How to decorate the ceiling in a kitchen in an apartment. Which suspended ceilings are better for the kitchen: glossy or matte. Choosing a ceiling repair technique

Best years women pass through the kitchen. A joke, of course, but there is a certain amount of truth in it. The serious requirements that the kitchen places on the choice of material for the ceiling are not surprising: even the highest quality hood will not save you from high humidity, temperature changes and rising vapors. Are you planning a renovation, but don’t know which ceiling is best for your kitchen? Then we come to you - and offer a detailed story about popular materials for decorating a room that is vital for everyone, with specific photos in the interior.

About 10-15 years ago, the problem of choosing ceilings for the kitchen did not arise at all: in most cases, the imagination of property owners came down to traditional whitewashing or painting and was based primarily on the meager supply on the market.

Now the situation has changed dramatically, and a wide selection of finishing materials is already taken for granted. Well, it’s the owners’ turn to take the emerging problem of choice for granted!

We have already found out above that the ceiling in the kitchen is permanently exposed to high humidity air, hot steam and soot, which is inevitable during regular cooking. The obvious conclusion follows from this: when deciding which ceiling is best to make in the kitchen, you need to start first of all from the practicality of one or another option. Of course, no one has canceled the aesthetic and decorative qualities - we have not been living in the Soviet Union for a long time, which means that the ideal option would be a logical compromise between the categories we mentioned above.

Let's consider options that are more or less suitable for the ceiling in the kitchen.


A solution that during the memorable Soviet years was considered practically without alternative. He had catastrophically few attractive features and personality, but tell me, who thought about such trifles in those years?

Among the advantages of whitewashing:
  • cheapness
  • excellent air exchange
  • ease of implementation
There are significantly more disadvantages:
  • whitewash hides little or does not hide unevenness on the ceiling
  • requires regular updating
  • under the influence of high humidity it quickly cracks and crumbles
Perhaps this is the most inappropriate option for the kitchen. Whitewash is extremely susceptible to high humidity and temperature changes, the appearance of soot and greasy stains it's a matter of time. It is impossible to get rid of them without harming the coating itself, since it is easily washed off even with careful wet cleaning.

We do not recommend!


Externally, this version of the ceiling in the kitchen is very similar to the previous one. Still the same classic white color. True, paint is more tolerant of high indoor humidity, and this is a rare plus that distinguishes it from lime or chalk. Otherwise, the arrangement of pros and cons is strikingly similar.


  • does not require special skills and tools
  • easy to clean
  • loses its color very quickly
  • terrible fragility
  • peels off from the ceiling
  • shows low loyalty to local restoration (if a separate area has peeled off, it will not be possible to paint over it without causing unevenness)
We do not recommend!


Gluing wallpaper on walls is everything to us. We are ready to spend as much time as we like selecting that very unique pattern, which, after gluing, will probably become thoroughly boring after just a few months of active contemplation. It's the same story with ceilings. If you are thinking about which ceiling is best for the kitchen and are leaning towards wallpaper, then you are making a relatively good choice. Regarding whitewashing and painting, of course.

Advantages of wallpaper for the ceiling in the kitchen:

  • hide defects well
  • inexpensive
  • do not require expensive tools for gluing
  • Easily repairable in certain areas
  • impressive decorative potential
True, there is also minuses. And we will not remain silent about them:
  • inconvenience of gluing - pieces generously coated with glue are difficult to fix without causing bubbles and various defects
  • under the influence of humidity they quickly peel off in different places and become deformed
If common sense nevertheless turns out to be defeated by certain aesthetic needs, then here is our advice for more reliable gluing: choose not ordinary, but so-called washable wallpaper. They are also called vinyl. With them you will have somewhere to go less problems than with traditional paper options. In addition, the pattern on them does not deform in any way even when using detergent.

Suspended plasterboard ceiling

From a design point of view, such ceilings are perhaps the most profitable solution. They allow you to realize the most complex and non-trivial designs, thereby bringing your kitchen closer to high standards design art.

Let us note other advantages of using plasterboard on the ceiling:

  1. durability
  2. practicality
  3. high strength
  4. impressive decorative qualities
  5. wide coloring possibilities
  6. resistance to mechanical stress
It would be fair to mention some possible disadvantages:
  1. sensitivity to temperature changes
  2. require frequent renewal of the painted layer
  3. deteriorate quickly if flooded
  4. require professional installation

It should be noted that it is best to make the ceiling in the kitchen from moisture-resistant plasterboard and be sure to trust this matter to professionals. In this case, the long service life we ​​stated above takes place in practice. In all other cases, you can quite expectedly experience problems with the suspended structure.

Recommended with reservations!

Plastic panels on the ceiling in the kitchen

Popular material that is widely found in modern apartments and private houses. Deciding complex issue When deciding what is the best ceiling to make in the kitchen, the owners first of all pay attention to the relative cost-effectiveness of this option.

Let's mention the other advantages of using plastic to finish the ceiling in the kitchen:

  • simple and quick installation
  • practicality of use
  • durability of the structure
  • environmental Safety
  • a large number of variations in length and width
  • immunity to high humidity
  • easy care using non-abrasive products
To ensure that the material you choose is truly safe from an environmental point of view, pay attention to PVC panels in the more expensive segment. The cheapest plastic, as a rule, has a characteristic odor and is more suitable for interior decoration technical purposes.

A common version of plastic panels is rack type. These are narrow and long panels that create a pleasant atmosphere in your room and easily fit into even the most complex interior.

Also for plastic white there is one significant drawback - the fairly rapid appearance of yellowness as a result of prolonged and regular exposure to ultraviolet rays. Unfortunately, this color deformation cannot be corrected.

Otherwise, it is relevant, inexpensive and very reliable option for kitchen.

Note to housewives: A plastic panel with a glossy surface requires more intensive care than a matte one.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen

Perhaps the most popular solution today, which we could only dream of previously.

Describing all the advantages of using suspended ceilings in the kitchen will be long and boring, but we will try to be concise:

  1. moisture resistance
  2. perfectly smooth, seamless surface
  3. an endless number of decorative combinations
  4. reliability during flooding
  5. impressive service life
  6. wide choice for mounting lamps
  7. easy care
  8. fits perfectly into any interior
Of the obvious disadvantages, we can only mention quite complex installation and actually reducing the height of your space. However, can such disadvantages cover up the numerous advantages that we listed above?

Manufacturers today offer such a wide selection of textures that even a seasoned designer can get confused, not to mention more down-to-earth people for whom performance comes first. Therefore, if you are faced with a choice of which suspended ceiling is best to make in the kitchen, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with all the options in the advertising brochures of the relevant service provider in your city.

Most often, the debate is around glossy and matte stretch ceilings.

The former actively dominate the market, offering a beautiful mirror effect that can visually seriously enlarge even the most modestly sized kitchen.

The latter are very similar to ordinary whitewashed ceilings and attract less attention, inviting you and your kitchen guests to focus solely on the interior.

What will you choose? This is a separate question that you should definitely think about carefully!


In order to decide which ceiling is best to make in the kitchen, you must first correlate the existing aesthetic needs with your material capabilities and extrapolate the resulting compromise to materials with the best performance characteristics. Everywhere Availability various options turns any renovation today into an amazing journey, the end point of which is the individuality of your kitchen and the undisguised comfort of the room. Look for your option, and we are always ready to offer you an ocean of incredible ideas, each of which could potentially lead you to good decision!


Several decades ago such questions could not even arise. There were only two ways to decorate the ceiling - whitewashing and painting with water-based paint. Today everything is much more complicated. There are several ways to design a ceiling and a wide variety of materials. To answer the question: “Which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen?”, you need to know about all the disadvantages and advantages of certain coatings. We will study them in our article.

Ideal ceiling

Apartment renovations must be taken very seriously. This is especially true for such a complex room as the kitchen. To choose correctly finishing material, you need to know what characteristics an ideal kitchen ceiling has. It should be:

It is not easy to select a material that meets all these requirements, but it is possible. Today, there are several ways to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen. Customer reviews indicate that it is quite possible to make high-quality and modern ceiling. These include:

  • plasterboard ceilings;
  • stretch ceiling;
  • structures made of polystyrene foam boards;
  • ceilings covered with wallpaper;
  • painted.

Slat ceilings

They are assembled from individual slats. The design can be open or closed. In the second case, narrow inserts are used that close the gaps between the slats; in the first option, the ceiling is mounted without them. The slats are produced in lengths of 3 and 4 meters. Their width can be different - from 9 to 20 cm. But the most popular are slats with a width of 10 cm.

Advantages of slatted ceilings

  • Moisture resistance.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Suspended structure (communications can be hidden).


  • Reducing the height of the room by 10 cm.
  • Impossibility of partial dismantling.

Plastic ceilings in the kitchen

This solution to the “ceiling” issue has many opponents, but there are also many supporters. Using plastic panels on the ceiling in the kitchen, you can create a very original interior of the room. Reviews from apartment owners indicate that this is a very affordable method. The material for it is inexpensive, and installation is quite quick.

This design has very significant drawbacks that cannot simply be ignored. As many designers note, such a ceiling emanates “visual cold” - what looks good in an office is not always suitable for an apartment.

An even more serious drawback is the short service life. Kitchen fumes and soot quickly disfigure the glossy beauty.

Stretch ceiling for the kitchen

The production technology of this model is to stretch PVC film onto metal carcass. A suspended ceiling for the kitchen is just a godsend for designers. It has great aesthetic potential. It can be completely smooth or be a whole cascade consisting of several levels. Given that correct installation, this design has no service life limitation. Stretch ceilings are not afraid of leaks.

Such designs are divided into two categories: standard (having seams) and seamless. The last option is the new kind ceilings made of synthetic fabric (polyester), which has very high strength. In this case, the material can be impregnated with polyurethane on both sides. Seamless stretch fabrics have a width of up to five meters.

Like any structure, a ceiling of this type has disadvantages:

  1. Difficult to install. It is impossible to make such a ceiling with your own hands - special equipment and certain skills in this work are required.
  2. Restrictions on the type and power of lamps that are built into the ceiling - these must be halogen lamps with a power of no more than 35 W.
  3. Difficulty of maintenance - it is quite difficult to remove fat from the surface of the ceiling.

According to reviews from owners, they are quite satisfied with suspended ceilings. Photo (for kitchen with high ceilings) clearly demonstrates that they can become a real work of art.

Painted ceilings

If you are haunted by the question: “What is the best ceiling to make in the kitchen?”, then you should know that painted ceilings are still relevant. Designers recommend making such a ceiling if the height of the room is small. Painting is recommended if the surface is flat and smooth, and also if the intended design does not include suspended structures.

The advantages of such a ceiling include, first of all, ease of manufacture. Modern paints for interior work easy to apply, no unpleasantness, strong smell, so it's easy to work with them.

It is impossible not to note the hygienic properties of such a ceiling - covered with high-quality water-based paint, it “breathes”. If the base surface is prepared perfectly, then when you finish the job you will get a beautiful and tidy surface.

Plaster and whitewash

There is no cheaper way to quickly and efficiently update the ceiling. All you need is a bucket, a brush, water and some lime. However, in this case it is necessary to take into account that you will have to whitewash the ceiling often. Soot and grease cannot be washed off from such a ceiling. Over time, lime deposits will form that will have to be cleaned off.

Ceiling wallpaper

When choosing which ceiling is best for the kitchen, you should consider this option. More recently, this method of decorating the ceiling has been very popular. Of course, we mean washable wallpaper - ordinary paper samples will lose their attractive appearance in just two to three months.

This finish is quite easy to work with and is inexpensive; moreover, thick wallpaper can hide minor surface imperfections. Keep in mind that light, plain samples can only be used on a perfectly flat surface. If you need to hide some small defects, choose wallpaper with a contrasting pattern. It is advisable that there are no symmetrical elements on it.

Vinyl wallpaper is easy to clean with soapy water. However, when obvious advantages there are such ceilings serious shortcomings. Washable wallpaper is a rather heavy material. Even when using very high-quality glue, over time they begin to come off, especially where hot fumes rise upward.

Ceiling tiles

When thinking about the question: “Which ceiling is best to make in the kitchen?”, you should not discount such a recently popular method as using polystyrene tiles. Today this method is gradually becoming a thing of the past, although it is still popular due to its very affordable price. Tiles can hide quite significant defects in the ceiling.

The disadvantages of this coating include the porosity of the material, therefore it is not easy to wash. Many people believe that the appearance of such tiles does not meet modern requirements.

We use drywall

This material, beloved by many, helps to avoid difficult plastering works. It is enough to cover the base ceiling with plasterboard, putty it and paint it with good water-based paint. Everything, beautiful and high quality is ready!

Many believe that the disadvantage of this material lies in the complexity of installation (compared to rack or plastic options). You cannot make a plasterboard structure in one day. Therefore, in this case, it is more advisable to seek help from professionals. People with experience in this type of work will create an original kitchen ceiling design that will look very modern.

How much does the ceiling cost?

At the beginning of the article, we said that a weighty argument in favor of a particular coating can be its cost. This is really important, so we will give you average prices (in Moscow) for the most popular ceiling coverings and their installation work.

So, polystyrene ceiling tiles cost from 15 to 25 rubles/m2, its installation costs 130 rubles/m2.

PVC panels will cost on average 180-200 rubles/m2, and the work to install them will cost 300 rubles/m2.

Slat ceiling will cost a little more: material - 280-300 rubles / m 2, and work - 300 rubles.

Almost the same amount will be required to make plasterboard ceilings in the kitchen - 200 rubles/m2 (material) and 485 rubles/m2 (labor).

A ceiling covered with wallpaper for painting will cost 452 rubles/m2 (material) and 570 rubles (labor).

Oddly enough, a suspended ceiling will cost less. The cost of the material, which includes the cost of installation, is 840 rubles/m2.

As you understand, these are average numbers. You can choose a more expensive material, and the team of craftsmen, highly appreciating their professionalism, will quote a higher price. But the overall picture is clear, and you can focus on a specific type of coverage.

Ceilings for the kitchen: reviews

According to recent surveys regularly conducted by large construction supermarkets, the majority of buyers want to see suspended ceilings in the kitchen. Their reviews confirm this. In addition, an interesting trend has emerged - suspended ceilings are completely satisfactory for consumers aged 30 to 35 years. The older generation prefers drywall, considering it a reliable and proven material that has been used for many years. The oldest buyers still vote for polystyrene tiles, believing that they can be used to inexpensively update a kitchen ceiling.

If gaps form between the slabs in your house, choose a suspended ceiling, and if you choose plasterboard option, then it must be covered with fiberglass or glass wallpaper.

New residents starting renovations in a newly completed house should take into account that the new building is undergoing a shrinkage process, so when puttingty, fiberglass and sickle should be used.

For the kitchen ceiling you need to purchase paint from famous manufacturers, preferably washable.

If you want to do redecorating ceiling that has turned yellow from tobacco smoke or after a leak, then first prime it with a matte alkyd paint. If this is not done, yellow spots may appear on the surface.

If you are planning to make side lighting of the ceiling, then Finishing work must be very High Quality.

If you want to make renovations in a retro style using stucco, then it can be successfully replaced by imitation foam or polyurethane.

If a crack appears on the kitchen ceiling, then it would be more advisable to putty and paint the entire ceiling. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time and money.

Well, that's probably all I would like to say about kitchen ceilings. Probably someone is waiting for us to say at the end of the article what the ceiling in your kitchen should be like. This won't happen. You, only you, can make this choice, which depends on your preferences and financial capabilities.

The ceiling plays a fairly important role in kitchen interior, since it performs many functions at the same time: it retains heat in the room, provides ventilation and its long-term operation, and also allows you to hide various technological systems or harmoniously integrate them as one of the decorative elements. It is no coincidence that many design companies and manufacturers provide a wide range of photo and video samples that will please the most severe critics.

In addition, having so many options greatly simplifies the process of choosing the basic design, geometric characteristics, textural details and surface painting.

In order to decide what to make the ceiling from in the kitchen, it is necessary to evaluate the initial state of the base surface: are there any microcracks, are there any unevenness and other defects? You should also determine the height of the installed ceiling, because thanks to such structures you can completely hide all the shortcomings of the kitchen, especially low base ceilings and small room sizes. If the scale of the kitchen allows, you can easily and unobtrusively highlight special areas.

How to cover the ceiling in the kitchen: choosing a texture

The first option is matte

The matte texture is ideal for those who love and respect the classics, as it allows you to completely get rid of shine and at the same time provides such important components as:

  • neat whitewash and plaster;
  • cladding using special materials, as well as applying matte paint light colors;
  • finishing using modern materials that provide a matte surface.

The second option is to use a satin texture

Satin texture, unlike matte, still reflects light, but does it easily and naturally. An ideal option for lovers of peaceful pastel-colored ceilings. This texture, due to the resulting play of light, adds space and lightness to the kitchen space.

The third option is gloss

The fourth option is metal texture

How to make a ceiling in the kitchen: materials


It is important to pay attention to the fact that, unlike standard wall wallpaper, ceiling wallpaper consists of two layers of high quality paper. In addition, on some you can also find different kinds embossed or foamed vinyl.

Masking of the ceiling is carried out due to the relief created by many layers, which, in turn, eliminates the need to pre-prepare ceiling surface. The price of wallpaper of this type depends on the type of manufacturer and popularity.

The main advantages of fiberglass wallpaper are:

  • long term service (up to 20 years);
  • the ability not to deteriorate under high humidity, which is a determining factor in the popularity of such wallpaper;
  • simplicity and conciseness of gluing;
  • the ability to mask all sorts of flaws in the main ceiling covering;
  • repeated painting of even the smallest slabs.

Use of polystyrene foam ceilings

If the question of how to cover the ceiling in the kitchen is still relevant, then you can use an option such as gluing the ceiling foam panels, especially since this type has such advantages as:

  • A light weight panels, which will ensure quick and easy gluing, because they are easy to cut with a regular knife;
  • High heat and sound insulation;
  • Simplicity and ease of the gluing process, which allows you to paste wallpaper yourself at home.

The main disadvantage of this type of ceiling is that if it is necessary to glue the panels end to end, the integrity of the surface is compromised. In addition, in order to increase the service life, it is necessary to purchase specialized adhesive materials.

Installation of ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles, in addition to the already mentioned polystyrene, can also be made by pressing, extrusion and injection. The type is determined by the materials and production technology.



Perhaps the easiest way to make a ceiling in the kitchen. This type of finishing is the most familiar to many people. IN in this case It must be borne in mind that painting the ceiling should be carried out before the final finishing of the walls and floor.

Currently, the use of high quality paints may well be an alternative to whitewashing. As for the amount of paint, it all depends on the type of base surface, in addition, detailed instructions can always be found on a paint can.

Using slats

The slatted ceiling consists of varnished plates ranging in size from 0.1x4m or 0.15x4m. In addition to standard colors, you can also make the surface matte, gold, silver, chrome, and many more. etc.

Such ceilings are durable, lightweight, and environmentally friendly. In addition, inserting decorative slats into the resulting cells allows you to further diversify the design.

Ease of installation can also be an excellent advantage; simply install the supporting profile and insert the slats into the fixing clips. Nevertheless, this system can lower the ceiling by 15 cm.

Plasterboard ceiling

This kind of design can be made at different levels, and also luminaires and lamps can be built into the system.

The guide profiles are attached to the ceiling using hangers, the supporting profiles are mounted to them, and then the plasterboard panel is attached. To create a convexity or concavity, it is enough to purchase special curved guides.

Kitchen decoration - difficult task. It needs to be practical, convenient, beautiful and desirable - not very expensive. And one of the tasks that we have to solve is to choose what kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen so that it is easy to use, lasts a long time and is also attractive.

Requirements for kitchen ceilings

The kitchen is a room with difficult operating conditions. High humidity, an abundance of pollutants, and in apartments there is a high probability of flooding. All this imposes certain requirements on finishing materials. In particular, the ceiling in the kitchen should have the following characteristics:

In addition to all that has been said, there is one more wish - it would be nice if the ceiling in the kitchen makes it possible to hide network engineering(ventilation, wiring) and floor deficiencies.

Unfortunately, even with the current abundance of finishing materials, the entire range of requirements is not combined in any of them, but there are very good options.

Whitewashing, painting

Some time ago, all our ceilings were whitewashed. Because this type of finishing costs mere pennies, the material is widespread, the whitewashing process itself did not present any difficulties, and almost everyone whitewashed the ceilings on their own.

Another advantage of this method of finishing a kitchen stream is the ability of lime to regulate humidity. When there is an excess of moisture in the air, it absorbs it, and when there is a lack, it releases it. Excellent quality for the kitchen. This is where the advantages end.

Whitewashing the ceiling - old way, which is becoming increasingly rare

The disadvantages of whitewashing the ceiling are also significant. The first disadvantage is that it is not the most attractive appearance. Secondly, the surface turns out to be porous; in addition to moisture, it absorbs odors. Drops of fat or coloring liquids that fall on the surface are absorbed into the material, after which they cannot be removed in any way. Just paint over with a new layer or two of lime. It is for these reasons that whitewashing in the kitchen is now becoming less and less common.

Painting the ceiling in the kitchen - modern replacement whitewashing For these purposes, water-based paints with increased washability are most often used. With normal preparation of the ceiling, the appearance is at least normal. The performance properties are also improved - the painted ceiling in the kitchen can be washed several times using liquid detergents.

The main disadvantage of this option is the need to thoroughly prepare the surface for painting. For a painted shelf to look good, it must be smooth and free of flaws. It is leveled first with plaster, then, in several layers, with putty. The process is difficult, lengthy and costly.

Paintable wallpaper helps make preparing the ceiling for painting a little easier. The ceiling also needs to be leveled, but not to the same extent as before applying paint. For these purposes there are special glass wallpapers, non-woven and paper ones. The most durable ones are made of fiberglass. They can be repainted up to 20 res. Paper ones last the least. They can withstand 2-3 repaints. Non-woven ones are a good option both in terms of quality and price. They will also delight you with a rich selection of ornaments (if you want, of course).

Another drawback of painted ceilings is that leaks leave stains that can only be painted over. It is rarely possible to paint only the damaged part - different shades are obtained. I have to paint the entire ceiling.

Ceiling tiles

If you don’t know how to make a ceiling in the kitchen inexpensively and quickly, consider tiles made of polystyrene foam or polystyrene. This method is now far from being as popular as it was 10 years ago, but is still used when there is a lack of funds and/or time for other types of finishing.

Ceiling tiles in the kitchen are a good option. It is washable, and you can use a brush and liquid non-abrasive detergents. with special glue. The base is preferably level, without sharp changes, but an ideal surface is not required. Installation takes several hours, and you immediately receive a ceiling ready for use.

This is what it looks like PVC tiles on the ceiling - one of the options

There are few disadvantages. The first is that not everyone likes the appearance. Here you can agree or not - it’s a matter of taste. The material is not luxurious, but the result is quite decent. Especially if you need an inexpensive finishing method.

The second disadvantage is the unnatural material. You can’t argue with this, but the material used - polystyrene - is chemically neutral and in its normal state does not emit any substances. Neither harmful nor beneficial. And that's not bad either.

From plasterboard

If you can make a ceiling in the kitchen by lowering it a few centimeters, consider the option of a suspended ceiling made of plasterboard. This method of finishing the ceiling is good because you can make multi-level structures that completely cover the ceiling. In the gap between the main and false ceilings, you can lay communications - vertical boxes, wiring.

The design of the ceiling allows you to install them, choosing the location of their placement according to your taste, which makes it more functional. The result can be very beautiful. Another positive point is that drywall is made from natural materials - it consists of two sheets of cardboard and a layer of gypsum between them.

- the task is difficult. First, the frame is assembled from guides, then it is covered with plasterboard, then puttied and painted. Positive point the fact that it is several times easier to level the base ceiling: the surface is initially flat, you only need to seal the joints, and then thin layer putty, cover the entire surface.

The disadvantage of a plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen is that it is difficult to maintain. Even if you use moisture-resistant water-based paint, the surface will remain rough. Soot gets clogged into the pores, dust mixes with grease. Removing this plaque is not at all easy. Another disadvantage is that drywall does not react well to water. If you use moisture-resistant material, it will not be afraid of high humidity, but if there is flooding from above, most likely everything will have to be redone.

Stretch ceiling

In the kitchen - a good choice. In any case, it is beautiful and modern. Although when installing them, you will again need to “take away” a certain volume: they are mounted at a certain distance from the ceiling. As in the case of plasterboard flows, tension ones also allow you to hide the base ceiling and utilities. Can also be used for lighting Spotlights, but of a different design.

Stretch ceilings can be film (their films are PVC) and fabric. For the kitchen you should choose film ones. They are smooth, which is easier to clean, and can be glossy, which makes the room lighter and adds volume. If you decide to make a suspended ceiling in the kitchen from PVC film, an additional bonus will be protection against flooding, since the film is absolutely waterproof. If your upstairs neighbors flood you, the water will collect in a bag. It will need to be carefully poured, after which the material will return to its normal size.

Shape and color - any This is after the flood - the water gathered in one place

The disadvantage of film ceilings is their chemical origin and the ability to change sizes due to sudden changes in temperature. The film may wrinkle, sag, etc. Not the highest quality canvases suffer from this, but this phenomenon is present. Another significant drawback is that if you touch the film ceiling with a sharp object, the hole will be very large. The material is very stretched, which is why the slightest puncture turns into a huge hole. Fabric tension threads do not have this drawback, but they are looser in structure, they are more difficult to care for, and they are water permeable. But a hole made by accident does not grow larger.

Disadvantages also include the high price and complexity of installation, although you can do it yourself if you wish. If installation of a film ceiling requires heat gun or its substitute (to warm up the canvas), then for fabric you don’t need any of this.

Plastic panels

If you are looking for a ceiling to make in the kitchen that is inexpensive and easy to clean, your choice is plastic panels. This material costs very little; you can wash it with a cloth and liquid detergent. The surface is usually smooth, everything is easy to wash.

Installation in the kitchen is quick and easy. A starting plinth is attached around the perimeter, and panels cut to size are inserted into it. It also takes away a few centimeters of height and makes it possible to hide communications; you can use spotlights. An additional advantage is high maintainability. If something happens to one or more planks, you can remove them and install whole ones in their place.

The simplest option is to fit the planks one to the other

Also, this type of ceiling finishing allows you to quickly get to the base ceiling or the systems that it hides. This is a useful feature.

Disadvantages - not the best best view and fragility of panels. But the load on the ceiling is usually small, so plastic ceiling panels serve until the owners want something else. Another disadvantage is the unnatural material, which releases harmful substances when burned.

Armstrong suspended ceiling

If they are figuring out what kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen, they rarely remember about this type. Armstrong is more often used in offices, trading floors, production premises, but it also performs well in houses and apartments. It is inexpensive, easy to install, made from natural materials, and has high maintainability.

It is a system of profiles arranged in the form of squares. Plates are inserted into the squares, which form the plane of the ceiling. The slabs are simply laid on the profiles and are not secured with anything. This is convenient: damaged slabs can be easily replaced, and there is always access to the ceiling space.

What kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen that is inexpensive but beautiful - Armstrong
Photo printing on glass. And this too - Armstrong suspended ceilings

The disadvantage of the system is that it takes away the height of the room; the slabs are afraid of water (they are pressed and painted paper). And the traditional disadvantage for inexpensive ways finishing the ceiling in the kitchen is not a very cozy look, although not everyone will agree with this.

Only profiles can be washed, slabs cannot. But they can be repainted or replaced with new ones - the cost is low, the replacement process will take an hour or two (including trimming). Overall not bad a budget option ceiling repair.

Stretch ceilings are no longer a luxury item. This is one of the modern and durable types of finishes. Due to the variety of materials used in different rooms, including in the kitchen. But due to specific conditions, not all materials and textures are suitable. In this article we will talk about the nuances that you need to know in order to make the right choice.

Types of suspended ceilings

Structurally, a stretch ceiling is a canvas stretched over a profile that is attached to the walls. The material used is:

  1. Polyvinyl chloride film.
  2. Fabric (polyester) impregnated with polyurethane for durability.

Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Film ceilings are easier to clean from dirt. They are waterproof. If the neighbors cause a flood, the film will retain the water. After it is drained, the ceiling will return to its previous appearance.

There is no need to worry that the thin film will deform or sag due to high temperature. PVC is heated to 70°C during installation. The temperature in the kitchen, even in the cooking area, is lower, so the film will not stretch or melt.

Vinyl sheets have a fairly wide range of colors, including dark, light and bright colors. PVC ceilings are cheaper than fabric ceilings.

The film is not without its drawbacks. The canvas is easily damaged when hit with a sharp object. Often such ceilings are damaged by a sharply ejected champagne cork. They also cannot tolerate negative temperatures: they lose elasticity and crack. The width of the canvas is relatively small: a little more than 3 meters. In a small kitchen this size is enough. And for large ones, especially those combined with dining rooms, strips have to be welded. In this case, .

PVC does not allow air to pass through. If there is insufficient ventilation, the room becomes stuffy.

The fabric is more durable and also transfers negative temperature. The width of the canvas is up to 5 meters, which allows you to make seamless ceilings. It is more environmentally friendly and breathable.

But fabric ceilings less resistant to leaks. They cannot be washed, dry clean only. The range of colors is noticeably lower (about 20). Another difference is the cost. The price per square meter of fabric is approximately 2-3 times higher.

In the kitchen of an apartment or private house for permanent residence It's never as cold as it is outside. But grease and dirt accumulate on the ceiling. Therefore more practical choice- film. And the fabric is suitable for country house, in which they live during the warm season.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the kitchen

The advantages are as follows:

  • no need to prepare the base (leveling, filling cracks, etc.);
  • durability (warranted service life - 10-15 years, real - 20-30 and even more);
  • waterproof and protected from flooding by neighbors above;
  • ease of cleaning from grease and soot (this is especially important if the kitchen has a gas stove);
  • speed of installation (a single-level ceiling is installed in 2-3 hours);
  • minimum amount of construction waste;
  • a variety of colors, the possibility of applying a pattern or image;
  • non-toxic (manufacturers for whom reputation is important are ready to confirm the safety of the material with certificates);
  • no need to tint or otherwise renew (the surface does not turn yellow).

Disadvantages include:

  • reducing the height of the room;
  • airtightness (for film);
  • higher price compared to plastered, painted or suspended ceilings(for fabric ones).

Consumer Reviews

In general, opinions about kitchen stretch ceilings are positive. A big plus is that the canvas protects from flooding by neighbors. They note such advantages as durability and ease of use.

Negative reviews arise if the installation was performed poorly. Then the canvas can stretch and sag or melt (when lighting too powerful or at insufficient distance). Therefore, you need to choose only reliable and trusted manufacturers.

Another potential cause of problems is improper care. The ceiling should not be cleaned with abrasive products. Near the surface, you need to be careful with piercing and cutting objects.

Glossy or matte - which is better?

Another classification of ceilings is based on the texture of the canvas. She may be:

  1. Matte. It scatters light and looks like a plastered surface.
  2. Glyantseva. Also called varnish or mirror. Light and furnishings are reflected in the ceiling.
  3. Satinova. Occupies an intermediate position between the previous two.

Rarely seen. The surface of the canvas is covered with a pattern or embossing, often imitating another finishing material. A textured ceiling is not suitable for a kitchen, as particles of grease, dust and soot accumulate in micro-recesses. It is more difficult to clean such a surface. Satin ceilings also have a slight relief. Therefore, satin is not recommended for the kitchen.

The first two types of textures remain. To understand which suspended ceilings for the kitchen are better - glossy or matte, let's compare their pros and cons.


Varnish sheets are made only from PVC; the advantages and disadvantages of the material are preserved. Besides, mirror surface- the smoothest. To clean it, you just need to wash it with a non-aggressive product. But due to the shine of the material, stains and traces of dirt are more noticeable.

A glossy ceiling in the kitchen makes it lighter and visually enlarges the space. Used in small rooms. The style is more suitable for modern interiors.


Matte ceilings are made from both fabric and film. The surface is smooth, but less smooth than a mirror. Film ones are cleaned from dirt, but are a little more difficult than gloss. But dust and stains on them are not so noticeable. But fabric sheets are not suitable - they can only be cleaned dry.

Matte stretch ceilings in the kitchen are combined with classic style interior They look more cozy and traditional. A white surface is difficult to distinguish from a painted one.

Of all the invoices in kitchen area It is preferable to use smooth and matte film. The first is better suited for a modest-sized kitchen or with gas, since combustion produces soot that is difficult to clean. The second is for big s electric stove. A combination is also possible.

How to choose a suspended ceiling for the kitchen

In this case, not only practicality and texture matter. To make your house beautiful, you need to follow the general style of the interior. Ceiling covering selected so that it matches the floor, walls and furniture. It is important to consider the size of the room.


Stretch ceilings do not have to be flat. They can consist of several levels, which are located at different heights. This is how the space is divided into separate zones. For example, for a dining room and a place for preparing food.

Multi-level ceilings are only suitable for large kitchens. Each tier takes away the height of the room. Besides, it's too much complex design It looks out of date and does not fit into the interior of a small room. Most often, two-level ceilings combine different textures and colors.

In low kitchens (up to 2.7 meters), only single-level structures are installed. The room is not overloaded and does not lose volume.


They do it traditionally, but tension ones can be more original. Polyvinyl chloride film is available in more than 150 shades. When choosing a color, consider the following features:

  • the darker the surface, the more strongly the environment is reflected;
  • warm colors “warm up” the kitchen, but the ceiling is visually closer and seems lower;
  • with cool colors the room appears more spacious;
  • Light colors also expand the volume, while dark colors reduce it.

Beige and yellowish tones are often chosen for kitchens. So the pollution is practically invisible.

Another way to make the ceiling unusual is photo printing. Any pattern or design is applied to the film. Over time, the image does not fade or wear off.


Incandescent lamps are not suitable for suspended ceilings. When heated strongly, the film melts. Therefore, lighting devices are used that do not emit a large amount of heat. The temperature should not exceed 60°C. Mount LED strips, fluorescent or energy-saving lamps. But even for them it is necessary to maintain a certain distance to the canvas.

Based on the type of location, kitchen lighting is divided into recessed and surface-mounted. The power of each lamp is no more than 40 W. The glass should be frosted so that the canvas does not burn out from the direct light flux.

In a small kitchen, one chandelier in the center is enough. In large spaces, it is better to place a lighting source in each zone. They can be the same or different, the main thing is that they fit into the overall style.

Installed in the kitchen:

  • chandeliers (with energy-saving lamps);
  • Spotlights;
  • LED strips (along the edge or the entire perimeter of the ceiling);
  • fluorescent lamps.

If the ceiling is dark, especially matte, more devices will be needed. Several types are often combined. For example, a central chandelier, spotlights above the stove and worktop and LEDs along the walls. Ribbons can be colored and even change shade. The lighting mode is selected on the remote control. They should not be installed near open fire or sources of moisture (they will quickly become unusable).

Spot lighting is placed in a row, in groups or randomly. The lamps can be rotating. This allows you to more accurately regulate the light output.

The size of the chandelier is selected to suit the kitchen. In a small one, a large one will look too bulky; on the contrary, it will give little light.

Stretch ceilings produced in China, Russia and European countries. The former are much cheaper, but much inferior in quality. The material may even release toxic substances. It is better to choose canvases from well-known manufacturers and check the certificates. This is a confirmation of safety.

Among the companies producing suspended ceilings, the following have proven themselves well:

  • Clipso;
  • NewMat;
  • Barrisol;
  • Extenzo;
  • Carre Noir.

Rules for caring for suspended ceilings

The canvas needs to be cleaned when it gets dirty. IN living rooms such a need arises about twice a year or even less often. And in the kitchen, the ceiling gets more dirty, and cleaning is required more often.

Before starting work, remove all jewelry from your hands. Stone or metal can damage the canvas. This is especially dangerous for PVC film.

The method depends on the material. Only dry is suitable for fabric. Use a soft brush to gently sweep away the dirt. There is no need to press hard on the ceiling.

Vinyl is washed:

  • soapy water;
  • liquid for plastic windows;
  • others detergents without acetone and abrasive particles.

For cleaning, use a soft sponge and a cloth (preferably without lint or at least short). After washing, the ceiling is wiped dry to avoid streaks. Glossy is additionally polished with a solution ammonia(it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:9). The dried ceiling is blotted with a napkin. After this procedure, it shines like new.

It is not difficult to care for a stretch ceiling. But the hassle can be reduced by installing a hood in the kitchen. Less splashes of grease and soot settle on surrounding surfaces. Cleaning will be needed less often.
