How to paint a slate roof yourself. How and with what to paint a slate roof. Carrying out painting work on a slate roof

Asbestos slate, which faithfully served for many decades on the roofs of buildings and private houses, had one significant drawback - it is gray and inconspicuous appearance. Over time, it has been pushed aside by other more modern roofing materials, but it still maintains its niche in the market due to its low price and good service life. Today, with the advent of new paint and varnish materials slate is becoming popular again. They simply began to paint it, making it more presentable. But many questions arise among consumers, one of them is what paint to paint the slate so that the color coating does not peel off in the first year.

Why should you paint slate?

Everything is clear in appearance. But there are other factors.

To begin with, asbestos roofing material has a porous surface that becomes clogged with dirt over time. The large pores contain plant seeds, which gradually cover the slate roof (moss, lichen, etc.). With its root system, vegetation penetrates the body of the material, gradually covering it with cracks.

The same pores are filled with precipitation in winter, which turns into ice. The latter simply breaks the asbestos fibers, reducing the strength of the structure as a whole.

That is, the question of whether it is necessary to paint slate disappears by itself. This should be done to extend the service life of the roofing. Now the question is what to paint it with. Let's deal with paint and varnish material.

Types of paints

The market today is simply flooded with paint and varnish products that can be used to paint slate and other materials on roofs. Let's look at each and outline their pros and cons.

Acrylic paint for slate

There are two varieties in this group: water based, in organic solvents. First position – water-dispersion paints based on latex (acrylic copolymer), to which pigment and additives are added to improve the properties of the material. Typically, the proportion of water to the total mass of the mixture is 5–15%. Such paints have the following positive qualities:

  • high environmental friendliness;
  • good adhesive properties;
  • good hiding power;
  • ease of application;
  • high weather resistance;
  • it is non-toxic material;
  • fireproof;
  • drying time – up to 2 hours;
  • service life – 5 years;
  • after the water evaporates, a fairly strong, wear-resistant latex film is formed on the surface of the slate.

Today, manufacturers offer so-called rubber paint. This is still the same water-dispersed latex-based variation. It differs from other subspecies only in that it has a thick consistency, similar to mastic. After drying, an elastic film is formed on the slate, very similar to rubber. Hence the name.

Acrylic paint for slate based on organic solvents differs from the previous variety in that solvents are added to it instead of water. Therefore these paints have Strong smell, which, however, quickly disappears as soon as the applied coating dries.

They differ from water-dispersed ones not only in this:

  • their paint film is stronger and more elastic, so the service life of a painted roof is not 5, but 10 years;
  • water-repellent characteristics are better;
  • Such paints retain their original color longer.

The only thing in which this type of acrylic paint for slate is inferior to water-soluble paints is the small range.

Silicone paints

This type of paint and varnish product is also called organosilicon. Among the range available on the market, this material is best suited for painting slate roofs. It is the silicone present in the material that creates a durable and very elastic film on the surface of the asbestos roofing decking.

Some positive properties silicone paint:

  • increased strength of the applied film;
  • its high elasticity, which allows it to cover cracks up to 2 mm wide;
  • colonies of harmful microorganisms and small plants do not form on such a roof;
  • high dirt-repellent properties;
  • it is non-toxic material;
  • fireproof;
  • no pungent odor;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • does not require preliminary priming of the slate surface;
  • service life – up to 15 years.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd enamel for slate is a composition based on alkyd resin and some additives. The solution is diluted with organic solvents. In general, the question of whether slate can be coated with alkyd paints is often asked. Alkyd paints presented in different compositions. There are also special ones that can be used to paint slate. They have higher performance characteristics. Namely:

  • increased moisture resistance;
  • high adhesive qualities;

The service life, however, is short - only 5 years.

Polymer paints

Appearing on modern market, paint and varnish products of this type immediately declared themselves as one of the wear-resistant materials. Among experts, this type of paint is called “liquid plastic.” Because the material is based on one of the plastics: polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane or polystyrene. Synthetic solvents are used as diluents.

Its name " liquid plastic“This material justifies one hundred percent. After applying it to the surface to be treated and evaporation of the solvent, a thin layer polymer. And it already forms that rather large list of positive characteristics. Namely:

  • one hundred percent moisture resistance;
  • high environmental friendliness;
  • one hundred percent chemical inertness;
  • the polymer layer does not burn;
  • does not fade for a long time;
  • no need to navigate under it additional operations to improve the adhesion of slate surfaces;
  • dries within a couple of hours;
  • easily tolerates severe frosts;
  • You can paint slate even at a temperature of -10C;
  • service life – up to 15 years.

Generalization by type

As you can see, there is a considerable assortment. There is plenty to choose from. But it is necessary to point out that each variety has its own price, which plays an important role when choosing. This is especially important when you need to paint slate on a roof with large area. An expensive option will lead to an increase in the budget allocated for painting.

But, as practice shows, such a choice is a coin with two different sides. Expensive paints such as silicone or polymer make it possible not to repair the coating for 15 years. In this case, the applied paint layer burns out slowly, practically without changing the original color. But the cost of the material is two to three times higher than the same alkyd ones. Therefore, the consumer, when purchasing slate paint, must take this point into account. That is, buy cheap option, but after 5 years repaint. Or give preference expensive coating.

Technology of applying paint to slate

Despite the apparent simplicity of applying paint to slate, the process must be carried out correctly. The technology consists of three stages.

Stage No. 1 – preparatory

Here the slate surface is prepared. It just needs to be cleared of everything unnecessary. To do this, they use two methods: mechanical and hydraulic.

  1. To do this, use brooms, wire brushes or electric tool, onto which special wire brushes in the form of disks are mounted. The mechanical option is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, especially if the slate is overgrown with moss and lichen. Vegetation will also have to be removed with scrapers.
  2. This method is simpler because water under high pressure is used as a tool. To do this you will have to purchase a pump, a long hose and a nozzle. The main task is to provide the process with a large volume of water.

Sometimes a combination of two methods is used if the roof covering is completely dirty.

Stage No. 2 – primer

As mentioned above, not all paints require a slate roof to be primed. But if this is required, then the choice of primer coating is based on the manufacturer’s recommendations. In addition, many companies that produce paints and varnishes for slate also offer appropriate primers.

The method of applying primer is brushes, rollers or sprays. Apply the material in two layers. The second one must be done after the first one has dried.

Stage No. 3 – painting slate

This process is no different from the previous one in terms of application. The paint is applied in two layers: the first is the base, the second is the finish. The base is applied in a thick layer. It should cover all visible defects of the slate roof: small cracks, pores and chips. The finishing coat covers the roofing deck with a uniform, thin layer, covering the smudges of the base layer and giving it a bright, rich color.

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Conclusion on the topic

The appearance of high-quality paint and varnish products on the market has solved many problems slate roofs. And first of all, she turned the gray, nondescript material into a worthy one that competes with others roofing coverings option. Small investment, and the slate roof becomes beautiful. In addition, its service life immediately increases.

The content of the article

A material that has been used to cover roofs for many years and has excellent performance qualities is undoubtedly slate. Can't take it away from him mechanical strength, good water resistance, resistance to various types of influences, but there is also a significant drawback.

Compared to other modern roofing coverings, playing with all the colors of the rainbow, slate seems unpresentable, and after several decades, it even looks unimportant. But the situation can be improved. This requires painting the slate. With the help of modern paints and varnishes this problem can be completely solved.

Choosing paint for slate

You often hear that painting asbestos-cement materials is short-lived, the paint layer crumbles after the first winter, and in general, it is better not to mess with this matter. In response to this, I would like to say that if the material is chosen incorrectly and technological requirements are not met, even painted wooden door in a year it will lose its shine. Therefore, you need to clearly understand how and with what to paint slate. Let's start with choosing paint.

Today, paint intended for application specifically to asbestos-cement materials is produced both foreign and domestic producers. These are mainly acrylic or silicone based compositions.

  • Organosilicon paint for slate KO-slate. It is a mixture of special fillers and silicone-based dyes. Forms a durable, mechanically resistant coating that, in addition to decorative function, prevents the release of asbestos particles into the atmosphere.

The paint is incompatible with other types of coatings; it is applied to a surface pre-treated with silicone primer. To obtain the desired result, two coats are required.

  • Triora slate paint. Domestic slate paint on acrylic base. Products under the Triora brand are distinguished by high performance qualities. It is also applied in two layers to a previously prepared surface. Old coatings (oil, silicone) must be completely removed. The paint has a more affordable price, and at the same time has good light fastness and is resistant to moisture . It can be tinted to suit the desired shade.
  • Covering for slate roofs Kilpi from Tikkurila. Paint based on modified acrylate dispersion. Quite expensive, but in this case, the price is justified by the quality of the coating. The applied paint layer remains elastic even in conditions low temperatures. It can also be applied after surface treatment with recommended materials.

Other companies from Russia, Germany, and Poland are also producing similar paints. Therefore, the choice of material is quite large. The main thing to remember when choosing is that the paint should be intended specifically for slate.

Surface preparation

Like any other surface, slate must be carefully prepared for painting; such preparation is carried out in several stages.

Painting old slate that has been in use for a considerable time begins with a thorough inspection.

Pay special attention to northern slopes; moss colonies may form on them; it must be removed.

This can be done using ordinary metal brushes. The process will be simplified by using hand power tools with special nozzles. However, in this case you must act carefully so as not to damage the slate.

After removing vegetation, you need to check the entire roof for integrity. If small cracks or breaks are detected, they should be repaired using a special mixture. This mixture is prepared from:

  • PVA glue diluted with water,
  • cement,
  • fluffed asbestos.

Only after all defects have been eliminated will it be possible to paint the slate.

The next step is removing debris and dusting the roof surface. You can do this with regular brushes, or you can do it with water. In this case, the slate must then be allowed to dry. Excellent result obtained by washing slate with car washers, such as Karcher. After this treatment, the slate looks like new.

It is advisable to treat the surface with antifungal drugs - this will increase the service life of the future coating, and the slate in general.
The most important part of coating preparation is priming with compositions recommended by the manufacturer. It is this treatment that increases the adhesion of materials and ensures reliable contact paints and coatings in the future. Poor treatment is the main cause of paint peeling, so you need to make sure that there are no untreated areas on the roof.

In addition, the primer reduces paint consumption. Asbestos cement absorbs such materials very well, so painting slate with your own hands on a poorly treated surface can be disappointing (spots with different color intensities will be clearly visible).

Roof painting

It is advisable to carry out painting in cloudy weather, at an air temperature of about 15 degrees Celsius. Such conditions are optimal for the paint to dry and form a reliable coating. We often hear the question, is it possible to paint slate at temperatures close to zero? Some manufacturers claim that their material is suitable for such application conditions.

But is it worth risking expensive material? Moreover, under such conditions, the period for the coating to acquire its properties significantly increases.

Paint application can be done either manually or using sprayers, do what is most convenient for you. It is worth noting that the paint consumption indicated on the container most often does not correspond to reality. In fact, it will come out almost twice as large. Keep this in mind when purchasing paint.

After applying the first layer, it must be allowed to dry. This period differs for different formulations; information can be found on the packaging. It is true that in this case, it is worth keeping the painted slate for a little longer before applying the second layer. The fact is that all such information is applicable only to ideal conditions, and in real work it must be treated with appropriate understanding.

Before you ask yourself how to paint flat slate, it is advisable to find out what kind of material it is.

Slate is a facing layer for construction, roofing works. A common material is asbestos-cement flooring. It is available in the form of flat and corrugated sheets. It has a drawback - a limited period of use. But if you paint it in time slate roof, then its service life increases.

Why paint slate

Painting slate with your own hands is done according to certain rules. Before you begin the process, you need to become familiar with the types of paints and roof preparation methods.

Building materials have positive and negative sides. Slate is no exception. Along with accessibility and ease of use, it has a number of disadvantages. Due to availability negative aspects Slate roofs are recommended to be painted.

The disadvantages include:

  • material porosity;
  • release of asbestos dust.

Dust, dirt, mold, moss, and fungi collect in the pores. They retain moisture, which under the influence of low temperatures turns into ice and destroys the material from the inside, deforming it.

Slate coverings are used as roofing material. The asbestos dust released by it is believed to affect human health. There are still no clear conclusions on this issue. Therefore, painting slate is an acceptable preventive measure.

Slate is destroyed under the influence of temperature changes. Its heating or cooling leads to wear and tear on the roof of the house. Paint minimizes risks and increases the service life of the roof.

Types of paints for slate

Before painting slate on the roof of a house, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the types of paint coatings. Only after this do they decide what paint to paint the roof with.

First of all, the composition must be marked “for facades” (for work on the street). Otherwise, painting will not produce results; the coating will become unusable and begin to fall off in pieces. Secondly, the pigments must withstand direct sunlight, not fade, and the level of moisture resistance must protect the roof from getting wet and prevent deformation.

These include acrylic, alkyd, silicone paints and “liquid plastic”.


Acrylic paints are common compositions in construction. Some types are water-based. They are odorless, non-toxic, and dry in 1-2 hours. Coating with this material is done in 2-3 layers. The second type of paints, acrylates based on organic solvents (service life - 5 years). The disadvantage of this type is the presence of a pungent odor.


Alkyd paints are made from organic solvents. These are fast-drying enamels that form an elastic film. The type of paint is resistant to moisture, has good adhesion, does not require prior priming and can withstand temperature changes. Service life up to 5 years.


Silicone (silicon-containing) paint coatings, are a mixture of coloring pigments based on liquid silicone. They can mask cracks up to 2 mm in size.

Advantages of silicone paints:

  • moisture resistance;
  • camouflage ability;
  • elasticity;
  • antibacterial properties;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • no odor;
  • Possibility of painting without prior priming.

Silicone coatings are applied to dry surfaces.

Liquid plastic

The coating consists of polymers, pigments, and solvent. Drying on the surface, the paint forms a thin layer of plastic (polyurethane, vinyl, polystyrene). It is produced in both matte and glossy versions.


  • moisture resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • color fastness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to sub-zero temperatures;
  • lack of interaction with chemical agents;
  • durability;
  • no pre-priming.

Mixed options are available on sale (for example, alkyd-polyurethane coatings). These compounds are very durable.

Color selection

Before you paint slate, you need to decide what color to paint it. Common type: paint red, green or brown flowers. For self-creation new shades are recommended to be used white paint and color. With its help you can easily achieve a certain color. On sale they correspond to the color catalogs RAL, NMS, Symphony.

On the color packaging, the manufacturer indicates the exact dilution proportions.

Preparatory work

After selection suitable type It is advisable to learn how to paint slate correctly so that you don’t have to redo it a year later. Regardless of whether it's painting flat slate or wave sheets, you need to approach the process competently and follow the necessary sequence of actions.

The old painted roof is carefully prepared. The roof can be cleaned manually (using an iron brush), using a medium-power mini-wash, or a combined method.

Cleaning the roof with a brush or drill with an appropriate attachment is done while wearing a respirator and safety glasses.

Although various options There are a lot of materials that can be used to decorate a roof; slate is still in great demand due to the combination of low price, relative ease of working with it and durability.

This roofing material there is only one drawback - an unpresentable and dull appearance, spoiling the entire impression of the building. But this is easy to fix; it will help to make such a roof beautiful slate paint.

Description and features

Paint intended for work related to roofing, in addition to aesthetic qualities, must cope with many factors - temperature changes, changes in seasons, different types precipitation, scorching sun rays, high humidity or dryness in the air, that is, it should practically be universal clothing for the roof, suitable for all seasons at the same time.

Therefore, replace special paints originally intended for roofing with simple oil or some other enamel, since they do not have the necessary qualities.

The main important qualities inherent in roofing paints for slate work are:

  • increased water-repellent qualities;
  • increased durability of color pigments before fading due to weather conditions;
  • good grip coloring compositions with asbestos cement, from which slate is made;
  • active biological protection of the roof, that is, additional content of antiseptics that prevents the growth of moss, lichens, mold, and so on on the roof;
  • preventing the release of “spray” or “crumbs” from asbestos, which inevitably form over time on unprotected roofs made of this material.

Not a single “simple” paint has a similar set of properties, so there is not the slightest sense in using any of them instead of a special roofing paint. A roof painted over with simple paints will only change color and then only for a short time, usually only for one, maximum two seasons.

Types of slate paint

Now in stores you can buy slate paint the following varieties:

1. Water dispenser or acrylic

Acrylic paint for slate- this is actually a combination of a primer and color pigments, this type of coating dries very quickly, reliably protects the roof from moisture, from harmful biological activity and significantly increases its sliding properties - that is, precipitation will not accumulate and will fall down, including snow.

2. Roofing based on plastic (silicone)

Roofing paint on slate produced on the basis of liquid plastic components actually provides additional coverage for the roof, covering it from the outside with a thin “plastic” layer.

Such paint significantly increases all the properties of the material, completely eliminating the possibility of penetration not only of moisture, but also of fungus, mold, various spores or anything else.The service life of a roof treated with this material is almost eternal, and the color of the coating pigments does not fade even after a quarter of a century.

3. Enamels on slate

The simplest and not the most practical proposal among those intended for roofing. But this type of paint has good adhesion to concrete asbestos, good water-repellent properties and keeps the color unchanged for a long time.

These painting materials are well suited for covering roofs, color design which there is a desire or need to change, for example, for gazebos, awnings, a barbecue area, a doghouse or for the roofs of other similar objects.

Technically, enamels can withstand several seasons well in climates with changing weather and temperature regime, on each of the cans it is described in detail how long the protective layer of this paint will last under certain conditions.

The main advantage of this type is the very affordable price and wide choose color shades.

4. Rubberized

Rubberized or rubber paint for slate– an option “for centuries”. Main distinguishing feature“rubber bands” - its ability to expand and contract without the appearance of microcracks unlimited amount once.

In fact, these are “rubber boots” for the roof, that is, this material is not afraid of anything - neither temperature changes, nor precipitation of any type, nor dry heat, nor natural mechanical impact - that is, hail strikes, the claws of birds or squirrels, and so on.

In addition, the “gum” is fire-resistant, that is, the material practically does not burn, without applying certain efforts to this process.

Regarding color retention this material is also a leader, the absolute resistance to wear extends to the brightness of the color pigments. In addition, this type of paint is completely environmentally friendly and does not pose a threat to the health of people or animals.

Features of applying paint for slate

When using paint for roofs, there are nuances that each variety has its own and are described in detail on the cans of paint material.

General points include, first of all, preparing the roof for painting. The easiest way to work is with new, freshly laid roofs; they do not require any special preparation.

In the event that the roof has stood “unprotected” for some time, a number of simple actions will be required:

  • carefully examine the roof for cracks, worn areas, mold, moss and other similar issues;
  • special attention should be paid when inspecting roof slopes facing north; usually moss or lichen “settles” there; literally every centimeter must be carefully checked;
  • all types of biological colonies must be removed; this is easy to do with simple metal brushes; removal can be done either manually or using a brush attachment for a drill;
  • The roof must be cleaned carefully, without damaging its covering;
  • after removing the “living creatures,” you need to wash the roof with disinfectants that kill biological activity; it is ideal to use car washers or technical steam cleaners;
  • After the roof has dried, you should check it again for damage and, if any, repair sections of the roof.

If there was mold, lichen or moss on the roof, the surface must be treated with antifungal and antilichen roofing impregnations.

At the same time, the roof not only increases the consumption of paint material, which, of course, is not unimportant; the coating without the applied one will be uneven - in some places it will be brighter, in others it will be paler, that is, it will “be stained.”

Therefore, priming cannot be neglected; moreover, the old roof must be treated two or three times. In choosing the optimally suitable primer mixture The paint packaging itself will help - each of them indicates which type of primer is most optimal in preliminary work exactly for this one.

As for the painting process itself, there are a number of rules common to all types of these paints:

  • It is best to paint at an average temperature of 14 to 17 degrees Celsius;
  • It is better to work in cloudy but not rainy weather;
  • you can apply the paint itself the old-fashioned way, that is, manually with a brush, or use any spraying devices;
  • the process of applying paint material is carried out in two layers;
  • the first layer needs to be dried, it makes sense to double the drying time indicated on the packaging, since manufacturers indicate data obtained under ideal “artificial” conditions, without taking into account weather, humidity and other factors;
  • After the first layer has dried, the final, second coat of paint should be applied.

Painted roof, with proper preparation and painting in favorable weather, it will serve for a very long time, not only reliably protecting it from rain, snow and heat, but also delighting with the brightness of the chosen color.

Price and reviews

Slate paint price depends not only on its variety, but also on the manufacturer. Many people prefer to trust their roofing to products from Europe, which has no practical basis.

According to reviews that can easily be found on construction portals and forums, in online stores selling paints, directly under the lots, and, of course, in groups social networks, where people share their experiences and give each other advice, the best imported paints are those produced in Germany and Finland.

Many note versatility Finnish paints, the possibility of their use both for slate and galvanized sheets, and even. The price of roofing paints imported from Germany averages from 270 to 390 rubles per kilogram. Finnish ones are somewhat cheaper, their cost varies from 169 to 345 rubles per kilogram.

Very good feedback at Slate paints "Shikril"— it is characterized as universal, quickly drying and applies evenly, but it is noted high density and density, respectively, high consumption - from 270 to 355 grams per square meter.

The price criterion for domestic paints produced for roofing works varies from 37 to 183 rubles per kilogram, and many who have used both Russian and imported paints note high quality our enamels, excellent color scheme and full compliance with the requirements for roofing paints.

Flat slate can not only be painted, but even necessary. The fact is that painting significantly extends the service life of slate and reduces emissions of harmful asbestos into the atmosphere (after all, slate is a rather fragile material, under the influence of certain forces it can begin to crumble, and paint protects it to some extent). The service life of painted slate increases by one and a half to two times. The paint prevents moss from growing. In addition, painted slate looks much more attractive and fun than classic gray.

The first step is to purchase everything you need. Let's start with paint. To paint slate you can use:

  • acrylic paints. One of the best options. Acrylic paint is non-toxic, dries quickly, and creates a smooth, wear-resistant surface. A roof covered with acrylic paint better repels moisture, due to which water and snow melt off much faster;
  • silicone based paints. They are also non-toxic and protect the roof from atmospheric precipitation. They have disadvantages such as high cost and high consumption when painting, which further affects its cost towards higher prices;
  • liquid plastic. This polymer enamel is a practical and durable coating. This coating dries quickly, forming a smooth film on the roof. It's quite inexpensive, but inferior acrylic paints in frost resistance, so it’s worth thinking about;
  • oil enamels (for slate). The enamels are also durable and come in a wide range, so there is room to go wild. However, this option has many disadvantages - the service life is about three years and the enamels take a very long time to dry (because of this, you need to carefully select the day when painting will take place, you need an accurate weather forecast);
  • silicone paint (for slate). It is a set of several silicone-based dyes and fillers. The material turns out to be durable, but you need to apply it in two layers (at least). Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that before application it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface;
  • bitumen-based compositions. Cheap and extremely moisture- and frost-resistant paint. I don’t even want to comment on the disadvantages: the composition is toxic, takes a long time to dry, and wears off quickly;

You will also need brushes, and since our surface is flat, a roller would also be an excellent option. Convenient container for paint. A brush with stiff bristles + a brush with metal bristles for particularly neglected areas. Drill with a brush attachment. Primer (special, for slate). Ideally, you could get a washing machine (Kärcher or similar).

If everything is ready, you can begin work on site. The first step is to inspect the surface of the roof.

If damaged slate segments are found in some places, they must be repaired. To do this, use the following mixture = cement + PVA glue + fluffed asbestos + water. Using the resulting mixture, we restore chips and other damage, of course, after cleaning them first.

Now we begin to clean the entire surface from moss and any dirt. This is an important stage, since the quality of the painting and the service life of such a coating will depend on the quality of the work performed. Wash the roof very thoroughly, and when it is dry, you can proceed to the next stage - primer.

Priming the slate is an equally important step; it is the primer that ensures good adhesion of the paint and slate, and therefore directly affects the durability of the coating. In addition, priming will reduce paint consumption.

And finally, after priming, you can proceed to the final stage - painting. It is more expedient to perform this work from top to bottom. You can work with brushes or a roller, but the best option, of course, there will be a spray gun. Whatever type of paint you use, it is advisable to apply at least two layers. Before applying the second and each subsequent layer, of course, you must wait until the previous layer has completely dried.

As you can see, if you are not afraid of heights, then the procedure for painting slate is not that complicated, the main thing is to wait for good weather and do everything consistently.

By the way, now it’s not such a problem to find already painted slate.
