A ready-made topic for teacher self-education. Self-education of a kindergarten teacher. Registration of work results

2. The influence of educational activities directly on the play of young children.

4.Education of preschool children through work.

5. Education of moral qualities of preschool children through Russian folk tales.

6. Gender education of preschool children in a kindergarten.

7. Didactic game as a form of teaching young children.

8. Didactic games in teaching children the basics of mathematics.

9.Spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

10.Spiritual and moral education of children through reading fiction.

11.Game as a means of educational activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

12.Game as a means of communication for preschoolers.


14.Use of health-saving technologies in the first junior (second junior, middle, senior) group.

15.Use of educational games in mathematics classes with children of primary (middle, senior) preschool age.

16.Use of various non-traditional drawing techniques in working with children 2–3 years old.


18.Methods of forming correct posture and preventing its violation in preschoolers.

19. Folk outdoor games in the physical education of preschoolers.

20. Enriching the social experience of preschool children.

21.Health-improving gymnastics after a nap, its meaning.

22. System of work in preschool educational institutions for patriotic education.

23. Patriotic education of preschool children through the use of fine arts.

25. Outdoor play as a means of developing speed and dexterity in children of junior (middle, senior) preschool age.

26. Cognitive and research activities of preschool children.

27. Traffic rules for preschoolers.

28. Techniques for activating mental activity in the process of introducing children to nature.

29. Project activities with children of primary (middle, senior) preschool age.

30. Project method in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

31.Development of dialogical communication between children in a group of different ages (4-7 years).

32. Development of play activities in young children.

33. Development of communication abilities of older preschoolers through communication with nature.

34.Development of mathematical abilities of preschool children through play activities.

35.Development of fine motor skills of preschoolers.

36.Development of fine motor skills in preschool children through non-traditional drawing techniques.

37. Development of cognitive activity of preschool children.

38. Development of search and research activities of preschoolers in the process of experimentation.

39. Development of speech in children of early and primary preschool age.

2. The influence of educational activities directly on the play of young children.

4.Education of preschool children through work.

5. Education of moral qualities of preschool children through Russian folk tales.

6. Gender education of preschool children in a kindergarten.

7. Didactic game as a form of teaching young children.

8. Didactic games in teaching children the basics of mathematics.

9.Spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

10.Spiritual and moral education of children through reading fiction.

11.Game as a means of educational activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

12.Game as a means of communication for preschoolers.

14.Use of health-saving technologies in the first junior (second junior, middle, senior) group.

15.Use of educational games in mathematics classes with children of primary (middle, senior) preschool age.

16.Use of various non-traditional drawing techniques in working with children 2–3 years old.

18.Methods of forming correct posture and preventing its violation in preschoolers.

19. Folk outdoor games in the physical education of preschoolers.

20. Enriching the social experience of preschool children.

21.Health-improving gymnastics after a nap, its meaning.

22. System of work in preschool educational institutions for patriotic education.

23. Patriotic education of preschool children through the use of fine arts.

25. Outdoor play as a means of developing speed and dexterity in children of junior (middle, senior) preschool age.

26. Cognitive and research activities of preschool children.

27. Traffic rules for preschoolers.

28. Techniques for activating mental activity in the process of introducing children to nature.

29. Project activities with children of primary (middle, senior) preschool age.

30. Project method in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

31.Development of dialogical communication between children in a group of different ages (4-7 years).

32. Development of play activities in young children.

33. Development of communication abilities of older preschoolers through communication with nature.

34.Development of mathematical abilities of preschool children through play activities.

35.Development of fine motor skills of preschoolers.

36.Development of fine motor skills in preschool children through non-traditional drawing techniques.

37. Development of cognitive activity of preschool children.

38. Development of search and research activities of preschoolers in the process of experimentation.

39. Development of speech in children of early and primary preschool age.

40. Rhetoric lessons and speech etiquette as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers.

41.Development of sensory abilities of preschool children.

42.Development of sensory abilities through didactic games.

43.Development of children's creative abilities in visual arts.

Development of children's creative abilities using non-traditional drawing techniques.

44.Development of creative abilities of preschoolers through puppet theater.

45. Speech development of preschool children

46. ​​The role of motor mode for the health of preschool children.

49. The role of the family in raising preschool children.

50. Fairy tale as a means of spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

51. Modern approaches to the implementation of tasks in the educational field “Cognitive development”

Modern approaches to the implementation of tasks in the educational field "Speech development"

Modern approaches to the implementation of tasks in the educational field "Socio-communicative development"

Modern approaches to the implementation of tasks in the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”

52. Theater - as a means of forming coherent speech in preschoolers.

53.Theatrical activities as a means of developing a child’s creative personality.

54. Physical development of children in play activities.

55. Physical education and health work with children.

56. Formation of communicative qualities in children of junior (middle, senior) preschool age.

57.Formation of communicative qualities in children of senior preschool age through communication with nature.

58. Formation of a culture of health in preschool children.

59. Formation of the beginnings of the ecological culture of preschool children.

62.Formation of children's speech in play activities.

63. Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler.

64. Artistic and speech development of children through joint theatrical activities of children and parents.

65.Environmental education of children in kindergarten.

66. Ecological development of children in the younger (middle, older) age group.

67. Activity approach in the education of preschool children

68. The influence of the developmental teaching method on the formation of the personality of a preschooler

69.Use of multimedia didactic games in the cognitive development of preschool children

How to choose a topic for teacher self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard?

Even a person far from educational activities understands that teachers cannot stand still, because the quality of children’s education depends on them, so they must move forward, develop and improve themselves.

Self-education is becoming an integral component of the professional growth and improvement of teaching staff at all levels of education. To improve their skills and competencies, preschool teachers should familiarize themselves with new research in the field of pedagogy and child psychology, study the experience of colleagues and increase their overall erudition. The main thing is that the person himself wants to learn something new and acquire new competencies.

In self-education, the student is also a teacher, he himself is responsible for the learning process and sets the rules of learning. For self-education to bear fruit, it is necessary to draw up a detailed self-study plan. Still, any learning, including self-learning, should be based on a system so that all knowledge fits into a holistic picture.

Start by analyzing the conditions of your preschool educational institution to determine the resources, methods and technologies that you will use in the process of self-education. Then determine your own level of preparation. Be critical. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses will help you create a plan for self-education.

After this, the educator must determine the goal of self-education and what results he wants to achieve. By clearly visualizing the end result, it will be easier for you to outline the steps to achieve your goal.

SMART technology is perfect here, according to which the goals should be:

  • S (specific)- specific. The clearer you imagine the end result, the easier it is to achieve it.
  • M (measurable)- measurable. Select criteria for achieving the goal, indicators of progress.
  • A (achievable)- achievable. Consider your capabilities and the realities of the modern world. Don't try to jump in over your head.
  • R (realistic)- relevant, corresponding to the realities of the modern world. Ask yourself: why do you need to complete this task? Why is it important?
  • T (Time-related)- limited in time. Specify a specific time period. Take your time and set realistic deadlines.

Then you need to select the necessary training material. Information must be accessible to perception and correspond to the data of modern science and the demands of the time. Then, based on the goal, a work plan is drawn up.

Building a self-education plan for a teacher

Making a plan and acting on it means taking full responsibility for learning upon yourself. Proper planning will allow you to optimally allocate time and achieve planned results as quickly as possible.

Plan for the education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution:

  1. Setting goals and defining tasks.
  2. Selecting a topic.
  3. Educational activity - studying methodological literature on the chosen topic.
  4. Practical activities - preparing and conducting classes with students.
  5. Summing up - filling out a report folder with data on progress, organizing an exhibition of children's works, presenting the final report at a teachers' meeting, a methodological seminar or a pedagogical conference.

How to choose a topic for self-education?

Choosing a topic for self-education for kindergarten teachers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the professional task of every preschool teacher. We live in a rapidly changing world, today's children have different needs than previous generations, so education has new challenges. To solve these problems, educators need to get acquainted with new research in the field of preschool pedagogy and child psychology, the best practices of colleagues and improve their skills.

Before choosing a topic, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework for preschool education and analyze your own experience - identify the strengths and weaknesses of your teaching activity, and realize what should be given more attention.

When choosing a topic, you can rely on the directions of child development according to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education:

  • social and communicative;
  • educational;
  • speech;
  • artistic and aesthetic;
  • physical.

Sample topics on self-education for teachers in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

This list of sample topics is based on play - this is the main way a child learns about the world around him. Based on this, topics for self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard may be as follows:

  1. Social and communicative development:
  • Socialization of younger preschoolers through role-playing games.
  • Game as a means of communication for preschoolers.
  1. Cognitive development:
  • Enriching the plot of a children's game by getting to know the outside world.
  • Didactic game as a form of teaching children the basics of mathematics.
  • Game as a means of educational activity.
  1. Speech development:
  • Theatrical play in the development of speech in younger preschoolers.
  • The use of didactic games in classes on speech development in middle preschool age.
  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • Didactic game as a means of artistic and aesthetic education.
  • Education of children's artistic and aesthetic taste through folk games.
  1. Physical development:
  • Outdoor play as a means of developing motor skills in preschool children.
  • The role of outdoor games in the physical development and promotion of child health.

In addition to topics in a specific area, you can choose a topic about the work of a preschool educational organization as a whole:

  • Organization of network interaction between preschool educational institutions and other organizations.

Having chosen a topic, proceed to the analysis of the material selected on the topic. The material for self-education is not only scientific literature, but also video recordings of webinars, lectures, and articles in magazines dedicated to education and pedagogy. When studying the material, highlight key points, ideas and judgments by the author. For example, having chosen the topic “Modeling a developmental environment in a preschool educational institution,” the teacher pays attention to the features of the organization of a developmental subject-spatial environment, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for organization and the role of the environment in the educational process. Then the selected ideas are tested in practice in classes with preschoolers.

Possible problems in self-education and solutions

  1. It is difficult to define and formulate a topic.

Identify a problem that interests you. Use observations of students, analysis of the work performed, and the results of pedagogical diagnostics. When formulating the topic, pay attention to the Federal State Educational Standard and educational programs.

  1. It is difficult to find the necessary methodological literature.

Clearly define for yourself the range of questions to which you are looking for an answer. Start your search with traditional methods and classic pedagogical works, then move on to consider modern technologies and the experience of colleagues. Viewing the table of contents and annotations will help you quickly navigate the contents of the book.

  1. It is difficult to comprehend the material read.

To better assimilate information, use notes, mind maps and flowcharts. Taking notes involves highlighting the main facts, thoughts and concepts - this will help systematize the information.

Mental maps or mind maps are a method of graphically structuring information in which concepts, tasks, facts are depicted as a tree diagram. Flowcharts are a graphical representation of information in the form of interconnected blocks.

Professional self-education is not limited to formally filling out reports and preparing reports. The goal of self-education of a preschool teacher is to reveal creative abilities, increase the level of skill and develop personal qualities.

You will receive more useful information for the development of your kindergarten at the International Conference “Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families: best Russian practices and foreign experience” , which will take place on August 6–8. Come to the conference and you will learn how to gain the trust of parents and create a positive image of a preschool educational institution.

Working with children in a preschool educational institution (DOU) requires highly professional staff. And a good education and love for children are key components of pedagogical skill. However, there is another aspect of activity that plays the role of a perpetual motion machine in working with the younger generation. We are talking about the self-education of the teacher - constant self-development and improvement of the techniques and methods of work used.

Theoretical aspects of the process of self-education of a preschool teacher

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) defines self-education (in some sources - self-development) as the process of constant cognitive work of a teacher, which is in the nature of methodological improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities of interaction with children, parents and colleagues.

This is interesting. Despite the fact that the concepts of self-education and self-development in pedagogical sources are often interchangeable, there are differences between them. In particular, a distinctive feature of self-development is that this work can include not only an educational component, but also physical self-improvement. While self-education only implies expanding the boundaries of the cognitive sphere.

Self-education accompanies the entire period of a teacher’s professional activity.

Teacher self-education: goals and objectives

Replenishing the own methodological developments of the members of the teaching staff of the kindergarten sets itself the following goals:

  • acquaintance with innovative psychological and pedagogical technologies, their mastery and search for optimal ways to combine them with those already used in work;
  • improving the quality of education in groups of different ages by systematizing the advanced methodological and psychological-pedagogical experience of colleagues;
  • creating suitable conditions for the comprehensive physical and mental development of children, as well as for the education of creative individuals.

To achieve the goals of self-education outlined above, the teacher solves a number of problems in his work:

Thus, the tasks of self-education are of a successive nature, that is, from year to year the teacher covers the same set of issues, but at a level that is relevant for the specific age of the children.

Principles of self-development

The process of improving existing pedagogical developments is based on 4 principles:

  • Continuity. As already mentioned, based on one set of topics, the teacher chooses one or another topic and develops it within one academic year, less often than two. It turns out that self-education accompanies the entire period of teaching activity of a teacher in a preschool educational institution.

    Work on self-education begins from the first days of professional activity and, as a rule, does not have cardinal changes in the trajectory of consideration of the initially selected problems

  • Relationship. A principle directly related to the first. For example, when considering the issues of speech development of children 3–4 years old, a teacher will not be able to fully cover the topic without taking into account the developments on this topic in the previous year, that is, in working with children 2–3 years old. Therefore, quite often such questions are considered within the framework of combined pairs of groups: “Speech development of children of the first and second junior groups of preschool educational institutions” or “Development of fine motor skills in older groups in the aspect of preparing the hand for writing.”
  • Correspondence of the direction of disclosure of the chosen topic to the general strategy of the educational process in kindergarten. For example, in 2016, the Federal State Educational Standard recommended topics related to inclusive education in preschool educational institutions, although previously this topic was the exclusive prerogative of a special education teacher. So, if there are children with developmental disabilities in the group, then the issue of self-education may include either certain aspects of working with such children, or be entirely devoted to the practice of involving a disabled child in the educational process, working with the families of such children, etc.
  • Availability. This principle concerns, firstly, the practical implementation of the self-education project. Simply put, if a teacher considers non-traditional drawing techniques in the first junior group, then visual activity with fingers will be fully consistent with the level of development and perception of the children, in contrast to, for example, creating pictures with soap bubbles. And secondly, one of the forms of reporting on the implementation of the self-education program is the presentation of experience to young colleagues. This is a presentation of one’s own developments, which should be understandable to others not only from a methodological, but also from a general cultural point of view. Do not frighten the audience with complex terms, space-scale projects, etc.

    The principle of accessibility applies not only to working with children, but also with parents, as well as with colleagues, including within the framework of the mentoring institute

Forms of work

The educational activities of preschool educational institutions imply the interaction and interconnection of everyone who takes part in the process of training, development and education of the younger generation. This is the teaching staff as the subject of the educational process, children and their parents as objects of activity. Therefore, the forms of work on self-improvement of pedagogical skills, one way or another, include in the work all designated categories of persons.

Program of work on the topic of self-education

The organization of the process of covering the issue depends on how carefully and methodically the work is structured correctly.

Choosing a theme

At this stage, which usually occurs in August–September, the teacher formulates a research topic depending on the pressing issues that he encounters in his activities.

The location of the kindergarten near the roadway determines the relevance of choosing one of the topics related to health-saving technologies associated with the study of traffic rules at a level accessible to a specific age.

Difficulties may relate to the choice of individual forms of work with children of a certain age.

The list of topics is common to teachers of all groups; differences are determined by features characteristic of the age of the wards. For example, in younger groups, the development of fine motor skills will be focused on choosing the optimal list of finger exercises, and in older groups, the emphasis will be on training tasks aimed at preparing the hand for writing.

Topics for self-education of narrow specialists will have some target specificity

This is interesting. Carla Orff - German composer and music teacher of the twentieth century. Its technologies are based on the fact that the main task of music is to liberate the individual creative powers of the child, to develop his natural musicality, including through elementary music-making.

Table: topics and goals of self-education for a music worker, physical education instructor, speech therapist and speech pathologist

SpecialistApproximate topics of workGoals
Music worker
  • “Formation of aesthetic taste in children and development of emotional responsiveness to music.”
  • “Development of creative abilities through teaching children to play children's musical instruments, introducing gaming technologies into the practical activities of a music director.”
  • “Development of creative abilities through the perception of music, song, movement.”
  • "Development of musical abilities of preschool children."
  • “Musical and creative activities for health purposes.”
  • “Development of a sense of rhythm in preschool children in the process of playing musical instruments.”
  • “Development of rhythmic hearing in preschoolers through Carl Orff technologies.”
  • “Development of creative abilities of older preschoolers through theatrical activities.”
  • “Development of choreographic skills in children of senior preschool age” (this topic is especially relevant in preschool educational institutions, where the music worker also performs the functions of a choreographer).
  • Deepen and systematize knowledge about the formation of creative skills in all types of musical activities.
  • Develop positive emotional responsiveness to music.
  • Develop team creativity skills.
  • Foster respect for the world's cultural heritage.
Physical education instructor
  • “The use of non-traditional equipment in physical education and health improvement of preschool children.”
  • “Development of motor activity of children under the conditions of the introduction of FGT.”
  • “Physical and recreational work in preschool educational institutions outside of classes.”
  • "Game technologies in the system of physical education of preschool children."
  • “Modern approaches to improving the health of children in preschool educational institutions.”
The goals of self-education of a physical education instructor are correlated with the Federal State Requirements (FGT), the main principle of which is the integration of educational areas “Physical Education”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Socialization”, “Labor”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”.
  • Creation of a comprehensive system of physical education and health work with children, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children.
  • Development of children's physical abilities.
  • Instilling responsibility in parents and children in maintaining their own health.
Speech therapist
  • “Development of articulatory motor skills in children with speech disorders as an effective means of correcting sound pronunciation.”
  • “Dysarthria (impaired pronunciation due to damage to the nervous system): erased or minimal forms of its manifestation.”
  • “The use of non-traditional speech therapy technologies with children of senior preschool age.”
  • “The use of information and communication technologies in the correctional work of a speech therapist teacher.”
  • “Methods for the development of fine motor skills in older preschoolers with speech underdevelopment.”
  • “Development of speech creativity in older preschoolers.”
  • “Kinesiological gymnastics (brain gymnastics) as a means of developing psychological processes in preschool children.”
  • “Health-saving technologies in speech therapy work.”
The emphasis of the speech therapist’s work is on involving parents in the process of correcting disorders in the child’s speech apparatus.
  • To formulate the need for close cooperation between parents and a speech therapist to overcome speech disorders in children.
  • Show parents the possibilities for the child’s speech development in the family.
  • Provide speech therapy assistance to preschool children with deviations in the development of oral speech.
  • To form the formation of a child’s conscious attitude towards human health and life.
  • “Development of cognitive processes in children with disabilities in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard.”
  • “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children with severe and multiple developmental disorders.”
  • “Development and implementation of individually oriented development routes for children with disabilities.”
  • Providing timely specialized assistance to students with disabilities (disabilities) in mastering the mandatory minimum content of education in an educational institution.
  • Creating optimal conditions for the development of the emotional, social and intellectual potential of a child with a complex structure of the defect and the formation of his positive personal qualities.
  • Educating parents about the peculiarities of raising a child with disabilities in the family.

Examples of plans for self-education of specialized specialists

When drawing up individual self-education routes, narrow specialists can consider the topic within the framework of its implementation in working with children of different ages at the same time.

The work of a speech therapist can be in the nature of searching for methods and techniques to solve the general problem of speech development, regardless of the age of the pupils

Table: fragment of a plan for self-education of a music director

AuthorVyrvina E.A., music director of the MKDOU “Firefly”, b. Yurty village, Taishetsky district, Irkutsk region
Subject“Development of creative abilities of preschool children and the emotional-cognitive sphere through various types of musical activities”
MonthThe content of the workForm of workPractical results
  • “Development of the emotional sphere” - information and analytical activity.
  • Carrying out diagnostics of musical abilities.
  • Study literature:
    • “Emotional development of preschool children” / Edited by A.D. Kosheleva. - Moscow, 1985
    • Gasparova E. “Emotions of a young child in play” // Preschool education. – 2001, No. 10.
  • Carry out diagnostics.
  • Consultation for teachers.
October“The formation of musicality at different age stages of preschool childhood” - information and analytical activity.Study literature: “Gifted Child” / ed. O.M. Dyachenko - Moscow; 1997.Consultation for teachers.
  • "Music as a means of aesthetic education of preschoolers."
  • “Visiting the Beauty Fairy” (holiday scenario).
  • Study the literature: Praslova G.A. Theory and methods of music education for preschool children. St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2005. Make notes.
  • Develop the script “Visiting the Beauty Fairy” (musical and aesthetic education).
  • Report for a pedagogical meeting.
  • Holiday "Visiting the Beauty Fairy."
  • “Journey to the Land of Knowledge” (graduation celebration scenario).
  • Carrying out diagnostics of musical abilities of children of all age groups.
  • Watch the musical feature film “The Adventures of Pinocchio” with the children of preparatory groups and talk about its content. Develop a graduation party script based on this film.
  • Carrying out diagnostic studies.
  • Graduation celebration “Journey to the Land of Knowledge.”
  • Analysis of diagnostic results.

Table: fragment of a physical education instructor’s self-education plan

AuthorKurakova N.V., physical education instructor at MKDOU DS No. 23 “Geese-Swans”, Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug
Subject“Development of the motor sphere and the manifestation of emotional states in it”
MonthForm of work
with kidswith teacherswith parents
  • September,
  • October,
  • november.
Participation in the fourth city Spartakiad among preschool institutions “Golden Autumn”.Consultation on the development of the motor sphere.Preparing children for competitions.
DecemberGPP.Creation of cards-schemes of fragments of the relay game.Open demonstration of physical education classes.
  • Fun starts.
  • Ski race.
Consultation on the topic: “Perpetual motion: motor health-improving moments in the classroom.”Evening of questions and answers,
parent meetings.
  • Ski track of Russia.
  • Competitions “Governor's Competitions” among preschool educational institutions of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug-Ugra.
  • Non-standard equipment and its use.
  • Master Class.
Leisure activities: family club “Swan” (direction “Parental culture” and “Press center”).

Table: fragment of a plan for self-education of a speech therapist teacher

AuthorMitrakovich L.V., teacher-speech therapist MBDOU DS No. 4 “Lebedushka”, Strezhevoy, Tomsk region
Subject“Kinesiological gymnastics as a means of developing psychological processes in preschool children”
MonthContentExpected Result
OctoberSelection of literature on the topicAvailability of literature (“Kinesiotherapy of speech disorders”).
NovemberTheoretical study of methodological developments on the topic
  • Increased competence.
  • Availability of theoretical and methodological material. (The use of kinesiotherapy in correctional work with children with OHP and dysarthria).
Development of recommendations and consultations for teachers and parents on the use of games in working with children
  • Availability of consultations and recommendations.
  • Availability of practical material (cards).
FebruaryPractical demonstration of classes using kinesiology exercises for parentsIntroduce parents to some areas and methods of work.
Production of didactic materialPractical assistance to parents and teachers. Availability of didactic material.
MayAnalysis of self-education workAvailability of analytical information.

Table: fragments of the plan for self-education of a teacher-defectologist

AuthorTrofimova A.P., teacher-defectologist, MADOUDS No. 13 “Dolphinchik”, Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region
Subject“Development of fine motor skills in children of the compensatory group”
Information and analyticalLiterature Study

Self-education is a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the individual himself to acquire systemic knowledge in any field of science, technology, culture, political life, etc. S.I. Ozhegov defines self-education as “the acquisition of knowledge through independent study without the help of a teacher.”

Self-education allows you to replenish and concretize your knowledge, and carry out a deep and detailed analysis of situations that arise when working with children. A teacher who has the skills of independent work has the opportunity to prepare and move on to targeted scientific, practical, research activities, which indicates a higher professional and educational level, and this, in turn, affects the quality of the educational process and the effectiveness of teaching activities.

An important condition for professionalism is properly organized and carried out self-education work. In this, each educator is helped by planning his work, correct analysis of activities, setting goals, choosing forms and methods. For this purpose, educators draw up various self-education plans. Below is the experience in this area.


1. Full name teacher - Lifanova Tatyana Nikolaevna

2. Education - secondary specialized, 1st qualification category.

3. Theme of self-education: “Implementation of FGT in the educational process.”

4. Work started on September 1, 2011.

5. Expected to finish on May 30, 2012.

6. Goal: to study FGT for the structure of the main general education program of preschool education.

7. Tasks:

  • study and implement the program “From birth to school” in all educational areas (new edition in accordance with FGT)
  • develop long-term plans for all educational areas
  • develop a model of the educational process that meets FGT
  • test this model in practice

8. Expected result: reassessment of pedagogical values, one’s professional purpose; desire to improve the educational process.

9. Form of self-education: individual.

10. Actions and activities carried out in the process of working on the topic:

  • studying literature on the topic
  • visiting educational activities with teachers of your preschool educational institution and district;
  • attending teacher councils, seminars, conferences;
  • self-analysis and self-assessment of GCD in your group;
  • development of a model of the educational process that meets FGT
  • testing the developed model in practice. Making necessary adjustments;
  • holding a series of open events for peer review;
  • summarizing the results at a meeting of the methodological association.

11. Practical solution: workshop.

12. Form of a report on the work done: message at the teachers' meeting; presentation on the topic.

MBDOU-kindergarten “Firefly”,
Saratov region, r.p. Bald Mountains.
