How to make neat buns with jam. How to make buns with jam from yeast dough according to a step-by-step recipe with photos. Dedicated to lovers of pastries with sweet filling

Hello to all culinary art lovers! Today we will talk about delicious pastries. And to be even more precise, I will tell and show you what shapes you can make for buns with jam. The article will not contain recipes for the dough or the filling itself, only step-by-step photos, pictures and descriptions of how to wrap the buns and make them beautiful and appetizing. I think that you will definitely find suitable culinary design options for yourself.

And at the end of the article I will tell you where you can find even more interesting information on this topic. After all, developing your skills and being creative in the kitchen is a hobby for many women, and some men too


Such beautiful muffins can be made not only with jam, but also with cottage cheese, if you prepare the filling accordingly. They can be prepared from yeast mass or with the addition of baking powder.

  1. Divide the finished dough into equal small portions and roll into balls.
  2. Then, using a rolling pin, roll out our ball so that we get an even circle. We make four symmetrical cuts.
  3. Place jam in the center. For this bun shape, the filling must be very dense, like marmalade.
  4. We lift one petal of the future rose and wrap it around the jam.

  1. We wrap the opposite petal second. Then we do the same with the remaining petals.
  2. The result should be a neat bud.
  3. Place all the preparations on an oiled baking sheet, brush the muffins with whipped yolk and put them in the oven.
  4. Blush roses are ready! I hope that everything is clear step by step in the photo.


To make these buns, you will need puff pastry, as it retains its shape better. Baking in the form of rings can also be prepared with sugar, cinnamon, and poppy seeds. But since we are talking about jam, we will consider molding with this filling.

  1. Roll out the dough into a rectangular shape. Then we make parallel cuts on it approximately to the midline of the layer.
  2. Place jam on the part of the rectangle that remains intact.
  3. Starting from the edge where the filling lies, wrap the dough into a tube. The cut strips remain on top. Their ends should remain on the bottom side.
  4. As a final step, we connect the ends of the roll to make a ring. Prepared kulebyaki can be sent to the oven!

Classic buns

They are best prepared from yeast or lean dough. Despite the banal shape, such baked goods look very good. Since the buns are closed, you can put any filling inside, as long as it is not very liquid and does not leak out during baking. Although even semi-liquid jam (for example, raspberry jam) can be made thicker if desired.

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  1. Divide the dough into small pieces (as for pies). Roll them out into a round layer and place a spoonful of jam in the middle.
  2. We form either a round bun or an elongated pie shape. We pinch the edges.
  3. Brush the top with egg (preferably yolk) and sprinkle with sesame seeds, poppy seeds or sugar. After the future muffins have risen slightly, send them to bake.
  4. The result is very beautiful pumpkins.


This form of buns is simple, you just need to correctly cut out the rolled out layer and carefully wrap the bagel.

  1. Roll out a small portion of the dough into a thin round layer. If there are problems with the circle, then you can use a large plate or pan lid as a stencil. Cut the resulting circle like a cake.
  2. Place a spoonful of jam on the outer edge of each triangle.
  3. Starting from the wide edge, roll the dough into a bagel. This must be done carefully so that the filling does not come out around the edges.
  4. To make the baked goods golden brown, brush the surface with beaten egg yolk. After baking, you get quite decent bagels.


Not only sweet buns, but also cottage cheese buns are often made in this form. Let's find out how to make them.

  1. We form small balls from the dough and make flat cakes (you can use your hands or a rolling pin). Then, using a glass of a suitable diameter, cut out even circles.
  2. We also use the ring that remains after cutting. We twist it in the form of a figure eight.
  3. The result is two parts of the future bun - the base and the side.
  4. Place the twisted ring on the circle. From below you can slightly pinch the sides and base.
  5. Place a spoonful of any jam or marmalade in the middle of the dough.
  6. Place in the oven for baking.


Despite the simple method of production, such baked goods look very elegant and festive. Even a novice cook can master it.

  1. Roll out the finished yeast or puff pastry into a layer and cut out even circles from it. If you have baking skills, you can immediately roll out circles from small donuts without using a mold.
  2. We cut each circle into six petals. We pinch the tip of each petal to make it sharp. The center of the workpiece must be pressed with your finger to make a depression for the filling.
  3. Place all the daisies on a greased baking sheet and only then put the jam in the middle. The petals themselves can be greased with the yolk mixture.
  4. Bake chamomile buns in a preheated oven until golden brown.

Every housewife who is fond of baking knows that the same dough can be used to prepare different delicious things. For example, yeast dough is suitable for buns, fried pies, and delicious baked pies with different fillings. As for the filling, it can be sweet (from apples, cherries), or it can be “serious - from meat or liver.” But in any case, these things may come in handy in the kitchen:

Comfortable and practical baking mats


This is another interesting option for how to simply and quickly wrap a product with jam or thick jam.

  1. Take a small amount of dough and roll it into an oval or circle. We make small cuts on both sides.
  2. Place a spoonful of filling on the flatbread - closer to the side from which we will begin to wrap the dough.
  3. We bend one edge so that the filling ends up in the hole. Then we do the same with the second edge.
  4. Ready-made golden brown muffins can be served!

Delicious pastries will go very well with any tea. By the way, do you know how to brew ginger tea? I recommend you a few of this drink. It will be interesting to know your opinion in the comments which forms of buns with jam and marmalade out of the eight presented did you like the most.

And if you like to bake buns, buns, pies and other delicacies, then you will probably be interested in good cookbooks with recipes and photos. Exactly such a selection I bring it to your attention - it contains exclusively literature on baking. I hope you find something you need for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones.

Happy cooking! Hope

This is a recipe with another know-how from the “Tasty, fast, simple!” series. Just right for busy moms. We will make fragrant and airy buns with strawberry jam and glaze. The idea is very simple - make a pillow of dough under the buns, the filling will not run away and the baked goods will not burn. The buns are tender, aromatic and very tasty.

Ingredients for Vanilla Scones with Strawberry Jam:

Recipe for “Vanilla buns with strawberry jam”:

These are the products we will need. You can make the dough according to your favorite recipe, but this is not important here.

2 - 3 tbsp. l. pour milk into a separate bowl, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tbsp. l. flour. Break fresh yeast into pieces, add to the milk mixture and stir until the yeast dissolves.
If you have dry yeast, then you need 7 g. The steps are the same.

Melt the butter in the microwave, combine with milk, sugar, vanilla sugar and eggs. Stir lightly (at the lowest speed for about half a minute).
Several times I made the dough with vegetable oil (unscented), and it also turned out very well.
The amount of sugar can be varied to taste. I really like 50-60 grams, which is a little less than a third of a glass.

Using a 250ml measuring cup, measure 4 cups of flour and sift to oxygenate the flour. Add salt to flour. Add the milk and yeast mixture and mix everything well.
After this, add the resulting contents to the egg-milk mixture in the mixer bowl, and knead the dough until smooth. The dough will be elastic and soft like an earlobe.

Place the dough in a bowl, cover with cling film and place in a warm place for 1 hour, the dough will increase by about 2-3 times.
I always poke a few holes in the cling film with a fork.

Prepare a mold measuring approximately 20 x 30 cm. This time I mechanically took a regular baking sheet, it is larger, and I want to say that in a smaller mold the buns look nicer.

This is where the know-how begins:
Knead the dough and separate a piece of about 150 g. Roll it very thin into a rectangle the size of your mold, and place it on the bottom of the mold. If you don’t get a perfectly shaped rectangle, well, don’t, it’s not the main thing and it won’t be visible anyway.

It is convenient to roll out the pillow dough between sheets of parchment paper. Draw the size of the bottom of the mold on the top, this will be useful to you, it will be much easier to adjust a small piece of dough to the desired size. Then remove the top sheet and transfer the bottom sheet together with the dough into the mold.
Only at that moment I saw that I had not taken the mold of the required size, and therefore the usual 150 g of dough for the backing pillow was not enough, I had to twist it out, and the photo turned out to be unphotogenic. But now you have been warned. Although this dough will still not be visible in the final product.
This pillow of dough then becomes the bottom of the bun. You can break off the bun (photo on a dark background), or cut it with a knife like a pie. Below is a cross-sectional photo of the finished bun.

Roll out the remaining dough into a rectangle measuring approximately 30 x 40 cm and brush it with jam, not reaching 2 cm from the edge. Fold the side edges along the narrow side over the dough with jam, and then roll the dough into a roll.
If you heat the jam a little in the microwave, spreading it will be easier and faster.

Cut the roll into pieces 3 - 4 cm wide. It is more convenient to cut with thread: take regular sewing thread, fold it lengthwise a couple of times to make it tighter. Measure the size of the resulting roll and use a knife to easily score where you need to cut it. Now bring the thread from the bottom of the roll, sharply cross it at the top - and you get perfectly even pieces. These will be our buns.
Place the resulting buns on the bottom of the mold, covered with dough. Now our jam will not run away anywhere!
Cover the buns with cling film and leave to rise for 30 minutes. Avoid drafts.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the buns for 20-25 minutes until golden brown, depending on your oven.

When the buns are ready, prepare the glaze: add 2-3 tbsp to the powdered sugar. l. hot water and stir, it will turn out approximately like liquid sour cream. Pour the glaze over the still hot buns; it’s easier to do this with a silicone pastry brush.
The amount of powdered sugar for the glaze can be reduced (I used about half a cup). What this does is the more sugar, the more sugary white your frosting will be, but mine is almost clear.

I cut it into pieces 3 cm wide, making 15 buns. The finished buns are as tall as a pie.

Today, the shelves of shops and supermarkets are simply bursting with various sweet products: candies, cookies, bars, as well as all kinds of baked goodies. However, they cannot compare with the extraordinary taste of homemade baked goods. One of these unforgettable delicacies for both children and adults are buns with jam.

Baking filling

When starting the hassle of preparing homemade baked goods, you must first prepare all the necessary ingredients. And if you prepare pies or buns, you first need to take care of their filling. It can be anything: cottage cheese, potato, mushroom, vegetable, fruit. But apricot, apple, pear, and strawberry will be a delicious treat. Red currants are also very tasty, rich in vitamins, healthy and aromatic. It is prepared in this way. After preliminary cleaning of the berries, you need to squeeze out the red currant juice. When it starts to boil, add ripe strawberries, which are boiled for about ten minutes. Then sugar is added, and the whole thing is cooked for another quarter of an hour. After cooling, the jam can be eaten and also used as a filling.

Economical recipe for delicious buns

You don't have to have expensive ingredients to whip up delicious ones. They may well be simple products. In addition, preparing this baking takes a small amount of time.

To obtain the dough, combine one glass of sugar and sunflower oil, one teaspoon of salt and one liter of water in a deep bowl. Mix all this well and put on fire. After the mixture boils, set it aside to cool. At this time, yeast (four tablespoons) and one tablespoon of sugar should be diluted in a glass of warm water. After they are well suited, they are combined with the cooled mixture, flour is added and they begin to knead. Buns are formed from the finished dough and placed on a greased baking sheet. After that, they go into a well-heated oven.

Making Inimitable Yeast Breads

Yeast buns with jam always turn out very tasty. The universal dough is also suitable for Easter cakes.

The method of preparing it is as follows. One liter of milk contains one hundred grams of yeast, a little sugar and flour. The result is a pancake-like dough that should ferment for about an hour. Next, half a kilogram of sugar, four hundred grams of margarine, six eggs, vanilla sugar and salt to taste are added to it. All this is thoroughly mixed and left for a while to come up. Now buns of the desired shape are formed from the finished dough, jam or boiled condensed milk is added to them. After preheating the oven to the desired temperature, you can start baking them.

To make the yeast dough soft and airy, before baking, add already cooled yeast dough, which is then grated on a fine grater (take 2 potatoes for 1 kilogram of flour).

Buns that always work

Many women, despite their great love for homemade flour products, do not want to bother with dough. Added to this is the fear that baking may not work out. However, even the most inexperienced housewife can prepare buns with jam in the oven according to this recipe.

So, thirty grams of yeast are ground with one teaspoon of sugar. It is better to do this in a deep bowl. To the existing ingredients add seventy-five grams of butter or margarine (melted), one glass of warm milk, half a teaspoon of salt, one hundred and fifty grams of granulated sugar and four hundred grams of flour. The dough is kneaded and placed in a warm place to rise. After this happens, it is rolled out into a thin layer and transferred to a greased sheet to “proof” into the desired shape. Place jam on the risen dough and spread evenly. The edges remain uncovered; they are lifted onto the filling and pressed with your fingers. These buns are baked in a sufficiently preheated oven until lightly browned.

Making puff pastry buns

They say that making puff pastry is not a job for the lazy. But this is not true at all. Puff pastries with jam can be prepared very quickly if you use this recipe. 500 grams of flour are sifted onto a board, 300 grams of chilled margarine or butter, cut into pieces, is placed on it. All this needs to be chopped with a knife until smooth. Next, make a hole and add 4/5 cup of salted water, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar. The dough is kneaded in the same way - finely chopped with a knife. After this, it is rolled into a ball and, covered with a napkin, placed in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then the dough is rolled out and you can form delicious buns with jam.

There is also another little secret that is used when baking various homemade products. To make them bright and shiny, before putting them in the oven, they are brushed with an egg diluted with water.

Formation of "roses"

Every mother, when she wants to please her children with baking, becomes a real sorceress at that time. And she can create a real miracle from ordinary buns. For example, turn dough into flowers. In fact, there are ways to form “rose” buns.

In the first case, a small piece of dough in the form of a ball is stretched by hand into a flat cake. A circle is cut out with a glass so that the rim around it remains intact. The resulting circle is placed on the prepared baking sheet. Jam is laid out on it, and the top is covered with a rim of dough in the shape of a figure eight. It should be noted that every recipe for buns with jam can be combined with this forming.

In the second version, the cake is created in exactly the same way. Next, the jam is placed in the center, and the circle of dough is divided into five petals using a knife. One of them should be the largest. Pulling the edges a little, you need to circle the petal around the jam, and the second one is fixed towards it. This is how we form a bud. The last petal must be stretched further so that it completely encircles the flower and secures it.

Homemade yeast buns with jam are the best treat for tea. How can store-bought cookies, which lie on the shelves for who knows how long, compare with it?

So, there is no need to be at a loss and doubt the correctness of your decision - rather, knead the dough and wait for the guests to arrive.

Buns with jam in the oven are a dish that requires time and certain ingredients. One of the main ingredients is yeast (fresh or from a packet).

The main thing is that they are of good quality and fresh, otherwise the dough may not be suitable.

Then you can forget about the airy structure of the buns, but you don’t want to lose face in front of your loved ones. Then you need to carefully study the theory and carefully follow all the instructions.

Recipe No. 1: Buns with berry jam

Warm buns with fragrant thick jam - what could be tastier with fragrant tea when the weather outside is dank and rainy. Let's get down to business and prepare all the products indicated in the list:

one egg; three tablespoons (60 g) sugar; ¼ stick of butter + 1 tbsp. spoon for sprinkling (can be replaced with margarine); vanilla sugar; 45-50 ml vegetable oil; 200 ml milk; teaspoon of dry yeast; 240-250 g flour (including 2 tablespoons for sprinkling); ½ teaspoon salt; jam or thick jam for filling.

Stages of preparing dough for yeast buns with berry jam:

  1. Heat the milk and dissolve a spoonful of sugar in it.
  2. Add yeast and 3 tablespoons flour.
  3. Stir the liquid mass until smooth and set aside.
  4. After 10 minutes, the dough can be used further, but in the meantime, melt the butter and grind it with the remaining sugar, eggs and butter. Add some salt.
  5. Carefully pour in the dough and stir the mixture.
  6. Then add flour and vanilla sugar little by little.
  7. Place the elastic dough in a container, the walls of which need to be greased with vegetable oil, cover and place in a warm place to rise.

In such conditions, it should stand for at least an hour, preferably one and a half, until it increases in volume and becomes fluffy.

Let's start forming the buns:

  1. Dust your work surface with flour and rub the vegetable oil in your hands.
  2. Remove the dough from the bowl, knead and divide into 12 equal balls.
  3. Roll each ball into a flat cake and place a spoonful of jam in the middle. If it is liquid, mix with flour or grated breadcrumbs. It is important that the filling does not leak out and does not soak the dough, which will tear during baking.
  4. Seal the edges by lifting them up. The resulting buns need to be placed in a round shape, seam side down. Make indentations so that the baked goods have room to grow.
  5. Grease the sides of the buns with vegetable oil, so they will be easy to separate, and cover with a towel.
  6. After 20 minutes, when the buns have rested, sprinkle them with a mixture made from a tablespoon of sugar, the same amount of butter and two or three large spoons of flour. Rub the mixture first with a spoon, then with your fingers.

The yeast dough buns will be baked in the oven until golden brown (as in the photo). Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees and only then place the pan with the workpiece on the middle shelf.

Serve the dish when it has cooled slightly, as the hot filling poses some danger to the tongue.

Recipe No. 2: Buns with apricot jam from yeast dough

You'll have the buns ready in less than three hours. Airy and light as feathers, and also aromatic, they are suitable for tea drinking in a friendly company. Serve them for breakfast, afternoon tea and as a snack for schoolchildren.

Ingredients required for kneading the dough: a glass of milk; three and a half glasses of flour; 4 large spoons of sugar; egg; teaspoon of yeast from a bag; vanillin; a little salt; 4 tbsp. spoons of butter.

For the filling: 150-170 g apricot jam.
For sprinkling: 2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.
To grease the finished baked goods: a spoonful of butter.

Recipe for making yeast dough:

  1. Mix the yeast with a spoon of granulated sugar, two spoons of flour and dilute the mixture with warm milk.
  2. Leave the dough in a warm place, covering it with a napkin, and let it stand for 12-15 minutes. During this time, the yeast will begin to act, resulting in small bubbles on the surface. A kind of foamy “cap” is formed. If it still doesn’t appear, the whole process of preparing the dough will have to start all over again, since you will never get an airy dough.
  3. Sift the flour for the yeast dough into a wide bowl, make a well and pour in the egg, ground with salt, vegetable oil and the rest of the sugar.
  4. Add vanilla sugar and knead into a smooth, homogeneous dough.
  5. Cover the dish where you place the dough with cling film and set aside in a warm place for an hour.
  6. After the allotted time, you will notice that the mass has “come to life”; many bubbles have appeared in it, which contributed to an increase in volume. This means it’s time to knead the dough and let it rise again.
  7. After 60-70 minutes, remove the fluffy mass from the bowl onto the table, greasing it with vegetable oil ahead of time.

Recipe for forming buns from butter dough:

  1. Divide the dough into pieces of arbitrary size, on average you will get 12-15 pieces.
  2. Roll into round shapes and brush the surface with jam.
  3. Roll into a tube and seal the edges on all sides.
  4. Now twist it into a rope (see photo) and connect the edges. You learned how to make ring-shaped buns that need to be placed in a round pan lined with baking paper.

The pastry buns should rest under the film for twenty minutes, and only after that they will be baked in the oven. It should be heated to 180 degrees and subsequently monitor the condition of the baking.

After about 25 minutes, a golden brown crust will appear on the surface of the buns, this is a signal that it is time to remove the pan from the oven.

While the baked goods are hot, spread a thin layer of melted butter on top, after which you should cool the treat at room temperature.

Recipe No. 3: Buns filled with thick jam, cooked in a slow cooker

The advent of kitchen appliances has made the lives of busy housewives much easier. With a minimum of time and products, they can prepare and pamper their family with delicious and healthy dishes.

Moreover, they turn out no less tasty if more physical strength and culinary abilities were spent on them.

Take: 1/5 pack of margarine (50 g); 10 g dry yeast; 170 ml kefir; 350 g flour; 1 egg; half a glass of sugar; vanillin and a pinch of table salt. For the filling you will need one glass (or a little more) of thick jam from any berries or fruits.

It will take you about an hour and a half to prepare the bun dough and wait for it to rise. Start cooking by sifting the flour.

This way you will saturate it with oxygen and help the buns turn out even more airy and tender. Further:

  1. Make a dough of warm kefir, a spoonful of sugar, two tablespoons of flour and yeast.
  2. After 15 minutes it will rise and become covered with a foamy “cap”.
  3. Add melted margarine, egg beaten with sugar and salt, vanillin.
  4. Add flour.
  5. Divide the risen dough into small balls, roll out and fill with jam.
  6. Roll the round buns, place them in the multicooker bowl, making indentations, and turn on the oven to “Preheat”. Be sure to grease the inner walls of the bowl with vegetable oil.
  7. After 10 minutes, select the “Baking” menu and set the timer for 1 hour.
  8. As soon as you hear the beep, turn the baked goods over, brush them with oil and turn the oven back on for 20 minutes.

Place the buns with jam on a plate and decorate with powdered sugar.

My video recipe

What could be tastier than homemade buns? Except for buns with homemade jam! These baked goods are very easy and quick to prepare, and the whole family will be happy with the results.

Butter cake recipe step by step

Despite the fact that butter dough is not much different from yeast dough, baking from it is much more attractive to those with a sweet tooth. Maybe because it comes out sweeter? You can immediately test it by preparing buns with jam according to this recipe.

  1. Heat the water, but do not boil. Stir the yeast in it so that it dissolves completely; to do this, let it sit for half an hour;
  2. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the dough, add flour, sugar and salt to it;
  3. Knead elastic soft dough;
  4. Place it in a glass or ceramic container, previously well greased with vegetable oil;
  5. Wrap the container in cling film and then wrap it in a warm towel;
  6. Let the dough rise for an hour and a half;
  7. Then take it out and place it on the work surface, knead it a little and let it lie there again for 10 minutes;
  8. Roll out a long roll and cut it into pieces (3-4 cm);
  9. Roll each piece into a round cake;
  10. Add jam based on the size of the cake. Do not put it too much, otherwise the baking will spread;
  11. Pinch the edges of the cakes and press them a little so that the seam becomes invisible;
  12. Cover a baking sheet with paper or foil, pre-grease it with butter, and place the buns on it;
  13. Bake for 25 minutes in the oven (200°C), placing a glass of water in it;
  14. In some ovens, this baking time may increase or decrease (depending on power);
  15. Once the time is up, remove the buns and let them cool slightly on a wire rack. Eat with tea or milk!

Buns with apple jam made from yeast dough

This pastry is eaten very quickly, but its great advantage is that ready-made buns can be frozen. So, by spending 3 hours of time once, you can prepare baked goods for two days at once.


  • flour – ½ kg;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • milk - a glass;
  • jam (raspberry) – 1.5 cups;
  • yeast – 20 g;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • butter – 60 gr.

Time required: 2 hours 45 minutes.

Calories: 347.

  1. Stir yeast in warm milk (50 ml);
  2. Then do not touch the dough for 15 minutes until a “cap” appears on it;
  3. At this time, beat the eggs well with salt and sugar;
  4. Heat the remaining milk and add eggs to it. Then carefully pour in the suitable dough and add half of all the flour;
  5. Mix well and gradually add the remaining flour;
  6. Pour the pre-melted butter after the flour and knead the dough well until it becomes a round elastic ball;
  7. During the process, if necessary, add more flour, but carefully - the mass should not be too tight. Ideally, you should have a non-sticky, elastic dough;
  8. Leave the kneaded dough for 60 minutes until it rises well;
  9. Periodically (over the course of an hour) knead the dough a little;
  10. Roll out the dough, after it has risen, into a 60x30 cm rectangle;
  11. Gently spread the raspberry jam over the layer, leaving 1 cm from the edges;
  12. Visually dividing the entire layer into three parts, fold the layer in three. Ideally, you should get a rectangle 30x20 cm;
  13. Pinch the edges of the rectangle well and lightly roll over the surface with a rolling pin. Using a sharp knife, cut the entire layer into 2.5 cm strips;
  14. Twist the resulting strips a couple of times and connect them into a ring;
  15. Bake for 15 minutes at 190°C.

A simple and tasty snack recipe that even a child can easily prepare - try it!

Step-by-step tutorial of delicious cakes with different fillings and interesting decorations.

Salad with chicken, pineapple and cheese - take note of this appetizer, it will probably come in handy.

Puff pastries with raspberry filling

To bake something sweet for tea, you don’t have to spend a lot of time kneading the dough. You can use store-bought ready-made puff yeast dough, which makes excellent buns. And very little time and effort is spent.

  • dough – 1 pack. (450 gr);
  • yolk;
  • wheat flour – 50 g;
  • raspberry jam – 120 ml.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: 280 kcal.

  1. Sprinkle the board or table where the dough will be rolled out with flour. Do not use all the flour - you need to leave a little for the puffs themselves;
  2. Place the dough on the surface and roll it in one direction so that all the layers do not stick together;
  3. Cut all the dough into equal rectangular pieces. You can use a sharp knife or pizza cutter for this;
  4. For each square you need a little jam and spread it well over the entire square, leaving about 1 cm around the edges to make it easy to pinch;
  5. Pinch each square around the edge, using flour to help hold the dough together;
  6. Beat the yolk well with a fork and carefully coat each puff pastry with it;
  7. Place baking parchment on a baking sheet and place puff pastries on it so that they do not touch each other;
  8. Bake the puff pastry dough with jam for half an hour (temperature no more than 180 degrees).

How to make kefir buns with jam in a slow cooker

With the advent of the multicooker, the life of housewives has become much easier. After all, even a delicious bun can be prepared using this wonderful device.


  • kefir – 170 ml;
  • margarine – 50 g;
  • dry yeast – 10 g;
  • jam – 1 glass;
  • egg;
  • flour – 360 gr;
  • sugar – 0.5 cups + a pinch of vanillin;
  • a pinch of salt.

Time required: 1 hour 30 minutes (dough) + 1 hour 20 minutes (baking).

Calories: 420.

  1. The preparation of buns begins with diluting the dough. To do this, you need to grind dry yeast in kefir, and it should be at least room temperature (you can warm it up slightly);
  2. In addition to yeast, add a tablespoon of sugar and flour to kefir;
  3. Stir the resulting mixture well and leave to rise for 15 minutes in a warm place;
  4. Melt the margarine and mix it with the egg and the remaining sugar. Add vanillin there (optional);
  5. As soon as the dough comes up, add butter and egg to it and lightly salt it;
  6. Pour in the flour and start kneading the soft dough, which is then left to rise for an hour and a half;
  7. Divide the resulting mass into small balls, from which roll out into flat cakes;
  8. Place a spoonful of jam on each flatbread (it is advisable to use thick jam so that it does not spread) and pinch;
  9. After forming the buns, place them in the slow cooker for 10 minutes on the “Warm” mode. You should first coat the inside of the bowl with butter so that the buns do not get baked;
  10. After the baking has risen a little, turn the appliance to “Baking” and set the timer for 1 hour;
  11. As soon as the timer signals the end of baking, turn the buns over, grease them with margarine (butter) and bake for another 20 minutes at the same setting;
  12. If desired, you can decorate the baked goods with powdered sugar. It should also be noted that the modes given were based on the example of a Panasonic multicooker, so when using another device, you should carefully study the instructions.

Baking will turn out better if:

  1. When adding kefir to the dough, slightly warm it up;
  2. Use dry, uncompressed yeast;
  3. Be sure to sift the flour;
  4. To prevent the dough from sticking to the rolling pin, you need to roll it out with a bottle of cold water.

Our grandmothers used these tricks. But weren’t their buns delicious?
