Certification of designers for industrial safety. Areas of industrial safety certification

Certification of specialists industrial safety Rostekhnadzor is necessary for companies engaged in construction and design activities at facilities included in the register of Particularly Hazardous Facilities of the Russian Federation (airports, railways, metro, military infrastructure and others). Having personnel certified is a requirement of any self-regulatory organizations.

By Order of Rostechnadzor No. 37 of January 29, 2007, specialists from companies involved in construction control. In this case, the initial assessment is carried out no later than one month upon appointment to the position.

In all these cases, the organization is faced with the task of preparing specialists in a short time - up to 45 days - to pass exams before the territorial or central commission of Rostechnadzor. The number of questions in the tickets is more than 200. Therefore, not everyone can take such an exam without special preparation.

In all these cases, the organization is faced with the task of preparing specialists in a short time - up to 45 days - to pass exams before the territorial or central commission of Rostechnadzor. The number of questions in the tickets is more than 200. Therefore, without special questions. Preparation for passing such an exam is not available to everyone.

The HERMES licensing center offers you training and certification services for managers and engineers of your company in the field general rules industrial safety (A) and special supervision requirements. And also the subsequent passing of final exams in the territorial certification commissions of Rostechnadzor (FEDERAL SERVICE FOR ECOLOGICAL, TECHNOLOGICAL AND ATOMIC SUPERVISION).

TIMELINES: we act in accordance with the requirements of ROSTEKHNADZOR and all training of specialists is carried out within a period of no more than 45 working days. Based on the results of your work and passing the examination committee (TAK), your company will receive industrial safety certification protocols.

Cost of certification of industrial safety specialists

The state duty as of March 1, 2015 is 1,300 rubles for a group of supervision for 3 years, and an additional 1,300 rubles for a group of supervision for 5 years.

A. General requirements industrial safety

B1. Certification in the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries
Attention! When purchasing any other supervision - Supervision A as a gift!

B2. Certification in the oil and gas industry

B3. Certification in the metallurgical industry

B4. Certification in the mining industry

B5. Certification in the coal industry

B6. Certification for surveying to ensure safe mining operations

Attention! Dear clients and site visitors, we would like to inform you that as of October 8, 2015, Rospotrebnadzor published an updated list of industrial safety certification areas. You can find this list with all the changes and innovations on our website.

Attention! The authorized service of Rostekhnadzor informs that from May 12, 2015, in connection with the adoption of new norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety, certification under B.Z supervision is being restored

Attention! The Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision informs that in connection with the entry into force of Rostekhnadzor Order No. 656 dated December 30, 2013 “On approval of Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Rules for the receipt, transportation, use of ferrous and non-ferrous melts” metals and alloys based on these melts", registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 15, 2014, registration No. 32271 from March 23, 2015 certification in areas of certification is suspended.
Certification by certification areas B.3.1 - B.3.10 and B.3.13 - B.3.16 will be resumed after approval and posting on the official website of Rostechnadzor exam papers(tests) for these areas of certification.

The date of renewal of certification will be announced additionally.

Attention! WITH December 22, 2014 on the basis of the order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated December 22, 2014 No. 589 "On amendments to the order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated April 6, 2012 No. 233 "On approval of areas of certification (inspections) knowledge) of managers and specialists of organizations supervised Federal service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision" certification in areas of certification is terminated B.8.1 - B.8.19 for the following reasons:

B.8.1 - B.8.19- in connection with the entry into force of the order of Rostekhnadzor dated March 25, 2014 No. 116 “On approval of Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for hazardous production facilities that use equipment operating under pressure”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 19. 2014 reg. No. 32326.

Passing the industrial safety certification for the introduced certification areas B.8.21 - B.8.26 begins on December 22, 2014.

Attention! WITH August 22, 2014 on the basis of the order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated August 22, 2014 No. 371 “On amendments to the order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated April 6, 2012 No. 233 “On approval of areas of certification (inspections) knowledge) of managers and specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision” changes have been made to the scope of certification B.7“Industrial safety requirements at gas distribution and gas consumption facilities”
According to this order, paragraphs B.7.4 are canceled Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating gas distribution and gas consumption systems and B.7. 5 Certification of managers and specialists of organizations responsible for technical supervision of the design and construction of gas distribution and gas consumption systems.
Additional item added B.7.8 Technical supervision, construction, reconstruction, major renovation gas distribution and gas consumption facilities.
The names and programs of test tasks for all other programs in the certification area have also been changed. B7.

According to Order No. 392 dated August 24, 2014 On amendments to the Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated April 6, 2012 No. 233 “On approval of areas of certification (knowledge testing) of managers and specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Environmental Service , technological and nuclear supervision” Certification Areas: B1.20, B3.11, B8.20, Declared invalid.

Attention! WITH March 7, 2014 certification by areas of certification is terminated B.9.1 - B.9.21, B.9.24 - B.9.26, B.9.29 and B.9.30 for the following reasons:
B.9.1 - B.9.21, B.9.29 and B.9.30- in connection with the entry into force of the order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 12, 2013 No. 533 “On approval of Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 31, 2013 reg. No. 30992;
B.9.24 - B.9.26- in connection with the exclusion of lifting platforms for disabled people from the list of equipment, the presence of which was a sign of classifying the facility as a hazardous production facility, and classifying them as hazardous facilities that are not subject to the provisions of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “ On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities."
Certification areas B.9.22, B.9.23 were changed. From 03/07/2014, these certification areas are applicable only to managers and specialists of organizations operating escalators in metropolitan areas.
Previously issued documents confirming certification in areas B.9.1 - B.9.21, B.9.29 and B.9.30 are valid throughout the territory Russian Federation during the entire period specified therein, strictly within the scope of certification.
If the specified documents are available, extraordinary certification of workers at hazardous production facilities according to the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities Where Lifting Structures Are Used” is not required.
Passing the industrial safety certification for the introduced certification areas B.9.31 - B.9.33 begins on March 7, 2014.

Areas of certification (knowledge testing) of managers and specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision:

from 32,500 rub.

from 32,500 rub.

from 32,500 rub.

from 32,500 rub.

from 32,500 rub.

from 32,500 rub.

from 32,500 rub.

A General industrial safety requirements
A.1. Basics of industrial safety
B Special industrial safety requirements
B.1. Industrial safety requirements in the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries
  • B.1.1. Operation of chemically hazardous production facilities
  • B.1.2. Operation of oil refining facilities
  • B.1.3. Operation of chemical and petrochemical facilities
  • B.1.5. Operation of chlorine facilities
  • B.1.6. Operation of production facilities mineral fertilizers
  • B.1.7. Operation of ammonia refrigeration units
  • B.1.9. Operation of gas processing plants and production facilities
  • B.1.10. Operation of petrochemical facilities in the power industry
  • B.1.11. Object design chemical industry
  • B.1.12. Design of chemical and petrochemical industry facilities
  • B.1.13. Design of oil refining industry facilities
  • B.1.14. Construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs, conservation and liquidation of chemically hazardous production facilities
  • B.1.15. Construction, reconstruction, overhaul of chemical and petrochemical industry facilities
  • B.1.16. Construction, reconstruction, overhaul of oil refining industry facilities
  • B.1.17. Safe conduct repair work at chemical, petrochemical and oil refining hazardous production facilities
  • B.1.19. Organization of safe gas hazardous work
  • B.1.22. Operation of compressor units with piston compressors operating on explosive and harmful gases
  • B.1.23. Operation of stationary compressor units, air and gas pipelines
  • B.1.25. Hydrogen production by water electrolysis
B.2. Industrial safety requirements in the oil and gas industry
  • B.2.1. Operation of oil and gas industry facilities
  • B.2.2. Repair of oil and gas wells
  • B.2.3. Design of oil and gas production facilities
  • B.2.4. Repair, installation and commissioning works at hazardous oil and gas production facilities
  • B.2.5. Development of oil and gas fields on the continental shelf
  • B.2.6. Drilling oil and gas wells
  • B.2.7. Main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines
  • B.2.8. Main gas pipelines
  • B.2.9. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating main pipelines for transporting liquid ammonia
  • B.2.10. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating oil field pipelines for oil and gas transport
  • B.2.11. Production, storage and delivery of liquefied natural gas at gas distribution stations MG and CNG filling stations
  • B.2.12. Underground gas storage facilities in porous formations
  • B.2.13. Design, construction, reconstruction and overhaul of oil and gas industry facilities
  • B.2.15. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating compressor units with piston compressors operating on explosive and harmful gases
  • B.2.16. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating stationary compressor units, air and gas pipelines
B.3. Industrial safety requirements in the metallurgical industry
  • B.3.1. Foundry production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals
  • B.3.2. Copper-nickel production
  • B.3.3. Coke production
  • B.3.4. Primary aluminum production
  • B.3.5. Production of rare, precious and other non-ferrous metals
  • B.3.6. Steelmaking
  • B.3.7. Ferroalloy production
  • B.3.8. Production with a full metallurgical cycle
  • B.3.9. Design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of metallurgical industry facilities
  • B.3.19. Energy services of metallurgical enterprises
B.4. Industrial safety requirements in the mining industry
  • B.4.1. Mineral beneficiation
  • B.4.2. Construction, reconstruction, major repairs of underground structures
  • B.4.3. Development of mineral deposits open method
  • B.4.4. Development of mineral deposits by underground method
  • B.4.5. Design of hazardous production facilities in the mining industry
  • B.4.6. Construction, reconstruction, overhaul of mining facilities
B.5. Industrial safety requirements in the coal industry
  • B.5.1. Open pit mining of coal deposits
  • B.5.2. Enrichment and briquetting of coals (shales)
  • B.5.3. Development of coal deposits by underground method
B.6. Requirements for surveying to ensure safe mining operations
  • B.6.1. Mine surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations when carrying out work related to the use of subsoil and its design
  • B.6.2. Surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations when using subsoil for purposes not related to mining, as well as construction and operation hydraulic structures
  • B.6.3. Surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations during the development of ore and non-metallic mineral deposits
  • B.6.4. Surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations during the development of reservoir mineral deposits
  • B.6.5. Surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations during the development of deposits of hydrocarbon raw materials and hydromineral resources
B.7. Industrial safety requirements at gas distribution and gas consumption facilities
  • B.7.1. Operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems
  • B.7.2. Operation of facilities using liquefied hydrocarbon gases
  • B.7.6. Design of gas distribution and gas consumption networks
  • B.7.8. Technical supervision, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of gas distribution and gas consumption facilities
  • B.7.9. Operation of gas filling stations for natural gas motor fuel
B.8. Industrial safety requirements for pressure equipment
  • B.8.21. Operation of boilers (steam, hot water, with organic and inorganic coolants) at hazardous production facilities
  • B.8.22. Operation of steam and hot water at hazardous production facilities
  • B.8.23. Operation of pressure vessels at hazardous production facilities
  • B.8.24. Operation of medical and diving pressure chambers at hazardous production facilities
  • B.8.25. Filling, technical examination and repair of cylinders for storing and transporting compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases under pressure used at hazardous production facilities
  • B.8.26. Activities related to the design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul and technical re-equipment of hazardous production facilities, installation (dismantling), adjustment, maintenance and repair (reconstruction) of equipment operating under overpressure, used at hazardous production facilities
B.9. Industrial safety requirements for lifting structures
  • B.9.22. Certification of specialists from organizations supervising the safe operation of escalators in metropolitan areas
  • B.9.23. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating escalators in subways
  • B.9.31. Operation of hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures designed for lifting and moving loads
  • B.9.32. Operation of hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures designed for lifting and transporting people
  • B.9.33. Installation, adjustment, repair, reconstruction or modernization of lifting structures during the operation of hazardous production facilities
  • B.9.34. Operation of hazardous production facilities that use passenger cable cars and funiculars
  • B.9.35. Installation, adjustment, repair, reconstruction or modernization of passenger cable cars and funiculars during the operation of hazardous production facilities
  • B.9.36. Activities in the field of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities where cargo aerial ropeways are used
B.10. Industrial safety requirements for transportation of hazardous substances
  • B.10.1. Transportation of hazardous substances by rail
  • B.10.2 Transportation of hazardous substances by road
B.11. Industrial safety requirements for explosive storage and processing facilities of plant raw materials
  • B.11.1 Construction, operation, conservation and liquidation of storage and processing facilities for plant materials
  • B.11.2 Development of design, engineering and other documentation for hazardous storage and processing facilities of plant raw materials
  • B.11.3 Manufacturing, installation, adjustment, repair, technical examination, design and operation technical devices(machines and equipment) used at storage and processing facilities of plant raw materials
B.12. Industrial safety requirements related to blasting operations
  • B.12.1. Blasting in underground workings and on the surface of mines (mining and non-metallic industry facilities), coal and shale mines, hazardous (not dangerous) for gas or dust, and special blasting
  • B.12.2. Blasting in open-pit mines and special blasting
G Energy security requirements
D.1. D 1.1. Operation of electrical installations
D.2. D.2.1. Operation of thermal power plants and heating networks
D.3. Requirements for the operation of power plants and networks
  • D.3.1. Operation of thermal power plants
  • D.3.2. Operation of electrical networks
  • D.3.3 Operation of hydroelectric power plants
D Safety requirements for hydraulic structures
D.1. Hydraulic structures of industrial facilities
D 2. Hydraulic structures of energy facilities
D.3. Hydraulic structures of water management complex facilities
D.4. Examination of safety declarations of hydraulic structures

The main document defining the areas of certification is Order No. 233 of 04/06/2012 “Areas of certification (knowledge testing) of managers and specialists of organizations supervised by Rostechnadzor” of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.
According to Rostechnadzra Order No. 122 of March 27, 2013, the following certification areas have become invalid: B.1.8., B.1.18., B.1.21., B.1.24., B.2.14, B.2.17., B.3.12. , B.9.5.
In addition, an amendment was made to the main document by order of Rostechnadzor: Order No. 344 of August 9, 2013 “On amendments to the Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of April 6, 2012 No. 233 “On approval of certification areas ( knowledge testing) of managers and specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision."
In accordance with this order:
- certification area A1 has been changed to “Fundamentals of industrial safety”;
- certification areas A.2, A.3, A.4 were declared invalid;
- subsection B.5 has been changed to “Industrial safety requirements in the coal industry”.
Below is a current list of areas of industrial safety certification (excluded items are highlighted red and crossed out).

A1. Basics of industrial safety
A1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations on the basics of industrial safety.
A2. Certification on the basics of industrial safety of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in the design of hazardous production facilities.
A3. Certification on the basics of industrial safety of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in construction, reconstruction and major repairs, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities.
A4. Certification on the basics of industrial safety for managers and specialists of organizations operating lifting structures.

Areas of industrial safety certification
A. General industrial safety requirements

B. Special industrial safety requirements
B.1. Industrial safety requirements in the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries

B.1.1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating paint and varnish production.
B.1.2. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating oil refining facilities.
B.1.3. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating chemical and petrochemical facilities.
B.1.4. Certification of managers and specialists of operating organizations.
B.1.5. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating facilities using chlorine.
B.1.6. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating mineral fertilizer production.
B.1.7. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating ammonia plants refrigeration units.
B.1.8. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating petroleum products supply facilities (oil depots, petroleum product warehouses).
B.1.9. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating gas processing plants and production facilities.
B.1.10. Certification of managers and specialists of electric power industry organizations operating petrochemical facilities.
B.1.11. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in the design of chemical industry facilities.
B.1.12. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations involved in the design of chemical and petrochemical industry facilities.
B.1.13. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in the design of oil refining industry facilities.
B.1.14. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of chemical industry facilities.
B.1.15. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of chemical and petrochemical industry facilities.
B.1.16. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of oil refining industry facilities.
B.1.17. Certification of managers and specialists on the procedure for safely carrying out repair work at chemical, petrochemical and oil refining hazardous production facilities.
B.1.18. Certification of managers and specialists in organizing safe hot work at explosive and fire-hazardous facilities.
B.1.19. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations for organizing the safe conduct of gas hazardous work.
B.1.20. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating smoke and ventilation industrial pipes.
B.1.21. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating technological pipelines.
B.1.22. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating compressor units with piston compressors operating on explosive and harmful gases.
B.1.23. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating stationary compressor units, air and gas pipelines.
B.1.24. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating flare installations.
B.1.25. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations producing hydrogen by water electrolysis.
B.1.26. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations involved in the production and consumption of air separation products.

B.2. Industrial safety requirements in the oil and gas industry

B.2. Industrial safety requirements in the oil and gas industry
B.2.1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating oil and gas industry facilities.
B.2.2. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations carrying out repairs of oil and gas wells.
B.2.3. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations designing oil and gas production facilities.
B.2.4. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations carrying out repair, installation and commissioning work at hazardous oil and gas production facilities.
B.2.5. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations developing oil and gas fields on the continental shelf.
B.2.6. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in the construction of oil and gas wells.
B.2.7. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines.
B.2.8. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating main gas pipelines.
B.2.9. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating main pipelines for transporting liquid ammonia.
B.2.10. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating oil field pipelines for oil and gas transport.
B.2.11. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in the production, storage and distribution of liquefied natural gas at gas distribution stations MG and CNG filling stations.
B.2.12. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations carrying out operation underground storage facilities gas in porous formations.
B.2.13. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in design, construction, reconstruction and major repairs of oil and gas industry facilities.
B.2.14. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating technological pipelines.
B.2.15. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating compressor units with piston compressors operating on explosive and harmful gases.
B.2.16. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating stationary compressor units, air and gas pipelines.
B.2.17. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating flare installations.

B.3. Industrial safety requirements in the metallurgical industry

B.3.1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations with foundries producing ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
B.3.2. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations with copper-nickel production.
B.3.3. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations with coke-chemical production.
B.3.4. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations producing primary aluminum.
B.3.5. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations producing rare, precious and other non-ferrous metals.
B.3.6. Certification of managers and specialists of steelmaking organizations.
B.3.7. Certification of managers and specialists of ferroalloy production organizations.
B.3.8. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations with a full metallurgical cycle.
B.3.9. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in the design of metallurgical industry facilities.
B.3.10. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of metallurgical industry facilities.
B.3.11. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating smoke and ventilation industrial pipes.
B.3.12. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating technological pipelines.
B.3.13. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations involved in the production and consumption of air separation products.

B.4. Industrial safety requirements in the mining industry

B.4. Industrial safety requirements in the mining industry
B.4.1. Certification in the field of industrial safety of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in crushing, sorting, beneficiation of minerals and agglomeration of ores and concentrates.
B.4.2. Certification in the field of industrial safety of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of underground structures.
B.4.3. Certification in the field of industrial safety of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in open-pit mining of mineral deposits.
B.4.4. Certification in the field of industrial safety of managers and specialists of organizations developing ore, non-metallic and alluvial mineral deposits by underground methods.
B.4.5. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in the design of mining industry facilities.
B.4.6. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of mining industry facilities.

B.5. Industrial safety requirements in the coal industry

B.5. Industrial safety requirements in the coal industry.
B.5.1. Open-pit mining of coal deposits.
B.5.2. Enrichment and briquetting of coals (shales).
B.5.3. Development of coal deposits by underground method.

B.7. Industrial safety requirements at gas distribution and gas consumption facilities

B.7.1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations responsible for ensuring safety during the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems.
B.7.2. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating facilities using liquefied hydrocarbon gases.
B.7.3. Certification of managers and specialists of industrial safety organizations when operating liquefied petroleum gas filling stations.
B.7.4. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating gas distribution and gas consumption systems.
B.7.5. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations responsible for technical supervision of the design and construction of gas distribution and gas consumption systems.
B.7.6. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations designing gas distribution and gas consumption facilities.
B.7.7. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of gas distribution and gas consumption facilities.

B.6. Requirements for surveying to ensure safe mining operations

B.6.1. Certification in the field of surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations for managers and specialists of organizations carrying out work related to the use of subsoil and their design.
B.6.2. Certification in the field of surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations for managers and specialists of organizations engaged in the use of subsoil for purposes not related to the extraction of minerals, as well as the construction and operation of hydraulic structures.
B.6.3. Certification in the field of surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations for managers and specialists of organizations developing ore and non-metallic mineral deposits.
B.6.4. Certification in the field of surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations for managers and specialists of organizations developing plateau mineral deposits.
B.6.5. Certification in the field of surveying ensuring the safe conduct of mining operations for managers and specialists of organizations developing deposits of hydrocarbon raw materials and hydromineral resources.

B.8. Industrial safety requirements for pressure equipment

B.8.1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations designing steam and hot water boilers.
B.8.2. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations designing electric boilers and electric boiler houses.
B.8.3 Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in the design of pressure vessels.
B.8.4. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations designing steam and hot water pipelines.
B.8.5. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in the manufacture, installation, adjustment and repair of steam and hot water boilers.
B.8.6. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in the manufacture, installation, adjustment and repair of electric boilers and electric boiler houses.
B.8.7. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in installation, repair, production and adjustment of pressure vessels.
B.8.8. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in installation, repair, production and adjustment of steam and hot water pipelines.
B.8.9. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating steam and hot water boilers.
B.8.10. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating electric boilers and electric boiler rooms.
B.8.11. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating pressure vessels.
B.8.12. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating steam and hot water pipelines.
B.8.13. Certification of persons responsible for carrying out production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during the operation of pressure vessels.
B.8.14. Certification of persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers.
B.8.15 Certification of persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of electric boilers and electric boiler rooms.
B.8.16. Certification of persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of pressure vessels.
B.8.17. Certification of persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines.
B.8.18. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations carrying out facility design, project documentation which involves the use of pressure equipment.
B.8.19. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations carrying out construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of facilities, the design documentation of which provides for the use of equipment operating under pressure.
B.8.20. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating smoke and ventilation industrial pipes.

B.9. Industrial safety requirements for lifting structures

B.9.1. Certification of managers and specialists responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes.
B.9.2. Certification of managers and specialists responsible for maintaining cranes in good condition.
B.9.3. Certification of managers and specialists responsible for supervising the safe operation of cranes.
B.9.4. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating load-lifting cranes.
B.9.5. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating elevators.
B.9.6. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating lifts (towers).
B.9.7. Industrial safety certification of specialists supervising the safe operation of lifts (towers).
B.9.8. Industrial safety certification of specialists responsible for maintaining lifts (towers) in good condition.
B.9.9. Industrial safety certification of persons responsible for the safe performance of work on lifts (towers).
B.9.10. Certification of specialists from organizations responsible for the safe performance of work using pipe-laying cranes.
B.9.11. Certification of specialists from organizations supervising the safe operation of pipe-laying cranes.
B.9.12. Certification of specialists from organizations responsible for maintaining pipe-laying cranes in good condition.
B.9.13. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating pipe-laying cranes.
B.9.14. Certification of specialists from organizations supervising the safe operation of load-lifting cranes.
B.9.15. Certification of specialists from organizations responsible for maintaining load-lifting cranes in good condition.
B.9.16. Certification of specialists from organizations responsible for the safe performance of work using load-lifting cranes.
B.9.17. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating loader cranes.
B.9.18. Certification of specialists in supervising the safe operation of construction hoists.
B.9.19. Certification of specialists responsible for maintaining construction hoists in good condition.
B.9.20. Certification of persons responsible for the safe performance of work with construction lifts.
B.9.21. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating construction hoists.
B.9.22. Certification of specialists from organizations supervising the safe operation of escalators.
B.9.23. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating escalators.
B.9.24. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating lifting platforms for people with disabilities.
B.9.25. Certification of persons responsible for organizing work on maintenance and repair of lifting platforms for the disabled.
B.9.26. Certification of persons responsible for organizing the safe operation of lifting platforms for disabled people.
B.9.27. Certification in the field of industrial safety of ropeway managers and specialists.
B.9.28. Certification in the field of industrial safety of ropeway managers.
B.9.29. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations carrying out the design of facilities, the design documentation of which provides for the use of permanently installed lifting mechanisms, escalators, cable cars, funiculars.
B.9.30. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations carrying out construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of facilities, the design documentation of which provides for the use of permanently installed lifting mechanisms, escalators, cable cars, and funiculars.

B.12. Industrial safety requirements related to blasting operations

B.12.1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations carrying out blasting operations in underground workings and on the surface of mines (mining and non-metallic industry facilities), coal and shale mines hazardous (not hazardous) for gas or dust. Special blasting operations.
B.12.2. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations carrying out blasting operations in open-pit mines and special blasting operations.

D. Energy security requirements
D.1. Requirements for operating procedures in consumer electrical installations

D 1.1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating electrical installations.

D.2. Requirements for operating procedures at thermal power plants and heating networks

D.2.1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating thermal power plants and heating networks.

D.3. Requirements for the operation of power plants and networks

D.3.1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating thermal power plants.
D.3.2. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating electrical networks.

D. Safety requirements for hydraulic structures

D.1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations in the field of safety of hydraulic structures of industrial facilities.
D 2. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations in the field of safety of hydraulic structures of energy facilities.
D.3. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations in the field of safety of hydraulic structures of water management facilities.
D.4. Certification of managers and specialists of expert organizations carrying out examination of safety declarations of hydraulic structures.

B. Environmental safety

IN 1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations in the field of environmental safety

E. Use of atomic energy

E.1. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations in the field of work related to the use of atomic energy.

It is necessary not only to register it, but also to certify the industrial safety of managers and specialists. Training and certification are carried out at the territorial representative office of Rostechnadzor (RTN). Also, if you have a license to educational activities on industrial safety issues, training can be conducted by a training center, but the exam is required at RTN.

Who needs certification at RTN and why?

Industrial safety is a comprehensive measure aimed at preventing accidents at facilities whose activities pose a danger to the population and environment. Therefore, qualified specialists should be involved in solving industrial safety issues and problems. Thus, certification by Rostekhnadzor with subsequent issuance of a protocol is mandatory for:

Heads of structural divisions of industrial production organizations (training for everyone, from the head of the organization to foremen and foremen of individual production areas);

Specialists who carry out direct work and maintenance of equipment at hazardous production facilities (electrical installations, equipment for oil and gas processing, boiler rooms and thermal power plants, equipment for lifting and moving finished products, materials and workpieces throughout the enterprise).

Current legislation defines three types of certification:

  • primary;
  • periodic;
  • unscheduled or extraordinary.

Absolutely all employees belonging to the above groups are subject to primary screening within 1 month from the date of hiring or upon transfer to a position on this list. Even if an employee was transferred from one workshop to another, where in one workshop he was a maintenance staff, and in another he became a foreman, regardless of whether the specifics of the work have changed or not, the training will be considered primary, as when entering the job.

Periodic knowledge testing is carried out for some industrial safety categories once every 3 years, for others - once every 5 years. Frequency is set by specific regulations in the field of industrial safety. For example, PTEEP requires certification of a specialist once every 5 years, and the “Requirements for Thermal Power Installations” state that responsible person undergoes certification once every 3 years. Rostechnadzor conducts testing in the same order as during the initial certification.

Extraordinary certification

There are many situations in which the level and scope of knowledge of an industrial safety specialist are insufficient to conduct the activities of an enterprise. Examples of such situations could be:

Installation of new equipment;

Changes in the technological process;

A break in work for more than six months;

Accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities or other hazardous facilities conducting identical production activities.

Extraordinary industrial safety certification of managers and specialists is carried out in accordance with the general procedure, regardless of the date of the last knowledge test. Based on the results of the certification, the RTN representative issues a new protocol for testing knowledge in the required area of ​​industrial safety.

Changes in legislation and production technology also indicate that industrial safety expertise is necessary. This procedure is mandatory for all organizations whose activities are sanctioned by Federal Law No. 116.

What enterprises fall under the OPO?

RTN Order No. 233 of 2012 defines the areas of industrial safety certification, and Federal Law No. 116 defines objects related to hazardous production facilities:

  • oil and gas industry;
  • metallurgy and mechanical engineering;
  • mining industry;
  • operation of pressure vessels, as well as gas consumption and distribution facilities;
  • operation of lifting equipment;
  • blasting operations;
  • hydraulic engineering industry;
  • operation of thermal power plants;
  • operation of electrical installations.

The procedure for certification

Each knowledge test is preceded by training in specialized programs agreed with RTN. Once the program material has been mastered, students can come to RTN for certification.

Industrial safety certification of managers and specialists of hazardous production facilities is carried out both after training in educational institution, and in the internal commission of the enterprise. The easiest and least expensive way is training at a training center.

The latter case is resorted to when it is necessary to train a large number of employees off-the-job, which increases the employer’s training costs.

To do this, you need to perform a number of activities:

1. Development curriculum on a certain area of ​​industrial safety, its coordination with the RTN inspector.

2. Certification on industrial safety of managers and specialists who will teach and take the preliminary exam directly at the enterprise (certification commission).

3. Issuance of certificates of admission to certification in RTN.

Certification by Rostekhnadzor is mandatory! It is prohibited to independently test knowledge and issue protocols. Failure to comply with this requirement, as well as the absence of certification protocols for employees allowed to perform work, entails administrative liability for the employer under Article 9.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In this case minimum size the fine will be 200 thousand rubles.

If the training is carried out by the training center, then the employer can only arrange for employees to attend classes, pay the state fee for certification, draw up a certificate-submission to RTN (data about employees, the field of industrial safety, position held), and if successful completion exam - pick up the protocol.

How to prepare for certification?

Attending lecture courses in the required area of ​​industrial safety does not guarantee 100% preparation for certification. A Industrial safety certification for managers and specialists is aimed at testing not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills.

On the Internet you can find many sites with simulators of industrial safety questions, divided by area. With their help, you can find out what type of questions will be tested, their number and complexity. There are also entire websites dedicated to answering all questions from all areas of RTN certification. There is no guarantee that the answers will be correct, so during testing you should rely on the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

During testing at the territorial office of RTN, it is prohibited to use any means of access to the Internet, printed publications, video and audio materials.

Are Rostekhnadzor and Gostekhnadzor the same government agency?

If we look at the full names of these two government agencies, then it will become clear that they are different. Gostekhnadzor conducts certification for operators of loaders, bulldozer operators, excavator operators and other specialized machines.

Gostekhnadzor places tickets on the official website for all categories from B to E. GTN also provides services for registering special equipment with the state, as well as conducting technical inspection. Preliminary preparation before certification, specialized training centers and some driving schools licensed for this type of educational activity.

You must come to take the exam at Gostekhnadzor. Tickets there will have to be solved on computers without the ability to find the answer on the Internet.
