They have to be removed from time to time.

Backlash closet. Also has a cesspool. However, it is completely sealed and large sizes. The process of drainage from it is unacceptable. Cleaning occurs only by pumping with a sewage disposal machine. Typically, such structures are used for residential premises and a toilet is installed.

Powder closet. This system does not require a cesspool. A toilet seat is installed inside the house, under which a storage container for waste is placed. There is peat in the immediate vicinity. After each trip to the toilet, the excrement is sprinkled with a layer of peat. When the container is full, it is simply taken out to the compost heap.

Such an outdoor device has a number of advantages. Compared to a cesspool toilet, it has a simpler design. It can even be placed in a residential area. However, the process of cleaning a waste container is not very pleasant.

Peat dry toilet. It is a type of powder closet, but made in a factory. Looks like a plastic toilet with a cistern. The principle of operation is completely similar to the previous option. Peat is also used to add sewage. Such dry toilets are suitable for outdoor and indoor use.

Chemical toilet. The difference from the previous option will be the use of chemical reagents instead of peat. They break down and deodorize waste. Biobacteria can be used as a chemically active medium. They will even be preferable for summer cottages. The products of their processing can even be disposed of in garden beds. To that extent they are safe.

Where can I put the toilet?

We sorted out the views. Now it’s worth understanding where you can put a toilet in a private house with your own hands. Of course, this section will only apply to pit toilets. This will not affect powder closets and variations of dry closets, since they will not cause problems with choosing a location. They can be placed in any place you like.

We talked about the standards and distances for the location of the septic tank from the house in one of the articles. It examined in detail all the nuances of placement. The same rules apply to the cesspool. We recommend that you study them before you start arranging the toilet.

There is no point in repeating them within the framework of this article. You will find all this information by following the link. Let's move on to construction issues.

Pit toilet

When making a toilet in a private house with your own hands, you should adhere to the recommended construction characteristics. Yes, too much big house there is no point in setting it up. There is no need for extra space, and it will be fresh in winter. On the contrary, a building that is too small will be inconvenient. That is why the optimal sizes will be the following:

In one of the previous articles we provided drawings of a country wooden toilet. Therefore, if you need a ready-made drawn version, then follow the link and study.

Initial stage and pit preparation

The initial stage will be preparation. At the very beginning, you should think through the project and prepare the site. You should immediately prepare the required materials and tools.

Above we have already touched upon the issue of choosing a location. It should be approached with all seriousness. If you don’t think through all the nuances, you can end up with a lot of problems. Moving a cesspool is not so easy.

After initial preparation and selection of a location, you can begin arranging the cesspool. For an outdoor toilet that does not require continuous use, a pit measuring 1-1.5 m3 is suitable. You can prepare the pit manually or using special equipment. However, in any case, the most optimal size will be as follows:

In order to strengthen the walls of the pit, you can use boards, old tires, concrete rings or bricks. Alternatively, metal or plastic barrels can be used.

When laying bricks, it is necessary to make reinforcement. Reinforcement or reinforced mesh is used. All seams must be carefully sealed and waterproofed. The cesspool should not allow liquid to pass through.

In general, the technology for arranging a cesspool will look like this:

  • A pit is being dug. It needs to be made 30 centimeters larger than the planned raking;
  • Clay is placed and compacted at the bottom. Thickness – up to 30 cm. It will be a clay castle. Thanks to it, sewage will not penetrate into the soil.
  • The walls and bottom are laid out with brick, stone or boards. The main requirement will be the inability to pass water. At this stage, waterproofing is carried out.
  • The gap between the wall and the ground should also be sealed with clay. This is also a lock - external waterproofing.
  • A ceiling is laid on top of the pit. Most often, boards with a thickness of 40 millimeters are used. It is necessary to make 2 holes in this ceiling. The first will be required to install the toilet seat. The second is for the pumping hatch.
  • Ventilation is in progress.

To eliminate all the labor-intensive work of laying out walls with waterproofing, you can use some suitable container (options above) or a special one - a septic tank. This option will be done 2 times faster.

Construction of a toilet house

Any toilet will require a stall. If you do it yourself, the easiest way is to build a rectangular structure. The roof is pitched. This option requires a minimum amount of time and materials. The entire construction procedure was discussed in more detail in the article technology for constructing a wooden country toilet.

First of all, you should make the floor. However, it must be raised off the ground. This is best done with the help of pillars at the corners of the structure. It is best to deepen them by 20-30 centimeters. They are made of stones, bricks or concrete. There are special spacers made of concrete, as in the image. However, finding them will be more difficult and more expensive than making them yourself.

  • Flooring is placed on the pillars. Most often wooden. It is better to treat the tree with protective preparations. It is worth remembering the aggressive environment.
  • Vertical supports are installed. For this, timber 100x100 mm or larger is used. You choose the height yourself, but we have provided recommended values. The front ones must be made 15 cm higher. This is required to create a roof slope. They are fixed to the base with plates or pieces of bars. It is better to use self-tapping screws instead of nails.
  • At the top, the perimeter is also tied with timber.
  • A 50x100 mm timber is used to form a doorway. The width is selected based on the size of the door.
  • The frame is covered with boards, plywood or OSB board.
  • Lathing is being done on the roof. The same materials can be used as cladding.
  • The roof covering is laid - slate, corrugated sheet or soft covering.
  • Doors are being installed.

Toilet without cesspool

Without a pit, creating an outdoor toilet for your dacha on your own is much easier and faster. In the options considered, you saw that all waste is collected in containers. Accordingly, to be located on the street, you only need to build a suitable booth. You have seen the technology for constructing a cubicle for an outdoor toilet. Therefore, for a toilet without a cesspool, it can be built in exactly the same way.

Such toilets have significant advantages:

  • There is no need to dig a hole or seal it.
  • There is no need for regular pumping or cleaning.
  • Waste after processing can be used as fertilizer.

However, factory toilets have their drawbacks:

  • Factory-made toilets are not cheap.
  • The container will need to be replaced from time to time.
  • It is necessary to monitor the means of neutralization.

Despite certain disadvantages, modern dry closets are gaining increasing popularity. Of course, the potential for indoor use may outweigh any disadvantages. When purchasing such a device, you will not need to worry about arranging an outdoor toilet at all, and the problem will be solved easily and simply.

Do-it-yourself outdoor toilet - what's the best way to make it?

Learn more about how to make an outdoor toilet for your garden or home with your own hands. Types of outdoor toilets. Sequence of work.

Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: analysis of technology and all the nuances of self-construction

Wherever a person lives, he tries to make his habitat as comfortable as possible. Therefore, the first structure built on summer cottage- this is a toilet. It is difficult to live even one day without this building outside the city. To build it, you can hire specialists or do the work yourself. But even if you decide to make a toilet in your country house with your own hands, you cannot do without theoretical knowledge. So we’ll find out what needs to be done to build this much-needed structure.

Where should the structure be located?

Before building a toilet, a location for its construction is determined. The distance of the toilet from other buildings depends on its design. More precisely, whether it will be a building with or without a cesspool.

Which type of toilet to choose is decided not only by preference, but also by the location of groundwater. If they are located above the 2.5 meter mark, the construction of a cesspool is prohibited. In such cases, a powder closet is built.

When choosing a place to build, do not forget that this is a place of solitude. Therefore, it is advisable to give him a corner away from buildings.

When constructing a toilet with a cesspool, observe sanitary standards for similar structures. The toilet should be located no closer than 12 meters to residential buildings. The distance from it to the water source is at least 20 meters. To avoid misunderstandings with neighbors, we are building a toilet in the country, one and a half meters away from the fence.

When planning the construction of a country toilet with a cesspool, think about how a sewer truck will subsequently approach it. The length of the sewage pumping hose is only 7 meters. Moreover, 3 of them will be located in the pit.

Also consider the landscape of the site. The cesspool of a toilet built in a low-lying area will fill quickly during the rainy season and spring snowmelt. And the building on a hill is blown from all sides by the wind.

Types of cesspools

Depending on the penetration of sewage into the ground, cesspools are available: with a filter bottom and sealed. Construction and operation of a sealed structure will cost more. This is due not only to consumables, but also to more frequent cleaning and calling a sewer truck. Waste in a pit with a filter bottom is less noticeable, but there is a possibility of contamination of the surrounding area. In addition, such structures are prohibited by sanitary standards.

The walls of a cesspool can be constructed from different materials. Depending on this they are:

  • brick;
  • plastic;
  • from concrete rings;
  • monolithic.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Laying out a brick hole

Option #1 - sealed design

Having decided on the site of construction of the toilet, the marked area is cleared. Digging a pit rectangular shape according to the required sizes. The larger it is, the less often you will need to clean the toilet from sewage. Then compact the soil at the bottom. Pour a layer of sand (10-15 cm) and make concrete base. It wouldn't hurt to use reinforcement and filler, or crushed stone. After the concrete has hardened, the walls of the structure are laid out and plastered. For better sealing they are treated bitumen mastic. The walls of the cesspool are ten centimeters above the surface of the earth.

After laying the brick for the cesspool, the walls of the structure must be plastered and covered with bitumen mastic

Option #2 - design with a filter bottom

For such a cesspool, the bottom is not sealed. To do this, pour a layer of pebbles or coarse crushed stone on top of the sand. Thanks to this filter, liquid waste seeps into the ground. This reduces the total mass of sewage, which increases the time before cleaning the pit.

It is advisable to make cesspools with a filter bottom only in those places where the soil waters lie very deep.

Using plastic containers

Plastic barrels or Eurocubes can be used as waste storage for cesspools. They are buried in a hole under the toilet. For a sealed design, only the upper part of the container is cut off, where the waste will flow. For an unsealed pit, the lower part is also cut out. In this case, a filter layer is poured onto the bottom of the cesspool.

To prevent soil from displacing plastic containers, they must be secured using weighted anchors.

Concrete ring design option

Now let's figure out how to install a toilet in the country using concrete rings. Due to the fact that reinforced concrete products can move during use, it is difficult to make such a structure airtight. Therefore, it is advisable to use it only in places with deep groundwater. Construction of a cesspool from reinforced concrete products is a labor-intensive process. To make it easier, special equipment is used.

Due to the large weight of concrete rings, special equipment will be required for their installation.

After selecting and clearing the site for construction, dig a hole according to the size of the ring. They lower the first ring and begin to dig up the earth from under its base. Thus, the rings gradually lower under their own weight. When there is enough space, install the second ring on the first. Thus, they continue to dig and install required amount rings At the bottom of the pit they do either concrete screed, or filter layer.

The top of the last installed concrete ring should protrude ten centimeters above the ground.

Monolithic concrete structure for a toilet

For a cesspool made of monolithic concrete, after digging a pit, the bottom is covered with a layer of sand. It is reinforced by going onto the walls. This will give the structure strength. The bottom of the pit is filled with concrete and left until completely hardened. Then the formwork for the walls is installed and they are filled with concrete. After it hardens, formwork is done and the ceiling is poured.

Defects in concrete after removing the formwork must be repaired with cement-sand mortar

Construction of a toilet house over a cesspool

After preparing the cesspool, they begin to build a house over it. We invite you to figure out with us how to build a country toilet from wood.

The length of the structure is 20 centimeters greater than the width. For example, the width is 1 meter and the length is 1.2. Let the height be 2.1 meters. Next to the cesspool, a foundation is made according to the appropriate dimensions.

Roofing felt is laid between the foundation and the wooden frame for insulation.

Waterproofing made of roofing felt is laid on top of it. A frame is assembled from a wooden block and screwed to the foundation.

Floorboards are laid on top of the frame and secured with self-tapping screws. The floor must be quite strong, so the thickness of the board should be at least 3 cm.

The timber frame must be treated with an antiseptic

The front and back frames of the toilet house are made from the block.

The front frame should be 10 cm higher than the rear one

Then they are fixed to the base, leveling them using a level. Strengthen the structure with transverse bars.

The cross bars under the roof should protrude 0.3 m in front and 0.16 m in the back

Then the frame for the pedestal is installed. Its height is 0.45 meters.

The height of the pedestal is made taking into account convenience

At the next stage, the frame of the house is sheathed. Imitation of timber is perfect for this. It has a convenient tongue-and-groove fastening. Sheathing of the structure begins from the bottom; the boards are secured with self-tapping screws or ordinary nails. A window is cut out at the top of the door.

When securing the imitation timber, make sure that the groove is on top and the tenon is on the bottom. This method prevents moisture from entering the groove.

After this, the frame for the pedestal is sheathed. A hole is cut in the middle. Its size depends on the container that will be installed inside. The bottom of the container is cut out before fastening.

The size of the hole cut in the pedestal depends on the container that will be used

Then they make the roof of the house. First, the boards are fastened parallel to the front of the building at a short distance from each other.

Cross boards for the roof are attached starting from the front of the building

Then they sew up the visor above the door from below. Attach boards around the perimeter of the roof base.

Boards fixed around the perimeter of the roof base should form right angles

Now all that remains is to cover it with slate. At the next stage, the door is assembled and hung on its hinges. Platbands are stuffed on top.

Platbands cover the cracks and prevent the door from opening into the room

Then the entire structure is covered with a special impregnation that protects against moisture and pests, and then with paint or varnish. Handles and a hook or latch are attached outside and inside the structure.

Toilet for a dacha, powder-closet type

Where groundwater is located close to the surface, building a toilet in a country house with a cesspool is prohibited. In this case, a powder closet is built. Unlike the previous version, this design does not have an underground waste receptacle in the form of a pit.

Therefore, the container inserted into the hole in the pedestal must have a bottom. It’s even better if there are two containers: one is slightly smaller than the other. Moreover, the smaller one should have small holes for liquid leakage. And in the larger side, a drainage hose is inserted to drain excess liquid.

There is no need to dig a cesspool for a powder closet. The waste is sprinkled with peat and then taken to the compost heap

The foundation of the building must be concreted. Before using the container, filler is poured onto its bottom. This could be peat or sawdust. After each visit to the toilet, a new portion of filler is poured on top. As the container fills, its contents are transferred to the compost heap.

Such toilets are only suitable for temporary use. For houses with permanent residence it is better to equip a septic tank or build a local treatment system.

Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: building a pit and a house above it

All about how to build a toilet in the country with your own hands. Features of determining the location for construction. Choosing a cesspool design. Stages of construction of a wooden toilet house.

How to make the right toilet in the country with your own hands: drawings, dimensions, construction stages

Often the first thing a person thinks about after purchasing a plot of land is: how to make a simple outdoor toilet in a dacha with your own hands and ready-made drawings will come in handy here, as well as detailed description all stages of construction, tips and nuances.

One of the most important and vital buildings on a dacha or garden plot is the toilet. The need for a simple structure arises within a few hours of arrival. And even if the owners already have a bathroom in a cozy house, outdoor amenities will never be superfluous.

The simplicity of the design allows even a person without much construction experience to equip a toilet for their dacha with their own hands. And if you use your imagination, then a house for thinking about

will fit perfectly into the design of the site and, perhaps, even become its decoration.

What kind of toilet to build: types and features

Actually, there are only two options here: with or without a cesspool.

  • A toilet with a cesspool is a simple structure, proven by experience and time, which consists of an equipped cesspool and a toilet house above it. As the pit is filled with sewage, it is cleaned out manually or a sewer truck is ordered.

And sometimes they simply move the house to another place. The old pit is buried, and after 6-7 years its contents will finally rot and you can put the toilet back again.

  • A backlash closet is a type of outdoor toilet with a pit for sewage, but with the difference that it must be sealed. Such a toilet has to be built if it is located close to a house, a water source, or when the groundwater is high.

  • A toilet without a cesspool or a powder closet is installed if the groundwater is very high or if the toilet is rarely used. IN in this case the container for collecting sewage can be anything except a pit (bucket, barrel, plastic tank). The required volume determines the intensity of use of the bathroom.

After each trip to such a toilet, sewage is sprinkled with dry peat, sometimes sawdust or ash is used, so the house should have a box for “masking powder”. After filling, the container is removed manually and the contents are evacuated to compost pit. If the sewage has been sprinkled with peat, then after a while it becomes a wonderful fertilizer.

Important! If groundwater lies below 2.5 meters, any type of toilet can be built, but if it is located higher, then a cesspool will have to be abandoned.

Where to build a toilet

For toilets with a cesspool, there are a number of sanitary and hygienic standards and restrictions, which determine their location on the site.

Minimum distances from the toilet to other objects:

  • To water sources (wells, boreholes, lakes, rivers) – 25 m;
  • To houses, cellars - 12 m;
  • Before summer shower or baths - 8 m;
  • To the nearest tree – 4 m, and to the bushes – 1 m;
  • To fences - at least 1 m.

So that summer evenings on the terrace are not spoiled by the amber, the place is chosen taking into account the wind rose. If the site is located on a slope, it is better to install the toilet at the lowest point.

Construction of a cesspool

After selecting and preparing the site, they begin to dig a cesspool. As a rule, she square shape, at least 2 meters deep.

There are two types of cesspool:

  • Sealed. The bottom of such a pit is concreted, reinforced before pouring, and to prevent the reinforcement from sinking in the concrete, it is placed on pegs. The walls are also sealed, puttied with mortar or the seams covered with bitumen.

  • Absorbing. It is better to dig such a hole down to the sand, then the liquid fraction of sewage will quickly sink into the ground. The bottom is covered with a layer of coarse crushed stone or pebbles.

There are several ways to strengthen the walls of a cesspool:

  • Brickwork;
  • Concrete structure;
  • Ready-made reinforced concrete rings;
  • Plastic tank.

The pit is covered from above, with beams, slate or concrete, leaving only the area under the toilet seat open, and they begin to assemble the toilet house.

Construction of a toilet house

The optimal dimensions of a country toilet are 1×1.5 m, height – 2.2-2.5 m. Otherwise, it will simply be inconvenient, especially for people with large figures. It is not necessary to make drawings of the toilet yourself, if not special requirements and ideas you can use ready-made ones.

First of all, the diagram is convenient in that it allows you to correctly calculate the amount of building materials and preliminary cost courtyard bathroom.

The stability of the building can be ensured by a shallow foundation. Between it and the frame, waterproofing is laid, 1-2 layers of roofing felt. But for light construction made of wood it is not at all necessary. It is enough to install the base on concrete blocks.

You can also install four support posts. To do this, four holes about 60 cm deep are dug in the corners of the future structure, up to 1 meter deep in soft soils, and asbestos pipes are lowered into them. The hole is filled one third with cement mortar. After this, a support beam is installed in the pipe, and the hole is completely filled with concrete.

Frame assembly

To build a frame, beams with a cross section of 50×50 or 80×80 mm will be sufficient; it is not advisable to take larger material.

  • First, assemble a rectangular support with a jumper from which the front wall of the toilet seat will rise, and screw it to the foundation or support posts. A board is laid on top. The thickness of the floor board must be at least 3 cm.

  • The frame of the front, rear and side walls is assembled from timber. In this case, the front wall should be at least 10 cm higher than the back wall, this will ensure the necessary roof slope.
  • For greater structural strength, it is recommended to make diagonal jibs on the side and rear walls.
  • On the front wall, be sure to make a reinforcement for the door of the appropriate size and make a hole for the window.
  • The wall frames are fixed to the base metal corners, a harness is made on top and at the level of the toilet seat.

  • The next step will be assembling the frame of the toilet seat and covering it, if not provided alternative options, for example, a floor-mounted toilet.

Frame covering

The frame is covered with wooden boards. The vertical arrangement allows you to significantly save material, and the horizontal one imitates a log house and looks more interesting. The boards are tightly fitted to each other and attached to the base. Instead of wood, corrugated sheets, slate or any other material that matches the construction budget are also used.

Advice! All wooden elements It is advisable to treat the structures with a special antibacterial impregnation, which will protect the material from moisture and pests, and then cover it with varnish or paint

The roof should not protrude beyond the walls by more than 30 cm. Installation begins by securing parallel boards at a short distance. After this, the visor is sewn up from below, and boards are attached to the outside around the perimeter. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the prepared base, usually roofing felt, after which the structure is covered with any roofing material (slate, metal profile, bitumen shingles).

Summer residents who are not satisfied with the standard house layout can look for drawings of more interesting options, make it themselves or purchase ready-made toilet houses; they are assembled like a construction set, and for convenience they are necessarily accompanied by instructions and all the accompanying drawings.

Exhaust ventilation

Exhaust ventilation in a country toilet is a pipe that removes odors from the cesspool. Its lower edge is inserted into the hole, and the upper edge should rise above the roof by at least 20 cm.

A plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 millimeters is suitable for arranging ventilation. It is pulled to the rear wall from the inside or outside of the building and fixed with iron clamps. To increase traction, a deflector attachment is installed on the head.

Installing a toilet door

Doors are installed using ordinary wooden, ready-made plastic or home-made ones, from the material with which the frame was sheathed. Hang the door on 2 hinges. In principle, the closing method can be any, traditionally it is a latch, latch or hook, outside and inside. It is better to avoid more sophisticated locking systems, for example, with latches, since their mechanism will be exposed to moisture and will quickly rust.

For more comfortable operation of amenities, it is better to take care of their lighting in advance. This could be a wall lantern that is battery powered. As an option, you can install electrical wiring and connect a small lighting fixture.

During the day, a small window will illuminate the interior space. It is usually cut out above the doors or at the top of the door, but there are actually more options, from figured windows on the walls to a transparent roof.

Advice! A cesspool will last longer if you don’t throw it in toilet paper and other hygiene or household supplies, so there must be a bucket in the toilet. If the size allows, it is convenient to install a regular washbasin with a hanging spout here, especially since the rowing pit is already ready.

Powder closet: construction features

The absence of a cesspool is the main difference in construction. But there are some differences in the design of the house. You will have to think about a way to remove the container in which the sewage is collected.

The door is usually equipped on the back wall of the house or the front wall of the toilet seat. Inside the cabin there is a special box for peat (ash, sawdust). It’s also impossible to do without ventilation here, only the pipe is not lowered into the hole, but directly under the toilet seat.

How to make a toilet outdoors

An outdoor toilet is a necessity that can be made part of the surrounding landscape. It is built with your own hands, so you won’t have to waste time and money on hiring a team of workers. There are no special requirements for it, so any modern project can be easily implemented in practice. It is not always possible to create all the necessary living conditions in a private home, so you often have to resort to certain actions.

Options for a private home

For a long time, people only had to use traditional “tiny houses” with a hole in the floor. It’s time to leave such options in the past, seriously thinking about modern projects. Gradually they turn into interesting option, capable of attracting interest with its simplicity and reliability:

When choosing the appropriate type, a person has to rely on various nuances. If this is not done, the result will not be what was expected. You will certainly need detailed information to allow you to freely compare species and then make accurate inputs.

With cesspool

Traditional outdoor toilets are still built on sites. Their main feature is a cesspool where sewage is collected. The worst thing is that people do not know how to properly arrange such a structure and make various mistakes.

Building a pit toilet presents various challenges. Most often, you have to spend a lot of time for step-by-step implementation various actions. Each of them remains mandatory, so no omissions should be made. Otherwise, it will constantly accumulate bad smell or nearby sources of drinking water will be damaged.

How is a cesspool constructed?

Using peat chips allows you to get rid of a cesspool. In this case, a special tank is used as a storage tank, where at the bottom even layer the substance is laid down. It accelerates decay as much as possible, so in a short time, sewage turns into an ideal fertilizer for a summer cottage.

The construction of such a toilet involves complex drainage and ventilation system. Otherwise, you won't be able to avoid the smell. It will spread throughout the area, irritating people. So it’s worth thinking in advance about a complex device that guarantees comfortable use of the toilet.

Important! When using peat, the size of the container should be small, but the amount of liquid in it should be minimal.

A dry toilet is a modern solution that does not require the construction of a separate house. Although it can be installed there to provide comfortable conditions. The only problem remains the high cost of acquisition and operation. Because of which few people choose it.

A separate building turns out to be much cheaper than regularly purchasing expensive cleaning products. When choosing, such proposals usually go unnoticed, turning out to be stupid. Moreover, it is difficult to consider them a full-fledged street toilet.

How to build with your own hands?

How to build a toilet? First you have to study step by step guide With some tips. They will help simplify the task so that construction takes less time and also gives a reliable result. Yes, the sizes can be changed according to your own wishes, but the main nuances remain constant:

  • First you need to prepare the foundation. The lightness of the design allows you to get rid of the monolith and even strip pouring of concrete. Usually it is enough to install columns on which the frame will subsequently rest or immediately install load-bearing pillars, although this is impractical.
  • Next, the main frame is assembled. For it, you should choose a beam on which the main one will subsequently be attached. panel material. The cross-section is selected in accordance with the size and load, so it is impossible to predict it in advance. A beam of 40x40 mm is considered the minimum, but the figures may vary.
  • After this, the floors are laid. For them, a traditional board of 36-42 mm is selected, ensuring the durability of the structure. Often designers offer alternative options, but they complicate construction.
  • After this you should put rafter system, chosen in accordance with your own wishes. The simplest is a pitched roof, which does not require professional skills to install.
  • The last step is covering the walls and installing the door. For this purpose we select various materials, although wood with a thickness of 20 mm remains traditional.

Constructing your own building in the yard will not take much time if you prepare a cesspool in advance. She should be given Special attention, which should be discussed in detail. You will also have to prepare the necessary materials in advance so as not to be interrupted from the work being performed.

Construction of a cesspool

Installing a cesspool is a difficult task. If a person believes that simply digging it out is enough, he is very mistaken. It is necessary to use one of the projects that guarantees correct operation land resources. Which simplest option should I use? Here they are:

  • The bottom is filled with sand and then filled with concrete;
  • The walls are lined with bricks or concrete rings are placed;
  • A cover with a hatch is added on top.

This work is required for proper protection against the spread of sewage in the dacha area. Even with the correct location of the toilet, you still have to deal with the potential danger of harmful substances spreading through the ground. Accordingly, all rules must be followed.

Important! If groundwater is at a depth of less than 2.5 m, it is prohibited to equip a cesspool.

Which material to choose?

When choosing materials for cladding, some owners of country houses try to save money. They evaluate plastic or wood panels, but the ideal option is only a log frame or a plank. In this case, a person not only gets an aesthetically beautiful structure in the middle of the yard, but also enjoys the irreplaceable benefits of wood:

  • Good thermal insulation;
  • Durability when cared for;
  • Simplicity of plating;
  • Easy to fit.

There are a variety of materials on the market today, but wood remains popular. The demand for it continues to grow, since it is impossible to imagine the natural landscape without such buildings. Every detail in it must be perfect, so you should not give up great opportunities to save a small amount.

Where is the best place to build the building?

When wondering how to make a toilet on the street, you first need to figure out where to install it. This is a real problem for inexperienced people who are not familiar with the basic rules. They believe that hiding the building from prying eyes is enough to ensure convenience, but this is not the case.

  • The minimum distance to the water source is 30-35 m;
  • The minimum distance to the neighboring area is 2 m;
  • The minimum distance to the house is 15-20 m.

The combination of all these parameters allows you to make the necessary calculations directly on the plan. Ventilation must still be installed in accordance with all rules, but finding space in the yard remains the most important task. If this is not done, you will not be able to escape from unpleasant odors. Yes, you always want it to be as close to home as possible, but you can’t make such a mistake.

Drawing option for making it yourself at the dacha

How to remove the smell?

The nasty stench from the street toilet frightens the owners of summer cottages most of all. They understand very well that it is difficult to cope with it. To do this, you should take into account several available options that have long turned into interesting methods. What is it about?

Creating a ventilation system is a prerequisite, but in some cases even it cannot cope with the spread of odors. If it is not possible to urgently order the services of vacuum cleaners, you can use peat. Its addition will allow you to process sewage into fertilizer, which will be absorbed into the soil.

If we talk about daily care, you need to mark the available chemicals. They help break down sewage into its constituent components, processing them in a unique way. This approach guarantees simplicity, but such expenses rarely suit people. The cost of the compositions is significant, so it is often more profitable to do without them.

A comfortable and beautiful toilet in the country is not a luxury. You can do it yourself, using proven rules and applying a little imagination. After which the surrounding landscape is complemented by an elegant house, surprising in its simplicity and brightness.

Outdoor toilet: how to build it on the street in a private house

An outdoor toilet can become durable and beautiful. Self-construction It will take a little time if you study the rules in advance.

This article presents samples of country toilets: drawings of cabins, their average sizes, some recommendations for construction. The design can be different: there are rectangular, triangular, diamond-shaped designs. Choose a shape, then a material, and you can start building. There are drawings, the structure is not the most complicated. Just keep in mind that the sizes are given for people of average height and build. They can be easily changed without changing the design much.

The design of a country toilet can be simple or intricate

Outdoor toilet diagram

The most common option for a country or garden toilet is a rectangular structure. It is also called a “birdhouse” because in the version with a pitched roof it is very reminiscent of it.

Project of a country toilet made of wood like “Birdhouse” (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

In the toilet drawing shown in the photo above, a 40 mm thick board was used for finishing. The construction is quite inexpensive. Doors can be made from the same boards, fastened with strips at the top, bottom and diagonally. The hinges can be installed externally, like barn hinges, decorating the building in a deliberately rough style.

Samples of country toilets: the drawings are the same, the design is different

Despite the fact that the building is utilitarian, if desired, it can be given an attractive appearance and the birdhouse will turn into a quite attractive small building. For example, you can make a small mill from this building.

Country toilet-mill - a little imagination and an unsightly building becomes a decoration of the site (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The same birdhouse, but made from a log house - a completely different look. Everything will look especially harmonious if the building on the site is built (or will be built) also from logs.

Even the simplest log toilet looks almost exotic. Moreover, it can also be used as a winter option (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

For regions where wood is a luxury and it is irrational to spend it on building a toilet, the same structure can be sheathed with a different material. For example, the frame is sheathed with any sheet material- plywood, fiberboard, gypsum fiber board. You can lay finishing material on them outside - tiles or decorative rock. An even more budget-friendly option is to sheathe it with corrugated sheeting.

You can build a toilet in your dacha with your own hands from any material. This one is made from corrugated sheets (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

This is the type of toilet that is not difficult to build using bricks. They are usually made in half a brick. There are no difficulties even for an inexperienced mason. Offset masonry, cement-sand mortar.

Using the same project and drawing, you can build a brick toilet (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

Toilet type "Shalash" (triangular)

This toilet stall has the shape of a triangle. The side walls are also the roof slope. You can build such a toilet with your own hands in a few hours. Drawings with approximate dimensions are given in the picture below. Adjustments can and should be made to them: all dimensions are given for people of average build.

Drawing of a country toilet of the “Hut” type (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

If you need wider doors, you can not expand the base, which in this project is already quite large, but make doors of a non-standard shape - as in the picture on the right.

Sheathing finishing materials in the toilets "Shalash" is carried out only in front and behind. Roofing material is laid on the side surfaces. You can use any, but it looks good soft tiles or polymer slate.

Having the drawings of a triangular toilet in the country is easy to build

In the photo on the right, the sheathing is made under sheet roofing material - we used plastic slate - it comes in different colors, is relatively inexpensive, and is easy to install - with nails and spacers.

If you plan to use soft roofing material - roofing felt, bitumen shingles or something similar, make the sheathing solid - from a sheet of moisture-resistant plywood, chipboard, gypsum fiber board. They are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, and roofing materials are laid on top.

Drawing of the Teremok toilet

This toilet is shaped like a diamond. Compared to the “Shalash,” it takes longer to build, but it also has a more decorative appearance. If designed appropriately, it will not spoil the landscape at all.

Drawing of the Teremok toilet with dimensions (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

A diamond-shaped toilet house on a summer cottage looks good. The outside of the frame can be clad with small-diameter round timber sawn in half, thick clapboard, block house, or regular board. If you use a board, do not nail it end-to-end, but overlap it a couple of centimeters on the bottom, like a fir cone. You can, of course, end-to-end, but the appearance will not be the same...

Second option: the Teremok country toilet is made with beveled side walls.

Country toilet "Teremok" - the second project with dimensions (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The main challenge in any small wooden toilet is to secure the doors well. The door frame is the most loaded part, especially on the side where the doors are attached. To fasten the door posts to the frame beams, use studs - this way the fastening will be reliable.

Photo illustrations: building a toilet in the country with his own hands. The drawings are presented above

From this generally simple design you can make a restroom in any style. For example, in Dutch. The finishing is simple - light plastic, on top of which are characteristic beams painted with stain. Pay attention to glass inserts and the fact that the roof of this example is made of polycarbonate. If the polycarbonate is multilayer, it shouldn’t be hot)))

Country outdoor toilet in the form of a Dutch house

You can even turn the Teremok toilet into a royal carriage. This is not a joke...confirmation in the photo. All you need to do is change the shape and add a few decorative elements typical of carriages. So you get a toilet in the form of a carriage.

Here are some photos of the manufacturing process. The original has a dry closet, so the construction is simple: there is no need to think about the pit and the nuances associated with it... but such a cabin can be adapted to any type...

Characteristic frame

Please note that the shape is achieved thanks to boards installed at an angle, and the smoothly tapering bottom is achieved by appropriately trimmed supports.

A dry toilet is installed on the podium

The floor is covered with short boards, then the sheathing begins on the outside. At the top, the carriage also has a smooth curve - you cut out the corresponding guides from short boards, nail them to the existing side posts, and you can begin the outer cladding of the walls.

The inside is also lined with clapboard. The exterior of the carriage toilet is whitewashed, the interior wood has a natural color. Then all that remains is decoration and the addition of characteristic details - monograms painted in gold, lanterns, “golden” chains, wheels.

Painting and decoration

“Royal” curtains and flowers))) There was even a washbasin and a small sink.

Inside view of the windows

After all the efforts, we have the most unusual toilet in the area. Few people can boast of this...

There are also suitcases in the trunk))

Warm restroom

Using a toilet with a single plank wall in the summer is quite comfortable. But not all dachas are visited only in the warm season. For the autumn-spring period, at least some kind of insulation is necessary to block drafts.

In this case, the design of the toilet is no different. Just increase the dimensions by 5-10 cm more: the skin will be double - outside and inside, and insulation is laid between the skin. The doors will also need to be insulated - double doors are too heavy for such a building, but from the inside they can be covered with a piece of linoleum, dermantine and other easily washable material.

Combined shower-toilet

The second most necessary building at the dacha is a shower. And if so, then why build two separate structures if they can be built under one roof. Several drawings of country toilets with a shower for self-built published below.

Option of a combined toilet for a shower (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The second project of a toilet and shower under one roof.

Appearance and drawing of a toilet and shower for a summer house in one building (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

View and dimensions of the toilet + shower from the front and side (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

As you guessed, the structure is simply doubled in width. If you want, you can create your own project, according to your desires and needs. The drawing of a utility room with a toilet will be exactly like this. You may need to make one of the rooms a little larger. Just provide for this when planning and manufacturing supports for construction.

Build a toilet with your own hands: drawings, dimensions

The first thing you need at your summer cottage is to build a toilet. It’s not difficult to do this with your own hands. If you need drawings, they are in the article. For cabins of different types - birdhouse, "Teremok", "Shalash", with shower

Do-it-yourself country toilet: photos, drawings and design tips

Everyone knows that a comfortable stay at the dacha is possible only if there is a well-equipped sanitary facility. It is for this reason that the arrangement of a dacha site most often begins with the construction of a toilet, for which it is extremely important to choose the right location and materials. In this material we will look at how to build a country toilet with your own hands. Photos, drawings and detailed instructions are included.

A well-equipped closet is the key to a comfortable stay outside the city

Choosing the optimal location

The right location is the key to the successful construction of a sanitary facility, its durability and strength.

Place plays a decisive role in many respects

A responsible approach to business will save you from problems with construction in the future

Before starting construction, pay attention to the following points:

  • On the drawing of your site, indicate places located at least 8 meters from the water well, 7 from the house and 1 from the fence. These will be the best options for construction.

  • The next point to pay attention to is the height of the site. An excellent option for construction is a lowland.
  • The soil on which the toilet will be built should not be very wet.
  • Wind direction is one of the most important indicators that need to be taken into account. We must try to ensure that the predominant direction is not directed towards residential premises.
  • Another important point: the shadow, which in the case of a country toilet should not be constant, just as the location of the structure in the sun is unacceptable. The best way out of this situation would be to build a toilet under a tree that casts a shadow only at certain times of the day.
  • If construction is planned for for a long time, it is necessary to provide convenient access for a sewer truck in order to clean the cesspool in a timely manner.

Important information! Under no circumstances should you build a toilet on the site of an old destroyed closet or garbage pit - this can be dangerous in the future!

The process of cleaning a septic tank or cesspool

DIY country toilet: photos, drawings of various types

There are a whole lot different types country toilets. As a rule, they do not require water supply or sewerage, and some of the presented options can even be purchased at a regular hardware store. So, now we will look at options for building a country toilet with our own hands with photos and drawings.

Country toilets have many different types designs

Standard sanitary room

This design looks like a very ordinary booth with a seat or just a hole in the floor, often made of boards or other available material, which is additionally reinforced in the walls and foundation. A sewer truck is used to remove waste.

An ordinary country toilet with a simple design that is accessible to most

Do-it-yourself toilet for your dacha. Step-by-step instructions for building a toilet (hut, birdhouse), ready-made drawings and some nuances of arrangement in special material.

Powder toilet

This building differs from the others in the absence of a cesspool, as it uses the “powdering” technology. After each visit to the latrine, the waste is sprinkled with a mixture of peat or ordinary ash, and the resulting substance is excellent for fertilizing the soil.

The powder toilet provides the opportunity to obtain high-quality fertilizer for your garden

Chemical sanitary room

This toilet differs from the previous one in that only chemical substances are involved in waste neutralization, which means that you will not be able to obtain fertilizer for your site in this way.

The chemical toilet does not provide for the possibility of further use of waste products as fertilizer

Backlash toilet

The construction of such a building involves partially deepening a cesspool under a residential building, due to which the toilet is built right next to the wall. The toilet hole is connected to it using a small sewer pipe. Waste is pumped out by installing a sealed hatch.

The backlash toilet involves a cesspool under the house

This design is manufactured at the factory, delivered to customers in finished form and serves as an excellent alternative to a DIY country toilet. Photos, drawings and other materials are presented below. A dry toilet is a cubicle in which a waste tank is installed. After each trip to the toilet, waste products are neutralized using special bioreagents.

A dry toilet is convenient because you do not need to build a toilet yourself and look for materials

Peat type closet

Thanks to its unique design, this toilet combines the features of dry closets and “powder” technologies. Thus, all waste processed in this building and accumulated in a separate container can be used as natural fertilizer.

A peat toilet allows you to obtain excellent natural fertilizer

Peat toilet for a summer house: which one is better? An overview of the pros and cons, as well as popular manufacturers and prices for peat closets in a special publication on our portal.

So we've sorted everything out existing species closets, each of which has both its advantages and disadvantages of use. But only you can decide which one is suitable for your site.

Now we will look at how to build a toilet in a country house with our own hands. Drawings, dimensions and calculations must be prepared in advance, and we will help you with this.

A competent, clear drawing is the key to a successful business.

If you nevertheless decide to build a toilet in your country house with your own hands, the drawings and dimensions of which are presented below, it is important to take into account all the nuances and little things.

The beautiful design of the booth is pleasing to the eye

The construction sequence is as follows:

  • According to the above rules for finding the optimal location for the construction of a closet, choose the most appropriate option.
  • The future building is marked, a hole is dug with a depth of two meters and a width of one and a half meters.
  • If the soil is loose or wet, the bottom of the pit is filled with crushed stone or gravel and lined with brickwork.
  • The foundation is installed - strip or columnar, depending on your requirements and requests.
  • A frame is erected from wood or any other materials, which is subsequently covered with corrugated boards, boards and other coverings. The roof is being blocked.
  • If necessary, the room is insulated from the inside.

Helpful information! The liquid part of the waste should be well absorbed into the soil.

It is important to follow the construction sequence - this will help you do everything right

We make a toilet in the country with our own hands: drawings, sizes of the most popular options

The frame of the future building is made of bars measuring 10x5 cm, which are installed on runners according to the drawing.

Helpful advice! It is necessary to ensure that the beams are thoroughly treated with an antiseptic, since they come into contact with the pit and the waste located in it.

Sanitary room frame drawing

If you plan to cover it with wood, then the same beams are used as when constructing the frame, which are attached to the base with nails. It is important not to forget to make special windows for ventilation and lighting during the day.

Standard toilet with a tire cesspool

Building a roof is not a difficult task: it can be done using any roofing materials available to you.

For aesthetes, it’s worth trying to build an unusual roof

Drawing conclusions

So we see that when proper preparation building a country toilet with your own hands, the photo, drawings of which are presented above, is quite simple. The key to the success of any of your construction undertakings is a responsible approach!

DIY country toilet

If you decide to build a country toilet with your own hands, the photos, drawings, videos and dimensions presented in this article will help you cope with this task.

Projects, drawings and diagrams of a country toilet

You shouldn’t deny yourself comfort even at the dacha. There are a huge number of projects for country toilets that every person can implement. But first you need to decide on a drawing and, according to it, build the future structure.

A huge amount of materials and all kinds of designs for country toilets leads to the fact that people are simply lost against the backdrop of all this diversity. That is why the theoretical part is so important. Based on the data in this article, you can choose the optimal project for your dacha.

Typical designs of country toilets

Basically, to create a country toilet project, the following types of structures are used:

Each of these designs has its own advantages. That is why it is so important to decide on the type before starting construction.

Country toilet with cesspool

The project must include a foundation pit. You also need to take care of its arrangement. For this, a plastic barrel or brickwork reinforced with reinforcement can be used.

In the project you must provide required quantity bricks and cement, also do not forget about reinforcement. The walls you create are subsequently covered with plaster. It is the pit that determines the character of the above-ground building. Usually this is a small wooden house made from scrap materials. It can be in the form of a hut, a miniature house, or even a tower.

According to this country toilet project, all waste will accumulate in a pit. For further cleaning you will need a vacuum cleaner. The main disadvantage of the project is the unpleasant smell. That is why it is very important to provide for ventilation at the planning stage.

Ventilation can be either natural or forced. In the first case, two holes are made in the structure at the bottom and at the top. Their purpose is extremely simple - to create air disturbances. This way, the unpleasant odor will not linger inside for long.

Forced ventilation is a simple fan that blows out all the unpleasant odors from the toilet. When installing it, you need to think about the compensation hole through which air will penetrate inside. Its diameter must be no less than the diameter of the fan. All this is written down in the project.

Powder closet

When creating this country house project, a cesspool is not provided. All waste is collected in a reservoir under the toilet seat. It is best to include two containers of different sizes in the design. In the smaller one you need to make several different-sized holes and insert it into a larger container, on the side of which there will be a round outlet. A drainage hose is connected to it.

Through the hose, the liquid goes into the ground or drainage system. The main role in this country toilet project is played by the container for the filler. Peat is most often used as a mixture. The filler helps control unpleasant odors. Once the tank is full, it should be taken to the compost heap.

When you make a drawing, it is important to take into account the ease of removing the container. There are two possible solutions to this problem. In the first of them, the reservoir is removed when the seat is raised. In the second, a small door is cut out at the back of the building. It allows you to remove the filled container without much difficulty.

You don't even need to build anything here. In fact, you are buying a ready-made project for a country toilet. All you need is to install the product in a convenient place. In this case, you can purchase either a finished structure or a whole cabin.

Shower and toilet under one roof

Nowadays, designs for a country toilet combined with a shower are very popular. This is especially beneficial from a financial point of view. In addition, such a project allows you to significantly save free space on the site.

In the project, a toilet and shower will have one common wall. The result is savings in building materials. In this case, the bathroom can operate both on the basis of a tank with a mixture, and on the basis of a cesspool.

How to create a drawing

The main task of the drawing when creating a country toilet project is to detail the design. The paper clearly indicates the size, shape and type of building. At the same time, there are a number of standards that must be observed.

Firstly, the distance from a country toilet to a water supply point cannot be less than 30 meters. This must be specified in the project. Secondly, a residential or commercial building should not be located closer than 15 meters. Of course, there are exceptions in the form of the same septic tank with a biological treatment system.

Dimensions are of particular importance in the drawing. You are free to ask them yourself. But there are certain standards that make it possible to create a beautiful and easy-to-use building with a high guarantee.

The height of the future dacha building should not exceed two and a half meters. In this case, the minimum indicator is at the level of 2 meters. The length of the building is from 1.2 to 1.8 m. The width is in the range from 1 to 1.2 m.

Many novice builders do not attach enough importance to the parameters of the cesspool. It is unacceptable. After all, it also needs to be included in the drawings. The estimated depth is 1.5-2 m, diameter is from 2 to 2.5 m. If groundwater lies close to the surface, then the pit will have to be abandoned.

Projects of superstructures for country toilets

When choosing a suitable project for a country toilet, the selection of material is of particular importance. It is he who largely sets the parameters of the future building. There are several typical options, which will be discussed further.

Brick toilet

Advantages of this material can be listed endlessly. It is resistant to atmospheric influences, retains heat and cool equally well, and is environmentally friendly. Moreover, it allows you to give the structure any shape.

The basis of this project is the foundation. Without it, creating a country toilet out of brick is simply impossible. Separately, it is necessary to mention the quality of the masonry. This is the real art of laying bricks that will last forever. The top of the building is covered with a roof, a material for which in most cases slate is used.

In the picture you see an example of a related project. One design combines a toilet and a shower. This is not only practical, but also allows you to save a lot on the cost of building materials.

Wooden toilet

The project of a wooden country toilet is a classic. Its construction takes a minimum of time, but in order for the structure to serve you faithfully, it is necessary to strictly follow the planned plan during the work process.

The picture shows one of the most popular options among summer residents - a teremok. As you can see, it has a small internal space and small dimensions. This allows you to install it anywhere. It is also worth noting the aesthetic appearance.

Metal toilet

This project option will appeal to those who want to save time and money. During construction, you can use sheets of metal left over from the construction of the house. The only thing you need to take care of is interior lining. Of course, you can do without it, but in winter it will be very problematic to stay in such a structure.

The main advantage of the project is that there is no need for any knowledge. Almost anyone can build such a country toilet. This is the most cost-effective option you can imagine. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the toilet seat. It is best made of wood to make it comfortable to sit on.

Types of wooden cabins

It is wooden cabins that are most popular among summer residents. This is explained quite simply. The timber is inexpensive, but provides good thermal insulation and has a pleasant appearance. During construction, the following projects are most often used:

  • House - this design is traditionally warmer and stronger than a birdhouse. To create such a country toilet project, a minimum of materials is required. The unique shape allows for artistic decoration.

  • The hut is the most complex project for a country toilet. It requires a lot of materials and labor, but at the same time it has incredible strength and can withstand any climatic adversity. Separately, it should be noted ease of use.

  • As you can see, there are many different designs for country toilets. During construction, you choose the material, type of construction and internal organization. Any of the above options has its own disadvantages and advantages. Therefore, it is very important to weigh all the pros and cons of each project and make a choice in favor of the optimal one.

    Country toilet: projects, diagrams, photo drawings

    Projects, drawings and diagrams of a country toilet You shouldn’t deny yourself comfort even in the country. There are a huge number of projects for country toilets that anyone can implement

    Do-it-yourself toilet in the country - drawings and dimensions

    For those who have decided to build a toilet in their country house with their own hands, drawings, dimensions, and sketches are the necessary help that does not allow you to deviate from the chosen technology or build a structure that is not suitable for use. Before proceeding with more precise developments, it is important to choose the type of design of the country toilet, its location and other parameters. They, in turn, depend on operating conditions, which indicates the need for detailed analysis taking into account the future. For example, if there is a possibility that after some time the number of people visiting the dacha will increase, or you plan to equip the house in such a way that you can live in it longer, create a toilet in advance with the expectation of an increase in load, so that you do not have to redo it later .

    Types of toilets

    The easiest way to build a toilet for a summer house with your own hands is a wooden one - drawings of such structures are not difficult to find, and in some cases, step-by-step instructions without illustrations are sufficient. However, a beautiful and reliable house is not enough to ensure comfort. It is important to take care of waste disposal. From this point of view, there are several options for a country toilet.

    Backlash closet

    The backlash closet is designed in such a way that waste from the toilet moves by gravity, collecting in the receiver, which is cleaned as it is filled. Typically, the movement of waste is facilitated by the inclined floor of the tank, which has a shape that expands in the direction from the toilet. The advantage of this design is the possibility without building a full-fledged sewer system install the toilet in a warm room in the house, and move the tank outside to avoid odor. The part of the backlash closet located outside is equipped with a lid through which cleaning is carried out using a sewer machine. To ensure thermal insulation, it is made hermetically sealed and multi-layered (for example, made of metal and wood with a “layer” of thermal insulation material). The disadvantage of a backlash closet is that it is built into load-bearing wall, which means that its arrangement is best done at the stage of building a house.

    The photo shows a diagram of the backlash toilet

    Powder closet

    The powder closet has a storage tank in which waste alternates with layers of backfill (“powdered”). Sawdust, peat, ash or a mixture of these components are used as such backfill. Backfilling is performed after each visit to the toilet. For purchased models, a special distributor is responsible for the distribution of the bulk mixture. Homemade ones use a regular bucket or other container with a scoop, which is installed in the toilet.

    The advantages of the powder closet are:

    • the ability to use the contents of the country toilet storage tank to obtain organic, safe fertilizer (for this, when the tank is filled, it is unloaded into a compost pit for ripening),
    • solving the disposal issue (no need to call a sewer truck),
    • minimum excavation work (they will only be required to construct the foundation of the building, the tank is placed on the surface),
    • the possibility of constructing compact portable toilet models that can be brought into the house (for example, based on a regular bucket).

    Drawing of a wooden powder closet with dimensions according to the “hut” type
    Drawing of a country toilet like a powder-closet made of corrugated board, “birdhouse” type

    Dry toilets are structures in which waste is recycled. During the decomposition process, the contents of the tanks turn into sludge that is uniform in consistency, safe, takes up less space (and therefore requires less frequent emptying of the tank) and is convenient for pumping. In order to ensure the decomposition reaction, factory dry toilets use fillers, which can be:

    • peat mixture
    • chemically active reagents,
    • biological products (dry or in liquid form), which are colonies of bacteria of a certain type.

    The dry toilet can be used both in a separate street house and in a house

    Pit toilets

    A country toilet with a cesspool is a kind of classic. Not the most convenient, but the simplest and cheapest option. All waste is collected in a storage tank, which is periodically cleaned using vacuum trucks. In some cases, the filled cesspool is covered with earth, moving the house to another place. In such a filled hole, after some time, compost is formed, which can be used to fertilize the soil. The most common (albeit least environmentally friendly) is the toilet option in which the cesspool has no bottom. It is only sometimes covered with crushed stone, gravel or other material through which filtration is carried out with partial drainage of the contents into the soil.

    Important: When high level groundwater, it is advisable to replace such models of pits with sealed storage tanks.

    The drawing shows the dimensions of a country toilet with a cesspool

    Options for arranging a cesspool

    Regardless of the presence of a sealed bottom, the toilet cesspool requires the construction of walls. Firstly, they prevent the collapse of the earth in the dug pit. Secondly, the walls prevent waste from seeping into the upper layers of the soil. To construct cesspools, a variety of materials are used, specially purchased, left over from the construction of other structures, or simply available materials. Let's look at the most common options.

    Concrete rings

    Concrete rings combine the strength, reliability and durability of the best building materials with the high speed with which they can be used to build a tank of the required volume. The rings are attached to each other in a “column” using mortar, the seams are sealed and waterproofing is performed. All work can be completed in one day. The disadvantage of this option is the large weight of the finished concrete products. It is impossible to bring them to the site, unload and install them correctly without the use of special lifting equipment, which means that additional costs will be required to build a toilet.

    Monolithic concrete

    For the construction of a cesspool made of monolithic concrete, the material can be easily delivered to the site. The solution is prepared in a household concrete mixer or in any container using a drill mixer. Before starting to prepare the solution, formwork is installed in the pit. It can be made from any available materials (boards, plywood, metal sheets etc.). To give the structure greater strength, a reinforcing frame is installed in the formwork before pouring the mortar. For large wall heights, experts recommend filling in stages - no more than 50-70 cm at a time. This method requires more time, since each new level is completed only after the lower one has hardened, but it is more practical and allows you to use less material to complete the formwork.

    Plastic containers

    The undoubted advantages of plastic containers are their tightness and immunity to moisture. Thanks to these features, country toilet cesspools made of plastic are durable and reliable. The disadvantage of the material is its flexibility. The plasticity and pliability of plastic do not allow it to withstand soil pressure, therefore, in order to avoid deformation, the walls are reinforced with reinforcement and cement mortar. In this regard, the most convenient are Eurocubes, which are initially equipped with an outer frame made of strong wire. To strengthen such structures, it remains to fill the gap between the walls of the pit and plastic container mortar. In addition to Eurocubes, other containers made of this material, for example, barrels, can be used to construct cesspools.

    Using plastic Eurocubes is an inexpensive option for creating a sealed pit for a toilet

    Brickwork takes time, but this construction of a cesspool allows you to give it any shape and maintain the required dimensions. You can make a tank of round, rectangular or square shape from brick. It is advisable to choose such a building material when there are remains of bricks available after the construction of other objects. To ensure the strength of the walls, it is enough to lay half a brick. In order for the toilet pit to have the required tightness, it is important to avoid omissions at the masonry stage and to plaster or coat the walls with a waterproofing compound after construction is completed.

    You will find more information about a factory peat toilet for a summer house and its choice in a separate article on the site. There is also an overview of popular models and reviews.

    If you are interested in how you can make a shower for a dacha made of polycarbonate with or without a dressing room, then we also have an article on this topic.

    You can read about the construction of an outdoor washbasin here.

    Choosing a site for construction

    It is difficult to formulate uniform requirements for choosing a place to build a toilet - a lot depends on the type of construction and the tightness of the storage tank (the likelihood of waste getting into the soil). When designing a toilet in a country house with your own hands, the drawings and dimensions are chosen taking into account a number of factors. When choosing the installation location, it is important to take into account the wind rose so that the toilet does not become a source of unpleasant sensations for the inhabitants of the dacha and their neighbors. If the design of the toilet involves periodic pumping of the contents using a sewer machine, it is necessary to provide possibility of convenient access special equipment to the site.

    The most stringent requirements are imposed on non-hermetic models (primarily cesspools without a bottom). They must be installed at approximately average height if the site has complex terrain (in lowlands there is a high risk of groundwater contamination, and at height there is a high risk of structural destruction due to soil erosion). It is also important comply with the required distance of the toilet from the main objects(from the house - at least 12 meters, from the water source - 25 meters, from the plantings - 4 meters and no closer than 1 meter from the fence).

    Materials and tools

    The choice of materials for constructing a toilet in a summer cottage is largely determined by the choice of the type of waste disposal unit. For example, when installing a cesspool, you will need bricks, cement, concrete rings or plastic tanks - depending on what you choose. To build the frame of the house you will need:

    • timber with a section of 100x100 or 100x50 mm, 3 m long for the frame and vertical posts of the house,
    • timber 50x50 mm for the “podium” or step on which the seat will be installed inside,
    • Chipboard, boards, lining or other material for internal and external cladding,
    • Ruberoid and slate or corrugated sheeting for the roof.

    The photo shows a finished wooden toilet on the site

    We should also not forget that for a stationary structure it is necessary foundation- tape (you will need cement for the mortar) or columnar (cement or brick), as well as waterproofing (roofing felt or other similar material) that prevents contact between the structure and the frame in order to minimize the occurrence of rotting.

    For ventilation you will need a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.

    For ease of use, it is also good to install in a country toilet lighting– install electrical wiring and install a lamp or, at a minimum, equip the structure with a battery-powered lamp.

    Layout and dimensions of country toilets

    The scheme for constructing a country toilet is the same, in contrast to the parameters of the tanks, which are calculated in accordance with the intensity of use of the device, the number of people visiting the country house, seasonality and duration of such visits.

    The classic option is a rectangular birdhouse. It is easy to implement and convenient to use. For comfort, it is enough to make the following dimensions of the toilet in the country with your own hands:

    If such dimensions seem insufficient to the owner, you can build a toilet in the country with your own hands, the dimensions of which will be larger.

    Supporters of aesthetics may prefer to build a country toilet with their own hands, using drawings of a more complex design - a “hut” house, which has a small base and practically consists of two inclined planes.

    Types of houses for country toilets - “hut” and “birdhouse”

    Construction step by step

    For an example of step-by-step execution construction work we chose "birdhouse". This toilet scheme for a summer house is the easiest to implement.

    Before starting work, the location of the future structure on the ground is marked.

    1. The foundation is being completed. Strip structures are often recommended for installing a house, but many experts call a columnar foundation more practical for lightweight buildings. The simplest way to install it is to install asbestos pipes into the ground, into which the solution is poured and before it hardens, vertical wooden supports are installed. It is important to control the position of the latter in terms of level, to ensure that no displacement occurs during the process of concrete gaining strength.

    The construction of the foundation according to this scheme has its own nuances:

    • Asbestos pipes are covered with a waterproofing layer before installation.
    • The installation of vertical supports is carried out after filling the pipes with concrete to a third of the height and gaining strength with this portion of the solution.
    • The immersion depth of the support pipes depends on the type of soil and averages 0.5-0.7 m, but for unstable sandy soils it is advisable to increase the depth.

    2. The frame of the future toilet structure is being constructed. The easiest way for this purpose is to use 100x100 (50) mm timber and wood hardware. To protect against moisture and rotting, the timber can be treated with impregnation or primed and painted. The solidity of the structure will be ensured by a metal frame, however, special equipment (welding machine) will be required for its construction.

    The main elements of a reliable frame:

    • load-bearing vertical supports (the front pair is longer than the rear pair to ensure the slope of the roof),
    • two horizontal frames - for installing the roof and at the level of the toilet seat,
    • diagonal beams on the sides of the structure to give the structure rigidity,
    • supports and horizontal part of the doorway.

    3. The toilet frame is covered from the outside and inside. The material you can choose from is:

    4. The waterproofing layer and the main roof material are installed.

    5. A door is hung, which is pre-equipped with a latch and a small window to allow light into the room (or a window can be made in the space above the door).

    6. Lighting is installed.

    7. The equipment of the toilet includes the installation of a seat and lid, shelves for accessories, a washbasin, etc.


    The scheme for building a toilet in a country house with your own hands will be incomplete without ventilation. Ventilation of garden toilets is easily done from plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. It is removed from the storage tank (it is important to ensure the tightness of the joints) and is attached to the outside of the structure (use metal clamps). The upper part of the pipe, equipped with a deflector to improve exhaust and protect against precipitation, rises 20-50 cm above the roof.

    Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: drawings, dimensions, how to build a wooden one, diagram, photo

    Drawings and dimensions for building a toilet in the country with your own hands. Selecting a recycler design. Required materials. Required Tools. Sequence of work.

    And not even from the garden house. The first thing any owner installs is a toilet. Because without it, further development of the territory is impossible. On this simple object one gets the hang of things and the first practice of construction work appears. How to build a toilet for a summer house with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions, photographs and diagrams will help you cope with this task.

    The design of a sanitary house must be approached with full responsibility

    The norms and rules for the location of a latrine on the site are not a whim of the inspection authorities. Their main goal is to prevent waste from entering groundwater and ensure sanitary cleanliness and safety for the site owner. That is why it is important to know and comply with several simple requirements:

    • The distance from the sanitary block to the reservoir, if it is located next to the site, is at least thirty meters. If the water body is located in a low area relative to the site, the toilet should be moved as far as possible.
    • The toilet must not be located closer than fifteen meters from the basement or cellar.
    • You need to step back at least eight meters from the house, five meters from the chicken coop or other buildings for livestock.
    • You need to step back at least a meter from trees, gardens and fences.
    • It is recommended to study the direction of constant winds so that the unpleasant smell does not bother your neighbors.
    • It is important to know the depth of groundwater. If their level is less than two and a half meters, you will have to install another sealed version of the closet.
    Important information! When planning the construction of a dacha latrine, you need to study the location of neighbors’ pits, wells and wells. Good relations with neighbors are one of the vital important conditions successful country holiday.

    Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: how to make a toilet with a cesspool

    Many dachas are equipped with toilets with cesspools. This type of construction is not suitable for areas where the groundwater level rises above 2.5 meters. The depth of the hole should be at least 1.5-2 meters. If during the preparation of the site it is discovered that the hole is filled with moisture, all the work will be in vain.

    A closet with a cesspool has the following advantages:

    • simplicity of design;
    • fast construction;
    • duration of use.

    There are also some disadvantages:

    • it is important to study the depth of groundwater;
    • you will have to retreat significantly from water sources (wells, boreholes, reservoirs);
    • costs for waterproofing and ventilation of the facility;
    • the need for regular cleaning.

    This sanitary facility consists of two parts: the cabin itself and the pit. The sewage container is strengthened bricks or boards treated with resin or other impregnation that prevents them from rotting. The bottom is filled with a thirty-centimeter layer of concrete. The toilet for the dacha, the drawing with the dimensions of which is presented above, provides for the possibility of access by a sewer truck to remove waste from the pit. The hatch into the pit, through which cleaning will be carried out in the future, must close tightly. Experts recommend building a clay castle around the entire height, that is, between the brick or wooden walls and the ground you need to fill a layer of clay up to a quarter of a meter thick.

    Helpful information! The size of the hole directly determines how often you will have to hire a machine to clean it. Calculations show that for one permanent resident it is necessary to provide 1 cubic meter of volume per year.

    Sanitary facilities without cesspool

    Does the increased occurrence of groundwater prevent the construction of a cesspool on the site? There are several alternative solutions:

    • Toilet type "Powder-closet". To arrange it, you will need a container that is installed directly under the toilet seat. To prevent an unpleasant odor after use, pour sand or ash into the container. Pros: the toilet can be placed anywhere on the site, the device is quite hygienic and does not require special maintenance costs. Cons: you will have to frequently change or clean the tank.

    • Dry toilet. The principle of operation of dry closets is the use of special reagents (liquids or mixtures) that decompose waste. Advantages: ease of maintenance and absence of odors, the ability to place a sanitary point anywhere, even in the house. Disadvantages are the need for frequent cleaning and the high cost of reagents.

    Models and prices for finished devices

    Dry toilets for summer cottages are divided into three main categories:

    • Liquid - using liquid fillers, do not require ventilation or drainage.

    ModelMister Little MiniCampa Potti MGPortable 10 (Enviro)ZENET OS07Visa Marin 319
    Price, rub5900 3444 3000 2950
    Dimensions, mm420x370x340383x427x330350x430x320350x410x310410x420x370
    Weight, kg5 3,6 4,5 3,5 5
    Drain typePiston pumpHand pumpHand pumpHand pumpPiston pump
    Tank volume, l18 12 10 10 18
    250 250 250 250 250
    • Peat - natural peat is used for filling. This closet requires ventilation and drainage, so it is better not to install it in the house.

    ModelPiteco 505Compact EliteBIOLAN KompletBioComfortROSTOK Standard
    Price, rub5490 4400 22500 8900
    Dimensions, mm710x390x590650x380x600850x600x780670x420x650790x615x820
    Weight, kg8,5 6 15 8,8 11
    Peat supplymanualmanualmanualmanualmanual
    Tank volume, l44 40 140 40 100

    Related article:

    • Compost - do without fillers, run on electricity. The waste can be used for compost.

    Any of these products can be installed quickly and almost anywhere. A comparative analysis of popular brands of dry toilets is presented above.

    Do-it-yourself toilet for your dacha: step-by-step instructions for building a birdhouse

    The step-by-step instructions for a do-it-yourself toilet in the shape of a “birdhouse” are appreciated for its simplicity. Indeed, what could be simpler than an ordinary booth with a door and a symbolic window for ventilation?

    Do-it-yourself toilet in the country, the drawings of which suggest using standard sizes and dimensions, it will not be difficult to build it yourself. The height of the cabin is usually 2-2.5 meters, internal dimensions - from 1 square meter.

    Drawing of a toilet cubicle - birdhouse

    Support pillars made of brick or concrete 20-30 centimeters high are placed around the equipped pit. This height is enough to prevent the structure from toppling over during seasonal ground movements. Flooring made of oiled boards is installed on the pillars.

    Metal corners are used to secure vertical posts made of timber. They tie the top of the frame. The door passage is decorated with timber. If the area is exposed to open winds, it is better to install additional oblique strips.

    The frame is covered with wood or OSB boards. A sheet of corrugated board or ondulin is fixed to the roof sheathing. Hang the door leaf.

    Related article:

    Toilet hut: basic design principles

    The triangular design of the “Shalash” closet is easier to manufacture and can be erected literally in a matter of hours. Its peculiarity is that the walls are also roof slopes.

    Such a toilet is sheathed only from the front and back. Roofing material is used on the sides.

    Helpful advice! It is best to lay a soft roof on such structures. It is laid on plywood or OSB sheet.

    Construction of a “Shalash” type structure

    Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: photos, ideas and construction tips

    The design of the closet can be very diverse and include an additional shower and utility unit. If you combine these buildings, you can simultaneously save on making a shower pit and the base of a storage room. gardening Tools. Below you will see a do-it-yourself toilet in the country: photos and various interesting solutions.

    With the growing popularity of wooden construction, many options for ready-made outhouses made of logs and timber have appeared on sale.

    Another cabin option is a plastic design. It is not particularly beautiful, but it looks neat and is easy to wash and clean.

    A garden toilet made of brick or stone is a solid and durable structure. It is usually built from “waste” brick and lined with stone, tiles, or simply plastered.

    Craftsmen offer original designs from scrap materials. It is possible to make a closet out of car tires, glass bottles or firewood.

    It doesn’t matter where you live - or permanently in own home in rural areas, or seasonally in country house, or in a house outside the city - the physical needs of a person remain unchanged for several thousand years.

    Unless the degree of comfort and convenience has changed, where would we be without this?

    Reflections on this issue formed the basis of the “foundation” of the design proposed below for one of the most popular country and rural buildings -

    It would seem like an ordinary toilet... However, the importance of this simple structure cannot be overestimated.

    The principles of convenience and functionality here are organically combined with the attractive and aesthetic appearance of a wooden building, without losing structural strength and rigidity.

    Nowadays, the modern woodworking industry produces a large number of various moldings, which provides many opportunities for such creativity.

    In combination with inexpensive and quite accessible power tools these days, this can help you without special effort and costs to repeat a similar design.


    The hand tools you will need, first of all, are measuring and marking tools - a tape measure, a square, a pencil. Perhaps chalk cord, folding meter.

    The rest is a well-sharpened sharp hacksaw for wood, a pair of sharp chisels, a mallet or hammer, a hand plane, a glass cutter, a miter box for a hacksaw... (see Fig. 2, 3, 4)

    It is advisable to have a jigsaw as a power tool. (see Fig. 5) , electric drill (see Fig. 7) , cordless screwdriver (see Fig. 6) , the simplest milling machine (see Fig. 8) , a set of wood cutters, a set of wood drills, the most common attachments for self-tapping screws.

    Required power tools

    Required power tools

    Required power tools

    Selection of the necessary material for construction

    When selecting lumber, several basic conditions must be observed:

    • Planed pine with a cross section of 45*105 mm is suitable for the frame; 7-8 pieces, each 3 meters long, are enough.
    • You need to select timber that is as even and dry as possible, with as few large knots as possible, without blue or blackening.
    • For the floor, it is advisable to select smooth and strong edged planed larch boards, at least 40 mm thick.
    • For wall cladding, so-called imitation larch timber was used. The choice of larch is determined by its resistance to various adverse atmospheric conditions. And, importantly, decorative properties In terms of beauty and expressiveness of texture, larches are much superior to the wood of such popular coniferous species like pine and spruce.

    The so-called block house is also suitable for this purpose - wooden panels that imitate rounded logs.

    • Such moldings come in various standard lengths. This must be taken into account at the stage of determining the dimensions of the structure, so that when trimming there is as little unused scrap as possible.
    • The basis of the roof is edged planed pine boards with a cross section of 30*150 mm. Selection criteria: smooth, dry, without blue.
    • For the windows, it is necessary to select smooth and strong, knot-free, planed pine bars with a cross-section of 45*45 mm.
    • When choosing metal fasteners, it is advisable to avoid using black self-tapping screws due to their insufficient strength. For fastening wooden parts It is advisable to use yellow or white wood screws with a diameter of at least 4 mm.

    Assembling the toilet frame

    It is most convenient to start assembling the frame with the manufacture of the lower trim. Four beams of the required length need to be connected in half a tree (see Fig. 9) and twist with so-called “wood grouse” - powerful self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 120-150 mm with turnkey hex heads (see Fig. 10) .

    The cut lines are marked with a square, two parallel cuts are made along them with a hacksaw, and the waste is removed with a chisel.

    The main condition when marking the bars of the lower trim is that it is necessary to maintain the required distance between the internal corners. So, in this case, the width of the front and back wall– 120 cm, width of the side walls – 90 cm. This is due to the standard length wood panels– 3 m. Such dimensions do not result in trimming when trimming, since two parts of 90 cm and one of 120 cm are cut from one panel.

    Chamfers 5-6 mm wide are milled at all corners.

    As a result, we get a finished wooden base frame (see Fig. 11) , to which the frame racks will be attached in the future.

    The racks are cut with a small allowance in length and laid out on a flat surface to assemble the front wall (see Fig. 12) . Length – 15 cm for attaching to the lower harness and plus 185 cm in height, total – 200 cm.

    The lower horizontal bar is screwed temporarily - the height is measured from its bottom side and it fixes the shape.

    The upper inclined bars are a kind of rafters for a small roof. It is advisable to make the roof overhang as large as possible - in this case about 30 cm (see Fig. 13) . This is a necessary condition for protecting wooden walls from rain.

    The length of the upper bars is selected experimentally, taking into account the width along the front wall (120 cm) and the angle of inclination of the roof - about 25 degrees (see Fig. 14) .

    The intersections of two bars are marked with a pencil to make markings for cutting corners (see Fig. 15) .

    Marks are connected using a square (see Fig. 16) .

    The bars are cut using a hacksaw according to the markings (see Fig. 17) and the result is four identical parts (see Fig. 18) .

    Vertical posts are marked in the same way. (see Fig. 19) and cut into required size (200 cm) and angle (see Fig. 20) .

    Use a pencil to mark curly cutouts at the ends of the inclined upper bars (see Fig. 21) .

    And using a jigsaw, the excess is cut off according to the markings made (see Fig. 22) .

    Cutouts are made in the same way on the remaining bars. (see Fig. 23) .

    The result is curly cutouts of the same shape on all four bars (see Fig. 24) .

    On all edges of the upper bars and vertical posts, chamfers with a depth of 5-6 mm are milled (see Fig. 25) .

    The result is neat parts of the same length and the same shape (see Fig. 26 and 27) .

    Prices for wood hacksaws

    wood hacksaw

    Assembly is carried out using self-tapping screws.

    To do this, holes are pre-drilled in the screwed bars. The diameter of the drill is 0.5-1 mm larger than the thread diameter of the screw itself (see Fig. 28) .

    Using a nozzle corresponding to the screw head, we alternately fasten the two parts together (see Fig. 29) .

    Drilled hole allows the screw to be screwed in to firmly position two parts and, in addition, helps to avoid cracks in the screwed parts from splitting when screwing in (see Fig. 30) .

    Holes in the upper bars are pre-drilled in the same way. (see Fig. 31) .

    For such a width of the screwed part, two self-tapping screws are enough for each fastening point (see Fig. 32) .

    Since a door will be installed in the front wall, it is necessary to make an opening for it. To do this, it is necessary to symmetrically attach two additional posts of the same cross-section as the corner posts to the frame. In addition to forming a doorway, these racks will allow you to subsequently secure decorative windows without additional effort.

    Use a tape measure to mark the required distances (approximately 160 mm from the inner edge corner posts) and screw two additional racks (see Fig. 33) .

    The protruding upper parts are cut off in place with a hacksaw (see Fig. 34) .

    For reliability, the attachment point for the upper bars can be strengthened by screwing in an additional pad made from scraps of timber (see Fig. 35) .

    To ensure that the back wall is the same size as the front wall, we use the assembled wall as a template. Having secured the frame parts to the front wall with clamps, the rear wall is assembled to the same dimensions (see Fig. 36) .

    After preliminary assembly of the main parts, they can be fastened into a single frame. Temporary bottom bars serve as limiters, with the help of which all racks in the frame will have the same height (see Fig. 37) . The lower trim is pre-leveled so that there are no distortions later.

    Two holes with a diameter of 8 mm are drilled into the racks using an electric drill. (see Fig. 38) . Holes with a diameter of 6 mm are drilled in the harness.

    After drilling, the posts are screwed to the bottom trim using self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 100 mm (see Fig. 39) .

    To maintain the same distance between the two walls in the upper part, they are temporarily fastened with strips of the same length.

    This completes the assembly of the frame - the “skeleton” of the entire structure. (see Fig. 40) .

    Covering the walls and floor of the toilet

    For floor covering, edged larch boards are used. To eliminate cracks from shrinkage of the boards, you need to use either ready-made tongue-and-groove boards, or cut grooves in edged boards and insert slats into the joints of the boards.

    It is most convenient to attach the boards parallel to the side walls - this makes it easier to make cutouts for the racks. The distance between the outer contours of the bottom trim is the required length of the boards (see Fig. 41) .

    Prices for jigsaws


    To minimize scraps, it is advisable to select a standard length such that one board is trimmed without leaving any residue. Marking with a tape measure and a square will help ensure smooth edges, which is important (see Fig. 42) .

    All marked boards are cut with a hacksaw (see Fig. 43) .

    After this, using a square, you need to carefully mark the locations of the cutouts in the boards for the racks (see Fig. 44) .

    To do this, the board is placed close to the racks, and lines are drawn along the dimensions of the rack; the depth of the cutouts corresponds to the distance that the board does not reach the edge.

    Parts with markings that need to be removed are marked with hatching (see Fig. 45) .

    The board is carefully cut along the line with a hacksaw, which should be held perpendicular to the cutting line (see Fig. 46) .

    After this, the waste is removed with light blows of a chisel. (see Fig. 47) .

    Cutouts for the remaining racks are made in the same way. (see Fig. 48) .

    On the upper end parts of all boards and in the places of cutouts, chamfers are removed with a milling machine.

    Holes for fastening are marked and drilled in the laid boards at the same distance from the edge of the boards (see Fig. 49) .

    Using wood screws, the boards are screwed tightly and without gaps to the bars of the bottom trim (see Fig. 50) .

    This way you get a smooth and neat wooden floor, without cracks. (see Fig. 51) .

    Sheathing the frame is not difficult, but requires similar care.

    Carefully marked along the length using a tape measure (see Fig. 52) .

    And the square (see Fig. 53) .

    After marking, the panels are cut into pieces of the required length (see Fig. 54) .

    The result is panels of two sizes - short for lining the side walls and long for lining the back wall (see Fig. 55) .

    Since this board has a working width of 140 mm, it is necessary to fasten each side with two screws, as close as possible to the edge of the board - approximately 20-25 mm. This will, to some extent, keep the wood panels from warping.

    To prevent cracking of the panels from the screws being screwed in and to ensure a tight connection, all parts are pre-drilled according to the markings before fastening (see Fig. 56) To do this, one marked part is superimposed on the second and holes are drilled in all panels according to this template.

    The panels prepared in this way are screwed to the frame posts using wood screws, about 50 mm long. (see Fig. 57) .

    If the ridge of the panel fits too tightly into the counter groove (or the panel is slightly curved), then you need to carefully back the panel on top with wood or rubber mallet, placing the same scrap under the mallet so as not to split the panel (see Fig. 58) .

    In this way, all the panels are attached to the top of the frame, where it may be necessary to trim the last panels so that they do not protrude above the roof plane (see Fig. 59) .

    We are installing a roof in the toilet

    Before installation roofing material edged boards are screwed tightly onto both slopes (see fig. 60 and 61) .

    If the side overhangs of the roof were formed by extending the rafters 30 cm from the side walls, then the roof overhangs in front and behind are formed by the length of the boards - for this you need to add the rear overhang (about 20 cm) and the front overhang (about 30 cm) to the width of the side walls. By adding the three sizes together, you get the required length of the boards.

    In this case, metal tiles are used as roofing. There are many options available on the market these days. roofing coverings different types and colors, so the choice is almost unlimited.

    Attached to boards with roofing screws (see Fig. 62) .

    After this, all that remains is to close the front and back end parts with neat boards, which are screwed with self-tapping screws (see Fig. 63) .

    Making windows in the toilet

    Windows are used not only as decoration, since they largely shape the appearance of the entire wooden structure. To some extent, they play a purely practical role, since they are a translucent structure, which to some extent imparts a kind of internal comfort.

    In order to make such windows, you will need several bars with a cross section of 45*45 mm and a length of __ mm (see Fig. 64) .

    The first step is to cut out a quarter in each block. To do this, you need to adjust the offset of the saw blade on the circular machine to 20 mm (see Fig. 65) .

    After this, the unnecessary part of the bars is carefully cut out (see Fig. 66) .

    The bars prepared in this way are laid out on a flat surface and the internal overall dimensions of each window are marked - the formed quarter is necessary in order to insert the window into the opening between the posts (see Fig. 67) .

    The parts are fastened together with self-tapping screws, so it is necessary to drill the screwed parts (see Fig. 69) .

    We install a chamfer cutter into the milling machine (see Fig. 70) .

    And we remove chamfers 7-8 mm wide on all longitudinal and transverse ribs (see Fig. 71) .

    As a result of milling, neat parts are obtained (see Fig. 72) .

    The resulting parts are fastened into frames using self-tapping screws (see Fig. 73) .

    Protruding corners on the inside of the cross bars are cut off with a hacksaw (see Fig. 74) .

    The waste is trimmed and cleaned with a chisel (see Fig. 75) .

    Prices for edged boards

    edged board

    This part of the frame is inserted into the opening (see Fig. 76) .

    To install glass, you need to cut a groove inside along the entire perimeter of the frames. To do this, install a disk cutter in a milling machine. (see Fig. 77) .

    And in several passes, an internal groove 1-2 mm wider than the thickness of the glass is milled. The standard thickness of relief glass is 4 mm. Groove depth – 10 mm (see Fig. 78) .

    From thinner bars you need to make jumpers that will be inserted between the glasses. They are chamfered in the same way and grooves for glass are milled on both sides. It is convenient to make such short parts from one long workpiece - that is, first chamfer and cut grooves along the long sides, then cut off the required number of parts and chamfer the end parts (see Fig. 79) .

    After preparing the frames, the glass is cut out (see Fig. 80) . Depending on the initial sketch, it is worth calculating their number immediately. In the construction markets currently varied selection similar glass, which can be cut to the required size on site. A more budget-friendly option is to use old glass from a door or regular window glass, which is frosted (sanded) on one side with a vibrating sander to make it opaque.

    After preparing the glass, the frames are assembled (see Fig. 81) .

    To do this, one of the crossbars is unscrewed and glass and wooden jumpers are inserted alternately into the groove.

    After this, the lower cross member is screwed into place (see Fig. 82) .

    The groove for the glass was intentionally made 1-2 mm larger than the thickness of the glass in order to fill the now formed gap with transparent silicone sealant (see Fig. 83) .

    The plastic spout of the tube is cut off to obtain a roller 3-4 mm thick.

    After filling the gaps, the sealant is carefully leveled (see Fig. 84) . It is advisable to wait several hours for the sealant to dry.

    By filling the gaps, frames will not get rainwater and in addition, the glass will be firmly fixed from vibrations.

    The frames are fixed in the openings prepared for them with self-tapping screws. To do this with inside holes are drilled into the racks through which screws are screwed in (see Fig. 85) .

    Short pieces of wooden panels are first screwed into the upper and lower parts of the openings.

    Making a door to the country toilet

    The door is assembled from the same wooden panels, only in a vertical position.

    To do this, the dimensions of the opening are measured and the door leaf of the required width and length is selected. If the canvas is wider than the opening, then it is cut to the required size symmetrically - so that the outer panels are the same width.

    To the width of the opening you should add 2 cm on the right and left - since the door will overlap the racks.

    The upper part is cut at the same angle as the upper frame bars.

    After cutting to size, chamfers are milled around the perimeter (see Fig. 86) .

    The panels are fastened to each other using crossbars, which are cut from panel scraps. Due to the width of the panels, you can do without a jib - the rigidity of the canvas will be achieved through self-tapping screws and applying silicone sealant before screwing the crossbars (see Fig. 87) .

    Be sure to pre-drill holes in the cross members.

    It is advisable to choose canopies with a long arm and screw them into the places where the crossbars are screwed (see Fig. 88) .

    To set a gap of 4-5 mm between the floor and the door, just place a chisel under the door (see Fig. 89) .

    One of important elements– door handles – made from scraps of curved tree branches (see Fig. 90) . The handles are attached to the door with self-tapping screws.

    To prevent the screw caps from being visible from the outside, you should first screw on the inner handle, and then cover the external screw caps with the handle.

    The corners of the entire structure are covered with strips 70-80 mm wide and 12-15 mm thick. They are attached with self-tapping screws (see Fig. 92) .

    Painting the toilet

    The final appearance of the whole wooden structure determined by painting. It is advisable to choose a weather-resistant coating designed for use in outdoor conditions. (see Fig. 93) .

    Paint or impregnation is applied with a brush in one or two layers. To more clearly highlight the structure of the wood, it is necessary to thoroughly rub the material with a brush over the entire surface to be painted. (see Fig. 94 .)

    Ready-made country toilet - photo
