How to adjust metal-plastic doors to the balcony. How to adjust plastic balcony doors. Preventing problems with balcony doors

For the winter, you need not only to insulate windows and walls, but also think about doors, be they entrance doors or even just balconies. The article contains instructions on how to identify problems with a plastic structure without a technician and make the necessary adjustments yourself.

Main problems with balcony doors and their causes

As soon as specialists install a plastic door, they immediately adjust it. To make sure that the craftsmen did their job conscientiously, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The door frame is pressed tightly against the frame in all places.
  2. The door opens effortlessly and also closes. If it creaks, it means the work was done poorly.
  3. The structure is not vertically displaced. You can check this using a building level.
  4. The door doesn't sag. A simple test will help you check this. Taking a pencil, trace the closed canvas over the entire area, and then compare the resulting lines with the frame. If they are parallel, the adjustment work was carried out efficiently.
  5. If the door, opened halfway, remains motionless, it means it is adjusted correctly.

Attention! Make sure that during this check there is no draft in the room, which will cause even a well-functioning door to close on its own.

Over time, the structure wears out, and then additional corrections need to be made. Most often it is required in the following cases:

  1. Part of the lower shutter touches the threshold - a sign that the door is sagging under its own weight. The majority of the weight falls on the glass unit, so if it is double-glazed, the hinges become weaker and the sash moves.
  2. The door handle is wobbly. This problem is the easiest to fix. Turn the cap at the base of the handle and tighten the screws using a screwdriver.
  3. The sash touches the frame in the center - this indicates that it is displaced side part. This sometimes happens due to frequent temperature changes. Doors that lead to an unglazed balcony are especially susceptible to weather conditions.
  4. The door pressure is loose.

Advice. If the door requires additional adjustment, contact the company that installed the door. Do the work yourself only if the warranty period for the plastic structure has expired.

How to diagnose weak clamping density

The following signs indicate that adjustment is needed:

  • The canvas is not pressed very carefully to the frame. It feels like air is coming from under the seal.
  • The door closes quite tightly, you need to apply more force than usual.

Attention! If this defect is not eliminated, then in winter there will be drafts throughout the apartment.

The following experiment will help determine the need for regulation:

  1. Take a piece of paper.
  2. Place it between the frame and the door frame.
  3. Close the door tightly.
  4. Pull the sheet over the edge, remembering how easy it is for you to do it.
  5. Repeat the procedure on all areas of the structure.
If you had to put in approximately the same amount of effort each time, then everything is fine. If in some places it was more difficult to pull out the paper, and in others it was easier, start making adjustments.

Advice. To independently establish the mechanism of a plastic door, stock up on several types of screwdrivers and keys different diameters with 6 edges, pliers and a set of gaskets.

Instructions for adjusting the pressure

  1. Adjust the tightness of the door by rotating special parts - eccentrics - with a wrench and pliers. They are located at the end of the canvas, usually in 3 places: at the top, in the center and at the bottom. You can see what these parts of the mechanism look like in a video or photo.
  2. Rotate each eccentric a little, checking how much the pressure has changed. So you will choose best option and adjust the density, but only in the area door handle.
  3. To ensure complete tightness of the plastic structure, make adjustments on the hinge side as well. To do this, turn every third adjusting screw both at the top and bottom. It is convenient to use a hex wrench for this purpose.

Advice. Adjust the pressure twice a year, doing it in summer and winter. When it's cold outside, make the fit tighter, and when it's warm, loosen it. It is not recommended to leave the “winter” setting for the summer, since both the seal and the mechanism door block wear out much faster.

Adjusting the door if it is sagging

To eliminate this defect, you can not remove the door leaf from the hinges:

  1. Having opened the doors, find a screw on the top canopy that can be opened with a hex key or a special “star” key (depending on the model of the plastic structure itself).
  2. Turn the screw a couple of turns to the right.
  3. If the sash still touches the threshold, remove the protective cap from the bottom hinge.
  4. Find the adjustment screw and also turn it to the right a couple of times.

If the door hits the frame in the middle, do the following:

  1. Use a wrench to turn the lower adjustment screw, which is located on the side, with inside. 2-3 turns are enough. This will move the sash towards the hinge.
  2. If the door does not close well, repeat the procedure, but this time on the upper canopy.

Horizontal adjustment. Step by step description

Sometimes it becomes necessary to adjust the position of the door, for example, move it a little to the right or left. For this:

  1. Open the door and remove the screws from the top hinges. Use a 6-blade screwdriver.
  2. After closing the door, remove the linings behind which the screws are hidden for debugging the mechanism.
  3. Twist them: in the top loop more tightly, in the bottom - a little looser. This way you will prevent the structure from skewing.
  4. If you need to move the door evenly towards the awnings or, conversely, away from them, remove the trim from the bottom hinge.
  5. Tighten it and slightly loosen all the screws that are located horizontally in the awnings.

Attention! By turning the screws clockwise, you will move the door towards the hinges, by turning it counterclockwise, you will slightly move the door in the opposite direction. In this way, it is possible to correct the movement of the structure within 2 mm.

Vertical adjustment. Briefing

If the door needs to be lowered or raised slightly, make vertical debugging of the mechanism.

  1. Locate the adjustment screw at the bottom end of the canopy. It is located along the hinge axis. Sometimes the screw is hidden by a plug that needs to be removed.
  2. Turn the adjusting screw to the right if the door needs to be raised, and to the left if it needs to be lowered. A hex screwdriver is again suitable for this, and the lifting height can also be adjusted up to 2 mm.

Advice. To avoid having to adjust the door so often, install an opening limiter and a microlift on it, which supports the door when it is closed and prevents sagging.

Adjusting the balcony door: video

Many owners of plastic ones from time to time face the following problem: how to adjust a plastic balcony door. In this case, the structure may not close tightly, the handle or hinges may become loose. Regulatory process door device is not difficult. You can tighten and adjust the fittings in a few minutes.

They will help you design an exit to the balcony in a practical and convenient way. plastic structures

Read in the article

Features of the design of the balcony door

PVC products are suitable option For . Such designs are characterized by resistance to temperature changes and influence. Such products are light in weight and do not become a burden to exposure to moisture and temperature changes. When creating plastic doors, the same profile is used as when installing.

Plastic products have certain advantages:

  • thanks to the multi-chamber profile, they retain heat excellently and are distinguished by good quality;
  • are distinguished by their immunity to any manifestations of the external environment;
  • are environmentally friendly and durable;
  • characterized by ease of care.

Most often for balcony structures glass top is used and plastic bottom. If there is a strong frame, the door is made using triple glazing. This allows you to create a stained glass design and enhance the natural look.

Popular the following options designs:

  • sliding models that move using a system of grooves. When installing them, it is necessary to maintain tightness. Installation is also carried out on;

  • with one and two doors, which are equipped with hinged locking fittings. This requires adjustment of the hinges;

  • double structures with impost. In this model, the sashes open, but an insert is placed between them - an impost;
  • The shtulpovy version consists of two parts. In this case, one is fixed in one place.

Fittings are of great importance. It allows you to make the pressure tighter. The fittings are divided into internal and external. Internal elements no different from . Internal includes door rotary handles, balcony latches, decorative overlays and stationary handles.

Helpful information! The most important stage is the installation of the door frame. It is installed with precise definition vertical and horizontal directions. Then the structure is fixed using self-tapping screws and anchor bolts.

How to adjust a plastic balcony door: methods

Most balcony owners are concerned about the question: how to adjust the plastic balcony door. You can configure the device yourself, which allows you to:

  • use regulators to remove sagging canvases;
  • remove shifts in any direction;
  • adjust the pressure;
  • place a plate under the handle for the ventilation regulator;
  • Lubricate all moving parts.

A special oil composition is used as a lubricant, and you will also need a brush or cotton swab.

The table shows some door customization techniques:

Image Adjustment methods

Adjusting loops.

Adjusting the position of the trunnions.

Adjustment methods using a hex wrench
Pressure adjustment.

Features of setting up the end part of the balcony block

Setting the pressure.

Upper and lower hinge adjustment diagram.

Related article:

It is possible to cope with this task without contacting a specialist. We have collected everything you need to know about the features of regulation of these structures in this material.

The main problems of plastic doors

If the plastic balcony door does not close tightly, this can be easily corrected. You may encounter certain problems:

  • the bottom of the panel rubs against plastic threshold. This occurs due to subsidence of the structure, which manifests itself in summer time with frequent opening of the sash, as well as with heavy double-glazed windows;
  • in the middle part of the leaf, the sash touches the frame element due to temperature fluctuations and drafts;
  • the canvas does not adhere sufficiently to the frame, and cold air is drawn out from under the sealing material. This happens when there is insufficient pressure to the frame;
  • If you often open and close the sash, the handle begins to wobble. At the same time, manipulations are performed so that the handle stops wobbling in the socket.

Adjustment of the pressure of the balcony plastic door is carried out with a hex key. To work, you will need a flathead and socket screwdrivers, tape measures and plastic spacers.

Before setting up the design, you should determine the type of problem. Most often, difficulties arise when opening and closing canvases, when skewing, when blowing, and when moving handles. If the leaf falls down or the door is difficult to close, then an individual part of the fittings is adjusted or all mechanisms are completely adjusted.

A piece of paper is used to find out if it needs repairs. It is placed on the frame and the door is closed. In those places where the sheet can be pulled out without problems, the canvas is not pressed tightly to the box. To identify distortions, the canvas should be circled in the closed state, and then the sash is opened and the lines are checked with the frame.

How to properly adjust plastic balcony doors yourself: video

It’s easy to adjust plastic balcony doors yourself; special instructions will help you with this.

Handle adjustment features

The following problems often occur:

  • the handle does not turn completely or is tight. If the setting does not help, then it needs to be replaced;
  • if the handle is loose, then the cover at the base of the handle is rotated 90 degrees and the two screws that are hidden behind it are tightened. A Phillips screwdriver is used for this.

Replacing the seal

If there is a misalignment in the door, it often becomes deformed. In this case, it is with the same section configuration. Old material removed from the groove using a screwdriver. Then the surface of the groove is cleaned of glue particles and dirt. When installing a new seal, you need to make sure that it is tightened. Before laying, the groove is coated with glue. This must be done in the areas where the ends of the seal will be placed.

Helpful information! For quality work doors, it can be equipped with an opening limiter and a microlift that prevents sagging. The limiter does not allow the hinges to become loose.

What to do when sagging?

Many people are interested in knowing how to adjust balcony plastic doors when settling. To carry out repairs, lift the blade higher and move it to the loop at the top. Then a certain sequence of actions is performed:

  • the sash opens in a reversible position;
  • Using a hex key, turn the screw next to the hinge. Then several turns are made to the right;
  • to get to the screw element, you need to remove the decorative caps;
  • the screw is turned clockwise and door design rises;
  • freedom of movement is checked.

Helpful information! Fitting systems can fit not only hex keys, but also star keys.

Adjustment when touching the middle part

If the plastic balcony door does not close well, then make an adjustment, which can be seen in the video. When clinging to a section of the canvas in the middle, the sash moves closer to the hinges:

  • the sash is retracted to the lower hinge, and then the key is inserted into the side screw and the leaf is pulled towards the direction of the hinge;
  • then the same manipulations are carried out for the top loop.

How to adjust the pressure?

Similar work is carried out using locking products in the form of eccentrics. They need to be moved with pliers. To make the setup more effective, you need to study the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Adjustments are made several times a year. In the summer, the pressure should be weaker and more dense. At the same time, you need to know how to adjust plastic balcony doors for the winter.

The adjustment is as follows:

  • the decorative cap is removed;
  • at the bottom of the canopy there is a screw with which the clamping force is changed;
  • to change the clamp in the upper part, you need to adjust the screw itself;
  • the sash swings open and the blocker is held;
  • the hexagon is installed in the eccentric and rotated in the desired direction;
  • the blocker is then pressed against the seal and the sash is placed in place;
  • eccentrics are installed in the place where maximum pressure is applied. In this case, the fastening bolt is loosened slightly and then moved to the desired position.

Helpful advice! For better work design, it is recommended to use machine oil to lubricate the fittings.

Features of adjustment with conventional fittings

It's very easy to decide: how to set up a plastic balcony door, if the fittings are standard.

To adjust the door you need:

  • remove decorative parts from canopies;
  • using a hex key, unscrew the screw on the reverse side;
  • then the long horizontal screw is manipulated. For example, to prevent the sash from clinging to the upper part of the frame, you need to lower the upper screws and lower the leaf;
  • To check the design, several turns are made.


PVC balcony doors have become so commonplace in life that many take them for granted. Therefore, the appearance of problems in their operation is a complete surprise for the owners. Many people are in a panic and are urgently looking for phone numbers of repairmen. Experience shows: in such situations there is no need to rush. It is not difficult to identify the problem yourself and fix it, because adjusting plastic balcony doors with your own hands is not such a difficult matter.

For those who are dealing with this type of repair for the first time, we present detailed instructions How to adjust the plastic door on the balcony yourself.

When do you need to adjust the door?

In the world, only accidents and disasters happen instantly. All other problems mature gradually. This thesis fully applies to the balcony door. As it is used, its geometry and clamping force gradually change, which over time, if appropriate measures are not taken, can lead to the replacement of fittings, either completely or individual elements. Diagnose and resolve problems on early stage quite simple.

1.The clamping force can be checked in several ways:

  • bring it to closed door a burning match or candle. If the flame begins to sparkle, it means there are drafts between the frame and the door;
  • insert paper into the gap between the frame and the door leaf. If it easily pulls out from under the closed door, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments. Each side should be checked.

The ideal option is if the paper sheet is pulled out with the same force on all sides of the sash - the geometry is not broken, and the pressing force, if necessary, can be easily adjusted.

2. Most difficult case, if the geometry of the door begins to change. There are also several methods for early diagnosis:

  • open the door 45 o and leave for a short time. If it spontaneously, without the help of the wind, completely opened or closed, the door sagged due to the weakening of the upper hinge;
  • go out onto the balcony. Close the door. Along the inner perimeter of the door frame, using its edge as a ruler, draw on the door a diagram of its fit to the frame profile. The lines should be parallel to the edges of the door, and the width of all drawn stripes should be the same. Any deviations require a new adjustment of the door hardware.

Attention: different vertical strip widths, for example, on the handle side 5-6 mm, and on the hinge side 3-4 mm, are more likely to indicate a manufacturing defect than the need for adjustment work.

  • carefully inspect the seals. If the geometry is broken, some of them will be deformed (crumpled) differently.

If time is lost, For successful repair it is necessary to establish the cause of the malfunction:

  • the lower part of the door began to cling to the door frame threshold. The reason is always the heavy weight of the door. Door fittings are designed for weights up to 120-135 kg. The door together with single-chamber double-glazed windows weighs 35-40 kg. With an increase in the number of chambers, glass thickness or glazing area, the weight of the door approaches 60 kg, which is critical for hinges from any manufacturer. The metal of the canopies simply gets tired during the operation of the door, as a result of which the sash sags;
  • the door leaf clings to the door frame in the middle. There are two possible reasons for this: the door profile has been deformed outward or it is moving to the side under the influence of high temperature (the door leaf expands, and the hinges push it onto the frame from the front side);
  • the door doesn't close well– in the pressed position, the handle does not engage the trunnions into the striker (in the language of specialists, the striker). There are also two reasons: the door has settled, as a result of which the eccentrics (hooks) of the locking plate do not reach the grooves of the striker; profile door leaf deformed inward, pulling the hooks along with it - they stopped reaching the answer, or the box bent outward with the same result;
  • the door leaf does not fit tightly to the frame. In order not to blow, it is necessary to adjust the trunnions and the response;
  • the handle is jammed– the door was opened too quickly;
  • the handle is loose or broken. This happens when the door leaf is used intensively;
  • glass cracked in double glazed unit– there is a misalignment of the door leaf profile;
  • the plastic of the door frame or door leaf is cracked– the reason is the shrinkage of the house, not the door.

Adjusting balcony doors

Regardless of the reasons for the problems at the doors to the balcony, to adjust them you will need:

  • furniture keys No. 4 and 5;
  • slotted and Phillips screwdriver;
  • construction square;
  • pliers;
  • plastic gaskets.

Tools available. Now let's look at how to adjust a plastic balcony door in each specific case.


It is not possible to adjust the balcony door using the handle. It only removes the locking plate pins from the strike grooves (opens the door) or fixes them there (closes). Intensive use often complicates this process: the handle does not work well. Problems can be easily corrected by do-it-yourself repair. The main thing is to figure out what happened. Pen:

  • loosened;
  • broke;
  • jammed;
  • turns hard.

She became loose. A weak fit of the handle on the door (it wobbles in your hands) indicates loose hardware holding it in place. The problem can be resolved very simply: the bar covering the fastening plate must be slightly pulled towards you, and then turned 90 o (see photo). Using a screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver, tighten the screws until they stop. Return the bar to its place.

The handle is broken. The technology process is similar to the previous type of repair:

  1. the bar is pulled back and turned to the side;
  2. the screws are completely unscrewed;
  3. the broken handle is removed;
  4. a new handle is placed in the same position as the old one (depending on whether the door is open or closed);
  5. the mounting plate is attached;
  6. the cover is returned to its place.

Jammed. Due to careless, or rather, hasty opening of the doors, the locking mechanism does not always have time to work, after which the handle cannot be turned - it jams. This situation is not uncommon, but is only possible with doors that open in 2 planes.

The lock protects the locking mechanism from further manipulation of the handle. open door– if you turn the handle on the open sash to the “ventilation” position, you can damage all the fittings.

The locking mechanism is attached to the end of the door immediately below the handle mechanism (a number of manufacturers produce fittings with a lock at the bottom of the door leaf). At the same time it may have different type and a method for removing the blockade from the handle, which is clearly visible in the photo above.

For Maco fittings, you need to press the latch and move it to the “vertical down” position, and then change the position of the handle. For other hardware manufacturers, it is enough to press the locking tongue holding the handle against the end of the door and also turn the door handle.

Difficult to turn. The problem of a hard-to-turn handle arises in one case - preventive maintenance work on the fittings was not carried out for a long time. Due to accumulated dirt, the locking bars are difficult to move. The repair is simple - just clean the fittings and then lubricate all metal parts. The process of lubrication of fittings can be seen in work: “” - it is the same as for a Euro-window.

Important: if the handle is difficult to turn when the door leaf is pressed tightly against the door frame, the problem is in the trunnions and strikers. The repair is simple - either switch the trunnions to summer mode, or place thin gaskets, no thicker than 1 mm, under the strikers.


The simplest type of adjustment is to set the pressing force of the door to the frame. During door installation, installers install the standard (medium) option for the sealing rubber bands to fit each other. Over time, they wear out and the balance is disrupted. You can adjust the pressure of the balcony door in 2 ways: turn the locking bar pins or adjust the strike plate (Euro windows do not have this option).

The axle (eccentric) can be found at the ends of the door:

  • two or three on the front side;
  • one or two on the back;
  • 1 – top and bottom (if a tilting mechanism is installed).

Different manufacturers have different appearances, which can be clearly seen in the photograph:

  • locking eccentric, regulates the pressing force - the first one in the photo;
  • anti-burglary locking eccentric with adjustable clamping force – medium;
  • locking anti-burglary eccentric (adjusts the lifting height of the toe and the clamping force) – the third.

The trunnion can be in 3 positions:

  • neutral or standard, with medium downforce;
  • summer – weak pressure;
  • in winter - the pressure is as strong as possible.

You can determine the clamping force by the mark on the eccentric or its position. For an oval, a vertical position means weak pressure (translated for summer), at an angle - standard, horizontal - strong ( winter period). The round eccentric has a risk. If it is facing the street - summer option pressing, into the apartment - winter, upward - medium.

You can change the position of the trunnion using a hexagon (furniture wrench) or pliers. Sometimes the eccentric needs to be pulled towards you to make adjustments. Pliers ( wrench) will be required for Maso products, where the eccentrics are oval.

The mechanisms of the Roto fittings are adjusted with a furniture key. Some models of balcony door fittings have the ability to adjust the pressure through the strike plate. To do this, it has an adjusting screw for a hex key (see photo, option “A”). Turning it clockwise strengthens the pressure, turning it counterclockwise weakens it.

You can also change the tightness of the upper corner of the door in the hinge area using the adjusting screw on the folding scissors. To do this, the door leaf must be opened in two positions at once. First, it swings open, after which the lock latch is pressed against the fittings, and the handle is moved to the “ventilation” position. After this, the door closes a little and leans back.

The plate of the scissors has an adjusting bolt for a furniture key (see photo). By twisting it, the downforce is increased, and by unscrewing it, it is weakened.

When sagging

Eliminating the problem of a door clinging to the threshold is carried out using adjusting screws in each hinge, which are responsible for changing the horizontal position of the door. At the same time, we note that a sash with two opening modes has 2 hinges, and with one - 3. Therefore, with three hinges, adjustments must be made on each of them.

To eliminate the problem, you need to raise the lower corner opposite the upper loop. To do this, the top of the door is pulled towards the hinge, and the bottom, on the contrary, is pressed away from it. If necessary, the sash can be raised slightly.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • the door opens to 90 o (a smaller angle is possible, but adjustment in this case is quite difficult);
  • Use a hex key to tighten the adjusting screw 2 turns;
  • on the middle loop, tighten the screw half a turn;
  • Unscrew the screw on the hinge at the bottom of the door one turn (counterclockwise);
  • close the door and look at the position of the lower corner, as well as the position of the hooks in relation to the strike plate.

If the door still clings to the threshold, the adjustment process must be continued, but the number of revolutions must be reduced. Often, after aligning the door, the hooks of the bolt either do not fit into the striker at all, or do not secure the door well. In this case, the counterplate is rearranged. The problem can be solved by lifting the door leaf upward.

To do this, the screw located in the lower loop (responsible for the vertical) must be tightened as the clock progresses. To have access to it, you need to remove decorative elements loops. The hex key is inserted into the loop itself from above.

Attention: from the companies "Rehau" and "Veka" door hinges different. To configure them you need different instrument. But the adjustment technology is the same.

When touching the middle part

Now let’s look at how to adjust the balcony door if it touches the frame with the middle part. Step by step order The work is as follows: using horizontal adjustment screws, the door leaf moves towards the hinges. First you need to tighten in the area of ​​the bottom loop, then the top.

Here the opposite problem is possible: the hooks do not reach the gaps in the strikers. In this case, using horizontal adjusting screws, the engagement of the locking plate hooks into the grooves of the strike plate on the front side of the door is adjusted. From the back you can:

  • eliminate deformation of the door leaf by using a gasket between the double-glazed window and the door profile;
  • adjust the strikers for the hooks in a new way - place plastic pads under them.

How to switch a balcony door from one mode to another

Balcony doors, like plastic windows, it is necessary to adjust the clamping force twice a year. Unfortunately, the vast majority of owners forget about this.

For winter mode

There is nothing complicated about how to adjust a plastic balcony door for the winter:

  1. open the door;
  2. we examine its ends from all sides - the locations of the eccentrics are determined;
  3. with a furniture key (pliers) all eccentrics are transferred to winter mode. Oval in a horizontal position, round with a mark towards the room.

If everything is done correctly, during cold weather there will be no blowing into all the cracks and holes.

For summer mode

As the weather warms up, the pressure on the seals must be loosened. Otherwise they will wear out quickly. To do this, the trunnions on the open door are adjusted. They must be set to “summer mode” - oval vertically, round with a mark towards the street.

Preventative maintenance of the balcony door

In order for plastic doors to serve for a long time and not create problems for their owners, they need to be installed regularly at the beginning of winter and summer:

  • Remove dirt and then wash. First, the plastic (door frame and door leaf) is washed, then the glass unit. It is necessary to wash the balcony door both from the outside and from the inside. Cleaning solutions should not contain aggressive chemicals (acids and alkalis) and abrasives. A variety of cleaning compounds are used for glass. homemade or purchased in a store (“Seconda Super”, “Synergetic”, etc.) Wipe plastic parts better soft cloth or a sponge, and the glass unit with special napkins or a rubber scraper;
  • Wash, dry and then lubricate sealing rubber bands And metal parts shut-off valves;
  • Adjust the eccentrics for the coming season.


Problems that arise during the operation of a balcony door are mainly eliminated by various types of adjustments:

  • poor sealing pressure can be eliminated by adjusting the trunnions;
  • the sagging door is raised with horizontal adjusting screws;
  • you can lift the door without changing the location of the corners relative to the frame using a screw inside the lower canopy;
  • deformation of the door profile is removed by installing a side gasket under the double-glazed window; frame deformation is removed by installing a gasket under the strikers.

Video on the topic

Today, plastic balcony doors are becoming very common. They are easy to use, do not require constant repainting, and are easy and quick to install. Like any other movable structure, the door mechanism requires adjustment after prolonged use. Any doors tend to become loose because they are constantly opened or closed, or left to ventilate.

A plastic door will protect the apartment from any weather conditions

There is an option to call the master or specialists who installed the structure, but this is not always possible, especially when there is no time to wait, especially if the warranty period has already expired. Otherwise, you can solve the problem yourself.

A plastic door does not require intervention if:

  • the sash does not move, it is tightly pressed to the frame profile;
  • It doesn't move on its own if it's open.

As soon as you notice any deviations, there is no need to shelve this problem. Urgently call a professional who will adjust it, or do it yourself by reading the instructions carefully.

In order to repair it effectively and efficiently, you need to know exactly what caused the problem.

Types of faults

Before you adjust the plastic balcony door, you need to identify problems with its functioning. The main common faults include:

The door handle is broken
  • doors sag. When closing, the balcony door catches the plastic threshold. The reason may be that the structure is too heavy and moves downwards;
  • the handle dangles. The problem may arise due to frequent opening of the balcony;
  • The sash does not press tightly against the frame, so a draft is felt;
  • lateral movement of the sash, in which the middle of the frame is touched. As a rule, adjustment of the hinges is required. A possible factor causing the problem may be an insufficiently insulated balcony, resulting in constant temperature changes.

How to fix the problem?

Sticking clearly step by step instructions, you can solve all problems without any problems. To work, you need a hexagon and several types of screwdrivers (phillips and flathead). These tools should be enough, you may need others.

Get rid of sagging doors

If the bottom edge of the frame is scratched when the door is closed or opened, this indicates that the sagging sash needs to be adjusted. There are horizontal and vertical.

Door pressure adjustment

For horizontal:

  1. Open the door wide to the turning position.
  2. We turn the screw, which is located at the end of the sash, near the hinge at the top. Using a special hex key, make 2-3 turns clockwise.
  3. To get to the top screws, remove all plugs that may cover the required holes.
  4. Adjust the door mechanism as follows. Find the screw under the plug and turn it clockwise. Check to see if it closes freely; if necessary, tighten it again.


  1. Try to lift the door straight to find the screw. It is located along the hinge axis at the bottom end. In some balcony doors, the screw may be covered with a plug; it must be carefully removed.
  2. By adjusting the screw clockwise, we raise it, and if we rotate it counterclockwise, we lower it.

Adjust door handles

You can tighten the handle on plastic doors like this:

Door handle rotation diagram
  1. We find the mounting screws located under plastic cover, we pull them up. Before getting to the screws, you need to slowly turn the cover at a right angle.
  2. When the handle is tight or difficult to turn, you can lubricate the lock fittings with an acid- and resin-free material.
  3. If the handle is completely broken and requires urgent replacement, then unscrew the screws and remove old pen and attach a new one.

Press the doors tightly

Do you feel cold in the apartment, is there a strong draft from the balcony? This means there is a problem with tight pressing.

Door adjustment diagram
  1. There are locking elements on the sash that will help solve the issue with the clamp. Using pliers or a wrench, rotate the elements to the required pressure.
  2. Experts recommend repeating the door pressure adjustment a couple of times, in accordance with weather conditions. In warm seasons, the pressure should be loosened, but in autumn and winter, it should be pressed tighter.

Eliminate interference in the middle of the frame

When you feel that the sash is scratching the frame in the center, then perform the following actions:

  1. In order to move the sash towards the hinges, we lower it to the hinge that is located below. Then use an adjusting key to insert it into the side screw and tighten it.
  2. When this action is not enough, you should do the same for the top loop.

Having adjusted it qualitatively, we forget about the problems with plastic doors. But to achieve long-term uninterrupted operation, you need to know and take into account some important points.

How to prevent problems in the future

  1. Order doors only from well-known, trusted manufacturers. As on any competitive market, may come across low quality materials, which fail very quickly.
  2. When choosing a product, make sure that all mechanisms fit the plastic balcony doors. A modern fittings kit can withstand 100-130 kg, this weight is optimal for such a design.
  3. A special compensator (“microlift”) will prevent the sash from sagging under its own weight. This element is especially necessary for double-chamber plastic double-glazed windows, which are large in weight and size.
  4. A special additional tire is installed to protect against door sagging and sash jamming.

Plastic doors are widely used in houses, apartments, offices and shops: they are used as balconies, interior doors, and entrance doors. This is a great alternative wooden doors, and such products better protect against noise, dust, and have a large margin of safety. Over time, plastic doors may need to be adjusted , which is easy to do yourself.

When is adjustment required?

Even if you did not skimp on quality and purchased an expensive one from a trusted manufacturer, this does not mean that in a few years the door will not need to be adjusted. This problem is associated with many factors:

  • Shrinkage of the building.
  • Incorrect installation.
  • Incorrect operation.
  • Sagging of the structure due to its own weight.

In order to know exactly how to adjust , You can watch how the installers do it. Over time, this skill may come in handy.

You can find out that the doors require adjustment if drafts appear, the door begins to open or close poorly, or is no longer parallel to the frame. To determine how tightly the structure fits, you can use a regular sheet of paper, which needs to be placed between door frame and the frame itself. When sealed tightly, it will not be possible to pull out the sheet. If it comes out easily or falls out, it means the fit in that area is weak.

The sash could have moved due to frequent temperature changes, weakening door mechanism, because of which it begins to touch the frame elements. It is also necessary to adjust the plastic door in a situation where, when opening, it touches the threshold. When setting up, look at the handle: it may dangle or fly out of its socket, also requiring adjustment. The canvas may not fit tightly to the frame due to wear of the seal, which will need to be replaced.

Having identified the malfunction, you will understand what kind of adjustment of plastic doors you need on your own; The instructions for all actions are simple and accessible to any owner. can be adjusted in three directions; for this you will need to prepare the tools in advance. You will need two screwdrivers: flat and Phillips, hexagon, tape measure, plastic spacers, pliers.

A properly adjusted door should be stable in any position

Vertical adjustment

The hinges are adjusted using a special screw located on them. When it rotates, the door will lower or rise. This method is used if the sash touches the threshold or the seal in the lower or upper part has dents.

Before starting work, you will need to remove the cap from the adjusting screw, which is located on the lower hinge. It is located along its axis. You can rotate the screws using a hexagon. When turning the mechanism clockwise, the blade will rise, and in the opposite direction, the blade will lower.

Adjusting the height of a plastic balcony door

Horizontal adjustment

This type of adjustment is needed if the blade is sagging. Most often this happens due to the large mass of the structure. The height of the plastic door is adjusted when the leaf is open. To do this, you need to unscrew the screws from the upper hinges, then you need to close the sash, remove the covers on the hinges covering the screws for adjustment. Adjustment occurs using the longest fastener element in a horizontal position.

If there is a skew, you will need to tighten this screw on the upper and central hinges; the one located higher should be tightened more tightly. If you don't know how to tighten the plastic balcony door so that it sits straight, loosen all the horizontal screws and adjust them together.

Adjusting the door leaf horizontally in the top hinge
Horizontal adjustment doors in the bottom hinge

Pressure debugging

You need to know not only how to adjust a plastic balcony door yourself , but also when it is required to do this. For example, the pressure needs to be monitored constantly, and not just when you notice a problem. In summer, plastic expands due to high temperatures, so the clamp needs to be loosened, in winter time on the contrary, it needs to be strengthened to eliminate drafts, since expansion will cease to occur. The installation of a plastic door to a balcony is quite simple, so you only need a hex key to operate it. Locate the locking type trunnion on the frame. There is a special notch on this structural element that will help determine the degree of clamping density. Rotating the notch towards the frame will provide weakening, in reverse side– gain.

If the position of the adjustment screws is extreme, the adjustment will not be effective. In this case, you will have to resort to adjusting the position of the glass unit. Pull out the glazing beads that secure it into in the right places install the gaskets, this can be done using special device- shoulder blades. You can get rid of the distortion by choosing the right place for the gasket and taking into account its thickness. After this, the glazing beads can be returned to their place.

Adjusting the door leaf pressure

Replacing the seal

If plastic doors have not been adjusted independently for quite a long time, and the door has been used skewed, noticeable deformation of the sealing material often occurs. It will need to be changed: you can buy a new one at hardware store. Pay attention to the shape and cross section purchased material - they must match the old one.

You can remove a seal that has become unusable from the groove using a flat-head screwdriver. Remove dirt and glue build-up, apply a new layer of it, insert a fresh seal so that it does not stretch or sag.

Debugging the state of handles

These products can become loose or, conversely, turn tightly, preventing the door from opening normally. In the first case, the plastic entrance door is adjusted using screws located on the handle. To do this, you need to remove the protective cover by tightening them with a screwdriver.

The second version of the problem will require different efforts. To fix the problem, you will need to adjust the door leaf. How to adjust hinges on plastic doors , described above. If you have installed the blade correctly, but the defect in the handle has not disappeared, it will need to be replaced. This is easy to do: you need to unscrew the two screws that hold the product, pull out the handle, replace it with a new one and screw the screws in place.

Handle adjustment
  • In order to protect the door from damage and eliminate the need for frequent adjustments, you can install an opening limiter. This device will protect the hinges from becoming loose, as it will prevent them from touching the door jamb.
  • Another useful device is a microlift. It takes on the weight of the door leaf closed position and does not allow it to sag.
  • To extend the service life of the seal, it must be treated with silicone grease.
  • You can't hang anything on the door handle.
  • All parts of the opening mechanism must be lubricated regularly

Following these simple rules will extend the life of the door, avoiding frequent adjustments.
