E p ilin psychology. Ilyin E. P. Psychology of individual differences

Evgeniy Pavlovich Ilyin

Psychology of Individual Differences


The book presents basic information on the psychology of individual differences, considered in differential psychology and differential psychophysiology. The problems of differential psychophysiology were outlined by me in my previously published book “Differential Psychophysiology” (2001). This book was partially included in this textbook, although in a restructured form and with some additions and abbreviations, which was dictated by the volume of the latter. Thus, the “Psychology of Individual Differences” does not include part 5 “Functional asymmetry as a problem of differential psychophysiology”; Those interested in this problem can refer to the above publication. Differences between men and women are also not addressed. This problem received fairly complete coverage in my other book, “Differential psychophysiology of men and women” (2002).

The new chapters of this textbook are mainly devoted to issues that are considered in differential psychology.

It should be immediately clear what individual differences will be discussed in this book. These are differences in the properties of temperament and personality, which determine not so much quantitative as qualitative differences in the behavior and activities of people. Qualitative differences are an expression of quantitative ones, but the latter are often so great that people, being at different poles of the continuum (that is, when one or another psychological or psychophysiological parameter is manifested in them to a different extent), behave and work differently.

At the same time, despite the existing differences, a qualitative (typical) similarity of people is also revealed - in the degree of expression of certain parameters, in the way of behavior, in the style of activity and communication, etc. Being individual, inherent in a particular person, these qualitative differences are also characteristic of others individuals, i.e. they can be called typical. They talk about typical differences when people are divided into strong and weak, kind and greedy, emotional and unemotional, etc. However, for example, quantitative differences are also observed among the strong: one person is strong, but not to the same extent as another, and that one is not like the third, etc.

B. M. Teplov pointed out the need for a qualitative approach to individual differences. It is the qualitative typical and individual differences between people that are discussed in this book. At the same time, we will talk about their genesis (origin): what is their conditionality - genetic or social, as well as their influence on behavior and the effectiveness of human activity. Accordingly, based on the individual-typical characteristics of a person as an individual and a person, it is possible, with a certain degree of probability, to predict the characteristics of his behavior, the effectiveness of his activities and create optimal conditions for each person that contribute to such effective activities. This is the practical significance of this section of psychological science, obvious to the luminaries of Russian physiology and psychology I. P. Pavlov, B. M. Teplov, V. S. Merlin.

I will give an excerpt from the preface by E. A. Klimov to the book by V. S. Merlin “Essay on an integral study of individuality” (1986).

When the laboratory of B. M. Teplov plunged into questions of the physiology of types of higher nervous activity(Boris Mikhailovich himself said that in matters of typology he is now more of a physiologist than physiologists themselves), V.S. Merlin used to say something like this: “Well done, Boris Mikhailovich! He is criticized for moving away from practice, from school, even from psychology, but he is deeply right, because without knowledge of the real foundations of individual psychological differences, it is truly impossible to move into practice” (p. 12).

When writing the book, I adhered to the principle of historicism, that is, I described the stages of development of the doctrine of individual differences in people in sequence, as it actually happened - starting from the study of general characteristics (types of temperament and constitution) to the consideration of particular individual (properties nervous system, temperament and personality), then returning again to the generalized - individuality. It would seem more logical to present the material in a different way - to move from the description of particular characteristics to the presentation of generalized ones, but this path has its drawbacks. In particular, it seems impossible to show the difficulty of forming the positions of scientists different generations on the issue of individual differences, it would also be difficult to highlight not only the discoveries of psychologists, but also the mistakes they made.

The book consists of five parts. The first examines various approaches to generalized individual characteristics of a person - types of temperament and personality. The second part is devoted to the peculiarities of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system, which represent the natural basis of individual differences. In the third part we're talking about about individual differences in behavior.

The fourth part examines the effectiveness of human activity depending on his individual characteristics. This part consists of three sections. The first is devoted to the fundamental problem of differential psychology and differential psychophysiology of abilities and giftedness, on which the effectiveness of an individual’s activity largely depends. The second section concerns styles of activity and leadership in which individual characteristics of a person are manifested. The third section contains rich empirical material about the influence of typological features on the success of various types of human activities. In addition to purely theoretical significance (the problem of the relationship between the biological and the social in human development), knowledge of these facts is also of great importance practical significance, since on their basis the selection of people for various fields professional and sports activities, the optimal teaching and training methodology for a given subject, and style of activity are selected.

The fifth part of the textbook concerns the connection between individual characteristics and predisposition to various diseases. This issue is little covered in the specialized literature. At least not a single book on individual differences even mentions this.

It should be especially emphasized that the proposed manual is intended for those who are already familiar with the basics of psychology, physiology of the nervous system and psychophysiology. Therefore, an unprepared person may have some difficulties when reading this book.

I tried to show the problem of individual differences not in the form of axiomatic propositions, but to illuminate it in all its complexity, without hiding the contradictions and erroneous judgments that exist in the history of science, in order to encourage the reader to think, to actively think, and, ultimately, to find his own points of view on the problem under consideration. Big number references to literary sources are due to my desire to give scientific validity and argumentation to the positions expressed in the book.

The book contains an appendix that provides methods for studying individual characteristics of a person and an extensive list of references, which may be useful to those who want to study the issues presented in the manual in more depth.

I hope the book will be useful to you practical psychologists, physicians, as well as for university psychology teachers and will help bridge the existing gap between physiological and psychological knowledge obtained by psychologists. At the same time, it may also be of interest to physiologists who study humans, helping them to understand the psychological manifestations of physiological processes. The book can also be useful for teachers, since it allows us to understand the natural foundations of students’ abilities and behavior, and an individual approach to them in the process of learning and education.

The book by Professor E.P. Ilyin describes in detail the theory and practice of differential psychology professional activity. From it you will learn: how individual personal and typical characteristics of a person influence the choice of type of activity and its effectiveness, how the specifics of activity influence the formation of personality traits and behavioral characteristics of a professional (professional deformation), and much more.

The publication is intended for psychologists, teachers and students of university faculties of psychological and pedagogical profiles.

Differential psychophysiology

The textbook is the first systematic presentation of the issues that constitute the subject of differential psychophysiology.

It outlines the history of the formation of this discipline, associated with the development of the doctrine of temperament, the types of higher nervous activity and the properties of the nervous system. The textbook provides a rationale for the typological features of the properties of the nervous system, shows their manifestation in behavior, their influence on the styles and effectiveness of human activity. Considerable space is devoted to the consideration of various concepts of human abilities and giftedness. Methods for studying types of temperament and properties of the nervous system are presented. A special section is devoted to problems functional asymmetry and in particular - right- and left-handedness.

Differential psychophysiology of men and women

This book examines the physiological, mental and social differences between men and women, taking into account numerous domestic and foreign research.
Differences in the behavior of men and women should be sought not only in the influence of psychological and social attitudes of society, but also in biological differences, including hormonal, central nervous, and morphological. No matter how society influences the formation of the behavior of people of different sexes, the origins of these differences must be sought in the biological purpose of men and women.

Motivation and motives

The textbook is devoted to the main issues of the theory and methodology of studying human motivation and motives. Special attention it focuses on the analysis of ideas about the essence of the motive, its structure and varieties. The author offers his own concept of motivation and motives, based on a critical examination and synthesis of views on this problem available in psychology. The manual outlines the patterns of formation of a person’s motivational sphere in ontogenesis and in various types behavior and activity, disorders of motivation in pathology are considered. The psychodiagnostic techniques presented in the manual can be successfully used in practical activities education system specialists

Sex and gender

The book represents the most complete domestic psychology consideration of the issue of physiological, psychological and social differences between men and women.

The author systematized domestic and foreign research, including the latest, on gender and gender characteristics of people. The need for a joint consideration of these features is shown. In addition to discussing theoretical and methodological issues, the book presents methods for identifying gender differences (psychological sex).

Psychology of aggressive behavior

The book “Psychology of Aggressive Behavior” by Professor E.P. Ilyina is devoted to key issues of the psychology of aggressive behavior.

The topic is covered as fully as possible. Particular attention is paid to the problem of vandalism and violence in modern society. At the end of the manual there are useful techniques.

Psychology of adulthood

The psychology of maturity and the psychology of old age are two sections of the psychology of adulthood, which are the subject of a unique book by Professor E.P. Ilyina.

The textbook covers a wide range of topical issues, including the socio-psychological aspects of mature and old age, types of maturity and its impact on professionalism, “Balzac age”, existential acme, social functions adults, aging as a process and its prevention, as well as many others. At the end of the manual you will find useful techniques and a detailed bibliography.

Psychology of will

The textbook is devoted to one of the most important sections of general psychology - the theory and methodology of studying volitional processes. The book, from the author’s perspective, analyzes traditional and the latest scientific, philosophical, psychological and physiological ideas about the phenomena of the volitional sphere of man (in particular, about “willpower”), traces the patterns of its development in ontogenesis, as well as its manifestations in various types of behavior and activities , issues of the pathology of will are considered.

In a systematized form, the manual presents little-known psychodiagnostic methods for studying willpower, which can be successfully used in the practical activities of specialists in the education system, sports and production-organizational spheres.

Psychology for teachers

The textbook is addressed primarily to educators: teachers, preschool teachers, college and university teachers. Particular attention is paid to psychological information that is relevant for practical pedagogy and is absent in most textbooks on educational psychology.

The manual includes five sections: “Psychology of teacher activity,” “Psychology of teaching,” “Psychology of education,” “Psychological characteristics of teachers,” “Preschoolers and students as subjects of play and learning activities and as objects of teacher activity.”

Psychology of trust

Of all current crises It is the crisis of confidence that is causing the most serious concerns today.

In this regard, the opinion is often expressed that modern society is steadily turning into a society of lies, into a society in which trust becomes one of the highest values ​​that attracts maximum attention. In Professor Ilyin’s new book, this topic is revealed as fully as possible, which was the result of the use of the latest scientific data.

The publication is addressed to students and teachers of psychological and pedagogical faculties, as well as all specialists working in the “person-to-person” system.

Psychology of envy, hostility, vanity

Book by the master of psychology Professor E.P. Ilyin is devoted to key issues of the psychology of envy, hostility, and vanity.

The topic is covered as fully as possible. Particular attention is paid to the problem of pride and ambition in modern society. At the end of the manual, useful techniques and a detailed bibliography are provided.

Psychology of Individual Differences

The book presents basic information on the psychology of individual differences, which are considered in differential psychology and differential psychophysiology (differences in the properties of temperament and personality that determine not so much quantitative as qualitative differences in the behavior and activities of people).

Psychology of love

The book is dedicated to love, love between people, multifaceted and multi-valued in content and unique in form.

From a psychological point of view, love is a very serious phenomenon. Love permeates a person’s entire life, determining his development, attitude, and sometimes the whole meaning of life. It would be strange not to know this most important side of life. This is necessary, first of all, so that love gives happiness to a person, and does not lead to disappointments and, especially, to tragedies.

Psychology of help. Altruism, egoism, empathy

In the book of Professor E.P. Ilyin touches upon the problem of helping behavior, a topical and interdisciplinary problem that psychology, sociology, philosophy, pedagogy and medicine are called upon to solve.

The first part of the book is devoted to the psychology of helping behavior and personal characteristics, promoting or preventing such behavior (altruism, egoism, etc.), the second - a description of helping professions. The book contains techniques that can be used both in the practical activities of specialists and in the study of this problem by researchers.

Psychology of conscience. Guilt, shame, remorse

Professor Ilyin's latest book is dedicated to the most important aspect morality of the individual - psychology of conscience and its components - guilt and shame.

Until now, this problem has not been sufficiently studied in Russian psychology. The book describes implicit and scientific ideas about conscience, its nature, role and functions. Questions about the sense of duty, the emotion of guilt and remorse, and various aspects of the experience of shame are considered. In addition to an analysis of the literature on this issue, the book provides an extensive bibliography, as well as methods for studying conscience, guilt and shame.

Psychology of sports

The book by the master of psychology, Professor E.P. Ilyin includes four sections: “Psychology of the Athlete’s Activities”, “Psychology of the Training Process”, “Social and Psychological Aspects of Sports” and “Psychology of the Coach’s Activities”. Unlike previous thematic publications, this textbook also examines a number of new issues: psychological aspects of “sports uniform”, psychology of communication in sports, psychology of a sports career, psychology of spectators, psychology of sports refereeing.

The publication is intended for sports psychologists, coaches, teachers and students of university faculties of psychological and pedagogical profiles.

The second edition of the textbook (the previous one was published in 2001) has been revised and expanded. The book presents theoretical and methodological issues studying human emotions and feelings. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the structure of the emotional sphere and its components: emotional tone, emotions, emotional properties of the individual, feelings, emotional types. The theories of the emergence of emotions, their functions and role in human life, changes in the emotional sphere in ontogenesis and in pathology are considered. The manual contains numerous methods for studying various components of the human emotional sphere, which can be successfully used for both scientific and practical purposes. The scientific content of almost all chapters of the second edition has been expanded taking into account domestic and foreign research published over the past 15 years.

The textbook is intended for psychologists, psychophysiologists, teachers, as well as for undergraduate and graduate students of psychological and pedagogical faculties...

Ilyin Evgeniy Pavlovich - doctor psychological sciences, Professor of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation; specialist in the field of general and differential psychophysiology, psychology physical education and sports; author of more than two hundred scientific publications, including fifteen teaching aids and monographs.

Place of work, position: Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, Faculty of Psychology and Education, since 1991 - Professor of the Department of Development and Education.

Education: Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute (1957)

Academic degree, scientific title: Doctor of Psychology, dissertation “Optimal characteristics of human performance” (19.00.03 - engineering psychology of work; 1968), professor, candidate of biological sciences.

Areas of activity, professional interests and opportunities: general psychology; differential psychology and psychophysiology; sports psychology. He developed express motor methods for studying the properties of the nervous system (tapping test and kinematometric techniques). Reviews about the author "Ilyin E.P."
