Spark arrester for a brick chimney. How to choose, make and install the right spark arrester on a sauna chimney? Making a spark arrester with your own hands

Modern fireplaces, stoves in bathhouses, Russian stoves in homes, and even ordinary potbelly stoves are devices that run on solid fuel. They create warmth and comfort in the house. Such devices are easy to operate, but pose an increased risk. Open fire tends to spread beyond the devices in which it occurs.

In order to protect yourself, you need to think through the entire system, including the location of the device itself and the structure of its chimney down to the smallest detail. A spark arrestor is one of the most important details in the smoke exhaust system.

A spark arrester is a device that is necessary to cool particles that enter the chimney during the combustion process. It is installed on the head of chimney pipes.

Note! The combustion of solid fuel produces heat, water and carbon dioxide. Water turns into steam under the influence of heat. Impurities in the fuel lead to incomplete combustion, which results in the formation of other combustion products and unburned hot particles. The latter are sparks flying out of the pipe under the influence of draft.

Fuel High Quality has the smallest number of non-combustible particles. Low quality fuel is the greatest. The danger with sparks is that they do not cool down when moving along a straight pipe. Hot particles falling outside can ignite areas of the roof, trees, grass, and walls of the house. In this case, the risk of fire increases.

The designs of modern chimneys include several stages of spark cooling. For this purpose, obstacles, turbulent flows and horizontal diversions are created. Their main purpose is to ensure contact of hot particles with the pipe wall.

In this case, the sparks transfer their heat to the chimney and cool themselves. The problem is that the pipe heats up quickly and loses its ability to cool the solids. In addition, the turbulent flow inside the pipe reduces the chimney draft.

Reading time: 24 minutes

The stove in the steam room is one of the main elements. Operates, as a rule, on fuel made from solid materials. During construction it is very important to ensure correct installation, both the stove and the entire chimney system. If installed incorrectly, there is a risk of carbon monoxide emissions and fire.

To avoid deadly situations, you must first select the right spark arrester for the chimney for the bathhouse and in accordance with the requirements fire safety install it on the pipe.

Having certain knowledge, you can do the installation yourself. The misconception is that the spark arrester is not important and you can do without it. We must always remember that fire does not forgive mistakes. It is necessary to install a spark arresting device when wooden roof, the annual accumulation of dry leaves and poplar fluff on the roof.

Spark arrestor value

Often for kindling sauna stoves use solid fuel. Sometimes there is a difference in the quality of the material, which leads to sparking. A spark is a hot particle that does not burn during kindling. With a stream of hot gases, it is directed up the chimney pipe and flies out. This phenomenon can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Sparks very often land on the roof or wooden elements buildings. The wind can blow them several meters around, which leads to the appearance of fires. Dry leaves, pine needles, grass, hay, surrounding structures, trees - all this can catch fire from one spark. To extinguish a hot particle, it is necessary to ensure its contact with elements and surfaces with a high level of thermal conductivity. This way, a red-hot spark will lose its thermal potential even as it moves through the chimney. In other words, it will simply go out.

To achieve premature weakening of the spark thermal potential, a spark arrester is installed on top of the pipe. This element allows you to catch sparks as they come out. A properly made and installed flame arrester reduces the risk of a fire in the bathhouse (sauna) and surrounding buildings.

Installing spark arresters has a number of advantages:

  1. Provides fire protection when flammable materials are located nearby.
  2. Prevents sparks from hitting the roof, especially if it is made of flammable materials and a large number of leaves accumulate on it.
  3. Closes the chimney pipe from getting in atmospheric precipitation, leaves, birds, which often like to build nests in it.
  4. Helps reduce resistance, which eliminates reverse thrust and increases the traction force of the chimney.

How does the spark arrestor element of a chimney pipe work?

The spark arrester has a simple but effective design. It is a nozzle for a chimney, which has a mesh on the sides and a cone on top, providing reliable protection from foreign objects. The spark arrester is installed on any type of chimney. The operating principle of this device is quite simple:

  1. During the heating of the furnace, the solid fuel material burns. The result is smoke and gas. It is known from physics lessons that air masses rush up along the free path. In the case of a bath, the formed substances pass through the chimney channel, trying to escape out. In this case, the smoke plumes may contain unburned combustion products, which, like sparks, lead to a fire.
  2. In the presence of a spark arrester, smoke with hot particles “rests” against the first and main barrier in the form of a protective cone.
  3. The sparks' direct passage into the air is closed. They head to the sides, where another obstacle in the form of a net awaits them. Hot particles under pressure seep through the cells, losing the accumulated thermal potential.

The whole principle of operation of a conventional spark arrester consists of three simple actions, which protect owners from fire. You can make such a device yourself without spending a lot of money.

Main models

The elements of the chimney that ensure the elimination of hot incandescent particles are different. At home, as a rule, two types of spark arrestors are used:

  1. Stainless steel casing, which is a mesh structure. You can do it using improvised means.
  2. Deflector. In addition to extinguishing solid hot particles, it improves traction by redirecting the wind flow. Protects furnace device and a bathhouse from a dangerous phenomenon - backdraft as a result of strong winds.

The damper in the form of a casing is the most popular, since its design is quite simple. Holes are made in the pipe or a special nozzle in the form of a mesh is attached to it. The disadvantage of this design is the frequent revision of the spark arrester device. Perforated mesh quickly becomes clogged, as combustion products settle on their surface. The higher the degree of contamination, the less draft in the pipe. The spark arrestor, made in the form of a casing, is subject to frequent cleaning. On sale there are assembled casings for extinguishing sparks. Their advantage is their easy connection to the chimney pipe.

More modern devices are spark arresting devices - deflectors. Externally they look more aesthetically pleasing. When using deflectors, the draft in the chimney is not reduced. Such absorbers are equipped with mesh and perforation. Their distinctive feature– the presence of narrowing points that allow increasing thrust inside the spark arresting element. Depending on the location of the narrow sector, there are various models of dampers, many of which are very similar in appearance to the casing, but are more aerodynamic. The disadvantage is that it gets dirty quickly and requires frequent cleaning, especially when using resinous logs as fuel.

Distinctive properties

When installing a spark arrester on the chimney of a bathhouse, you need to know what main features this device has:

All of the listed distinctive properties of spark arresters characterize this device as one of the main elements responsible for fire safety.

The process of making a device with your own hands

You can make a simple spark arrestor with your own hands. Before you start creating a device for chimney we need to prepare everything necessary tools and materials:

The sequence of operations is as follows:

  1. Measure the chimney opening.
  2. Make a preliminary sketch of the future spark arrester, taking into account all the components.
  3. Cut out mock-ups of the parts that make up the device from cardboard.
  4. Attach cardboard templates to a sheet of metal and carefully cut out analogs. In this case, dimensional accuracy must be observed.
  5. The mesh can be made from metal rods with a thickness of one to six millimeters. The possibility of using a finished product is acceptable.
  6. Connect all existing joints by welding. Clean them with a grinder.
  7. Secure all parts with strong rivets. The best option- of steel.
  8. Install the spark arrester on the chimney pipe. Secure it carefully so that it does not blow away in a strong gust of wind.
  9. If desired, a deflector can be attached to the spark arrester.
  10. Using special scissors, cut out a visor from a metal sheet, which is subsequently bent under the right angle. Secure all folds with rivets.
  11. Fasten the manufactured cone and the base of the device together. For fixation it is advisable to use steel rivets.

Creation of a deflector type spark arrester

Compared to mesh models, spark arresters are more effective. The Tsaga deflector with an apron that captures hot, incandescent particles is very popular. To create it you need:

Additional options for protecting your sauna from hot particles

In addition to installing a spark arrestor, there are several other options for protecting the bath:

  1. The simplest and most common method is to weld the chimney pipe tightly. A large number of holes are drilled in the upper part to allow smoke and gas to escape. This method is also suitable for a pipe installed on an existing one.
  2. The second option to protect the building and surrounding buildings from fire as a result of falling sparks is to weld on the end of the chimney pipe metal mesh. The disadvantage of this design is rapid contamination, leading to weakening of traction. Frequent replacement with a new mesh will be required.
  3. To prevent return draft as a result of strong winds, a deflector is installed on the chimney pipe.
  4. When building a chimney, the structure is often made with bends. Hot particles ejected from the furnace are extinguished along the way, without reaching the top of the pipe. In addition to extinguishing hot particles, a chimney with elbows provides the steam room with additional heat.

All of the above methods have a simple design, so you can create them yourself, using improvised means, without spending a lot of money. All of them are effective and fully provide protection for the bathhouse roof and surrounding buildings from dangerous fires resulting from the ingress of a hot particle. You can install a spark arrester of any type in a short time, but the effect will be significant.

Video review

You can learn more about what a spark arrestor is, why it is needed and which one is best to choose from the video:

A spark arrester for a chimney, at first glance it is difficult to imagine what the main purpose of this device is. In understanding ordinary person is a simple cylinder with no large holes. It is able to catch sparks, preventing them from scattering across the roof covering. But, you need to understand that for some roofs, even for fire safety purposes, the possibility of installing the device is specified at the factory.

Why are spark arresters installed?

A spark arrester, as it is also called, is designed to catch burning sparks from the chimney duct. It is mandatory to install such devices in those premises and buildings that are constructed or made of fire hazardous materials. This includes not only the wood itself, but a variety of roofing materials, which may contain a certain amount of plastic and other things.

Most often it can be seen on the chimney caps; they are, as a rule, connected to the “visor” itself and represent a single “exposition”. Many people combine a device for improving traction with a device that allows them to extinguish sparks; this does not require separate outputs and the design of some incredible and bulky devices.

Like any chimney device, the presented device has its own characteristics:

  • They are mounted for stoves and boilers operating on solid fuel.
  • The dimensions of the “grids” themselves, which are supposed to “catch” sparks, must meet certain standards and not be more than 5 mm.
  • Your house may not be accepted by the employees of the company registering it in the registry, as well as by the fire department if your roof is made of flammable materials and there is no spark arrester. Pay attention to this significant fact.
  • In addition, equipping the chimney with a spark arrester is also necessary if the channel itself has a straight cross-section. In houses, as a rule, this is a rare occurrence, but baths and saunas fit exactly this concept.
  • In addition, this type of device much better protects the chimney from debris, dead birds, and other things. Thanks to its small cells.
  • Spark arresters require mandatory and regular cleaning.
  • IN modern houses, architects already include this device in the project in advance.

Please note that when equipping your chimney channel with a similar device, it is not recommended to use firewood as a means of heating. Firewood produces the most soot, which in a short period can completely clog the damper cells, which will subsequently lead to the formation of reverse draft, or its absence as such.

In principle, the structure itself is not so complex in configuration; it can be assembled by every homeowner who has the necessary materials and tools. But remember, not every material is suitable, so pay attention to the characteristics.

Necessary materials

The furnace flame arrester can be made from a wide variety of metals, but remember the properties, because even at the top the temperature can reach impressive values. Moreover, the metal must meet certain characteristics:

  • do not rust;
  • be anti-corrosion.

As a rule, you can even use a regular fence mesh. All the requirements listed above apply to it. But, take into account another significant factor: a spark arrester on a chimney pipe can only be installed with a certain cell size. Otherwise, too large holes will not bring the desired result, and small ones will even reduce traction.

Advice. The mesh is very difficult to bend, so to relieve tension from it, use a hammer, tap it, and it will become soft and pliable. Do not use rods that are too thick; the structure will become clogged with soot faster. Better find thin steel wires, they are ideal for the undertaking.

You need to take care of the tools; without them, as you know, nothing can be done. So, the minimum set:

  • Hammer.
  • Roulette.
  • Pliers.
  • Scissors.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Drill.

Make the most of it if possible welding machine. But, remember that not every machine is capable of welding thin metal. You need a special “automatic machine”. This will be more reliable than a regular wire bundle.

Types of spark arresters

Today you can find a spark arrestor for a chimney in a variety of configurations. They may differ in design features, form of manufacture and others. But, there are two main models of spark arrester for the chimney:

  1. Metal casing.

Simple metal spark arrester

As you understand, the main requirement applicable to any of the subtypes is not to interfere with normal traction. Exhaust gases, combustion products, must freely leave the channel without being delayed or encountering any obstacles. In addition, the flame arrester must extinguish absolutely all sparks, not allowing any to fly away and hit the roof.

Also take into account the specific dimensions of the devices; the main requirement in this part is compliance with the proportions of the pipe itself. That is, smaller and larger diameters will not perform the assigned functions.
The minimum cylinder diameter of the spark arrestor part should not be less than 80 mm, and the maximum should not be more than 550 mm. Of course, for the calculation it is better to use a special table; there are now many drawings and diagrams on the Internet that show the correspondence of the channel diameter to the size of the device.

Please note that for a do-it-yourself bath, you must select a diameter that is the same as that of the channel itself. These are features of the straight pipe design.

How to make a device yourself?

There is always the opportunity to buy a ready-made device, according to your dimensions and requirements, without delving into the calculations of the pipe and other things, fortunately now the choice is simply colossal and for every taste, including in the price range. But, there are more and more requests on the topic of how to make a spark arrestor for a chimney yourself, with your own hands.

The most popular DIY product is considered to be a device that forms a regular plug on a pipe with holes drilled in it. There is small nuance, namely, the workpiece itself must have a larger diameter than the outlet channel. This is necessary in order to secure the device to the pipe without significant problems.

But, some difficulties may await you, for example, what size to choose, how many holes to make, and the like. Incorrectly calculated indicators can easily lead to incorrect operation of the system. There is also one, but very significant, disadvantage of using just such devices. Over time, the amount of soot will increase; hardly anyone will want to climb onto the roof often. Therefore, after some time the house will feel bad smell, due to poor exhaust gas removal.

Advice. If you decide to install a spark arrestor due to the increased number of sparks, then the problem can be solved less dramatically. After all, increased cravings bring equally as much negativity as its lack. Therefore, by reducing the draft, you will certainly get rid of sparks.

The second method is a regular metal mesh. In terms of work, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to choose the right one required material. And you can fix the spark arrester to the chimney for your bathhouse or at home using a regular clamp or a special bracket.

The disadvantages of this type of design include:

  • Quick filling of “pores” with soot.
  • Not highly effective.

Manufacturing process:

  • First, take measurements of the basic parameters.
  • Then make markings on a sheet of cardboard and cut out blanks that you will then use to work with metal.
  • We cut out and prepare the necessary metal elements.
  • We connect using welding, bolts or wire. The first option is more reliable.
  • We attach the device to the head. Use clamps or rivets, depending on the configuration used.

Compliance with the rules is especially important fire safety. Even a small spark from the furnace can cause a fire.

It is not uncommon for sparks from the firebox to fly out of the chimney pipe, especially with good draft. Therefore, a spark arrester must be installed on it.

Types of spark arresters

There are several main types of spark arrestors:

  • In the form of a deflector;
  • In the form of a metal casing made of mesh.

Hot gas with sparks passes through the chimney and encounters an obstacle in the form of a metal cap or mesh. Upon contact with them, sparks cool quickly and do not pose a danger to the tree.

Many stove makers prefer to use spark arresters like the Tsaga deflector, since they are more practical than mesh ones. If you use a large mesh, sparks can break through it, and if it is very fine, it will quickly become clogged with soot.

There are also other types of deflectors, for example, the Grigorovich deflector shown in the photo is well suited for chimneys.

Why are spark arresters installed?

Spark arrestors are not necessary in most cases, and it is not practical to buy expensive off-the-shelf options, but they can provide you with some benefits.

  • According to fire safety requirements PPB-01-93, the use of spark arrestors is mandatory near flammable materials.
  • They are also installed in cases of easily flammable roofing (Ondulin, Tegola, scaly), when foliage accumulates on the roof, or if the house is located close to trees, in the forest.
  • In addition to its main purpose, its use will prevent moisture, leaves, and birds from getting inside.
  • By reducing resistance, you will eliminate reverse draft and increase chimney draft.

Making your own spark arrestor

You can make a spark arrestor for a bathhouse with your own hands from stainless steel or aluminum-zinc. To do this, you need to measure and make a template according to your chosen drawing.

Note! Best suited for this stainless steel AISI 304 0.5 mm thick. Products made from it will last twice as long as those made from ferritic steel AISI-409(430): 10-12 years. For solid fuel boilers, chimneys cannot be made of galvanized steel.

This instruction shows an example of making a Tsaga deflector according to the drawing, only with the addition of an apron for sparks.

The structure will consist of a main chimney pipe nozzle, protective casing(shells), apron and hood cover.

  • Central inner part can be made from ready-made stainless pipe, it will dress like a chimney cap.
  • The upper part of the pipe is rolled out into a cone of increased diameter. It should end approximately in the middle of the top casing.
  • The casing that will be placed on the pipe is cut out by hand and attached using metal plates on rivets.
  • It is recommended to make an apron under the casing with a distance of approximately 6 cm from the bottom of the casing, into which sparks will fall.

  • The apron should be wider than the casing, and fixed in the form of a funnel at an angle spot welding. Before attaching it to the pipe, a small recess is made - a lip for a tight connection. Later this connection is treated with sealant.

Note! Additionally, drain holes must be provided in the apron to remove moisture and stiffeners should be rolled.

  • The top of the casing is closed with a round nozzle, the diameter is several cm smaller than the pipe. All fastenings are made with stainless rivets.
  • To calculate the dimensions of the top cover and the height of the deflector, you can use the data from the table.

  • To reliably rivet 2 parts, drill them through at the overlap point with a metal drill. Then insert the rivet into the hole, grab its head with the rivet gun and smoothly squeeze its handles.
  • For additional structural strength, rolled stiffening ribs are made.

The deflector diagram is clearly shown in the photo:

Required Tools

To assemble the chimney cap yourself, you will need:

  • Metal scissors;
  • Hammer;
  • Drill and drill bit for metal;
  • Welding machine;
  • Riveter and stainless steel rivets;
  • Sheet bending machine.

Alternative methods of protection against sparks

In addition to installing a cap, there are other ways to protect against sparks:

  • The first method is the simplest. The end of the chimney is welded tightly, and then many holes are drilled from the top ends. This can be done even by installing a prepared pipe on an existing one.
  • The next method is to weld a metal mesh to the end of the chimney. This option has a significant disadvantage: the mesh quickly becomes clogged and will need to be changed soon to maintain good traction.
  • If there are strong winds in your area, then install a good deflector on the head of the pipe; it will prevent the formation of reverse draft.
  • Another way is to reduce cravings. This is not the most a good option, but this way you can increase the temperature of the pipe and the number of sparks emitted. For this purpose, additional elbows are created on the chimney.

You can see another homemade solution in this video tutorial:

To prevent sparks from flying directly upward due to high draft, a jumper is made on the chimney pipe, which moves part of the pipe to the side. That is, an artificial bend of the pipe is created with a well for sparks in the middle (see photo below). A small hatch is made in the well for cleaning.


If you don’t want to spend money on buying ready-made sauna deflectors, then you can make it yourself in one evening. Price ready-made options starts from 1 thousand rubles, depending on the diameter ().

To obtain Additional information on this topic, we recommend watching the video in this article:

5 minutes to read.

Fireplaces, stoves and stoves installed in houses and baths operate on solid fuel. These devices have simple design, but pose a danger. They have an open fire location, and there is a possibility of it spreading. To avoid this, install a spark arrester on the chimney. This main element in the smoke exhaust system.

Purpose of the spark arrester

A spark arrester for a bathhouse or other structure is designed to cool hot particles located in the chimney. Moving along a smooth pipe, they do not cool down. And if they are not cooled, the particles will land on trees or the house and ignite. Therefore, a spark arrestor is mounted on the rim of the chimney. The design of the chimney is designed so that the cooling of sparks occurs in stages:

  1. Special obstacles in the form of horizontal outlets and turbulent flows help particles come into contact with the surface of the pipe, transferring their heat to it.
  2. In this regard, the pipe quickly heats up and the particles stop cooling.
  3. The draft inside the chimney becomes weaker due to turbulent flow.
  4. The installed spark arrester contains particles and cools them. At the same time, high-quality draft is maintained in the chimney.

You need to know that high quality fuel emits fewer non-combustible particles, while poor quality fuel emits more.


There are many types of spark arresters for a sauna chimney. Of these, 2 types are very popular: deflectors and casings.

  1. Casing. The device has a simple design and can be made independently, using improvised materials. To install the device, make a hole in the pipe or install a nozzle in the form of a mesh. Since combustion products quickly clog the perforations and mesh, the draft level deteriorates. Therefore, such a model needs constant inspection, which is its the only drawback. You can purchase a ready-made model in the store. It is assembled, just connect it to the chimney.
  2. Deflector. This modern model a spark arrester, which not only extinguishes hot sparks, but also changes the direction of the wind in the pipe, thereby increasing draft. This effect occurs due to a bottleneck that is located in any part of the device. The spark arrester has a beautiful appearance, but its design resembles a casing. Models are equipped with meshes and perforations.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of the spark arrester is simple. It is based on the basics of physics. The diameter of the device must be more chimney. The design and principle of operation of a spark arrester on a chimney pipe:

  1. The spark arrester is put on the pipe with its lower part, like a cap, and it becomes its continuation.
  2. The middle part of the device is made in the form of a tubular mesh. This design keeps hot particles inside and allows smoke to escape easily. The upper part of the pipe is equipped with a plug in the form of a ring or umbrella, which protects the pipe from rain.
  3. That part of the hot particles that did not cool against the pipe wall will reach the end of the chimney and go straight into the spark arrester.
  4. Once sparks enter the device, they will begin to contact inner surface device, plug and cool, and smoke will leak through the mesh.

Since the spark arrester is installed outside the structure, it will always be in a cool state.

Making a spark arrester with your own hands

It is not difficult to make a spark arrestor for a bathhouse pipe with your own hands. This will require several hours and the following tools and materials:

  • steel, which has anti-corrosion properties;
  • thin metal rods (for mesh);
  • welding machine;
  • drill, grinder;
  • hammer, pliers, clamps, screwdriver;
  • scissors (for metal) and a ruler.

Before making a spark arrestor for a pipe in a bathhouse, you need to select a model, take all measurements and prepare a diagram.

  1. The device is manufactured according to sketches. To do this, measure inner size chimney pipe and draw the details of the spark arrestor on cardboard. For an allowance, add 2 cm to each side of the part.
  2. Then the designs are cut out with scissors and a cardboard prototype is assembled. If necessary, the design is adjusted.
  3. Then the finished layouts are applied to metal sheets and using metal scissors, cut out parts from them.
  4. The pipe is made from a stainless steel sheet or bought in a store.
  5. The mesh is made with your own hands from steel rods with a diameter of up to 6 mm or purchased ready-made in the store, with suitable cells. It must be heat-resistant and wear-resistant. So how to bend steel material hard, you need to hit the mesh with a hammer. Voltage with metal material will disappear and it will begin to bend easily. You need to know that a mesh with too large holes will allow sparks to pass through, and if they are small, then the gas and smoke output will be of poor quality.
  6. To assemble the structure, all parts are joined and secured with rivets or welding. If welding is used, then allowances in the parts are made up to 1 cm. All joints are carefully processed with a grinder.
  7. Metal rivets are used to connect the remaining elements.

Metal is used to make the deflector. He's being cut out required size and bend at an angle. The bends are secured with rivets. The visor is installed on the device and secured. The device for extinguishing sparks is ready, you can start installing it.

Installation procedure

To install the spark arrester on the chimney, you need to climb onto the roof. It is better to do this work together. During installation, be sure to use products personal protection, otherwise you may inhale smoke. What you need to know when installing:

  1. The mesh of the device quickly becomes contaminated with soot and needs regular cleaning. Therefore, the features of installation and operation are closely related.
  2. For safety reasons, the structure must be removable and cannot be welded to the pipe. The device is inserted inside the chimney and secured with a clamp of a suitable size. If you need to clean it, it can be easily removed. This is the easiest installation method, but not reliable.
  3. If the device is fixed with stainless rivets, then holes are first made on it and on the pipe. The distance between the rivets is made uniform.
  4. In order to install a spark arrestor for a chimney correctly, the cross-section of the device and the pipe must match each other.

If the fuel used contains a large amount of resin, the metal mesh will have to be cleaned frequently. In addition, the mesh quickly deteriorates if it is made of poor quality material. To avoid having to climb onto the roof every time to replace it, the product must be made of wear-resistant, high-quality material
