Tequila. What is it made from? How to drink tequila? Mexican drink. How many degrees are in tequila? The heart of the country where they drive tequila

Tequila is a strong alcoholic drink made by distilling the juice from the heart of the blue agave plant. Interestingly, pulque, mezcal, and kokuy are also made on its basis. These are traditional American alcoholic beverages ranging from 38% to 56%.

It is a mistake to believe that tequila is made from cactus, it is made from agave. The stem of the plant is shortened, forming a rosette of fleshy, prickly leaves. Agave blooms not earlier than the 6th year of life, forms a peduncle with a large number of flowers. The height of the shoot reaches 12 meters. And the number of flowers is up to 17,000.

From one agave bulb weighing 45 kilograms, 15 liters of finished tequila are obtained.

The plant grows exclusively in the arid region of Mexico, in the states of Jalisco, Guanajuato, Tamaulipas, Michoacan, Nayarit. According to the regulated standards of the country's specialized body "Tequila Regulatory Council" in real tequila, the minimum alcohol content from blue agave is 52%. Interestingly, the regions in which the cultivation of the plant is allowed are under the protection of UNESCO.

Historical information

The first variations of tequila were prepared by the Aztecs. Among the Indian people, this drink was called "Octli" or "Pulke". It was he who became the basis for the preparation of the first tequila. In the 16th century, when the Spanish conquistadors ran out of brandy, they organized the distillation of pulque, as a result, the distillate from the fermented drink received the new name "Mezcal" and was a strong Mexican vodka. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Marquis Pedro Sanchez de Tahle built the first specialized distillery and launched the mass production of tequila. And since 1608, a tax was introduced on the sale of a combustible drink.

Since 1758, according to the idea of ​​Don José Cuervo, the blue agave has been cultivated. And already in the 19th century in Guadalajara, tequila (of a modern look) was first “launched” into mass production. In 2000, the blue agave was struck by the TMA disease, which destroyed hundreds of hectares of the plant's plantations. As a result, the production volumes of the drink decreased by more than 5 times, and the cost increased proportionally.

In the production of Mexican tequila, generational continuity is common. The creators of the legendary world brands of strong drink are the descendants of Spanish settlers. These include: "Jose Cuervo", "Sauza", "Tequila Sauza Blanco", "Sauza Extra Gold", "Sauza Hornitos Reposado", "Olmeca". The recipe for creating tequila is kept in the strictest confidence and passed down from generation to generation in a narrow family circle.


Tequila is divided according to two indicators: the aging period and the composition of alcohols. The higher the content of agave juice in the drink, the more expensive it is.

According to the composition, tequila is divided into two types:

  1. Standard (mixed) - "Tequila Mixto". This drink is 51% blue agave juice (not lower) and 49% sugars. In the production process of Tequila Mixto, the following ingredients are used: oak extract flavor, caramel color, glycerin, sugar-based syrup.
  2. "Premium" (pure) - "100% Blue Agave". The drink is made only from natural blue agave juice, has no foreign inclusions.

Types of tequila by exposure:

  1. "Silver" (Plata, Platinum, Blanco, White). It is a drink made exclusively from the core of the blue agave, has no aging. The taste of Silver is intense with natural sweetness. The drink is bottled immediately after distillation or stored for up to 4 weeks in stainless steel containers. To obtain a mild taste, tequila is kept for no more than 2 months.
  2. "Gold" (Joven, Oro). It is a kind of young, unaged tequila rich golden color. Often it is mixed ("Mixto"). To obtain a characteristic color, the drink is tinted with caramel. To enhance the taste, flavorings and dyes are introduced into it. The result is a young, diluted alcohol containing impurities. Such a drink has a low cost and is used in bars for the production of cocktails. The exception is Gold tequila (Joven), which is made by mixing "Reposado" or "Añejo" with "Silver". The resulting drink retains all the characteristics of a Mexican vodka made from natural, pure 100% blue agave.
  3. Reposado. This is a rested, ripe tequila of the first stage of exposure. It is insisted in metal containers or wooden barrels from 2 to 11 months. The ripened drink reflects the balance of aromas of wood and agave, has a golden hue. Interestingly, if tequila is kept in a barrel in which whiskey, bourbon or wine was pre-ripened, it will acquire the aroma of the former alcohol.
  4. "Añejo" (mature, long exposure). Manufacturers insist this type of tequila for at least 1 year in barrels with a capacity of up to 600 liters. Thanks to this, the drink acquires a rich amber color, rich, multifaceted and smooth taste.
  5. "Extra Añejo" (extra exposure). The production of this type of tequila began in 2006. The minimum aging period for Extra Añejo is 3 years. Tequila is aged in oak barrels up to 600 liters. During the period of "extra" aging, the drink acquires a dark red hue and a strong taste, characteristic of alcoholic products "with experience". To soften it, tequila after infusion in barrels is diluted with distilled water.

Today, Mexican vodka is produced with various flavors and aromas. The most popular of them are: Tequila Infusions, Tequila Liqueurs, Tequila Mixto, Tequila Cremes. These drinks are consumed not only in their pure form, but restaurant dishes, desserts, and cocktails are prepared on their basis.

Production technology

Making a strong alcoholic drink is a long process, which is conditionally divided into the following stages:

Let's consider each process in detail.

Stage No. 1 "Collection, processing of raw materials"

Of the 136 known varieties of agave, only one of them is used for the production of tequila - blue. In order to avoid the extinction of the plantation species, the plants are constantly updated. The fruit of the agave - piña, visually resembles a barrel or giant, weighing from 30 to 100 kilograms, depending on the age of the shrub. From above, needle-shaped leaves up to 2 meters in length stick out from it.

For the manufacture of tequila, only ripe juicy fruits are used, which are grown for 8-12 years. To make the piña more massive, flower shoots are cut off during flowering, which consume nutrients to form and ripen seeds. According to the conclusion of the manufacturers, this "operation" is beneficial from an economic point of view. At the same time, biologists argue the opposite - because of these manipulations, the population of bats (long-nosed), pollinating agave flowers, is decreasing. As a result, the number of wild plants is declining.

Harvesting begins after the appearance of reddish spots on the leaves of the agave - this is a sign that the fruit contains the required amount of sweet juice.

First of all, himadores cut the leaves, then cut the piña with a long, sharply ground koa shovel.

Stage number 2 "Cooking the core of the plant"

Quartered or split in half peaks are placed in traditional stone ovens, where they languish from 12 to 72 hours at a temperature of 70 degrees. The purpose of the heat treatment of agave fruits is the splitting of inulin into,. The resulting saccharides dissolve more easily in water, lend themselves to and are removed from the fibers. At the same time, it is impossible to raise the temperature above 80 degrees in the oven, as this can lead to caramelization of the piña and damage to the raw materials.

After heating, the agave pieces are cooled.

Stage number 3 "Spin"

After the parts of the core have cooled, they are crushed in mills, and the pulp is squeezed out.

Stage number 4 "Fermentation"

Juice, which contains 12% sugar, is placed in steel fermentation tanks and fermented at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. This process takes 7-10 days. As a result, the wort turns into pulque (mash) and contains from 4 to 7 degrees of alcohol.

Stage 5 "Distillation / evaporation of liquid"

Tequila is necessarily subjected to double distillation.

To evaporate the liquid, special distillation cubes (alambicas) or column distillers are used, which, in structure and principle of operation, resemble apparatus for filtering whiskey and cognac.

After the first purification, which lasts for 2 hours, an alcoholic "ordinario" is obtained. Its strength is 25 degrees.

During the second distillation, only the middle part of the distilled drink (“el corazon”, heart) is subject to processing. The duration of this process is 4 hours. The output is tequila, with an alcohol content of up to 55%.

The strength of the drink is regulated using distilled or spring water, bringing it up to 38 - 42%.

Stage №6 "Bottling"

This is the final stage at which the finished drink is laid for aging. White tequila is bottled immediately after distillation or stored directly in steel barrels. The characteristic color of an alcoholic drink acquires due to aging or the introduction of special additives (caramel). Before bottling, tequila is filtered through cellulose or carbon filters. However, this process is optional.

After infusion in wooden barrels, the drink acquires an amber color, oaky taste and rich smell. When the product has matured, it is blended, poured into glass bottles.

Remember, the production of tequila is strictly controlled by the Mexican state standard - from where the blue agave is grown to the method of corking it.

The label of the original high-quality drink has the inscription "NOM-006-SCFI-2005". It indicates compliance with all regulated standards in the production of tequila.

What's the use?

Agave is a medicinal plant with expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, disinfecting, analgesic effects. Thanks to this, tequila is filled with healing properties. The greatest value is provided by a drink aged over three years, with a maximum content of agave juice.

In moderation (up to 50 milliliters per day), tequila has a positive effect on the human body. 100 milliliters of strong drink contains from 200 to 250 calories.

Benefits for the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • cleanses the blood of free radicals;
  • reduces the pain threshold of sensitivity;
  • stimulates the work of the intestines, stomach, liver;
  • prevents the appearance of through ulcers;
  • enhances peristalsis of the large intestine;
  • removes toxins from the liver;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • reduces the chances of developing dementia;
  • slows down the development of putrefactive bacteria, the growth of oncological formations;
  • reduces the likelihood of inflammation of the stomach and duodenum;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • helps curb insomnia;
  • normalizes the activity of the gallbladder;
  • improves the structure of the hairline;
  • accelerates the growth of beneficial microflora.

In addition, tequila is used to prepare rubbing and compresses that alleviate the condition of patients who suffer from sciatica and rheumatism. To warm up diseased joints deprived of mobility, fold gauze in several layers, soak in alcohol, then apply to the sore spot. To enhance the effect, the compress is covered with plastic wrap and warm cloth. Remove after complete drying of the gauze.

Who can be harmed?

With excessive use, an agave-based drink negatively affects the functioning of the stomach, liver, pancreas, and central nervous system. The abuse of alcoholic beverages causes dependence, which in severe stages leads to cirrhosis, death of brain neurons, the appearance of ulcers and cancer of the digestive organs, and the destruction of red blood cells.

The lethal dose of alcohol in the human body is up to 6 ppm. In other words, 1 - 1.5 liters of tequila can be fatal. At the same time, the degree of intoxication, the risk of developing irreversible processes depends on gender, body weight, age, air temperature, the rate of introduction of alcohol into the body, alcohol tolerance, the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary, gastrointestinal systems.

Contraindications to the use of tequila:

  • pregnancy;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • children and youth up to 18 years;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • hypotension, hypertension;
  • pancreatitis;
  • kidney failure;
  • liver disease (hepatitis);
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • increased content of triglycerides in the blood;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • ulcer;
  • bone problems (osteoporosis);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system at the stage of exacerbation;
  • period after surgery.

Tequila is strictly prohibited for minors and people prone to alcoholism.

Methods of use

Drinking tequila is a whole ritual for the peoples of Western culture, which requires certain knowledge and skills.

Consider six methods on how to properly use this drink:

  1. In one gulp. Pre-cut a slice or lime and on the outside of the palm, between the index and thumb, pour a pinch of salt. Pour tequila into a glass. The principle of drinking: lick the salt from the palm of your hand, drink a drink, eat a citrus fruit. In short - "Lick! Topple! Have a bite!
  2. With and cinnamon. This method of drinking tequila is exactly the same as the previous one. At the same time, salt is replaced with ground cinnamon, and lemon with orange. The result is an interesting harmonious combination that softens the taste of alcohol. This method is very popular among the inhabitants of Germany.

Interestingly, women prefer to drink tequila with cinnamon and orange more, while men adhere to the classic “salt-lemon” scheme.

  1. C (Mexican ruff). To prepare a combustible cocktail, mix 330 milliliters of a light intoxicating drink and 33 milliliters of tequila. Drink in one gulp. Mexican ruff quickly intoxicates, due to which it received the unspoken name among Americans - "Fog".
  2. Margarita cocktail. It is the most popular tequila-based alcoholic drink. Every year, Americans drink more than 750 million servings of this cocktail. The drink was invented in 1948 by the Texas aristocrat Margaret Samez, after whom it got its name.

Recipe: mix one part lemon juice and Cointreau orange liqueur with three parts tequila, add a few ice cubes. Shake thoroughly in a shaker. Before serving, the drink is filtered, served in a Margarita glass with a salt edge.

  1. Cocktail "Sangrita". It is a traditional Mexican drink recently introduced to Europe.

To prepare Sangrita, prepare the following ingredients: tomatoes - 6 pieces, onions - 1 head, salt, sugar, pepper - 5 grams each, juice from three oranges and two lemons, tequila - 500 milliliters, ice - 50 grams.

Vegetables are peeled, cut into several pieces. All components are placed in a blender bowl, beat until smooth.

The Mexican American Sangarita tastes like the European Bloody Mary.

  1. Cocktail "Rapido" or "Tequila Boom". This drink is in great demand among young people, it instantly invigorates, therefore it is widely distributed in nightclubs.

To prepare a cocktail, mix sweet sparkling water with any kind of tequila in equal proportions. Then cover the glass with your hand, lightly hit the “leg” on the bar counter (carefully so as not to break). After foaming, Rapido is drunk in one gulp.

What to eat?

Snacks for tequila are divided into the following categories: light, cold, hot, "liquid". The choice depends on the situation. The main purpose of cold and hot snacks is to prevent intoxication. If the decision is made to limit yourself to 1 - 2 glasses (for a short meeting) of tequila, ordinary fruits are suitable as a snack. At the same time, if you plan a long party, you can’t do without a hot addition.

Types of snacks:

  1. Lungs. When drinking up to 150 milliliters of tequila per evening, the following fruits are limited: oranges sprinkled with cinnamon, pineapples (fresh or canned), sour.
  2. Cold. Mexican drink is combined with chips, bread with the usual hot sauce of local cuisine.

Classic variations of cold appetizers: cold cuts (soft cheeses, olives, meat), tartlets with tomatoes, cheese, onions, olive oil and chili peppers, mushroom salad with lemon juice, burrito.

  1. Hot. Suitable for a large feast filled with alcoholic beverages. Hot snacks are designed to restore balance in the body, prevent intoxication, so meals should be fatty and high-calorie. These include: fried meat, mashed potatoes. However, remember that hot foods greatly drown out the savory taste of agave-based spirits.
  2. Beverages. Tequila is not compatible with other alcohol. A mixture of combustible drinks causes a negative reaction from the body and is accompanied by severe intoxication and a hangover. A person feels nausea, weakness, dizziness, vomiting often occurs. And all due to the fact that the liver and irritated walls of the stomach do not have time to cope with the processing of the alcohol mix.

In order not to experience hangover symptoms in the morning, drink drinks of only one group: spirits (brandy), grain spirits (vodka, whiskey), agave spirits (tequila, sotol, mezcal), flavored spirits (gin, aquavit,).

Tequila is best combined with non-alcoholic Sangrita - a mixture of orange and tomato juice, seasoned with your favorite spices. The Mexican drink is served neat at room temperature and should be slowly sipped. Traditionally, tequila is poured into a narrow wedge-shaped glass with a capacity of up to 60 milliliters (“caballito”). Expensive aged alcohol is drunk from snifter glasses, which are used for whiskey and brandy. It allows you to better appreciate the aroma of an infused strong drink.

Bottled tequila, unlike wine, does not change its taste during storage. The main condition is to tightly cork the container with a cork after drinking.

Rating of the best tequilas in the world

10 - "Gran Patron Platinum". Soft, oily in texture with a citrus flavor. The cost of a bottle is $250.

9 - Don Julio Real. Premium tequila. The price of a bottle is $350.

8 - "Casa Herradura Seleccion Suprema". The color of the drink is amber, the consistency is oily. The cost of a bottle is $360.

7 - "Tres Cuatro Cinco". The drink is a mix of tequila aged 3, 4, 5 years in a ratio of 3: 4: 3. Limited edition - 1000 bottles. The copy price is $390.

6 - "Rey Solanejo". A distinctive feature is a vanilla-caramel flavor with a spicy note. The drink is infused for 5 years in wooden barrels. The cost is $400.

5 - Clase Extra Anejo. It has a blood-red color due to aging in barrels of sherry wine, tart taste, grape-woody aroma. Only 100 bottles are produced per year. The cost of one of them is $1700. By production of a bottle precious materials (platinum, silver, gold) are used.

4 - "1800 Coleccion". To prepare this type of tequila, several varieties of blue agave are used. The drink is infused in French oak barrels. The cost of a bottle is $1800.

3 - "Barrique Ponciano Porfidio". This is an elite barrel-infused drink that can be tasted in Japan. The price of a bottle is $2000.

2 - Asombroso Del Porto. The drink is distinguished by its softness, has 11 years of aging in barrels. The cost of a bottle is $2800.

1 - "Ley 925 Azteca". This is the best tequila in the world, the dream of every collector of elite drinks. Selected blue agave is used for its production. The cost of one bottle of high quality Lei 925 starts at $225,000. The impressive price is explained by the fact that you pay not only for the aroma of pure tequila and a bright, memorable taste, but also for the design of the bottle, which is handmade and decorated with precious metals, stones, and a platinum logo.


Tequila is a strong alcoholic drink widely known throughout the world that does not cause a hangover. Its color, aroma and taste depend on the aging period, which ranges from 2 months to 3 years. Elite varieties insist up to 11 years.

Premium class tequila is the most beneficial for humans, since it contains 100% agave juice, which positively affects the functioning of the body. Namely, it cleanses the blood, removes toxins, resists the development of pathogenic flora, stimulates the digestive tract, and improves the condition of the hair. In addition, tequila is used as a compress to warm up the joints.

The cost of a bottle of a noble drink is influenced by the following factors: aging time, agave juice content, brand popularity, package price. It is recommended to give preference to the following time-tested companies: Olmeca, Sauza, Jose Cuervo. Their products combine an adequate price and good quality.

Tequila is a strong Mexican distillate made from fermented blue agave juice (not to be confused with cactus), which is protected at the place of production.

The classification of tequila consists of six types: silver, gold, blanco, reposado, añejo and extra añejo.

Tequila comes in a wide range of colors, from a simple clear distilled beverage to a dark amber brown. The color of tequila is highly dependent on the aging process and the type of wood used for storage.

All authentic, regulated tequilas have a NOM on the bottle.

What you need to know about tequila

    How many degrees in tequila

    From 35 to 55%. For the US at the legislative level 40%.

    Where is it produced

    Mexican laws state that tequila can only be produced in the state of Jalisco and limited municipalities in the states of Guanajuato, Michoacán, Nayarit and Tamaulipas.

    Tequila is recognized as a Mexican drink by origin in more than 40 countries.

    Tequila is a type of mezcal. The areas of production of these two drinks may overlap, but in the case of mezcal, everything is more liberal.

    The difference is that tequila must only use blue agave plants, not any type of agave, as is the case with mezcal.

    What is made of

    Real tequila is made from 100% blue agave juice, harvested by hand on plantations in Mexico.

    More than 300 million blue agave plants are harvested each year.

    Interestingly, agave grows differently depending on the region. Blue agaves grown in the Los Altos highlands are larger and have a sweeter flavor and aroma.

    Agaves harvested in the lowlands have a more grassy aroma and taste.

    Chemistry and tequila

    Tequila contains over 300 different chemical compounds, many of which are produced during the fermentation of the raw materials used and, to a lesser extent, during maturation.

    The components that make up tequila do not act individually to give tequila its characteristic taste and aroma, but rather depend on the interaction of each of the volatile compounds and their amount.

    The volatile compounds responsible for the flavor and aroma characteristics of tequila belong to a category called organoleptic compounds and are known to increase in concentration with a slower fermentation process.

    Tequila and salt

    Tequila is usually served neat in Mexico, but in the rest of the world it is customary to drink it with salt and lime.

15th century:

A fermented agave drink is known to have been consumed in pre-Columbian central Mexico prior to European contact. When the Spanish conquistadors ran out of their own brandy, they began to distill the agave to produce one of North America's first native alcoholic beverages.

16th century:

The first mention of the production of tequila near the city of the same name, which did not officially exist until 1666.

The Marquis of Altamira, Don Pedro Sánchez de Tagle, began mass production of tequila at the first distillery in what is now Jalisco.

The colonial governor of Nueva Galicia began taxing his produce. King Carlos IV of Spain granted the Cuervo family the first license to commercially produce tequila.


Don Senobio Sauza founds the Sauza tequila and becomes president of the municipality of Tequila. He was also the first to export tequila to the United States and shortened the name from "Tequila Extract" to just "Tequila" for the American market.


Invented cocktail "".

Tequila, as a product, is protected by origin in the countries of the European Union.

The drink is also protected through NAFTA in Canada and the United States, and through bilateral agreements with individual countries such as Japan and Israel.

The Mexican government has stated that bottled tequila in Mexico guarantees its quality. Liquor companies in the United States said that Mexico simply wanted to create bottling jobs in its country, and that the rule would violate international trade agreements and go against normal export practices around the world.

A decision was made to allow flavored tequila to be called "tequila", with the exception of 100% agave tequila, which still cannot be flavored.


The United States and Mexico signed an agreement allowing the bulk import of tequila into the United States. The agreement also created a "tequila bottle registry" to identify approved tequila producers, as well as an agency to monitor the registry.

A new Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM) for tequila was released (NOM-006-SCFI-2005). Among other changes, a class of tequila called extra añejo or "ultra-aged" was introduced, which must be aged for a minimum of three years.

One liter bottle of limited edition premium tequila was sold by Tequila Ley for $225,000.

The latest version of the tequila standard (NOM-006-SCFI-2012), which specifies that silver grade tequila cannot contain additives, and labels must display the "aging time" of the ultra-aged grade.

The ban on imports of premium tequila (100% blue agave) to China has been lifted following President Xi Jinping's state visit to Mexico.

Although some tequila productions remain family brands, most of the well-known brands are owned by large multinational corporations.

However, over 100 distilleries produce over 900 brands of tequila in Mexico according to 2009 statistics.

Tequila production process

To this day, planting, caring for and harvesting blue agave remains a manual labor reliance on people called jimadores. They are well versed in how plants should be cultivated and their experience is literally passed down from generation to generation.

By regularly trimming the several meters high stems that grow from the center of the plant, the jimadores prevent early flowering and death of the agave, allowing it to fully ripen.

Gimadores must be able to tell when each plant is ready to be harvested, and with a special knife called a quiotes (with a round blade on a long pole), carefully cut the leaves from the piña (plant's succulent core).

If harvested too late or too early, the piña, which can average between 70 kg in the lowlands and 110 kg in the highlands, will not have enough carbohydrates to ferment.

Once harvested, the piña are sent to ovens where they are slowly baked to break down their complex fructans into simple fructoses.

The baked piña are then crushed or pounded under a large stone wheel called a tajona. As a result of this processing, a by-product is obtained - fiber, which is often used as compost, animal feed, paper processing or burned as fuel.

Some manufacturers add a small amount of fiber back to their fermentation tanks to enhance the flavor of the agave in the final product.

The extracted agave juice is then poured into large wooden or stainless steel vats for fermentation for several days, resulting in a must, or mosto [ˈmosto], with a low alcohol content.

The must is distilled once to produce the so-called "ordinario" and then a second time to produce a clear "silver" tequila. At least two distillations are required by law.

Some producers such as Casa Noble and Corzo experimented with distilling the product a third time, but this did not become a trend, and it was said that it removed too much flavor from Tequila.

The tequila is then either bottled as silver tequila or pumped into wooden barrels, where it "ages" and takes on a milder flavor and amber color.

Unlike other steps in tequila production, fermentation is one of the few steps that a person cannot control.

Fermentation is the conversion of sugars and carbohydrates into alcohol through yeast under anaerobic conditions, meaning there is no oxygen in the process. Fermentation is also carried out in a non-aseptic environment, which increases the bacterial activity of the tequila. The involvement of environmental microorganisms (yeasts and bacteria) makes fermentation a spontaneous process that produces many by-products that contribute to the flavor and aroma of tequila.

During the fermentation process, inoculum is added to the batch to speed up the rate of fermentation.

With the addition of inoculum, fermentation can take anywhere from 20 hours to 3 days.

If inoculum is not added, fermentation may take up to 7 days.

The rate of fermentation is a key factor in the quality and taste of the tequila produced. Musts fermented slowly are better because the amount of organoleptic compounds produced is greater. The alcohol content at the end of fermentation is 4-9%.

Organoleptic compounds in tequila

Organoleptic compounds enhance the taste and aroma. These include: fusel oil, methanol, aldehydes, organic acids and esters.

The production of isoamyl and isobutyl alcohols begins after a significant decrease in sugar levels and continues for several hours after the end of alcoholic fermentation.

The production of ethanol begins in the first hours of fermentation and ends with the growth of logarithmic yeast.

    The amount of isoamyl alcohol and isobutanol in the yeast strain.

    The ratio of carbon to nitrogen (the higher the ratio, the more alcohol produced).

    fermentation temperature.

The higher the temperature, the greater the concentration of isobutyl and isoamyl alcohols. Although, if the temperature is too high, it can cause the yeast to become less effective.

Similarly, if the temperature is too low, the process is too slow.

Yeast and tequila quality

Organoleptic compounds are dependent on yeast. The role of yeast is to convert sugar and carbohydrates into alcohol through many enzymatic processes.

Manufacturers use two types of yeast:

Natural. Under aerobic conditions, yeast doubles in colony size every four hours. This process takes 24-48 hours. The yeast then converts the acetaldehyde into ethyl alcohol, which is known as one of the organoleptic compounds produced during the fermentation process.

Commercial brewer's yeast derived from pre-cultured existing yeast and yeast that has been salvaged from past batches of the brew. Naturally, the use of different types of yeast can lead to different end products, which will greatly affect the taste and aroma of tequila.

Tequila classification

The simplest and most obvious is the typology of tequila, based on the amount of deep agave distillate contained in the drink. In this case, we are dealing with only two of its varieties.

Tequila by age

The production technology of the famous drink in many cases includes aging in special barrels. These barrels are made of American, less often French oak. Some drink producers especially appreciate containers that previously contained wine, cognac, whiskey or bourbon.

True, there is another extreme. In order to avoid excessive evaporation of the distillate, dodgy tequileiros may use wooden barrels only for the first stage of aging; after which future drinks of elite varieties migrate to unassuming stainless steel containers.

Based on the quality associated with the aging factor or its lack, tequila can be divided into 6 categories.

How to choose tequila

    Take only a bottle that clearly says "100% agave"

    Or: 100% Blue Agave, 100% De Agave, Tequila 100% puro de agave.

    Manufacturer country

    The birthplace of tequila is only Mexico. The first three digits of the barcode are 750.

    Research the brand before buying

    If the manufacturer uses natural fermentation technology, it will be the most aromatic and rich in taste tequila.

    NOM identifier

    For example, since 1990 there have been NOM-006-SCFI-1993, later NOM-006-SCFI-1994, NOM-006-SCFI-2005 and NOM-006-SCFI-2012.

    The number after NOM is the distillery number assigned by the Mexican government. The NOM does not indicate the location of the distillery.

Storage conditions for tequila

Unlike wine, which contains tannins that can change over time even in the bottle, spirits like tequila don't change much once they're bottled.

Since tequila is a distilled spirit, it does not require the strict storage conditions of wine. The same goes for most other spirits such as whiskey, rum or vodka.

It is important to understand that the taste, aroma and color of tequila are determined by the aging process in wooden barrels.

However, to maintain the quality of your tequila, Whisk recommends that you meet at least three conditions:

    Constant and moderate temperature (from 15 to 18 degrees).

    No exposure to direct sunlight.

    A well-sealed cork will keep all the characteristics of tequila longer.

In addition, silver tequila is the most persistent, while darker and more complex types are more critical to all the errors above.

It is important to remember that as soon as the bottle is opened, tequila immediately undergoes oxidation, which will occur even with a tightly closed cap, but to a much lesser extent. Also, if there is more room for air in the bottle, the oxidation process will be faster for the liquid inside the bottle.

Therefore, it is best to consume tequila within one or two years after opening. Much of the change in tequila quality is due to extreme conditions of improper storage, not oxidation.

Error or something to add?

What are the types of tequila, and what determines whether the drink belongs to one or another variety. Tequila is made from agave juice.- a plant that grows in the arid part of central Mexico, there are several types of agave, but only blue agave is used to make tequila. Consider the varieties of this drink in more detail.

In the article:

Types of tequila by alcohol content

Tequila is an alcoholic drink that is gaining more and more popularity among alcoholic gourmets every year. The story began in the 16th century, when the Spanish conquistadors came to the continent of North America. They invented the first alcohol from local raw materials, which became the progenitor of modern tequila.

  • Tequila 100% Blue Agava (premium) is the highest quality and most expensive drink that contains 100% agave juice. It is produced and bottled only in strictly defined places in Mexico. The labels are obligatory marked "Tequila 100% de agave" or "Tequila 100% puro de agave".
  • Tequila Mixta (standard) - the content of blue agave juice in this drink must be at least 51%. The remaining 49% is filled with sugar syrup from any sugar-containing culture. It is also called mixed. Each manufacturer of mixed species develops its own composition of the product, so mixta has a wide variety of flavors. This product is labeled "Tequila ". Since 2006, this type has been allowed to be bottled outside of its production.

Varieties of tequila depending on exposure

ends with a delay. The drink is aged in wooden barrels. When interacting with a tree, the drink acquires its own unique taste, color and aroma. Depending on the exposure time, the product is divided into several varieties.

Tequila silver

Tequila silver (silver) is a blue agave drink in its purest form. It is usually bottled immediately after distalation. Exposure of this variety is up to 4 weeks.

Tequila gold

Tequila gold (gold) - this type also goes through a short aging period. The taste is softer and the color is dark. This is achieved by the addition of caramel and oak essence, which makes it similar to a more aged drink.

Tequila reposado

Tequila reposado

Tequila reposado (rested or ripened) - alcohol of this type is aged for up to a year in wooden barrels. During this time, the drink acquires a mixture of agave and wood aromas. The manufacturer of alcoholic beverages began to practice aging rested tequila in barrels previously intended for storing cognac, whiskey, wine or bourbon. In this case, notes of the former liquor are added to the aroma.

Tequila anejo

Tequila anejo (aged) - storage time ranges from one to three years. It is stored in wooden barrels up to 600 liters. During this time, the color of the drink acquires amber hues, and the taste becomes more complex.

Tequila extra anejro

Tequila extra anejro

Tequila extra anejro (over-aged) - the age of this drink is calculated from three years. The taste and aroma of this type of drink is rich and complex, and the color takes on shades of red.
Regardless of the aging time and the composition of the drink, the strength is almost always the same and ranges from 38 to 40 degrees.

Compliance with the composition and production process is strictly monitored by state organizations created by the Mexican government for this purpose. Places of production of tequila, blue agave and the drink itself are considered the property of Mexico. These objects are taken under the protection of UNESCO as World Heritage Sites.

Tequila producers

For taste and color, as they say, there is no friend. Connoisseurs are divided into two camps. Some people like silver unaged tequila. it most clearly reveals the aroma and taste of agave. Others prefer aged varieties of this drink.

In the production of the Mexican drink, the succession of generations is widespread. Modern - these are the descendants of Spanish settlers, starting from the 16th century.

Jose Cuervo

One of the oldest brands. The ancestor of this brand was Don Jose Antonio de Cuervo, who received a piece of land in the city of Tequila from a royal person in the 18th century. The enterprising Spaniard, having correctly calculated the benefits, took up the cultivation of blue agave and the production of alcoholic beverages. Since those ancient times, Cuervo's descendants have been engaged in the production and sale of an ancient Mexican alcoholic product.

Jose Cuervo 1800
Special Reposad Viuda de Romero

It has become a family business, passed down from generation to generation. This brand of tequila is distinguished by its richness of taste and color and belongs to the anejo (aged) category. "Jose Cuervo 1800", "Expecial Reposado", "Viuda de Romero" and many others are well-deservedly popular among lovers of aged tequila.


The founder of the Sauza brand, Don Senobio Sauza, began his journey as a simple hired worker in a distillery, and then rented, and then bought out a tequila production plant. Thanks to his commercial acumen, Sauza developed the production of the Mexican drink and was the first to export tequila abroad. Don Senobio Sauza passed on to his heirs a well-established production of alcohol and large plantations of blue agave.

Tequila Sauza Blanco

Sauza Extra Gold

For lovers of golden tequila, Sauza Extra Gold is suitable. Gourmets highly appreciate its bright color and subtle caramel flavor.

Seasoned tequila connoisseurs will be delighted by Sauza Hornitos Reposado. The drink is aged in white oak barrels, has a rich golden color and incomparable.


The history of the manufacturer of the Olmeca brand is hidden behind the thickness of centuries. Where this brand came from, and who created it, marketers are still guessing. And like everything mysterious, the history of Olmeca is overgrown with legends and fables. And manufacturers are using this mystery to the full to promote the brand. This drink differs from other types not only in its incredible taste, but also in the unusual design of the bottles. With its uniqueness, Olmeca won not only the love of fans of Mexican alcohol, but also the recognition of a high jury at various international competitions. Therefore, it was awarded a separate article on our website.

Producers of the Mexican drink, taking advantage of the ever-increasing popularity of tequila, are trying their best to please consumers. From the presented variety of alcoholic products, everyone will find for themselves a tequila that meets their taste and wallet.

There is no such person who would not have heard of the exotic drink tequila. Its homeland is Central America, but the drink has long become popular on other continents. What is tequila made from and what is considered a quality product?

History of occurrence

Tequila is the drink of true Mexicans. Indigenous peoples of Central America discovered that the juice of a ripe agave has an unusual taste. However, it was not the Incas, Mayans or Aztecs who came up with cactus vodka, but the conquistadors in the middle of the 16th century. They brought distillers with them to the American continent to make their favorite. And when the necessary raw materials ran out, the juicy agave plant was used.

Thus began the history of tequila. Even the date of birth of Mexican vodka has been preserved - 1521. However, for a long time it was called "mezcal". The name "tequila" appeared only in the middle of the 19th century, when the product was put on the production line. The name was associated with the city of the same name, where the drink was first made. In the middle of the XX century. Mexican authorities ensured that a drink made from blue agave juice was made in several states of the state, and only imported to other countries in barrels for bottling.

Tequila production technology

Today, Mexico owns all the rights to the production of tequila, because it is its national drink. What do the indigenous people make tequila from? Mexican is made from agave - a large succulent common in Mexico. The appearance of the plant resembles aloe.

Good tequila is made from blue agave. In Mexico, there are even specially trained people who collect and process agave. They are called himadores. Himadors extract the core of the plant by chopping off the leaves with a special shovel. A suitable plant must be at least 10 years old, as tequila is only made from mature agave.

The heart of the agave is called piña in Mexico. In an adult plant, it exceeds the size of a soccer ball. It takes 2 piñas to produce 1 bottle of Mexican vodka. The core is softened in special ovens. After heat treatment, the piñas become soft, so you can easily squeeze the juice out of them.

Pulque is first prepared from the juice - alcohol with a strength of 5%. It is obtained by adding fruit yeast to agave juice and leaving the liquid for 5 days to ferment. After the liquid is subjected to primary and secondary distillation.

Mexicans only recognize the drink that is made from agave. However, many producers of Mexican vodka add various substances to it: corn syrup, cane sugar, natural flavors, etc. They change the taste of the drink, but not always for the better.

Types and composition

There are 2 main classifications of a Mexican drink - according to composition and aging time. The composition distinguishes 2 types of tequila:

  • clean;
  • mixed.

Pure tequila is a 100% agave distiller. This drink is produced only in 5 states of Mexico. Other regions and countries do not even have the right to bottle this kind of Mexican alcohol. All "100% tequila" made elsewhere is counterfeit. The absence of any impurities and the naturalness of the composition is indicated by the corresponding inscription on the label, which is always present on Mexican vodka.

Blended tequila is a lower quality product as it can only contain 50% natural agave distillate. The remaining components in the composition are dyes and flavors. They can be either natural or synthetic. However, additives can be less than 5%. This drink is also appreciated by lovers of Mexican vodka.

According to the aging period, the following types of tequila are distinguished:

  • over seasoned;
  • seasoned;
  • rested;
  • white (platinum);
  • golden (young);
  • silver.

Aged is a drink that has been in the barrel for 1 to 3 years. Tequila is poured into special wooden barrels with a volume of not more than 600 liters. The best material is French or American oak. And some connoisseurs of Mexican vodka argue that the product acquires a good taste if it is aged in barrels in which it used to be or.

Under such storage conditions, it is possible to obtain the best tequila, the strength, color and taste of which will be on top. Drinks in this category include aged and over-aged tequila. It contains only 100% agave distiller. This high quality product has a mild taste and rich golden amber color.

The exposure of rested and white tequila ranges from 1-3 months. The composition of the natural drink of these types has no additives. It is made only from an agave distiller, but with a less pronounced taste. The color of the product may be white or golden. There is almost no smell.

Gold and silver tequila are low quality products. And if some producers of golden cactus vodka add a small number of chemical components to agave, then the latter type is almost half a synthetic product. The composition of silver tequila most often does not please, although there are good brands.

How to choose a quality drink - the best brands

Cactus vodka has become so popular that many producers around the world make this drink. However, a quality product can be selected according to 2 criteria: only agave in the composition and Mexican production. Only agave tequila without additional synthetic ingredients is considered natural. Sometimes a small addition of plant components and dilution with spring water are allowed.

Most often, blue agave is used to produce cactus vodka. Tequila of such brands as "Patron", "Sierra", "Messicano", "Tequila Sauza Blanco", "Olmeka" is made from it. The last 2 brands are famous for their high quality of production and affordability. Ripened blue agave juice gives the drink an incredible soft and rich taste, tart and sweet at the same time.

The most expensive brands of cactus vodka are Jose Cuervo, Ley 925 Azteca, Asombroso Del Porto, Clase Extra Anejo, 1800 Coleccion. Their high price is due to the incredible taste and aroma of the drink, as well as a long aging period. These brands are time-tested and guarantee the quality of their products.

How and with what to drink?

Cactus vodka can be drunk in several ways. The Mexicans themselves prefer to drink it in one gulp from small glasses, washed down with tomato juice. Citrus fruit juice and hot spices are often added to the tomato. However, among connoisseurs of alcohol, it is believed that a quality drink should be drunk without a drink or a snack, savoring the taste and feeling an incredible aroma.

In Europe and America, another method is common. Small cups of burning liquid are seized with salt dipped in lemon or lime juice. Salt is poured on the area near the thumb, and then licked off. With such an appetizer, the taste of agave becomes more pronounced.

Citrus fruits harmonize well with blue agave tequila. Mexican vodka can be eaten with slices of orange, lemon or lime. And in some bars you can see how the drink is poured into a "glass" of a whole lemon or lime. Suitable "fire water" and for making cocktails. It can be mixed with fruit juices, soda and even light.

Tequila- a strong alcoholic drink made from agave juice, produced in Mexico.

For the Mexicans themselves, this drink is very important, many historical moments are associated with it.

The history of the drink

Agave has been growing in Mexico for over 9,000 years. The ancients used it as food, considering it a useful product. Tequila production began in the 16th century. It was then that the Spanish conquistadors came to the territory of Mexico. They brought brandy with them, but the drink ran out very quickly. In order not to be left without alcohol, the conquistadors began to make a drink from the core of the agave, which they called "mezcal". It is he who is the "big brother" of tequila.

At the beginning of the 17th century, serial production begins. The drink in its modern form appeared in the early 19th century. It began to be produced in the Mexican state of Guadalajara. It is noteworthy that several bottles produced in 1800 are still preserved. They are considered rare and are sold as a commercial product.


Perhaps tequila is the most vague drink around which many myths have developed. Many, having heard the question of what tequila is made of, will answer without hesitation that it is from a cactus. In fact, this thorny plant has nothing to do with the production of the drink. Tequila is made from agave. Moreover, there are more than 100 of its species, but for the preparation of the drink, only the core of the blue agave is taken (pictured).

Mexicans clearly distinguish between tequila and mezcal. But other peoples get confused, so there was an opinion that these drinks are exactly the same. In fact, despite the common roots, these are different drinks. They have several differences. As already mentioned, tequila is made only from blue agave, five types of this plant are used to produce mezcal. Tequila is distilled twice, mezcal once.

Some European producers, trying to impress buyers, add a caterpillar that lives on agave leaves to a bottle of tequila. In fact, real Mexican tequila is poured into an empty bottle, without worms. And European producers are once again confusing tequila with mezcal. It is in it that caterpillars are sometimes placed.

Tequila makes you drunk much faster than vodka. Therefore, there was a myth that the drink does not cause a hangover. In fact, many simply do not have time to drink enough tequila to get a hangover. If you drink a lot of it, then in the morning your head will definitely hurt and dry in your mouth.

Types of tequila

The degree of tequila varies from 40 to 55, depending on the age of the drink. Tequila is divided into two categories: made from 100% agave and made from 51% agave and 49% other sugars.

  • silver tequila, the exposure of which is equal to two months;
  • gold, in which the shutter speed is equal to two months, but it is artificially tinted to give a resemblance to well-aged tequila;
  • rested, which is aged for about a year;
  • aged, the exposure of which varies from one to three years;
  • over-aged, the aging period of which exceeds three years.

Usually exposure changes color. In such cases, the drink is sometimes tinted with caramel to give it a darker color.

Each type of drink has a unique taste and aroma. It is believed that the best tequila is the one that has been aged for at least four years. It has a delicate aroma and exquisite taste. Sometimes producers mix different types of tequila to get new unusual combinations.

The Mexican government carefully monitors the production of the drink. For this, the Tequila Producers Association and the Tequila Regulatory Council were created. They make sure manufacturers comply with all laws and regulations. The Mexican government even monitors the inscriptions on the bottles. They should contain information about the composition, variety and aging of the drink. Bottles with quality real tequila are always stamped that its release is authorized by the Mexican government. Not surprisingly, with this approach, tequila is considered one of the highest quality alcoholic beverages.

Real quality tequila is quite expensive. For example, a bottle of The 1800 Coleccion tequila costs $1,800. This is an expensive collectible tequila, which has an unusual aroma of vanilla, almond and melon. Of course, not all types of drink are so expensive. You can find tequila at an affordable price that will be affordable to most people. Recently, the demand for the drink has increased significantly, so the price of the drink continues to rise.
Tequila is the national Mexican drink, which has a history of more than one century. To date, the drink is popular all over the world, it is loved by both true gourmets and ordinary fans of good alcohol.

How and with what to drink tequila?

There are several ways to drink tequila. It is noteworthy that in the homeland of the drink in Mexico, this aspect is not given much attention. Tequila is drunk the way it is more convenient. But among Europeans, the use of a drink can be compared with a ritual. The most popular way is with lime and salt. First, there is a little preparation: a few drops of lime are dripped on the back of the hand between the index finger and thumb. Then the same place is sprinkled with a little salt. Place a piece of lime next to it. You need to lick off the salt, quickly wash it down with tequila and bite with lime. If there is no lime, then you can replace it with a regular lemon.

Among young people, this way of drinking tequila is very common, like tequila boom. Especially often it is used in nightclubs and discos, when you need to quickly cheer up. Tequila is mixed with tonic (sprite) and cover the glass with the palm of your hand. Then you need to sharply hit the container on a hard surface. From such a shake, the cocktail boils, and you need to drink it as soon as possible.

Sometimes tequila is drunk in its pure form, washed down with an original cocktail of lemon and tomato juice with the addition of chili peppers.

Often tequila is used in the preparation of cocktails such as margarita, sangrita, El desierto. It can be added to coffee, tea, cognac. That is why it is impossible to unequivocally answer how to drink tequila correctly, everyone drinks it the way it is more convenient for him.
