Features of the Rococo style in the interior of the room. Rococo in the interior: we understand the features of the style and apply theory in practice House in the Rococo style

Rococo is a style in art and architecture that dates back to the beginning of the 18th century. This movement is distinguished by a special gracefulness, lightness, and the ideological basis is beauty, unfading youth, gallant grace. The Rococo style was most clearly manifested in the interior. Characteristic features of the most “dressy” style are an attraction to all sorts of “feminine things” (jewelry, figurines, luxurious fabrics, smooth lines, muted tones), increased attention to the selection of the smallest details, as well as the desire to ensure that every stroke is brought to perfection .

Rococo is the closest relative of the pompous Italian Baroque, which also worships luxury and willingly flaunts it. But Rococo has significant differences. His aesthetic requires softening the display of wealth and any manifestations of expressiveness. Wealth - painted in delicate pastel colors, expressiveness - paying tribute to grace, lightness, playfulness. In addition, Rococo is a rejection of grandeur, monumental solemnity, and dark colors of the Baroque in favor of lightness, sensuality, and desaturated light tones. Therefore, Rococo is considered to be both the logical conclusion of the ponderous Baroque style and its artistic antipode.

History of style

The style originated in the Kingdom of France at a time when Philippe d'Orléans was regent under the young King Louis XV. Reflecting on the French of that era, A. S. Pushkin noted their “free frivolity,” “madness,” and desire for luxury, with which nothing could compare. It is not surprising that it was during this period that a playful, elegant movement of pompous Baroque appeared - the Rococo style, which was used primarily in the arrangement of mansions of the French nobility (living rooms, boudoirs, bedrooms). The emergence of a new movement, of course, was influenced by changes in philosophical views. But the main incentive for its development was not philosophy, but the lifestyle, tastes, and habits of representatives of aristocratic families.

Born in France, Rococo quickly gained popularity in other countries. This was facilitated by French artists who worked abroad. French architects also helped spread the style by publishing their projects outside their native country. Rococo, which incorporated elements of the Baroque, reached its highest flowering in Austria and Germany. England, too, did not escape the influence of the fashionable style, which manifested itself most of all in the applied arts, such as furniture inlay and the production of silverware. It is worth noting that the development of the Rococo style affected many branches of the production of artistic products. Porcelain manufacturers have a special attitude towards it.

Rococo did not give up its positions, remaining at the peak of popularity until the very end of the 18th century. The gallant style, perfectly combined with the lightness of morals and the enduring festive mood that reigned during the reign of Louis XV, did not reign for long, but left a noticeable mark on the art of interior decoration.

What rooms is the style suitable for?

Fans of the Rococo style are still found today. As a rule, these are refined natures prone to daydreaming who prefer aristocracy and sophistication in everything. Of course, not many of them can fully embody the truly royal luxury of this art direction. Refined people who own spacious country houses have a greater chance of achieving success. However, even such lucky ones are restrained by stylists, urging them not to get carried away too much and not to strive to decorate the entire building in the style of bygone times. Firstly, the result of painstaking, hard work can be something more reminiscent of a historical museum, rather than a cozy dream home. Secondly, furnishing premises in the spirit of a gallant century will require quite impressive financial investments. Finishing materials, exclusive furniture, lamps, and other decorative elements - all this is not cheap.

But it is not difficult to achieve success if you apply the Rococo concept in several rooms - living room, nursery, bedroom, bathroom, or include individual elements of the style in the interior of any room. Experts recommend excluding the study room from the list of rooms to be transformed. A creative, cheerful mood should reign here, and not a relaxing sensual atmosphere that evokes pleasant thoughts of relaxation, bliss, and bliss.

There is an opinion that the territory dominated by Rococo is country houses, and the limited apartment framework practically does not allow to accommodate everything that the style direction requires. But is it? Practice shows that the aristocratic, incredibly impressive and, at the same time (if you are smart) fairly budget-friendly Rococo style is available to residents of ordinary city apartments. After all, the modern interpretation of this style is somewhat simplified, and if difficulties arise, you can always count on the help of professionals.

Interior colors and patterns

The color palette is dominated by a muted, pastel palette: shades of pearls, beige, pink, light green, pistachio, lilac, sky blue tones combined with gilding and the base color - white. Watercolor, blurry colors fill the room with calm, turn to the world of feelings, fantasy, subtle, subtle shades of mood.

This is interesting! The main element of the ornamental decoration in the Rococo style resembles a curl of a shell. It is called "rocaille". The French word rocaille translates as "rocky". Initially, this term denoted shells, fossils, rock fragments, and other details imitating natural elements that were used to decorate park pavilions-grottoes and fountain bowls. Over time, all objects resembling a sea shell, an uneven pearl or a stone, due to their unusual, twisting, bizarre shape, began to be called rocaille. The very name of the Rococo style is associated with the mentioned term.

The 18th century somewhat updated the principles of room decoration. The following patterns were widely used:

  • garlands of intertwining stems, leaves, developing ribbons;
  • fancy ornaments with monkeys and children's figurines;
  • images of mythological characters - nymphs, fauns.

Wall decoration

Rococo interiors have always amazed us with their lightness, beauty, and exquisite luxury. This impression was created with the help of carved panels, fabric wallpaper, voluminous draperies, and tapestries in white, soft pink, and blue shades. As a rule, there were no straight lines on the walls; a stucco artistic pattern was used - floral arrangements scattered with slight carelessness, ornate curls, weaves, fancy vignettes, shells. Decorative compositions occupied all the walls, including the planes above the semicircular door and window openings.

Modern design is impossible without the use of wallpaper - silk, dense glossy, as well as without decoration with woven inserts, Venetian plaster. Sometimes the walls are divided into two parts by a horizontal line. This finishing option is often used when the upper part is covered with fabric, and the lower part is covered with high-quality wallpaper.

Frescoes, intricately framed paintings and mirrors are certainly used. Mirrors are usually placed one opposite the other or in the walls between the windows, which visually expands the room. But the role of mirrors is not limited to this alone. The ghostly play of reflections creates a special semi-fairy-tale atmosphere, where the illusory world intertwines with reality.

Features of the design of the walls are rounded corners, as well as an invisible joint line between the wall and the ceiling. A smooth transition from the wall pattern to the ceiling design is ensured by auxiliary decoration, the so-called paduga. This is a type of ceiling between a wall and a ceiling, the main purpose of which is to smooth out corners. Usually the paduga is decorated with stucco and covered with gilding. Sometimes, to create a more austere atmosphere, silver paint is applied to the openwork pattern on the holly.

Ceiling design

The Rococo interior style involves a monochromatic ceiling design or decoration with bright frescoes. As a decor, stucco molding is used to match the finish, often with gilding. The composition of the living room or dining room, where the maximum emphasis is placed on the ceiling, should be completed by a ceremonial chandelier - elegant, crystal, with sparkling pendants or an imitation of a cascade of candles. On the ceilings of the nursery and bedroom, a small amount of stucco decorations, as well as a not too flashy chandelier, are appropriate.

Floor decoration

The floor in a Rococo interior is certainly expensive and flashy. The ideal flooring option is reliable and durable artistic parquet. The elegance of the designs of this coating gives a feeling of comfort, prosperity, and sophisticated aristocracy. Rococo interiors look no less harmonious if the floor is made of marble or covered with ceramic tiles that recreate a marble pattern. It is important that the surface reflects elegant furniture and sophisticated decor. The effect of luxury and comfort in one bottle is achieved with the help of a small painted carpet. This piece of furniture is appropriate everywhere, but the nursery and bedroom are the most suitable places for it.

Features of choosing textiles

The abundance of woven products is one of the interior features of this style direction. Therefore, when decorating windows, intricate designs made from several layers of fabric are encouraged. The key to success is curtains made of natural silk, freely falling to the floor. The effect of palace luxury can be achieved by laying the fabric in waves, flowing folds, decorating with bows, fringes, ruffles, ribbons, embroidery, and appliqués. Furniture covers and tablecloths with elaborate, complex finishes are suitable for the Rococo style.


A luxurious crystal chandelier of exclusive design is a real highlight of the living room interior. The aesthetics of the Rococo style requires that this lighting device, in addition to performing its main function, demonstrates the elitism of the house, the degree of respectability, and the excellent taste of its owners. As for the bedroom, a small lamp with a lace lampshade or an interesting shaped lampshade would be quite appropriate here.

Attention! A Rococo interior requires a play of light and shadow, a mysterious twilight, so necessary to create a sensual and intimate atmosphere. Therefore, there must be a place in the room for sconces, floor lamps, and antique candelabra.

You can enhance the lighting of a room without losing the flavor of a gallant age using a simple technique. It is enough to place the lamps next to the mirrors or opposite them. Do you want to plunge into a captivating era of beautiful feelings? Light a candle in a gilded or porcelain candlestick. Let the mirror in the breathtaking oval frame reflect its wavering flame.

Furniture from the Louis XV era

All furniture products of the 18th century were distinguished by elegant shapes and smooth lines. Expensive types of wood were used for their manufacture: maple, rosewood, mahogany, walnut, lemon. Upholstered furniture was upholstered in silk, brocade, and velvet. However, the craftsmen cared not only about the quality of furniture. They turned items for relaxation, relaxation, and pleasure into original works of art that every self-respecting city dweller sought to acquire. In the Rococo era, low chairs, deep sofas and armchairs were considered fashionable, which were united by a common feature - curved legs and backs, decorated with carved openwork patterns. The upholstery of these products featured intricate images of a vine, a flower garland, a diamond-shaped mesh, and a romantic scene.

Figured legs, decorated with inlays, elaborate carvings, bronze overlays and gilding, supported elegant couches, lacquer chests of drawers, benches, and secretaries. In the boudoirs of secular fashionistas, previously unknown filing cabinets - cardboard boxes - took pride of place. Small tables with a round top, the basis of which were black figurines of Moorish slaves, became relevant again. In the Rococo era, these products began to be called gueridons. This was the name of the Provençal ballads that glorified the fearlessness of slaves.

Mandatory elements in the design of the premises were wardrobes and chests of drawers. During the era of Louis XV, these products lost their standard rectangular shape. From now on, they clearly demonstrated the highest level of skill of their creators. Rococo cabinets featured lacquered surfaces, wavy lines, delicate lace patterns on rounded edges, and neat handles inlaid with ivory and gems.

A Rococo style bedroom is unthinkable without a spacious bed with a huge, artfully decorated headboard. In the 18th century, this splendor was complemented by a canopy and carved columns. If desired, such an interior is not difficult to recreate in our time. To completely immerse yourself in the world of palace luxury, you need another sophisticated and incredibly feminine piece of furniture in the Rococo style. We are talking about a movable screen with rich painting.

Use of decorative items

The basic element from which the design of the living room begins is a low fireplace. The design of this luxurious item largely determines how the decoration of the room will look. The most commonly used are Rococo fireplaces made of beige or white marble. The nobility of the appearance of the product can be enhanced by placing candelabra with candles, vases, figurines, and clocks on the mantelpiece. It is recommended to hang large mirrors in spectacular frames above the fireplace, and place a miniature table and armchairs nearby.

Don't forget about the aquarium. It was the Rococo era that turned a transparent container for fish into a decorative element. We also remember about cute trinkets: boxes, porcelain figurines, ivory figurines. They enliven the interior, symbolize prosperity and carefreeness, and these categories are welcomed by the Rococo style. There are also decorations for upholstered furniture - small pillows, all kinds of capes, cushions.

One of the style requirements is the obligatory presence in the room of antiques and objects stylized as bygone centuries. For example, the living room can be decorated with bronze clocks, artistic panels, crystal vases, and porcelain tableware. All this enriches the interior and creates an atmosphere of aristocratic antiquity.

It is more delicate and light. The lines of the furniture became curved, and exquisite fabrics filled the interior with romance.

Rococo is a style for brave and rich people who would like the feeling of celebration to never leave them.

Why is the Rococo style so luxurious and attractive?

It is believed that the Rococo style should create an atmosphere of endless pleasure and carefreeness in the house. This is facilitated by literally all design elements: from decor to finishing and furniture.

All the little things should fit together very well and fulfill the main task of the style - to create a feeling of celebration.

A large amount of gold and expensive fabrics constantly remind guests of the wealth and excellent taste of the owner, so if you are not a fan of pretentiousness, then it is better to abandon this style, or use only some of its aspects in combination with other styles. Alternatively, only one room can be decorated in the Rococo style.

How to choose a color scheme, and which finish best suits the Rococo style?

If we talk about the color scheme in the Rococo style, then preference is definitely given to pastel colors. It can be: purple, blue, pink, terracotta, yellow and many other colors.

In living rooms, cool shades most often predominate, and in bedrooms, warmer ones. In the kitchen you can use bright colors: red, green or blue.

Rococo style finishing requires special attention.

The walls must be decorated with gold or white stucco. It is the large amount of stucco that is one of the main features of the style.

It is also worth mentioning wallpaper made of fabric, and the fabric should be expensive and have a floral pattern or monograms.

The ceiling of a room in the Rococo style is most often painted white and, as already mentioned, is rich in stucco. If you are decorating an apartment and your ceilings are not particularly high, then it is better to refrain from any volumetric elements on them.

For floor finishing, it is best to choose ceramic tiles. Wooden parquet is also allowed.

Rococo furniture is elegant and has graceful shapes and curved lines.

When creating an interior in the Rococo style, you need to devote a lot of time to choosing furniture.

Today, finding furniture in this style is not so easy, but furniture companies, as a rule, will still be able to offer you several good options.

If finances allow you, you can look for antique furniture that will be imbued with the special flavor of the Rococo era.

In general, furniture should have smooth shapes, and its special feature, as in the Baroque style, is curls and patterns.

Chair legs are usually carved and curved. The upholstery is dominated by materials such as silk, brocade, velvet and especially jacquard. A huge canopy bed would fit perfectly into a Rococo style bedroom.

Another important element of the interior has always been screens. They, like the rest of the furniture, can be decorated with carvings and inlaid with gold.

In general, gold should be present in literally all elements of the interior.

It is also worth mentioning the Rococo style kitchen. To decorate it, you will have to make more efforts, since finding kitchen furniture in this style is not so easy.

These should be cabinets like sideboards with stucco and gold scrollwork. It is best to choose a countertop made of natural stone or one that imitates it, but in general the Rococo style does not tolerate imitations.

Particular attention is paid to the dining table. It should be large and have curved legs.

Accessories and textiles are an integral element of the interior in the Rococo style

When decorating a room in the Rococo style, no less attention is paid to accessories and textiles than to furniture and decoration, because its main rule is the competent combination of all interior details.

Only with the right combination of all the little things can you achieve the desired result. But if you go too far with accessories, then your home risks turning into something like a museum.

Designers especially value products made of porcelain, gilded metal, and art objects.

An antique clock and candlesticks will look good on the fireplace. In the living room you can see many Rococo paintings in gold frames. Wall painting is also popular. The chandeliers deserve special attention.

As for textiles, as already mentioned, fabrics should be exclusively natural and look rich.

Silk curtains with all kinds of ribbons and ruffles look good on the windows, and the most important element will always be lambrequins. Curtains, like other textiles, should have gold embroidery and drapery.

The kitchen welcomes a large number of porcelain dishes, which are placed in plain sight.

Rococo in its modern version involves fewer accessories and gold elements. The furniture is also dominated by simpler forms with only a few details of style.

Unlike its predecessor Baroque, the Rococo style can be easily implemented in small apartments, and can also be combined with other styles.

If you love luxury and want to create an atmosphere of eternal celebration in your home, feel free to choose the Rococo style!

The Rococo style in the interior has been known to us since France in the 18th century. It became a kind of continuation of the Baroque, a logical stage in the development of this style. The theatricality and pretentiousness characteristic of Baroque are somewhat smoothed out, but overall the style remains just as mannered and decorative, however, acquiring a certain elegance.


"A Brief History of Style"

The name "rococo" comes from the French "rocaille", which means "shell" or "crushed stone". It was the light, capricious curve, read in the shape of a shell, that became a symbol of Rococo. At first, the style was subject to much criticism, and its name had a rather negative, contemptuous connotation. The reason for this was the idea of ​​escaping from reality, frivolity, excessive decorativeness in the absence of rational load. But the desire for artistry and personal comfort won out - the Rococo style became widespread, especially in Germany and Italy.

"Color spectrum"

The rich palette characteristic of Baroque fades and is replaced by new shades. A world far from reality, a passion for mythology, the cultivation of internal experiences - all this left its mark on the color scheme characteristic of Rococo. Interior design in the Rococo style looks otherworldly and fabulous thanks to the predominance of pastel blurry colors. Basic: soft blue, lilac, pink, caramel, golden, white. No wonder it looks so harmonious.

"Lines and Shapes"

In the architecture and interiors of that time you will not find straight and clear lines. Rococo avoids symmetry and laconic forms, disposing of them as he pleases.

  • Here the capriciousness and playfulness of the style becomes most obvious - the composition does not strive for completeness, architectural elements suddenly change size, or even twist in dashing curls.
  • Rooms rarely have the shape of a simple square - they are made round, oval, octagonal. The space is repeatedly fragmented, recesses are created in the walls, and straight surfaces are covered with relief patterns.
  • Great importance is given to the design of the ceiling - it is decorated with paintings and frescoes, rosettes, and various stucco moldings.


To decorate a Rococo style room, simple and cheap materials are not used; everything in the interior should speak of wealth and enjoyment of life. Exotic woods, silks and tapestries, marble, gold, and bronze are widely used. In fashion, boiserie is patterned wooden panels that are used for wall cladding. A new wonder from China is also gaining popularity - paper wallpaper, even used for decoration.

"Room layout"

Literally “secular”. The rooms that were intended for receiving guests were always located in the front part of the room - the vestibule, hall, living rooms and boudoirs. The living quarters were small in size, and were usually located in the back wing of the house. Thus, a balance was created between places for entertainment and relaxation, which was not the case in the Baroque style.

The bedrooms become a public area, and offices for receiving guests are also created there. Therefore, in addition to the bed and wardrobes, the rooms are filled with couches and chaise lounges - this is an interesting feature of the Rococo style.

Door and window openings are designed in the form of semicircular, slightly lowered arches. Columns and half-columns are widely used, if not straight, then helical. Not a single protrusion or frame is left unattended; ornamental motifs, garlands, and festoons are used everywhere.


The imagination of architects and decorators was limitless! Reception rooms and salons were oversaturated with a variety of furniture and interior decorations.

  • The furniture is placed on small, gracefully curved legs and decorated with gilding. Both expensive upholstery and furniture covers are widely used.
  • Its arrangement is free, the order can be chaotic, as long as it is convenient for the owners. , and any other room presupposes a predominance of upholstered furniture for seating, on which ladies can relax and indulge in a pleasant conversation.
  • All kinds of storage spaces are also common, from small cabinets to voluminous wardrobes. At the same time, new furniture elements appeared, such as secretaries, bureaus, various chests of drawers and even special cabinets for storing papers.

The characteristics of the Rococo style are not limited to this, it is thought out to the smallest detail and is fraught with many more secrets, which you can learn about from further articles on this topic!

Rococo. A favorite in the interior of royalty, a whimsical direction of court art, an exquisite tandem of comfort and excess, Rococo arose in the era of the French king Louis XV and has successfully survived to this day. The territory of his dominance is country houses, since it is almost impossible to shackle the grandeur of Rococo into a limited apartment framework.

Defiant luxury

Rococo got its name from the French word rocaile - shell. His idea is a combination of antique furniture with decorative accessories: corals, shells, mini-trees, climbing flowers. The Rococo style in the interior welcomes any creative sophistication, any whim of the imagination; in its concept there is not even a hint of symmetry and rationality. This is the design of a holiday, light intimacy, defiant luxury and comfort. Its main elements are movable screens, colorful tapestries, Chinese porcelain, aquariums, and multi-layer lacquered furniture. Preference is also given to fancy ornaments and a fireplace in the living room.

Baroque and Rococo: what is the difference?

The Rococo style in architecture and mainly in interior design arose in the 18th century, as a subsidiary movement of Baroque (Italy, 17th century). The Baroque style still exists today, its main features are absurdity, pretentiousness, and a tendency toward excess. Rococo inherited less pomp, but retained the worship of luxury and the habit of demonstrating it. The grandeur and flashy richness of the Baroque was softened by gentle pastel tones, and expressiveness was replaced by light sophistication. Contrary to popular belief, Baroque and Rococo are not the same thing; rather, they are related movements, where the second moved away from the standards of massiveness and scope, preferring playfulness and grace.

Rococo style in the interior: combining incompatible things

The idea of ​​rococo in the interior is comfort and luxury in one bottle. This is not so easy to do, so before you give your rooms to the power of this style, consult with designers so as not to overdo it with pretentious elements and turn your home into a museum. Materials such as wood, crystal, textiles, bronze, and gilding participate in the formation of style. Its color palette is also varied: pearl tones, pastel shades, a duet of pink and emerald, marble, lilac. Forget about sharp corners and symmetrical lines! Carved panels, ornate frames, stucco, all kinds of asymmetry, shells and gilded ornaments - this is the true atmosphere of the style.

Furniture in the Rococo style is multi-layered, light and elegant, with curved legs, polished surfaces, decorated with elaborate carvings and gilding. Particular preference is given to Chinese lacquered furniture. Doorways, windows, and mirrors are usually oval or round and decorated with decorative cornices. Ornaments of leaves or fruits and colorful panels are placed on the walls.

Wall decoration

The wall design uses artistic patterns, ornate shapes, relief and carved lines, curls, floral arrangements, broken patterns, grotesques and shells. You can decorate the rooms with fabric wallpaper and voluminous draperies. If the walls are painted a single color, decorate them with gilded stucco molding, silk fabrics, and picturesque paintings. Hang floor-length curtains on the windows, and thick, heavy curtains on the doors.

Ceiling design

The Rococo movement involves decorating the ceiling in a single color and decorating it with elements of white or gilded stucco. A colorful fresco or painting is also allowed. Designers recommend making smooth transitions of wall patterns into the ceiling design, creating a beautiful visual “flow.” A massive bronze chandelier with sparkling crystal pendants will help complete the exquisite design of the ceiling.

Rococo: floor

The floor in the Rococo concept can be made of wood, ceramic tiles that create the illusion of marble or patterned parquet. A glossy surface, shaded with the golden shine of furniture, will look especially impressive. Instead of trivial rugs, the Rococo style insists on small, lush painted carpets.

Custom furniture

Rococo interior furniture, as a rule, is small in size, light, elegant and comfortable. The rooms are furnished with armchairs, sofas, chaise lounges, ottomans, and four-poster beds. Favorite interior elements are a wall-mounted console table and a dressing table. Vases, figurines, boxes, and lamps are installed on the first one. It can also be used as a computer stand. Today's trendy cardboard box for papers, a secretary with high legs, a dressing table with folding mirrors and many drawers are also widely used. All the furniture has wavy outlines, curved legs, fancy ornaments with a regal imprint of dominant bronze.


The fireplace is the basic element from which renovation in the Rococo style begins. It is he who combines comfort and sophistication, the spirit of antiquity and a demonstration of luxury. The fireplace is usually placed in the center of the living room and when decorating the room, the design is based on its design.

You can put a marble slab on the fireplace and line it with gilded clocks, candelabra, and exquisite Chinese vases. The walls of the fireplace are decorated with rich decorative patterns, gilding, and stucco. Large round mirrors (1-2) in massive frames are hung on the walls above the fireplace. A miniature coffee table, armchairs or ottomans are placed nearby. At the same time, the entire environment should breathe the lightness, freedom and comfort of antiquity.


The Rococo style requires the presence of retro decorative elements, antique items and antique-style details in the setting. This:

  • porcelain figurines;
  • bronze watch;
  • massive candelabra;
  • art panels;
  • sliding painted screens;
  • aquariums;
  • vintage boxes;
  • silk pillows;
  • Chinese sets made of the finest porcelain;
  • glassware or porcelain, decorated with gold, silver patterns or paintings.

Accessories can be placed everywhere: on tables, fireplaces, secretaries, chests of drawers, cabinets. All these cute trinkets will help revitalize the interior, creating an atmosphere of comfort and aristocratic antiquity.


Light in a Rococo interior is almost of paramount importance. He creates that mysterious twilight characteristic of an intimate and sensual environment, that play of light and shadows that reflects the essence of this style. In addition to the chandelier, install sconces, floor lamps, and lighting around the entire perimeter on the walls. Antique candelabra in the form of solid compositions, candles near mirrors, and lamps will help achieve a luxurious effect. In the bedroom you can install a small lamp with a lace lampshade. Along with the crystal chandelier in other rooms, be sure to light a candle on a gilded candlestick near the mirror - the room will instantly take you back to the era of the century before last.

Luxurious decoration, sensuality and refined spirit of antiquity, graceful details, asymmetrical lines, unusual furnishings - who among us does not dream of a dream home? Rococo is designed to create illusions, demonstrate luxury, and amaze the imagination. The Rococo style is widely used in clothing, architecture and art, where it plays an equally sensual and feminine role.

The Rococo style in the interior is a continuation of the natural Baroque style, and it appeared at the beginning of the 18th century. Royal bedrooms and living rooms, as well as palace chambers and reception rooms were created in this style direction. Most Catholic cathedrals were created in Rococo, which only emphasized their splendor.

Today, designers still turn to this style, creating modern studio apartments, living rooms of country houses, restaurant premises, banquet halls, hotels and hotels in it.

Rococo style: design rules, photo solutions

“Rococo” is not just a style in the interior, it is a separate direction in art, which takes its roots from the beginning of the 18th century during the era of Louis in France. From French, the term means curl, shell, which completely determined the peculiarity of the direction. It is curls and shells that are the most popular patterned motif in Rococo.

Characteristic features of Rococo in the interior:

  1. The color scheme of the premises is based on a combination of pastel tones with a white tint and notes of gilding.
  2. The presence of stucco and stucco designs on the walls, ceiling, and window openings.
  3. Decorative finishing of every piece of the room, including furniture, decor, textiles with drawings, patterns, stucco molding, mosaics, embroidery, gilded elements.
  4. Multilayer expensive textiles used in space.
  5. Filling the room with characteristic furniture, where there is artistic carving, inlay, and gilding. The upholstery is preferably made of expensive silk patterned fabric.

Rococo was successfully used in interior design in many European countries of that time: France, Spain, Italy, Bavaria, and Germany.

Most representatives of the aristocratic clan and the intelligentsia built their country houses and cottages in this style. In addition, it was customary for the ruler’s summer residence to be designed in this direction. At that time it was also called “exaggerated baroque”.

Living rooms, chambers and reception rooms were remodeled into luxurious rooms, becoming more comfortable and brighter.

Even at the origins of the style, it was fashionable to use Chinese motifs in the interior - paintings, decorative items, dishes, etc. But Chinese notes have not lost their relevance to this day.

Passion for martial arts, Chinese food, traditions, and hieroglyphs can make a rococo style interior fashionable and unique.

In modern interiors, Rococo elements are no longer so lushly and violently used, but you can easily recognize them: these are thin, bendable furniture legs, heavy curtains with lambrequins and Chinese porcelain.

Interior design in Rococo style

To embody the Rococo style, you need to understand in which rooms it is best to perform it and how to organize them.

To organize a rococo you will need an ordinary, standard room with low ceilings, a large area and symmetry.

In this direction, modern designers create bedrooms, bathrooms, and offices. But most of all, the style is readable in spacious living rooms, rooms, and public spaces.

The Rococo style bedroom is a spacious, bright room with mirrored surfaces, a boudoir table and a bedside sofa with curved legs. Such rooms look respectable, chic and cozy.

In order to properly form the space in the room, it is necessary to observe some factors:

  • Decorative items should be evenly distributed around the entire perimeter of the room. If numerous mirrors, sets, vases, and dinner sets stand close to each other, then it will look more like a museum hall.
  • The finishing of the ceiling and walls is done in general form, and then supplemented with stucco or mosaic.
  • You can emphasize the style with the help of drawings, patterns on fabrics, curtains and walls, and also use ornate chandeliers and mirrors.
  • You can meet Rococo in the interior of underground passages, in old institutional buildings or palaces. Moreover, there it was preserved in its original form, without modern additions.

Style colors and characteristic patterns

If the interior design in the Baroque style was characterized by the use of rich colors, then in Rococo there are exclusively pastel colors.

For decorating living rooms and bedrooms, color combinations of white and gold, white and blue, light green and pink, pale shades of pink, blue, green, as well as white in combination with sand and gold are ideal.

The continuation of the Baroque was also reflected in the wall paintings. At the same time, the patterns and drawings contained not only mythological themes. In Rococo, most paintings contain scenes of human relationships, the theme of love and friendship, relationships between a woman and a man. The Rococo style is characterized by images of clouds, angels, and heavens.

Basic patterns in Rococo:

  • Patterns in the shape of an auricle, shells, which are used in various variations and designs.
  • Cartouches are used to decorate the walls and it is framed with various scrollwork. Typically, the cartouche is used in furniture, where it is given the shape of the backrest.
  • Image of angels.
  • Drawings of flowers. At the same time, flowers were drawn in real shades, or framed in gold.

Interior design in the Rococo style in a modern design does not shine with such bright colors. The primary colors that are the basis remain white and gold, but bedrooms are recommended to be done in sandy, creamy tones.

Rococo wall decoration

The walls in the Rococo style are a whole work of art. They are decorated with stucco molding, mosaics, hand-painted paintings, paintings, decorative elements, mirrors, and silk wallpaper. Usually the wall plane is divided into several fragments, and each one is individually filled with its own finish.

To do this, in modern design they use:

  • Layout of placement of stucco moldings, paintings, mirrors and decorative elements.
  • Matte water-based paints are used as finishing materials.
  • The silk panel can be replaced with velor wallpaper with floral patterns.
  • Instead of gypsum elements, polyurethane is used.

In order not to spend a long time painting walls, they use stencils, decoupage techniques, and wallpaper with characteristic motifs.

To divide the walls into factions, a technique with a horizontal line is perfect. At the same time, the upper part of the wall can be filled with mirrors or paintings, and the lower part with wallpaper with a pattern.

Ceiling finishing

A ceiling in the rococo style should be luxurious and rich.

You can repeat the unique design by following these techniques:

  1. A low rectangular ceiling should be painted in one tone. Place a cornice with a convex pattern around the entire perimeter. A gilded rosette is placed in the center of the ceiling, from which a voluminous chandelier is launched.
  2. Just like with the walls, the ceiling is divided into sections, and each is decorated with a separate decorative technique. A chandelier on a long pendant with many light bulbs is placed in the center.
  3. If it is necessary to decorate high round ceilings, then choose a painting with angels and heavenly themes, and the corners and frames are decorated with stucco. Stucco molding can smoothly transition from the wall to the ceiling.


Unlike walls and ceilings, floors are decorated in a more restrained manner. The best option for finishing would be parquet boards, laminate, tiles or artistic parquet. At the same time, the coating should be accompanied by a characteristic shine. In bedrooms and living rooms, carpets with decorative patterns are laid on the floor.

Rococo style furniture

Upholstered furniture helps to bring a palace flavor to modern interiors. As a rule, it is made in small sizes, has a beautiful design and comfortable designs.

There is a whole riot of pieces of furniture in the Rococo style: sofas, stools, armchairs, couches, benches, chairs with high backs, beds. They can be distinguished from other furniture by: artistic carvings, curved legs, silk upholstery, floral ornaments, and gilded elements.

The items are made from natural wood - walnut or linden.

Choosing textiles for rooms in the Rococo style

Rococo textiles differ from their predecessors in that they do not have dark shades and are not so heavy. At the same time, the shape and volume are preserved. For windows you should choose voluminous, wavy curtains with lambrequins. And on the bed, quilted blankets with embroidery elements are suitable.

The dining area should be decorated with tablecloths that match the tone of the upholstery of the chairs. You can place pillows with decorative inserts or hand embroidery on the sofas.

How to decorate a room in rococo style

Decorative elements should be selected quite carefully, while remembering that there should not be too many items. Excessive decor can alienate the interior of a room from the true style of the medieval era.

The main decor of this style:

  • candelabra;
  • gold plated watch;
  • porcelain figurines;
  • tapestries;
  • mirrors;
  • porcelain dolls;
  • painted vases;
  • paintings.

Selection of lighting

The choice of lighting to recreate Rococo should be approached very responsibly. There is no place for spotlights or small chandeliers with one or two lamps here.

To convey all the luxury of style, you should give preference to voluminous crystal chandeliers with many lamps or chandeliers with long pendants. It all depends on the height of the ceiling and the area of ​​the room.

In its modern interpretation, the Rococo style is a minimalist version of the luxurious design of bygone times, which fits perfectly with classical or French style. Even small living rooms, bedrooms or studios can be easily done in Rococo if you adhere to the basic features of the style.
