What causes mosquito bites to spread out? Mosquito bites - what is the danger and how to protect yourself from insects? Treatment for mosquito bites

Hello friends!

Summer is coming, and this means that a variety of insects are “activating”... Including mosquitoes...

Wow, I really don’t like these bloodsucking creatures...

That’s why I decided to write this post about mosquito bites.

Let's figure out together why mosquito bites are dangerous and how to protect yourself from them in simple and accessible ways.

From this article you will learn:

Mosquito bites - possible danger and rules of protection

A mosquito bite is a fairly common occurrence, especially in the warm season.

As soon as spring warming begins, many people are faced with such a nightmare as mosquito bites, which not only cause discomfort, but can also cause serious consequences.

Why does a mosquito bite?

There are different types of mosquitoes, but they all bite the same.

It is the female mosquito that bites, since she needs to obtain amino acids from the human body, which is the building material for reproduction.

As soon as the female is satiated, she begins to lay eggs, the number of which can reach several hundred.

How does a mosquito bite?

Mosquito bites itch incredibly hard, and the process itself occurs in the form of tapping the tip of a sharp proboscis on the surface of the skin and dissecting the tissue using the lower jaw.

After this, she inserts a special device through which the blood is sucked out, with the release of unusual saliva, which significantly inhibits the clotting of the liquid.

This very saliva causes itching on the body, and can also cause redness, burning, and sometimes swelling. Through the proboscis, blood is sent into the abdominal cavity of the female.

The process of collecting the required amount of blood fluid requires a maximum of 30 seconds.

How dangerous is mosquito vinegar for humans?

The danger with mosquito bites is that they can cause serious consequences, regardless of where they are located, such as on the face or legs.

They can lead to the formation of:

  • yellow fever;
  • lymphatic filariasis;
  • tuleryamii;
  • Dengue fever and more.

Most often, malaria is transmitted through the bites of such insects, but this is mainly typical for tropical climates and nearby areas.

The transfer process itself is very simple, since the mosquito must bite an infected person, and after that, upon contact with subsequent people, this same infection will occur.

Allergy from mosquito bite

Allergies are an equally serious danger from mosquito bites.

Initially, there is simply itching of the skin, which leads to involuntary scratching of the affected area of ​​the skin.

This mostly happens to children because they cannot control their natural instincts.

If you scratch the bite too hard, serious and extremely negative consequences are possible. For example, dirt can get in and cause skin and even blood infections.

An allergy is a reaction of an organism that is hypersensitive. It occurs due to the ingestion of saliva, which can cause swelling, swelling and similar consequences.

In some cases, itching on the skin can turn into large blisters and swelling in just a few minutes.

It is not uncommon for children to experience such consequences as high fever, malaise, and even loss of consciousness.

If there is a predisposition to allergies, then this can even cause a tumor inside the body, and in completely different parts of it, but mainly in the area of ​​the larynx and face, as well as anaphylactic shock.

How to protect yourself from mosquito bites

The remedy for mosquito bites allows you to prevent all the consequences described above, and you can use many different methods.

With the onset of each season, medical experts strongly recommend taking measures to prevent situations such as mosquito bites.

There are two types of insect protection.

It could be:

  • protection inside the house;
  • use of special means on the street.

Basic moments:

  • As for the place of residence or frequent stay, it is required to install mosquito nets on window and door openings, as well as on other openings that lead to the street.
  • To add additional protection to a crib or stroller, you can use tulle or gauze stretched over the structure.
  • Now on sale there is such a device as a special device that produces ultrasonic waves that kill insects. It is believed that it works harmlessly for humans, but it is considered especially dangerous for a mosquito, since when it comes within the range of the device, it immediately dies.
  • There are devices that emit not only waves, but also substances that are transmitted by the mosquito to its fellow tribesmen, causing mass mortality.
  • Such installations are used in completely different premises, both residential and public. The average operating area is 25m2.
  • Among the innovations we can note the use of preparations such as spray, ointment and other compounds that can create not only a protective aura, but also a coating on the skin that repels insects and prevents a bite.
  • Essential oils are also great against mosquitoes (especially geranium and eucalyptus oil!!!), see this article for more details.

How to treat mosquito bites correctly?

How to avoid serious consequences and what to apply to the skin when bitten by a mosquito?

Initially, it should be noted that every person, especially those with allergies, should have a special composition in their arsenal that can help relieve the symptoms of a bite in the shortest possible time.

In first place in popularity are antihistamine gels, which relieve itching and redness in just a couple of minutes. They are also sold in the form of foams, creams, ointments and sprays. For example, Gistan or Fenistil.

The product does not contain chemicals, but rather, on the contrary, only useful substances that can have a beneficial effect on the human body.

It is considered especially correct to use products that have not only an antiallergic, but also a calming effect.

For children, you should use only special formulations intended for young children, since the children's body is more sensitive and may not have resistance to strong substances.

It is best to purchase special creams or sprays made for babies.

Home Remedies for Vinegar Mosquitoes

If there is nothing worthwhile at hand, simple home remedies can help you relieve the symptoms of the bite and itching.

You can wipe the bite areas until the symptoms disappear:

  1. Baking soda solution (1 tsp per 100 ml of water)
  2. Ammonia, medical alcohol or cologne
  3. Juice of freshly squeezed plantain herbs, bird cherry leaves or parsley
  4. At worst, kefir, apple bite, aloe gel, baby cream can save you

Possible complications from mosquito bites

In a situation where there is no allergic reaction, when a mosquito bites, the following occurs:

  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • burning.

There are a number of situations when a strong allergic reaction manifests itself in the form of consequences, with serious consequences.

Contraindications to mosquito bites can be considered hypersensitivity and allergies, which can lead to death without the intervention of specialists.

Allergies may be accompanied by internal swelling that can block the airways and lead to asphyxia. On average, redness lasts up to 2-3 days, after which it subsides in the same way as swelling.

If you constantly scratch the bite site, you may develop discomfort, a tumor, and, most importantly, consequences such as streptoderma.

In special cases, there may be vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness and shortness of breath, including hoarseness and even shock.

Mosquito bites are especially dangerous for newborns, as they experience bluish skin, severe swelling, decreased/increased blood pressure, and even loss of consciousness.

The most important thing is not only to react in time to a mosquito bite, but also to prevent it in order to avoid all of the above consequences.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!


Oh, red summer, I would love you, if it weren’t for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies!

A. S. Pushkin.

Summer outdoor recreation is often marred by attacks by blood-sucking insects. Mosquitoes are widespread throughout Russia, and in the northern regions they are an integral part of the community of blood-sucking insects called midges. How dangerous are they, can they be carriers of diseases, and what helps against mosquito bites?

Why are mosquito bites dangerous?

More than 90 species of mosquitoes live in Russia. In the middle zone the most common are:

  • malaria mosquitoes (genus Anopheles);
  • spring mosquitoes of the genus Ochlerotatus;
  • and autumn squeaking mosquitoes (Culex).

Mosquitoes are dipterous insects. Their males are completely harmless and feed on plant nectar, but females need protein, which they receive from the blood of animals and humans, to procreate.

The female mosquito consumes blood only once, after which it lays eggs and dies. The bite itself can be painless, but usually the person experiences an unpleasant sensation similar to an injection. The insect selects areas with delicate skin and nearby blood vessels. It pierces the skin and capillary wall with its proboscis and injects saliva containing anticoagulants - substances that prevent blood clotting. Poisoning from mosquito bites is impossible, since mosquitoes have no poison.

Anticoagulants cause swelling and redness of the skin at the puncture site, itching. If you scratch the bite site, mosquito saliva will spread into the surrounding tissues and the reaction will only intensify.

Mosquito bites can cause trouble if there are a lot of them. Also, young children do not tolerate them well due to the itching that occurs.

A more serious danger is allergic reactions and various vector-borne diseases (infectious diseases transmitted by blood-sucking insects).

In central Russia, diseases transmitted by mosquito bites are isolated cases.

Allergy to mosquito bites

Allergic reactions to a mosquito bite occur less frequently and are not as strong as those from attacks by stinging insects - bees, wasps. Signs of a developing allergy are:

  • swelling of the skin at the bite sites;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • nausea.

In extremely rare cases, allergies from mosquito bites can cause urticaria, vasomotor rhinitis and bronchospasm.

Mosquitoes as carriers of diseases

Infectious diseases that are transmitted through mosquito bites are found mainly in southern countries, mainly in the tropics. They can be of two types:

  • diseases in which mosquitoes serve as mechanical carriers of pathogens;
  • diseases in which the pathogen needs to live for a certain time in the mosquito’s body.

The latter are the most dangerous, but for the infection to develop, a sufficiently long cycle in the mosquito and the creation of a natural focus from wild warm-blooded animals is necessary, which is possible only in hot countries. The infection is transmitted through the female's saliva while feeding on blood. Only three diseases have been registered in Russia, while in tropical countries there are several dozen of them. Therefore, when going on an exotic trip, do not forget to check which vaccinations are recommended as a preventive measure.

How to treat mosquito bites

In our climate, the biggest nuisance from mosquito attacks is itching and swelling.

How to remove itching from a mosquito bite? There are several simple recipes.

What to put on mosquito bites to prevent them from itching? The pharmacy sells many remedies for insect bites in the form of ointments, balms, lotions, sprays and pencils. Such products include “Zvezdochka”, “Vitaon”, “Psilo-balm”.

You can use antihistamine or anti-inflammatory ointments: Sinaflan, Advantan, Fenistil-gel.

What to do if a mosquito bites you in the eye? Rinse the mucous membrane of the eye with cool, clean water and drip eye drops with an anti-inflammatory effect, for example, “Sulfacyl sodium” (“Albucid”).

And if a mosquito bites you on the lip, what should you do in this case? To reduce itching, apply a piece of ice to the damaged area.

If you have allergies, take a tablet of Suprastin, Tavegil or other antihistamines: Zyrtec, Claritin, Telfast. If widespread swelling, difficulty breathing, or fever develops, contact your doctor.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites

Folk remedies will help get rid of itching after mosquito bites:

You can use essential oils. Tea tree oil, mint, lemon, rosemary will soothe the skin. Some essential oils: eucalyptus, geranium, juniper - have an insect repellent effect.

How to treat mosquito bites in children

Mosquitoes cause particular nuisance to children. Children's skin is very delicate and reacts violently even to minor damage. How to apply mosquito bites to a child? Use alcohol, ice cubes, lotion. For children over two years old, Golden Star balm is suitable. It is very important to distract the baby and convince him not to scratch the itchy area.

How to apply mosquito bites to a child under one year old? Try to make do with folk remedies. It is not recommended to use strong antihistamines and anti-inflammatory ointments, but if necessary, consult your pediatrician.

Allergies to mosquito bites in children are no more common than in adults. An infant needs to consult a doctor. In mild cases, older children can be given: “Suprastin”, “Diazolin”, “Fenkarol”. If swelling spreads, severe urticaria, or breathing problems, you should call an ambulance.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites for children

The following are used as folk remedies for mosquito bites for children:

  • soda in the form of a solution or slurry;
  • tea tree oil;
  • sour cream or yogurt;
  • mint toothpaste.

A good way to relieve itching from mosquito bites in a child is a lotion made from a pulp of dandelion, plantain, and basil leaves.

Let's summarize - mosquito bites are practically safe, but they cause a lot of discomfort and can ruin your outdoor recreation, especially if you have small children with you. To relieve itching and swelling at the bite site, use simple remedies: alcohol, lotion, baking soda. Various pharmacy balms and ointments work well against insect bites. When traveling to tropical countries, take measures to prevent infectious diseases that can be transmitted by mosquito bites.

A mosquito bite often has no unpleasant consequences other than itching, redness, and swelling of the skin. Each person reacts individually to a bite. For some, it is mild, while others are forced to take a whole list of antihistamines.

Why does a mosquito bite? For females, human blood is nutrition that allows them to increase the number of eggs laid.

Males feed only on flower pollen. During the mating period, females call males with a characteristic squeak, after which they drink blood.

By biting the thin skin of a person or animal with their proboscis, insects inject a substance that prevents blood from clotting. The foreign substance is repelled by the victim's body, resulting in swelling, itching, swelling and redness at the site of the bite.

Mosquitoes feed on blood not only to lay larvae, they satisfy their hunger. Animals and people are bitten.

For some people, mosquito bites are new because mosquitoes don't bite everyone. Unlike the bites of other insects, mosquitoes are small in size. In the absence of an allergic reaction, the affected area itches with less intensity.

What attracts mosquitoes:

  • good human health;
  • human body warmth;
  • unnatural odors;
  • sources of light;
  • people taking medications;
  • people who are drunk.

People who are intoxicated are susceptible to more mosquito bites

Healthy people are bait for mosquitoes

Scientists' research explains why mosquitoes don't bite everyone. Young children are more susceptible to bites than adults because of their thin, delicate skin, which is so attractive to mosquitoes.

For all people with good health, an accelerated metabolism, and high sweating, there is a high risk of being bitten. There is no point in being happy that mosquitoes don’t bite at all. Weakened people with low hemoglobin levels and poor blood quality repel insects.

Human body heat

The warm human body is a good bait for mosquitoes. Why do some people who play sports get bitten? Frequent heartbeat, intense workouts, and active walks in the fresh air increase a person’s temperature, which is the cause of a mosquito attack.

Unnatural odors

People who use large quantities of scented body lotions, deodorants, and perfumes suffer least from mosquito bites. This is explained by the fact that unnatural odors of non-natural origin repel insects. The plant scents of pine needles and juniper repel mosquitoes.

The smell of juniper repels mosquitoes

People who are drunk

According to scientists, people who drink excessive amounts of alcohol are more likely to be bitten. Alcoholic drinks increase the heart rate, increase body temperature, and a drunk person is often bitten by mosquitoes.

People taking medications

Medicines prescribed to heart patients have a medicinal odor that attracts mosquitoes.

Sources of light

Mosquitoes instinctively fly to any light source, believing that it provides warmth. Therefore, it is not recommended to open windows in the evening when the lamps are on.

Why are mosquitoes dangerous?

A mosquito bite causes the following diseases:

  • blockage of blood vessels by threadworms brought by mosquitoes;
  • encephalitis;

Treatment for mosquito bites

What to do if you are bitten by mosquitoes? A mosquito bite is treated with medication or folk remedies. If severe swelling or a sharp deterioration in well-being occurs, you should consult a doctor. After a medical examination, the patient is prescribed antihistamines. If a child is injured and his body is affected by a large number of bites, Zyrtec drops are prescribed. An adult is prescribed Cetrin in tablets.

The thin skin of the eyelids is a bait for insects. Swelling in the eye area is also a reason to contact an ambulance.

Do not neglect medical care by relying on aspirin. Scratching the bite until it bleeds will cause the patient to swell more, and taking aspirin can easily cause severe bleeding.

Folk remedies are very successful.

Mosquito bite marks are constantly lubricated with one of the following products:

  • tea tree oil;
  • oil 33 herbs;
  • ammonia (prohibited for use by children under three years of age);
  • a mixture of three teaspoons of soda, one teaspoon of warm water;
  • lemon juice;
  • vinegar essence;

Apply ice to the bite area

Prohibited actions after mosquito bites

It is strictly forbidden to rub or scratch the itchy area of ​​skin. A wound appears at the site of the bite; there is a high probability of germs and bacteria entering it. Some people have such sensitive skin that wounds leave scars that spoil the appearance of the skin.

It is necessary to perform the following manipulations during an attack:

  • when going outdoors, wear thick clothes that cover the entire body;
  • cover your head with a cap, Panama hat, scarf, scarf;
  • use repellents;
  • use essential oils indoors;
  • do not open the windows of rooms in which the lights are on;
  • eucalyptus, basil, anise oils applied to exposed skin protect against bites;
  • prevent the formation of dampness in the apartment;
  • install mosquito nets on windows.

When choosing a place for a walk, you need to avoid swampy, wet areas, as mosquitoes live there in large numbers.

Particular attention should be paid to the color of clothing. During the day, mosquitoes are attracted to dark clothes, and at night - light ones.

Help for mosquito bites must be immediate. The home medicine cabinet should contain medications that have antihistamine properties, for example, Zodak, Cetrin, Zyrtec. They help with mosquito bites.

Bracelets worn on the hands of children are very popular. Clothespins that are attached to clothing repel insects with ultrasound.

Vanillin dissolved in water, which is applied to the surface of a child’s skin, repels insects.

After a walk, young mothers need to examine their baby for damaged areas of skin caused by insects. For bites, lubricate with safe products that reduce itching. Often itching is the reason why a child cries in the summer.

By finding out why a mosquito bites some people and not others, you can avoid the unpleasant consequences of contact with it.

Mosquitoes belong to the family of dipterous insects. You can meet them in any corner of the Earth, near which there is at least some kind of body of water. This is due to the fact that mosquitoes lay their eggs in damp areas. To survive and produce offspring, female mosquitoes drink the blood of warm-blooded animals. However, their main victim is humans.

Mouthparts of mosquitoes are of the piercing-sucking type. They consist of elongated upper and lower lips, which form a sheath. The case contains long thin needles, representing 2 pairs of jaws. In males, these jaws are underdeveloped, so they do not bite.

How to prevent mosquito bites

There are a wide variety of mosquito repellents. Let's look at the most basic of them.

1. Physical means:

  • mosquito nets,
  • canopies (mosquito tent),
  • traps,
  • mosquito nets,
  • Velcro,
  • thick clothes.

Protective mosquito nets are attached to windows, vents and ventilation openings. They mechanically prevent mosquitoes from entering an apartment or house. There are also special fine mesh nets designed to protect cribs and door curtains.

The domestically produced expedition encephalitis jacket is a very unique way to fight mosquitoes. The jacket includes two layers of fabric. The bottom layer consists of a smooth, loose fabric with a bulky knit and large spaces between the threads. The outer layer uses a denser fabric. The outer layer is not fastened to the inner one and slides over it freely when a person moves. The insect lands on the jacket, looks for a cell between the threads, directs its trunk into it, reaches the body, and then, due to even the slightest movement of the body, the syllables shift and the proboscis breaks.

2. Chemicals:

  • repellents,
  • fumigators (spirals, electro-fumigators),
  • insecticides.

Repellents are special substances designed to repel insects. Depending on the mechanism of action, a distinction is made between volatile substances (olfactory), which act at a distance on the nerve endings of the olfactory organs of mosquitoes, and contact substances, which affect insects when they come into contact with the treated surface. The most effective are diethyltoluamide (DEET), oxamate, benzoylpiperidine, rebemide, carboxide.

If the repellent is produced in the form of a cream, ointment, emulsion, lotion, then it should be applied in a thin layer to the skin of exposed parts of the body, avoiding rubbing movements. The substance is sprayed from an aerosol can onto the palm, and then the skin of exposed parts of the body is also lubricated with it. A single application of repellent to the body can protect the skin from mosquito attacks for 2-5 hours.

Repellents in the form of aqueous emulsions and solutions are intended for treating clothing, protective nets, canopies, and tents. Fabric impregnated with the substance can repel bloodsuckers for 2-3 weeks. Clothes are treated from an aerosol can outside of residential premises. It retains its repellent properties for 1-7 days. Don't forget that exposure to rain and washing will negatively affect these properties.

Fumigants are substances that are used by fumigation. These substances kill mosquitoes rather than repel them, unlike repellents. The most common are pyrotechnic fumigants (smoking coil, etc.) and electrofumigators. The latter are small devices that include an electric heating apparatus and plates impregnated with insecticide. Heat is both a bait and an activator for the evaporation of the insecticide.

It is better to use electric fumigators indoors, and it is more expedient and safer to use various smoking products in open spaces.

3. Technical means

This group includes ultrasonic devices, which are a modern and environmentally friendly protective device. Such devices generate monochromatic ultrasonic signals, which cause very unpleasant sensations in mosquitoes. A person does not feel these signals. Ultrasound devices are completely safe for children. There are two types of these devices: mains powered and battery powered. The effect of the former extends to an area of ​​25 square meters, while the latter repel bloodsuckers within a radius of three meters.

4. Ultraviolet devices

Products from this group, for example, a mosquito lamp, are designed to kill mosquitoes.

5. Folk remedies

We are talking about plants and their extracts, the smell of which is, to one degree or another, not tolerated by mosquitoes. One such plant is tomato leaves. Several pots with tomato bushes on the balcony or in front of the windows will not allow bloodsuckers into the room. The green parts of this plant have a specific odor that keeps mosquitoes at a respectful distance.

Mosquitoes also cannot tolerate the smell of cloves, anise, eucalyptus and cedar. For protection, you can put a cotton wool moistened with the oil of these plants on the windowsill. Clove, anise, cedar or eucalyptus oil can also be used to lubricate exposed parts of the body.

The smell of valerian, freshly picked walnut leaves, and fresh elderberry branches also repels mosquitoes. They cannot tolerate tobacco smoke and smoke from slightly dried juniper needles, spruce and pine cones. Carbolic acid is also effective in the fight against bloodsuckers. A lightly sprinkled wall near the bed with it will guarantee your restful sleep.

What are the consequences of a mosquito bite?

A mosquito bite can be accompanied by reactions of varying degrees of severity, ranging from local unexpressed symptoms to shock with a fatal outcome. This is due to the fact that the female mosquito, before beginning to suck the blood of her victim, injects saliva into her skin. Anticoagulants in saliva prevent blood clotting and at the same time provoke a response from the human body's immune system, which begins to intensively produce various antibodies.

With a local reaction, swelling and redness quickly develop around the bitten area. The most severe symptoms are observed 3-4 hours, and sometimes a day after the bite. They are accompanied by severe itching. Normal redness goes away quickly, the itching remains a little longer, but swelling can persist for several days.

Mild general reactions include urticaria, itching, malaise, and feelings of fear. In more severe general reactions, the symptoms described above are accompanied by shortness of breath, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. In severe forms of general reactions, in addition to everything, the development of suffocation, hoarseness, incoherence of thoughts and a feeling of doom are observed. In case of shock, these symptoms include bluish skin, a drop in blood pressure, and fainting.

A toxic reaction can occur with simultaneous bites from several dozen mosquitoes. In this case, general weakness, headache, nausea, and vomiting appear.

Among other things, mosquitoes can carry pathogens of various infections:

  • arboviral diseases,
  • filariasis (in the tropics),
  • tularemia.

These diseases are called vector-borne diseases. Pathogens cannot develop or multiply in the body of mosquitoes. Through the insect's proboscis, the pathogen enters the human body during a bite and develops in it.

A mosquito bite may also be accompanied by the development of a banal secondary infection that enters the wound from the environment. This statement flows smoothly into the next paragraph.

What not to do for mosquito bites

Also, you should not use hormonal medications to relieve swelling and itching without first consulting a doctor.

What measures should be taken in case of mosquito bites?

First, you should wash the bite area with soap and water. Mosquitoes can carry dangerous bacteria into your skin from other objects they have previously come into contact with. This could be spoiled food, dead animals, etc.

Secondly, to reduce itching and relieve inflammation, you should apply something cold to the bitten area, such as an ice pack. The following products for external use are also very effective in this case:

  • baking soda solution,
  • boric alcohol,
  • tincture of calendula,
  • corvalol or valocordin,
  • cut of onion or tomato,
  • not gel toothpaste,
  • tea tree oil,
  • propolis tincture,
  • sour cream.

If you have an allergic reaction to bites, you can take an antihistamine orally or apply a special cream to the bite site to relieve itching.

Thirdly, if the mark from this bite is not similar to all those marks from mosquito bites that you have encountered before, if you experience a serious deterioration in your health, difficulty breathing, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms of a severe allergic reaction, you should It is mandatory to seek medical help. It is also necessary to visit the hospital if you have a toxic reaction to multiple bites.

  • A swarm of mosquitoes can drink about 300 ml of blood per day from each animal in a caribou herd.
  • The mosquito uses an anesthetic when piercing the skin, so at this moment the person does not feel anything suspicious.
  • American scientists note that mosquitoes prefer to bite large people, hypertensive patients, athletes, people with varicose veins, people with an accelerated metabolism, and people with blood of the first and second groups.