Liquid nitrogen fertilizer name. Nitrogen fertilizers for feeding plants. Features of applying liquid nitrogen fertilizer to the soil

The term “nitrogen-containing fertilizers” usually causes a negative reaction among summer residents who have little experience in growing garden and garden plants, as well as among supporters organic farming. Few people think that “ecologically friendly” manure or bird droppings are organic nitrogen fertilizers, and their excess is no less harmful to human health than the so-called “chemicals”. This article will address questions about what nitrogen fertilizers are and what types of them are used in garden plots.

Nitrogen in plant life

The role of nitrogen and its derivatives in plant life is difficult to overestimate. Metabolic processes at the cellular level occur in plants with the participation of protein, which is building material during cell division, synthesis of chlorophyll, trace elements, vitamins, etc.

Nitrogen is a chemical element and an important component of plant protein. With its deficiency, all organic processes in cells slow down, plants stop developing, begin to get sick and wither.

Nitrogen is as important and necessary for all plants as sunlight and water; without it, the process of photosynthesis is impossible.

Most of the nitrogen in bound form (organic chemical compounds) is found in soil rich in humus and waste products of worms (vermicompost). The maximum concentration of nitrogen (up to 5%) was recorded in chernozem, the minimum – in sandy and sandy loam soils. IN natural conditions The release of nitrogen in a form suitable for absorption by plants occurs quite slowly, therefore, when growing crops, it is customary to use fertilizers containing nitrogen in a form that is easily absorbed by the roots. They contribute to:

  • accelerated vegetation of crops;
  • elimination of deficiency of amino acids, vitamins and microelements;
  • increasing the green mass of plants;
  • easier absorption of nutrients from the soil by plants;
  • normalization of soil microflora;
  • increasing disease resistance;
  • increase in productivity.

However, it should be remembered that not only a lack of nitrogen in plants is harmful, but also its excess, which contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in vegetables and fruits. Excess nitrates consumed in food can cause significant harm to human health.

Signs of nitrogen deficiency and excess in plants

The use of fertilizers directly depends on the composition of the soil, its chemical composition, fertility, acidity, structure, etc. Depending on these factors, it is determined required amount fertilizers and fertilizing is carried out.

Nitrogen deficiency

If the nitrogen concentration is insufficient, this immediately affects the appearance of the plants and their tone, namely:

  • leaves become small;
  • the green mass is thinning;
  • the foliage loses color and turns yellow;
  • leaves, shoots and fruit ovaries die off en masse;
  • plants stop growing;
  • the appearance of young shoots stops.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to fertilize with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Excess nitrogen

If the nitrogen content is excessive, all the strength of the plants is spent on growing green mass, they begin to fatten and the following signs appear:

  • large, “fat” leaves;
  • darkening of the green mass, its excessive juiciness;
  • flowering is delayed;
  • the ovaries either do not appear or there are very few of them;
  • fruits and berries are small and inconspicuous.

Main types of nitrogen fertilizers

Nitrogen fertilizers are chemical compounds containing nitrogen molecules in various forms, used in agriculture to improve crop growth and increase the quality and quantity of crops. Initially, their classification implies division into two large groups:

  1. Mineral.
  2. Organic.

Mineral nitrogen fertilizers and their types (by groups):

  • nitrate;
  • ammonium;
  • complex (ammonium-nitrate);
  • amide;
  • liquid form.

Each group includes its own types of fertilizers, which have different names and special properties, effect on plants and the procedure for feeding.

Nitrate group

This group includes fertilizers that contain so-called nitrate nitrogen, its formula is written as follows: NO3. Nitrates - salts nitric acid HNO3. Nitrate fertilizers include sodium nitrate, calcium nitrate and potassium nitrate.

Chemical formula- NaNO3, is sodium nitrate (another name is sodium nitrate), in which the concentration of nitrogen is up to 16%, and sodium - up to 26%. Outwardly it resembles ordinary coarse crystalline salt and is perfectly soluble in water. The disadvantage is that during long-term storage, sodium nitrate cakes, although it does not absorb moisture from the air well.

By consuming the nitrate component of the fertilizer, plants deoxidize the soil, reducing its acidity. Thus, sodium nitrate and its use on soils with an acidic reaction provide an additional deoxidizing effect.

The use of this species is especially effective when growing potatoes, beets, berry bushes, fruit crops etc.

Calcium nitrate

The chemical formula is Ca(NO3)2, which is calcium nitrate (another name is calcium nitrate), in which the nitrogen concentration reaches 13%. It also looks very similar to table salt, but is highly hygroscopic, absorbs moisture from the air well, and dampens. Stored in moisture-proof packaging.

It is produced in granular form; during production, the granules are treated with special water-repellent additives. Calcium nitrate copes well with excessive soil acidity, additionally providing a structuring effect. Calcium improves nitrogen absorption processes and has a general strengthening effect on almost all agricultural crops.

Potassium nitrate

The chemical formula is KNO3, it is potassium nitrate, the concentration of nitrogen is 13%, potassium is 44%. Externally it is a white powder with a crystalline particle structure. It is used throughout the season, and especially during the formation of ovaries, when plants need a large amount of potassium, which stimulates fruit formation.

Typically, potassium nitrate is applied to fruiting and berry crops, such as strawberries, raspberries, beets, carrots, tomatoes, etc. It is not used for all types of greens, cabbage, and potatoes.

Ammonium group

Ammonium is a positively charged NH4+ ion. When interacting with sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride are formed, respectively.

Chemical formula - (NH4)2SO4, contains up to 21% nitrogen and up to 24% sulfur. Externally, it is a crystallized salt that dissolves well in water. It does not absorb water well, so it is stored for a long time. Produced as a by-product in chemical industry. Usually has White color, but when received in the coke industry it is colored different colors impurities (shades of gray, blue or red).

Chemical formula - NH4Cl, nitrogen content - 25%, chlorine - 67%. Another name is ammonium chloride. Obtained as a by-product in the production of soda. Due to the high concentration of chlorine, it is not widely used. Many crops react negatively to the presence of chlorine in the soil.

It should be noted that ammonium group fertilizers, when used regularly, significantly increase the acidity of the soil, since plants absorb mainly ammonium as a source of nitrogen, and acid residues accumulate in the soil.

To prevent acidification of the soil, lime, chalk or dolomite flour at the rate of 1.15 kg of deoxidizer per 1 kg of fertilizer.

Ammonium nitrate group

Basic fertilizer. Chemical formula - NH4NO3, nitrogen content - 34%. Another name is ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate. It is a reaction product between ammonia and nitric acid. Appearance– white crystalline powder, soluble in water. Sometimes it is produced in granular form, since ordinary saltpeter has an increased ability to absorb moisture and strongly cake during storage. Granulation eliminates this disadvantage. It is stored as an explosive and flammable substance in compliance with safety standards, because it can detonate.

Thanks to the double nitrogen content in different forms is a universal fertilizer that can be used for all types of agricultural plants on any soil. Both ammonium and nitrate forms of nitrogen are perfectly absorbed by all crops and do not change the chemical composition of the soil.

Nitrate can be applied for digging in the fall, in the spring when preparing the soil for planting, as well as into planting holes directly when planting seedlings.

As a result, shoots and foliage are strengthened and crop endurance increases. To prevent acidification of the soil, acidity-neutralizing additives are added to the fertilizer - dolomite flour, chalk or lime.

Amide group


It is a prominent representative of the group, another name is urea. Chemical formula – CO(NH2)2, nitrogen content – ​​not less than 46%. Externally, it is a white salt with small crystals that quickly dissolves in water. Absorbs moisture moderately, with proper storage practically no caking. Also available in granular form.

By mechanism chemical exposure On the soil, the amide type of fertilizer has a dual effect - it temporarily alkalizes the soil, then acidifies it. It is considered one of the most effective fertilizers, comparable to ammonium nitrate.

The main advantage of urea is that when it gets on the leaves, it does not cause a burn, even at high concentrations, and is well absorbed by the roots.

Liquid fertilizers

Liquid nitrogen fertilizers are characterized by a greater degree of absorption by plants, prolonged action and uniform distribution in the soil. This type includes:

  • anhydrous ammonia;
  • ammonia water;
  • ammonia.

Liquid ammonia. Chemical formula - NH3, nitrogen content - 82%. It is produced by liquefying its gaseous form under pressure. Outwardly, it is a colorless liquid, with a pungent odor, and evaporates easily. Stored and transported in thick-walled steel containers.

Ammonia water. Chemical formula - NH4OH. Essentially, it is a 22-25% ammonia solution, colorless, strong smell. Transported in sealed containers under low pressure, it evaporates easily in air. For feeding purposes, it is more suitable than anhydrous ammonia, but its main disadvantage is the low concentration of nitrogen.

UAN – urea-ammonia mixture. These are ammonium nitrate and urea (urea) dissolved in water. Nitrogen content – ​​from 28 to 32%. The cost of these types is much lower, since there are no expensive procedures for evaporation, granulation, etc. The solutions contain almost no ammonia, so they can be freely transported and applied to plants by spraying or watering. They are widely used due to their relatively low cost, ease of transportation and storage, and versatility of use.

Ammonia. Chemical composition– ammonium and calcium nitrate, urea, etc. dissolved in ammonia. Nitrogen concentration – 30-50%. In terms of effectiveness, they are comparable to solid forms, but a significant disadvantage is the difficulty of transportation and storage - in sealed aluminum containers low pressure.

Organic fertilizers

IN various types organic matter also contains nitrogen, which is used to feed plants. Its concentrations are low, for example:

  • manure – 0.1–1%;
  • bird droppings – 1-1.25%;
  • compost based on peat and food waste - up to 1.5%;
  • green mass of plants – 1-1.2%;
  • sludge mass – 1.7-2.5%.

Experts believe that the use of personal plot Organic matter alone does not give the desired effect, and sometimes can harm the composition of the soil. Therefore, it is preferable to use all types of nitrogen fertilizers.

How to use nitrogen fertilizers

It should be remembered that these are chemically active substances that can cause severe poisoning if they enter the human body. That is why you should strictly adhere to the recommendations on the dosage and frequency of fertilizing.

Each package contains full information and instructions for use, they must be carefully studied before processing the beds.

When working with chemicals you must use individual means protection – gloves, goggles and protective suits skin and mucous membranes. When working with liquid forms of fertilizers, you must use a mask or respirator to protect your respiratory tract.

Special attention You need to pay attention to storing fertilizers and under no circumstances use them after the guaranteed shelf life and expiration date have expired. If all conditions are met, no unpleasant consequences there will be no benefit from using nitrogen fertilizers.

Thus, nitrogen fertilizers and their use on a personal plot can greatly increase the yield of crops, increase their resistance to diseases and pests, and also restore the structure and fertility of the soil.

- (Alchemist) The creative principle in Nature, most of which is stored in the Astral Light. It is symbolized by a figure representing a cross (cf. Theosophical Dictionary

  • nitrogen - nitrogen m. A chemical element, a colorless and odorless gas that makes up the bulk of the air and is one of the main elements of plant nutrition. Dictionary Efremova
  • NITROGEN - NITROGEN (lat. Nitrogenium) - N, chemical element of group V periodic table, atomic number 7, atomic mass 14.0067. The name comes from the Greek a - negative prefix and zoe - life (does not support respiration and combustion). Large encyclopedic dictionary
  • nitrogen - Nitrogen, pl. no, m. [from Greek. neg. a and zoe – life]. A colorless and odorless gas found in air. || Chemical element (chemical). Big dictionary foreign words
  • nitrogen - NITROGEN -a; m. [French] azote from Greek. an- - not-, without- and zōtikos - giving life]. Chemical element (N), a colorless and odorless gas that does not support respiration and combustion (it constitutes the main part of air by volume and mass... Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • nitrogen - AZ’OT, nitrogen, pl. no, husband (from Greek negative a and zoe - life). A colorless and odorless gas found in air. | Chemical element (chemical). Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • Nitrogen - I (chemical sign N, atomic weight - 14) - one of chemical elements; a colorless gas that has neither odor nor taste; very slightly soluble in water. Specific gravity its 0.972. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • nitrogen - NITROGEN, a, m. Chemical element, colorless and odorless gas, main component air, which is also part of proteins and nucleic acids. | adj. nitrogenous, aya, oh and nitrogenous, aya, oh. Nitric, nitrous acids. Nitrogen fertilizers. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • nitrogen - -a, m. A chemical element, a colorless and odorless gas that does not support combustion (it constitutes the main part of the air by volume or mass, and is one of the main elements of plant nutrition). [French azote from Greek. ’α- - non-, without- and ζωή - life] Small academic dictionary
  • NITROGEN - NITROGEN (symbol N), a colorless and odorless chemical element belonging to group V of the periodic table. Discovered in 1772, it is usually found in the form of gas. It is the main component of the Earth's atmosphere (78% of the volume). Scientific and technical dictionary
  • nitrogen - orf. nitrogen, -a Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • nitrogen - This word was created artificially in 1787, when a scientific term was needed for the name of this gas. Since this gas does not support breathing and the name was coined accordingly... Krylov's etymological dictionary
  • Nitrogen - I Nitrogen (Nitrogenium, N) chemical element of group V of the periodic system D.I. Mendeleev, one of the most common chemical elements in nature. Composed of all living organisms... Medical encyclopedia
  • Nitrogen - N (lat. Nitrogenium * a. nitrogen; n. Stickstoff; f. azote, nitrogene; i. nitrogeno), - chemical. element of group V is periodic. Mendeleev system, at.sci. 7, at. m. 14.0067. Opened in 1772 researcher D. Rutherford. Under normal conditions A. Mountain encyclopedia
  • nitrogen - Nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen Grammar dictionary Zaliznyak
  • nitrogen - NITROGEN m. chemical. base, main element of saltpeter; saltpeter, saltpeter, saltpeter; It is also the main, in quantity, component of our air (nitrogen - 79 volumes, oxygen - 21). Nitrogenous, nitrogenous, nitrogen containing nitrogen. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • nitrogen - noun, number of synonyms: 8 gas 55 non-metal 17 nitrogen 1 organogen 6 saltpeter 3 saltpeter 3 saltpeter 3 element 159 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous signaling molecule of the human body, as well as one of the powerful vasodilators (nitric oxide for potency).

    It is precisely because it improves blood circulation throughout the human body that nitric oxide boosters are often used as pre-workout supplements by weightlifters and other athletes who benefit from this increase in blood circulation in their chosen sport.

    However, the appearance of the “pump” effect before training is far from the only benefit from increasing the level of nitric oxide in the human body:

    A) Nitric oxide is extremely good at preventing cardiovascular disease as it relaxes artery walls, dilates blood vessels, and improves blood flow.

    b) NO improves brain function and reduces cognitive decline by significantly increasing blood flow to the brain and functioning as a spare neurotransmitter between nerve cells.

    V) Nitric oxide is one of the main elements responsible for erections, and without the molecule, you simply may not have it. Simply put, the more nitric oxide you have in your body, the stronger your “love instrument.”

    d) high level Nitric oxide can significantly improve your workout performance because when your veins are dilated and blood circulation is increased, your muscles receive more oxygen and nutrients. For the same reason, NO reduces muscle recovery time.

    Simply put, nitric oxide makes the body work more efficiently by allowing oxygen, nutrients, and red blood cells to reach the tissues and cells they need faster.

    In fact, the team of researchers who discovered the vasodilatory and heart-protective effects of nitric oxide received a Nobel Prize back in 1998. So the NO molecule is a very important thing, especially for men...

    In the articles, I rank this molecule as the second most important molecule in the body, an element that needs to be optimized right after testosterone.

    Fortunately, increase your nitric oxide levels naturally Quite easy, it can be done even with a small budget.

    Often results can be achieved very quickly. For example, you can double your nitric oxide levels in 1 day just by following tip #1 below (I use special adhesive strips to monitor my levels at home).

    Now that you know what nitric oxide is and why it's so important, here are 20 ways to increase your NO levels in a natural way :

    When you eat foods that contain natural nitrates, bacteria on your tongue convert them into nitrites...

    And as soon as you swallow your food, bacteria in your gut convert nitrites into nitric oxide.

    This phenomenon - you guessed it - will increase the level of nitric oxide in the body depending on the dose you consume (the more nitrates you eat, the more nitric oxide your tongue and intestines will produce and convert).

    Luckily, nitrate-rich foods are easy to come by and fairly cheap...

    ...Here's a list of some iconic foods loaded with naturally occurring nitrates:

    Spinach, beets, celery, lettuce, iceberg lettuce, carrots, parsley, cabbage, radishes, herbs, etc.

    note: some talk about the dangers of nitrates, supposedly in the body they are converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines. However, in reality, you have nothing to fear, just read Dr. Kessers' excellent article about this problem. To be extra safe, there is vitamin C, which completely blocks the possibility of conversion to nitrosamines.

    Grape seed extract (GSE) is an extract obtained from the seeds of grapes.

    The extract itself is great for helping testosterone production, as it is one of the few natural substances that can block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. In other words, ECV is a powerful aromatase blocker (more on that here).

    In addition, grape seed extract is an excellent remedy to increase nitric oxide levels...

    Human studies have shown that ECV lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and animal studies show that it activates the body's natural nitric oxide synthesis and increases NO levels by up to 138% when taken in doses of 100 mg/kg. (research, research, research, research, research, research)

    The problem with ECV is that it is impossible to get enough of the active compounds (procyanidins) simply by eating grapes, and most of the supplements on the market are also weak. The only ECV supplement I can honestly recommend is this extract.

    3. Vitamin C + garlic

    It is a well-known medical fact that vitamin C increases the production of nitric oxide in the body and also protects the molecules.

    On the other hand, garlic, which is loaded with nitrates, also contains a compound called quercetin, which has been linked in a number of studies to increased NO levels (more on quercetin later in this article).

    Some studies have shown.

    That's why a researcher named Adam Musa conducted a study in which he gave subjects some vitamin C (2g) along with 4 capsules of garlic (6mg allicin and 13.2mg alliin) for 10 days to see if it had any health benefits. or an effect on their blood pressure and/or nitric oxide levels...
    ... The results were very impressive:

    1. Endothelial nitric oxide production increased by a staggering 200%.
    2. The average systolic blood pressure dropped from 142 mm to 115 mm, more than can be achieved with most medications.
    3. diastolic blood pressure decreased from an average of 92 mm to 77 mm.
      So, the next time you're at your local store and think about buying a blood pressure medication for 1,500 rubles, remember what you can achieve best results and get the “pump” effect with the help of the old proven garlic capsules (or garlic cloves) and vitamin C =).

    L-citrulline is an amino acid that is converted to L-arginine in the kidneys.

    L-arginine is then converted to nitric oxide by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS). This means that supplementing with L-citrulline is a direct way to increase NO levels naturally (proven, proven).

    Why not then take a supplement containing ready-made L-arginine?

    Answer: For some strange reason, L-citrulline is better at increasing serum arginine than L-arginine itself. This doesn't mean that L-arginine itself doesn't work, it just means that citrulline is better at increasing nitric oxide levels from arginine than from amino acids.

    You can get citrulline by eating watermelon, however, to get the visible effects, supplementing with the amino acid is recommended. The best drug according to biological value - .

    5. Arginine

    As I said above, L-citrulline is more effective at increasing arginine than L-arginine on its own, which is strange, but sometimes the body can work that way (perhaps the arginine produced by the kidneys is higher quality than that produced by the kidneys). produced in the laboratory).

    However, even though citrulline works better, this does not mean that arginine is completely useless. It remains the main ingredient in almost all pre-workout boosters.

    Some studies have shown that arginine increases nitric oxide levels.

    But, again, citrulline rules. If you want to try arginine, grab this product, which has them both. You can also get arginine from various foods, such as Brazil nuts.

    6. Workouts

    Exercise and an active lifestyle have amazing effects on all aspects of life. After all, we weren't designed to sit all day.

    We must constantly be on the move, walking, climbing, etc.

    Almost during all types physical exercise(from walking to frantic strength training), there is an increase in nitric oxide levels, both temporarily and permanently.

    Additionally, if you go to the gym regularly, your nitric oxide production will increase as your muscles increase in size. In a sense, your body notices that your muscles need more blood, oxygen and nutrients, so it increases nitric oxide synthesis and thus your natural nitric oxide levels also increase...

    ... This is one of the reasons why bodybuilders have too much protruding blood vessels.

    Pycnogenol is a maritime pine bark extract formula that is 65-75% standardized by weight to procyanidins (the same active ingredient as grape seed extract).

    Pycnogenol also has a number of anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties...

    But a really interesting fact about Pycnogenol, and this is confirmed by many scientific research, this is its action as a blood circulation accelerator.

    Just take a look at these studies:

    • This study found Pycnogenol's ability to relax the inner wall of arteries.
    • In this study, 40 mg and 120 mg oral Pycnogenol significantly improved the quality, achievement, and duration of erections in patients with erectile dysfunction (most likely due to increased blood flow).
    • Some studies have shown that Pycnogenol increases the amount of nitric oxide, improves blood circulation and reduces the symptoms of venous leakage.

    So Pycnogenol is definitely an interesting compound. I personally haven’t tried it yet. Although for myself I have already chosen 2 products from Healthy Origins and Twinlab.

    It is a well-known fact that sunlight causes the skin to produce vitamin D.

    However, what most people don't know is that natural sunlight also causes the skin to produce more nitric oxide (provided you don't use sunscreens, which block the natural brilliance of the sun's rays).

    There is also scientific evidence for this. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh have discovered that when sunlight touches the skin, nitric oxide is instantly released into the blood...

    They also concluded that sunlight can significantly increase life expectancy while reducing the risk of stroke.

    "We suspect that the benefits of exposure to sunlight on heart health outweigh the risk of skin cancer. Our work has helped us understand the mechanism that may explain this process, as well as why simply taking vitamin D may not compensate for the lack of sunlight." .

    So stop worrying about skin cancer. Sunlight has great importance for human life and cannot be obtained from a bottle. Additionally, the odds of dying from a stroke are 80 times greater than the odds of dying from skin cancer.

    Ginseng, or "true Korean ginseng", is cultivated in Korea.

    It contains active substances called "ginsenosides", which are very similar in structure to androgens such as testosterone.

    Ginseng is interesting because According to various human studies, it increases testosterone levels, increases nitric oxide levels, improves blood circulation, promotes better sleep quality, relaxes arteries, and increases libido. (study 1, study 2, study 3, study 4, study 5, study 6).

    Ginseng is a very popular herb, which means there are many counterfeit products on the market. Also note that we are talking about Korean red ginseng (Panax) here, and not one of the American or Siberian alternatives.

    One animal study also suggests that capsaicin may protect testosterone molecules during prolonged calorie deprivation.

    Capsaicin can be obtained by adding a little cayenne pepper (or other hot pepper chili) in foods, or using an additive if you are not comfortable with spicy foods.

    Nitric oxide is a vasodilator compound, which means it dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure...

    Coffee, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. It is a vasoconstrictor, which means it makes blood vessels smaller and also increases blood pressure.

    Further, coffee contains high levels of antioxidants, which this study shows increase the synthesis of the enzyme nitric oxide, which converts arginine to NO.

    Thus, the antioxidants in coffee increase the amount of nitric oxide, and the caffeine in it constricts blood vessels.

    Thus, drinking coffee is most likely neither good nor bad. Except when you drink decaffeinated coffee, you get an increase in NO levels, but no vasoconstriction occurs. In addition, you will not experience the increase in testosterone levels that coffee gives, since it is caused by caffeine.

    Raw cocoa - and by that I mean unheated cocoa, pressed from the beans - is a superfood that contains loads of polyphenols and antioxidants.

    This is the reason why it also rapidly increases nitric oxide production and relaxes the inner walls of arteries (study, study, study).

    In fact, along with many other antioxidants that do not increase NO levels in the body, raw cocoa contains the same components as Pycnogenol and grape seed extract (protocyanidin).

    Omega-3 fatty acids are pretty darn healthy. Can't argue with that.

    They are anti-inflammatory, they significantly increase blood flow and nitric oxide levels, and they amazingly reduce the risk of stroke and blood clots.

    The truth is that we eat too little of these essential fatty acids, as modern diets favor processed foods. vegetable oils, margarine, and trans fats instead of their natural alternatives, such as: butter, olive oil, avocado, fish fat, cod liver oil, oily fish, chia seeds, etc. ...

    Basically, we eat too many omega-6 fatty acids and too few omega-3 fatty acids. The fix is ​​very simple - start eating more omega-3 and less omega-6 fatty acids. Your overall health will improve dramatically, and your nitric oxide levels will increase in the process.

    Resveratrol is a flavonoid from the group of polyphenols, found in grapes and red wine.

    This compound became of interest to me when I found in several studies that it could increase testosterone levels and decrease estrogen levels, which was exactly what I was looking for...

    But then I found something more.

    Resveratrol is not only good for hormonal balance, it is also a very powerful nitric oxide booster as it stimulates the synthesis of the enzyme nitric oxide (study #1, study #2).

    So, to increase nitric oxide production naturally, drink red wine, eat grapes, and perhaps supplement your diet with a resveratrol supplement (the supplement should contain piperine, since resveratrol itself is not very well absorbed by the body).


    So now you have 20 ways to increase your nitric oxide levels naturally, along with a brief explanation of what it does.

    Also remember that you can easily monitor your NO levels by keeping these NO test strips on hand. They are quite easy to use and accurate.

    Thanks to those who read to the end!

    Nitrogen in organic fertilizers contained in small quantity. All types of manure contain 0.5-1% nitrogen. Bird droppings 1-2.5% nitrogen. Duck, chicken and pigeon droppings have the highest percentage of nitrogen, but they are also the most toxic. The maximum amount of nitrogen contains vermicompost up to 3%.

    You can make natural organic nitrogen fertilizers with your own hands: compost heaps(especially peat-based) contain some amount of nitrogen (up to 1.5%), compost from household waste also contains up to 1.5% nitrogen. Green mass (lupine, sweet clover, vetch, clover) contain about 0.4-0.7% nitrogen, green foliage contains 1-1.2%, lake silt (1.7-2.5%).

    To “improve” compost, it is recommended to use a number of plants that contain substances that suppress the development of putrefactive processes. These include leaf mustard, various mints, nettles, comfrey (it is rich in soluble potassium), horseradish.

    Organic fertilizer with a high nitrogen content can be prepared from mullein. To do this, put mullein in a barrel, filling the barrel one third, fill it with water and let it ferment for 1-2 weeks. Then dilute with water 3-4 times and water the plants. Pre-watering with water. You can make one like this. Applying any fertilizers acidifies the soil, so you need to add ash, dolomite flour, and lime.

    But it is not recommended to remove nitrogen fertilizers with ash at the same time. Because with this combination, nitrogen turns into ammonia and quickly evaporates.

    So what contains organic nitrogen for plant nutrition?

    Natural nitrogen fertilizers and their nitrogen content.

    • manure - up to 1% (horse - 0.3-0.8%, pork - 0.3-1.0%, mullein - 0.1-0.7%);
    • biohumus aka vermicompost - up to 3%
    • humus - up to 1%;
    • droppings (bird, pigeon, duck) - up to 2.5%;
    • compost with peat - up to 1.5%;
    • household waste - up to 1.5%;
    • green foliage - up to 1.2%;
    • green mass - up to 0.7%;
    • lake silt - up to 2.5%.

    Organic nitrogen fertilizers inhibit the accumulation of nitrates in the soil, but use them with caution. The application of manure (compost) to the soil is accompanied by the release of nitrogen up to 2 g/kg for 3-4 months. Plants easily absorb it.

    Some more statistics: one ton of half-rotted fertilizer contains 15 kg of ammonium nitrate, 12.5 kg of potassium chloride and the same amount of superphosphate.

    Every year into the soil along with precipitation up to 40 grams fall on one hundred square meters of land. fixed nitrogen. In addition, soil microflora that process atmospheric nitrogen is capable of enriching the soil with nitrogen in an amount of 50 to 100 grams per hundred square meters. Only special nitrogen-fixing plants can provide more fixed nitrogen for the soil.

    Nitrogen-fixing plants used as fallow crops can become a natural source of organic nitrogen. Certain plants, such as beans and clover, lupine, alfalfa and many others, accumulate nitrogen in their root nodules. These nodules release nitrogen into the soil gradually throughout the plant's life, and when the plant dies, the remaining nitrogen increases the overall soil fertility. Such plants are called green manure and in general.

    One hundred peas or beans planted on your site in a year can accumulate 700 grams of nitrogen in the soil. One hundred square meters of clover - 130 grams. Lupine - 170 grams, and alfalfa - 280 grams.

    By sowing these plants after harvesting and removing plant debris from the site, you will enrich the soil with nitrogen.

    Whey as an organic source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

    The most accessible nitrogenous fertilizer for plants is whey. Due to the protein content in it, which, during the process of watering plants with the addition of whey, gets into the soil. And there, under the influence of soil microflora, nitrogen is released and becomes available to plants. That is, this is how nitrogen fertilizing of plants is carried out.

    To carry out such feeding, you need to dilute 1 liter of whey in 10 liters of water. And water the plants at the rate of 1 liter of whey diluted 10 times per plant.

    If you first add 40 ml of pharmaceutical ammonia to 1 liter of serum. Then ammonia reacts with lactic acid to form ammonium lactate.

    Using such a solution on a regular basis we will not be able to affect the acidity of the soil, which is very good. Because if we did not add ammonia to the whey. Then, with frequent use of whey for root feeding of plants, the acidity of the soil would inevitably increase.

    In addition, whey itself contains a large amount of minerals. Every 100 grams of whey contains:

    • 78 milligrams of phosphorus;
    • 143 milligrams potassium;
    • 103 milligrams of calcium.

    It also contains small amounts of magnesium and sodium.


    Natural nitrogen fertilizers obtained through industrial processing.

    Blood meal is an organic product made from dried blood and contains 13 percent total nitrogen. This is a very high percentage of nitrogen content in the fertilizer. You can use blood meal as a nitrogen fertilizer by sprinkling it on the surface of the soil and pouring water over the top to encourage absorption of the blood meal. You can also mix blood meal directly with water and apply it as a liquid fertilizer.

    Blood meal - especially good source nitrogen for such lovers fertile soil, like lettuce and corn, because it acts quickly.
    Blood meal can be used as a component of compost or an accelerator for the decomposition of other organic materials, since it is a catalyst for decay processes.

    Soybean flour is a source of nitrogen nutrition for soil microorganisms. When soybean meal is decomposed by soil microflora, then mineralized nitrogen will become available to plants. It can also be used as a compost component along with fishmeal. Which, after mineralization, will become not only a source of nitrogen, but also a number of microelements.

    Nitrogen fertilizers Video:

    At least the atmospheric one owes its origin not so much to the Sun as to life processes. The discrepancy between the content of element No. 7 in the lithosphere (0.01%) and in the atmosphere (75.6% by mass or 78.09% by volume) is striking. In general, we live in a nitrogen atmosphere moderately enriched with oxygen.

    Meanwhile, on no other planets solar system, free was not found in comets or any other cold space objects. There are its compounds and radicals - CN*, NH*, NH*2, NH*3, but there is no nitrogen. True, about 2% nitrogen was recorded in the atmosphere of Venus, but this figure still requires confirmation.

    It is believed that element 7 was not present in the primary atmosphere of the Earth. Where then does it come from in the air? Apparently, the atmosphere of our planet initially consisted of volatile substances formed in the bowels of the earth: H2, H2O, CO2, CH4, NH3. Free, if it came out as a product of volcanic activity, it turned into ammonia. The conditions for this were the most suitable: excess hydrogen, elevated temperatures - the Earth's surface had not yet cooled. So what does it mean that nitrogen was first present in the atmosphere in the form of ammonia? Apparently so. Let's remember this circumstance.

    But then life arose... Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky argued that “the earth’s gas shell, our air, is the creation of life.” It was life that launched the most amazing mechanism of photosynthesis. One of the end products of this process - free one - began to actively combine with ammonia, releasing molecular nitrogen:


    СО2 + 2H2O → НСО + НаО + О2;

    4NH3 + 3O2 → 2N2 + 6H2O

    And nitrogen, as is known, does not react with each other under normal conditions, which allowed the earth’s air to maintain the “status quo” composition. Note that a significant part of the ammonia could have dissolved in water during the formation of the hydrosphere.

    Nowadays, the main source of N2 entering the atmosphere is volcanic gases.

    If you break the triple bond...

    Having destroyed the inexhaustible reserves of bound active nitrogen, living nature faced the problem of how to bind nitrogen. In the free, molecular state, it turned out to be very inert. The reason for this is its triple molecule: N≡ N.

    Typically, bonds of this multiplicity are unstable. Let's remember classic example acetylene: NS≡ SN. The triple bond of its molecule is very fragile, which explains the incredible chemical activity of this gas. But nitrogen has a clear anomaly here: its triple bond forms the most stable of all known diatomic molecules. It takes enormous effort to destroy this connection. For example, the industrial synthesis of ammonia requires a pressure of more than 200 atm and a temperature of over 500 ° C, and even the mandatory presence of catalysts... Solving the problem of nitrogen fixation, nature had to establish a continuous production of nitrogen compounds using the thunderstorm method.

    Statistics say that more than three billion lightning strikes in the atmosphere of our planet every year. The power of individual discharges reaches 200 million kilowatts, and the air is heated (locally, of course) to 20 thousand degrees. At such a monstrous temperature, oxygen and nitrogen molecules disintegrate into atoms, which, easily reacting with each other, form fragile nitric oxide:

    N2 + O2 → 2NO

    Thanks to rapid cooling (a lightning strike lasts a ten-thousandth of a second), nitrogen oxide does not disintegrate and is freely oxidized by atmospheric oxygen to a more stable dioxide

    2NO + O2 → 2NO2.

    In the presence of atmospheric moisture and raindrops, nitrogen dioxide is converted to nitric acid:

    3NO2 + H2O → 2HNO3 + NO

    So, caught in a fresh thunderstorm, we get the opportunity to swim in a weak solution of nitric acid. Penetrating into the soil, atmospheric water forms various natural fertilizers with its substances.

    Nitrogen is also fixed in the atmosphere by photochemical means: having absorbed a quantum of light, the N2 molecule goes into an excited, activated state and becomes able to combine with oxygen.
