How to spell the name Marseille. Marcel: the meaning of the name (three versions). Characteristics and influence of the name Marcel

Marcel is a name whose meaning is translated as “Praising God” from Arabic. Diminutive forms - Mars, Selya, Marek, although usually even boys are called full version. It is beautiful and musical, it is chosen by parents who want to give their son a rare and

What does the name Marcel mean?

There are sources that claim that the name has French roots and means “related to Mars.” It is common among the French, and is occasionally found among the Dutch and Tatars.

Marseilles. Name. Meaning for a child

As a child, Marcel will be calm child without causing much trouble. He will always help a friend, comfort him, protect him. Selya is not one of those who prefers to resolve conflicts with fists, because she knows that you can always agree and find a compromise. Marcel is the name of a boy who will become a leader among his peers; they will quickly succumb to his influence. At children's matinees he will be happy to recite poems, perform songs, and dance. If his parents enroll him in clubs, then the teachers will be convinced that Marek has golden hands - the model of the boat he made will certainly be made most accurately and will turn out to be very beautiful.

Marseilles. Name. Implications for health

Possesses good health. It is necessary to pay attention to the kidneys and organs of the urinary system. Exercise and walking are beneficial fresh air. Pay special attention to colds and viral diseases, to treat them to the end.

and the character of the owner

The owner of this name is a pronounced choleric and extrovert. It seems that he could lose his temper at any moment, but this almost never happens, this man knows how to control himself. The weak point is excessive pride and arrogance. Determination, endurance, and flexibility are strong. Marcel has a good imagination and a wonderful memory. He likes to produce good impression on those around him, he wants people to love him. Marcel has an easy-going character, his sense of humor and kindness contribute to the fact that many friends gather around him.

Family, love and marriage

He quickly finds a girl he wants to marry, and she reciprocates his feelings. The family will become strong and friendly. His wife will pamper him and try to fulfill his whims. At the same time, Mars does not understand love, which makes people lose their heads. He controls his emotions and does not want to become the object of someone’s passion. His inherent tact and ease will help create a good atmosphere in the house, where household members, having gathered in the evening for dinner, will communicate with pleasure. His loved ones also need to be more delicate, because Marcel is very touchy, and a careless word can deeply hurt him.

Marseilles. Name. Importance in choosing a field of activity

It is necessary to choose professions in which success depends on hard work, self-learning, and perseverance. Marcel will make a good programmer or architect. He does not like to work for someone else and will try to organize his own business at the first opportunity. Sociability, tact, diplomacy, and the ability to understand your interlocutor will contribute to success. Marcel is often busy, does not sit idle, but is sometimes subject to bouts of laziness, which, however, quickly pass.

All of the above qualities will help Marcel live a decent life, full of many interesting events. His loved ones will be proud of him.

Very interesting and unique, the name Marcel is still rarely found in the vastness of Russia. It sounds beautiful and leaves a rather specific imprint on the character of its owner. We will talk about what to expect from a child named Marcel later in this article.

Name Marcel: origin and meaning

This name has several variants of its origin and, accordingly, translations. The most common belief is that it originates from the ancient Roman nickname of one of the branches of the Claudian family. In this case, it etymologically goes back to the name Marcus, and through it, possibly, to the name of the god of war Mars. Accordingly, its translation sounds approximately like “generated by Mars.” Some, however, derive this name from the ancient Latin word marcelus, meaning weakness. Since it is quite widespread among Muslims, it is sometimes traced to an Arabic root. “Praising God” is what the name Marcel means according to this theory.

Its other forms: Marcellus, Marcellus, Marcellinus and the like. It is also worth saying that although Marseille is male name, there are also female versions of it, for example, the ancient Roman Marcellina.


The choice of this name by parents is most often determined by the beauty of its sound, characterized by a French flavor. However, his characteristic disposition is by no means so unctuous and refined. In general, the meaning of the name Marcel comes down to choleric temperament and restlessness. Hyperactivity, impulsiveness and inexhaustible energy are what distinguish little Marcel from the first days of his life and remain with him until his death. So parents, having decided to name their little boy by this name, must realize that they will not always be able to get along with him. Extreme emotionality often results in rash actions.

On the other hand, in a situation of danger, Marcel can easily take control and control himself. Of course, the meaning of the name Marcel leads its owner to leadership as soon as he joins any team. This is clearly manifested already at school, where the guy consciously gains a position among his classmates. If you instill in Marcel a taste for learning, he is able to become one of the best students, will read a lot and constantly engage in self-education. Although the meaning of the name Marcel is such that it is unlikely that he will become a scientist. His thirst for knowledge is of a pragmatic, purely applied nature, so science for the sake of science is not about him.

Personal life

Marcel's puberty is filled with emotions, as is his entire subsequent personal life. A series of bright flashes of love and instant burnouts represents the context of this person’s amorous affairs. By nature, Marcel has a keen sense of people, including girls, and, being good psychologist, easily manipulates them. Such inner strength, charisma and the transient superficiality of his feelings often give him a reputation as a womanizer, changing partners quite often. This situation lasts for quite a long time until he gets tired of being scattered in fleeting affairs. Then he finally decides on one girl and completely focuses on her.

Family life

The character of a leader naturally leads Marcel to the fact that, having entered into marriage, he takes the place of the unconditional head in it. He will never become henpecked. This is only possible if Marcel’s wife turns out to be a woman with a phenomenal strategic sense who can masterfully manipulate her husband’s will, which is unlikely, given the psychological savvy of Marcel himself. In short, for marriage, the meaning of the name Marcel is fraught with the establishment of a one-sided dictatorship on the part of the husband. If he lacks education or a sense of tact, then the woman risks being internally broken and depressed, losing her independence and self-sufficiency.

Marcel is very dependent on expressions of love from his missus. Care and family warmth, which she creates, play a primary role, since they create a favorable atmosphere for the husband, allowing him to experience family happiness. Otherwise, that is, if Marcel lacks something at home, he can go look for it on the side.

Marcel also takes an active part in raising children and in this sense is in no way inferior to his mother. The life of the offspring is under his strict control, and he never lets it take its course and does not delegate his rights and responsibilities to anyone.


In the field professional development all Marcel's achievements are in close connection with his personal qualities and charisma. Being a subtle diplomat, as well as often a fairly educated person, who is also not devoid of ambition, combativeness and business acumen, he will achieve everything he wants. At the same time, Marcel does not hesitate to go over his head and resort to all sorts of unscrupulous methods.

The name Marcel has several completely different versions of origin and meaning. About these versions and much more in our review article.

The most popular version of the origin of the name is the Latin (Roman) version. According to this version, the name Marcel comes from the Roman family name Marcellus, which later began to be used as a personal name. If so, then The meaning of the name Marcel is "dedicated to Mars", because this is how Marcellus is translated. It is worth noting that many names that are popular today have made a similar path from a generic to a personal name. This is, for example, the name Sergei (Sergius), the name Maxim (Maximus) and many others.

According to the second version, the name Marseille comes from the name of the city of Marseille, in the south of France. The city was founded by the Greeks as early as 600 BC, but was subsequently destroyed during the era of the Roman Empire. The city was reborn in the tenth century after Christ. and it was in honor of him that the name Marcel appeared.

AND latest version Our list will include the Arabic version. According to this version The meaning of the name Marcel is “Praising God”. This version is popular among Muslims.

The meaning of the name Marcel for a child

A boy named Marcel is distinguished by confidence and determination. He is a brave and persistent kid, and sometimes his persistence even develops into stubbornness. He is rather an introvert and does not like to talk about his experiences. Marcel keeps all his experiences to himself. The child is endowed with strong leadership abilities, but his leadership is quite autocratic in nature. Often communication with peers is arrogant, but despite this the boy has many friends and comrades. The child is touchy and has a hard time withstanding even fair criticism. At the same time, he often shows sincere sympathy and helps those in trouble.

Marseille has good data for studying. He is endowed with excellent memory and a tenacious mind. Easily understands the essence of the subject. Marcel's pride will push him to get high grades, which will also have a positive effect on his academic performance. However, it happens that the desire to be the most beloved student begins to prevail over the thirst for knowledge. Then Marcel can become a formalist and learns only superficially.

The child’s health is average and does not differ much from the general picture. The boy is quite active and can achieve good success in sports. He loves physical education, but most likely he won’t do it himself. The weak point in the health of the owner of the name is usually the kidneys. He needs to be careful about hypothermia and not neglect preventive measures.

Short name Marcel

Marseille, Marsik, Marik.

Diminutive pet names

Marselchik, Marselechka, Marselyushka, Marselenka, Marsechka.

Children's middle names

Marselevich and Marselevna.

Name Marcel for international passport- MARSEL.

Translation of the name Marcel into other languages

in Belarusian - Markel
in Hungarian - Marcell
in Greek - Μάρκελλος
in Spanish - Marcelo
in Italian - Marcello
in German - Marcellus
in Polish - Marcel
in Portuguese - Marcelo
in Romanian - Marcel
in Ukrainian - Markel
in French - Marcel
in Czech - Marcel

Church name Marcel(V Orthodox faith) - Markell. It is this form of the name that is adopted when performing church sacraments.

Characteristics of the name Marcel

Adult Marcel is distinguished by the ability to make a positive impression on people, excellent manners and high intelligence. He is often overly harsh and demanding of others, but he always controls who and what he says. He will never be harsh with someone who is stronger and more significant than him. He has a large circle of admirers, because his ability to be the center of attention is becoming better and better every year. Marcel also has an excellent sense of humor, but sometimes his humor is merciless and evil. Marcel is a versatile and quite contradictory person.

Marcel's ability to make a positive impression becomes the most sought after in his work. It is this talent that is most in demand and will lead Marcel to the heights of success. He is endowed with good intuition and knows how to understand people. He also has a high ability to work and creative approach to solving work problems. All this makes Marcel an excellent employee confidently moving towards success.

IN family relationships Marcel is a rather specific person. In his youth he is very fickle and amorous. This will make any marriage unhappy, so Marcel shouldn't get married early. But as an adult, he is a very faithful and reliable husband. He is a responsible and caring father of the family and shows attention to all his relatives. At home, leadership will of course be his, as he will not tolerate objections in his home. He is strict with children, but is ready to devote a lot of time and effort to their upbringing.

The mystery of the name Marcel

The secret of Marcel can be called his vindictiveness. Those who crossed his path and paid painfully for it are well aware of this secret. Marcel knows how to wait for an opportunity and rarely forgives insults. He does this without much publicity, so as not to spoil his image in the eyes of his admirers.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- Mink.

Name color- Orange.

Tree- Ash.

Stone- Agate.

1. Personality: men moving forward

2.Color: orange

3. Main features: intuition - reaction speed - sexuality - health

4. Totem plant: ash

5. Totem animal: mink

7. Type. Balanced choleric people: it seems that they are about to explode, but this does not happen. They manage to be excellent and unsurpassed mediators. They are hardy and flexible, just like their totem - the ash tree.

8. Psyche. They are extroverts, have innate diplomacy and a gift for understanding people. They know how to be objective.

9. Will. These are determined men.

10. Excitability. They know how to convince people, and when we're talking about about feelings and love, they are simply unsurpassed actors!

11. Reaction speed. These men are incredibly arrogant and simply obsessed with their pride. They are careful to ensure that no one takes advantage of their generosity.

12. Field of activity. They work only for themselves. Most of them are self-taught, at least in the field that leads them to success. They learn from life itself, not from universities.

13. Intuition. We can say that they have an excellent sense of smell, and also a good knowledge of psychology.

14. Intelligence. Endowed with a vivid imagination, amazing memory and sense of humor. They have a talent for manipulating people.

15. Receptivity. They strive to be loved, but do not want anyone’s feelings to become a burden to them. They feel like masters of life. They sincerely want to help others. They manage to realize their talents.

16. Morality. They try to adhere to generally accepted moral principles, but it is better not to get in their way.

17. Health. The instinct of self-preservation is very developed. Weak organs - kidneys, urinary tract, prostate.

18. Sexuality. Such men are sensitive, even tyrannical. Their sex life depends on many factors: on the role that family plays for them, on the success they strive for. Sex is important to them, but not the most important thing in life.

19. Activity. Life is treated like a lottery.

20. Sociability. Very sociable, cordial and simple in communication.

21. Conclusion. Having married, they achieve a position where their wives fulfill their whims and indulge their weaknesses.

Name meaning: Marcel
The meaning of the name Marcel: find out the character and fate of the name, where the name comes from and when is the name day on Rambler/horoscopes.


Meaning of the name Marcel

Meaning of the name Marcel
Meaning of the name Marcel


Meaning of the name Marcel

The name Marcel is one of the pronunciation variants of the name Markell (Markel, Marcel, Marcel, Marcellus), used in France. In Germany this name sounds like Marcellus, Marcel, in France the variants Marceau and Marcille are also used, in Spain - Marcelo, in Portugal - Marcelo, in Italy - Marcello, in Romania - Marcel. In Hungary and Poland they prefer to call it – Marcel, in Greece – Markellos, in Ukraine – Markel, in Belarus – Marcel, in the Czech Republic – Marcel, in the Netherlands – Marcel, in Ireland – Marshil.

The name Marcellus (Marcel) is derived from the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) Marcellus, derived from the personal name Marcus. The name Marcus may be derived from the name of the god Mars, the Roman god of war, and therefore means “warlike,” “sacred to Mars.” IN Ancient Rome The cognomen Marcellus, in particular, was the generic nickname of the plebeian branch of the Claudian family. In Late Latin transcription, the name Marcellus began to sound like Marcellus or Marcellus.

According to the next version, the name Marseille comes from the name of the French port city of Marseille. The city of Marseille was founded around 600 BC. Phocians - Greeks from Asia Minor - and was then called “Massalia” (Massilia or Massalia in Latin). During Caesar's conflict with Pompey the Great in the 1st century BC. Massalia supported the latter and was destroyed by Caesar's troops, losing its trading posts and fleet. Although the city retained its independence, its influence significantly decreased.

The city of Marseille was revived only in the 10th century thanks to the Dukes of Provence. In 1481, the city, together with Provence, became part of the French kingdom. During the French Revolution, Marseille supported the Republicans, and the French anthem began to be called “La Marseillaise.” With this song on their lips, on July 30, 1792, the Marseille volunteer battalion entered Paris. On the same day for this song, which received its famous name, literally a triumphal march around the world began.

It is believed that the name Marcel comes from Arabic and means “one who praises God.” The name Marcel is a common one. Tatar name. Among the Tatars, it is given in honor of Marcel Cachin, a French communist, a major figure in the Socialist International and the Comintern.

There is also a female name Marcel, which in different European countries may sound like Marcela, Marcelina, Marcella, Marcella.

Related names for Marcel are the names Mark, Martin, Marcellinus, Marcian, Marsyas, Martial - and paired female names to the listed men's. The diminutive Mar is also an independent name.

The name Marcel is not mentioned in Orthodox calendar. Markell's Catholic name day will be listed for this name.

By temperament, Marcel is choleric. It may seem like it's about to explode, but it doesn't. Marcel is an extrovert, he has the gift of understanding people. However, this man is extremely proud. Sometimes Marcel is just crazy about it. He is arrogant and careful to ensure that others do not take advantage of his generosity.

Marseille could make a very good mediator. He is resilient and flexible, has diplomatic abilities, and is able to be objective. Marcel works more for himself. In life, he often becomes self-taught. He is able to study the area himself, which will then lead him to success. His excellent sense of smell and knowledge of psychology helps him in everything. Most often, Marcel realizes his talent.

By nature, Marcel is a determined man. He manages to convince people not only business relations. In everything that concerns feelings and love, Marcel is an unsurpassed actor. However, like most people, Marcel strives to be loved, although he does not want this feeling to become a burden for him. A man adheres to generally accepted moral principles, but can violate them in order to achieve his goal.

In his personal life, this man is sensitive and a despotic sensualist. Marcel seeks from his wife the fulfillment of all his whims and desires. Marcel is endowed with a sense of humor, a vivid imagination and an excellent memory. He has a real talent for manipulating people. He feels like the master of life. At the same time, he sincerely wants to help others. In communication, Marcel is cordial and simple, easily establishing new contacts.

Name day of Marseille

Marseille celebrates name days on January 16, February 19, April 9, June 29, August 14, September 4, October 6, October 7, October 30, November 1, November 16, November 26, December 2, December 29, December 30.

Meaning of the name Marcel
The meaning of the name Marcel The name Marcel is one of the pronunciation variants of the name Markell (Markel, Marcel, Marcel, Marcellus), used in France. In Germany this name sounds like Marcellus,


Characteristics and meaning of the name Marcel

Very interesting and unique, the name Marcel is still rarely found in the vastness of Russia. It sounds beautiful and leaves a rather specific imprint on the character of its owner. We will talk about what to expect from a child named Marcel later in this article.

Name Marcel: origin and meaning

This name has several variants of its origin and, accordingly, translations. The most common belief is that it originates from the ancient Roman nickname of one of the branches of the Claudian family. In this case, it etymologically goes back to the name Marcus, and through it, possibly, to the name of the god of war Mars. Accordingly, its translation sounds approximately like “generated by Mars.” Some, however, derive this name from the ancient Latin word marcelus, meaning weakness. Since it is quite widespread among Muslims, it is sometimes traced to an Arabic root. “Praising God” is what the name Marcel means according to this theory.

Its other forms: Marcellus, Marcellus, Marcellinus and the like. It is also worth saying that although Marcel is a male name, there are also female variants, for example, the ancient Roman Marcellina.


The choice of this name by parents is most often determined by the beauty of its sound, characterized by a French flavor. However, his characteristic disposition is by no means so unctuous and refined. In general, the meaning of the name Marcel comes down to choleric temperament and restlessness. Hyperactivity, impulsiveness and inexhaustible energy are what distinguish little Marcel from the first days of his life and remain with him until his death. So parents, having decided to name their little boy by this name, must realize that they will not always be able to get along with him. Extreme emotionality often results in rash actions.

On the other hand, in a situation of danger, Marcel can easily take control and control himself. Of course, the meaning of the name Marcel leads its owner to leadership as soon as he joins any team. This is clearly manifested already at school, where the guy consciously gains a position among his classmates. If you instill in Marcel a taste for learning, he is able to become one of the best students, will read a lot and constantly engage in self-education. Although the meaning of the name Marcel is such that it is unlikely that he will become a scientist. His thirst for knowledge is of a pragmatic, purely applied nature, so science for the sake of science is not about him.

Personal life

Marcel's puberty is filled with emotions, as is his entire subsequent personal life. A series of bright flashes of love and instant burnouts represents the context of this person’s amorous affairs. By nature, Marcel has a keen sense of people, including girls, and, being a good psychologist, easily manipulates them. Such inner strength, charisma and the transient superficiality of his feelings often give him the reputation of a womanizer who changes partners quite often. This situation lasts for quite a long time until he gets tired of being scattered in fleeting affairs. Then he finally decides on one girl and completely focuses on her.

Family life

The character of a leader naturally leads Marcel to the fact that, having entered into marriage, he takes the place of the unconditional head in it. He will never become henpecked. This is only possible if Marcel’s wife turns out to be a woman with a phenomenal strategic sense who can masterfully manipulate her husband’s will, which is unlikely, given the psychological savvy of Marcel himself. In short, for marriage, the meaning of the name Marcel is fraught with the establishment of a one-sided dictatorship on the part of the husband. If he lacks education or a sense of tact, then the woman risks being internally broken and depressed, losing her independence and self-sufficiency.

Marcel is very dependent on expressions of love from his missus. The care and family warmth that she creates plays a paramount role, since it creates a favorable atmosphere for the husband, allowing him to experience family happiness. Otherwise, that is, if Marcel lacks something at home, he can go look for it on the side.

Marcel also takes an active part in raising children and in this sense is in no way inferior to his mother. The life of the offspring is under his strict control, and he never lets it take its course and does not delegate his rights and responsibilities to anyone.

In the field of professional development, all of Marcel's achievements are closely related to his personal qualities and charisma. Being a subtle diplomat, as well as often a fairly educated person, who is also not devoid of ambition, combativeness and business acumen, he will achieve everything he wants. At the same time, Marcel does not hesitate to go over his head and resort to all sorts of unscrupulous methods.

Characteristics and meaning of the name Marcel
Very interesting and unique, the name Marcel is still rarely found in the vastness of Russia. It sounds beautiful and leaves a rather specific imprint on the character of its owner. We will talk about what to expect from a child named Marcel later in this article.

You must pay Special attention First of all, on the quality of the purchased items. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Compatibility of the name Marcel, manifestation in love

Marcel, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for working in a team. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.
