Curved board for abs. Abdominal bench: what they are and how to choose the best option. What is an incline bench and press, straight, curved

You can count on maintaining a slim body and maintaining good health only with regular exercise. In particular, those who want to pump up their abdominal area until they get the coveted six-pack should pay attention to special sports equipment. So, even the most standard abdominal bench can help you get a perfect flat stomach literally within a month.

How indispensable is a bench for training?

This exercise machine becomes simply indispensable in cases where it is necessary to quickly get rid of folds in the abdominal area, remove excess fat from the waist, and make the muscles more prominent. By the way, such a bench is suitable for the abs and back, and helps pump up the buttocks and thighs.

Regular exercise on the bench has the most positive effect on the condition of the internal organs and forces the body systems to work with increased activity. Physical activity allows you to get rid of stress, improve morale and force you to show willpower to achieve your goals.

Abdominal bench: main types

There are separate types of simulators for this purpose. They differ from each other not only in design, but also in the degree of load on individual muscle areas:

  1. Bench with horizontal plane - contains a flat, non-adjustable surface. With such a simulator, it will be quite easy for beginner athletes to perform the exercise. A press bench of this type can cost approximately 1,500-2,000 rubles.
  2. Bench with an adjustable back - contains fastenings for fixing the plane at individual angles. Using the simulator allows you to work out individual zones with reinforcement. The price on the domestic market starts from 2500 rubles.
  3. A press bench with a curved plane is ideal for performing elements that focus on bending. Such simulators cost about 2500-3500 rubles.
  4. Roman bench - contains bolsters for securing the feet in a static position. Allows you to place increased stress on the abdominal area due to the lack of support under your back. Prices here start from 4,000 rubles.
  5. Universal bench - the design features of the simulator open up the possibility of pumping not only the abdominal area, but also the legs and back. As a rule, it is used as an element of complex training equipment.

Manufacturing materials

Of course, the higher the quality of the base used to produce the simulator, the longer it will serve its owner. To count on the longest possible operation of the press bench, you should give preference to products with a steel frame. Wood and plastic are lightweight, but can be deformed. In general, the greater the difference between the permissible load and the weight of the athlete, the higher the resistance of the simulator to damage.

As for the nature of the upholstery, it is recommended to purchase a bench covered with a non-marking, dense material. Foam rubber fillers absorb unpleasant odors well and wear out quickly. Therefore, it is better to give preference to silicone or crushed rubber crumbs. When choosing a bench, the presence of neat, strong seams, the absence of glue stains and protruding threads is welcome. All this indicates the decent quality of the upholstery.

When choosing a simulator for training the abdominal area, it is recommended to use anti-allergenic materials as materials. Otherwise, quite unpleasant reactions on the skin may occur as a result of the surface of the bench coming into contact with the body.

When choosing a bench for abdominal training, special attention should be paid to the following:

  1. The simulator should have a convenient and simple adjustment system. This will allow each family member to train based on their personal needs.
  2. Before buying a bench, you should check it in action once again.
  3. It is advisable that the elements that come into contact with the body during active body movements are covered with soft and sufficiently durable material to avoid bruises and contusions.

Do-it-yourself abdominal bench

There are several ways to make your own bench for pumping the abdominal muscles. Let's focus on the simplest and most accessible.

To make a bench for the press, it is enough to get a strong board about 40 cm wide and no less than the height of the tallest user who plans to exercise with the help of the device. As a means of changing the inclination, it is worth using a wooden block; it is placed on one of the ends of the bench. The latter will act as the basis for hooking the bench onto the ladders of the wall bars.

To stay on the board, you can fix your feet to the crossbar, which is located immediately above the end of the bench. However, for these purposes it is more convenient to attach a strong belt to the end of the product.


As you can see, the selection of a bench for abdominal training should be approached as carefully as possible, not only paying attention to the above recommendations, but also based on personal, specific needs. Buy a truly ergonomic, high-quality and functional exercise machine, and the exercises will be beneficial, satisfying and safe.

A popular exercise machine for pumping up the abs is the incline bench. It is inexpensive and does not take up too much space. At the same time, exercises performed on such a simulator are very effective for working out the abdominal muscles. Therefore, it is often purchased for training at home. In addition, you can find a press bench in most gyms. This machine is suitable for people with an average or high level of physical fitness. Beginners will find it difficult to maintain proper technique.


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An abdominal board or Roman chair is a simple exercise machine that consists of an inclined bench and leg support rollers.

There are several types of such simulators:

1. With adjustable angle. In this case, the bench can be raised or lowered, thereby changing the degree of load on the abdominal muscles. The higher the backrest is raised and, therefore, the greater the angle of inclination, the more difficult it is to perform the exercises. It is much easier to do them when the bench is located almost parallel to the floor.

2. The simplest exercise equipment may not have a backrest adjustment function. They are of cast construction. The inconvenience is that you cannot change the degree of load, so the machine is suitable for people with an average level of physical fitness. In addition, such a bench is not intended for tall people.

3. The most convenient option for small apartments is a folding abdominal bench. It is easy to remove if necessary, so it takes up virtually no space in the house.

4. To protect the spine when performing exercises, you should choose a bench with a curved back. In this case, the load on the lower back will be much less. Such a simulator is especially necessary for people with back problems.

In addition, you can use a bench to press the barbell upside down to work out your abdominal muscles.

But do not confuse the abdominal bench with the Scott board. The second machine is designed to work the biceps, not the abdominal muscles.

Barbell curls on a Scott bench


Not everyone can pump up their abs on an incline bench. Contraindications to classes are:

  • back problems (injuries, postoperative period, diseases);
  • the presence of a herniated disc caused by heavy work or training with heavy weights;
  • weak lower back muscles that need to be strengthened by performing hyperextension, close-grip pull-ups and other exercises;
  • diseases of the digestive system in acute form.

You can understand that the lower back muscles are not strong enough if there is a deflection in the back when doing crunches. In this case, most of the load will be removed from the press.

Basic rules of classes

For a bench to become a truly useful acquisition, you need to properly pump your abs on it. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  • do not lift your pelvis when lifting your body, as this will shift the load onto your back and legs;
  • the neck should be a continuation of the spine; it should not be pulled forward, otherwise cervical osteochondrosis may develop;
  • when performing crunches on a bench, you should round your back so that the abdominal muscles are involved in the work;
  • It is advisable to pump up your abs 2-2.5 hours after a meal or after a main workout (strength or cardio);
  • exercises should be performed in 3 sets of 15–20 repetitions.

Beginners should strengthen their abdominal muscles with standard floor exercises, as they are easier to perform. After some time, the abs will become stronger. Then it will be possible to move on to more complex and more effective exercises performed on the bench.

Both men and women can pump up their abs on a Roman chair. But it is necessary to take into account that girls should not get too carried away with such training. Overdeveloped abdominal muscles lead to an expansion of the waist, which makes the figure less feminine.

To achieve light relief and a toned stomach, you should exercise on a bench 1-2 times a week. The rest of the time the muscles will recover. If the goal is noticeable abs, you can use weights.

How to pump up your oblique abdominal muscles at home and in the gym - top 15 exercises

Best exercises

During the exercise, abdominal muscles such as the rectus abdominis, obliques, serratus and some others are pumped on the abdominal bench. The muscles of the anterior thigh also receive a small load.

Depending on the exercises performed, you can shift the emphasis to certain areas of the muscles.

Straight crunches

The simplest but most effective exercise on the bench for the press is lifting the torso. With their help you can pump up the rectus abdominis muscle. She is the one responsible for the presence of cubes.

This exercise is a variation of the classic crunch. However, its effectiveness is higher, since the amplitude of movement due to the inclination of the bench is greater.

Technique for performing straight crunches on a board:

  1. 1. Set the appropriate angle of the bench. It shouldn't be too big. For beginners, 15–20 degrees will be enough, and for more experienced practitioners, 20–40 degrees.
  2. 2. Take the starting position on the simulator. To do this, you need to put your feet under the upper bolsters and grab the lower ones with your feet. Lie with your back completely on the bench.
  3. 3. As you exhale, lift your head, shoulders and lower back from the back and lift your body. In this case, the back must be rounded.
  4. 4. Your arms can be kept crossed on your chest. To make the exercise more difficult, you can put them behind your head. But in this case, you can’t pull yourself by the neck.
  5. 5. When the angle between your legs and torso becomes straight, you need to fixate for a couple of counts and then slowly lower back.
  6. 6. You should not lie down completely on the bench again. Partial amplitude will allow you to work your abs more effectively, since the muscles will not relax.

It is very important to constantly keep your abs tense and your back rounded. Under no circumstances should you bend your lower back when lowering.

When it becomes easy to perform 15-20 repetitions of such twists in 3 approaches, you can take weights. A barbell or dumbbell plate is used as it. They can be raised above your head or pressed to your chest. The first option is considered the most difficult.

Oblique crunches

To work the oblique muscles on an incline bench, it is worth including lateral crunches in your training program. They differ from ordinary ones in that the body must be rotated when lifting.


  1. 1. Lie on a bench and put your feet under the supports.
  2. 2. Place your right hand on the back of your head and your left hand on your thigh.
  3. 3. Perform a twist, trying to reach your left knee with your right hand.
  4. 4. Then lower yourself without lying on the bench and change hands.

Leg Raise

For many people, the difficulty is working the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle. There are fewer nerve endings in this area, so it is more difficult to achieve relief.

An exercise such as incline leg raises can shift the load from the upper part of the rectus muscle to the lower part. Its second name is reverse crunches.


  1. 1. Lie down on the bench so that your head is at the top of it, next to the bolsters.
  2. 2. With your hands, firmly grasp the edge of the board. Some machines have a special handle.
  3. 3. Lift your legs off the floor and raise them until they are parallel to the floor.
  4. 4. Then tighten your abs and throw your straight legs up so that they become perpendicular to the floor.
  5. 5. At the same time, you need to round your back and twist your pelvis, as if pushing yourself up.
  6. 6. Without relaxing your muscles, you should slowly lower your legs until they are parallel to the floor and raise them again.

Twisting the pelvis with rounding the lower back is necessary to engage the abdominal muscles. You can't just raise and lower your legs.

Beginners usually have difficulty with this exercise. To make the task easier, at the first stage you can raise your legs bent at the knees.


On an incline bench you can also perform a well-known exercise called cycling. It is usually done on the floor, but tilting will provide better muscle development.


  1. 1. Take the starting position on the board, as in reverse crunches.
  2. 2. Raise your straight legs until they are parallel to the floor. Lift your pelvis off the bench and round your lower back.
  3. 3. Alternately pull your right and left knee to your chest, straightening the other leg.

Under no circumstances should it be allowedthe appearance of a deflection in the lower back. This can lead to injury or back problems.

To maintain the correct technique, a strong muscle frame is required. Therefore, beginners should start doing it only after several months of regular training.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

(abs bench) - a specialized simulator for training the abdominal and back muscles, forming the relief of the torso muscles. Traditionally, it consists of a short or long bench for sitting and bolsters or grips and legs for performing exercises for flexion, extension, and twisting. Used by both professional athletes and active lifestyle enthusiasts.

Types of press benches

There are several types of abdominal boards, which differ in appearance, purpose and degree of load on the abdominal and back muscles.

  1. Press board with horizontal surface. It has one surface, often located at an angle. The angle can vary to create a load: the greater the angle, the more effort must be applied to bend and twist the torso. There are many offers on the market for press benches with a horizontal surface, suitable for use at home, with a price range from 1450 to 2500 Russian rubles.
  2. Abdominal bench with adjustable reclining backrest. Equipped with the ability to adjust part of the surface to form an angle between the back and pelvic area to work on different areas of the press with reinforcement. The price on the Russian market is from 1700 to 2600 rubles.
  3. Ab board with curved back. Designed for enhanced training due to increased flexion load. A similar board with bolsters for fixing the legs can be purchased from 2100 rubles to 3500.
  4. Roman bench. It is a short seat with bolsters for fixing the legs for performing flexion and extension exercises. The maximum load is achieved due to the lack of support for the back. Prices range from 4,000 to 30,000 thousand rubles.
  5. Hyperextension. It’s hard to fully call it a board for the press, since there is no surface for support. The load is carried out due to resistance to its own weight. The only support is the fixed legs. Prices from 3000 to 6000 rubles.
  6. Universal boards for the press, functionally making it possible to train not only the abdominal muscles, but also the back and legs. As a rule, they are large in size. Prices from 6000 rubles.

How to choose a press bench for home training

The following brands are available on the market, offering budget options for abdominal exercise equipment for home use. This Torneo, Body Solid, Atemi, Stingrey, Body Sculpture and others.

The choice of an ab board should be made taking into account physical fitness, back health and frequency of training. It is also important to pay attention to the fact that the board has a soft sheathed surface with fabrics that do not cause allergies. You should pay attention to the body itself: it must be made of durable fabric to withstand loads. The quality of the porous material for leg braces will also be important.

Everyone dreams of an ideal figure, men want to stand out with beautiful sculpted abs, and girls strive to achieve an ideal waist. For those who have just started playing sports, we have great news - the abdominal muscles are perhaps the only muscle group that can be fully worked out even at home, and you will be able to see the first results of training in just a couple of weeks.

The main exercise machine for working out the abdominal muscles is the abdominal bench. The unit, at first glance, is simple and does not require additional installation. However, you should carefully choose a simulator in order to achieve good results.

Let's consider the main parameters that you should pay attention to:

  • Convenience and comfort - it is important that the bench matches your height and physique, otherwise it will be extremely inconvenient to exercise and the exercise machine will quickly become a piece of furniture. It is necessary to take into account that the wider the bench, the more stable the machine will be during exercise; this parameter is especially relevant when performing speed crunches.
  • Safety - our store offers press benches of various shapes and intended uses. For beginners, as well as people suffering from diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system of the body, you can only exercise on a straight bench, this will protect you from injuries. For athletes who are confidently moving towards their goal, know the technique of performing exercises, and have been training for several years, it is worth paying attention to an inclined (curved) bench. This shape allows you to better work out individual groups of abdominal muscles and emphasize the relief.
  • The ability to adjust the machine - as a rule, users buy a bench to exercise on the machine with the whole family. To do this, each family member needs to test the simulator and determine the appropriate settings for themselves. It is important that the adjustment of the exercise machine is not difficult; even fragile girls can easily adjust a high-quality exercise machine.
  • The material of the bench plays a very important role; high quality materials last for decades. However, in addition to appearance and service life, it is worth focusing on the ratio of softness and hardness of the board. When performing exercises, the user should not slip or slide off the bench, and the upholstery of the leg clamps should be made of soft material; this will protect your blood vessels and eliminate unpleasant bruises after training.
  • Functional potential - athletes know very well that muscles “get used” to the same type of training, as a result of which the exercises cease to bring the desired effect, and progress stops. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to a bench that allows you to work out various muscle groups of the abdominal process and perform excellent exercises.

How to choose a bench press

The bench press is one of the main exercise equipment, without which it is impossible to perform the basic “classical bodybuilding” program; in addition to the bench press itself, the bench allows you to perform a whole range of exercises aimed at developing and working out various muscle groups. When choosing a bench, it is important, first of all, to determine whether you will use the exercise machine at home, or whether you are purchasing a bench for equipment in a gym (fitness center).

Bench for home

If you are purchasing a bench for home use, you should not chase heavy weights; a standard bench can withstand weights of up to 300 kg (or more, depending on the model). It is necessary to focus on your comfort and the ability to adjust (transform) the bench. Some machines allow you to change the level of inclination from horizontal to vertical, which allows you to add variety to your training and focus on training individual muscle groups. The most successful solution would be to purchase a bench complete with racks for barbells and “pancakes”, but it is necessary to clarify what the maximum allowable weight can be installed on the racks. If you are constrained in free space, you can buy a bench separately, and purchase racks in accordance with your working weights and financial capabilities. In any case, you should not skimp on the comfort and safety of yourself and your loved ones; we advise you to choose exercise equipment from reputable brands, made of high-quality materials and characterized by a long service life.

Professional bench

Professional bench presses are purchased mainly for equipment in gyms and fitness centers. This type of exercise machine is distinguished by its reinforced design, allows you to completely adapt the bench “to suit you” and is able to withstand weight up to 600 (!) kg. Professional benches come complete with three barbell racks. This solution allows people with different arm lengths to exercise equally comfortably on the machine. When working with heavy weights, special attention is paid to the safety of the athlete. Therefore prof. The line of simulators is equipped with an additional platform for the belayer. When working with large weights, it can be problematic to “load” the barbell alone, since if you overweight, one side can easily fall. Therefore, exercise machines intended for use in fitness centers are equipped with special bar clamps, which eliminates the possibility of the bar falling. Despite the fact that most athletes work out in pairs, for convenience and safety, professional models are equipped with limiters - this prevents the bar from falling onto the chest.

Abs are not just the sculpted abs of a male bodybuilder. For a girl, this means a sexy flat tummy, self-confidence and the ability to wear tight T-shirts.

Why is it necessary to pump up the press?

Exercises will help you:

    Straighten your posture.

    Strengthen muscles.

    Protect internal organs from damage.

    Improve the condition of the spine.

What to do if going to the gym is not possible, and simple exercises on the mat do not produce results? Trainers recommend buying a straight abdominal bench. The exercise machine will fit even in a city apartment, and you will see the effect of training on it in 1-2 months.

Why is it more convenient to use a press bench?

    Guaranteed safety when performing exercises due to the fact that the simulator is made of durable materials.

    Ease of use and tilt adjustment, allowing you to determine the intensity of the load yourself.

    Fixation of legs using rollers, which increases the convenience of training.

    Space saving: the exercise machine can be placed against the wall without worrying about the occupied space.

On a classic straight bench they perform cycling, crunches, and body lifts.

If you have been training your abs for more than 6 months and want to increase the intensity of your training and work out muscle groups, it is better to buy a curved abs bench. The peculiarity of the simulator is the arched shape of the seat, and the bench is intended for intensive training due to the high load on bending.

Additionally, manufacturers offer the ability to adjust the angle of inclination so that the athlete can control the load. The standard position of the back when performing exercises is parallel to the floor; but the adjustment mechanism allows you to install it at an angle of 45%.

Why is it beneficial to choose a curved bench?

    Guarantee of a comprehensive workout of the abdominal muscles.

    Reducing the load on the spine.

    Working out the muscles of the back and hips.

    Improved blood circulation.

    Working with stretching the leg muscles.

    Ability to perform weight training.

Due to the arched shape of the back, comprehensive muscle development is ensured, and the effectiveness of exercise increases. The relief press will not take long to appear. But for beginners in sports, exercises on such a machine are not entirely suitable due to the high load.

If you are planning to buy a curved press bench, you can be sure of the result. Have fun and have beautiful abs!
