Design of a pistachio-colored high-gloss kitchen set. Pistachio-colored kitchen design: design features, photo examples with descriptions. Pistachio colored kitchen set

Unusual green tint pistachios used in kitchen decor help create a calming atmosphere and good mood. This color is ideal for dark rooms, with windows facing north. This is an excellent solution for small kitchens, with the help of pistachio you can create a lot of successful color combinations. The use of this shade is appropriate in various styles. Pistachio design kitchen area will set you up for positivity on cloudy days.

Pros and cons of pistachio color in kitchen design

A pistachio-colored kitchen is an excellent solution for those who want to get closer to nature and who lack the sun. This color has a soft texture that helps create a spring atmosphere. It is not irritating or tiring, and has no effect on appetite. Perfect for city apartments, whose owners are tired of the hustle and bustle and want to feel calm in the privacy of their kitchen.

Main advantages pistachio color lies in its versatility and neutrality. This shade can be used in different styles.

The key advantages of the pistachio palette include:

  • harmonious with other shades;
  • visual increase in premises;
  • Possibility of combination with furniture sets of different types.

Rough objects made from solid wood and light elements go well with pistachio decor. This palette sets you up for relaxation after a hard day at work and gives you a feeling of calm. Pistachio has no undertone, so combinations can be unusual.

The disadvantage of the pistachio shade is that it is not suitable for sale monochrome interiors. It requires color additions, otherwise the decor will turn out pale. The exception is rooms using different textures of pistachio. But in this case, you need to be careful, otherwise the interior will turn out boring and faceless.

An oversaturated color scheme will make the room cramped and uncomfortable. This can be avoided by using the correct placement of color accents and adding small details to the interior.

The pistachio shade helps to visually expand spatial boundaries, so it is recommended to be used for small kitchens. In spacious rooms with windows facing south, pistachio is best used to create accents.

What to do in pistachio color?

You can decorate the walls in a pistachio palette, and choose yellow or, for example, brown furniture. IN provencal style A set of delicate green color will look great.

On a note! Furniture can be made to order if the specific layout of the kitchen does not allow purchasing ready-made furniture.

This furniture will fit well into country and classic design. You can choose a pistachio set made of laminated chipboard, wood or acrylic stone. This color scheme will fill any room with comfort.

The correct combination of palettes will help create a calm atmosphere.

When using pistachio wallpaper, furniture must be chosen in a different color. A brown set will look good with walls in this palette.

Advice: To maintain the integrity of the concept, it is recommended that the apron above the work surface be decorated in the same color scheme as the walls.

If the ceiling in the kitchen is two-level, pistachio-colored elements should be added to its design.

If you have any doubts, you can always consult a professional designer.

What colors does pistachio go with?

Before starting a kitchen renovation, you need to decide on the colors that will be used in combination with pistachio.

The pistachio shade harmonizes with a wide palette. If desired, you can use sharp contrasts or create soft combinations.

The combination of pistachio and snow-white looks presentable. This is one of the most popular solutions and can be recreated in almost any style. The ratio of shades may vary as they are light and fairly neutral. The white and pistachio design never looks boring. This combination can be called luxurious.

Other successful partners for pistachio include cream and beige. The balance of this range will give the kitchen a sophisticated look.

On a note! This combination is perfect for corner or small rooms.

A palette that contains yellow or peach looks more saturated. They get along well with pastel green. A kitchen decorated in this duo will look sunny and cheerful.

It is recommended to use such a combination as follows: it is better to choose green wall decoration, and yellow furniture or a combination of two shades.

Or another option: add peach wallpaper with pistachio furnishings.

The duet of light green and lilac looks unusual and summery.

If the walls are pistachio, you can choose a purple set. Lavender decoration of wall surfaces harmonizes wonderfully with pastel furniture. This option is organic in the Provencal style direction and country. So unusual combination can also be used in modern design concepts.

The pistachio duet with natural woody shades looks natural. Such interiors are distinguished by harmony along with the white-green combination. These combinations are relevant for Provencal, ethno and country style. They can also be used in formal retro interiors. Don’t be afraid of modern interpretations; the end result will pleasantly please you.

A light shade of green, complemented by rich gray, brown or black, looks aesthetically pleasing. The duet with chocolate is distinguished by warmth and sophistication. Gray color is suitable for modern directions. Grayish walls are an excellent backdrop for a pistachio set. This combination is calming and makes it possible to enjoy the comfort of home.

Black is suitable solution for extravagant interiors of large kitchen spaces.

Brown doesn't have to be matte. But black, on the contrary, in combination with texture, this will give it warmth.

Important! It is better to avoid using corner pieces of furniture in interiors with a similar combination of shades; it will seem too bulky.

The combination with black is considered quite bold and brutal. Overkill with dark color will make the kitchen look gloomy, so it must be used with caution.

Brighter shades can also get along with pistachio, but they are best used to place accents in small details. This category includes red, deep orange and blue. Using them in large quantities will deprive the interior of harmony.

Which style should you choose?

One of key points decorating the kitchen area in pistachio color - choosing a style. Preference can be given to any direction; this color scheme takes root almost everywhere. But it will be difficult to recreate a festive decor with a delicate pistachio. It is unlikely that Baroque or Empire style will be harmonious in such a palette.

The following areas can be considered successful:

  • classic;
  • Japanese;
  • Provençal.

Kitchen interiors in classic style, painted in light green, are devoid of pathos. This is a good option for decorating wall surfaces. Wallpaper should be bought in monochrome or striped.

Professional designers recommend using pistachio in a classic style in combination with cream, beige or coffee with milk. It is preferable to choose a monochromatic set, and leave another shade for decorating the walls.

The floor in such an interior can be made of wood or ceramic tiles in a terracotta palette.

On a note! In a classic design, the duo of pistachio and pearl looks original. For example, a pattern in the decor of wall surfaces, wallpaper or furniture against a background of green trim.

The pistachio color fits organically into the Japanese direction, as well as into the minimalist one. In such interiors there are no unnecessary decorative elements, the shade itself decorates the premises. Light green in the Japanese direction and minimalism gets along perfectly with a natural woody, white and milky palette, and a hint of coffee with milk.

Important! Textured surfaces themselves look presentable, so you need to choose textured wallpaper and other wall decoration.

Which palette to prefer for furnishings, and which for decorating surfaces, everyone decides for themselves.

Pistachio color is ideal for country and Provencal directions. These design solutions combine delicate green with beige and yellow. The palette looks like it's been sun-bleached. Wall decoration, furniture, and textiles should be maintained in this range.

In a Provencal interior, all surfaces can be made pistachio. Naturally, there are other tones in the design, but soft green dominates. Provence combines tenderness and simplicity. In the decoration of kitchens with interiors designed in this style, materials of natural origin and a natural palette are used.

The pistachio-colored set looks light, such furniture does not clutter the room. The simplicity of the forms and the absence of flashy details make the furniture comfortable and convenient.

Preference should be given to furnishings with natural wooden facades or frames with elegant wood inserts. Glass can also be used here.

There may not be facades in the Provençal direction; in this case, they are replaced by curtains with a small floral pattern.

A harmonious combination with pistachio forms a purple pattern. It can be present in wall decor and accessories. Lavender color is widely used. Wallpaper is chosen with a floral pattern or stripes.

Advice: if green is used in the decoration of wall surfaces, it is better to make them monochrome.

A good partner for pistachio in Provencal design can be snow-white or cream. Natural wood, as long as it is not too dark, will fill the interior with warmth.

When choosing a finish for a backsplash, you should give preference to snow-white or terracotta tiles. A rich coffee shade is also appropriate in this design. A similar palette can be used for flooring, wood details, and forged elements.

The use of pistachio color is also appropriate in a high-tech direction, but in this case it must be complemented with black. This will give the decor laconicism and grace.

Pistachio color has a positive character, it is not difficult for him to find a partner. Kitchen interiors designed in this palette look noble. Using pistachio you can create a unique and fashion design kitchens.

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To create an attractive interior in the kitchen, designers often use pistachio color. This shade of green is fresh, positive and peaceful, which is especially important for decorating a food preparation room. Regardless of the lighting in the room, such a design has the ability to lift your mood and vitality.

This optimistic shade is created by mixing green and yellow tones. A kitchen decorated in this way will never look ordinary. At the same time, pistachio color is not flashy, so it can be safely taken as a basis for creating kitchen design. An important difference between this shade of green is its ability not to change its main qualities depending on the lighting. Yellow lamps will make the kitchen environment cheerful and cheerful, while lamps with white light will make it more peaceful.

Pistachio color does not irritate or tire. This is a good option for kitchens where household members spend a significant amount of time. Pistachio color does not affect human appetite. This characteristic may not be entirely positive for those who set a goal to lose weight. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not necessary to decorate the kitchen area based on dietary considerations. To reduce appetite, it is easier to use dishes with colors that have a similar effect.

Kitchen styles in pistachio color

This shade of green can be used to create kitchen interiors in almost any concept. The only exceptions are very elaborate and solemn styles: Empire, Baroque, Rococo. The pistachio tone is too simple for these pretentious trends. However, these solutions are rarely used in kitchen interiors. Excessive luxury does not always look appropriate in rooms with practical functionality.

To create a certain style, you need to choose the right color that will be the main partner of pistachio. Combinations of basic colors with white, beige and brown look good in classic and “rustic” kitchens. To create a specific image, you should carefully work with the decoration of the walls, ceiling and selection of accessories. “Rustic” kitchens require more faded shades of primary colors and bright details in the decoration. The classic style allows the use of glossy surfaces, but requires greater restraint when choosing decorative elements.

Gray and black dilutions help create kitchens in modern, high-tech, and futurism styles. It is appropriate to use rich glossy elements here. Pistachio color is used to create minimalist kitchens. This concept implies a lack of frills and deliberate modesty of decoration. An elegant, positive tone can successfully act as the main decoration of such a kitchen. In addition, a light green shade can visually enlarge any modest-sized room.

What colors are best to combine pistachio with?

This shade of green is distinguished by its “friendliness” towards many representatives of the spectrum. Possessing both brightness and unobtrusiveness, pistachio color allows you to create amazingly beautiful combinations. In addition to the standard options with diluting the main color with neutral tones, there are a number of rather unusual combinations. Pistachio looks harmonious with yellow, red, blue, orange, and black. However, in order to “please” any style direction of the kitchen, designers often resort to more strict combinations.


This color looks good with all representatives of the spectrum, and pistachio is no exception. Such a tandem can be used in any stylistic direction. Pistachio-white Provence kitchens look especially gentle. Both colors are quite neutral, so different proportions are allowed for room decoration. You can safely add orange, terracotta, cherry, and coral accessories to this combination as bright inclusions.


This color has the ability to soften and deepen more bright colors. A pistachio-gray kitchen will look very noble and elegant. A good decor option would be to install a greenish kitchen set against a background of smoky walls. This combination is often used to create modern interiors. In this case, you should not abuse the number of bright inclusions. You should be careful when creating accents: their tones must be in harmony with both base shades.


The combination of this color with pistachio is a natural combination. This tandem has a very beneficial effect on nervous system. The soft tone of beige enhances the sunny positivity of pistachio color. The peculiarity of such a union is the ability to provide an invigorating effect in the morning, and a calming effect in the evenings. These two shades are widely used to decorate “rustic” kitchens. The naturalness of the combination creates a truly relaxed atmosphere in the cooking room. Similar option finishing is very good for small kitchens - soft light colors will visually expand the room.


The use of this color together with pistachio is another harmonious design solution. Warm wood and a fresh shade of green create a very cozy kitchen. This combination looks both simple and respectable. Brown and pistachio tones allow you to create original kitchens in Provence and country styles. It is appropriate to use white, black, yellow, and blue accessories as additional accents.

Selection of wallpaper, apron and interior details

When creating an environment in pistachio tones, you should be guided by the same main principles as for any other color schemes:

  • Too saturated shades can create a feeling of cramping. The pistachio color has a natural restraint that prevents it from slipping into bad taste, but this should be taken into account when choosing the main “partner” for it;
  • light matte surfaces visually increase the space. This fact should be used when decorating small rooms, kitchens in studio apartments;
  • there is no need to abuse the main tone chosen for the design of the room. It is necessary to make dilutions using neutral and other colors harmonious with the base;
  • To decorate a kitchen with windows facing north and west, you should choose warm matte shades. Rooms on the south side of the house allow the use of cool glossy surfaces.

When choosing the colors of the kitchen interior details, you should remember the style in which the room will be decorated. It is necessary to select elements for a pistachio set taking into account the features and capabilities of this color. This furniture looks very good against a light background. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, you should focus on the following colors:

  • cream;
  • Ivory;
  • champagne color;
  • grey;
  • beige.

For lovers original solutions and modern styles, red, purple, orange are suitable Decoration Materials. You should not choose overly colorful wallpaper with complex patterns. The pistachio set itself is a decorative element, and the background should not draw attention to itself. White wallpaper with modest purple, lavender, and blue patterns will look good.

To finish the apron, you can use materials whose color and texture are in harmony with the color of the set. It is also necessary that its tone matches well with the shade of the walls. The materials you can use are wood, brick, finishing stone, and washable wallpaper. IN certain styles To decorate the apron, it is appropriate to use textured “hog” tiles.

For the kitchen ceiling you should choose light neutral colors - white, beige, gray. If the room will be installed multi-level ceiling made of plasterboard, some of its elements can duplicate the main color of the finish. For a light pistachio kitchen, it is important that large dark accessories are located below eye level. Otherwise, there is a risk of visually complicating the situation.

The most popular option flooring in a kitchen with pistachio furniture there is parquet or laminate that imitates natural wood. Both light and dark finishes are allowed. Ceramic tile suitable colors will also not spoil the design of the kitchen. You need to give preference to fairly large-format tiles.

Selecting furniture for dining area, it should be borne in mind that her style should fit the concept of the pistachio room. It is also necessary to maintain harmonious color matching of kitchen elements. Furniture made of natural wood, chipboard, or rattan would look appropriate next to the pistachio set. For table top good option will be the use of gray acrylic stone.

Household appliances for a pistachio cooking room are very easy to select. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of all kinds of units in neutral colors that will look good built into a kitchen set. White, black, steel surfaces can become part of the decor of the room. If the main element of the kitchen is a pistachio set, you should not purchase kitchen utensils of the same color.

Photos of pistachio kitchens in the interior

Today you can find many various options kitchen design. Among these varieties, pistachio color occupies one of the honorable leading positions in popularity among interior designers. A pistachio-colored kitchen will be an excellent solution for people who prefer to create a gentle and calm atmosphere of comfort. With the help of this range, the kitchen is visually enlarged, so it can be used for spaces of any size.

Kitchen design in pistachio color.

How to use pistachio color in the kitchen interior

People who are looking for design ideas for their apartment are advised to pay attention to this color. In no case will a pistachio kitchen look banal and simple. This design will sparkle with new colors, the room will be filled with noble notes, restraint and sophistication. The shade goes perfectly with various compositions and design styles - from traditional to modern high-tech.

The interior of a pistachio kitchen in high-tech style.

Features of pistachio color in the kitchen

This tone is obtained by mixing two colors - yellow and green. The pistachio shade is a little softer than green, and much richer than the olive palette. It is rightfully considered calm and has a positive effect on the human nervous system.

Pistachio color calms and helps to concentrate.

A person, being surrounded by this range, does not get irritated or tired. By giving preference to pistachio color, you can fill the space with freshness, joy and positive energy. This option will be an excellent solution for the kitchen, as it does not suppress or awaken the appetite on a subconscious level.

Classic kitchen pistachio color.

Benefits of pistachio color

The advantages of the range include:

  1. undemanding and easily combined with other shades;
  2. looks harmonious with various furniture sets. Rough objects made of solid wood or light components - all this will go perfectly with pistachio decor;
  3. it perfectly relaxes after a hard day at work and gives peace of mind;
  4. there is practically no undertone, so combinations can be unpredictable;
  5. adds bright colors into a monochrome space;
  6. visually enlarges the room and makes it brighter.

Pistachio facades help to visually increase the space.

Combination of other colors with pistachio cuisine

Photos of pistachio color in the kitchen interior prove that it combines exquisitely with various shades. But there are the most interesting options that look much more advantageous than others.

Pistachio easily combines with other colors.

Bright, warm colors such as orange and yellow will make the room feel positive and sunny. Especially if the apartment windows face north or west. Fans of gray color should carefully select the correct shade, for example, wet asphalt or metallic. Desaturated palettes will look faded and will hide all the advantages of pistachios.

Combination of pistachio with beige and brown

Pistachio and Brown color in the kitchen interior - a traditional choice that will perfectly highlight any design style. A kitchen space with this combination is filled with home comfort and sophisticated trendy notes. You can experiment with the color of the wood, but it is better to avoid light variations. Against such a background, the pistachio will not look so bright and rich.

Pistachio brown kitchen design.

Symbiosis with beige color creates a calming effect that will elegantly fit into a variety of stylistic concepts. This variation can be presented in various designs: beige walls and a green set, or vice versa.

Pistachio combined with beige.

Kitchen pistachio with wenge

Dark colors of the furniture in combination with pistachio walls in the kitchen look very stylish and catchy. This solution will uniquely fit into the modern style, especially relevant for high-tech themes.

Kitchen interior design in high-tech style in pistachio color.

An excellent option is to use a glossy texture, which will reveal the color brighter. The only drawback is that pistachio and wenge colors are not suitable for rooms with small parameters. The composition visually reduces the already small area.

Pistachio matte set in kitchen design.

Kitchen styles in pistachio color

Regardless of the naturalness of the range, pistachio cuisine looks great in any style. Classic design will sparkle with homeliness and comfort, especially in combination with wooden furniture elements.

IMPORTANT! When decorating the interior in this color, do not forget about the right lighting. Warm yellow lighting will fill the atmosphere with richness and brightness, while cold white lighting will add calmness.

Kitchen in pistachio color with cool lighting.

Particularly relevant design ideas are pistachio cuisine in Provence, Mediterranean, country, hi-tech, modern themes. In some projects, paints can become the main ones, in others they can shade the base or complement it with a bright component.

Pistachio cuisine in Provence style.

Mediterranean style

Marine colors - blue, green, turquoise. The pistachio shade itself will be the highlight of such a home interior. It blends harmoniously with natural wood, sandy palettes – the main elements of the Mediterranean.

Kitchen in pistachio color in Mediterranean style.

Kitchen in Provence style pistachio color

A pistachio-colored Provence-style kitchen is an ideal solution for people who appreciate natural and natural shades. Using it as a base will give the space naturalness and lightness.

Pistachio kitchen in Provence style made of natural wood.

It is possible to combine the base with various combinations, for example, lime, bright orange and sea green. Such compositions will sparkle with new colors, filling the kitchen with airiness and freshness. It should be noted that Provence and rustic do not perceive sharp transitions, therefore the gradient should be complemented with yellow and green tones.

Pistachio stained glass kitchen furniture.

Selection of wallpaper, apron and interior details

For such a stylistic concept, it would be better to choose emerald, cream or peach wallpaper. Fans of more saturated solutions should pay attention to the uniqueness - red, purple or orange. You can replace the wallpaper with stone or panel finishes.

Pistachio kitchen with brown wallpaper.

It is recommended to select kitchen attributes to match the theme of the walls, so it is better to give preference to light colors. Decorated elements in this tone, for example, vases, rugs, jars, baskets, will also look advantageous.

Design of a spacious kitchen in pistachio color.

Rules for selecting finishes for walls, furniture, decor

  • the palette combines perfectly with wood, brown and coffee colors;
  • It is better to make the ceiling neutral;
  • It is better to lay the floor with laminate or tiles warm colors, which will not focus attention;
  • It is possible to use pistachio photo wallpaper in the kitchen, but in this case the furniture should be a different color.

Pistachio color in the kitchen with a colored apron.

Choosing a countertop for a pistachio kitchen

To add bright notes to the interior, it is better to use a bright set, for example, an orange or yellow tabletop. Lovers of practicality should purchase a brown or gray surface. The voiced options are harmoniously combined with the theme of the decor.

Pistachio kitchen with brown countertop.

Pistachio colored kitchen set

Provence is characterized by fades and pastels, rustic motifs and classics. Therefore, it is better to choose pistachio furniture in the form of laminated chipboard, wood, or acrylic stone. These elements can fully complement the chosen interior atmosphere.

Interior of pistachio modular kitchen.

This color will fill any space with comfort and grace. Correct combination of palettes (for example, olive, brown, beige tones) will create a calm and positive atmosphere.

Pistachio colored kitchen

50 photo ideas for kitchen design in pistachio color

The undisputed favorite among interior colors is the joyful, refreshing, energetic color of pistachio. In the kitchen interior, pistachio goes well with pure natural shades of white, yellow, and red. The undoubted advantage of pistachio cuisine is its unique ability to retain its characteristic delicate summer shade, regardless of lighting.

How to use pistachio color in the kitchen interior

Pistachio is that delightfully delicate light green shade, inevitably associated on a subconscious level with relaxation, tranquility, summer bliss and the warm sun, in the rays of which pistachio trees love to bask. This color has a calming effect on a person, and what else do we need if not peace after a busy day of work, hustle and bustle?! How nice it is when your home turns out to be such a quiet haven! This is probably why pistachio color is so popular in interior design. A kitchen in pistachio tones not only looks great, but also has a beneficial effect on the state of mind of the owners and guests.

Catchy pistachio accents will successfully complement the noble interior of a classic-style kitchen with a basic white or cream color

What in kitchen interior maybe pistachio color? It depends on the overall style decision. The pistachio-painted facades of a wooden kitchen set in a classic or rustic style look very cute and cozy, but not at all modern. This option will fit perfectly into country, Provence or safari style, but on the contrary, it will be discordant with modern design. Painted in pistachio color will help to support the newfangled ambiance of the kitchen interior very effectively. fake diamond, glossy tiles, metal, plastic, which in such a tone bring warmth and comfort to the house. If pistachio color is used appropriately and tastefully, it will perfectly complement any interior and your kitchen will be amazing!

The pistachio-painted facades of a wooden kitchen set will fit perfectly into country, Provence or safari style

Pistachio color is good for its uniqueness and predictability in the interior: it has few shades and practically does not change its characteristics depending on the lighting. Such a malleable and “obedient” color for interior design is difficult to find! It will perfectly complement the decor of the living room, bedroom, kitchen, nursery, hallway, bathroom, veranda, i.e. absolutely any room in the house.

Monochrome pistachio interiors are extremely rare. No matter how pleasant the color may be, its excess can cause an effect completely opposite to the desired one. Pistachio is primarily used in accessories and accents that are designed to refresh and enliven the interior.

Classic pistachio color goes well with white, cream, caramel, olive, champagne and coffee with milk. Juicy pistachio is friends with yellow, peach, apricot, pink, red and boiling white. To make the interior more energetic and dynamic, just add a couple of accents in red and pistachio colors, for example, a lampshade, curtains, table or vase.

Classic pistachio color goes well with white, cream, caramel, olive, champagne and coffee with milk

Pistachio-colored kitchen – summer bliss in the home interior

Catchy pistachio accents will successfully complement the noble interior of a classic-style kitchen with a basic white or cream color. At the same time, in light, airy interiors, the combination of pistachio and marsh color should be avoided. Although marsh color belongs to a muted autumn color scheme that harmonizes with the bright summer color of pistachio, against a light background with juicy pistachio accents, dark accessories are dissonant, especially if they are located above floor level. You can safely lay a dark rug on the kitchen floor - it will organically fit into the surrounding environment, but a chandelier with a gloomy swamp lampshade will spoil the “holiday”, turning into a rough gloomy cloud in the “clear sky”.

A kitchen in pistachio tones not only looks great, but also has a beneficial effect on the state of mind of owners and guests

The friendship between pistachio and white is so strong that you can safely swap them, making pistachio the main color and white the accent color. The perfect solution for kitchens with low ceilings - slimming vertical accents white on a light refreshing pistachio background. For a more holistic and organic picture, it is advisable to duplicate the color of pistachio walls in small accessories: dishes, napkins, vases, kitchen towels. To create an invigorating atmosphere in the kitchen, use intense rich shades of pistachio for wall decoration. Warm orange, saffron, peach, apricot, cream, coral, terracotta, clover-pink splashes will help to avoid excessive sterility of pistachio-white interiors; from the fruit palette, take raspberries or strawberries with cream, and from the sweet palette – coffee with milk and caramel.

To create an invigorating atmosphere in the kitchen, use intense rich shades of pistachio for wall decoration.

If pistachio walls in the kitchen seem too bold and daring to you, limit yourself to accessories - lamps with pistachio shades, curtains, dishes, upholstery kitchen corner. You've probably already noticed that the pistachio color doesn't have many shades: it can be a little greener or a little yellower, a little more intense or a little more muted, but in general it doesn't have much variety. Therefore, there should not be any difficulties in choosing the “right” accessories for the kitchen. Just don't overdo it! The abundance of small pistachio accessories in the interior can be colorful and rippling. It is better to use one large accessory and complement it with a couple of small ones, than to load the decor with a dozen pistachio “trifles”. With pistachio accessories you can safely diversify your kitchen interior in warm vanilla, cream, beige, caramel, champagne, Ivory, baked milk and cappuccino, in rich and muted autumn colors with a predominance of gray, brick red, yellow-brown and gray-green.

If pistachio walls in the kitchen seem too bold and daring to you, limit yourself to accessories

How to complement pistachios: delicious design ideas

Pistachio color goes well with white, but kitchens look even more stylish and impressive if a third color is also used in the interior - clover pink, yellow, saffron, orange, chocolate, burgundy, fuchsia. Pistachio also combines interestingly with deep, rich colors - emerald, royal blue, indigo, aquamarine, aqua, wine red, purple. In the kitchen, such combinations will look very lively, energetic and playful. However, only a professional decorator or a person with excellent taste and a very well-developed sense of proportion can skillfully combine three such different palettes in one interior.

The pistachio color combines very well with other shades of green, provided that they are not background, but accent

In the interior of the kitchen, pistachio harmoniously coexists with natural materials - stone, wood, bamboo, straw, glass.

To create a bright, cheerful, energetic interior in the kitchen, try complementing pistachio with orange or, conversely, orange with pistachio. A daily boost of energy and a dose of good mood are guaranteed to you!

To create a bright, cheerful, energetic interior in the kitchen, try complementing pistachio with orange

In the kitchen interior, pistachio looks great next to blue and turquoise tones, both deep and pastel. For a successful combination with blue, you should choose bright and dynamic shades of blue. Next to the cheerful sunny pistachio, the dull muted blue looks too faded and dull.

Pistachio looks great next to blue and turquoise tones, both deep and pastel

The pistachio color combines very well with other shades of green, provided that they are not background, but accent. On a green background, especially a bright one, pistachio at best gets lost, and at worst it stands out from the general outline and looks alien.

Fans of bold interior experiments may like the spectacular combination of pistachio and black, which is very popular in modern design kitchens To avoid excessive drama, without sacrificing extravagance, you can take achromatic black and white as a basis, and use pistachio for accents.

Pistachio cuisine in photo examples

The undisputed favorite among interior colors is the joyful, refreshing, energetic color of pistachio.

The undoubted advantage of pistachio cuisine is its unique ability, regardless of lighting, to retain its characteristic delicate summer shade

Pistachio color has a calming effect on humans

Pistachio color is good for its uniqueness and predictability in the interior

Monochrome pistachio interiors are extremely rare

An unusual combination of delicate pistachio with pastel lilac

Fans of bold interior experiments may like the spectacular combination of pistachio and black

In the kitchen interior, pistachio harmoniously coexists with natural materials - stone, wood, bamboo, straw, glass

For a more holistic and organic picture, it is advisable to duplicate the color of pistachio walls in small accessories

In light, airy interiors, the combination of pistachio and marsh color should be avoided

If pistachio color is used appropriately and tastefully, it will perfectly complement any interior and your kitchen will be amazing!

Pistachio cuisine in modern style

To avoid excessive drama, you can use achromatic black and white as a basis, and use pistachio for accents

Pistachio color in the kitchen interior creates a wonderful atmosphere

The green palette includes a huge variety of shades, cold and warm, bright and muted. Any of them can be chosen for kitchen wallpaper or furniture, depending on what kind of atmosphere you plan to create, whether the kitchen is used only for cooking or as a dining room, what are the dimensions of the room, which side the windows face, and so on. However, in general, shades of green always bring harmony to the kitchen and evoke positive emotions. After all, it is this natural color, according to psychologists, that is most pleasant to the human eye.

An interior made in bright light green, herbal, and apple colors will, of course, fill the kitchen with spring freshness and lightness. However, this option is not suitable for everyone, as it may seem too visually active, especially if these colors are used for wall decoration - wallpaper, plaster, tiles. A more versatile option is a pistachio-colored kitchen. A calm and fairly light shade creates a peaceful and relaxing environment, and also allows you to get a very stylish design.

Interior use

Pistachio color will be appropriate in the design of both a small kitchen and a spacious kitchen-dining room. He will be able to visually enlarge small room due to its soft brightness. In addition, pistachio-colored wallpaper will fill the kitchen, the windows of which face north, with warmth and light. It is especially convenient because the perception does not change depending on the lighting. Can be used to decorate walls, splashbacks or kitchen units. In any case, it should be diluted with other shades.

Pistachio will fit into a kitchen design designed in almost any style. It is important to carefully think through the details of its use: honey wooden furniture pistachio color will decorate, country, Mediterranean; but glossy metal or plastic facades of this shade are already suitable for high-tech.

It is not necessary to set pistachio as the main tone for the design of the room, use it for wallpaper or other large surfaces. You can add it as bright accents as kitchen accessories, parts, textiles, dishes and even small household appliances. Even in this case, the pistachio color in the kitchen interior will fill the room with a cheerful atmosphere and natural freshness.

Harmonious combinations
