How to catch a rat at home. Do-it-yourself rat trap made from plastic bottles is easy and effective Do-it-yourself rat trap made from a bucket

How to catch a rat, make a rat trap with your own hands from a bottle or other methods, how to install, charge and what bait to put in the trap + photos, videos.

Contrary to popular stories that rats They live only in private houses; these rodents also live in high-rise buildings. They prefer basements and heating mains. But they also like to look into apartments. Rats They are very voracious animals and are always in search of food. It is not difficult for them to crawl into a tiny gap under the floor. Once you find food in the room, rat will come back again. And he will become, if not a roommate, then a frequent guest for sure. And such visits will please few of us. That is why, to get rid of a rat, we resort to various tricks and rat traps. To catch small rats, you can use mouse traps, but with large adult pests you need heavier “artillery”. However, such You can make rat traps with your own hands.

Why do you need to catch rats?

It would seem that the rat lives for itself and does not bother anyone. Sometimes he runs through the crack to steal a cracker for himself. Everything seems peaceful and harmless. Why catch her?

But rats far from harmless. They are carriers of dangerous diseases. This is where it’s worth remembering the terrible epidemics in the Middle Ages that destroyed most of the population of Europe. Exactly rats were then the main carriers of the bubonic plague. Rats They multiply quickly, occupying new territories. It is known that one individual is capable of breeding 20 rat pups in a month.. This means that rats will need large quantity provisions and places to live. That is why, having noticed a rodent at home, you need to immediately take measures to protect the apartment from the new neighbor.

DIY traps and rat traps

There are many ways to create rat traps and mousetraps. The principles of constructing a rodent trap are similar. However, these 2 devices are still different. The mousetrap is designed for small animals. Most often, this is a spring-based mechanism. When the spring is released, the mouse is pressed down. The structure of a mousetrap is made of wire. Rat, much larger and stronger than a mouse, such a trap will not hold.

Rat traps are designed to hold a strong and fast rodent. And do not allow the animal to escape from the trap. Some rat traps can also be used to catch mice, for example, from a large plastic bottle (5 liters). Rat trap made from metal mesh, will not hold mice - they will easily slip through large cells.

Plastic bottle trap

This is usually how they catch mice, but this trap will also work for baby rats:

  • Choose a 5 liter plastic bottle with a wide neck.
  • Cut off the top of the bottle, turn it upside down and insert it into the bottle.
  • 1 cm from the cut we pierce a hole through which we pass a strong thread.
  • We put bait in the bottle.
  • We attach the trap to the table with a thread. We place the bottle on the surface so that part of the trap with the bait is in the air, without support.
  • The rat makes its way to the food, causing the trap to lose its balance, fall and hang in the air. The neck portion of the trap can be coated with oil to make the surface more slippery. The rodent will no longer be able to get out of the bottle.

Scheme: making a rat trap with your own hands from a plastic bottle

Important! The method is effective for small and medium-sized rodents. It can be difficult to catch large specimens. For large individuals reaching 20–30 cm in length, it is better to secure the bottle with halves of bricks or foam blocks.

Metal mesh rat trap

A mesh with cells 1 cm by 1 cm can be purchased at a hardware store:

  • We cut the mesh into rectangles with metal scissors.
  • We fasten the parts of the mesh together so that we get a box. You can weld the mesh or secure the rectangles with wire.
  • A Z-shaped latch for the cage is made from thick wire.
  • One end of a metal rod is welded to it. We weld the other end to a small piece of mesh, which we place inside the cage at an angle. We get a kind of pedal, jumping on which the rat will slam the cage door and will not be able to get out.
  • We open the door, supporting its edge with a rod. Inside the cage, behind the “pedal”, we put the bait. The rat trap is ready.
  • How to get rid of a rat is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Photo gallery: design elements of a mesh trap

Mesh trap diagram

Creating a Trap

Metal mesh cage

Important! After removing a rat from a trap you need to thoroughly pour boiling water over the cage several times to get rid of odors that warn other rodents of danger.

Video: rat trap made of metal mesh

Barrel trap

An adult rodent can reach a size of up to 35 cm, given the length of the tail. Even a rat-catcher cat may not be able to cope with a large and strong animal.

Then they resort to using the barrel as a trap:

  • We need to find a metal barrel with a volume of about 1 thousand liters.
  • We install it in the barn near the wall.
  • Inside we put the rodent’s favorite bait: corn, carrots.
  • The rat will climb up the wall of the barn into the barrel, but will not be able to get out.

From metal barrel Makes an excellent rat trap

Important! This trap works effectively for animals of any age and size. None of the rodents will be able to turn the barrel over or get out of it.

Sunflower oil bottle trap

A trap designed for bait in the form of aromatic sunflower oil:

  • Take a plastic bottle. It is better to take a container with a volume of 5 liters - it has a wider neck.
  • Fill one third with sunflower village oil. The liquid must be aromatic to attract rodents.
  • Lubricate the neck generously with oil.
  • We install the bottle in such a way that the rodent has access to the bait. You can put the bottle against the wall.
  • The bottle can be surrounded by heavy boxes, bricks or other objects to secure the trap and prevent the oil from spilling out.
  • The rat climbs onto the bottle and falls into the oil. Her brothers follow her.

The strong aroma of sunflower oil attracts rodents

Important! The method is valid for rats small and medium size. A large animal can knock over a bottle, despite Taken measures fixing the trap.

Video: simple rat trap

Rat trap from a jar

A trap is made from a minimum of materials like this:

  • Place bait on a piece of cardboard. We tie one end of a strong thread to it.
  • Place a 1-2 liter jar at an angle above the bait. It is better to strengthen the jar on several sides with boxes or halves of bricks.
  • We pass the thread along the surface of the jar.
  • We tie the second end of the thread in a match, which we place on the jar as a support.
  • The rat, having grabbed the bait, will pull the thread. This will cause the match to fly out from under the container, slamming the trap.

The trap will slam shut as soon as the rodent reaches the bait

Important! The method is effective for young, medium-sized individuals. The bank will not be able to hold an adult rat.

Electric rat trap house

Popular are homemade electrical products - “electromines” for rats:

  • We are building a house from plexiglass.
  • One of the walls of the house will serve as an entrance for the rat: in two parallel walls we make long grooves into which we insert a glass plate. The width of the grooves must exceed the width of the plate so that it can slide down easily.
  • We make the half of the house out of wood. We drill a shallow groove from the side of the door.
  • We pass 2 bare wires through it, which cross. The wires should go to the trap door.
  • The rat caught in the trap is killed by an electric shock.

Circuit for electrical trap

Ultrasonic rodent repellers

Use of ultrasonic devices to repel rats and mice efficient and environmentally friendly. It allows you not to use poisons and chemicals that can harm not only rodents, but also children and pets. In electronic repellers a sound frequency above 20 GHz is used, which rodents cannot tolerate. Modern devices prevent the animals from becoming addicted, as they constantly change the intensity and frequency of the waves. This has an irritating effect on rats and also disorients them. Act on rodents ultrasound begins already in the first hours of operation. According to experts, the repeller should work for a day. After which it is turned off. After 12 hours, the device connects again and works until the rodents are completely gone.

When using a repeller indoors, you need to remove unnecessary objects. Waves will not be able to break through bags of potatoes or brick partitions. Therefore, in some cases it is better to install 2 or 3 devices. They need to be installed no closer than 5 meters from each other.

It is also important to consider the environment in which the repeller is located. Wood, glass and concrete reflect ultrasound, soft surfaces e.g. cushioned furniture- absorbs. Therefore, using the device in empty rooms is more effective.

Buy rodent repellers Available in hardware stores, supermarkets and markets. You can use online stores. When choosing such a means of struggle, you need to familiarize yourself with the parameters. Many devices have modes that can be used in the absence or presence of people and pets in the room. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the possibility of manually setting up the repeller, as well as switching it to automatic mode.

When choosing a device, you should also pay attention to the warranty period. Some ultrasonic devices can last 2-3 months. Others have a warranty of up to a year.

An effective tool, but many parameters will have to be taken into account for its use

Do-it-yourself rat trap from a pipe

The essence is the same live trap made of mesh, only it is made of a pipe, the door is on springs:

  • Close one of the holes in the pipe tightly with a fine metal mesh. It can be secured using self-tapping screws.
  • At the other end of the pipe we make a deep cut. We insert a round door into it, the diameter of which matches the diameter of the pipe. The door can be cut from wood or metal. The cut should be 1–2 mm larger than the width of the door.
  • We tie a strong thread to the door. The bait should be attached to the other end of the thread.
  • We place the bait in the pipe along the entire length of the thread.
  • We lift the door and place it on a weak support, for example, a thin branch.
  • The animal runs into the pipe following the smell and grabs the bait. The thread twitches and lowers the door.

Humane means of getting rid of rodents

Important! Instead of a pipe, you can use a metal container, cylinder, or even a tube. The method is effective for rats of any size.

Rat trap made from a bucket of water

A simple and frequently used design:

  • We bend a U-shaped frame from wire.
  • Cut out a rectangle from plastic. The width and length of the rectangular plate should be slightly smaller than the wire frame.
  • We make a through hole in the plate.
  • We place the plate inside the wire structure and secure it with a nail or screw. The plastic should rotate easily inside the wire, but not fly off the fastener.
  • Attach to the free ends of the wire plastic cover(this is what we use for home canning).
  • We install the structure on the bucket so that one edge of the plate is on the side of the bucket. The other edge should be above the water.
  • We attach a rail or board to the bucket so that the rat can climb onto the plate.
  • Pour bait, for example, cake, into the lid. It can be purchased at fishing stores.
  • The rat climbs the rail onto the plate. It moves along it towards the bait. Above the water, under the weight of the rodent, the plate turns over, tipping the rat into the water.

The design should look like this

Important! Rats can swim, so it may not work. Perhaps transformer oil can be used instead of water. Fill the bucket with oil to about a sixth of its volume. The plate can be replaced with an aluminum can.

Video: do-it-yourself rat trap from a bucket

Bucket trap without water

The method is similar to making a trap from a jar:

  • Turn the bucket upside down. We line it with bricks on several sides so that the animal cannot knock over the trap.
  • We take a large coin.
  • We install a bucket on its edge.
  • Place the bait under the bucket next to the coin.
  • Sensing the smell, the animal will try to get the bait and touch the coin. The trap will slam shut.

For the trap, it is better to take a metal bucket. It will be more difficult for a rodent to get out from under it

Important! It is unlikely that you will be able to keep a large rat this way. But small and medium-sized individuals will definitely remain trapped.

Making a rat trap

If you decide to wage a “war” against rodents in an inhumane way, then the following option is possible:

  • Make a loop from a cord or rubber band. The loop should tighten freely.
  • Attach the noose to the rib wooden board or plywood so that the tip of the tape hangs down.
  • We attach the bait to the edge of the board so that the rat’s path to the food runs through the loop.
  • We tie a strong thread to the bait, one end of which is tied to the noose, the other to the load. You can use a kitchen hammer, a piece of brick or a pry bar as a load.
  • To prevent the rat trap from falling from the surface on which we placed it, we press the board with bricks or blocks. The blocks can be covered with a paper screen attached to the board.
  • When the rat grabs the bait, the weight falls, tightening the noose on the rodent.

Important! This method is convenient to use for both young and adult animals.

Video: noose for rodents

Important! Arrange rat traps and traps are best located near the rodent's nest. Its location can be easily determined by the presence of damaged items and droppings nearby. It can also be in old furniture, for example, in an armchair or sofa that has been standing in the country for a long time. If it is not possible to get to the nest, then traps should be installed along the walls, because rats rarely run out into the middle of the room.

How to catch rats without a rat trap

Sometimes there just isn't enough time to do it rat trap. We suggest using folk ways that will help get rid of rats in a short time.

  • Wood ash. 1 bucket of ash per 10 m2 is enough. We scatter it on the floor of the basement, cellar or barn. The ash contains alkali. It sticks to the paws of rodents and, when washed, gets into the stomach, irritating internal organs. This causes some discomfort to the rats, and after a while they try to find another place to live.
  • To get rid of rodents, mix flour and gypsum powder. Place a container of water nearby. Rodents, having eaten such bait and washed it down with water, soon die.
  • Rats do not like the smells of formaldehyde and kerosene. To ensure that rodents leave the barn or basement, it is worth spraying the floors with one of these compounds. It is better to carry out this treatment in the fall to keep the crop safe and sound.
  • You can get a rat-catcher cat. He knows exactly where the rats live and how to deal with them. Despite the amazing hunting qualities of the animal, there is no need to lock it in a barn. It will be better if the cat has the opportunity to freely leave the room: a large number of rats can cause serious injuries to the rat catcher.
  • In addition to all of the above, rats do not like the smell of mint. Therefore, the branches of the plant can be laid out along the walls and in the corners of the room.
  • Ground pepper scattered on the floor also has an effect Negative influence on rodents. It gets stuck in your nose and makes it difficult to breathe. Sprinkle pepper only near the nest. The rats soon die.
  • Bay leaves are also considered poisonous for these animals. Therefore, you can place the leaves in the corners of the room.
  • Adhesive traps. Glue, for example, ALT, “Trap”, “Clean House”, is applied to the surface of thick cardboard, and bait is placed in the center. The rat, eager for food, will stick tightly to the trap. The main advantage of these traps is that they are non-toxic. They can be used both at home and outdoors.

The glue-based trap is easy to use and effective.

What bait to use for rats

Whatever trap we use, the rats need to be lured to it. These must be foods with a strong odor:

  • seeds;
  • sunflower village oil;
  • cake;
  • salo;
  • flour;
  • beer;
  • smoked meats.

To get rid of rodents It is not necessary to use only one method. A complex approach, using several methods at once, will allow you to catch rats faster and more efficiently and find the desired peace of mind.

Rats should not live near humans, since they not only spoil things, food, frighten the inhabitants of the home with their appearance, but are also carriers of dangerous infections

Do-it-yourself rat trap made from plastic bottles - it's easy and effective

Rats should not live near humans, since they not only spoil things, food, frighten the inhabitants of the home with their appearance, but are also carriers of dangerous infections. If poisons are used, these smart rodents do not always rush to eat the bait, and even after consuming it, they often die under the floor or panel ceilings. In this regard, a new problem is added - eliminating the cadaveric odor. Among homemade devices for catching animals, we can distinguish those that are made from plastic bottles. You can learn about the options for making such traps and the features of hunting for a rat from the material presented below.


  • 1 Features of hunting
  • 2 Video at home “How to make a trap with your own hands”
  • 3 Several options
  • 4 Video at home “How to make a trap for rodents”

Features of hunting

If at the beginning of the “hunting season” for rats you decide to use mechanical mousetraps, then you will need to take tasty bait. They usually include cottage cheese, hard cheese, bread and baked goods, smoked products, sausage, lard, and rice porridge.

The bait must be fresh and attractive so as not to scare off the pest.

Such devices are placed near discovered burrows or where you often encounter rodents. Checking whether someone lives in a hole is very simple. You need to use a little newspaper or grass to cover the entrance. In the morning you check the design. If paper or grass is scattered, it means there are inhabitants in the hole.

In order not to be noticed, animals prefer to move along the walls and away from bright areas of the room. Therefore, any rat trap is placed across the direction of movement of the rat.

For some reason, many people are sure that rodents like to live only in those premises where there are unsanitary conditions. In fact, having studied the habits of animals, experts came to the conclusion that they avoid dirty areas when there is an opportunity to walk through clean ones. If accidentally entangled in a burdock, the animal will not move further until it gets rid of the thorns. The structure for catching them must be clean. To do this, use soda or a 2% solution of ash lye. Be sure to ventilate the trap after treatment. Otherwise, even the most attractive bait will not force the rodent to approach it.

Video at home “How to make a trap with your own hands”

From the video you will learn how to make a trap yourself.

Several options

Along with homemade traps from old flower pots or bowl-like containers, cylinder traps, a device called a “top” in the form of a cage, Zürner and Zurich rat traps, there is also a plastic rat trap, which anyone can make.

The first do-it-yourself rat trap from plastic bottles can be made from a small lemonade container. You will need another trash bin.

If you don't plan to fill it with water, use a bucket with high sides. Then the rodent will not be able to get out after falling. You can actually make a trap in a matter of minutes.

Holes are made in the bottle on both sides. They should be in the bottom and on the lid. Then it will be able to easily rotate on its axis. The axis will be a small wooden stick. It should be installed on the edges of the bucket. When the rodent smells the bait and tries to get to it along the rotating structure, under its own weight it will end up at the bottom of the bucket. It is recommended to stick the bait around the circumference plastic containers in the area where the label is located.

You can build a trap and 3-liter bottles. You will also need sunflower oil. Cut the neck, grease the resulting cylindrical vessel with oil, and place the bait inside. When the captive falls into the trap, you need to turn her over sharply. Then the rodent will slide its paws along the surface and will not be able to get out. Decide for yourself what to do next with the captive. The disadvantage of this option is the need to control the fishing process and react quickly if the victim gets inside.

It is also possible to make a device for rats with your own hands from bottles with a volume of 5, 10 or 20 liters. This is done when it is not possible to purchase a ready-made design or it is simply interesting to make it yourself. There will be no problems with the material, since in almost every home there are empty water containers with a volume of 5 or more liters. No specific skills or tools required. You should take a bottle measuring 5 liters or more, cut it using sharp knife neckline along with a small “collar”. Next, insert the cut part upside down into a 5 liter bottle. First, bait is placed at the bottom of a container measuring 5 or more liters. It is better to take a larger piece; it will serve as a good support for the trap. In order for the rodent to have the opportunity to get close to the trap, it is recommended to place it on a step or shelf and securely fasten it.

There are also more complex homemade devices, the manufacture of which requires special skills and patience. For example, a wooden trap made of boards, beams, wire and fine mesh. It ultimately has the shape of an oblong box with a door. Or a metal cage, to create which you need to weld the frame. Alternatively, on a quick fix in this case, they make an easier option, using a bucket or bowl. Even folk craftsmen sometimes create a powerful trap to kill pests. To make it, you need to stock up on tin, nails, a spring or wire, a staple, self-tapping screws, metal corners, and a wooden plank.

Video at home “How to make a trap for rodents”

From the video you will learn how to easily and simply make a trap for rats.

Contrary to popular stories that rats live only in private houses, these rodents also live in high-rise buildings. They prefer basements and heating mains. But they also like to look into apartments. Rats are very voracious animals and are always in search of food. It is not difficult for them to crawl into a tiny gap under the floor. Having found food in the room once, the rat will return again. And he will become, if not a roommate, then a frequent guest for sure. And such visits will please few of us. That is why, in order to get rid of the uninvited guest, we resort to various tricks and rat traps. To catch small rats, you can use mouse traps, but with large adult pests you need heavier “artillery”. However, such devices can be made with your own hands.

Why do you need to catch rats?

It would seem that the rat lives for itself and does not bother anyone. Sometimes he runs through the crack to steal a cracker for himself. Everything seems peaceful and harmless. Why catch her?

But rats are far from harmless. They are carriers of dangerous diseases. This is where it’s worth remembering the terrible epidemics in the Middle Ages that destroyed most of the population of Europe. It was rats that were then the main carriers of bubonic plague. Rats multiply quickly, occupying new territories. It is known that one individual is capable of breeding 20 rat pups in a month.. This means that rats will need more food and space to live. That is why, having noticed a rodent at home, you need to immediately take measures to protect the apartment from the new neighbor.

DIY traps and rat traps

There are many ways to create rat traps and mousetraps. The principles of constructing a rodent trap are similar. However, these 2 devices are still different. The mousetrap is designed for small animals. Most often, this is a spring-based mechanism. When the spring is released, the mouse is pressed down. The structure of a mousetrap is made of wire. Such a trap will not hold a rat, which is much larger and stronger than a mouse.

Rat traps are designed to hold a strong and fast rodent. And do not allow the animal to escape from the trap. Some rat traps can also be used to catch mice, for example, from a large plastic bottle (5 liters). A rat trap made of metal mesh will not hold mice - they will easily slip through large cells.

Plastic bottle trap

This is usually how they catch mice, but this trap will also work for baby rats:

Important! The method is effective for small and medium-sized rodents. It can be difficult to catch large specimens. For large individuals reaching 20–30 cm in length, it is better to secure the bottle with halves of bricks or foam blocks.

Metal mesh rat trap

A mesh with cells 1 cm by 1 cm can be purchased at a hardware store:

  1. We cut the mesh into rectangles with metal scissors.
  2. We fasten the parts of the mesh together so that we get a box. You can weld the mesh or secure the rectangles with wire.
  3. A Z-shaped latch for the cage is made from thick wire.
  4. One end of a metal rod is welded to it. We weld the other end to a small piece of mesh, which we place inside the cage at an angle. We get a kind of pedal, jumping on which the rat will slam the cage door and will not be able to get out.
  5. We open the door, supporting its edge with a rod. Inside the cage, behind the “pedal”, we put the bait. The rat trap is ready.
  6. How to get rid of a rat is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Photo gallery: design elements of a mesh trap

Mesh trap diagram Creating a Trap Metal mesh cage

Important! After removing the rat from the trap, you need to thoroughly pour boiling water over the cage several times to get rid of odors that warn other rodents of danger.

Video: rat trap made of metal mesh

Barrel trap

An adult rodent can reach a size of up to 35 cm, given the length of the tail. Even a rat-catcher cat may not be able to cope with a large and strong animal.

Then they resort to using the barrel as a trap:

Important! This trap works effectively for animals of any age and size. None of the rodents will be able to turn the barrel over or get out of it.

Sunflower oil bottle trap

A trap designed for bait in the form of aromatic sunflower oil:

Important! The method works for small and medium-sized rats. A large animal may knock over the bottle, despite the measures taken to secure the trap.

Video: simple rat trap

Rat trap from a jar

A trap is made from a minimum of materials like this:

Important! The method is effective for young, medium-sized individuals. The bank will not be able to hold an adult rat.

Electric rat trap house

Popular are homemade electrical products - “electric mines” for rats:

Ultrasonic rodent repellers

Using ultrasonic devices to repel rats and mice is effective and environmentally friendly. It allows you not to use poisons and chemicals that can harm not only rodents, but also children and pets. Electronic repellers use sound frequencies above 20 GHz, which rodents cannot tolerate. Modern devices prevent animals from becoming addicted, as they constantly change the intensity and frequency of the waves. This has an irritating effect on rats and also disorients them. Ultrasound begins to have an effect on rodents already in the first hours of operation. According to experts, the repeller should work for a day. After which it is turned off. After 12 hours, the device connects again and works until the rodents are completely gone.

When using a repeller indoors, you need to remove unnecessary objects. Waves will not be able to break through bags of potatoes or brick partitions. Therefore, in some cases it is better to install 2 or 3 devices. They need to be installed no closer than 5 meters from each other.

It is also important to consider the environment in which the repeller is located. Wood, glass and concrete reflect ultrasound, while soft surfaces, such as upholstered furniture, absorb it. Therefore, using the device in empty rooms is more effective.

You can buy rodent repellers in hardware stores, supermarkets and at the market. You can use online stores. When choosing such a means of struggle, you need to familiarize yourself with the parameters. Many devices have modes that can be used in the absence or presence of people and pets in the room. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the possibility of manually setting up the repeller, as well as switching it to automatic mode.

When choosing a device, you should also pay attention to the warranty period. Some ultrasonic devices can last 2-3 months. Others have a warranty of up to a year.

Do-it-yourself rat trap from a pipe

The essence is the same live trap made of mesh, only it is made of a pipe, the door is on springs:

Important! Instead of a pipe, you can use a metal container, cylinder, or even a tube. The method is effective for rats of any size.

Rat trap made from a bucket of water

A simple and frequently used design:

Important! Rats can swim, so it might not work. Perhaps transformer oil can be used instead of water. Fill the bucket with oil to about a sixth of its volume. The plate can be replaced with an aluminum can.

Video: do-it-yourself rat trap from a bucket

The method is similar to making a trap from a jar:

Important! It is unlikely that you will be able to keep a large rat this way. But small and medium-sized individuals will definitely remain trapped.

Making a rat trap

If you decide to wage a “war” against rodents in an inhumane way, then the following option is possible:

  1. Make a loop from a cord or rubber band. The loop should tighten freely.
  2. We attach the noose to the edge of a wooden board or plywood so that the tip of the tape hangs down.
  3. We attach the bait to the edge of the board so that the rat’s path to the food runs through the loop.
  4. We tie a strong thread to the bait, one end of which is tied to the noose, the other to the load. You can use a kitchen hammer, a piece of brick or a pry bar as a load.
  5. To prevent the rat trap from falling from the surface on which we placed it, we press the board with bricks or blocks. The blocks can be covered with a paper screen attached to the board.
  6. When the rat grabs the bait, the weight falls, tightening the noose on the rodent.

Important! This method is convenient to use for both young and adult animals.

Video: noose for rodents

Important! It is best to place rat traps and traps near the rodent's nest. Its location can be easily determined by the presence of damaged items and droppings nearby. It can also be in old furniture, for example, in an armchair or sofa that has been standing in the country for a long time. If it is not possible to get to the nest, then traps should be installed along the walls, because rats rarely run out into the middle of the room.

How to catch rats without a rat trap

Sometimes there just isn't enough time to make a rat trap. We suggest using folk methods that will help get rid of rats in a short time.

What bait to use for rats

Whatever trap we use, the rats need to be lured to it. These must be foods with a strong odor:

  • seeds;
  • sunflower village oil;
  • cake;
  • salo;
  • flour;
  • beer;
  • smoked meats.

To get rid of rodents, you don't have to use just one method. An integrated approach, using several methods at once, will allow you to catch rats faster and more efficiently and gain the desired peace of mind.

Rats prefer to live in living quarters, basements, attics and adjacent areas. They cause significant damage to food supplies and are carriers of a number of diseases dangerous to humans. At the first sign of rodents, it is necessary to immediately take measures to expel them. Sometimes you can deal with them using homemade traps, which have a simple design and high efficiency.

Why is it necessary to fight rats?

In most cases, rats appear near human habitation as if out of nowhere, in search of food sources and reliable shelters. Like other species of rodents, they lead a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle, unceremoniously managing kitchens, pantries and different rooms, where there is something to profit from.

Being very prolific creatures, rodents quickly create entire colonies that can cause enormous damage household. They often act as carriers of dangerous diseases, which can be contracted by accidentally coming into contact with surfaces on which the animals moved, leaving behind droppings, saliva or urine.

Thanks to their anatomical features, rats are able to penetrate anywhere, seeping into every crevice. Possessing strong incisors that grow throughout their lives, they can chew holes even in cement, bricks and lead, which makes it very difficult to protect against them. The rat knows how to camouflage itself perfectly, which is why it is not always possible to detect it.

A rat bite poses a huge danger to humans. An animal driven into a corner can rush at the most unexpected moment, attacking its arms or face. However, cases have been recorded when a rat attacked a person due to hunger.

Vertical trap - simple and effective way catching small rats

Horizontal trap

You can make another rat trap out of a plastic bottle.

  1. Place the structure horizontally over a deep bucket or barrel into which you can pour water.
  2. Using tape, glue pieces of bait onto the outside of the bottle, in the place where its label used to be.
  3. Take a bottle of the appropriate size and make holes in the cap and bottom so that you can insert a metal pin into them. In this case, the ends of the pin will peek out from both sides of the plastic container. The bottle should rotate easily around its axis.
  4. To ensure that the rat can easily reach the bottle rotating on the pin, make sure there is a small ladder leading to it. You can use a board or cardboard as a ladder.

    This simple trap will catch more than one rat.

As soon as the rodent climbs towards the bait fixed on the sides of the bottle, it will fall from the plastic container into a bucket or barrel, from which it will not be able to get out.

Bottle trap "catching pit"

There is another option for a plastic bottle trap.

  1. Take plastic container, designed for 5-6 liters, and cut off the top part from it.
  2. Cover the cut with whatman paper, securing its edges with tape.
  3. Make a cut in the center of the parchment in the shape of a cross.
  4. Hang the bait on a thread over the resulting cross-shaped cut.

As soon as the rat tries to get to the bait, it will fall into the plastic container and will not be able to quickly get out of it. Instead of a plastic bottle, you can use a bucket.

Using a “catching pit” you can kill a rat or mouse, giving it the opportunity to drown

Plastic bottle trap “sharp petals”

  1. Take the bottle and cut off its top along with the neck.
  2. Then make many cuts along the resulting workpiece, the length of each can reach 5–8 cm.
  3. Place bait in the bottle.
  4. Bend the resulting plastic petals inward.

Operating principle: a rat, wanting to get to a treat, will crawl into the bottle through the plastic petals, but will not be able to get back out due to the sharp plastic parts, sticking out inside the container itself.

Sharp petals will not allow the rat to escape from the bottle

Bucket and tin barrel trap

  1. Take a bucket and pour the concentrated saline solution into it.
  2. Sprinkle any kind of sawdust or husk on top in a thick layer. Thanks to salt water, soaked husks or sawdust will not sink, completely covering the water surface.
  3. Place a piece of edible bait on top of the sawdust.
  4. Place a stack of books next to the bucket or create a ladder using a board. As soon as the rat tries to get to the bait, it will fall into the water and drown.

You can catch a rat in an even simpler way.

  1. Place a tin barrel near the table.
  2. Place a board on the table, one edge of which will be located above the container.
  3. Place an edible treat for your rat on this edge. The animal, sensing the smell of food, will try to get to it by walking on a plank, which, under the weight of the animal, will fall into the barrel.
  1. If it's freezing outside, take a bucket, fill it with water and let the water become covered with a crust of ice.
  2. Bring the bucket indoors, make a small hole in the ice, and drain the water.
  3. Set the trap in in the right place, having previously placed bait in the middle of the ice crust. Trying to get to the edible piece, the rat will break the ice with its weight and end up in the bucket.

Bucket trap - video

Mesh trap

You can also make a reusable trap at home. In this case you will need:

  • fine mesh metal mesh;
  • wire;
  • two magnets;
  • wire cutters


  1. Cut 5 identical pieces of suitable size from the mesh.
  2. Fasten them together with wire to make a box.
  3. On one side, install a door made of the same material.
  4. In the place where the door will come into contact with the mesh box, attach the magnets using wire.
  5. Take a small piece of wire, insert one end of it into the box through the hinges, and attach the other to the door.
  6. Attach a heavy piece of bait to the end of the wire located in the box so that the door does not close. When the rat takes the bait located at the end of the wire, the box door will automatically close, the magnets will not allow it to be opened from the inside, and the rodent will be trapped.

It’s easy to make a reusable rat trap out of metal mesh and wire.

Mesh trap - video

Electric trap

To manufacture such a product, knowledge and skills in working with electrical circuit elements are required.

  1. To create such a device yourself, you will need two 1 mm thick getinkas plates, one side of which is covered with foil. You can replace them with tin strips, but it should be remembered that a device made from them can only be installed on an electrically insulating base, for example, on a wooden floor. The length of the strips should be approximately 500 mm and the width 100 mm, the gap between them should be no more than 10 mm.

    1 - plate (one-sided foil getinax s1, 2 pcs); 2 - electrolytic capacitor (2 pcs), 3 - bit resistor R1, 4 - socket, 5 - plug load connections, 6 - rectifier diodes, 7 - charging resistor R2, 8 - power plug with wire

  2. The ends of the strips are fastened with a pair of electrolytic capacitors, the leads of which should be soldered to each of the plates. You will get a battery of capacitors connected in parallel. The capacitor rating should be 50 µF x 450 V.
  3. Solder the wires from the socket attached to one of them to the plates themselves.
  4. To charge the capacitors, connect the plug from the simplest model a rectifier consisting of two D226B diodes connected in series.
  5. To reduce the power of the charging circuit current, an 8.2 kOhm resistor should be installed and turned on directly in front of the diodes themselves.
  6. Connect the remaining ends of the rectifier to the 220V network.
  7. Solder the lead of the 10 kOhm resistor, while leaving its other lead free. By pressing a two-watt resistor with any non-conducting object, you can discharge the capacitors in a few seconds, thereby completely protecting the manufactured device.
  8. To activate the device, charge the capacitors with a homemade rectifier to approximately 300V. Install the device near the rat's habitat. After some time, you will be able to find her corpse next to the electrical trap.

Pipe trap

Rats often settle in the local area. Large individuals are quite capable of dragging young chickens out of the chicken coop and causing a lot of damage to the farm. To catch rats living on the street, a simple but very effective trap from the pipe. To make it you will need:

  • a piece of metal or plastic pipe with a diameter of 12–14 cm and a length of about 50 cm;
  • a small piece of sheet aluminum;
  • drill;
  • ruler;
  • pliers;
  • wire.
  1. Make two holes at each end of the pipe so that the doors can be secured to them using hinges.
  2. Make a few ventilation holes along the pipe, placing them at the top of the trap.
  3. Make two oval-shaped doors using tin cans or sheet aluminum. It should be taken into account that the larger axis should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe, and the smaller axis should be slightly smaller in size.
  4. Drill two holes in the narrow part of each door.
  5. Insert loops made of wire into the resulting holes. Instead of such loops, you can use a nail inserted transversely at the top of the pipe. With this option, the door should be hung using a bend, which can be easily done using pliers.
  6. Insert the door at a slight angle into the pipe, carefully placing the hinges on the pre-made holes.
  7. Do the same operation with the second door, installing it at the other end of the pipe.
  8. Place a scented bait in the trap and place it in rat habitats in your yard.

The principle of operation of the trap is that the animal can easily penetrate the pipe, but cannot leave it, thanks to the special design of the doors.

Attention! When using such a trap, be extremely careful when removing a rat from it, which may bite you the moment you open the door. Rough household leather gloves can be used to protect your hands.

Galvanized pipe trap - video

Noose with thread

To catch rats, you can use another device that allows you to not only catch the animal, but also kill it.

  1. Take a wooden block 50 cm long.
  2. Make a blind hole in it, reminiscent of a rat hole, with a diameter of 8–10 cm.
  3. Stepping back about 5 cm from the edge of the workpiece, make a deep cut.
  4. Attach the spring to the top of the device using metal brackets.
  5. Stepping back 3 cm from the notch, drill two small holes in the upper part of the block, located parallel to each other.
  6. Also make two similar holes at the bottom so that you can thread a thread through them and pull it through the upper holes, tying it tightly to the spring.
  7. Create a loop from strong wire.
  8. Lower it into the file, attaching the upper part to the edge of the spring.
  9. Place bait in the trap and place the device in areas where rats appear.

The rat, sensing the bait, climbs into a large hole located in wooden block. The thread, stretched from top to bottom, blocks its path to the treat and the rat chews it through. At this moment, the released spring instantly raises metal loop up, suffocating the animal.

This type of trap will catch and kill a rat, but other sizes should be used to catch rodents.

The principle of operation of a noose trap - video

Trap from a jar or flower pot

A rat trap that can be made from an ordinary jar is simple and accessible.

  1. Take a jar of the appropriate size and turn it upside down.
  2. Sharpen a small piece of plywood or plastic, the height of which can be approximately 5 cm, on one side and attach the bait.
  3. Place the resulting “guard” with bait on the edge, and lower the edge of the jar onto it on top so that it stands at an angle.

The rat, sensing a treat, will try to crawl under the jar. As soon as she begins to remove the bait from the sharp end of the “guard”, it will lose balance and the jar will cover the animal from above.

A simple version of a rat trap can be made from flower pot or banks

Cone trap

You can catch several rats using a cone trap that resembles a appearance classic clamshell. Such a device is a cage with a conical entrance, additionally equipped with another cone located at the level of the main entrance. This design can be made of tin, since the main requirement in this case is the presence of an absolutely smooth bottom.

  1. A plate is attached to the cone, acting as a counterweight. It is thanks to her that the rat will not be able to leave the trap.
  2. The bait is placed in the middle of the device. The rat, sensing the smell of food, freely penetrates into the structure, checking the possibility of exiting back.
  3. Then she boldly moves after the tasty morsel, penetrating into the second cone. At this moment, the structure lowers, and the rat finds itself at the bottom, unable to escape into freedom.

The cone trap is very useful device for catching rats

The difference between a rat trap and a mousetrap

The main difference between a rat trap and a mouse trap is its size, designed for a larger animal than a mouse. Sometimes rats can be very large, reaching a length of about 40 cm, and this should be taken into account when choosing a suitable device for catching them. Such an animal will not be able to climb into a small two-liter bottle and will easily jump out of an empty bucket.

What to choose as bait

As bait for rats, it is best to use food products that can attract rodents with appetizing aromas:

  • sausages;
  • porridge;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cereal mixtures;
  • smoked products;
  • bread and other baked goods.

Where to set the trap

To achieve the desired result when catching rats, it is necessary to install traps in in the right places. They are usually located near the approximate place where rodents live.

  1. If you are lucky enough to find a hole on personal plot, plug it with paper or grass. If the next day all this is scattered and the entrance to the hole is clear, then someone lives in the hole.
  2. Rats are very smart and cautious animals. It is for this reason that they require a special approach. To catch such an uninvited guest, try placing bait on an inactive trap several times. Having lost vigilance, the rat will easily get caught next time.
  3. Traditionally, rat traps are set against the direction of their movement. It should be taken into account that rats prefer to move along walls, without going into open and well-lit areas of the territory.
  4. Rats do not like overly polluted areas, appearing in landfills solely in search of food. For this reason, you should not set traps in areas that are too cluttered.
  5. After catching an animal, if you plan to use the trap again, try to wash it thoroughly. Otherwise, rats will easily sense danger and move around homemade device side.

How to catch a rat in other ways

If you have rats, but you don’t want to waste time making homemade traps, you can use store-bought analogues, a wide range of which are presented in store windows. Among the most popular products designed for these purposes are glue traps:

Besides glue traps, special glue is also effective, which can be purchased in regular tubes and applied independently to the selected surface. Usually used as a substrate flat material, size 25x50 cm, securely attached to the floor. Otherwise, a rat caught in the glue will stain the entire room with it, dragging the base along with it.

The downside of glue traps is their very inhumane treatment of animals, which you doom to a long and painful death. Stuck rats sometimes begin to scream loudly, which creates additional discomfort for the inhabitants of the house, and you will no longer be able to free the rodent. Curious pets often become captives of such traps. The following tools are popular:

  • Alt rodent repellent glue;
  • RaTrap;
  • Kotofey;
  • EuroGuard;
  • Clean house;
  • Forssyth;
  • Trap.

It is also widely used for catching rats at home.

Rats should not live near humans, since they not only spoil things and food, frighten the inhabitants of the home with their appearance, but are also carriers of dangerous infections. If poisons are used, these smart rodents do not always rush to eat the bait, and even after consuming it, they often die under the floor or panel ceilings. In this regard, it is added new problem– elimination of cadaveric odor. Among the homemade devices for catching animals, one can highlight those made from plastic bottles. You can learn about the options for making such traps and the features of hunting for rats from the material presented below.

If at the beginning of the “hunting season” for rats you decide to use mechanical mousetraps, then you will need to take tasty baits. These usually include cottage cheese, hard cheese, bread and baked goods, smoked meats, sausage, lard, and rice porridge.

The bait must be fresh and attractive so as not to scare off the pest.

Such devices are placed near discovered burrows or where you often encounter rodents. Checking whether someone lives in a hole is very simple. You need to use a little newspaper or grass to cover the entrance. In the morning you check the structure. If paper or grass is scattered, it means there are inhabitants in the hole.

In order not to be noticed, the animals prefer to move along the walls and away from the bright areas of the room. Therefore, any rat trap is placed across the direction of movement of the rat.

For some reason, many people are sure that rodents only like to live in areas where there are unsanitary conditions. In fact, having studied the habits of the animals, experts came to the conclusion that they avoid dirty areas when they have the opportunity to walk through clean ones. If accidentally entangled in a burdock, the animal will not move further until it gets rid of the thorns. The structure for catching them must be clean. To do this, use soda or a 2% solution of ash lye. Be sure to ventilate the trap after processing. Otherwise, even the most attractive bait will not force the rodent to approach it.

Video “How to make a trap with your own hands”

From the video you will learn how to make a trap yourself.

Several variants

Along with homemade traps from old flower pots or cup-like containers, cylinder traps, a device called a “top” in the form of a cage, Zürner and Zurich rat traps, a plastic rat trap is also known, which anyone can make.

The first DIY rat trap made from plastic bottles can be made from a small lemonade container. You will also need a trash can.

If you don't plan to fill it with water, use a bucket with high sides. Then the rodent will not be able to get out after falling. You can actually make a trap in a matter of minutes.

Holes are made in the bottle on both sides. They should be in the bottom and on the lid. Then it will be able to easily rotate on its axis. The axis will be a small wooden stick. It should be installed on the edges of the bucket. When the rodent smells the bait and tries to get to it along the rotating structure, under its own weight it will end up at the bottom of the bucket. It is recommended to stick the bait around the circumference of the plastic container in the area where the label is located.

You can build a trap and 3-liter bottles. More will be needed sunflower oil. Cut off the neck of the resulting cylindrical vessel Lubricate with oil and place the bait inside. When the captive falls into the trap, you need to sharply turn her over. Then the rodent will slide its paws along the surface and will not be able to get out. Decide for yourself what to do next with the captive. The disadvantage of this option is the need to control the fishing process and react quickly if the victim gets inside.

It is also possible to make a device for rats with your own hands from bottles with a volume of 5, 10 or 20 liters. This is done when it is not possible to purchase a ready-made design or it is simply interesting to make it yourself. There will be no problems with the material, since in almost every house there are empty water containers with a volume of 5 or more liters. No specific skills or tools required. You should take a bottle measuring 5 liters or more and cut off the neck along with a small “collar” using a sharp knife. Next, insert the cut part upside down into a 5 liter bottle. First, bait is placed at the bottom of a container measuring 5 or more liters. It is better to take a larger piece; it will serve as a good support for the trap. In order for the rodent to have the opportunity to get close to the trap, it is recommended to place it against a step or shelf and securely fasten it.

There are also more complex homemade devices, for the manufacture of which you need to have special skills and patience. For example, a wooden trap made of boards, beams, wire and fine mesh. It ultimately has the shape of an oblong box with a door. Or a metal cage, to create which you need to weld the frame. As an option, in this case they can whip up an easier version using a bucket or bowl. Even folk craftsmen sometimes create a powerful trap to kill pests. To make it, you need to stock up on tin, nails, a spring or wire, a staple, self-tapping screws, metal corners, and a wooden plank.

Video “How to make a trap for rodents”

From the video you will learn how to easily and simply make a trap for rats.
