How to get rid of cockroaches using folk remedies: effective and safe recipes, rules of preparation and use. Removing cockroaches: quickly, effectively, reliably The most effective way to get rid of cockroaches

Cockroaches- one of the most tenacious household pests that spoil not only the aesthetics of the house, but can also be a source of dangerous diseases. These insects are carriers of worm eggs, causative agents of tuberculosis, hepatitis, dysentery and other diseases.

Cockroaches reproduce very quickly, and the life cycle of one individual reaches 7-8 months. But nevertheless, it is possible to bring out the Prussians, it is enough to know the most effective methods fight them.

An effective remedy for cockroaches at home

The main methods of controlling cockroaches include:

  • making traps;
  • exposure to low temperature;
  • use of toxic odors;
  • poisoning through food baits;
  • electromagnetic repellers.

Gels for cockroaches

The advantage of using special gels is that the substance retains its toxic properties for a long time, even in open form. Thus, by preparing gel-based traps, you can be sure that the product will do its job for several days or even weeks.

The only negative: the action does not begin immediately, but only after 2-3 days. The effect is achieved gradually. The mass extinction of cockroaches occurs on days 8-10.

The gel contains food additives that attract Prussians even more than food. The main component is an insecticide, a substance toxic to insects. As well as thickeners, flavors and sometimes dyes.

There are many similar gels on the market. different companies. In the best possible way brands such as Raptor, Dohlox and Globol gel.

Insecticidal sprays

The advantage of cockroach sprays is: instant action. The disadvantage is that only those individuals that were on the surface at the time of spraying will die. Insects hidden in hard-to-reach places are more likely to survive and reproduce quickly. Sprays are effective only when the premises are lightly infested with pests.

The aerosol should be sprayed into all crevices and accessible places, avoiding contact with food and food surfaces. It is advisable to leave the room for several hours: toxic fumes can affect the well-being of people and pets. The following sprays are most effective: Raid, Raptor, Combat.

Cockroach crayons

The advantages of crayons and pencils are as follows:

  • Low cost compared to other means.
  • Economical use. One chalk is enough to cover a large area.
  • Ease of use. Even a child can handle it.
  • Safety for people. When using crayons, there is no need to vacate the room.

Such means include Domovoi.

The disadvantages include the low effectiveness of crayons in case of severe infestation of the apartment. In addition, if eaten, such a pencil can be harmful to a person, so you need to be vigilant in a home with small children. Another aspect is the white chalk streaks that spoil the look. As a rule, when thoroughly processing an apartment, it is not possible to limit yourself to applying chalk only to inconspicuous surfaces.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

Folk remedies for cockroaches at home

Folk remedies for exterminating domestic cockroaches are safe for the health of people and animals. Many of them have been tested for more than one generation. To successfully control pests, you first need to know what smells cockroaches are afraid of.

Bay leaf

Efficiency bay leaf in the fight against insects has been proven by many years of practice. Cockroaches are repelled by the essential oils contained in this plant. This is one of the most affordable methods, because bay leaves are in every kitchen, and its price is very low.

In addition, the advantage is that a person does not feel the pungent odor, even if the laurel is placed in many corners of the apartment.

Here are some tricks this method:

  • The bay leaf is used whole, not crushed. Otherwise, the essential oils will evaporate within a few hours.
  • If possible, it is advisable to use bay sprigs rather than leaves.
  • The more often the leaves are replaced, the higher the protection.
  • Essential oils disappear quickly. Therefore, in ventilated areas where there is often a draft, laurel leaves need to be changed more often.
  • As an analogue of bay leaf, you can use its decoction or tincture.

Poison with boric acid

Boric acid is harmful to insects.

There are two main ways to kill cockroaches using this method:

  1. The first involves the Prussian directly eating the poison. The most common way to feed pests is the Egg Recipe. . Boiled chicken yolk is kneaded with two spoons of solution boric acid. Small balls with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm are rolled from dough-like raw materials, after which they are laid out in places where they were noticed.
  2. The second method is aimed at ensuring that the insect gets dirty in the poison, and in the process of washing the poison from the paws gets into the stomach. To do this, boric acid powder is scattered in small quantities in the habitats of cockroaches or sprinkled with a solution.

Boric acid can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. The cost of this drug is low. When working, you should take precautions, do not inhale the vapors of the substance and work with gloves. This is perhaps the most effective home remedy from cockroaches.


The principle of action of alcohol in the fight against cockroaches is based on a pungent odor. The advantages are that cockroaches simply run away, which means there is no need to remove dead insects. Besides, ammonia is an accessible and inexpensive remedy.

Surfaces are sprayed with alcohol, and cotton balls moistened with it are also left in accessible places. It is advisable to add a few tablespoons of ammonia to the water for washing floors, doing this every time. wet cleaning. This will also be a preventive measure.

This method is not very effective due to the rapid evaporation of the odor. But on initial stage pest spread is worth trying it out. In cases where cockroaches are running away from neighbors or from the basement, ammonia will not help. It is necessary to resort to stronger influence.


While a deadly poison for cockroaches, borax (sodium tetraborate) is absolutely harmless to humans and animals. In terms of effectiveness and principles of action, it is similar to boric acid.

Options for using borax against cockroaches:

  • Prepare mashed potatoes from small potatoes and chicken egg. Add 1 tablespoon of borax to the mixture. Form into balls and place into baits.
  • Mix 200 grams of borax with 60 grams of starch and the same amount of powdered sugar. Add a little vanilla sugar. Then pour water into the mixture until the consistency resembles a paste.


Pyrethrum is a naturally occurring insecticidal substance in powder form. It is made from ground dried chamomile flowers. This powder is completely harmless for humans and animals, but is poisonous for cockroaches.

Pyrethrum is added to various food baits by analogy with other recipes for poisoning cockroaches or scattered in pure form in insect habitats.


Using kerosene or turpentine to destroy uninvited guests is an “old-fashioned” method. It is suitable only for those who have the opportunity to vacate the apartment during the period of cockroach baiting. Otherwise, toxic fumes can poison people too.

Kerosene is used to lubricate baseboards and spray accessible cracks and other surfaces. As a rule, the pests run away after a couple of days. This method is especially effective when the source that attracts cockroaches is located in the house itself.

Elderberry branches

When discussing which herbs cockroaches do not like, the first thing to note is elderberry. Black and red elderberry are successfully used in the fight against pests that cannot stand its smell. Usually fresh flowers and twigs are used.

This is one of the most simple methods, suitable for summer period: you need to get a fresh sprig of elderberry and place it in places where Prussians gather. You can also place sprigs behind the refrigerator, on the table, near the sink, behind the stove, and in other places.

Essential oils

The following oils will be used in the fight against cockroaches:

  • Geranium oil (most popular).
  • Lemongrass.
  • Vetiver.
  • Lemon balm.
  • Citronella.
  • Eucalyptus oil.

The essence of this method is in wiping surfaces with a special solution. IN warm water add a few drops of essential oil or a mixture of oils. The solution should be used to wipe not only the floor, but also all surfaces, including tables, chairs, shelves, refrigerator, etc.

The more surfaces are “protected” with ethers, the more uncomfortable it is for cockroaches to be in the house.

Do not forget that before using oils, you need to thoroughly clean the apartment, getting rid of crumbs and dirt that attract insects.

Plaster and alabaster

This method is the most cruel and not the most effective, but it has its place. This method boils down to cockroaches eating gypsum (or alabaster), which hardens in the stomach, leading to death. But it is not so easy to force insects to eat this substance, since they have a highly developed sense. To do this, gypsum is mixed with flour, sugar or semolina.


It's radical and very effective method, because cockroaches are afraid of the cold.

But its implementation is possible only if certain conditions are met:

  • Freezing is possible only in winter, when the temperature outside is well below zero.
  • Household members should be able to move out for a while.
  • If there is heating through pipes, all water should first be drained.

For the operation to be successful, the temperature in the house must be no higher than minus 15 degrees Celsius. The cold should remain for at least 10 hours, but preferably several days.

Some describe the method of freezing each room separately when it is not possible to vacate the home. But, as practice shows, letting the cold into rooms one by one is not the best option, as insects will move to warm parts of the house.

Stories from our readers!
“We spend the whole summer at the dacha, there are a lot of mosquitoes, flies and midges. It is impossible for either adults or children to be in the house, much less on the street. We purchased a lamp-trap on the advice of our neighbors.

We have been using the lamp for more than a month. We forgot about flying insects and often find ourselves in the evenings outdoors. We are very pleased with the result. I recommend to everyone."

Despite the fact that cockroaches are extremely tenacious, there are many factors that they are afraid of and try to avoid.

Summarizing the essence of all the listed methods of struggle, we can summarize:

  • Cockroaches cannot withstand low temperatures, nor very high ones.
  • Cannot tolerate strong odors.
  • Cockroaches are afraid of light.
  • They cannot tolerate certain chemical compounds (boric acid, ammonia, etc.).
  • And of course, cockroaches do not like cleanliness. Regular general cleaning in the house significantly reduce the risk of these pests.

We were faced with such a terrible problem as the appearance of cockroaches. These unpleasant insects appear suddenly and quickly, but getting rid of such uninvited guests is very difficult. How to get rid of cockroaches forever folk remedies or chemical poisons, we will tell you in this article.

Can cockroaches be useful?!

I would like to note that cockroaches, it turns out, are not our enemies at all, but, on the contrary, helpers! They are forced to eat up the remains of our food, saving us from appearing dangerous infections and bacteria caused by spoiled food. But the saddest thing is that, while helping to “clean up,” they themselves can be sources of various diseases. And in general, it’s not very pleasant when disgusting insects scurry around the house. Therefore, you are unlikely to find a person who would treat them with gratitude. Of course, with their appearance in the house, everyone thinks about how to get rid of domestic cockroaches.

What to do when they already exist?

There are a lot of ways to expel uninvited “guests”, ranging from modern chemical aerosols, gels, crayons, etc. to old grandmother’s recipes. In this article you will learn how to get rid of

First of all, put your house in order: carefully sweep or vacuum the floor, the joints between the sofa cushions, soft chairs. Then, with a good disinfectant, wash all problem areas in the apartment, Special attention devoting to the kitchen.

If you add ammonia to your cleaning product, you will make it even better - cockroaches cannot tolerate it.

It’s worth saying a few words about store products getting rid of cockroaches.

Let's go shopping

How to quickly get rid of cockroaches using chemicals? On the shelves of hardware stores there are a wide variety of gels, aerosols and others:

  • Traps. Plastic boxes with poison inside. They are attached with Velcro and poison cockroaches.
  • Gel. Apply with a syringe to areas where insects are most concentrated
  • Crayons. Similar to regular children's drawing crayons. They are used to treat baseboards, walls, and cracks.
  • Aerosols. Sprayed into problem areas apartments, especially in the kitchen and toilet.

But not everyone buys newfangled chemicals because it's not at all The best way get rid of cockroaches. After all, they all contain poison, which means they are harmful not only to these insects, but also to the person himself. Chemical vapors negatively affect our body, weakening the immune system and making it impossible to resist various infections. And if there are small children or animals in the house, then this method becomes completely dangerous. Babies crawling on the floor can accidentally put their fingers in their mouths and thereby get severe poisoning. But cats and dogs of small breeds face a completely sad fate: when washing, they lick their paws and fur, on which traces of toxic chemicals may remain. And then many of them die. In addition, such products have a sharp bad smell, which can cause allergies in sensitive people. In addition, many consumers note that cockroaches disappear only for a while, and then appear again, or there are simply fewer of them.

So, you have cockroaches. How to get rid of them without using any means of modern “chemistry”? And here there is only one solution left - to use something more gentle. For example, they can help you traditional methods how to get rid of cockroaches.

Temperature effect

Cockroaches are terribly afraid of the cold. If the temperature in the room drops to 5 degrees, then the life of your insects will begin to be in danger. They will hide wherever possible and look for a warmer shelter. Of course, this method is not entirely suitable for apartments, because it threatens to rupture the fuel system pipes, but for dachas, houses with stove heating may well be used. Open all windows and doors and ventilate the room for several hours. Of course, the temperature outside should be minus. And the result will not be long in coming.

Homemade traps for cockroaches

For changing store traps, which use chemicals, may well come homemade. Only their principle of influence is completely different. You need to drop glue onto a strip of tape or regular cardboard, and next to it - drops of honey or jam as bait. It is worth placing such traps in places where cockroaches are most concentrated. They will come to the sweet bait, but they will not be destined to leave there; most likely, they will stick and will not be able to escape.

The trap can also be made in another way. To do this you will need a small glass jar, greased inside with oil. You need to put something edible in it; some people add beer. Then the uninvited guests will crawl inside for a treat, but thanks to the slippery oil they will not be able to crawl out. And if these methods don’t help, how to get rid of cockroaches? Effective method Still, there is, however, you will have to learn how to conduct experiments.

No water - no cockroaches

Everyone knows that these annoying insects can live for a very long time without food, but water is the source of life for them. What’s most amazing is that the liquid is even a poison neutralizer for them! If a cockroach has eaten poison but managed to wash it down thoroughly with water, then its chances of continuing to live are very high. By the way, if you stepped on him or slightly crushed him, he will also remain alive: one can only envy his body’s recovery ability! Therefore, when starting the fight with your mustachioed enemy, start by depriving him of his most valuable thing - water. Try to dry all wet corners of your home and wipe the sink with a cloth. Even if after this they do not completely disappear, they will certainly weaken, and it will be easier to defeat them using another method.

Boric acid to the rescue

Another favorite method of controlling cockroaches is the use of boric acid. This is also a kind of poison, but it is not harmful to human body. But for small pets it can be destructive, so you need to know the rules on how to get rid of

The crumbly powder of this acid is laid out around the apartment where there is the most moisture. After all, as you know, cockroaches will not live long without water.

The principle of the effect of boric acid is as follows: the insect eats this poison and cannot drink water. But the cockroach just won’t eat the powder - it’s not tasty, but mixed with food - it’s really okay. Therefore, acid is mixed with food according to various recipes. Most often, ingredients such as an egg, boiled potatoes, boric acid and a little oil are useful for preparing poison.

Mash all these ingredients with a fork and mix into a thick porridge. The egg will hold the mass together, and the potatoes and butter will be a tasty bait. Now you should roll small balls from this dough and scatter them where your uninvited “friends” most often like to be. When a cockroach smells food, it will come at it. As soon as the insects eat this mixture, they will begin to die one by one. The rest will not live where their brothers die, and will quickly run away.

Now you already know how to get rid of it, but this is not the entire list of methods.

Strong smells are not for them

One of distinctive features Our baleen insects are guided in space by smell. But if you deceive them and interrupt the usual aroma by which they find food and water, then they will have no choice but to leave your home and look for something more suitable. Such a remedy can be an essential oil.

These oils are obtained from many plants. Now we’ll tell you in more detail how to get rid of cockroaches. Essential oil products are applied with a cotton swab, and to treat a large surface they are added to water. First of all, lubricate those areas where cockroaches like to be most often. They are usually localized near water.

Treat the bathroom, pipes, and faucets most intensively. On those areas that cannot be lubricated, place a swab or cloth soaked in clean oil.

Don't forget about the trash can - it contains the largest accumulation of food scraps.

But this method is good for those who do not react to the strong odors of essential oils. In large quantities, they can negatively affect your well-being, causing headaches.

How to quickly get rid of cockroaches using borax

Every remedy for annoying mustachioed insects has its own negative sides. Everything that can be harmful to a child. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons before using anything. Another good way to get rid of cockroaches using folk remedies is borax. This is also a powder with which a poisonous “menu” is prepared.

You will need a small amount of powdered sugar or granulated sugar, vanillin and starch. All this is mixed to a thick mass, divided into pieces and laid out in places favored by cockroaches. Vanillin perfectly attracts the attention of mustaches to the poisoned bait. This method is very similar to the boric acid method, and borax can also be added to egg and potato mash.

Try to thoroughly clean the toilet and kitchen. Place the resulting lumps everywhere: between cabinets, under the sink, near the trash can. The more poisonous treats cockroaches taste, the higher the chances of getting rid of them forever.

Tell the cockroaches "No!"

We have described many universal poisons and how to get rid of cockroaches. Reviews from those who have used these methods are mostly positive. Certainly, traditional methods may not be as effective as store-bought chemicals, but their main advantage is their relative safety for humans. Don't panic if you see cockroaches in your home. There are no invincibles! Being savvy, you will cope with this trouble in as soon as possible, knowing how to get rid of cockroaches using folk remedies.

We went into the kitchen at night to drink water and found kitchen table cockroaches? Congratulations, you have new neighbors! Do not despair. We'll tell you how to get rid of cockroaches at home and forget about baleen swallows forever.

How to get rid of cockroaches: folk remedies

If there are children and pets in the house, folk recipes will fit best. These techniques, in contrast to treatment with potent chemical compounds, more loyal. They allow you to effectively fight insects without harming the health of apartment residents.

How to remove cockroaches? We offer proven folk recipes:

Freezing. If mustachioed neighbors come to you during the cold season, use it against them negative temperature. The homeland of cockroaches is tropical latitudes. They love warmth. That's why low temperatures have a negative effect on insects. At +7 0C they stop reproducing, and at –5 0C they die.

Schedule the extermination of cockroaches on a frosty day, when the air temperature outside the window drops to -10 0C. In this case, you will be sure that the cockroaches did not run to a warm place to wait out temporary inconveniences, but definitely died. At this temperature, Prussians die within 1–2 minutes.

Create a draft in the room. Open windows, doors, let the frosty air penetrate into every hard-to-reach place. Open the doors of cabinets, wardrobes, bedside tables. Leave the room to ventilate for at least 4–5 hours.

If possible, spend the night with friends or relatives so that the room freezes for a day. Such extreme conditions insects are unlikely to survive: freezing is an effective remedy for cockroaches and larvae.

Plaster or alabaster. These materials destroy insects by getting stuck directly in the stomach of little gluttons. The method requires cunning, since it is important to force the Prussians to eat substances that in their pure form are odorless and tasteless.

Use plaster and alabaster as bait components. Mix the substance with flour, boiled yolk and a little water to make a tasty bait. Scatter the substance in places where insects gather and wait.

Boric acid and borax. Inexpensive products that you can buy without compromising family budget. Substances interfere with work nervous system insects getting inside. As a result of blocking nerve impulses, paralysis occurs and the cockroach dies.

As in the previous method, it is important to force cockroaches to eat tasteless food. Since both substances are odorless and tasteless, they are therefore not attractive to baleen.

Prepare one of the bait options:

Place bait in places where insects gather. Limit the Prussians' access to sources of water and food, otherwise the method will not give the desired effect. Wait. After a while, you just need to collect the lifeless bodies of insects that have tasted the poisoned bait.

  • mix 1 tbsp. l. boric acid and 1 tbsp. l. powdered sugar. Make the bait aromatic using vanilla essence or vanillin;
  • use boiled yolks, mixing them with boron powder;
  • Prepare mashed potatoes from one large potato. Add boiled egg, 1 tbsp. l. Boers.

Plants. The pungent odor of some plants and herbs repels insects. An excellent preventive measure and method of fighting cockroaches, if there are not too many of them. Use these plants:

Rub the leaves in your hands to enhance the smell and place them indoors. Or prepare a bay decoction, which you can use to treat the surfaces and hard to reach places where pests hide;

  • pyrethrum (popularly known as chamomile). Sprinkle the powder in places where insects accumulate and treat possible ways entry of unwanted neighbors into the premises.

Essential oils. Acrid, pungent odors have a negative effect on cockroaches. Add a few drops of eucalyptus or cedarwood essential oil to your floor cleaning water.

Wipe with the solution possible places where insects appear. Place cotton swabs soaked in pure essential oil in the areas where the Prussians live.

Turpentine, kerosene. A radical way to combat insects. How to get rid of Prussians using these means? Add turpentine, kerosene or denatured alcohol to the water for washing floors, and treat other surfaces with the solution.

Remember: the smell is unpleasant for both insects and people. It is not recommended to live in a room treated with these products.

These are effective folk recipes that will allow you to get rid of unwanted neighbors forever.

Why are there cockroaches?

To get rid of Prussians forever, it is necessary not only to choose an effective method of fighting insects. It is important to analyze and understand where they came from.

Why did they appear:

If it is impossible to reach an agreement with your neighbors, try to block insects’ access to your apartment. Close the gaps, cracks, install ventilation grates with built-in mesh.

  1. You have plenty of water. Cockroaches can survive for a long time without food, but water is vital for them important element. Leaks under the toilet tank, wet marks near the bathtub and sink - these conditions are ideal.
  2. For cockroaches, crumbs, leftover food, grease stains on the table or stove, and unwashed pans are excellent opportunities to feed themselves. They also love cereals scattered in the cupboard and garbage that they don’t take out for several days.
  3. The neighbors are dirty. You can keep your house perfectly clean, but if your neighbors are slobs, then expect an infestation of cockroaches.
  1. There is a store nearby. Retail premises located on the ground floors residential buildings, become a breeding ground for unwanted insects. They run to the apartments through the ventilation shafts, landings and walls.
  2. You have recently traveled. Often cockroaches are brought with things from a trip. Not every hotel and train car has ideal sanitary conditions. Pests sneak into luggage bags and easily enter your home.

Knowing the cause, it is easier to deal with the consequences. Analyze the situation, figure out where the mustachioed guests came from. And after that, choose the traditional method to get rid of pests forever. Good luck!

Cockroaches are rightfully considered one of the most tenacious insects. In search of conditions favorable for life and reproduction, they constantly explore new territories, moving along ventilation ducts, garbage chutes, sewer pipes, making his way into the smallest cracks and doorways. Few people are lucky enough to avoid the invasion of these insects, so it is important to know how to get rid of cockroaches at home.

The most difficult place to fight insects is in apartment building: they easily migrate to neighboring rooms if they are started to be poisoned, and return after some time. Cockroaches can get into an apartment in a variety of ways: you can bring them with you from a trip, get them with other people's things, but most often they sneak in from neighbors. It is impossible to insure against the appearance of these insects, but you can arm yourself with knowledge and create unfavourable conditions– then they themselves will look for a more comfortable place to live.

The main causes of cockroach infestation:

  1. A mess in the apartment. Cockroaches are very reluctant to leave a room where there is free access to food and water.
  2. Not enough high-quality repairs. Insects can easily get into cracks from neighbors. If no means help, and you don’t know what to do, then you should start the fight by eliminating repair deficiencies.
  3. Easy access to water. Cockroaches will not be able to live long without water, so it is important to monitor the serviceability of the taps and wipe off any remaining moisture on the sinks.

Features of insects

For effective fight With tenacious insects, it is useful to know some of their features:

Control measures at home

The fight against insects should begin with cleaning the house. But you shouldn’t stop there: cockroaches can go without food for quite a long time, feeding on glue on wallpaper or even watercolors. To effectively combat these insects, it is necessary to use both poisonous and repellent agents for cockroaches. Insecticides (or chemicals) are easier to use and work faster, but are more expensive and can have Negative influence on the health of pets, children and even adults if you ignore the instructions for use.

Among the folk methods there are many effective ones, but to prepare them you will have to put in more effort: it is much easier to buy any chemical drug than preparing, for example, poisonous boric acid balls.


Chemicals are perfect if you are thinking about how to poison cockroaches at home. Using insecticides you can quickly get rid of uninvited guests. To make their use at home safe and effective, you must follow the instructions for use. The drugs do not affect the larvae, so after a month you need to treat the room again. Most often you can find the following groups of drugs on sale:

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are less effective than chemical ones, but they are much safer and cheaper. They can be recommended for small quantity insects, as well as to prevent them reappearance. You should not expect a noticeable result quickly; chemical ones act faster.

Boric acid


Another good home remedy for cockroaches. To prepare poisonous balls, you need to mix 1 tsp. vanilla sugar, 1 tbsp. l. starch and 2 tbsp. l. Boers. Place the balls in secluded places. You can simply sprinkle the powder, but the balls are more effective.


It is not an insecticide, i.e. it does not kill, but repels due to strong smell insects You need to add 1 tsp to a liter of water. facilities. Regularly treat furniture and floors with this solution when cockroaches first appear - they will no longer have the desire to stay in your home for a long time.


Cockroaches don't like this smell either. In case of an insect invasion, this remedy is unlikely to help, but for the prevention or scaring away of lonely individuals it is quite suitable. Orange or lemon essential oil should be regularly added to the water when washing floors, and dried citrus peels should be placed in the corners of the kitchen.


Cockroaches really don't like the smell of this flower. If there are a large number of them, this method is unlikely to help, but it copes well with the task of preventing the reappearance of insects. Geranium branches can be placed near kitchen cabinets and shells.

Eucalyptus essential oil

The scent of eucalyptus is very effective in repelling cockroaches. In places where insects are expected to live, you need to lay out pieces of cotton wool soaked in essential oil. For prevention, it is useful to add 1 tsp to the water for washing floors several times a week. eucalyptus essential oil.



An emergency way to control cockroaches if you need to quickly get rid of a large number of insects. They cannot stand the smell of kerosene. It is enough to lubricate the places where cockroaches accumulate and place cotton swabs soaked in kerosene in the corners. It is better to leave the apartment for a few days until the smell disappears.

How to prevent the return of cockroaches

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of cockroaches than to then spend energy and money fighting these tenacious insects.

No one will like living with mustachioed pests, but the red brood will not rush to leave your apartment unless you take decisive measures. If cockroaches appear, how to get rid of them, what is the reason for their appearance? Before you start fighting, carefully study why your house is full of insects. Try to correct all the shortcomings, after which you can begin to free your home from crawling little enemies.

How to remove cockroaches from an apartment

Some tips on how to prevent insects from appearing:

  1. Do not store food in accessible places.
  2. Insects love humidity and breed in such conditions, so don’t be lazy to wipe down the spaces under the sink in the kitchen and bathroom.
  3. Clean bread bins and cabinets periodically to prevent the appearance of crumbs that pests love so much.
  4. Try to seal all the cracks, because... insects are infested not only by dirt, but also crawl from neighbors through ventilation and cracks in the floor.

If uninvited guests still appear, ignoring your tricks, then you will have to address the issue of how to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment. There are several types of insect control products:

  • folk methods using simple available reagents and products;
  • chemical traps, gels, powders, Velcro;
  • pest control companies.

Professional extermination of cockroaches in an apartment

The simplest, but far from it budget method to get rid of pests – use the services of pest control companies. A team of specialists, including a sanitary doctor, comes to your home. The team determines the size of the room, the degree of insect infestation, selects the optimal microcapsule preparation or concentrate and method of destruction. Often the company provides a guarantee, for the entire period of which you can order a free call back if necessary. There are 3 ways to poison cockroaches using companies:

  1. Cold fog (with the drug).
  2. Hot fog (similar).
  3. Installing a barrier (pests will not crawl in from neighbors).

Poison for cockroaches

Modern chemical industry helps to completely get rid of mustachioed “guests”. 1-2 applications are enough for the insects to completely disappear. You can choose an effective remedy for cockroaches in any convenient form of release:

  • Aerosol. They must be used directly in the pest zone. Popular brands are Raptor, Raid, Combat, Dust, Dichlorvos.
  • Traps. Small boxes are pasted or placed in all suspected habitats of cockroaches. Famous brands– Global, Clean House, Raptor, Combat.
  • Gels. The preparations have a specific odor that is attractive to barbels. Getting rid of cockroaches occurs by poisoning individual individuals and then entire populations. The gel will prove its effectiveness within a month. Popular manufacturers are Absolut, Brownie, Dohlox, Adamant, Rubit, Eurogard.
  • Pencils or powders. An economical option to start with when you don’t know what to poison cockroaches with. You should be careful with these products if you have a pet. Popular chemistry for fighting insects - Mashenka, Clean House, Titanic, Brownie.
  • Concentrates. They are sold in the form of powders and liquids already diluted in a jar. Spray in all secluded places and possible habitats of cockroaches. Famous brands - Extermin, Duplet, Agran, Solfisan.

Folk remedies for cockroaches in the apartment

The red-haired inhabitants of the apartment cannot stand the cold, so you can freeze them out by for a long time opening windows and doors. This method is not suitable if the communication systems and household appliances there is not enough thermal insulation. What are cockroaches afraid of besides the cold? Various caustic substances and acids can have an insecticidal effect on pests. A person will not notice it in any way, and baits and sprinkles will become destructive for insects.

Boric acid for cockroaches

Behind long years people noticed the unpleasant coexistence positive influence boric acid to reduce the insect population in the house. To put it simply, the pests experience instant poisoning, which is transmitted through contact to the entire family in the nest. Insects experience severe itching, from which they die - this is how natural poison against cockroaches works. Boric acid does not affect the health of households and animals, but it quickly gets rid of pests.

Cockroach traps

Boric acid has a drawback - it evaporates quickly, so treatment against pests must be carried out regularly. You can use a more clever home method:

  1. Boil the egg and potato.
  2. Finely grind the ingredients in a blender.
  3. Add oil and boric acid to the mixture.
  4. Create small balls and dry them.
  5. Place the pellets throughout the kitchen.

You can mix sugar, flour and boric acid to form a dough, after which the traps are dried and laid out. How to fight cockroaches with borax? You can make a pest trap from the sodium salt of boric acid by adding powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and starch to 200 g of the substance. The mixture is diluted with water and a bait is formed.
