Flowers in pots for March 8 names. Home garden: we grow spring flowers and herbs ourselves. Sansevieria care

On March 8, it is customary to congratulate women on their holiday. On this day, beautiful ladies are given various gifts, and, of course, flowers. Of course, greenhouse flowers are extremely beautiful. But sometimes you want to get some original primrose plant for the spring women’s holiday. Many skilled flower growers manage to surprise dear women with primroses grown with their own hands.

Tulips. For forcing, you can use the following varieties: “Triumph”, “Simple early”, “Darwin hybrids”. Lily varieties are not very suitable for forcing. Selected large bulbs in early November it should be placed in a substrate with a neutral reaction. The bulbs are pressed into the substrate and then covered with soil. There should be a distance of about 2 cm between the bulbs. The container should be stored in dark place with a temperature of +5-9°C. Water periodically. In December, reduce the temperature to +3°C. In February, increase the temperature to +15°C, keep the container in the shade. After 4 days, increase the temperature by 3°C and place the container with the bulbs in a lighted place.

Hyacinths. These delicate spring flowers can also be grown by March 8th. To do this, you need to plant large bulbs in pots with a substrate (peat and sand in a 1:1 ratio). A third of the onion should remain on the surface. The pots should be placed in a cool place (+2-9°C) for 2 months and watered periodically. Afterwards, the pots are brought into the room, covered with a cloth for the first 2 days, and then placed on a well-lit windowsill.

Daffodils. The forcing technology is the same as for tulips. Before placing in the substrate, the bulbs are soaked for 2 hours in warm water. Flowering occurs 2-3 weeks after the plant is brought into a warm room.

Crocuses. At the end of November, large bulbs are selected and planted in a mixture of leaf and turf soil with the addition of peat and sand. Pots with bulbs are placed in a dark, cool place (can be stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. After 2 months, transfer the bulbs to a room with a temperature of +10°C, after another 5 days - in warm room to a lighted window. The first flowers appear on days 14-17.

Lilies of the valley. In the second half of October you need to dig up the lily of the valley rhizome. For forcing, only flower buds are needed. The rhizome is placed in a bag and stored at a temperature of +1-3°C. In February, 3 weeks before the desired flowering day, the rhizome is placed in the ground. First, it must be kept in a warm, dark place (+22-25°C), and after the flower stalks appear, it must be brought into a room with a temperature of +16°C.

Primroses. Primrose is sown in June. For the winter they are moved to pots with peat. The plant is watered as needed. Keep primrose in rooms with a temperature of +15°C until rooting. After at least 6 weeks at a temperature of +1-3°C (during this time flower buds form). As soon as the buds become visible, it is necessary to move the pot with the plant to a room with an air temperature of +8°C. For accelerated forcing, place flowers in a room with an air temperature of +15°C.

Chrysanthemums. For February or March flowering, it is necessary to place the plant’s rhizome in a pot with substrate at the end of August or beginning of September. After 7 days, feed with nitrogen. After the shoots have reached 60 cm, it is necessary enhanced lighting. As soon as the buds appear, night lighting is stopped. Not all varieties of chrysanthemums are suitable for growing in winter time even with sufficient lighting. Usually, for such purposes, varieties are taken that under normal conditions bloom quite late.

Amaryllis. These bulbous plants According to the forcing technology, they are similar to daffodils. It usually takes 8 weeks from planting the bulb to the start of flowering.

Snowdrop. Common snowdrop is used for forcing. In autumn, the largest bulbs of the plant are placed in the substrate. During flowering, the plant needs moderate watering. It usually blooms 25-35 days after the start of forcing. Blooms for 10-12 days.

Forsythia. This small shrub with thin shoots has attractive bright yellow flowers. To obtain cute bouquet for March 8, you can put several branches of forsythia in the water 10 days before the celebration.

1. Bouquet of twigs with leaves

The simplest thing is to cut a few branches from any deciduous tree, put them in water and wait for the leaves. I recommend trying it with poplar, lilac, birch or willow - in my experience, they are the most unpretentious.

Choose flexible straight branches 30-50 centimeters long. Now, after the January frosts, the cut branches will turn green very quickly, in 2-3 weeks. Sometimes butterflies appear along with the leaves - a nice bonus! This happened to me several times, each time I was surprised how I could not notice the pupa.

Often such a “bouquet” takes root, and when real spring comes, the branches can be planted in the ground and trees will grow.

2. First weed

Towards the end of winter we begin to experience a shortage of green. To feel good, we need to see and eat vibrant greens every day. It's time to sprout lentils, soybeans, wheat, oats and peas (put the grains on damp gauze - sprouts will appear in a few days), plant garden herbs in pots - parsley, onions, dill and lettuce. As a last resort, you can sow cat grass.

By the way, this delicate greenery can be used to decorate gifts for March 8, and then for Easter. For example, line baskets and boxes with it, fill the shells of painted eggs with growing grass.

3. Fresh spring flowers and compositions from them

Hyacinths, crocuses, primroses, daffodils, tulips, irises - imagine how beautiful your home will be if you fill it with these flowers! If it's hard to imagine, look at the gallery:

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Nowadays it’s not a problem to buy ready-made primroses in pots. They may not last long, but they still last longer than cut flowers - just keep them in the light and cool, make sure the soil is moist, but not soggy. And at the same time, I recommend growing your own, they are always better than store-bought ones and make you happy even without buds. You won’t be able to make it by March 8th, but there is every chance to provide yourself with wonderful fragrant flowers for Easter.

How to choose bulbs?

Buy heavy, dense tubers without damage, with visible flower buds. Typically, the larger the tuber, the faster it produces greens and inflorescences. Ask the seller for stratified bulbs (that is, they have been left in the dark and cold for a couple of months), they can be planted without preparation.

How to choose a pot and soil for flowers?

Flower shops have ready-made kits for growing spring flowers, including with decorative soils (if you want to use transparent containers). But you can save money: any pot will do, as long as there are holes in the bottom. Drainage - expanded clay and a little sand. The soil is one part peat, one part sand and one part garden soil.

How to grow spring Flower in a pot?

We bury the onion just above the “equator” (the widest part) and cover it with a paper cup. We water once a week. We keep it in the refrigerator or other place where the temperature is about +5 o until the sprouts hatch to 5 cm. After this, the plant can be brought into a warm room, and after a couple of days it can be opened - in the light it will quickly turn green and bloom. Typically, 2-2.5 months pass from planting a tuber to flowering.

Is it possible to do without soil and a pot?

Yes, bulbous flowers can be grown in water. To do this, you will need stratified bulbs and glasses or special X-shaped vases - the bottom of the bulb should almost touch the water, with a millimeter gap. It is recommended to place a coal at the bottom of the vessel. The entire structure must be covered with a paper cap from light and placed in a cool (about +10 o) place for 4-6 weeks. During this time, the bulb will grow long, thick roots and produce a flower shoot. Then you can remove the darkening and wait for the buds.

Buy flowers in pots for March 8 - best gift

Many men want to give their loved ones and close women the best gift for March 8th. However, sometimes it is very difficult to choose something. After all, every woman is individual and special.
If you want to please your girlfriend on March 8th, then give her flowers. Flowers in pots for March 8th are the best gift. It is worth noting the fact that such a surprise is suitable for girls and women of any age. Beautiful indoor plant will please absolutely everyone.
Indoor flower in a pot -a symbol of female beauty, sophistication, tenderness and grace. This is a universal gift that is suitable for both a work colleague and a mother or loved one. Therefore, you can without a doubt go to a flower shop on the eve of March 8 and choose a suitable house plant.
How to choose indoor plants for a gift
Before you buy a gift in the form of an indoor flower for March 8, try to study the taste preferences of the girl you will be giving such a surprise to. It is very important that she likes home flowers.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that some people have an allergic reaction to flowering indoor plants. Therefore, if you do not know the person very well, then it is better to give him a plant that does not bloom.

It is important to consider the dimensions house plant. If a girl lives in big apartment or home, then you can give her a large indoor plant in a pot. For example, a palm tree, a citrus tree, etc. If the place where the plant will grow is small, then it is better to buy a small flower in a pot. It will fit on any windowsill, shelf or table. Today you can find many types of very beautiful small indoor plants on sale.

Some give home flowers according to their zodiac sign. It is original and very practical. But to make the gift memorable for a long time, we recommend presenting it in an unusual way. You can come up with a special story or description for it. Also don’t forget about a beautiful pot.
When choosing a flower, do not forget to think about where it will stand. If you are going to give such a gift to a work colleague, then it is worth considering the fact that she may want to leave it in the office on her desk. This means that the plant must be shade-loving.

What houseplants to give to a woman
You can buy indoor plants on our website. Therefore, there should be no problems with the choice. To make it easier for you to make your choice, we will divide all houseplants into several categories.

Large indoor plants
As mentioned above, large plants for home use only for spacious rooms. In addition, they require special care. However, their beauty and effectiveness attract the eye.
Large indoor plants in pots include yucca, dieffenbachia, schefflera, fatsia, heptapleurum, abutilon, Japanese aucuba, araucaria, yucca, powerful, dracaena, zamioculcas, cordyline, citrus indoor plants, etc.

Each of the above plants has its own characteristics. Some are distinguished by their lush crown, some by their wonderful subtle aroma (especially citrus fruits), and some by the unusual color and shape of the leaves.
Spectacular decorative foliage indoor plants
Decorative deciduous plants for home-This is a wonderful gift for someone who likes unusual plants. They are able to decorate any interior thanks to their sophisticated appearance.
Indoor decorative foliage plants: aglaonema, calathea, clusia, ctenantha, sansevieria, strelitzia, etc.

Indoor decorative flowering plants
Often decorative flowering potted plants require special care. Without it, they will almost never bloom. However, we will recommend to you those flowers that are not picky in their care and will suit absolutely any woman.
Decorative flowering indoor plants: anthurium, cyclamen, spathiphyllum, begonia, azalea violet, roses in pots, etc.

Each of these plants blooms in a special way.Some produce 1-2 peduncles, and some bloom with a lush crown. Any such flower will not leave any representative of the fair sex indifferent.
It is worth noting the fact that flowering plants are always liked by romantic and feminine people. They are the best choice for a gift for March 8th. We recommend that you find a houseplant that blooms in March. It will look very impressive.

Houseplants blooming in March
Indoor flowers blooming in March are no worse than a lush bouquet. Their advantage is that they will please the eye for a long time. At proper care the plant will not only bloom, but actively grow for many years.
Flowers in pots blooming in March: orchids, violets, hippeastrums, hibiscus, gloxinia, Kalanchoe, Schlumbergera, crocuses, hyacinths, tulips, primroses, indoor roses, etc.

Exotic indoor plants
If you want to please a girl who loves everything unusual, give her an exotic indoor flower. It will not only surprise with its beauty, but will also decorate any interior. You can’t even imagine how much such a plant can transform a room and its design.
Exotic plants in pots: pineapple, bonsai, sprekelia, lithops, Vanda orchid, cyclamen, aeschynanthus, cattleya, miltonia orchid, leptospermum, cambria, and others.

Unusual indoor plants
Unusual indoor flowers fill the house with colors and give good mood to its owner.
Unusual plants in pots: Venus flytrap, vriesia, variegated stapelia, small-leaved columnae, fluffy-flowered koleria, calathea, aloe vera lachenalia, naked hypocyrta, tiruccali spurge, blue tillandsia.

As you can see, there are many houseplants. They all have their own characteristics and differ in their appearance. Today it is very easy to find any indoor flower. The main thing is to make your choice in advance.

If you are still thinking about what to give for March 8th, choose a houseplant. This is an ideal gift for a friend, girlfriend, work colleague, mother, sister, grandmother or just an acquaintance.
Indoor plants in pots are great gift which will delight its owner long years. It is worth noting the fact that any flower fills the house with positive energy and brings peace. no benefit.

When the holidays approach, the first thing we think about is the question: what to give to our loved ones and family?

Of course, there are many options, especially if you know the person well and know what he has long dreamed of.

But the best fragrant gift is, of course, flowers. They express your love, attention and respect in the best possible way.

However, there may also be a choice here. What flowers to give: traditionally cut in the form of a chic bouquet or?

- this is probably the most standard solution in terms of a flower gift. It is important not to make a mistake with color indoor rose. Usually white roses are given to a friend, red or burgundy to those whom they love.

Good for what they have big choice V color palette and will delight you with beautiful flowering.

Suitable as a gift for family people, since this flower symbolizes family happiness. He will also suit a brave girl and is able to give confidence to people.

This is an exclusively indoor plant, which is given to very close and dear people. Such a gift seems to make it clear how much you love the person.

Another unpretentious, but symbolic plant that can be given is spathiphyllum or, in other words, “women’s happiness.”

Kalanchoe would be a good gift: choose this plant with unblown or half-blown inflorescences - this will be visible
Phalaenopsis will also delight you with its extraordinary flowering and charge the space with positive energy.

If you want to not only please, but also surprise your loved ones, we present a wide range of options for you to choose from. interesting plants: polyanthus jasmine, stephanotis, Japanese camellia, hibiscus, bonsai, ranunculus, floribunda, citrus fruits and much more. All this is in ours. Not the best traditional options, which are suitable for creative

Choosing a gift is, of course, a matter that requires attention. Before purchasing, pay attention to the profession of the person to whom you are going to present the flower, the difficulty of caring for this plant and the size of the room. In addition, before purchasing a gift, try to identify the person’s preferences; perhaps he collects cacti or prefers succulents. Also, the choice of flowers is undoubtedly influenced by the age of the person who is preparing to accept a gift from you. For example, for a young girl, flowers of lighter, more discreet tones and pastel shades are suitable. And for older women, you can purchase more saturated shades.

We hope that you will please your loved ones, relatives, friends or relatives excellent choice bouquet or houseplant!
