Let's get acquainted with fungicides - drugs for combating plant diseases. Types of fungicides, review of the most effective drugs and their description Fungicides for fruit

When caring for a garden, you often have to use fungicides. We are talking about special chemicals that are used to combat pathogens that cause the development of fungal diseases, for example, gray rot, powdery mildew, etc.

Depending on the method of influencing pathogenic fungi, several types of fungicides are distinguished: contact and systemic action.

Actions of contact fungicides

When using these drugs, their penetration into plants is prevented. They cover the outer part of the plant; if the reproductive and vegetative organs of the fungus are present on the surface, they are suppressed. All drugs act for a different period, which is determined by the length of time the solution remains on the surface of the plant. The best results can be achieved if you carry out processing at least 3-5 times at intervals of 10-12 days.

A feature of contact fungicides is the local nature of the effect. They are not used to treat affected plants, they are designed to suppress pathogens located on the surface or directly in plant tissues. Due to the fact that these fungicides are unable to spread to other parts of the plant, such treatment before fruit formation prevents penetration into them.

Systemic drugs act somewhat differently: as a result of processing, they penetrate into the internal organs of the plant, spread through the tissues, introducing changes in the physiological and biochemical processes occurring in the plant organs. Over time, their decomposition inside plants, which ends with the formation of metabolites. In this state, they begin to have an inhibitory effect on the harmful fungus.

It is believed that the decomposition products that form inside the plants are more harmful than the drug itself. To avoid possible complications, it is best to carry out treatment in gardens and private farms using contact chemicals. At the same time, the deadline for their use is the period when there will be one month left before the harvest.

Types of fungicides and methods of their application

In gardening stores, fungicides are offered in various forms: powder, suspension, emulsions, highly soluble in water.

Depending on the composition, the following types of fungicidal preparations are distinguished:

  • Inorganic. Within this group, drugs of hazard class 1-4 for humans and warm-blooded creatures are distinguished;
  • Organic. The main component in them are active microorganisms that inhibit pathogenic fungi.

More preferable to use on summer cottages biofungicides, because in addition to being highly effective, they cause minimal harm to plants.

Chemical fungicides

Often, to effectively control pests, gardeners buy new drugs, especially if they provide high efficiency with a small dose of use. However, it is wrong to do this. You can only count on good results if you use proven drugs. As part of a group of chemical fungicides that have proven their effectiveness when used for protection during the growing season of various horticultural crops, the following can be distinguished:

  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • copper sulfate;
  • abiga-pik, sun;
  • oxychome;
  • zineb;
  • thiram;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • soda ash using adhesive (green soap).

Biological fungicides

Behind last years A lot of biological contact action fungicides have appeared on the market. In their manufacture, a slightly different approach is used than in the case of chemicals. The main components of biofungicides are active bacteria, the activity of which has an inhibitory effect on pathogens of fungal diseases.

It is preferable to use biofungicides of contact action, since they do not cause or cause minimal harm to humans, warm-blooded animals, fish and bees. Consumers who are planning to use biofungicides at home should pay attention to the following types of drugs:

Treatment with chemical fungicides of contact action can only be carried out before flowering begins and after harvest. The advantage of biofungicides is that they can be used throughout the growing season. At the same time, there are also drugs on sale that can be used at the stage of crop ripening. It should be borne in mind that contact-acting drugs are effective for preventive purposes. If the drug reaches the causative agent of the disease, this leads to its death. If the plants are already affected by the disease, then they cannot be saved with the help of these drugs.

Rules for working with contact fungicides

Before using a fungicide, you need to take care of your own safety: for this you need prepare closed clothes, rubber gloves and glasses and a hat. After finishing the processing, the clothes are sent for washing, and hands and face must be thoroughly washed with soap.

Plants must be treated with a pre-prepared solution. The exception is situations when the instructions prescribe the use of fresh composition.

In the process of preparing a solution for treating plants, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations specified in the instructions, maintaining optimal rate consumption taking into account the phase of plant development.

Fungicides can be used in the most favorable conditions for this: early morning or evening, provided that it is dry, windless weather.

For the sprayer, you must select the operating mode for fine spraying. The cloud of solution emerging from it should pour onto the plants from below and above.

It is prohibited to use chemical fungicides on those plants whose green parts of the aboveground mass are planned to be consumed. For safety reasons, processing of all crops should be carried out before the flowering and fruit set phase.

Do not clean the containers in which the solution was prepared in bodies of water. Disposal of used pesticides should be carried out only in specially designated areas.

The place where fungicides and other preparations are supposed to be stored chemical composition, must have limited access. Drugs must be placed in sealed packaging.

If the investigator follows the above rules for the use of fungicides, then you can not only prevent the appearance of dangerous pests on the site, but also not cause harm to yourself and the environment.

List of fungicides

Due to the high toxicity of most fungicides offered today, there must be a good reason for a gardener to use them in the home. Before using drugs, it is mandatory to familiarize yourself with the safety rules when using toxic substances.

Oksikhom. A drug consisting from copper oxychloride and oxadixyl. It is one of the contact systemic fungicides, used for preventive purposes and to suppress diseases of garden and indoor crops plants. Recommended for use in the fight against late blight, macrosporiosis, black bacterial spot, septoria, etc. Non-toxicity makes this drug safe to use.

Preparation of working solution

Plants are treated only with freshly prepared solution. First, you need to pour one third of the volume of water into the sprayer tank, then start the mixing device and pour the required amount of the drug. Afterwards, the rest of the required water is poured in, the solution is mixed well, after which the infected plants are treated with it.

A prerequisite is the purity of the water used to prepare the solution.

The recommended consumption rate is one packet per 2 liters of water. In some cases, it may be necessary to carry out three treatments, but a gap of 10-14 days must be maintained between them. Plants can only be treated with a freshly prepared solution based on the drug oxychome. Can be used as a component for preparing complex mixtures.

Advantages of the drug:

  • operates on the system-contact principle;
  • the effect after treatment lasts for two weeks;
  • lack of toxicity, provided that the treatment is carried out in compliance with the recommended doses;
  • cost-effectiveness when used for preventive purposes.

Trichodermin. Included in the group of biological drugs designed to combat fungal and bacterial diseases. The main active component is the spores of the soil fungus Trichoderma lignorum and crushed grain substrate. The drug effectively fights more than 60 types of soil pathogens, which are the cause of the development of many known diseases: root and fruit rots, seed infections, macrosporiosis, fusarium, etc.

The positive effect of using the drug is to improve soil fertility, provide plant roots with additional nutrients, and increase seed germination.

Application method:


The problem of protecting plants from diseases is relevant for every gardener. To deal with them faster and without consequences, many are used for this chemicals. Fungicides are among the most popular demonstrate high efficiency. However, when choosing them, it is necessary to proceed from a position in order to cause minimal harm to the plant. Therefore, preference should be given to those with the least toxicity. When choosing fungicidal preparations, it is necessary to focus on their recommendations for use. This will help avoid unwanted consequences after processing.

Fungus is a problem found on a variety of plant species. This microorganism can cause many different diseases that negatively affect the flowering and fertility of crops. Fungicides will help protect and heal plants.

What are "fungicides"?

These are drugs of chemical or biological origin. They are used to treat and prevent diseases caused by the development of fungi. Such preparations have been developed for both outdoor and indoor plants. Timely use of fungicides allows you to protect crops from various diseases, as well as significantly increase productivity.

Products are produced in the form of powder, tablets, spray, granules. They dissolve well in liquid and are easy to use.

Effect on the plant

There are two main groups of fungicides. They differ from each other not only in composition, but also in action. Knowing the differences and features of the product, you can achieve good results in a short time.


This type is intended for the prevention and treatment of plant diseases. The main advantage of contact fungicides is that they do not cause habituation in crops. The period of action of such a substance does not exceed twelve days. After the first rainfall, the plants need to be re-treated.

Contact fungicides do not penetrate the plant. They only protect the areas in which they are located. Therefore, when spraying, both the upper and lower parts of the leaf blades should be carefully treated. The effectiveness of the product depends on many factors, namely chemical properties and weather conditions.


Preparations of this group are capable of not only protecting plants in the area of ​​application, but also spreading to other areas. The great thing about systemic fungicides is that they can penetrate internally.

Advice! Since fungi are capable of developing resistance to systemic drugs, in order to stop this process, it is recommended to use the product no more than 2 times a season for one crop.

Systemic drugs effectively act at different stages of plant disease and are also able to protect new growths from infection. Liquids are not affected after two to six hours after treatment atmospheric precipitation. Even when exposed to large amounts of water, they do not lose their original properties. The period of action of systemic mixtures is from 2 to 3 weeks.

Biological fungicides

This type of product has a number of positive aspects. To create it, live bacteria are used, which negatively affect pathogens of fungal diseases. Biological mixtures of contact action are not capable of harming the human body, animals, insects and fish.


  • exposure period is about 14 days;
  • non-toxic;
  • economical consumption.

If chemical preparations can be used only before flowering and after full harvest, then plants can be treated with biological mixtures during the growing season.

Methods of application

There are several methods for applying fungicides. Each of them has its own characteristics of use. In addition to disinfecting soil, grains and plants, fungicides can be used to treat crop storage (grain, vegetables).

For soil

The main task of fungicides is soil disinfection. Contact mixtures can be used before and after sowing. The substrate is processed by watering, adding a dry preparation, followed by irrigation. The fungicide can be used for both continuous and row application.

For plants

Treat leaves and other parts land plants should be done using a spray bottle. To do this, you can use both manual devices and professional devices. Spray should only be done in calm weather. It is best to do this in the morning or evening.

Advice! To ensure maximum efficiency, the device should be set to minimum spray. This will help the product coat the top and bottom of the leaves.

This method of treating plants is often used at home. The number of procedures depends on how long the drug retains its properties on the surface of the leaves.

For seeds

The most effective way is the treatment of seeds before sowing. To do this, you can use both dry and liquid forms of the drug. The most popular method is to treat the grains with powder. Seed dressing with moisture is also widely used. After this treatment, they must be thoroughly dried.

Often, stimulating mixtures are applied over fungicides, resulting in the formation of a kind of capsule. When it hits the ground, it is destroyed.

List of drugs

All types of fungicides have their own characteristics and different methods of application. There are a huge number of drugs on sale, some of them are especially popular among gardeners and summer residents.


A mixture is produced based on living cells and spores of natural bacteria. The product is used for street and indoor plants. Fitosporin fights various diseases. It is used against scab, wilt, late blight, blackleg, and root rot.

Bordeaux mixture

A plant spray is used. Active ingredients are copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide. After treatment, the drug retains its properties for up to two weeks. This product is compatible with almost all types of pesticides, with the exception of those that contain thiram.


The main component is copper oxychloride. The product has a contact and systemic-local effect. The drug copes well with pathogens of fungal diseases. Do not use at air temperatures above 30 0 C.


Used to protect different types of plants. Used in liquid form. 120 minutes after application, the product is not susceptible to moisture and heavy rains. Chorus can also be used in tank mixes and combined with fungicides such as Skor and Topaz.


Belongs to the group of systemic fungicides and has a wide spectrum of action. The liquid perfectly fights fungal and other types of diseases at different stages of infection. Fundazol can be used with other types of mixtures, except those that have an alkaline reaction.


Designed for bushes, trees and low-growing plants. The main substance is penconazole. Topaz is a moderately dangerous drug. The last treatment should be carried out at least two weeks before harvest.


Used in the form of a solution. The product dissolves well in the substrate and water without polluting the environment. Absolutely safe for human and animal life.


In addition to its protective properties, the product also increases productivity. The mixture has a beneficial effect on root system and significantly increases the germination of grains. Produced in the form of a paste. Plants should be treated up to four times during the summer.


It is often used for fungal infections of peppers, wheat, potatoes and other types of vegetables. The effect of the drug lasts for two weeks. Bravo is the optimal remedy for late blight and late blight.

Bona Forte

This species was created to treat and prevent diseases of domestic plants. Excellent fight against powdery mildew and rust. Bona Forte actively affects the development of the root system and also increases the immunity of crops.


This drug belongs to the biological group of drugs. Designed for the prevention and treatment of indoor and outdoor flowers. You can also spray other crops with it. Gamair is available in tablets.


Used for irrigation and spraying. The product is produced in the form of tablets. Alirin is recommended to be used two or three times during the summer. The interval between procedures must be at least 7 days.


Biological type product. Used to treat rot. Can be used for outdoor and indoor crops. The drug is effective for 45 days.


Excellent fight against late blight and powdery mildew. The main component is azoxystrobin. The first result is observed five days after spraying.


A special feature of the product is that the components that make up it are capable of destroying pathogen spores. The mixture is non-toxic and safe for living organisms. Used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.


Belongs to the contact type. It can be used not only to treat plants, but also to disinfect the soil. Copes perfectly with fusarium, root rot and mold. Produced in two milliliter bottles.


This type of fungicide is used to treat powdery mildew and scab. Trees should be sprayed with a solution prepared from 10 liters of water and two liters of the drug. The last procedure should be carried out no later than 10 days before harvest.


The drug belongs to the group of biological agents. The mixture works by increasing plant resistance to pathogenic fungi. The components that make up the product stimulate the formation of lectins.


It is produced in the form of a snow-white, yellowish powder. The product copes well with diseases that affect potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, and grapes. The prepared solution is used for spraying the above-ground parts of crops.


This is a non-toxic drug. It is presented in bags of 4 grams. Crops are processed by spraying. The product should be used no more than three times a season. The interval between procedures should not exceed 14 days.

Instructions for use

Before you start working with fungicides, you should carefully read the safety rules. Treatment with the drug should be carried out only in special clothing and gloves. After the procedure, wash the suit and wash your hands and face with soap.

It is also worth remembering that the prepared product cannot be stored for longer than a day. The liquid loses its beneficial properties and becomes ineffective for plants. The drug should be prepared in a container that is not intended for food consumption. It is recommended to store purchased mixtures at room temperature in a dark place.


Plant diseases are the main problem of every summer resident. The correct use of fungicides will help solve this difficult situation. Thanks to the unique properties of the preparations, it is easy to obtain the desired harvest.

Growing horticultural, garden or ornamental plants – favorite hobby many gardeners and summer residents. However, you need to understand that growing a healthy crop without proper care impossible. It is important to provide each flower with reliable protection from all kinds of diseases and dangerous pests in advance.

Biological effect of fungicides

When caring for a garden, summer residents often have to use highly effective drugs– plant fungicides, which are potent chemicals that can provide effective control of pathogenic microorganisms that cause the development of fungal diseases, such as:

  • powdery mildew;
  • gray rot;
  • root rot and others.

Fungicidal agents are divided into two groups according to the method of action:

  • contact;
  • systemic.

Every gardener should know what fungicides are and how to use the drugs in home gardening.

The use of fungicides for plants eliminates the possibility of penetration of active substances inside. They manage to cover only the outer part of the culture, where the generative and vegetative organs of the fungus are located, causing further progression of the infection.

All remedies can act within different periods, which depends on the duration of residence of chemical compounds on the surface of the culture. Particular results are seen with regular treatment every 3-5 days with an interval of 10-12 days.

The key feature of contact fungicides is local action to green spaces. They are used not to treat signs of damage, but to destroy pathogenic fungal formations that are on the surface or in plant tissues. It is important to understand that fungicides are not able to penetrate other parts of the plant, so treatment with them is completely safe.

Action systemic drugs built on a different principle: when processed, they affect everything internal systems, moving through tissues and introducing a number of changes into the physiological and biochemical processes that occur inside plants.

They subsequently decompose into internal organs flowers, horticultural or agricultural crops, which causes the rapid formation of metabolites. In this state, the plant develops a strong immunity, which helps quickly clear the harmful fungus.

Some gardeners are of the opinion that systemic fungicides unsafe, since the decomposition products formed after processing can harm the plant. To prevent possible complications, it is necessary to use chemicals of the first type - contact. However, it is important to have time to carry out all processing procedures a month before harvest.

Types and principle of operation

When searching for fungicidal drugs in specialized stores you can find ready-made solutions in the form of a powder, suspension or emulsion with good solubility in water. Depending on the composition, there are several fungicidal preparations:

  • Inorganic. These include drugs of classes 1-4 of danger to humans and warm-blooded creatures.
  • Organic. Such products contain active microorganisms that can have an inhibitory effect on pathogenic fungi.

For use in summer cottages, it is recommended to use biological fungicides, since they are characterized by excellent efficiency and are practically harmless, both for garden crops and for human body. However, when carrying out processing activities, all safety rules must be observed.

Chemical fungicides

Many modern summer residents and gardeners are looking for the most effective drugs to combat fungal diseases. In search of good solutions, they look to innovative chemicals that guarantee high performance in small doses.

However, it is highly not recommended to get carried away with such means, and the effectiveness stated in advertising is not always reality. In the list of really good chemical-type fungicides that have been able to prove their effectiveness after extensive experiments and research, it is important to highlight:

  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • copper sulfate;
  • abiga-pik, sun;
  • zineb;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • soda ash;

Such products have been tested by experts and have earned the right to be called one of the most effective of their kind. However, when using chemicals on site, you need to be extremely careful and carefully study the instructions for use. Otherwise, you can harm both yourself and the crops you grow.

Biological drugs

The range of highly effective fungicides is very extensive. In addition, in recent years, new solutions have come onto the market that can protect plants from all kinds of diseases. Among them biological contact fungicides. They are manufactured according to a completely different principle than the previous chemical ones. Such preparations contain active bacteria that localize pathogens of fungal diseases and have a detrimental effect on them.

Biofungicides can effectively combat the problem without causing damage to green spaces, animals, fish, bees, and people. If you want to purchase good biological drugs, pay attention to the following list:

  • Gamair P;
  • Trichodermin;
  • Alirin-B;
  • Albite;
  • Fitosporin;
  • Agate;
  • Planzir and others.

It is important to understand that when starting to process plants chemicals contact action is necessary long before flowering, as well as after harvesting. As for biological solutions, they effectively work throughout the entire growing season. In addition, among biofungicides there are also preparations that can be used at the stage of fruit ripening. In any case, a novice gardener should understand that all fungicides are only preventive tools. If the active substances reach the causative agents of the problem, this causes their death. However, if the disease progresses and the crop is severely affected, then it will not be possible to solve the problem with such drugs.

How to work with contact fungicides

As mentioned above, the use of fungicides is a rather demanding and painstaking process. Before you start work, you need to pay close attention to safety issues by preparing specialized clothing, rubber gloves, glasses and a hat. After carrying out processing work, clothes should be washed thoroughly, and hands and face should be washed with soap.

Before you start processing garden, horticultural or agricultural crops, prepare ready solution, observing the correct dosage and all the recommendations included in the instructions. Also, do not ignore the advice of experienced specialists, guided by their personal experience and skills.

Particular effectiveness of the use of fungicides is observed when applied in the early morning or evening, in dry, windless weather. If spraying was carried out before or after rain, you should not expect a good result. The active substances will simply be washed away by rain and will not take effect. As a result, the damage will progress.

When spraying, you need to select the operating mode for fine spraying. The resulting cloud of solution should spread to the lower and upper parts of the plant.

It is important to understand that you cannot spray the green parts of crops that will be eaten. To increase safety, it is necessary to have time to treat green spaces before flowering and fruit set.

Use the container where the solution was for repeated work. Absolutely forbidden. Instead, it must be disposed of in specially designated areas for pesticides. Storage areas for fungicides should be restricted from public access, and the preparations should be kept in sealed containers.

List of drugs

Most of the available fungicidal preparations have high toxicity. Therefore, before purchasing them and using them on your site, you need to find good reasons. You also need to carefully read the instructions for use and make sure that you can carry out the processing measures yourself. Let's highlight a list of the most popular and effective fungicides for plants.


This drug from the contact-system group contains copper oxychloride and oxadixyl. Most often it is used for preventive purposes and suppression of all kinds of diseases of garden and indoor crops. Excellent fight against late blight, macrosporiosis, black bacterial spot and other dangers. The lack of toxicity increases the safety of using the product.

To begin processing, you must first prepare a highly effective solution. To begin with, pour 1/3 of the water into the device’s tank, then start the mixing mechanism and add a little of the drug. In the future, all that remains is to pour in the remaining part and stir the solution well. The finished mixture is used to generously spray a crop that has succumbed to the fungus. It is important to use only clean water in the process.

As for the dosage, then optimal performance They stay at the level of 1 packet of Oxychoma per two liters of liquid. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out up to three procedures at intervals of 10-14 days. For processing, only freshly prepared solution is used.

Among significant advantages facilities:

  • highly effective systemic contact action;
  • the ability to maintain the effect for a long time;
  • minimal toxicity if treatment is carried out at the correct dosage;
  • economical consumption for preventive purposes.


This biological fungicide is different high efficiency in the fight against pathogens of fungal and bacterial diseases. The biofungicide contains spores of the soil fungus Trichoderma lignorum and crushed grain substrate.

The drug is capable of eliminating more than 60 types of pathogenic organisms that cause all kinds of diseases, including:

  • root rot;
  • seminal infections;
  • fusarium and other troubles.

The action of active substances causes improvement of soil fertility indicators, rapid saturation of the root system with additional nutrients, as well as an increase in the germination of planting material.

To prepare a suspension in which the seeds will be soaked, just take 10 grams of the drug and dilute it in one liter of water. If the product is used by watering plants, then the optimal dosage will be the same as in the previous case. When watering, it is important to deliver the suspension directly to the root using medium portions of water.

A ready-made solution for spraying is created as follows: 10 grams of product are added to 5 liters of water.

Trichodermin has excellent preventive effect during transplantation work. In this case, the consumption rate is determined as follows: for a 25-centimeter (in diameter) pot, use the amount of the drug that fits on the tip of the knife.

By the way, you can treat not only adult plants with this product, but also young cuttings by placing it in water, where they are kept before planting. In this case, the consumption is 5 grams per 5 liters.

To effectively fight all kinds of diseases, you need to prepare the following suspension: dilute 5 grams of the substance with 5 liters of water. Then the damaged crop must be removed from the pot and cleaned of the soil composition.

The affected root elements will have to be removed, and the main rhizome must be thoroughly washed with a suspension. After this, it is better to transplant the plant into another pot, where fresh substrate has previously been placed.

The problem of protecting garden, ornamental and agricultural crops interests many gardeners and summer residents. To effectively combat all kinds of diseases, highly effective chemicals, including fungicides, are often used. With their help you can quickly and efficiently get rid of the problem and prevent its further progression.

However, in order for the drug to be very effective, but at the same time safe, when choosing suitable solution preference should be given to those agents that have the least toxicity. When choosing the best drug, take into account the recommendations of professionals, and also read all the attached instructions and recommendations. Such simple steps will prevent unwanted consequences from improper processing.

Today, hundreds of fungicides are sold in stores that kill harmful fungi on plants and also protect them from the most terrible diseases.

There are too many factors that go into choosing the right fungicide for each application. Type and age of the plant, type of disease and its “neglect”. Even the weather, the amount of green space and the presence of pets nearby play a role. It's easy to get confused.

We do not recommend buying a fungicide at random: an advertised chemical may turn out to be a “dummy”. It is possible that it can even harm a diseased plant. The best thing is to trust the opinions of professionals.

In our manual, we have collected recommendations from scientists and advice from experienced farmers. We intentionally put a review of the most effective fungicides at the very end of the material, because in order to cure a plant, you first need to make a correct diagnosis. And to make a correct diagnosis, you need to know everything about plant pests. This is what most of our guide is devoted to.

You need to defeat the fungus wisely!

Why is fungus dangerous for plants?

All fungicides have a common enemy - pathogenic fungi, which so easily infect ornamental and agricultural plants. They affect farmers and housewives, food producers and gardeners.

Here's what fungal spores and the mushrooms themselves are capable of:

  • - They disfigure plants: various diseases affect the color and shape of fruits, leaves and flowers;
  • - Mushrooms deprive us of our harvest. In just a couple of weeks they can cause damage to plantings of potatoes, apples, grapes and wheat, tomatoes and cucumbers, blueberries and strawberries;
  • - They kill them. Your favorite lawn or home flower may die if not treated in time the desired fungicide;
  • - Fungal diseases hit farmers and the state financially. In some cases, the degree of crop loss from the fungus becomes catastrophic, even to the point of ruin.

It is very difficult to avoid fungal infection without preventive measures. Spores live in soil, air, other plants and water. They are carried by the wind, animals and even people! And then the mycelium comes into play: thin threads, something like a mycelium. They penetrate the plant tissue and begin to devour living matter. In addition, leaves covered with fungus do not receive light and die without the possibility of photosynthesis.

The most common fungal plant diseases

The presence of fungus in a plant is most often indicated by external symptoms. A white coating and pads of a rusty hue, colored spots and sores, fragments of rot and lumpy growths may appear on the greenery. In addition, fungi cause plants to wither, become deformed, dry out, become thinner, become overgrown with tumors and stop bearing fruit. In the case of lawns and grass, bald spots form on the ground. Dozens of different types of fungi cause any of these symptoms. This system is not easy to streamline, but still the most common diseases received their popular and scientific names. Here are some of them.

Powdery mildew. This is a universal villain that affects the leaves, fruits, stems and flowers of plants. A white coating (mycelium) can completely cover a garden rose or grapevine. The disease takes the longest to kill fruits: they rot and crack. Powdery mildew especially loves young shoots. Pumpkins, peaches, gooseberries, grains, roses, even sugar beets... who doesn’t suffer from it!

Snow mold. This is the enemy of all lovers of natural lawns and tall grass. "Snow mold" usually appears in early spring, after the snow melts. It spreads in circles 3-12 inches in diameter. When these circles “multiply”, the lawn may completely die. First, the lawn will be covered with pink, white or gray mold... then the mushrooms will draw all the juices out of the grass, and it will die. Most often, meadow and reed fescue, perennial ryegrass and meadow bluegrass suffer from this fungus.

Root rotting. These diseases, such as rhizoctonia and black rot, are dangerous for most plants. Fungi undermine the roots of indoor and garden greenery. You won’t know about this for a long time: you’ll just watch the gradual withering of the plant. An insidious disease will turn the root system into black dust or rusty dry lashes.

"Spotted" fungus on leaves. A disease that affects vegetables. Fatty dark spots form on the leaves. Most often, tomatoes and peppers, potatoes, asparagus, and rhubarb suffer from them. This “beauty” directly affects the yield of vegetables. Although the fruits themselves rarely suffer.

There are also various fungi that attack grass. It may become covered with rust-colored blisters and red-brown rings (Fusarium disease). The lawn may turn brown and disappear under small clouds of cotton (Pythium disease).

Prevention of fungal diseases

Fungi love high humidity, stagnant weather and proximity to other plants. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a certain interval between plantings, and also to rid them of excessive watering and poor air circulation. These rules are especially relevant for greenhouse plants. You need to regularly monitor the cleanliness of the soil and dispose of dying plants.

American scientists who have studied this issue ask everyone to be careful with mulching and pruning plants (mistakes during these operations can lead to infection). They also call the best method of prevention... the purchase of specially bred varieties that are resistant to fungi. Roots from fungi will protect sterile pots, control over purchased soil mixture– a competent irrigation system that eliminates stagnation of water.

The classification of fungicides divides them according to the purpose of use. It looks like this.

  1. Protective fungicides. Organic and inorganic products for the prevention of fungal diseases.
  2. Medicinal fungicides. Drugs that can stop the progression of the disease and even destroy it.
  3. Systemic or complex fungicides. They work for both prevention and treatment of plants.
  4. Immunizing agents. They improve the plant’s metabolic rates and teach it to fight not only fungi, but also bacterial diseases.

The principle of action of the chemicals also differs. There are, for example, contact fungicides. Most often this protective equipment, which “protect” from fungi only the part of the plant on which they are located. The farmers and experienced gardeners"Protectants" are popular. They treat seeds and bulbs so that they are not disturbed by pests in adulthood.

Recently, organic liquid products that move freely throughout the world have become fashionable. vascular system plants. They can save individual shoots of an already infected plant from diseases, and work as a protective and therapeutic agent.

Which is better: organic or inorganic fungicides?

First, it is important to decide whether you are looking for an organic or inorganic fungicide. The former are considered more environmentally friendly and safer for nature and humans. But we are more interested in the practical side of the matter. Moreover, many “organic products” are also synthesized using chemicals.

The advantage of organic fungicides over inorganic ones is that they do not contain rare and hazardous metals. These metals pose a danger to animals, earthworms and, in rare cases, to soil. In case too much copper or mercury accumulates. But “natural remedies” decompose underground by themselves, this happens very quickly. True, this property also affects the duration of the healing effect (synthetic chemicals last longer).

Organics are easier to “cook”: most often you just need to mix a powder or liquid product with water. Let us add that organics can be combined with a larger number of pesticides than inorganic preparations.

The advantage of inorganic products is consumer confidence. It was products based on copper, sulfur, mercury and chlorine that first appeared on the market: our grandfathers used them. And this is already a certain habit and tradition. Although, logically, younger synthetic organics should be more perfect. But even here, not everything is so simple. For some diseases, old copper oxychloride preparations with a concentration of 0.5-0.75% are still not inferior in effectiveness to fashionable synthetic drugs.

Are chemical fungicides really that bad? The USA environment agency portal writes: “Some of the worst pesticide poisonings occur due to the misuse of organic mercury or hexachlorobenzene for treatment. seed material. However, most fungicides used and registered for use in the United States are not capable of causing frequent or serious poisonings."

So you can only harm yourself and the environment if you use products not according to the instructions! The portal asks you to be especially careful with these substances: triazoles, mercury, thiocarbamates, dithiocarbamates, mercury.

The best store-bought fungicides

Experts have approved dozens of different fungicides; it's easy to get lost in this large list of names. Therefore, we decided to help you and selected the most effective means, which can be purchased on the Internet.


Classic copper-based fungicide. Suitable for flowers, fruits and vegetables. Copes perfectly with powdery mildew, black spots and “early” fungi. It must be mixed with water in the proportions indicated on the package and used as a spray. Buyers write that one spray per month is usually enough. But with frequent rains and irregular watering, the product is used more often.

There are several references to the effective use of fungal control on the lawn. In total, about 85% of buyers call the product useful.


Similar product from the same manufacturer. Only here you don’t need to dilute anything: the product is sold as a ready-made spray. The fungicide contains copper octanoate, which is a compound of a copper salt with a fatty acid. At the same time, the concentration level of the chemical protects the greens from burns.

The developer insists on generously spraying the leaves. You can even pay attention to their lower part. People in the comments advise not to spray the product on the eve of rain: it takes 24 to 48 hours for it to be completely absorbed. Next time spraying will need to be done in 2-4 weeks.

We find several dissatisfied comments. Some farmers find the solution “weak” But these are special cases - about 80% of farmers were satisfied with the performance of the chemical.

Fungicide Topaz

A well-known universal fungicide that has earned high praise from users. It fits most garden plants and lawns. Fans of spray roses rate it especially highly. This is a protective fungicide. It is optimally suited for the prevention and protection of plants from fungi. The chemical is not afraid of rain and stays on the leaves for two weeks. Depending on the purpose of use (treatment, prevention, protection), the developer recommends using different ways spraying medicine.

Users write that it works best with delicate plants and thin foliage. There are many reviews about the successful fight against lawn diseases.

Fungicide Forecast

Famous manufacturer, the quality of the product is unlikely to raise questions. It is a highly rated organic systemic fungicide that not only prevents but also treats disease. Almost 80% of all users are satisfied with its effectiveness. Controls black spots, powdery mildew, gray mold, plant rust, scab. The instructions say that it can be applied until the days of harvest. But we still wouldn’t risk it.

One bottle is enough for 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture can be applied to both leaves and fruits. We found conflicting reviews of the product regarding the need for reapplication. Some people wrote that they solved the fungus problem the first time. Others talk about mandatory repetitions of the procedure after 1-2 weeks. Perhaps it all depends on the type of fungus and the degree of infection of the plant. Fortunately, the fungicide is not harmful to worms or beneficial insects.

Fungicide Comparison Chart





Concentrated liquid

Fungicide Chistotsvet

Fungicide Topaz


Fungicide Forecast


Daconil® Fungicide Concentrate 16 oz.

A product based on chlorotolanil, tested by experts. Excellent for combating powdery mildew. All ingredients are indicated on the package, you can always find them on the Internet. One bottle is enough for 240 liters of liquid, which should be used as a spray. The product is considered a protective fungicide with contact action of the widest spectrum.

Scotts Lawn Fungus Control, 5,000-sq ft, 6.75 Pounds

A product designed to exclusively prevent lawn diseases. The active ingredient is 2.3% methyl thiophanate. Experienced users recommend using the substance in the spring: otherwise you may be late. After all, kill the fungus Scotts Lawn no longer capable.

One bag is enough for 300-400 m2. Please note that users have different opinions about this product. Some have called it too toxic for indoor use.

  1. First of all, determine the exact disease. Try to give your plant an accurate diagnosis based on external signs illness, communication with “brothers in misfortune” and professional consultations. Try to buy a remedy specifically for this type of fungus, and not universal options.
  2. Pay attention to your environment. Place of growth of the diseased plant, time of year, air temperature at the time of application of the fungicide, rate of development of the disease. All this influences the choice of medication. Relevant recommendation for optimal conditions for use is often found on the label.
  3. Study the contraindications. Quality medicines contain a list of plants that do not tolerate these fungicides.
  4. Choose between liquid and powder form. Powders are often created for working in the soil, and liquids are often created for treating leaves and flowers. The effect of liquids, as a rule, begins earlier, but also goes away faster.
  5. Compare prices. Prices for the same product or for different fungicides with similar ingredients can vary greatly. As in the case of medicines, you don’t always need to overpay for the brand, if there is one cheap analogue. Of course, it is necessary to check the state certification of all products.

Even organic products can harm plants and humans if used incorrectly. Here are 9 tips for them correct operation for novice gardeners.

  1. Always follow the safety rules specified in the instructions. It is better to carry out all spraying in special protective clothing. Most often, a fungicide is a threat to the skin and mucous membranes. Even potted plants should be processed on the street or balcony.
  2. Keep track of the time of year. It is believed, for example, that dithiocarbamic acid derivatives have a positive effect on the growth and development of plants, which is why they are usually recommended for use during periods of intensive growth (spring and early summer). And by the end of summer, copper-containing preparations should be used.
  3. Do not mix organic fungicides - captan, zineb, ziram, polycarbacin, dichlon with mineral oil preparations, since such a mixture can cause plant burns.
  4. Keep track of the frequency. Most often, the plant is re-treated every 15-30 days. But each product has its own rules, they are indicated on the label. This indicator is also affected by the time of year and precipitation.
  5. Don't poison your crop. It is better not to use fungicides at all at the time of fruit ripening, but to solve the fungus problem earlier. If the matter is too advanced, you need to use low-toxic drugs. And before that, find out how many days before harvest you can use them in last time.
  6. Spray in the morning. Experts say that night and early morning will become best time for spraying liquid fungicides.
  7. Keep an eye on the weather. It is better not to use sprays, liquids and all contact products in rain and wind.
  8. Remember about phytotoxicity. Phytotoxicity is a condition when a medicine begins to harm the plant. Its cause is a violation of the concentration of the substance, too frequent use of chemicals and incompatibility of the product and the plant.
  9. Don't give them the opportunity to adjust. The effect of “resistance” is observed quite often. Fungi simply evolve under the influence of fungicides and cease to be afraid of them in future generations. In such cases, Australian scientists advise either combining remedies or eradicating the fungus before it has time to multiply. The same Australians recommend seed treatment.

Fungicides for getting rid of powdery mildew

Powdery mildew spores are transmitted through air, water and “from human hands.” They love damp and cool weather and just love indoor plants. You can invite trouble by watering your greens too often and having a high nitrogen content in the soil.

At the initial stage (prevention and the first week), you can use traditional methods. For example, a solution of potassium bicarbonate and soap, a copper-soap solution or a decoction of horsetail. There are plenty of such recipes on the Internet. But if the moment is missed, it is better to take on more serious means.

Engage in comprehensive plant treatment. Begin spraying at the first symptoms of illness. Among the biological preparations, neem oil, insecticidal soap, horticultural oil and the same potassium bicarbonate will help you with this. Among the chemical compounds, pay attention to copper, fenarimol, myclobutanil, propiconazole, triadimefon and sulfur.

Systemic fungicides: Spectracide Immunox (several), Ferti-lome F-Stop Granular Fungicide, Green Light Fung-Away Systemic Granules

Water-based system: Ortho Lawn Disease Control and Fertility, Liquid Systemic Fungicide, Bayer Advanced Fungus Control.

Protective: Bonide Copper Spray or Dust, Bonide Liquid Copper, Dragon Copper Fungicide, Hi-Yield Copper Fungicide, Ferti-lome Black Spot & Powdery Mildew control.

Protective, contact effects: Ortho Garden Disease Control (Daconil 2787), Hi-Yield Daconil Lawn Vegetable, Flower Fungicide, Fertilome Lawn & Garden Fungicide, Fertilome Broad Spectrum Liquid Fungicide and Bonide, Fung-onil, Ortho Dormant Disease, Control Lime-Sulfur Spray, Hi -Yield Improved Lime, Sulfur Spray, Lilly Miller, PolySul Summer and Dormant Spray, Bonide LimeSulfur.

Fungicides for treating fungus on the lawn

Most lawn diseases, despite differences in symptoms, are treated in much the same way. In the matter of their prevention and elimination, quality plays a particularly significant role. drainage system. It should not resemble a marshy swamp or an African desert. Gardeners advise watering early in the morning so that the soil has time to absorb moisture during the day.

Fungi are more likely to appear in lawns that are cut frequently and heavily with a lawn mower. Any cut is a risk of fungal attack. It is also known that young grass has weak immunity compared to old grass. Note that fungi do not like heat, which means that it is easier to fight diseases in the summer.

But all these are just preventive measures. What treatment methods do experts recommend? For lawn root rot problems they recommend the following remedies: Spectracide immunox, Fertilome Systemic, Ortho lawn disease control, Propiconazole. For the most part, these are water-based systemic fungicides.

For colored circles on the grass: Turfcide, Spectracide immunox, Hi-Yeld Maneb and Green Light broad spectrum. Here the emphasis is placed on broad-spectrum protective equipment. However, some complex fungicides may also be suitable.

Fungicides for the treatment of snow mold

What distinguishes “snow mold” from most fungal diseases is that it attacks plantings in winter. The fungus settles in the lawn with the first cold weather and early snow. You will only see manifestations of the disease in spring and summer, when young grass sprouts on your lawn. The owner of the weed will have time to prevent the “epidemic”. Firstly, it will be necessary to remove the remnants of old greenery in late autumn in order to destroy the springboard for a possible “landing of fungi.” Secondly, in the spring, remove all natural debris again and properly mow the young animals.

There are many on the market preventative fungicides against this rubbish. Experts recommend the following line of products (most are chemicals in granules that need to be mixed with water): Terraclor 75WP, Ferti-lome Azalea, Camellia, Crape Myrtle Insecticide and Fungicide, Hi-Yield Turf and Ornamental Fungicide(containing 10% PCNB), Hi -Yield Terraclor Granular Fungicide. (we will tell you more about them below)

For autumn prevention The DMI fungicides strobilurins and dicarboximides are also suitable. They need to be added to the soil at the very end of the season.
To protect plantings the already familiar Ortho Garden Disease Control (Daconil 2787), Hi-Yield Daconil Lawn Vegetable Flower Fungicide, Fertilome Lawn & Garden Fungicide, Fertilome Broad Spectrum Liquid Fungicide and Bonide Fung-onil are suitable.

Potassium bicarbonate is a traditional homemade fungicide.

Potassium bicarbonate is an organic chemical compound (KHCO3) in the form of a white powder that is widely used in various fields: from medicine, sports, cooking and to agriculture. This protective fungicide is a real lifesaver for plants growing in acidic soils because it:

  • has low toxicity;
  • protects vegetables (in particular, pumpkins) and ornamental plants from powdery mildew;
  • reduces the rate of reproduction of harmful fungi and bacteria.

BUT! Potassium bicarbonate does not protect against black spots on roses or against direct plant contact with fungi.

Why is it often used as a replacement for soda (NaHCO3) for treating plants. Based on the composition of these chemical compounds, it seems that there is almost no difference in them and they are similar in chemical properties. But this is only at first glance.

It is known that when in contact with the soil, both soda and B.C. eventually settle in it in the form of chlorine salts - which are useful for the growth and nutrition of plants, but carry excess amounts great harm(especially sodium from baking soda). Therefore, these fungicides should not be used haphazardly! Treatment with them is possible only in certain seasons - spring or autumn, depending on the type of soil. You can use any of them, but B.K. considered more effective than soda.

Unlike B.K., soda does not kill powdery mildew on plants, but only prevents its spread, which has been repeatedly recorded by those gardeners who used it as a fungicide and compared the effect with B.K. Therefore, the choice between potassium bicarbonate and soda seems virtually obvious to us.

We offer you the most popular recipe using potassium bicarbonate:

“Mix 4 teaspoons (or 1 heaping tablespoon) of potassium bicarbonate with 4 liters of water. Lightly spray the leaves of plants affected by black spots, powdery mildew and other fungal diseases. In this case, potassium bicarbonate is a good substitute for soda.”
