Runic staves. Runic formulas and formulas - proven and strongest for all occasions Slavic runic formulas and formulas

Any, even the simplest runic staves, can turn events occurring in a person’s life in the right direction. With the help of a correctly compiled and specified runescript, you will be able to find out the truth about the person you are interested in, change the future, quickly find a well-paid job and even quit smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. But in order for the formula to unwind and work as best as possible, before you start working with runes, it is important to study the rules of use and safety precautions, otherwise an inexperienced user can seriously harm themselves.

What it is?

Staves are a simple or complex combination consisting of runic symbols that have magical properties.

If you learn to use these signs correctly, you can influence various energies, receive help from the gods in the form of insight or a prophetic dream, bring positive changes to your destiny, open the way to achieving the most daring goals, make the secret become clear, completely change the world around yourself and forget about hard life, poverty, failures, illnesses.

However, in order to achieve these benefits, it is important to earn respect from the runes, treat them well, study the rules of use, and always thank them for the work done. If you use formulas carelessly, or apply runes on the body or other medium thoughtlessly, magical signs will not only not bring any benefit, but can even take away your health, leaving a scar in the form of distortions on the energetic and physical plane. The temptation to get everything at once is great, but still, if a person is unsure of his abilities, it is better to devote more time to studying the runes, learn to read galdrastavs correctly, and then slowly try to work with them.

How to draw?

When applying symbols to the body, a person must be aware of their meaning and do it clearly according to the rules.

In order for the runes to work correctly and for the benefit of the user, it is first of all important to know the exact meaning and description of each, what energy comes from the individual sign. In addition to these rules, do not forget about the principles of drawing signs. Before you start drawing formulas on your body or other medium, it is important to make sure that the meaning of your personal actions is fully understood. When drawing a runescript, it is important to draw each rune separately, saying its name. If the user made a mistake while writing the formula, there is no need to correct it. It is better to take a new blank or erase the inscription, but never make corrections to the old one.

Runic stav is written from left to right. For complex ligature, the application rules do not change. Circular amulets will be drawn clockwise, complex sacred signs should also be in a straight position and located strictly from left to right. Runic symbols are applied to wood, metal, stone, paper, and one’s own body. For drawing, paints, a regular ballpoint pen, aromatic oils, henna are used; special cutters are suitable for working with hard surfaces. When you are ready, it is important to clearly state, directing energy in the right direction.

Main types of staves with a description of application and action

For relationships

If a person is tired of loneliness, no matter how hard he tries, he cannot find a reliable, good life partner, the way out of this situation is to use a rune stave, which removes the crown of celibacy, restores energy potential, helps to quickly solve the problem, ensuring a favorable outcome for men or women . To destroy the crown of loneliness, a formula containing the following runes is used:

There is a formula that will help a person finally find happiness in his personal life and find his person.
  • Perth;
  • Hagalaz;
  • Kveort mirror;
  • Ansuz.

Drawing stav is recommended on the body, but is not prohibited on other media. To ignite passion and awaken corresponding emotions, you can use “Pheromones”, which is essentially considered a hassle. Elm consists of the following runes:

  • Laguz;
  • Kano;
  • Vunyo.

To renew sexual relationships and increase the brightness of sensations, many were helped by becoming “Sexual Attachment”, consisting of runes:

  • Nautiz;
  • Gebo;
  • Kanaz;
  • Teyvaz;
  • Vunyo.

Becoming subject to the will makes a person actually a thing of the operator. However, this effect is classified as black magic, so the boomerang effect has not been canceled. Runic glyphs are forbidden to be used for fun; they are used in extreme situations, for example, to kick a person out of the house if he brings only trouble to the family, or vice versa, to instill a feeling of guilt so that preserving the family is a priority. Becoming “Thought Suggestion” is very powerful.

The formula will push the object of influence to activity in relation to the operator.

Elm “Magic Pendel” - Eyvaz - Uruz - Kenaz - Gebo” will give a good kick to action, making a person think and experience sexual attraction. In order for a man to constantly think, remember about a woman, run after her and express emotions, the “Flycatcher” is used. The working runes are:

  • Berkana - Kenaz;
  • double Laguz;
  • Perth;
  • Inguz;
  • mask runes in the center.

For a successful career

Not every person has a good, highly paid and favorite job, where they would like to go every day, revealing their abilities and freely turning their plans into reality. To search for this, becoming “Work” is suitable, opening up new prospects for a person and clearing the money channel. You can get quick results by applying the following symbols to a photo or to yourself:

  • Dagaz;
  • Mannaz;
  • Fehu ligature and double Yera;
  • Turisaz;
  • double Nautiz.

The “Sunshine” formula will help a person get used to the work team.

Without charisma and confidence, it is impossible to build a career or business and become successful. In order for a person to be thought of as a professional at work, and also for him to reveal himself from his advantageous side, demonstrating the best, it is recommended to use the “Charisma” becoming. To quickly memorize new information and develop professional abilities, the “Diligent Worker” worker column, consisting of such runic symbols as Fehu - Kenaz - Inguz - Soulu, is suitable. To protect against an evil boss, the ligature from Mannaz and Vunyo is suitable. In order for colleagues to love and respect, they use the “Sun” ligature with a reservation about attractiveness. And so that the employee is not lazy and completes the assigned task on time, the title “Emperor” is applied.

Betting on luck

The Dagaz and Teyvaz runes, which are recommended to be drawn on a die and carried with you as an amulet, will help move things forward or speed up dramatic changes, for example, moving to a new place or changing jobs. A runescript consisting of a triple Fehu will help increase property, attract success in life and receive pleasant gifts, and make sure that fate is always favorable. Becoming a “Financial Node of Luck” will open a money channel, ensuring financial inflow, and destroy negative energy nodes that prevent you from attracting a positive change in the situation. Working runes - Fe-atta - Sol - bag runes.

For success and happiness

The formula will help develop qualities in a person that will help him win in some situations.

The rune of victory Fehu - Hagalaz - Teyvaz will get rid of cockroaches in the head, strengthen vitality, enhance intuition, efficiency, and memorization of important information. You can remove negativity from yourself, get rid of energy vampires and block the paths through which they act by using the “Happiness” ligature, which includes the runes - 3 Gebo, 2 Ansuz, 2 Vunyo, 2 Soul, Algiz, Mannaz, Otal. You can get rid of depression, make a person think positively, and close the energy pathways through which vital forces flow away by becoming “Get Out of Depression,” consisting of the signs:

  • Algiz;
  • Laguz;
  • Dagaz;
  • Gebo.

There is another proven system that has been tested and has proven itself well - “The Happiness Trap”. Elm is made up of European glyphs. And the ligature from Sam “For good luck and prosperity” will open ways to increase your status and move forward.


The power of runes is so universal that it can be used in absolutely any area of ​​life: work, relationships with others, personal life. As a rule, practitioners of rune magic always have several rune staves in stock for all occasions, so that at any time they can. If you also want to “replenish your formula bank,” you will find everything you need for this in this article.

Why is it important to use only proven bets?

Many beginners often ask the question: why do you need to take only a system that has been tested and compiled by someone, and not come up with your own? The fact is that those who cannot yet call themselves a professional in working with runes can make a serious mistake by not taking into account, for example, the combination of two symbols with each other, which will lead to unpleasant consequences. And it’s good if it’s just a formula that didn’t work in principle, and not one that didn’t work at all as expected.

Universal rune bets for good luck in all matters

Let's figure out what our luck generally consists of. Most likely, this is a combination of self-realization, fulfillment of desires and material well-being, isn’t it? Those. To call your life successful, a person needs to feel happy in his family, work, and home. This is exactly what they allow you to realize.

Runogram “For good luck”

This runic set for all occasions includes Kenaz, Fehu, Vunyo. Each rune is responsible for one specific area.

  • Kenaz - allows a person to self-realize
  • Fehu - attracts material well-being into his life
  • Vunyo - promotes the fulfillment of desires and gives joy from their fulfillment

Just four runes connected together can attract a powerful flow of luck in everything into your life. Yes, yes, the formula acts on absolutely all areas of life, and thanks to its action, a person begins to feel truly happy. Composition of the formula: two Ansuz located at the edges, and between them Uruz and Yera.

A person can become happy only when he is healthy - this is a fact that does not require proof. When we have health problems, even the fulfillment of our cherished dreams does not bring us unlimited joy. This working runic position for all occasions gives a person the most important thing - health, and at the same time attracts prosperity and good luck in everything into his life. It’s easy to draw: it’s Dagaz and Inguz standing next to each other.

Bets for all occasions to attract material wealth

Often we don’t have enough money to fulfill our dreams. Some people dream of visiting distant countries, others dream of building their own house, others dream of buying a car, and others dream of improving their health to achieve beauty and well-being. But all this, of course, requires money. We offer you three simple but effective formulas that will allow you to achieve financial well-being.

Triple Fehu

Fehu is rightfully considered the most “money” rune. And if you put three of its images on your own photo at once or use this ligature as an amulet, financial flows will naturally flow to you. Simple, powerful and high quality!

Runic becoming "Banker"

This formula is more complicated. It includes a large number of runes, but it has already proven its work more than once. This is what the symbols included in the ligature mean:

  • Perth is a symbol of your wallet, into which wealth will come
  • Fehu - money itself
  • Uruz - concentrates the power of the runes and enhances the work of the stave in the right direction
  • Nautiz - acts as a guarantee of receiving money
  • Two Kenaz - open up new opportunities, new paths along which wealth will come into your life
  • Inguz - protects a person from unnecessary material waste
  • Yera is a sign of the harvest, the fruits received for the labor done by man

Formula for attracting wealth “Golden Dragon”

This quick rune for all occasions brings results very quickly: it begins to work a couple of days after activation, and in especially difficult cases - no longer than two weeks.

The runes included in it and their work:

  • Teyvaz - destroys all obstacles that interfere with the flow of finances into your life
  • Algiz - protects all your cash receipts
  • Evaz - directs a person to “money” places
  • Dagaz - helps to open new sources of income
  • Mannaz - denotes the person himself for whom he works
  • Four Inguz - symbolize the arrival of wealth
  • Two Laguz - make cash flow constant

Universal runic formulas for cleansing negativity

These runic staves for all occasions to cleanse a person from any negative influences can be used as a powerful defense against enemies and troubles.

Becoming a “Protective Barrier”

This formula allows you to create a very strong “impenetrable” shield that will protect a person from extraneous negative influences, for example, the envy of others, the evil eye, damage and deliberate witchcraft with the aim of creating trouble. It includes two Turisaz and Teyvaz, located between them.

Sometimes a person needs a complete “reboot” in order to start living, as they say, “from scratch.” When you need to cleanse yourself of interfering emotions, go through a difficult period, get rid of extraneous influences and start a new path, use the combination Dagaz - Berkana - Soulu. Dagaz will strengthen your physical and spiritual health, Berkana will give vitality for further growth, and will also act as a reliable support and support, and Soulu will allow your dreams and desires to come true.

Runic cleansing "Sun"

This is a rather complex, but very effective rune for all occasions, allowing a person to completely cleanse himself and the surrounding space of negativity.

Its composition includes not only the runes of the Elder Futhark, but also symbols of the Northumbian system:

  • Eight Kveort burns all negativity, both internal and induced by someone from the outside
  • Eight Ears turn burned negativity into ashes
  • Nine Soulu illuminate a person’s life with sunlight, give him energy, vitality, and a positive attitude
  • Eight Algiz put up powerful defense
  • Sixteen Kenaz give a person harmony, “disperse the clouds” in his soul
  • Eight runes of Berkan allow cleansing to occur naturally, without harm to health and well-being.
  • A combination of Northumbian Ir and eight Perth cleanses a person on a spiritual level from various kinds of magical influences
  • The magical rune Ear allows a person to be reborn after cleansing, like a Phoenix bird
  • The spiral depicted in the center of the stave, like a funnel, sucks in all the “garbage” and destroys it without a trace

Runic bets for home defense

It consists of the following signs: at the edges there are two Isas, then next to them two Kenazs, and in the very center - Hagalaz. They can be depicted either simply with runes following each other, or with script in which the symbols are intertwined. This is a powerful protective amulet against various troubles, protecting you and your home.

  • Algiz symbolizes powerful protection
  • Uruz creates favorable energy in the home
  • brings everything that every family member needs for happiness
  • Dagaz promotes prosperity and helps solve difficult problems, for example, illnesses of family members, accumulated debts, etc.
  • Laguz guards the family budget and also neutralizes all possible family conflicts
  • Nautiz provides powerful support, helps those living in the house go through difficult periods without serious losses, and also helps each family member understand their karmic debts and guides them on the right path to work off their karma

The fastest rune staves for all occasions

When you need to change something in the shortest possible time, quick rune settings for all occasions will come to the rescue. They begin to work immediately after activation, and the result of their action can be observed after a couple of days - a maximum of a week.

Becoming "Changes"

This formula can be useful in absolutely any situation where you need the desired changes to happen as quickly as possible.

  • Two runes Dagaz, four and two Eyvaz are responsible for the transformation process itself
  • Four Nautiz make the situation change in the right direction
  • Four act as powerful operator protection
  • Four Teyvaz indicate rapid movement towards the goal
  • Four allows a person to control circumstances
  • Four Laguz direct the flow of change
  • A combination of four Evaz, four Raido, four Algiz and four Yera runes makes the process as fast and harmless as possible for the operator
  • The situation is summed up by four non-alphabetic symbols Salt, charging becoming, and four, providing a feeling of happiness from the result obtained

A simple formula from the Vunyo - - Vunyo link can be drawn directly on yourself before going to the store or going for a walk. It attracts instant freebies. According to people who have used this bet, it allows you to find a little money, buy a product at a big discount, pull out a lucky lottery ticket, or simply receive an unexpected gift.

This quick rune for all occasions can be used if you have any source of income. Literally a few hours after its activation, you will suddenly receive a bonus or an advance payment, or some new urgent project, for which you can quickly receive a reward. It consists of a rhombus from Inguz, on the edges of which four Fehu are drawn, and inside the rhombus - three Soulu.

We hope that you have taken note of some of the formulas above to use. Good luck to you in all your undertakings!

Many have heard. There are even people who are afraid of pebbles with strange signs. It is believed that their influence on the fate of the one who turned to them is so great that it is impossible to resist it. It becomes especially scary when you read their meaning. It is broad and vague, as it seems to the uninitiated. But experts value these symbols. Runic staves can help a person in many ways. Let's talk about them.

What are runic staves?

For the completely uninitiated, some clarification is necessary. Runes are special signs that express the essence of a certain energy that affects the entire world around us. If such a person happens to be near a person, then in any case he begins to work, delve into his field, attract circumstances and events that correspond to his essence. That is why it is customary to keep runes in a special bag, to hide them from view and to stop communicating with them. But there are times when their influence is very fruitful. Then the stavs are a set of symbols that determine the purpose and direction of influence. They are very different. There are just some principles of compilation. It is advisable for anyone who decides to do independent work to adhere to them.

Principles of making bets

The first rule is do no harm! Under no circumstances should you put negative thoughts into your magic set. That's not to say it won't work. Just the opposite! The runes will influence events in the chosen key. But then they will force the compiler to answer for what he did. Of course, there are situations when it is necessary to get rid of enemies, punish the offender, and so on. For this purpose, there are runic staves of different directions. Their main content is to create well-being for the object of influence. If he is actually attacked, the enemy will be defeated. And if he himself unreasonably suspected a person of unseemly intentions, then he himself will change his opinion. Circumstances will develop in such a way that everything will be clarified, the secret that was hidden will be revealed.

It is also not recommended to invest in becoming negative feelings and intentions associated both with yourself and with others. For example, if you want wealth, do not think that it needs to be taken away from your neighbor. Becoming works the way it’s supposed to, and not the way you want it to. That is, he needs to be trusted completely, without insisting on the development of events according to his own plan.

Compilation rules

Simple runic staves are made up of three symbols. One defines the situation. It expresses what exists at the moment, a problem or a character. The second is the direction of development of events. The third is the desired result. The examples below will make it clearer. You cannot make a mistake in choosing runes. The whole process, which is determined by runic staves, is harmonized. Once it has been written (folded), it will be difficult to change it. Beginners are recommended to use proven runic staves. They can be found in various sources, including this article. Carefully understand the meanings of the combinations. Depending on the circumstances, different rates may be applied; it is necessary to take into account their semantic range, trends in the impact on events and the personalities of the participants.

For guard

One of the most common purposes for using runes is protection from external negativity. Here is one possible combination. The runic form “protection” is made up of the signs: Turisaz, Algiz, Isa. The first will fence the person off from the negativity directed at him. Algiz is unique. She minimizes losses if they must happen. For example, if you fall and only hurt your knee, you won’t get a concussion. Isa will protect you from your own aggression. It neutralizes those intentions that can lead you to losses or tragedies. It is recommended to apply this code to important documents or simply to a piece of paper that should always be with you.

For financial well-being

There are special formulas for attracting finance. Here is one of them. Runic betting on money: a combination of Fehu, Inguze and Souilo. Each of these runes is associated with income. In order: the first is the money itself, the second is the development potential, the third is energy. Together, the combination means a powerful influx of funds, plus protection against “unauthorized” losses. This system is also considered an overclocking one. It speeds up processes that result in an influx of tangible profits. People who have tried it say they get results within a few hours. It is only recommended to use becoming an existing source of income. Unknown profits are dispersed by another composition.

How to activate becoming

The last thing you need to know is how to put the sketched composition to work. There are several methods. Some believe that this is done with blood. You can actually use fire. The effect is the same. Made up - burn each one with a match. The process will start. If there are no stone runes, then they are written. It is recommended to use a photo of the person for whom the process is being launched. You can draw them on the body (usually on the arm). Fire is also used for activation. The process itself is quite symbolic. You can simply hold your hand over the candle flame. When runes were written on paper, it was burned after obtaining the desired effect. The ashes are carefully collected and placed in running water.

You need to work with runes respectfully. They are good helpers who can attract all the forces of nature to solve your problems. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use only natural materials (stones, wood, fabrics and paints). After the ritual, they are either disposed of or purified by fire. The influence of the runes ends this way.

Those who are interested in runes often ask questions: “Where can I find runic formulas that really work?”, “Which staves are proven and strong in their action?”

Also, many people want to have something in stock that will help them out in difficult periods of life and help resolve difficult situations. There is an answer to this question. Below are runic formulas and bets for different occasions that really work.

Formulas and formulas are proven and strong.

The most popular runic formulas are bets on material goods, wealth and money.

Formula for attracting money.

Feu + Feu + Feu

Applied to a wallet, a banknote (which is not intended to be spent), bank cards. This formula not only attracts money, but also allows you to spend it wisely and protects you from unnecessary expenses.

Formula for material well-being and prosperity.

Perth + Feu + Uruz + Nautiz + Kano + Kano + Inguz + Dzhera

Perth - symbolizes prosperity, the place where money comes, the contents of this place.

Feu – money.

Uruz is the direction and driving force of the formula.

Nautiz is the need and necessity for the receipt of finances, it is also a guarantor of the receipt of funds.

Kano - opportunities and favorable moments for increasing your wealth.

Inguz – ensures the safety of the condition.

Jera is wealth and profit itself.

This formula can be applied both to a wallet and to a blank sheet of paper. Once kept next to the money, you can put it in a safe.

A formula for attracting finance when needed.

Evaz + Inguz + Laguz + Mannaz + Teyvaz + Dagaz + Laguz + Inguz + Algiz

Teyvaz - opens the way for the receipt of funds.

Algiz – protects.

Evaz – connection between money and operator.

Dagaz – transformation of life and provision of favorable opportunities.

Mannaz is the cameraman.

Inguz – wealth, profit, fertility.

Laguz – cash flows.

There are times when you lent money to someone, and the loan is not returned to you for a long time. Either the debtor company does not pay you and this is not very good for your business. For such cases, there is a working formula for debt recovery. The main principle of this formula: as much as the debtor owes you, he will return as much. This formula returns what belongs to you.

Turisaz + Nautiz + Feu + Gebo

Turisaz – calls the debtor to action.

Nautiz - your need for debt.

Feu is duty itself.

Gebo is the law of balance - any debt must be repaid, this is what the debtor violated, Gebo and Thurisaz create situations that force the debtor, move, to come to you to give what he owes. Gebo is also a result, as eventually balance will be restored.

This formula can be applied to a photo of the debtor, or using visualization to represent how the right person pays off the debt or the company transfers funds.

Good luck in receiving income and benefits.

Kano + Isa + Feu + Perth + Otal

Stabilization of financial situation, attraction of profit.

Raido + Feu + Otal

Raido is a shift and progress, the road along which finances and profits come.

Feu is the personification of money and cash flow; it preserves earned funds and helps to increase them.

Otal – protects earned finances, harmonization of daily routine.

Attracting wealth, which is achieved magically.

Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz + Gebo + Otal + Dagaz

Ansuz - protection,

Laguz – flows of funds, well-being, prosperity,

Uruz is the driving force, it sets the direction where the flow goes,

Gebo – harmony, partnerships,

Otal – property, property,

Dagaz – strength and transformation, favorable developments, search for the right situations.

Formula for resolving conflicts of any complexity, eliminating quarrels.

Kano + Berkana + Kano

Berkana + Berkana

Kano + Berkana + Kano

It is also worth remembering that without protection from ill-wishers you cannot go far, so it is worth thinking about this side.

Protecting yourself and your home.

Isa + Kano + Hagalaz + Kano + Isa

This formula works on the principle of a mirror, that is, it reflects from the operator any negative influences, both physical and magical, and helps to return to the offender what he sent in your direction.

Protection from magical influence.

Uruz + Nautiz + Berkana

Evaz + Algiz + Isa

Protection of property and home.

Inguz + Algiz

Inguz is well-being, prosperity and everything that is available that needs to be hidden

Algiz - hides and protects, protects from unnecessary glances.

Teyvaz + Algiz + Otal + Algiz + Teyvaz

The formula protects your home and property.

Teyvaz is the inner strength of a person himself.

Otal – dwelling, house.

A universal protective spell.

Turisaz + Teyvaz + Turisaz

Creates a protective halo around a person, repels malevolent energy flows and attacks.

Protection on the go.

Algiz + Raido + Algiz

Cleansing from negative influences.

Nautiz + Soulu + Nautiz

It is always worth remembering that without favorable circumstances nothing will work out, so you need to use bets for luck.

Bringing luck to your side.

Dagaz + Teyvaz + Feu

The formula ensures success in everyday affairs and helps events develop in a favorable order for you.

Sometimes in life there are situations when it is necessary to call a person, becoming:

Eyvaz + Uruz + Kano + Gebo + Turisaz

Eyvaz and Uruz push a person to get in touch with you.

Kano and Gebo – a person’s desire to communicate.

Turisaz is both a kick to action and a direction in which this person should go.

Attracting good luck to achieve your goals.

Kano + Feu + Vunyo

Kano - reveals human potential.

Feu – acquisition of material gain.

Vunyo is the accompaniment of light and joy from the process and result.

Attracting good luck to the operator.

Ansuz + Uruz + Djera + Ansuz.

Formula for getting what you want.

Vunyo + Gebo + Vunyo

You can apply it to whatever you want, for example a photo of a car, a photo of the layout of an apartment. This formula helps to discover favorable situations for achieving what you want and build a logical chain of how to act.

A formula for developing intuitive abilities, for the ability to listen to your inner voice and follow the right path.

Algiz + Kano + Laguz + Ansuz + Algiz

Algiz is an appeal to higher worlds and powers for help and support.

Kano - revealing the ability to correctly read information.

Laguz - reveals intuitive abilities, helps to release the inner voice.

Ansuz is the embodiment of thoughts and emerging images into reliable information.

Algiz – control of higher powers, their protection and assistance.

You can also use another formula to develop intuitive abilities:

Laguz + Gebo + Soulu

The formula can be used to find answers to exciting questions, and this formula also helps to predict the course of thoughts of the interlocutor.

Self-development or self-knowledge:

Ansuz + Jera + Mannaz

Harmony within yourself, achieving a balance between the inner voice and the Ego with the mind. Mental processes are directed in the right direction, the formula helps to see what remains hidden.

Attracting new acquaintances for development and partnership.

Gebo + Gebo + Gebo

A powerful runic formula for filling with vital energy and gaining a reserve of strength.

Teyvaz + Soulu + Uruz

Teyvaz + Soulu + Otal – enhanced version.

Soulu + Vunyo – joy of life and solar energy.

You can’t live without health either, so it will be useful to strengthen your vitality.

Formula for longevity. This formula also protects against diseases and illnesses.

Dagaz + Inguz

Treatment or general improvement of the body.

Kano + Perth + Inguz

Protecting health and maintaining immunity.

Dagaz + Berkana + Inguz

This formula contains male (Inguz) and female (Berkana) energies, which guarantee health and strength for life, Dagaz gives light, well-being and the desired health.

Another formula to support the protective properties of the immune system.

Kano + Uruz + Inguz – recovery from illnesses, replenishment of strength, acquisition of balance in the body’s reserves and resources.

Restoring energy balance.

Uruz + Inguz + Berkana – a talisman against stress and depression.

For complete happiness you need love.

A formula that attracts the right partner.

Teyvaz + Uruz + Gebo

For family well-being.

Ansuz + Gebo + Otal

Harmony in family relationships, maintaining warmth in the family hearth.

Preserving family warmth, maintaining coziness and comfort between loving people.

Berkana + Kano + Soulu + Vunyo + Inguz

Berkana is the basis of family comfort, neutralizes conflicts, helps resolve difficult situations peacefully.

Kano – sexual desire between partners, strengthening the positions of both women and men.

Soulu is sunny, warm energy that warms.

Vunyu - energy flows of light to strengthen the family, is responsible for the preservation of relationships between spouses.

Inguz – fertility and prosperity, the desired result.

Any relationship sometimes requires adjustments for a further favorable union.

Teyvaz + Gebo + Berkana - for the man-woman option.

Laguz + Gebo + Berkana - for the woman-man option.

It all depends on which side the adjustment is made from and for what purposes.

Runic love talisman for women

Kano + Gebo + Laguz

Runic love talisman for men

Kano + Gebo + Inguz

Unfortunately, there are cases when it is necessary to return a husband or wife home, to turn away from their lover (mistress), in this situation the formula will help:
Hagalaz + Nautiz + Isa

If you feel negativity or feel that everything is getting out of control, your health or relationships are deteriorating sharply, then in this case it is necessary to cleanse and get rid of the adverse effects.

A formula that will help you cleanse yourself of negativity and tell you in which direction to act next.

Eyvaz + Soulu + Hagalaz + Soulu + Dzhera

Eyvaz - finds weak points, determines the nature of the negative and prepares the platform for the work of the Hagalaz rune.

Soulu – fills a person with solar energy, expels negativity, leaves purity and transparency.

Hagalaz - destroys all negativity.

Soulu – strengthens the action of Hagalaz, gives strength, normalizes the emotional and mental state.

Jera is a successful outcome of the cleansing, what was required was achieved.

This formula is also able to cleanse from magical interference: damage, the evil eye, and remove love spells.

It happens that there is a certain person who is already quite tired, but he still won’t leave, despite the fact that an offer to retreat has been received. In this case, you can use the lapel formula.

Gebo + Algiz + Isa

Gebo acts as a relationship.

Algiz is the protection of relationships, which will be destroyed by the power of Isa, thereby the cold of Isa will reach the relationship itself and cool it, which will lead to a break.

Isa destroys existing relationships, takes the necessary person away from you.

How to use formulas and rates?

Runic formulas are applied to a medium of your choice, which can be permanent, for example, a wooden amulet on which a proven stave is applied, or temporary, which are drawn on paper or the body.

Naturally, all work is carried out consciously, keeping the focus on intention. Some supplement the formulas with a clause that is drawn up specifically for the desired situation. Then the talisman is illuminated, that is, activated. The most proven activation method is using the 4 elements. Some do it simpler, putting the formula to work with the help of their blood, saliva, and breath.

It is also worth noting that runes work either on personal strength or you call on the Gods; in the latter case, it is important, after charging the staves, to bring offerings to the forces that you have just called to your aid.

Rune reservations

There are 3 types of reservations for runic formulas:

  1. General, when the runologist stipulates the ultimate goal of his work, that is, what he is aiming at. During a magical operation, it is important to understand why you are using each rune in the stave.
  2. The runic method is used as follows: the magician stipulates each symbol individually, while pronouncing the purpose of each sign.
  3. Some people use both methods at once, that is, they use an integrated approach. First they say what each rune is intended for, then they pronounce the general purpose.

In reservations, it is advisable to state not only the intention, but also how you will activate and deactivate the signs, they also indicate safety for yourself and loved ones, and the timing.

As a rule, for long periods of time, the rates and formulas are recharged.

Can be deactivated by burning. Or bury it in the ground.

For runes to work, it is important to believe in them, treat them with great respect, and develop a connection with the Gods.

The use of runes as a magical system reveals wide possibilities for influencing a person. With their help, you can evoke the whole range of feelings in the man you like: from light interest and carnal desire to passion and complete dependence and submission. So you can return your departed husband, acquire a rich spouse, or have fun with a fleeting romance.

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A huge advantage of this system is that a runic spell is easy to cancel if it is no longer needed, so a runic love spell is preferable from a moral point of view. If you use ready-made staves, runic magic will be an accessible activity even for beginners.

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    Rules for making stakes

    Creating a working magic formula based on runes is always carried out in several stages:

    • Choose the most suitable pattern. Preference should be given to already proven bets.
    • Choose a medium to suit your taste. Any natural material will do: stone, metal, wood, leather, bone, silk. Often, galdrstav is applied to a photograph of the person who needs to be influenced.
    • Apply the image of the stave to the media. This is done by drawing, engraving, carving, and burning. Embroidery on fabric is allowed.
    • Color the drawing with your own or sacrificial blood. It is allowed to use red and blue paint, but it is generally accepted that runes painted with blood work more powerfully.
    • Activate the formula using a reservation. To do this, you need to say out loud the recommended spell or wish in free form. The words of the slander cannot contradict the meaning of the individual runes included in the ligature.

    The magic will begin to work immediately after activation and will work until the carrier is destroyed. If the color is washed off, it will need to be re-painted and reactivated. To cancel the spell, it is enough to burn or otherwise destroy the base on which the fagot is applied.

    If everything is done correctly, the man will have the same feelings that were indicated when reading the slander.

    You should not make any changes to the text used for activation, or to the image itself.

    Not all spells are combined with each other, so if you need to give a new spell, the effect of the previous spell must be canceled.

    Hot bed

    "Hot bed": variant of the outline.

    The formula from the author Vinani, consisting of the Berkana and Inguz runes repeated four times and one Uruz rune, helps to ignite passion, create strong family relationships and quickly conceive children. Helps to release sexual energy. The author herself recommends writing in blood on paper and hiding the bed of love under the mattress. The option with an inscription on the cake is not without originality: the main thing in this case is not to cut it into pieces, but to eat it together from one plate.

    It is not forbidden to draw this bundle on a photograph of your loved one or embroider it on your and his clothes. When activated, it is enough to appeal to Yngwie - the god of fertility and ask for passion in bed, strong feelings or healthy children. The formula will work as desired.

    Feminine power

    "Female Power"

    This knitting called "Women's Power" is intended to transform the woman herself. Increases the level of sex appeal, enhances extrasensory and witchcraft abilities, increases the level of internal energy. It consists of the Inguz rune, framed by four laguz signs and uruz inscribed inside it. If you apply this to your skin, you only need to want any man, and the magic will begin to make her more attractive to him.

    You can also carve this symbol on a piece of wood. Ash, linden or alder are best suited. The activation formula looks like this:

    “Fire and water, earth and sky, give me the power and gift of witchcraft, at the behest of the Wise, by the grace of Freya, endow me with unearthly beauty.”

    This amulet should be worn on the chest, on a leather cord. If you plan to draw the formula directly on your body, you can choose any place, both hidden from prying eyes and in plain sight.


    If you want a man to madly want his partner, you need to take his photo and put “Lust” on it with your blood. It not only evokes a desire for sex, but also a desire to please the girl who has bewitched him, and there is a willingness to change in order to please her. Consists of the following elements:

    • Gebo - the frame of the spell, encourages partnership.
    • Kano, Perth, Nautiz - one of the standard formulas for a love spell.
    • Uruz - enhances the effect of other runes, does not allow you to endure and restrain your urges.
    • Teyvaz is a push to remove you from a state of balance.
    • Yera - ensures repeatability of the spell so that the desire arises time after time.

    No reservation is required for this spell - it begins to work immediately after being cast. Becoming is suitable if you need to influence at a distance, and can be easily implemented at home.

    My red rose

    "My red rose"

    In the combination called “My Red Rose”, only two runes are used - the central gebo is framed by four kano. According to the creator's idea, becoming increases interest on the part of the opposite sex and allows you to make a new acquaintance, which in the future will develop into a strong relationship. Can be applied to a piece of wood or leather. You can wear such an amulet on your chest or in your purse, since it is symmetrical and does not need to be fixed in a vertical position.

    You can paint with either blood or paint. The first option is preferable. To get started, you will need a reservation:

    “The air fans the flame, and the fire ripples the air, two elements, merging together, will make me beautiful, for anyone who even a little likes me.”

    To avoid unpleasant incidents, you should not wear an amulet with this formula in places where men from an inappropriate social group live.

    Find your betrothed

    "Find your betrothed"

    Becoming is intended to attract a man ideal for family life, and to be with him all your life. Once a partner is found, the magic will stop. According to the author, the formula works only nine times for one person. The duration of action is nine days.

    Decoding of component symbols:

    • Raido and soulu - the path to each other is illuminated by the rays of the sun.
    • Otal - attracts family support: there will be no conflicts with relatives on either side.
    • Gebo is the main rune of partnership.
    • Evaz and laguz provide mutual attraction for lovers.
    • Triple teyvaz forces a man to become the head of the family - a breadwinner and protector. Berkana merged with Teyvaz ensures living together in harmony.

    If you remove the dots and the temporary condition from the clause, the stale will work until the runes are erased. However, this must be approached with caution: after a relationship has begun, the magic must be stopped, otherwise more and more new partners will be attracted to the family. The spell is activated with the words:

    “With this stave, I weave roads and paths that lead me to the only man I love and brings Him to me, wherever he is, making us one, weaving the lines of life together, filling our relationships with harmony and harmony. Becoming leads to a new understanding and the level in our relationships, with ease and comfort for us. This becoming protects us from other people's envy and witchcraft, sheltering us from adversity and misfortune. This becoming works 9 times for 9 days."

    When activated, it is necessary to light candles, 9 pieces if the operating time is set, and an arbitrary number if the formula is launched for an unlimited time. The faucet can be applied to any object.

    Wind of the willows

    "Wind of the Willows" - becoming a truce

    This is a truce that helps in the event of a quarrel, forcing the culprit to apologize and begin negotiations. Can be used both for yourself and for any two people who have quarreled. It works best if you draw it on a photo, but it will also work if you put it on paper with the names of those who quarreled. The clause applies as follows:

    “Let the old relationships and problems be destroyed in this moment and let the door that we both locked open. Let him take the first step to negotiate with me.. Let him need reconciliation with me.”

    This form works as follows:

    • Hagalaz - destroys the current situation.
    • Turisaz inverted - opens the symbolic door that separated those who had quarreled.
    • Nautiz and Ansuz - force the guilty person to take the first step, force him to take it.

    The joy of communication

    "The Joy of Communication"

    This becoming ensures the restoration of love relationships, makes life together more joyful and happy. Consists of four bundles of gebo with vunyo, connected into one large gebo rune. Does not require a reservation; applied in blood to a joint photograph.

    It can also be used to improve relationships between parents and children, business partners, since this formula does not necessarily carry sexual overtones, but simply makes spending time together more enjoyable. It works quickly and reliably. You can mentally draw a symbol on the forehead of your interlocutor - the conversation will go smoothly, since the person himself will be more inclined towards him.

    Harmonization of relations

    "Harmonization of relations"

    To get out of the crisis that has arisen, becoming a relationship harmonizer is suitable for lovers and married couples:

    • Teyvaz and berkana symbolize a man and a woman, respectively.
    • Superstructures in the form of two ansuz invoke the mercy of the gods on lovers.
    • The Gebo rune unites in a strong union: quarrels stop, the man becomes stronger and more self-confident, and the woman becomes softer and more economical.

    You can draw them on a joint photograph or make paired amulets. The clause is in any form or as follows:

    “A husband is a warrior and a wife is an earth, this was commanded by the gods, so that they could merge in one love, always walking with their hands clasped.”

    The blood of one of the lovers or a mixture of the blood of both is suitable for staining.

    Flower of Love

    "Flower of Love"

    Another bundle for creating harmonious relationships. Makes a man remain faithful. Despite the complexity and the large number of runes included in it, the formula turns out to be very stable. Gives quick noticeable results and can work for many years. Contains the following runes:

    • 2 Gebo - to strengthen friendship and love, give stability and fulfillment to relationships.
    • 1 Teyvaz - destroys external aggression, which can interfere with love.
    • 1 soul - feeds the formula with the energy of the sun, adds warmth and mutual understanding.
    • 4 Kanu - ignite passion, accelerate the action of other runes, promote understanding and quickly get rid of omissions.
    • 2 dagaz - provide a breakthrough into a bright future, a transition to a qualitatively new level.
    • 4 Eyvaz - unite the family, stimulate empathy.
    • 2 turisaz - destroy psychological barriers between lovers, organize feelings, remove emerging problems and negativity.
    • 4 algiz - guarantee protection both from interference in the relationships of strangers and from negative energy influences.

    It is recommended to draw on a joint photo with a felt-tip pen or red marker, pronouncing the name of the runes and the expected action from them. In the process of drawing, it is advised to remember the best moments from the past, joyful events.

    A clause in free form or like this:

    “Oh, beautiful Frigga, you are the wife of the Lord of the Runes, Help me in love, let the magic happen. What is written will be filled with great power. Everything that is said will come true in the same moment.”

    "Dhat kann ek it seitianda, at mik mun seint firrazit mannvinga manliodha therramunti Lodhfafnir!"

    Before using the “Flower of Love”, you should carry out cleansing rituals to get rid of negativity, and after using the stav, you should put additional protection on your relationship.

    Web of Love

    When to attract a man. who is already married, in order to be together with him forever, it will come in handy to become the “Web of Love”. Often it is done on a rich lover. It will be very difficult to detect and remove such witchcraft.

    The bundle consists of the following runes:

    • Stungin iss - the Icelandic black rune of concealment interferes with the diagnosis and removal of a love spell.
    • Kano, Vunyo and Gebo - evoke strong passion and love, joy from relationships and dependence on them. They are used if it is necessary for a man to be crazy about a woman.
    • Nautiz - suppression of one's own will and coercion into submission.
    • Uruz - sexual attraction is further enhanced so that the man crazily wants it.
    • Ansuz in the background helps to better find a common language.

    The drawing is applied in blood on paper with the name of a loved one, using the following clause:

    “With the power of Stangin iss, I will hide my magical influence. Let the power of the Gebo rune create a relationship between me and (man’s name), which the power of Vunyo will fill with joy and comfort. Let Kenaz kindle fiery love in the heart of (man’s name) for me. Let him feel for "I have an uncontrollable sexual attraction. Let the ansuz bring mutual understanding. With the power of the runes, let the object strive for me, show tenderness, attention, generosity. All action occurs forcibly."

    A person under the influence of this spell very quickly becomes affectionate and obedient, wants to please his mistress and give gifts. Becoming creates something like a drug addiction in the bewitched. It lasts for two weeks, after which a new dose of magic will be required.

    Love fire

    "Love Fire"

    To become loved, you can also use the love spell “Love Fire”, consisting of the following runes:

    • Mannaz, teyvaz and berkana as symbols of man and woman. The man is designated by two runes to clarify who the love spell should affect.
    • The mirror ansuz fills the words of the spell with magical power.
    • Nautiz in the background forces submission and stabilizes the love spell.
    • Ansuz and nautiz evoke constant thoughts in the bewitched person’s head about the one who bewitched him.
    • Yera ensures continuity of work, launches the formula again and again.
    • Spliced ​​kano and laguz fill with passion; They are the ones who are called “fire sisters” in the slander.
    • Vunyo brings joy to these relationships and makes lovers happy.

    This form was specially created for a specific spell:

    “At the midnight hour, I will light spring candles, call and awaken the fire sisters. You will wake up, fire sisters, as the streams of God flow from east to west. I will choose one of the seven streams, fill it with fire fires, the stream will flow like a river of fire. This river of fire will carry fire sisters to Mother Earth, and that scorching river, a river of fire, will ascend into the soul of a man - my husband (name).

    A fiery fire will ignite in his chest, ignite a zealous heart, dry up his mind (name), so that he thinks about me, yearns for me hour and day, does not remember his father and mother, dreams of me alone. So that his thoughts about others pass by - they disintegrate into dust. No matter how much his soul cries or fights back, let the fire burn in his soul, in a fiery fire, a loving fire, a dry fire.”

    The formula is activated exactly at midnight. There are no restrictions on what to paint on or what paint to use.

    Hook of love and marriage

    "Hook of Love and Marriage"

    This powerful runic spell helps to make a specific man fall in love with you. It was successfully used to ensure that a man finally left his old wife and created a new marriage. Under the influence of magic, the bewitched person will offer to be together.

    The basis consists of the following symbols:

    • Nautiz - breaks the will and forces you to act as ordered.
    • Vunyo - causes euphoria in the bewitched.
    • Soulu - fills the ligature with strength, makes relationships warmer.
    • Uruz - inverted - deprives one of the strength to resist the influence, direct - increases attraction.
    • Teyvaz - speeds up getting what you want.
    • Eyvaz - eliminates all emerging obstacles.

    Second plan

    • Kano - incites lust, causes the desire to possess a partner.
    • Gebo - evokes friendly feelings, a desire to help and care.
    • Inguz - makes a woman irresistible in the eyes of a man.
    • Algiz - protects from attempts of other people to interfere in relationships, protects both from magical actions and from any others.
    • Turisaz - breaks down all the barriers that arise in the process of building a marriage.

    The clause is this:

    “This becoming gentle, but forcibly, leads the rabbit to the actions of possessing me and conquering me, showing me all his feelings that he hides in himself - love, care, warmth, gentleness, in connection with which all grievances are forgotten and differences are smoothed out and contradictions. In addition, the rabbit falls on the hook [Nautiz + Eyvaz] from which he can no longer jump, but comes to my family for marriage."

    They draw their blood on the photo of their loved one, at the level of his heart. The magic begins to work immediately, but reaches full power within three days.

    According to my wish

    "According to my wishes"

    A very strong galdrstav, removes all obstacles between partners, is able to ensure the return of a man if he has fallen in love with another, and restores love if it has faded. Includes a range of symbols.

    Scandinavian runes:

    • Mannaz - Personification of the object of influence.
    • 6 Nautiz - severe compulsion to think about the bewitcher, a feeling of discomfort when she is not nearby.
    • Inverted Nautiz - generates a clear confidence that this woman is necessary + Eyvaz - she becomes the meaning of life.
    • Ansuz - thoughts only about the one who bewitched.
    • Vunyo - the joy of communicating with the hostess.
    • 2 Laguza - the object’s self-control is blocked, and the effect itself is masked from outside diagnostics.
    • Raido - ensures constant desire for your beloved + Yera - the effect is repeated every day.
    • Dagaz is an explosive change in attitude towards the bewitcher: from complete indifference to adoration.
    • Gebo - evokes a desire for partnership, encourages you to care and help in everything.
    • Kenaz - kindles passion + Soulo - evokes tender love.
    • 4 Turisaz - a constant desire for sex and a desire to have children.

    Elven runes

    • n - softens the effect of a love spell, eliminates side effects.
    • t - enhances the magic of the formula.
    • g - harmonizes relationships.
    • f - evokes love, passion and admiration for the beloved.

    “You won’t live in peace! I’ll be in your dreams at night, a barely dressed girl. Your dream will be my home, very sweet and familiar. I’ll become your obsession, an unconscious vision. I’ll spin you around and put a spell on you, I’ll enchant your heart. antidotes!"

    They are applied to the photo by men. During the process, you can drop one drop of blood.

    Passionate love spell

    This bundle is suitable for different purposes. Depending on the reservation, it can be used to kindle passion, if feelings have cooled down, for a quick marriage. Apply to a photo, paper with the name of a lover or a piece of wood for permanent wear.

    Scandinavian runes:

    • Dagaz - awakening of feelings.
    • Kano is a burning passion.
    • Soulu - warm feelings.
    • Laguz - witchcraft will work.
    • Vunyo - happiness from being together.
    • Gebo - a sense of mutual understanding and partnership.
    • Ansuz - evokes the necessary thoughts.
    • Yera - loops the action of the stave.

    Elven runes:

    • E - causes passion, subdues;
    • K - makes a woman irresistible;
    • L - makes you yearn and long for a meeting
    • S - enhances desire;
    • U - forces the bewitched person to take active action: call himself, confess his love, propose marriage.

    The text for activating this position can only be compiled independently. There is no need to pronounce individual runes; the entire pattern is drawn as a whole and everything that needs to be done is spoken out. It is recommended to make a payment for the elves - collect alcohol, goodies and decorations in a bag and take them to the forest.

    Features of the impact on men and consequences

    Despite the fact that many runic bindings work more accurately than ritual ones, they do not cease to be a magical controlling influence. Bet designed to please men are also love spells. Because a person is forced to behave in a way that is unusual for him, his psyche breaks down over time. The impact of magical energies on bioenergy is also destructive.

    Over time, side effects occur:

    • nervousness;
    • alcoholism;
    • impotence;
    • apathy;
    • cardiovascular diseases.

    Any love spell is a sin. If a person adheres to the Orthodox faith, he will not engage in magic in any form. The use of love spells is immoral because they are violence against the individual. However, each person chooses independently what kind of behavior to adhere to, just as everyone will receive karmic reward for any of their actions.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...
