Hydrangea flowers do not bloom, what to do. What to do if large-leaved hydrangea does not bloom? Use in landscaping, combination with other plants

Hydrangea - popular among gardeners decorative flower. It belongs to the category of capricious crops. Errors in growing technology lead to a lack of flowers. There are several reasons why the plant does not bloom. It is important to diagnose them correctly and then eliminate negative factors.

Features of hydrangea cultivation

Hydrangea is grown as climbing vine, small tree or shrub. The plant has many varieties. The variety of shades and shapes allows you to create a unique decorative combination in the flower garden. You need to figure out why hydrangea doesn’t bloom in the spring, when you notice the absence of buds.

Beginning gardeners may encounter the following problem: they bought ready-made flowering plant in the store, but at home it withered. It is not possible to achieve the appearance of new buds. The reason for this was most likely special means, which stimulate flowering, but greatly deplete the strength of hydrangea. After treatment, the plant may not form new flowers for several more years.

Advice. In this case, you can help the culture by adding a growth activator.

If you purchase a young specimen and plant it yourself, it can bloom in the first summer after reproduction. However, without proper attention and care, you may be left without flowers even in the second season if the cutting turns out to be weak and has not grown stronger in the first year. And in this case, growth activators help. The drugs allow:

Hydrangea blossom

  • strengthen and develop the root system;
  • form stems and twigs;
  • provide an increase in greenery.

Feeding hydrangea: the basis for full flowering

The correct technology for fertilizing hydrangea will help to grow a plant that can bloom normally. The flower needs the first feeding immediately after planting - with a weak solution of organic fertilizer for good adaptation. During the growing process, fertilizers are applied according to a certain pattern.

In early spring, the crop needs a lot of nitrogen. This mixture works well:

  • urea - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 10 l.

Attention! Watering is carried out at the rate of 5 liters per 1 bush.

An alternative is slurry diluted in water (1:10). Later, at the stage of bud formation, the plant is fed with mineral complexes with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. To further strengthen the bush, pour potassium permanganate solution over the root zone and the stem itself. The procedure must be repeated three times. In this case, there should be no situations where hydrangea does not bloom.

In summer, the bush must be treated with a strengthening agent. complex means for flowering crops. Nitrogen must be used carefully during this period. Its excess will lead to strengthening of the greenery and the inflorescences themselves, which will negatively affect the strength of the branches. The total number of feedings in the summer months is limited to 3 times.

During flowering, gardeners also use non-standard fertilizers:

  • lactic acid (yogurt, kefir, whey);
  • soaked sour bread.

Advice. In autumn, hydrangeas need to accumulate potassium and phosphorus, so repeat the course of applying mineral fertilizers.

How to understand why hydrangea does not bloom

The main reasons for the absence of buds in an adult hydrangea:

An experienced gardener does not face the question of hydrangea flowering. The main factor in this is proper care of the plant.

How to make hydrangea bloom: video

Many beginners in the field of floriculture often make simple mistakes when growing hydrangeas. Because of this, plants may stop flowering and release all the beneficial substances into foliage development.

Hydrangea is perennial shrub, which produces flowers of amazing beauty. But you can’t always see these flowers on your plant. When growing these plants, you should know why hydrangea does not bloom, but only produces foliage. This will help gardeners observe the flowering of their plants every year.

White flowers

Hydrangea has more than 80 varieties, and they can differ in a large number characteristics. The main part of the varieties are small shrubs, 1-2 meters high, and the vines can climb to a height of more than 30 meters.


Flowering plants begin late spring and lasts until late autumn. The main part of the flowers is white, but the flowers of certain varieties of hydrangea can be colored pink, red, blue and lilac colors. Typically, color depends on the acidity level of the soil.

Reasons for not flowering

Many gardeners, having decided to grow hydrangea on their garden plot, cannot achieve flowering. There may be several reasons, and you should know the main ones in order to avoid mistakes when growing plants.

  • Improper pruning of bushes.
  • Lack of moisture.
  • Underdevelopment of the root system.
  • Scam when purchasing.
  • Incorrect transplant.
  • Insufficient lighting.
  • Frosting of kidneys in winter.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • No choice suitable variety.
  • Diseases and pests.

Bush pruning

Hydrangeas, like others shrub plants, timely and correct pruning is necessary. It greatly influences the amount of foliage and the abundance of flowering. Improper pruning is often the reason why hydrangeas do not bloom and produce only foliage. This phenomenon is very common in large-leaved hydrangea varieties.

As a rule, most of the pruning is done in the spring after the snow has melted. Work on pruning hydrangea bushes is rarely left in the fall, only the faded parts are removed. Spring pruning performed before foliage begins to form. Pruning methods may vary for each individual hydrangea species.


Hydrangea loves moisture very much. Even its name in Latin is translated as “vessel of water.” Watering for bushes should be plentiful. IN summer period Up to 50 ml of water is used for each bush.

Watering is done regularly. In summer, the bushes are watered twice a week. If the weather is rainy, watering should be reduced to once. The amount of watering should be adjusted according to the current weather.

Root system

Young plants that have only recently been planted in the soil have a weak root system. They need a long time to finally strengthen and begin to produce flowers.

Full flowering of plants begins only in the 4th year of hydrangea growth. Therefore, you should not panic if your hydrangea does not bloom immediately after planting. At proper care You can get stunning flowers every year.

Purchase of planting material

When purchasing hydrangeas, you should not turn to little-known sellers of planting material. Often, unscrupulous sellers may use growth and flowering enhancers. When purchasing, you can observe excellent flowering, but after planting such plants in your own soil, flowering may stop.

The use of flowering enhancers has a very high load on plants. Subsequently, such a plant will not produce flowers for a very long time. And in the worst case scenario, you may not see flowers at all.

Buy planting material only in established companies, and before purchasing, you should carefully study the reviews about it.

Transplanting bushes

Incorrect transplantation very often becomes the reason why pink hydrangea does not bloom, but only produces foliage. Beginner gardeners can easily damage the root system, disrupting the plants’ normal metabolism.

Planting flowers

Also, choosing a growing container that is too cramped or too spacious indoor plants may lead to a slowdown in development and, as a result, the cessation of flowering of hydrangea.

Choice suitable soil is also very important, because a sudden change in soil composition can negatively affect the general condition of plants.


The cause of poor flowering or its absence may be insufficient lighting. This is often observed in places where natural solar lighting not fully available.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to establish additional lighting other methods or transplant the plants to places where there will be plenty of sunlight.

Pink flowers

Shelter for the winter

In severe frosts, flowering buds can easily freeze. Such buds will no longer be able to produce flowers, and all that remains is to cut them off along with the damaged stems. To prevent this from happening, the plants are covered for the winter.

Shelter for the winter

  • You should tie the hydrangea stems together and cover them with sawdust. After that all that remains is to sprinkle them with earth.
  • If it is possible to cover the hydrangea with a non-woven covering material, then you should take advantage of this opportunity.
  • Coniferous branches would be a good covering material. They will not only save the bushes from freezing, but will also increase the acidity of the soil, which hydrangea bushes love.
  • Plants can be covered even if all the leaves have not yet fallen off. Neither pests nor diseases overwinter on hydrangea leaves.


Fertilizer application

For full flowering, hydrangeas need regular but moderately dosed feeding. An excess of nitrogen fertilizers is the reason why it does not bloom. paniculata hydrangea, but only gives foliage. The flowering of the bushes stops, and the beneficial substances are used for increased foliage formation.

  • In the spring, at the beginning of bush growth, you should apply one square meter soil 25 gr. urea, 40 gr. superphosphate and 35 gr. potassium sulfur.
  • With the onset of the budding phase, the supply of nitrogen fertilizers decreases. 80 grams are applied per square meter of soil. superphosphate and 45 g. potassium sulfur.
  • The use of nitrogen fertilizers is important after flowering has ended. Under each bush, 15 kg of compost or rotted manure should be added.

There are special fertilizers for hydrangeas. They contain a set of minerals and trace elements necessary for the full development of plants. You can use them as the main feeding. Before use, you should carefully study the instructions.

Selection of varieties

Each plant requires certain growing conditions. It is not always possible to achieve them in different regions of the country. Varieties that are initially accustomed to a lot of light and heat will feel uncomfortable in northern regions.

Variety selection

On the other hand, a variety intended for cultivation in northern climates is unlikely to take root in hot regions with a dry climate.

Choosing the right variety is one of many basic conditions for the full growth and flowering of hydrangea.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests on hydrangeas are rare, but even they suffer from similar troubles. The most common problems with hydrangea are:

They do not damage flowers directly, but can interfere with plant development, delaying the onset of flowering or stopping it altogether. To combat diseases and pests should be used modern means on biological or chemical basis, as well as traditional methods.

Knowing why hydrangea does not bloom, but produces only foliage, you can easily eliminate all the reasons that interfere full development plants. By putting these tips into practice, you can enjoy the pleasant flowering of your pets every year.

A plant that gardeners are always happy to see on their plots is hydrangea. At least 70 varieties of this plant are known, but only 30 varieties are considered cultivated. For the most part, garden hydrangea is bush-like. Some species form into trees small sizes. Wild species of the plant can be seen in North America, parts of China, Korea, Japan, the Himalayan Islands and the Philippines.

For the most part, plants do not require care, but even here there are rules that ensure abundant flowering. It often happens that the buds that appear simply fall off, without any particular reason. All this indicates a violation of plant maintenance and care techniques. Read more about the reasons for the lack of color and proper maintenance of plants below.

Description of the plant

Hydrangea is a plant that belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family. Often plants grow as trees, shrubs, but can be presented in the form of vines. Flowering is collected in a ball, represented by small flowers, without aroma.

Most gardeners prefer to grow deciduous hydrangeas. Such varieties usually begin to bloom in the first month of summer and continue to delight with lush bright color until late autumn. The flower of the plant is a lush large inflorescence. Depending on the species, the inflorescence can be paniculate, corymbose or spherical.

Garden hydrangea

Several types of flowers can be combined in inflorescences. The middle part of the flowering consists of small flowers, the rest are located along the edge, they are more noticeable. A hydrangea flower bouquet can contain various shades of color: cream, white, blue, pink, red and all shades of lilac.

An interesting fact is that the pH level of the soil can help change the color of the inflorescences. In neutral soil, the plant can bloom in cream, beige and other neutral colors. Earth saturated with alkali gives pink and lilac shades. Increased acidity of the soil can cause the bright blue color of the inflorescences to appear.

Hydrangea does not bloom, what to do

You can often hear from gardeners that garden hydrangea does not bloom, the reasons for which are unknown. There are several factors that explain why hydrangea does not bloom in the garden.

Factors affecting flowering:

  1. The location of shrubs in a shady area and improper pruning - all this does not help plants of any variety to bloom;
  2. Bad weather is harmful to kidney development, which is believed important nuance. This problem is more typical for plant varieties with large leaf. This is due to the peculiarity of the location of the buds, which are laid on the upper shoots that appeared last year. This flowering provides complete cover for the shoots winter time, doing this is important to save everyone flower buds.

It is not difficult to get a hydrangea tree to produce abundant color.

What to do if garden hydrangea does not bloom:

  • Feed the plant in a timely and proper manner. Hydrangea needs to be fertilized with organic matter, but it should be remembered that it is useful to apply a limited amount of fertilizer. If you overdo it with fertilizer, you can wait for long periods without success. It is best to fertilize in small quantities, wherein nitrogen fertilizer should be used once a year - in the spring;
  • High quality soil. For the full formation of buds and their intensive flowering, loose, slightly acidic soil is required. It is important to enrich the soil with humus. Mulching the soil is another important process for flowering;
  • When planting flowers, you need to remember the culture’s love for diffused sunlight. The location of shrubs in shady areas is another reason why hydrangea does not bloom in the garden. You can make the culture delight with lush buds on open sunny areas, but such flowering will not last long, due to the rapid burning of the petals. The spreading crown and foliage of walnuts will not create any special problems in this process;
  • The usefulness of the plant directly depends on the power of the roots. The faster it forms root system, the sooner the first buds with flowers will appear;
  • Proper soil fertilization. Hydrangea does not tolerate heavily fertilized soil; in this case, the leaf will grow and strengthen, but the plant itself will definitely not bloom.

To speed up the process of the appearance of inflorescences, you need to fertilize the soil several times according to the following scheme:

  1. Apply nitrogen based fertilizer at the end spring period. In this way, it is possible to improve the growing season of the crop;
  2. When flowering, plants are fertilized several times in the summer. They contribute universal mixture for garden plants;
  3. To strengthen the shoots and nourish the plant before the winter cold, hydrangea is fertilized with the arrival of autumn.

Hydrangea does not bloom, what to do

It is impossible to determine exactly when the crop will first begin to produce bright buds. This process is influenced by many factors, such as the composition of the earth and its quality characteristics, illumination and even the frequency and amount of soil moisture. Any deviation may explain why it does not bloom. blue hydrangea in the garden. Bringing the necessary indicators back to normal should help the appearance of flower buds.

Worth remembering! For the first inflorescences to appear, it takes several years for young shrubs with underdeveloped roots and excessive fertilization with organic matter. In this case, the development and formation of powerful roots is suspended. Compliance with all the rules will contribute to the continued flowering of the crop until the first frost.

How to prepare a plant for cold weather

Hydrangea is a heat-loving plant that does not tolerate cold. Her preparation for winter period should be done before other crops. The buds must not be allowed to freeze, as this will lead to a lack of beautiful inflorescences. Preparation should begin immediately after flowering ends.

Already in the fall, the bushes are freed from the deciduous part, the branches are collected into a heap and covered with any warming material. Next, the bushes need to be tilted slightly towards the ground and covered with coniferous branches. Any method of shelter can be used. The main thing is to protect the plant from frost and not break the branches. The roots can be covered with a large layer of pine mulch. When the frosts recede and full spring arrives, the plant is returned to its normal position and opened.

Pruning is best done with the arrival of spring. In preparation for winter, only faded buds are removed. For especially heat-loving varieties, pruning can be done before covering the branches for the winter. It is best to trim branches before the first buds and leaves appear. When rejuvenating old shrubs, pruning is best done in early spring. In general, you should focus on the characteristics of hydrangea varieties.

Hydrangea varieties

Tree hydrangea

Most representatives of the culture are shrubs. Although the tree-like small variety and vines are also popular. They are characterized by large and small leaves, paniculate or corymbose type of inflorescences. In any case, the inflorescences are located at the tops of the shoots.

Tree hydrangea

Representatives of the species are bushes growing up to 150 cm in height. Usually the species is large-leaved, the length of individual leaflets can reach 20 cm. The leaf blade is slightly lowered down, has a heart-shaped notch and jagged edges. The upper part of the leaf is green, and the bottom is bluish.

The following varieties are considered to be the most demanding representatives of the species:

  • White House is a bush whose height varies from 1 to 1.5 m. It has large shield-shaped inflorescences;
  • Invincibelle Spirit – maximum height– 1.2 m. Large inflorescences consist of sterile flowers. Initially, the color of the buds is bright pink, then it can fade to light pink;
  • Incrediball - distinguished by large and lush spherical inflorescences, white;
  • Hayes Starburst are low bushes with thin shoots. Often branches break under the weight of large flower buds. The flowers are double, their diameter in some cases reaches 25 cm;
  • Annabelle - has white, sterile inflorescences, up to 20 cm in diameter.

paniculate species

The main difference between paniculate hydrangeas and tree hydrangeas is the inflorescences. The buds consist of a combination of large sterile and small fertile flowers that can grow up to 25 cm in length. During the flowering process, the buds can change color more than once. The foliage of this type of crop is large and may have an ovoid or elliptical shape. Flowering usually occurs during the transition period from June to July.

Popular representatives of the species:

  • Vanilla Fraise - can grow up to 2 m in height. The inflorescences have a strawberry- pink color;
  • Phantom - the bushes are distinguished by spreading crowns, growing at least 2.5 m. The first inflorescences appear in cream shades, then they begin to turn pink;
  • Pinky-Winky - maximum height - 1.8 m. The inflorescences are an openwork purple-pink bud;
  • Limelight - at the beginning of flowering, the buds are greenish in color, which at the end radically change color to pink.

paniculate species

Despite the relatively simple requirements for the maintenance of the crop, there are rules, the observance of which affects the quantity and quality of flowering.

  1. Moderate fertilization of hydrangeas with mineral and organic (manure mixture, humus) substances is mandatory. You need to fertilize bushes without fanaticism;
  2. Water the plant with water with an acidity of no more than 5.6 pH. We must not forget that the crop loves moisture, so the soil should not be allowed to dry out;
  3. Be sure to loosen the soil at least 3 times per season. The depth of loosening should be from 5 cm;
  4. It is best to prune shoots in the spring, after the buds swell. To ensure that the bushes overwinter well, young shoots are pruned to 4 buds. To renew old bushes, they are pruned at the root.

Hydrangea is especially popular among amateur gardeners. This is due to a number of factors. First of all, hydrangea flowers are collected in inflorescences and form large “caps”. And the color range varies from soft white to bright red or purple.

This plant will decorate any flower bed. The peculiarity of hydrangea is that it can be grown at home. However, it is quite whimsical and sometimes it is difficult to answer the question of why hydrangea does not bloom. How should you care for this plant so that it pleases the eye during flowering? Hydrangea can be grown either on open ground, and in a pot. Let's consider each case separately.

Garden hydrangea

This shrub does not tolerate sun well. Therefore, when choosing a place for planting, it is necessary to choose a shaded area that practically does not receive direct sunlight. You must constantly ensure that the soil is moist. If there is a lack of moisture, hydrangea not only blooms poorly, but also slows down its growth rate. Required condition For hydrangea to bloom, the presence of soil with an acidic reaction is essential.

Fertilizer and care

Like any other shrub, hydrangea needs fertilizing, fertilizing and pruning. It is advisable to feed the flower several times a month with special substances.


As for pruning, the situation here is somewhat more complicated than with feeding and fertilizer. Trimming is done:

  • in the spring, if during winter the branches of the bush suffered from cold weather;
  • in the fall, to rejuvenate the plant.

To avoid damage to the branches, you need to cut off all the inflorescences every autumn. The exception is macrophila, which does not need pruning. Such a need exists only when there are branches damaged by frost. At the same time, you need to be careful not to remove branches with flower buds during pruning. Often this is the reason why hydrangea does not bloom.

Features of care

You also need to ensure that the soil is loose. If you want to avoid permanent work After loosening the soil, you can add mulch. It is advisable to water the plant warm water. Hydrangea can hardly be called a frost-resistant plant. Therefore, it needs to be covered or dug up for the winter.

Reasons for the absence of inflorescences

Based on all of the above, the answer to the question of why garden hydrangea does not bloom may be as follows:

  • incorrectly chosen landing site;
  • improper pruning;
  • frost damage to shoots;
  • underdeveloped root system.

Due to the fact that there are more than 80 types of hydrangea, each of them has specific characteristics. Let's consider possible reasons lack of inflorescences for the most popular varieties.

Paniculata hydrangea

There may be several reasons why paniculate hydrangea does not bloom. This species is frost-resistant. Unlike many other varieties, it does not need to be covered for the winter. However, it is no less, and perhaps even more demanding, when it comes to soil than other hydrangeas. The plant feels good on loamy soils that are slightly acidic. But on sandy soils, paniculate hydrangea most likely will not bloom. Another reason for the lack of inflorescences in summer may be a lack of nutrients. Therefore, hydrangea must be fed.

Pink hydrangea

The answer to the question of why pink hydrangea does not bloom is simple. This type of hydrangea does not tolerate frost. Therefore, the reason for the lack of inflorescences may be the freezing of flower buds. You need to carefully prune the plant. Since you can cut off shoots with already formed flower buds. Also, the reason for the lack of flowering may be an insufficiently strong root system. We must not forget that hydrangea loves acidic soil. And insufficient acidity of the soil may be the reason for the lack of flowers.

Why does large-leaved hydrangea not bloom?

The main reason for the lack of inflorescences is improper pruning. It is advisable to do it in the spring and remove only branches damaged by frost. Otherwise, you may lose the shoots on which flower buds are formed. Also, large-leaved hydrangea will not bloom in conditions of insufficient watering.


Why doesn't tree hydrangea bloom? First of all, this shrub needs systematic feeding. In severe winter conditions, the plant may freeze, which may be the reason for the lack of flowering. Like other species, this hydrangea needs abundant watering.

Indoor hydrangea

Like garden hydrangea, domestic hydrangea does not tolerate direct sunlight or drought during flowering. Therefore, you need to choose a cool place, protected from the sun. However, with the onset of winter, this plant needs to be moved to the most sunny place in the apartment. As for the temperature, it should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius. In addition to maintaining the required temperature, the hydrangea needs to be watered abundantly and the leaves should be sprayed. In winter, the plant sheds its leaves, so watering can be reduced, but complete drying of the soil is unacceptable. Indoor hydrangea, like garden hydrangea, needs feeding. It needs to be done several times a month. After winter, weakened and damaged branches need to be pruned.

Reasons for the absence of inflorescences

Here are some facts that may answer the question of why indoor hydrangea does not bloom:

  • incorrectly chosen place for the flowerpot;
  • insufficient moisture;
  • incorrect temperature conditions;
  • incorrect pruning.

In order for hydrangea to delight with lush inflorescences, it is necessary to monitor temperature conditions and regularity of watering. These are the most important factors. It is imperative to cover the plant for the winter. If the shoots were damaged in winter, then the likelihood that the hydrangea will bloom in the next few years is very low.

It's easy to make hydrangea bloom magnificently

Why doesn’t hydrangea bloom? We figured it out, but what needs to be done for this plant to begin to delight with lush inflorescences? You can try to find a better place. However, when transplanting, the plant may suffer. Therefore, you need to dig up the hydrangea carefully so as not to damage the root system. Otherwise, it will not bloom until it recovers. And this may take about two years.

It will also be useful to increase the acidity of the soil. This can be done using pine humus or peat. Under no circumstances should chalk, ash or lime be used for feeding. These substances reduce the acidity of the soil, and therefore will cause a lack of flowering.

One of the main enemies of hydrangea is frost. Therefore, for the winter the plant needs to be wrapped and the soil mulched. Damage to flower buds by residual frost will answer the question of why hydrangea does not bloom.

You also need to remember to water the bush at least 2 times a week. If the plant is mature, it will need an average of 40 liters of water. It would be better if it was rainy. If this is not possible, then the water must be settled.

If the hydrangea did not bloom in the summer, then do not prune in the fall. Perhaps it was during the autumn pruning of branches that you got rid of shoots with flower buds. After winter, you will need to get rid of the affected branches, and from the flower buds you will get lush “caps” of inflorescences.

Another reason for the lack of flowers may be pests. These include mosaic leaf disease, downy mildew, gray mold, aphids, weevils, weevils and spider mites. If you find signs of the disease, you immediately need to take measures to combat them.

There is one more detail that sellers almost always keep silent about. The variety of varieties is very large. However, not all of them are suitable for our climate. If the climatic conditions are not suitable for the hydrangea, then no matter how you care for the plant, it will not bloom.

Finally, I would like to say a few words about one feature of this marvelous shrub. Hydrangea can change its color. In order for the plant to change color, you can use aluminum alum. In a pre-prepared container you need to put 5 grams of this alum and fill it with 1 liter of water. If there are several plants, you need to do large quantity solution. However, the ratio of water and aluminum alum should remain the same. All that remains is to water the soil with the resulting liquid. And the color change occurs due to changes in the acidity of the soil and the amount of iron in it. If you have iron filings on hand, you can safely replace alum with them. As a last resort, old nails will do.

You can show your imagination and feed the bush on only one side. The result is a hydrangea with inflorescences of different shades. Obviously, miracles do not happen and bright red flowers cannot be made from white flowers. However, you can turn pink into rich lilac, and white into soft blue. Care for the plant correctly - and you will never need an answer to the question of why hydrangea does not bloom.

One of the beautiful flowers that decorate the garden is hydrangea. But despite easy care, some gardeners wonder why paniculate hydrangea does not bloom.

To help hydrangea bloom and prolong flowering, you need to find out what is the reason for the lack of flowering.

Agrotechnical conditions for hydrangea growth

Hydrangea paniculata is a shrub, up to 3 meters high, with upright spreading branches. Small flowers collected in large pyramidal inflorescences, 20-30 cm long. Flowering is abundant from June to October (depending on the variety). The color of the inflorescences varies from white to pink, lilac, and blue. Some varieties can change the colors of the inflorescences with changing weather conditions.

The main conditions for the successful development, growth and flowering of a plant are:

It is possible to make a large-leaved variety of paniculata hydrangea bloom or accelerate growth only if you follow the recommendations for planting and proper, high-quality care.

Reasons for lack of flowering

This type of hydrangea reacts sharply to insufficient (improper) care, which is noticeable when the plant’s foliage grows excessively, the flower becomes very small in size, while it becomes sparser, less lush, and the color of the inflorescences becomes faded.

The main reasons for the lack of flowers in paniculate hydrangea are the following.

Improper watering

For successful growth To ensure flowering, the plant requires regular watering. In hot weather, water should be 2 times a week, in dry, cool weather - 1 time a week.

Watering is carried out with clean, settled water at the root, at least 10 liters of water for each hydrangea bush.

Note! It is important to monitor the root system and drying of the earthen coma. Excess moisture has a detrimental effect on flowering.

Fertilizer application

If fertilizers of inappropriate compositions are not applied in a timely manner, the plant experiences severe stress, which negatively affects external condition hydrangeas. It is necessary to apply fertilizing according to the schedule recommended by experienced gardeners:

  • During planting, in early spring and before flowering, mineral (containing phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc) and nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied weekly under the roots. You can mulch the root zone organic fertilizers(household plant waste, mown grass, sunflower tops, etc.).
  • In the summer (during budding or the beginning of flowering), potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied once every 7-10 days, nitrogen fertilizing stop.
  • IN autumn period(after flowering) apply phosphorus fertilizers to strengthen and better winter hardiness of the buds. You can add rotted cow manure.

Hydrangea will grow, bloom and decorate the garden with its color only on fertile, loose, well-moistened and fertilized soil. If the acidity of the soil is insufficient, you can add a little wood ash (experienced gardeners they recommend ash grapevine, fruit trees: cherry, peach, apple).

Wrong landing site

Planting hydrangea paniculata in a shaded place or under the scorching rays of the sun in a draft is fraught with dropping leaves, lack of flowers, or flowering with very small sparse inflorescences.

Planting hydrangea

The best place to plant hydrangea is in partial shade or with scattered sunlight, protected from drafts, sharp gusts of wind, with fertile soil and sufficient water supply. Planting in lowlands with constant stagnation of water contributes to rotting of the root system, its underdevelopment, lack of growth and flowering.

Paniculata hydrangea planted in the shade of fruit trees will not bloom, even if you increase watering and fertilizing.

Incorrect autumn pruning

At improper pruning When the crown is formed, the shrub stops blooming. Proper pruning consists of shortening weak and thin shoots. Only dry branches and shoots that grow inside the crown and thicken the bush can be completely pruned.

Trimming the top shoots, on which buds form in the fall, is strictly prohibited, because from these buds in the spring buds will awaken, which will open into a luxurious flower.

Insufficient shelter in winter

Despite the fact that paniculata hydrangea is the most frost-resistant variety, when growing this species in the northern regions of Russia, it is necessary to cover the shoots in winter.

Shelter is carried out after autumn pruning with the onset of cold weather, when all the inflorescences have already faded. The hydrangea flower bush is tilted to the ground, covered with agrofibre (lutrasil) and covered with peat or earth. You can use fallen dry leaves and spruce needles.

Important! Under no circumstances should it be used for shelter. plastic film to prevent the greenhouse effect and rotting of the root system of the bush.

Branches of an adult bush (over 5 years old) should be bent to the ground with extreme caution so as not to break them.

The cover should be removed in the spring, when the threat of frost has completely passed. You should not trim branches that seem dry at first glance, since with sufficient watering they may develop buds, which over time will turn into a luxurious flower.

Adaptation after landing

After planting a hydrangea bush, it is important to pay due attention to the development of the plant. During the first time after planting, it is necessary to frequently water only the planted bush in order to speed up the process of rooting and development. Also add fertilizing and growth stimulants. The first time after planting, the leaf may become more faded and lighter. But as the hydrangea's growth takes root, the leaf will become brighter and stronger.

You should also refrain from purchasing and planting hydrangeas grown in greenhouse conditions. Since in in this case was carried out drip irrigation, a large amount of fertilizers and growth stimulants were added to the soil, which will negatively affect flowering in the years following planting.

Planting hydrangea

Poor development of the root system

Hydrangea blooms in the second year after planting, when its root system is sufficiently formed. Young bushes, overfed with fertilizers, weak underdeveloped roots are the reason for the lack of flowering.

If you do not make the above mistakes, this will help the plant to overwinter and delight its owner with lush flowers.

Lack of flowering for several years is another problem that novice gardeners face. The main reasons for this problem are abnormal development (underdevelopment) of the root system, excessive feeding, excessive watering, and severe freezing of shoots.

Reasons for late flowering

If paniculata hydrangea begins to bloom late, then the reasons may be:

  • ¾ Planting the plant in unsuitable, infertile soil with high acidity, heavy, loamy, sandy soil.
  • ¾ Lack of nutrients. The lack of fertilizing and fertilizers manifests itself in the form of late flowering of the bush, regardless of the variety and early ripening.
  • ¾ Excess moisture.
  • ¾ Damage to fungal infections (powdery mildew, late blight),
  • ¾ Pest damage: weevils, aphids, spider mites.

On a note! You can speed up flowering using fertilizers. It is recommended to apply complex fertilizers that are suitable for the composition and variety of the plant. Positively proven fertilizers are: Agricola, Kristalon (Fertika), Pokon, Green Boom, Flower Paradise.

At home, you can make hydrangea bloom earlier in the following ways:

  • ü Reduce the amount of watering, and then increase sharply. Such changes will provoke an artificial onset of flowering.
  • ü Lightly prune the youngest shoots to speed up the growing season and make the hydrangea bloom earlier.
  • ü Thoroughly loosen the soil, mulch it with organic matter, feed it with yogurt (stir 3 liters of fresh yogurt in 10 liters of water and water the roots generously).

To avoid frequently asked questions what to do when hydrangea paniculata does not bloom (blooms late), it is important to strictly observe agrotechnological measures that contribute to the rapid development of the root system, timely and abundant flowering.

Variety selection

When choosing a type of paniculata hydrangea for planting, it is important to pay Special attention variety, compliance of the plant with the climatic zone, requirements for planting and care.

A variety bred for cultivation in the southern regions of Russia, when planted in the northern regions, will either bloom late or not bloom at all.

Proper and proper care helps to grow healthy plant, A accelerated growth root system promotes abundant and lush flowering, regardless of the variety and color of hydrangea.
