This means the reagent on the test is pregnancy. Pregnancy tests. Why do they lie

It happens that a woman is tested at home for pregnancy and sees two stripes. At the same time, the second one is barely noticeable, it is much paler than the first. Does this mean that the woman became pregnant? With a probability close to 100%, a weak second line on a pregnancy test indicates that conception has taken place. If testing is performed several days later, the strip becomes more intensely colored due to an increase in the amount of hCG in the urine.

Causes of weak staining

Any home pregnancy test is based on measuring the concentration of hCG in the urine. This hormone is released into the blood only in pregnant women. It is excreted in the urine. Therefore, in this biological fluid the concentration increases in proportion to the increase in the level of hCG in the blood.

Pregnancy tests may have different sensitivity. But they have the same operating principle. When a certain concentration of hCG is reached, the band becomes colored. Its intensity may correlate with the level of hCG. The less of this hormone, the paler the indicator zone.

And vice versa: if the amount of hCG is high, you are unlikely to see a weak second line on a pregnancy test.

The level of hCG in urine depends on two factors:

  • the amount of hormone produced;
  • the volume of fluid in which this hormone is dissolved (urine density).

The amount of hCG produced depends solely on the gestational age. Every day the level of secretion of this hormone increases. Accordingly, the more time has passed since fertilization, the less likely it is to see a pale control line.

In turn, the density of urine also affects the concentration of hCG. The higher it is, the greater the concentration of any substances in it, including hormones. Conversely, the lower the density of urine, the more water it contains. The ratio of fluid and hCG changes. Therefore, the band may be less pronounced. Sometimes it doesn't stain at all. If this occurs against the background of a real pregnancy, this test result is called a false negative. Its cause is most often the woman's impatience, which is checked too early.

Dependence of results on gestational age

How accurate the testing will be depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy. If you find a weak line, there is a high probability that this period will be short. Most likely, you have not yet had a delay in menstruation, or it is no more than 1-2 days.

Such early testing is typical for women who are planning to conceive a child. They make attempts on strictly defined days, calculating the date of ovulation. And then after 2 weeks they conduct testing, in the hope of getting a positive result. Sometimes it can show a bright, sometimes poorly visible indicator zone. Results vary from woman to woman because implantation of the fertilized egg may be early or late. Accordingly, the production of hCG begins earlier or later. The earlier it begins, the more hormone there is in the blood and urine at the time of the study.

If a woman is not expecting a pregnancy, she rarely gets a faint line in the results. This is due to the fact that a delay in menstruation is not immediately detected. When the expectant mother begins to suspect something is wrong, at least 3 weeks have passed since conception. By this time, the hCG level increases so much that the second strip is bright and clearly visible. If a woman is expecting pregnancy, the test results are significantly affected by the day on which it is carried out. In some tests, both strips are colored, even if the test is performed several days before your period is due. But in this case, the risk of a false negative result increases. In addition, there is a high probability that the strip that appears will be weak. And this raises certain doubts in the woman.

Therefore, it is best to do testing on the day of the delay or later. In this case, it is highly likely to be reliable. The risk of false negative results (the absence of two stripes in a real pregnancy) does not exceed 1-2%.

And yet, no one has the right to prohibit being checked multiple times. If you can’t wait to find out about your pregnancy, then you can start home diagnostics even before the date of your expected menstruation, 2-3 days in advance. If the results are negative, you can test again. Because a negative result does not exclude pregnancy. But a positive one clearly confirms the fact of conception. It is likely that one day the strip will suddenly appear. And even if it is weak, it will still be good news for you.

Dependence of test results on urine density

Not only gestational age, but also the density of urine affects the performance of the test. The risk of getting a subtle indication increases if the urine contains a lot of water.

Surely you have noticed that at some points the urine is yellow, concentrated, and has an unpleasant odor. And sometimes it is transparent, and there are very few substances dissolved in the urine. It depends on how much water you drank. A certain amount of chemical compounds is excreted from the body per unit of time. They can be dissolved in 100 ml or 1 liter of water. In any case, these substances leave the body, but their concentration in the urine can be completely different.

If you drink a lot and then take the test, you increase the risk of the result:

  • false negative;
  • weakly positive.

That is why the instructions for use for some tests say that they should be done in the morning. Most women don't drink at night. This is why morning urine is concentrated enough that even small amounts of hCG can be detected in it. This increases the reliability of the test. With a high probability, testing carried out after a missed period using morning urine will show a bright, clearly visible second stripe.

In the instructions for highly sensitive tests, manufacturers write that it can be done at any time of the day. But if you want to get reliable results 2-4 days before your missed period, then you need to use the morning portion of urine.

Dependence of results on test quality

There are many different tests available at the pharmacy. They have different sensitivity. Highly sensitive tests are distinguished by the fact that they react to lower levels of hCG in the urine. Accordingly, they show pregnancy earlier, often even before a missed period.

If you buy cheap tests, then they are no worse. But the results are given a little later: usually only after a delay in menstruation. Moreover, with late implantation, the second strip may be weak. In any case, these tests are reliable. Be patient, don't test for pregnancy too early, and you can use them just as successfully as expensive tests from reputable manufacturers.

How to make the test more reliable?

We have already discussed all the factors on which the effectiveness of home pregnancy testing depends on the level of hCG in the urine. So it’s probably not difficult for you to figure out how to make the second stripe bright. Here's what you need for this:

  1. Do the test in the morning. During this period, urine contains less water and more solids. Therefore, more hCG is dissolved in it.
  2. Take the test after your period is missed. By this time, there is so much hCG that it can be detected even in highly diluted urine. If you take the test early, be prepared for a negative result that does not exclude pregnancy, or a weak second line.
  3. Buy good tests. They give positive results earlier because they react sensitively to even a slight increase in the level of hCG in the urine. If you do them not very early, then with a high probability both stripes will be bright and will not raise any doubts that conception has taken place.

How can you be sure that a faint line indicates pregnancy?

As we already said at the very beginning of our publication, any second strip, whether it is strongly or weakly colored, indicates pregnancy. If you receive this result, you do not need any additional confirmation of pregnancy. You can make your husband and relatives happy, knowing for sure that you will soon become a mother.

If a strip appears, but it is pale, this means that there is little hCG in the urine. But if you were not pregnant, this hormone would not exist at all. Because it is not produced in the bodies of women who do not carry a child. Accordingly, the appearance of a second cavity, even a very, very pale one, is impossible.

Only very rare cases can lead to a second stripe appearing in the absence of pregnancy. This is possible in the following situations:

  • you have recently been pregnant (after a spontaneous or medical abortion, hCG circulates in the blood for several more months and can be detected in the urine);
  • you recently received a blood transfusion from a woman who was pregnant 1-2 months before becoming a donor;
  • you bought a defective test (such cases are very rare);
  • you were given injections of hCG (pregnil, Horagon).

Very rarely there are tumors of the reproductive system that produce hCG.

Perhaps our arguments have not convinced you, and you still believe that a pale stripe does not clearly confirm your pregnancy. In this case, you can confirm the fact of its occurrence. Which way depends on how quickly you want to get results and what you are ready to do for this. Here are some options:

  1. Wait a few days and repeat the test. During this time, the level of hCG in the blood and urine will increase. Accordingly, the strip will be colored better.
  2. You can go without drinking water for several hours. Then the urine will thicken. The concentration of hCG in it will increase. When using the test under such conditions, the second stripe will be more noticeable.
  3. Go to any laboratory or clinic and donate blood for hCG. This analysis will not only confirm pregnancy, but will also help approximately determine its due date.
  4. Go to the pharmacy and buy a highly sensitive pregnancy test. It has a higher sensitivity, and therefore is highly likely to show you a distinct second stripe.

But there is still no point in chasing strongly colored stripes. Its very appearance indicates that you are pregnant. Whether you rejoice at this fact or be upset is up to you. But you will have to accept it in any case: no matter how many times you repeat tests and analyses, they will all show the same thing.

The action of all pregnancy tests is based on the production and accumulation of chorionic hormone in the body. It usually begins to be produced a week after pregnancy, because this is when the fertilized egg attaches to the walls of the uterus and begins to develop. And it is chorionic gonadotropin that records the pregnancy test with “plates”.

Hormones and tests

Human chorionic gonadotropin level increases in urine and blood quite slowly. Therefore, the reliability of pregnancy tests is not particularly high, especially in the first days. However, already 7 days after fertilization of the egg, the concentration of this hormone in the urine reaches a level that can be detected by a special test. Let us remind you that most test systems are a special strip of paper that is impregnated with a special substance. It is this chemical contact with human chorionic gonadotropin that changes its color and draws “stripes” on the test.

How to use the test?

Manufacturers recommend carrying out most tests in the first days of a delayed menstrual cycle, but the sensitivity of some tests makes it possible to diagnose an “interesting situation” several days before the expected onset of menstruation. The average for all pregnancy tests is about 14 days from the date of conception.

So, before using pregnancy tests You need to carefully read the instructions, because the tests differ slightly in small details, which may affect the result. To determine pregnancy, a portion of morning urine is required. The indicator strip should be lowered into it to a certain mark. After the time specified in the instructions, the strip should be removed. You must view the results no later than five minutes after the test. We must also remember that the results of pregnancy tests are not absolute, but probable. The result can only be confirmed by an examination with your gynecologist. In addition, two lines may appear on the test if an ectopic pregnancy develops. Let us remind you that this is a very dangerous condition that requires immediate consultation with a specialist.

Previously, girls determined their new position by coffee grounds, dreams and complexion. Then they conducted experiments with, guessed on the Internet... But now all this entertainment has lost its meaning. Because every woman knows how to use a pregnancy test.

However, many women, in their rush to see results, make many mistakes. From our article you will learn about the types of diagnostic devices and their features. We will tell you how to conduct testing correctly in order to find out “the whole truth.”

How do these devices work?

All types of home rapid pregnancy tests operate on the same principle: they determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman’s urine.

This hormone is secreted by the chorion (the membrane of the embryo), its concentration increases rapidly from the moment of implantation, when the fertilized egg has successfully implanted in the uterine cavity. Every two days its quantity doubles. After all, this hormone is vital for the developing fetus. The longer the pregnancy, the greater the amount of hCG that can be traced in the biological material of the expectant mother.

The reagent with which the strips are impregnated determines the presence of hCG in a woman’s urine. Most of these devices are quite accurate. However, in the first or second week after conception, when the hormone level is still low, the results of a pregnancy test may be false negative.

Gynecologists advise diagnosing a few days after a missed period. After all, the longer the pregnancy, the more reliably the rapid test can respond to it.

Reagents can have different sensitivities: 10, 20 or 25 IU. The lower the number, the more sensitive the device. That is, according to the manufacturers, the use of a test with a sensitivity of 10 IU allows the reagent to “recognize” pregnancy even before the expected delay, at the earliest stages.

And yet, judging by the reviews, the earlier testing is carried out, the less accurate the measurement will be. For example, five days before your missed period, almost all tests will give a negative result, even if you are pregnant. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a disposable strip strip or an expensive, highly sensitive, reusable pregnancy test. It is better to be patient and wait a few days, that is, the day when at least two weeks have passed since conception.

Testing technique

Using a pregnancy test at home is not particularly difficult, even if you are doing it for the first time. Each device comes with instructions that tell you step by step and in pictures how to use it and how to interpret the results.

True, there are nuances that can affect the result and which are not reflected in the instructions. For example, some girls are worried whether it is possible to take a pregnancy test after drinking alcohol. We answer: yes, it is possible, since ethyl alcohol does not affect the level of hCG in the urine and will not distort the test result. But on the other hand, you must realize: if conception is possible, your lifestyle should be as healthy as possible. After all, even small doses of alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy can negatively affect the development of the child.

Another common question is whether it is possible to do a test if a girl has a fever. Yes, you can. Hyperthermia does not affect hCG levels. Moreover, slight malaise and fever are a sign of pregnancy, although not direct, but indirect.

Other important rules:

  • The packaging must be intact;
  • Check the expiration date: if it has expired, the device can be thrown away;
  • You can remove the test from a sealed package only just before the test, and not in advance;
  • Most of these devices are disposable. A reusable pregnancy test involves changing disposable cartridges.

What time of day

Where to begin

Remove and read the instructions that came with the test. This is important because each type of device has its own nuances.

For example, inkjet devices do not require a cup. If you use a regular strip strip, you will need a clean (non-sterile) container to collect urine, for example, a disposable glass.

Many girls are interested in whether they need to wash themselves. This can be done (for hygienic reasons), but is not necessary. This will not affect the result in any way.

How to evaluate the result

Results are assessed in 1-10 minutes. If more than 10 minutes have passed, the test is invalid.

Three stripes (this also happens) are a sign of a defect, use another device.

On reusable pregnancy tests, this is what is written in the control window - pregnant (or pregnant).

Types of tests

Before taking a pregnancy test, you need to consider some nuances.

Strip strip

This is the simplest pregnancy test and the most inexpensive (from 20 rubles). It is an elongated cardboard rectangle with two strips impregnated with a reagent. Quite accurate after a delay, but before it often shows a false result.

Different brands have different levels of sensitivity. This information, as well as instructions for use, are presented either in the package insert or directly on the packaging.

An important nuance: you need to dip test strips into urine up to the specified limit, otherwise the device will be damaged. You need to “wet” the strip until it is saturated with liquid (about 10 seconds), after which you need to put it on a dry, flat surface and evaluate the result after a couple of minutes. We repeat: one stripe means you are not pregnant, two stripes means you are pregnant.


This type of device is more expensive, but it is more convenient. In the cardboard box you will find the test itself, a disposable urine collection container, and a pipette. The device must come with instructions on how to use this type of pregnancy test.

There are two windows on the plastic surface of the dough. One of them is intended for biological material, which is instilled with a pipette, and in the second, the resulting result is evaluated. The results of the study will appear in the window in 5-10 minutes in the form of one or two stripes. The interpretation is the same: one stripe – the answer is no. Two stripes – the answer is yes.


A very convenient device, since it can be used to carry out diagnostics anywhere: at home, at work or even at a party. It is carried out without collecting urine.

On one side, the device is equipped with a comfortable plastic handle, and on the other there is a strip impregnated with a reagent. To use a jet pregnancy test, just place it directly under a stream of urine for a few seconds.

The research is carried out in the following order:

  • The test is removed from the package and the protective cap is removed from it;
  • Take it by the special handle-holder and bring it to the stream of urine for 5-6 seconds (the area of ​​the device that should be in contact with urine is marked with arrows);
  • The test is capped and left on a horizontal surface for 5 minutes.

You need to evaluate the result in a special window that will show one or two bands, depending on the presence or absence of conception.

The evaluation of the results will be valid only for 10 minutes after the start of the study. Then they can become distorted.


The most expensive option for diagnostic devices. At the same time, some brands (for example, the Clearblue test) allow you not only to find out about the fact of conception, but even about the duration of pregnancy. All devices of this type are highly sensitive, so they are used for diagnostics at the earliest stages. Research can be carried out either using a container in which urine is collected, or by substituting the test under a stream of biological material.

By placing the device on a dry surface in a horizontal position, you can evaluate the result after a few minutes. Most often it appears as a plus or minus sign. You can find specimens on which the presence of conception will be indicated by the word “pregnant”.

Despite the high price, they are popular. However, it will not be possible to save them as a memory: after just a day, the signs or letters on the screen will not be visible.

Reusable digital

This is another new product. This device comes with disposable, replaceable cartridges that must be thrown away after use. A reusable pregnancy test is the most expensive and one of the most accurate. However, it makes sense to buy it only if you experience frequent delays in your periods, worry about it every time and test it. Or if you are being treated for infertility. In all other cases, it is quite possible to get by with simple paper devices, which also do their job perfectly.

Why are they lying?

Manufacturers of many tests claim that their accuracy is 99%. But even the most expensive and sensitive devices sometimes show. What is the reason for “false readings” on a pregnancy test? The test will be negative, although there is pregnancy, in the following cases:

  • the device is of poor quality;
  • you violated the instructions;
  • you are testing at very early stages, when less than a week has passed since embryo implantation, and less than two weeks after conception;

A false positive result is possible in the following situations:

  • the device is defective or expired;
  • during this cycle you took special hormones, in particular the hCG hormone;
  • testing is carried out 1-3 months after birth;
  • you have endocrine or some other serious diseases.

If there is any doubt (for example, the second stripe is barely visible), the diagnosis should be repeated after a few days. Or do a blood test for hCG - it is very accurate, including in the early stages. After a woman has confirmed that she is pregnant, she must visit a doctor.

All types of diagnostic devices are quite simple. To understand how to take a pregnancy test, just carefully study the instructions and strictly follow them.

2014-12-07 15:25:30

Natalya asks:

Good afternoon, my husband and I have not been able to get pregnant for more than 3 years. My periods are going normally, like clockwork. There is ovulation, the spermogram is good, the doctor said it’s good. Today they took an x-ray to check the patency of the fallopian tubes. On the right, according to the doctor: “Partial obstruction.” those. little fluid (reagent) has leaked into the abdominal cavity. There is not a big spike. The left one is completely passable. Also, that the uterus and cervix are small. Do the size of the uterus and cervix affect conception? He said that there was no point in prescribing laparoscopy. This is enough to get pregnant. He prescribed me to monitor my basal temperature and try it for 3 months. I also asked to gain about 5 kg of weight since this can affect my ability to get pregnant. I weigh 49 kg with a height of 163. If nothing works out, come for examination again. Maybe you Tell me, maybe I need or can undergo some more tests.

December 05, 2014
Palyga Igor Evgenievich answers:
Reproductologist, Ph.D.
Hello, Natalia! I have several questions for you. Did your husband take an NVA test to determine the degree of sperm maturity in parallel with the spermogram? Have you ever undergone folliculometry? The fact is that measuring basal temperature is too labor-intensive and not entirely informative; it is much more rational to monitor the growth of the dominant follicle and the progress of ovulation using ultrasound. When the dominant follicle on the left matures, pregnancy can be planned (the right tube is most likely obstructed). Is your weight related to diets or is it your comfortable state? Have you checked your thyroid condition? Have you donated blood for sex hormones? In general, I would advise contacting a reproductive specialist, and not just a gynecologist.
Good afternoon, I didn’t check the thyroid gland and, in principle, there was no such prescription. Blood for sex hormones was also not prescribed. NVA's husband did not take the test, because no one told him or me about it and no doctor prescribed it. I had folliculometry done; the dominant follicle is tracked on the right. Weight of 49 kg is normal for me and I don’t go on diets. I live in Zaporozhye region. and to what extent, I know that we don’t have a reproductive specialist closer than in Zaporozhye, and judging by the reviews on their website, it’s better not to go there. Can you tell me who is the best person to contact regarding this issue?

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello, Natalia! I can’t give you any advice about Zaporozhye; I don’t know local specialists. I can tell you one thing - if you have not become pregnant after 3 years of open sexual activity, then after one check of the patency of the tubes, without doing anything specifically, the situation will not radically change. If you wish, you can come to us in Lviv, at the Alternative clinic.

2012-12-10 18:28:00

Tatiana asks:

Good afternoon pregnancy 31 weeks. Diagnosis of ICI, obstetric pessary installed. two weeks ago I was in the hospital - complaining of heavy discharge, they did a smear for water - negative! Now at home - the discharge is even more abundant (milky, liquid, leaves wet spots on the underwear, gets worse in the morning...) I took a home test to determine amniotic fluid (Frau amnio test - a pad with a reagent, reacts to pH) - negative. I also use Klion D 100 suppositories (because there is yeast in the smear)...tell me whether amniotic fluid can be released like this (thin, slightly milky, copious) or is this normal discharge (after all, tests showed negative results twice) can home tests be trusted? . which are sold in pharmacies.

2012-10-01 09:51:59

Guzel asks:

Hello! I'm very concerned about my discharge. I don't have a regular cycle, it's 31 to 36 days. According to calculations, your period should arrive between September 30 and October 6. And on September 16, heavy transparent discharge began. And numbers 26 are brown, numbers 29 are brown with veins. And now the gore. Usually, before the start of my period, my chest started to hurt, oddly enough, it didn’t hurt at all, and my stomach hurt, but now it doesn’t. I did a test yesterday, there is a second line, but it is only noticeable in good lighting, maybe it’s just a reagent. Please advise what to do? Is pregnancy possible? Married 2 years

2011-06-24 18:37:12

Valeria asks:

Good day, dear Doctor. in December 2010, I had an ultrasound of the gallbladder (routine ultrasound because I have a stone of 5 cm), and my kidneys were examined and an angiomyolipoma of the left kidney (1.2 cm) was discovered; the kidney was not changed, not enlarged. there was no pain. During the same period of time, my pregnancy was confirmed, so I was not sent for either a CT scan or an MRI. There was only an ultrasound. So far nothing has bothered me. I am now 34 weeks pregnant, 1.5 months ago a vaginal smear revealed the presence of group B streptococci. There is no more infection.. Not every day, but in the morning, I use reagent (test) strips to analyze morning urine (leukocytes, bilirubin , blood, protein, ketones, sediment, PiAsh, glucose)... our doctors in clinics and hospitals use test strips for urine analysis. 07/13/11 my morning test showed traces of blood in the urine (other indicators are normal, there is no smell of urine, the color is transparent, unchanged, I didn’t notice any blood in the urine), as a result, an hour later I was in the hospital - I donated urine again - there were no traces of blood discovered. A blood test was taken (detailed) - no problems were revealed - everything was normal. They sent me home without explaining anything about what this was connected with. Today, the morning urine test again shows (on the reagent field there is a test strip showing the presence or absence of blood. It showed only 2-4 splashes of green, when traces and whether there is the presence of blood, the reagent shows how the square field is completely painted green or replete with abundant green splashes).... I did 5-7 test strips - all indicators were normal - only the field with the blood reagent shows a couple of splashes. I redid the test again (a new portion of urine was taken 10 minutes later) - the test shows “clean”. there is no blood. Now, for 4 hours, I can’t get through to my midwife to consult. I called the hospital and they told me to call the midwife. to come to see a doctor at the clinic (where I live it’s quite difficult to get an appointment with a doctor) - there is no free “coupon”. that is, they can only accept me at the end of the trail. weeks. Dear Doctor, I am asking you a question: how could you explain this urine test? I am very worried that the ultrasound could have been mistaken and this is NOT an angiolipoma but something worse... why is there such a scatter in the urine test (the first portion showed, after 10 minutes a new portion of urine was collected and did not show anything)? How can this be explained? what should I do. I'm just in some kind of paranoid anxiety about my tests, my kidney, . but the doctors here don’t explain anything and don’t consider it necessary to refer me for additional treatment. ultrasound or CT...
thanks in advance

Answers Zhiravetsky Taras Mironovich.

Good afternoon, dear women and girls!

Each of us has bought a pregnancy test at least once in our lives, in any case. As you know, now our pharmacies have the widest range of pregnancy tests, for any budget! But is cheap always a bad thing? Let’s try to figure it out.

I have been buying this test for about 2 years now, so accurately, it always showed one line and I was not pregnant. This test is attractive, of course, for its cost. In Belarus in our pharmacies it is probably the cheapest. But, it has one, but very a significant minus - it always produces a second pale strip after use - REAGENT!!

Yes, this applies not only to the test of this manufacturer, but this review is about it. This month I have a delay of 5 days, but the day before the delay I took one test, and... it really made me to worry. I don’t know, maybe in my fantasies I imagined this second faded stripe, but I’ll attach a photo and I think you’ll see everything for yourself. Today I plan to do another test to make sure for sure, because these tests have never lied to me, but this The second reagent strip still tickled my nerves.

I ADD: The test is terrible, it will very easily mislead you, nothing changes in it, it always gives out its reagent when it dries😐
