What turns women on most in men. What excites Women from a psychological point of view? And what repels Men? Man with animal

It is known that women love to hear various compliments and praise from men. In order to get a girl, you can not just shower her with pleasant words, but also act more cunningly: when left alone with her or even in the company of friends, whisper various endearments in her ear, lightly touching the shell of the ear with your lips. A trusting relationship should be established between you, in which you can talk to each other about your deepest desires without feeling embarrassed. Only all the words you say must be truthful and sincere; girls always feel lies.

Girls are turned on by the desperate actions guys do for them. Arrange crazy dates for her, filled with extreme sports. The feeling of fear also causes acute excitement.

Learn to use gestures and body language to hint to a girl that she desires physical intimacy. Look passionately into her eyes with an undressing gaze, and use light touches on her neck, wrists, shoulders and the backs of her hands. Your touch should be persistent, but at the same time gentle, causing goosebumps. The girl should feel that she is desired by you.

Before you move on to sexual intercourse, do not forget about foreplay. What is important to women is not the process of having sex, but its beginning. Use long foreplay to completely liberate your other half. Carefully examine her body by touching your hands and lips, you should see and understand what exactly has an exciting effect on her, and what is better to refuse.

What masculine qualities turn girls on?

To excite a girl, let her know that you are a very strong but attentive man. The fairer sex is crazy about guys who lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports. It is absolutely not necessary to have a very prominent figure, but slightly toned muscles should be present, and it is better to emphasize them with clothing. If you have beautiful and strong arms, wear tight tank tops that show off your assets. Ladies like to look at bare shoulders and men's arms.

In addition, girls are turned on by men's frankness. If you want to do something with your girlfriend, don't hide it. If you are alone, you can openly admit that an interesting idea has come into your head regarding something intimate.

Men, in general, are known to value a “comfortable” woman. That is, of course, a fashion show in high heels, and even in a short skirt, will not leave anyone indifferent, but homemade, morning “stretches” in pajamas (you won’t be able to stretch too actively in a skimpy peignoir) are more exciting than any striptease. Firstly, because when you are awake you seem even more defenseless to your lover, and secondly, because you completely and unconditionally belong to him at this moment, and what could be more beautiful than the feeling of complete possession? So, if you want your morning to start not with coffee, stretch.


To be honest, there is still not a single scientific explanation that could help understand why men like angry women so much. But, nevertheless, men like women when they are angry and this is a fact. Surely each of us has heard the phrase “you are so beautiful when you are angry” at least once in your life. It seems to us as if a man driven into a corner is going to calm us down in such an absurd way, or to anger us even more, and meanwhile, he really admires you. Well, violent sex as a reconciliation is a very good option.

Wild hair

The same scheme works here as with stretching in pajamas. You are cozy, at home, no styling, no cosmetics (we will talk about this separately). You can spend as much time as you want on styling, purchasing curling irons, flat irons and tongs, but the fact remains that he doesn’t want you because of your ideal styling. Maybe the secret is that he just likes you, and not your flawless curls?

No makeup

Marina Vakt

Scientists have calculated that over the course of her entire life, the average Russian woman spends about 1,000,000 rubles on cosmetics. Do you feel the scope? However, the presence of cosmetics on a woman’s face leaves many men completely indifferent, and some representatives of the stronger sex do not like it at all when a woman wears makeup. Even despite the widespread joke in women's circles about natural makeup, which takes much more time and, remarkably, money than unpretentious and, as a result, vulgar, our men still prefer naturalness in its purest form. In addition, do not forget that representatives of the stronger half of humanity love to kiss, and struggling with lipstick and foundation is not a task for the faint of heart. So, when applying makeup, remember that it can not only attract male attention, but also push a man away from you during closer communication.

Checked shirts

What could be sexier than a girl wearing a plaid shirt, regardless of whether it is worn naked or on a T-shirt (although, naked, perhaps, it’s still better). In the eyes of a man, you immediately become a kind of hooligan who is not against the most daring experiments in bed. But don’t overdo it, from time to time the cage needs to be replaced with something else, otherwise it will become a habit, and a habit is no longer sexy.

Girl with a musical instrument

Audrey Hepburn

What instrument a woman plays makes absolutely no difference, but they do it, according to the opposite sex, a hundred times hotter than any professional musician. And if you also have vocal talent... Not a single connoisseur of beauty can resist you. However, if music is not your thing at all, learn to tap out the rhythm on a washboard. This works too.

Small belly

Despite the fact that advertisers convince us of the need to have an ideal figure and six-pack abs, earthly men think completely differently. With an outwardly ideal woman, the same problem exists as with a handsome man; several questions arise at once, the main one of which is: “What to do about it?” Put it on a shelf? Admire? Brush off the dust from time to time? Or maybe invest millions in maintaining an impeccable appearance? Absolutely incomprehensible. And, in the end, who will bake pancakes and cook borscht? Our defenders prefer soft women, so a small, pleasant belly, on which you can lie like a pillow, looks very natural, which undoubtedly excites men. In addition, when a woman’s figure is not ideal, then a man against her background is more relaxed about his physical shortcomings, without developing complexes about this.


Anouk Eme

Each of us falls into serious despair when the first “cobwebs” appear around the eyes. For us, wrinkles are the first step towards the inevitable. Our loved ones, however, think completely differently. No, of course, you shouldn’t turn into a Shar Pei, but many men find small “nets” very sexy, because they say that they are facing a mature, experienced woman, and sexually as well, which turns them on a lot. In addition, as you know, pronounced facial wrinkles around the eyes and in the nasolabial area often appear when a woman laughs a lot. While no one needs a sad woman exhausted by constant depression. A man himself can reflect perfectly, why does he need someone else to burden him?

Small breasts

Contrary to popular belief, not all men dream of their partner having size 5 breasts. Even the 4th one is too big. Most representatives of the stronger sex consider it not the size of the breast that is important, but its shape and firmness. And these parameters are often at their best for those with a small bust. After all, small breasts are light and often have an attractive and toned appearance, sag less and retain their shape longer.

A good appetite

Alas, recently all women are passionate about diets and a healthy lifestyle. Great, it’s true that this doesn’t excite men. Of course, no one is suggesting you eat a mammoth in one sitting, but sadly chewing a cabbage leaf throughout your date is also not the best option. After all, most men want an earthly beauty, not a forest nymph. If a woman has a good healthy appetite, and she is not shy in choosing alcohol, then this speaks of her inner strength and confidence and that she does not care what others think of her. In addition, by trying different dishes and not giving up various alcoholic drinks, a woman gives a man a non-verbal signal that she will not lack courage in bed.


The glasses for which many of us earned the title of bore and “nerd” in school have the opposite effect in adult life. Behind them, the woman seems fragile and defenseless (unless, of course, in an attempt to see something at a distance you squint like a hired killer with a rifle), or, on the contrary, confident and independent - both awaken the sexual fantasy of men.

Despite the fact that the presence of marks from panties and bra makes you different from the ideal beauty from the cover of a glossy magazine, men, nevertheless, really like it. Why? It's very simple: in combination with tanned areas of the skin, white ones look even more naked.

Long skirts

With long skirts, everything is simple - there is a secret hidden under them, and yet mothers and grandmothers taught us from childhood that it is not at all necessary to show everything right away. So - flowing fabrics and skirts to the toes are our everything, because under them, in the opinion of the opposite sex, something supernatural and incredibly attractive can be hidden, even if your loved one has already seen “all of” you more than once.

Bare feet

Emmanuel Beart

In earlier times, when girls could not even dream of modern emancipation, bare feet were considered a hint of nudity (after all, this meant that the woman was not wearing stockings), which, of course, could not leave any man indifferent.

So, folks, today we have a cool conversation. Today we will touch on a burning topic that is of interest to absolutely all men who have already given up playing war games, but do not yet suffer from senile insanity.

Let's talk about male sexuality.

How to attract a female? How to look in her eyes as a fiend from hell, from whom sex smells a kilometer away? How to correctly measure your girlfriend's voltage with a voltmeter?

Don't worry, now I'll tell you everything.

I did a little work here with my VKontakte contact list. I drew the question “ What three main components in a man are the most sexy for you?” and sent it out to ~50 girls who are on my list. I forgot someone, I sent someone twice, but in the end I received about 40 replies.

Since among the respondents only my neighbor reaches the age of 40, I will not consider three of her answers (quiet snoring, the remnants of at least some memory, a large pension).

It turns out that I got the opinions of GIRLS about what a sexy guy is. Which is exactly what we need.

Be strong, someone’s castles in the air are about to collapse, which can bury the carefully built framework of self-esteem.

The drums roll, the little pony neighs, the curtain opens.

Let's go ascending. There will be a lot of letters.

1. The first point contains several qualities that excite the participants in our survey.

Lips, smell, wide and inflated back, good manners, tenderness, love of life- it all happened 2 times.

Of course, I understand that lips and smell can drive someone crazy, but what does good manners do here? How can this turn a girl on? Like, “dear Zinaida, my upbringing doesn’t allow me to touch your tits, so let me just touch your shoulder.” Where is the sexuality here? Guys with three higher educations - you have a chance!

Money, butt, breasts, charisma. More fun now, right? Unfortunately for us guys, not many people have charisma. Robert Downey Jr. took most of it for himself, but the rest got nothing. I don’t have any recipes on how to improve this particular sexual characteristic, so I’ll have to focus on squats. You want to have a beautiful butt that girls like, right? My butt suits me completely. When I was doing my business in the bushes on a hike (you know what I mean), my butt was confused with the cover of June GQ. And on the cover is none other than Gerard Butler!

Money and breasts can also be brought to a decent level. Now you know that this excites Lena from the eighth floor.

Everything is clear about masculinity. A woman should be feminine, a man should be masculine. Opposites attract. You're disgusted by masculine chicks who wear short hair, speak in a deep voice, and who swapped their boobs for a pack of Marlboros as a child? That's what I'm talking about.

They talked about appearance in different aspects. I'll decipher it a little. You don’t even have to be beautiful, it’s enough to just be well-groomed so that you have a chance to spend the evening in someone else’s bed. I suspect that the woman’s beacon is triggered purely subconsciously. He knows how to take care of himself, which means he can take care of me. This is my guess, so don't kick too hard.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

4 girls spoke about the voice, which once again confirms the fact that a woman loves with her ears. What matters is not only what you say, but also what timbre of your voice you have. When you seduce your next victim, don’t squeal like a half-cut pig going into ultrasound. This is fraught.

4. Smooth 5 girls admitted that it turns them on body.

I won’t talk about the gym here, that’s already clear. Do you want to catch eyes? Finally, sign up for the gym. A guy with a wad of money has less chance than a guy with an 8-pack stomach and a powerful back.

5. Look dialed from us 6 points.

An arrogant, lustful look that makes the girl blush and look away towards the cactus. It turns out that this turns them on. Pick-up artists have special exercises that allow them to improve their ability to look girls straight in the eyes. I’m far from a pick-up guy, so you can dig up information on specialized forums or go to training. The ability to hold your gaze under the pressure of the opposite sex is worth a lot, I tell you. Have you noticed how your mood lifts when you emerge victorious in a staring contest? If you were able to withstand someone else's gaze, then the maneuvers begin with a score of 1-0 in your favor.

6. The next thing that makes guys sexy is self confidence. This was mentioned 9 people.

It's strange, but I thought that this was the most important thing that turned girls on. I missed. The good thing is that this is not strabismus, which is difficult to deal with, so you and I have every chance to increase our confidence.

It is very easy to be confident in the company of your old friends, but it is very difficult, for example, to behave the same in a new workplace. Girls instinctively feel that the man standing in front of them is of high rank if he behaves confidently around her. With this you can even go to a hut, even to a cave, even to the Maldives. You can dress in the latest fashion and have a hairstyle like Dima Bilan, but they will give it to that brutal biker with three-day stubble, because he is 100% confident in himself, unlike your 33.

7. About a sense of humor I was told 16 girls, the same number of people wrote the variant (attention!) - HANDS.

As soon as I combined these two components in the seventh paragraph, for some reason Zadornov immediately came to mind. Handy, damn, humorist. So that's why everyone loves him so much!

In fact, a sense of humor is a very powerful weapon, gentlemen. Somewhere I even saw paid courses on how to improve your sense of humor. Search Google, it will save the desperate ones who don’t know how to generate jokes on the go and seduce girls with bashorg jokes. Will Smith once talked about his friend who was popular with girls. First he made them laugh, and then he found some dude in the bar, whom he punched in the face. By this he proved that he could protect his chosen one. “Make me laugh and protect!” – remember this article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

What about hands? A failure awaits many here. For example, I have the hands of a pianist who gets his fingers into hard-to-reach places. They are far from ideal, so when meeting girls I stick my lips out and hide my hands in my pockets. If you have a truly strong, masculine palm, then you are guaranteed 50% of success. Almost half of those surveyed said this. “Come, O handy warrior, take me, I am all yours!” - as they say. And yes, guys, “handy” is not someone who masturbates a lot, it’s a little different. Remember this.

8. Well, the sexiest feature that makes girls fidget nervously in their chairs is.........myopia! Yes yes yes, I'm lying. Everyone lies, remember? The sexiest feature that goes to our Oscar today is MIND.

Moreover, you don’t have to be Onatoleus Wasserman, who knows the names of all the constellations in the sky. This is an extreme form. You just have to be smarter than your potential girlfriend. There are such people, sapiosexuals. They are turned on by smart people. So it turns out that most girls are like that. They are turned on by boys who can reasonably carry on a conversation on any topic and entertain them in the event of a shipwreck, if only she and you are left on the island.

Gentlemen, don’t be stupid, don’t be a nerd and everything will be ok.

As an epilogue.

There were other components of a sexy man, but I didn’t stand them, they were very specific. What I wrote here is enough. Work on yourself, blacks, your sexuality is still far from ideal.

Read the second part of the article about what turns GUYS on in girls -

If we talk about Men, what excites them is more understandable, since their sexual desire is placed on the altar of visual images. Although this is also quite an interesting and separate topic of conversation.

Today we will talk about what turns women on from a psychological point of view and more.

It has long been known for certain that in a woman the left hemisphere is dominant, which is largely responsible for hearing. It is not for nothing that there is a popular belief that a woman loves with her ears. But as a Woman, I can say that this is absolutely not a dominant factor in such subtle issues. Therefore, I propose to answer in detail the question of what excites women.

So, what turns women on?

The most important stimulant is Her Majesty Love. No matter how much you whisper affectionate and kind words to a Woman, you can’t go anywhere without it. And love, as they say, must be won not by words, but by actions. Therefore, more chivalrous and generous deeds!

The second place goes to the smell of a Man. This is the factor that, by and large, determines the possibility of interaction between a Man and a Woman. In order not to dwell too much on this topic, I recommend reading the article about. If we talk about perfume, then it should also be approached with special care and in no case should you skimp on such important aspects.

Appearance also matters a lot. A handsome man who visits the gym more than once, takes care of himself and is already interesting to a woman for his health. I'm not talking about some manic tendencies of a man towards his reflection in the mirror, but about a healthy attitude towards himself.

A woman can be aroused by a good suit, a cool tie, a slightly unbuttoned shirt, correctly selected underwear, clothes, a suitable haircut, etc. Many Women are turned on by slightly raised stubble, strong and hairy arms, and the feeling of... The latter is already laid down by nature..

The location and setting of the meeting also plays a significant role. For obvious reasons, we all always strive for the best, and arranging things is no exception. This also includes pleasant music that can bring more euphoria, beautiful decoration, delicious food). But as for unusual and new places in relation to the stimulant, this already depends on the Woman herself. Often some Women are excited by this, while others are paralyzed by the unknown in a sexual sense.

Don’t forget about attentiveness, honesty, the ability to listen to a Woman, good intentions and a friendly look. The presence of good humor in a Man can convey desire to a Woman.

An undoubted aphrodisiac and aphrodisiac for Women is the generosity of a Man. As they say, a girl's best friend is diamonds. Of course, it may not be diamonds, but the brilliant scope and desire to pamper a Woman can lead to the same effect in relation to a Man! It is a fact.

This is what, what turns women on to a greater extent, then it is purely individual.

Now let's talk briefly about what can push a Woman away from desire or reduce the previously described points to zero:

Men who have had too much alcohol may find themselves in the red. Maintain moderation.

Selfish attitude, high self-esteem, talking only about yourself, about your own affairs, showing off your muscles, etc.

Men with a lot of jewelry and a dose of perfume do not inspire much confidence. By the way, books on jewelry will never be superfluous on your shelf.

The abundance of a large number of compliments also greatly alarms and repels a Woman. Sincerity is what matters. Falsehood won't work here!

Ungroomed men, excess weight, laziness are not able to awaken active desire in a woman.

Seduction solely with the help of money, obscene hints will definitely leave you at the door, unless of course, this is a target girl with certain intentions.

In general, at first the Man works for the desire of the Woman, and the desire of the woman works for the Man. In addition, a Man’s work also includes working on himself! This is why love transforms!

The most important condition is Love and sympathy, otherwise any endeavors may fail. But how to win the love of a Woman is a completely different story.
