Characteristics of Aquarius men and women in the year of the Cat (Rabbit). Aquarius-Rabbit Man: Character and Personality Characteristics of an Aquarius-Rabbit Man in Love

Every person hopes that his time will come and he will meet his soul mate. But no one knows how long to wait for this. Only the stars control fate. In a horoscope you can always read the characteristics and compatibility in love for each zodiac sign.

Characteristics of the Aquarius – Rabbit man

The Aquarius – Rabbit man is a person with developed intuition. She helps him through life. The main thing is that he learns to use it correctly. Often due to his stubbornness and lack of faith in internal forces, men do not listen to their inner voice. In this case, they do everything as they were taught, as is accepted in society. In the end, things don't work out the way they would like. They begin to look for the cause of what happened, the people who are to blame for what happened.

The Rabbit-Aquarius man needs to improve more, engage in self-knowledge and development. Then he will have no time to look for people to blame for his own problems. And he will understand that this is not necessary.

The character of an Aquarius man is a strong-willed Rabbit. If he sets a goal for himself, he always goes to it, despite all the obstacles that await him along the way. However, the people around him see that he is depressed. Those. everything he does gives him no pleasure. However, despite all this, he is not trying to change anything in his life. He justifies his actions based on the circumstances. He always blames others, but not himself.

Astrologers advise this guy to be more optimistic. If you constantly look for the bad in everything, then you will never get out of the swamp of a gray routine life. A representative of this zodiac sign must pull himself together. Only self-discipline and constant personal control will help him change. In some cases, he should turn to professional psychologists.

The Aquarius Rabbit man earns enough money to live comfortably. However, the people around him perceive him as an unfortunate poor man. He just constantly talks about what he lacks. And the main thing is that he works, but he is not appreciated, he is not paid adequately. But at the same time, he is not going to quit this job. He explains that now is not the right time to do this. The lives of loved ones depend on it. He cannot deprive his children of what they have, although it could be better.

Compatibility in love between Aquarius and Rabbit men

For an Aquarius-Rabbit man, relationships with women are very important. He always builds his connection with the opposite sex based on trust. He always loves with his heart. If he liked a girl, this does not mean that he expects something from their relationship. He is not characterized by selfish use of people. But this sometimes brings disappointment to his love. It’s just that the Rabbit-Aquarius man meets a woman without any calculation. But this does not mean that the girl treats him in the same way. As a result, a guy may immediately become disillusioned with love and hate the entire opposite sex if a girl uses him and leaves him. The representative of this zodiac sign is a vulnerable man. He needs a girl who is just as honest and sincere.

Astrologers advise this gullible, but kind and open guy, to look for his love among representatives of such zodiac signs as Pig, Rabbit and Goat. They can trust them and count on a similar response from their beloved. Women under the sign of the Rooster, Snake and Bull will not be able to respond to his love with sincere feelings. These are people from different planets. The melancholic nature of the Aquarius-Rabbit man is not suitable for the temperament of representatives of these zodiac signs.

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Characteristics and compatibility of the Aquarius-Rabbit man has absorbed the most positive traits these two signs.

The magical mystery and extraordinary beauty of representatives of this zodiac combination makes them extremely attractive to others.


Aquarius, born in the year of the Rabbit, has an amazing imagination. He is fascinated by social relations and the world around him. Many will consider such a man at least strange and incomprehensible. Sharp intuition distinguishes Aquarius-Rabbit from representatives of other signs. Meanwhile, he rarely listens to his inner voice, although he quickly solves problems that arise. The characteristics of the Aquarius-Rabbit man easily fit into one phrase - “not of this world.” Material values ​​in life are of secondary importance to him. He does not strive to earn big money and, as a rule, is content with what he has. A man of this zodiac type protects his freedom. No one is able to impose their opinion on him, even if it is the only correct one. Other personality traits of the Aquarius-Rabbit include:

  • Strong will and character;
  • Determination;
  • Optimism and cheerfulness;
  • Insight and ability to look to the future;
  • Determination.

Unfortunately, the Aquarius-Rabbit man does not fully use all his abilities for the benefit of society. It is quite possible that a certain amount of stubbornness and laziness, characteristic of representatives of these signs, is reflected here. Despite the strong character of the leader, Aquarius, born in the year of the Rabbit, does not have a large circle of acquaintances: all his friends and those with whom he communicates closely can be counted on one hand. If you believe Chinese horoscope, men ruled by this zodiac combination are the most family-oriented and homely people.

Career of an Aquarius-Rabbit man

As mentioned earlier, the financial sphere of life is practically unimportant for representatives of this type. If they wish, they can learn to save and manage their finances correctly. However, the desire to spend less money rarely visits them. Aquarius-Rabbit tends to let financial matters take their course; he lives in the present moment and hardly thinks about tomorrow. This attitude often causes a number of problems in a man's life. Like money, career is not a priority for Aquarius-Rabbit. Although successes in his professional life are given to him without special effort, he does not believe that work should be the end in itself of a person’s life. The area in which such a man is able to fully open up and realize his inner potential is science. In this activity he has no equal and one can only envy the passion and passion of the Aquarius-Rabbit for scientific work.

Compatibility in love

IN love relationships for a man of this zodiac combination it is important to remain himself. He will not tolerate the infringement of his own freedom and will hasten to break off relations with a woman who will try to encroach on his independence and self-sufficiency. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the romanticism that he shows towards his beloved. The compatibility of the Aquarius-Rabbit man in love is quite real, since he is a reliable and faithful partner - the dream of any representative of the fair sex. In addition, he is not looking for an ideal life partner, knowing full well that every person has shortcomings.

In a relationship with the lady of his heart, Aquarius-Rabbit will try in every possible way to share the interests and hobbies of his beloved girl, and will not limit her freedom. But he can demand the same from her. Relationships with such a man are usually based on trust. Self-interest and cold calculation are not typical for them, however, this is precisely what can destroy their faith in real feelings. Putting on pink glasses, the Aquarius-Rabbit man is not always able to see his partner in her true form. But if he is lucky enough to meet your soul mate, there will be a chance to build strong, friendly and trusting relationships that will not fade even with time.

Family for Aquarius-Rabbit is the most an important part life. But, unfortunately, they do not know how to properly build relationships with the opposite sex, naively believing that love is needed to create a strong and reliable union. This is, of course, true, but often other qualities are required to create a friendly and happy family - tact and the ability to compromise. If a man manages to apply all these traits, without forgetting about real feelings, he can become the happiest husband and father.

The Aquarius-Rabbit man is always busy searching for the truth. He is interested in how relationships begin, their essence. The search for existence is its main purpose, and even task. He is more interested in the surrounding reality than others, and applies his laws and characteristics to it. There are many things that are not interesting to this man that are interesting to other men, for example, earnings, since he strives for something incomprehensible, barely perceptible.

They are distinguished by their keen intuition. They are able to quickly resolve all issues, but rarely listen to their inner self. And this gives rise to contradictions and difficulties in life. They are often haunted by insurmountable obstacles that force them to look for the cause of misfortune in the people around them. In fact, they need to improve themselves, always move forward in order to overcome difficulties.

By nature, they are distinguished by strong will and determination. They easily start any business. At the same time, they rarely demonstrate pessimism and despondency. They are more characterized by cheerfulness and fun. This sign connects with close people exclusively trust and love. They can quickly reach their goal, but to do this they will need discipline, and this quality is often beyond their control.

Characteristics of an Aquarius-Rabbit man in Love

He is extremely attractive. From Rabbits he received magical mystery, and from Aquarius - unusual beauty, which only a connoisseur will notice. He is emotional and sensual, so he always attracts many fans, each of whom would like to understand his soul. He is an idealist, so a woman who will have the qualities and emotions necessary for him will suit him.

In love, he appreciates the opportunity to remain himself. It is difficult for him to impose his opinion, since he has a very persistent character. It should be noted that he is romantic, so you can captivate him with romance. He is reliable and faithful, but is always looking for an ideal companion who will share his interests and hobbies and will not limit his freedom. And this is possible in rare cases.

Aquarius Man, born in the year of the Rabbit, in Bed

He loves comfort, so in intimate relationships he always strives to create the appropriate atmosphere. He cares about the surroundings, which differs from banal ideas. In addition, he will be glad if his partner does not impose unusual fantasies on him. Everything is standard and will usually be the most a good option. However, outbursts are possible, and he too can offer something unusual and extravagant.

He is not at all against intimate relationships, however, he is too intuitive, so he always knows when to transfer relationships from ordinary to intimate, and when not. Romance alone may not be enough to interest him. He will communicate with the girl for quite a long time before he thinks about such a relationship. It's all about his insight and careful selection of a partner that is suitable for him.

Horoscope of the Aquarius-Rabbit man in Family and Marriage

He is very nice in the family, it is always calm and pleasant to be around him. He knows how to create a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, communicating with him always creates a feeling of peace. He loves children very much, so there can even be three children in the family. At the same time, he always tries to raise them into worthy people and most often he succeeds. The relationship with his wife is quite harmonious, since his choice was conscious.

He is one of the most homely of the Chinese zodiac sign combinations among Aquarius. He loves novelty and bright events, but most often prefers to watch them on TV. In rare cases, he strives to find a suitable partner, even if his wife does not suit him. It should be noted that he agrees to marriage only after a thorough analysis of the relationship. If something does not suit him, he is unlikely to decide on an alliance with this girl.

The writer-storyteller Pavel Bazhov (“Stone Flower”, “Malachite Box”) graduated from theological seminary, but became a teacher and along the way collected legends and tales of Ural storytellers, captured in “Malachite Box”. The language of Bazhov’s works is natural and simple: Danila the master dreams of beautiful flower, Tanyusha refuses to bow to the queen herself, the wealth of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain seems unnecessary, and the witch of the “Blue Well” brings happiness to the good fellow...

Aquarius-Cats as “observers” human life" gave birth to a lot of wonderful writers. We have already talked about some of them, but here are the dreamer and writer of everyday life Ilya Ehrenburg (“People, Years, Life”) and the social science fiction writer and satirist George Orwell (“Animal Farm”).

Another undeniable field where Aquarius-Cats are favorites is acting. Aquarius-Cat is a wonderful actor who has a keen sense of the role and brings a special charm to the action: Boris Andreev (“Two Fighters”, “Tractor Drivers”, “Fighters”, “Kuban Cossacks”); Alexander Porokhovshchikov (“Two Long Beeps in the Fog”, “Voroshilov Shooter”, “Let’s Talk, Brother...”) is a courageous, proud, noble and very sentimental person, ready to defend his honor and dignity, or he may burst into tears. Vladimir Zeldin (“The Pig Farmer and the Shepherd”, “Carnival Night”, “Duenna”).

There are also film directors: Boris Stepanov (“State Border”), Veniamin Dorman (“Resident’s Mistake”, “Resident’s Fate”) and Grigory Alexandrov (musicals “Circus”, “Jolly Fellows”, Bright Path”, “Spring”, “ Volga-Volga").

Aquarius-Rabbit is often a person of very extraordinary musical abilities - he writes music, performs and sings it: composer Matvey Blanter - author of the songs “Katyusha”, “In the forest near the front”; Vladimir Atlantov - tenor singer; Seal is a singer and musician; Czeslav Neman - electronic musical avant-garde artist, experimenter; Phil Collins - rock and pop musician; Lare Ulrich is the leader of Metallica. Finally, the wonderful musician Konstantin Nikolsky (“Resurrection”), whose songs “are very personal, sometimes imbued with a tragic attitude, are an excellent example of the union of melodic language and poetic words.”

Among the Aquarius-Cats there are excellent athletes: runner Vladimir Kuts, football players Stanley Matthews and Kevin Keegan, basketball player, NBA legend Michael Jordan.

Among the Aquarius-Cats there are successful businessmen-inventors and major scientists in natural history and psychology: William Colgate - founder of a company that produces toothpaste; John Browning - small arms designer; Robert Boyle - physicist and analytical chemist; Anatoly Alexandrov - nuclear physicist, founder of polymer physics and nuclear energy; Frank Caira – physicist and philosopher (“The Tao of Physics”); Franz Alexander - psychoanalyst, founder of psychosomatic medicine.

Aquarius-Cats are unlucky or strange politicians: Gaspard de Coligny - the head of the Huguenots and the first victim of St. Bartholomew's Night; Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme is a victim of a terrorist attack; Lieutenant Peter Schmidt, with a quarrelsome character and oddities for a reason mental illness due to family troubles and dissatisfaction with his position, he led an uprising on the cruiser "Ochakov" and was shot; the leader of the Socialist Revolutionary Party Boris Savinkov is the organizer of numerous rebellions, conspiracies and terrorist acts directed against the Bolsheviks, he is also the author of poems, stories and novels. Savinkov committed suicide or, according to another version, was killed in prison. We also have one Duma deputy. This is Georgy Boos. There are many military men among Aquarius-Cats, but it is impossible to find sonorous names.

Let us pay attention to other representatives of this group: the artist Ribera (“Saint Inessa”); racist anthropologist Hans Günther; Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Sergius; economist Arthur Lewis (Development Planning).

Horoscope of Aquarius-Rabbit (Cat) woman

They have all the signs masculine character. They are either proud or sentimental. They are realistic and know what they want, but they idealize or denigrate reality too much. They need purpose, struggle, a sense of their own freedom and victory over men or just victory. Their appearance is deceiving.

Thus, the ballerina Ekaterina Maksimova, proud, reserved, reserved, loves silence and loneliness. There are many excellent athletes among Aquarius-Cat women. There are travelers: popularizer of esotericism Helena Roerich.

Actresses: Larisa Malevannaya (“Intergirl”, “Anchor, more anchor”), Lyudmila Polyakova (“Agony”, “Mikhailo Lomonosov”), Lydia Smirnova (“Carnival”); classical singer Maria Mordasova and pop singer Natalie Imbrulia.

Jarman Greer is an ardent feminist without fear or reproach, full of hatred for men and the society they created. She is an academic and the author of The Female Eunuch, which explores in a polemical manner how the family subjugates a woman by forcing her to accept social stereotypes, thus “emasculating” her. Following this publication, Greer became a leading figure in the women's movement.

However, her book was criticized by other feminists for its overemphasis on sexual freedom as a path to liberation.

Patron and rich woman Nadezhda von Meck adored the talent of Pyotr Tchaikovsky, loved him personally and helped him as best she could with money. Peter complained to her about hardships, asked for help, and Mekk satisfied his aspirations to the best of her material capabilities. Over 13 years, she wrote him more than 700 letters, sought a meeting with him, but Tchaikovsky, as best he could, avoided due to his special sexual orientation. After the death of the composer, Mekk died of grief, not even living for three months.

Actress Jane Seymour, having married director and producer James Keach for the fourth time, became famous throughout the world as “Dr. Queen, the female doctor.” From her previous husbands, Jane was left with two children, a fortune, and an ancient castle in England. She works a lot in films and is raising twin boys. Her career did not advance beyond her participation in TV series.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

Capable Cat. Very good friend!

Eastern horoscope: year of the rabbit
Zodiac horoscope: Aquarius sign

Melancholic and sweet-tongued Libra-Rabbits can seem like sissies. Their minds are inquisitive and they make good scientists and journalists. Libra the Rabbit loves the best of everything and can be extravagant. Such people are able to work hard to achieve what they want. They should try to stop snobbery in themselves.

Chinese astrology describes the Cat as a symbol of wisdom. Men and women born in the Aquarius Cat combination are people who have a special style.

Everything they say and do will have a certain style. In general, these people give the impression of being a very fashionable person. This combination produces people who are either calm and collected or secretive and obsessive.

Aquarius-Cats are people who have natural creativity and a love of knowledge. They enjoy socializing but require silence from time to time. They are excellent listeners, wise and careful. They try to avoid confrontation of any kind. These people can be excellent peacemakers among any groups of people who have differences.

They have special skills that help them calm situations with their charm and common sense. Therefore, they should find a profession that requires a calming effect. They don't like to lead, but they will be a great part of any team. These stabilization skills also work well in your personal life.

This combination produces very elegant and graceful people, and their originality only emphasizes their attractiveness. They are inspired by art and culture, everything beautiful. They can be great consultants on color schemes and home decor.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they value their independence too much. Close relationships can make them feel trapped. They should learn to trust the judgment and opinions of other people.

Aquarius the rabbit is a romantic. He has such a rich imagination that he is able to charm people with just him. But he studies the world not for the sake of victories, but to understand it.

The Aquarius cat is an optimist in everything, he controls his stormy emotions, directing their excesses in another direction that is useful for himself - establishing relationships with people and the world around him. Insight and philanthropy help him to see the advantages and disadvantages of those around him and even guess about future events.

Sexually, neither Aquarius rabbit men nor women have problems. It is simply impossible to do otherwise - a romantically inclined person is already attractive to the opposite sex. And for the same reason he has very few enemies.
