Choosing paint and tools for painting a refrigerator yourself. Recommendations for painting a refrigerator at home Painting a refrigerator at home

Every year, humanity becomes more and more dependent on technology, including household technology. Nowadays you won’t be able to find a family that doesn’t have a food “safe” like a refrigerator in their kitchen. When it malfunctions, the thought comes to all of us: “How did our ancestors live without this miracle of technical progress?”

Painted refrigerator in the kitchen interior

But, as statistics show, we do not always buy refrigerators because they are broken; more often we go to buy a new one only because the appearance of the old refrigerator does not please us as much as before.

Unfortunately, not every person knows that the problem of an unsuitable appearance of a refrigerator can be solved by painting it. This is what will help you transform your irreplaceable kitchen food “keeper” without large financial investments.

Of course, like any restoration, transforming a refrigerator has its own subtleties. All the tips are especially worth considering if you decide to paint the refrigerator yourself.

How to choose the right paint and tool?

Old refrigerator to be painted

To paint a refrigerator with your own hands, you will need to buy paint and find the appropriate tools.

The main task is the correct choice of coloring materials, because the surface of refrigerators is not made of the most simple material, and not just any remedy may be suitable for this purpose.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that a layer of paint should first of all serve as protection against mechanical damage, and then serve as decoration.

In order for the refrigerator to be painted with your own hands with high quality, the paints and varnishes must have the following characteristics:

  • have the possibility of tinting;
  • be able to hold a layer of paint in a vertical position;
  • differ in elasticity;
  • do not be afraid of exposure to detergents.

Taking into account the above requirements for paint, we can conclude that to transform the device, water-resistant paint is suitable for indoor work on metal surfaces.

This kind paint and varnish materials may have a varied composition.

But, to decorate the surface, it is not necessary to go too deep into paint compositions. For such purposes it may be suitable:

  1. nitro enamel, which is used in the automotive industry;
  2. acrylic compound for working on metal;
  3. epoxy or polyurethane mass.

From such a variety you can choose whatever you want. You can also treat the inside of the device with these products. A roller with a not very wide working blade or a brush is perfect for the job. You can also use aerosols, for which no tools are required at all.

Today, rubber-based paints are considered the most popular. Their detailed technical specifications is given in the table below.

Characteristic Paint name
PlastiDip (USA) Rezolux (Russia) Rubber Paint (China) Farbex


Palette Wide variety of colors Base of 8 shades Wide variety of colors Base of 9 shades, and 5 colors can be ordered
Type of surface obtained Matte or glossy, luminescent possible Smooth or with fine texture Matte Matte
Paint consumption 130-150 ml/m2 120-200 g/m2 110-140 ml/m2 120-200 g/m2
Drying time for each layer 60 min. 30 min. 30 min. 120 min.
Price 15 € for 310 ml 18 € for 14 kg up to 10 € per 400 ml up to 3 € per 1.2 kg

Surface preparation

It will not be a revelation to anyone that when cooking food on all surfaces kitchen appliances grease settles, which after drying turns into unpleasant stains. After some time, they become covered with dust, so to remove them efficiently, it is better to coat the appliances with detergent-resistant paints, and the refrigerator is no exception.

Of course, before applying paint, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned so that no contamination interferes with the even and smooth application of paint.

To clean the surface you may need:

  • detergents for cleaning grease;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • rags;
  • fine-grain sandpaper;
  • surface degreasing liquids;
  • perhaps a primer;
  • cling film or masking tape and tape;
  • linings in the form of old newspapers;
  • facilities personal protection.

Varieties of techniques for painting a refrigerator

After everything necessary materials Once prepared, you can proceed to the actual coloring.

Preliminary preparatory materials look like this:

  • Unplug the refrigerator and remove all internal shelves and drawers.
  • Wash the device thoroughly with outside using detergent.
  • Remove the old coating with sandpaper and sand all chips and damage. Such manipulations will increase the level of adhesion of the refrigerator surface to the paint.
  • Remove any remaining dust with a wet and then a dry cloth.
  • Degrease the surface.
  • If the paint requires it, prime the surface of the refrigerator.
  • Hide the fittings under cling film or masking tape.
  • If desired, you can apply a specific pattern using tape.
  • Cover the floor near the appliance with old newspapers.
  • To test, apply a little paint to an inconspicuous area of ​​the refrigerator to make sure it works. making the right choice shade.

After everything preparatory work completed, you can start painting the device. At this stage, all recommendations will depend on the selected type of paint materials and tools.

Please note that regardless of the type and composition of paint, the use of personal protective equipment is mandatory!

If you chose paint in aerosol cans to paint the refrigerator, apply this composition at a distance of 30 cm from the surface. Your movements should be uniform, try not to stay in one place for too long, so that too much paint does not form on a separate area of ​​the surface. If you could not avoid such a disaster, immediately use solvents.

Paint should be applied in two or three layers, with a 30-minute break between each layer to allow each previous layer to dry thoroughly.

To work with a roller or brush, you need to apply a little paint to the tool and move from left to right in a vertical position. After 30 minutes, you can apply the next layer of paint, and hard-to-reach areas can be painted with brushes with a small working blade. If you see small errors on the product, apply a third final coat of paint, which will hide all defects.

In the current era, people are highly dependent on technical inventions, including those of a household nature. It is unlikely that today you can find the average family without such a necessary unit as a refrigerator. Sometimes, when it breaks, we begin to wonder: “How did our grandmothers manage without this miracle device?”

However, a refrigerator is not always purchased only because it is broken. Where more often to the store for new technology sent only because appearance old leaves much to be desired. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that the procedure for painting a refrigerator easily resolves such difficulties.

Even old refrigerator can gain new life thanks to painting

This method, like pasting the surface with oracal (self-adhesive decorative film) - perfect for updating the design of a refrigerator or hiding external defects. But, unlike the second method, which requires considerable skill and patience, otherwise the film will lie on the surface with air bubbles and wrinkles, you can paint the refrigerator quickly and without extra costs for materials and tools.

Of course, like any restoration work, the painting process refrigeration equipment has its own characteristics and some nuances. Moreover, they need to be taken into account if the operation is carried out by hand.

Choosing paint and tools

So, to paint a refrigerator at home, you need to purchase paint and tools in advance.

First, you should choose a paint: since a refrigerator is not the most common surface to process, not every coloring agent is suitable as a coloring agent. So what should you paint with?

It is worth noting that the applied finishing paint layer should, firstly, protect the casing from mechanical damage and, secondly, decorate the device. In the case of a refrigerator that will always be in a dry and well-heated room, it is not in danger of rust, so there is no point in spending money on an expensive anti-corrosion agent. will also be superfluous, because the operation of the refrigerator itself near fire is prohibited.

Waterproof paint metal worker will cope well with such tasks as painting a refrigerator

On the other hand, the coloring material must be tintable and thixotropic (hold the layer on a vertical surface), be elastic (after all, the metal used in refrigerators has a high coefficient of thermal expansion) and not be afraid of detergents. As a result, we get the conclusion: it is needed for interior work.

The metal surface is covered with paints of various compositions:

  • organosilicon;
  • zinc
  • alkyd
  • nitrocellulose
  • acrylic
  • epoxy
  • polyurethane
  • oil

However, to simply paint a refrigerator, you don’t need to go into much detail about their contents. For this type of purpose, the following types of coloring solution are suitable:

  1. Automotive nitro enamel. Durable, durable and beautiful. Sold in cans and applied by spraying. It has several disadvantages: cost, toxicity, uncontrollable splashes during the process, as well as the need for subsequent cleaning of accidentally painted areas with a solvent.
  2. Acrylic paint metal surfaces. Allows you to choose from a wide variety color solutions, safe due to the absence of toxic substances. Apply with a roller or brush.
  3. Polyurethane or epoxy paint. The most resistant to wear, difficult to prepare due to two components.

Epoxy paint can be used to paint both the external and internal parts of the refrigerator.

For the most part, any of these three will do. finishing materials. You can paint the inside of the refrigerator with the same paint.

Any narrow paint roller made of threads or a brush will be suitable as a working device, and if used, tools will not be needed at all.

Surface preparation

For the vast majority of people, the kitchen is perhaps the most favorite room in the apartment. It is associated with the warmth of home and delicious food. But this medal also has back side, and it concerns household appliances.

During the cooking process, soot settles on the surface of kitchen electronics, which, when dried, forms a greasy layer of stains. Over time, stains attract dust, so the refrigerator becomes covered with a layer of dirt that is resistant to regular detergents. Therefore, before painting, the surface of the refrigerator must be thoroughly washed so that the paint applies easily and evenly.

For pre-treatment, as well as further painting work, you need to buy or remove from the pantry in advance:

  • detergent for removing greasy and stubborn stains;
  • sponge with abrasive coating;
  • wet and dry rags;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • degreaser (acetone, gasoline, kerosene);
  • primer (optional);
  • tape, cling film or masking tape;
  • unnecessary sheets of newspapers and magazines as lining;
  • respirator;
  • gloves.

When painting, to protect your respiratory organs, you must purchase a respirator.

Now that all the accompanying materials are at hand, you can begin.

Preliminary preparation of the surface of a refrigeration unit for painting includes the following steps:

  1. Disconnecting equipment from the power supply and removing internal shelves and trays.
  2. Thoroughly wash the outside of the device using a special detergent and an abrasive sponge.
  3. Using sandpaper as a sanding material to remove old coating. This manipulation will allow you to sand out cracks and chips, and will also provide the paint with good adhesion to the surface.
  4. Wiping first with a wet, then dry cloth to remove sanded particles and dirt.
  5. Degreasing the surface with a special solution.
  6. Apply primer recommended by the paint manufacturer (optional).
  7. Sealing fittings (handles, decorative strips, technological holes, rubber seals) with masking tape or film. Using masking tape you can create some kind of ornament or design. In this case, during the procedure you need to monitor the tightness of the adhesive tape to the refrigerator.
  8. Protect floors and nearby furnishings with newspaper or magazines.
  9. A preliminary test of the paint on an inconspicuous area will allow you to once again verify the correct selection of the desired color and the reaction of the paint (does it lie smoothly, does it have wrinkles or smudges).

It’s also worth noting that the best way to paint a refrigerator or any other interior item with your own hands is outside on a fine day. A strong wind will create artificial “smudges” on the surface, so if it is windy outside, painting activities should be moved to a well-ventilated area.

If you know how to draw well, you can create a real work of art on your refrigerator.

The refrigerator has gone through all stages of pre-treatment. Now it is time to begin the surface painting operation. Here the recommendations will depend on the type of paint chosen and the tools used.

Important: putting on a respirator and rubber gloves is prerequisite procedures.

Spray painting

If work is carried out using aerosols in cans, paint should be done at a distance of 30 cm from the surface of the unit uniform movements from left to right, without staying long in the same place to avoid smudges or too thick a layer. In a situation where an incident does occur, you can use a solvent, for example, one of the most familiar ones - acetone.

Painting occurs in 2-3 layers, between which a break of half an hour should be taken to allow each previous layer of dye to dry properly.

Painting with roller or brush

Apply a little paint to a roller or brush. Then comes coloring in a vertical direction or movements from left to right. After half an hour, a second layer is applied. Hard to reach places can be painted using a brush small size. If necessary, the third layer will hide all the flaws of the previous two.

To consolidate the result, give a glossy shine or matte effect and protect the fresh paint, you can coat the surface of the refrigerator with a layer acrylic varnish in aerosol form.

Painting a refrigerator at home is an excellent opportunity to give an old electrical appliance a new life and update the interior in an original way. For these purposes, it is worth spending several hours of your time, especially since such a decorative solution will delight the eyes of household members and guests for a long time!

    Now there is a huge variety of paints, for anything, there are also paints on sale for household appliances. Convenient way To update the refrigerator, you need to buy paint in cans, but the smell is terrible, be sure to ventilate the room when painting. And also, before painting, be sure to prime the places where the enamel on the refrigerator has come off, otherwise dents will be visible.

    The very first thing you need to do when you paint the refrigerator is to wipe the refrigerator with detergent so that there is no grease on it, because if there is grease, the paint will not adhere well. Then, if there are very large potholes, you can cover them with a primer; it is good for both repairs and equipment. I bought paint for household appliances, NewTon, Montana (but car paint is also suitable, but it will have a pungent smell for a day), after painting, you need to wait an hour and apply a second layer of paint again, you can do the same as soon as it dries refrigerator (the paint for my household appliances took 5 hours to dry) paste beautiful stickers, or use a thin brush to draw some kind of design. But you can also use self-adhesive film; it looks good on the refrigerator.

  • How to paint a refrigerator

    To work we need a refrigerator, gloves, a mask, a lot of newspapers, Fresh air, automotive primer, paint (varnish) in cans, fine sandpaper. Everything except the refrigerator can be purchased at a car store (sandpaper is also used there when painting cars).

    First you need to thoroughly clean the entire refrigerator with detergents, dissolving fat. At the same time, it is best to unscrew the handles and other parts that are not supposed to be painted so that they do not get dirty, so that the paint lies evenly in these places and it is not noticeable that the refrigerator is painted, by the way, and you will wash everything thoroughly.

    Next, we inspect the surface. If there are areas with rust, be sure to clean them down to bare metal. If there is damage to the paint in the form of chips or other damage to the enamel, it is better to apply a primer from a can to such places. Next, carefully clean the transition areas onto the enamel with very fine sandpaper so that transitions are not visible, and the paint goes on very evenly. Next, let the primer dry (if necessary, apply a second or third layer to level the surface). That's it, now the refrigerator is ready for painting. It is best to paint with car paint from a can; it applies well and evenly and forms smooth surface, resistant to abrasion. Paint must be applied from a sufficient distance thin layer, let each layer dry. detailed instructions given on the cylinder itself. It is better to paint it while standing. You can apply any design, draw with a thin brush, or outline a picture or motif you like. You can then apply a design to the finished refrigerator using acrylic paints. If you wish, you can coat the finished refrigerator with car varnish; it will shine and sparkle in the sun.

  • You can paint with graphite paint; it is quite durable, not harmful, and the choice of colors is very diverse. First of all, you need to remove all parts that are not painted or are painted a different color. Or cover with construction tape those parts that are not painted. And apply a layer of paint evenly. You can use a stencil. Before painting, you need to clean all places where metal shows through or enamel has fallen off, remove dust and dirt.

    My friends painted the refrigerator with nitro paint markers. We bought several of these markers and painted over details and drew patterns. You can also make a stencil or print the design online and make a stencil from it. But now there is an easier way to transform your refrigerator - this is to stick self-adhesive film. This film is now sold in rolls of different lengths, some are wood-look, some have patterns and designs, and a wide variety of textures are offered. The task is to cut out the desired rectangle and carefully stick it on the refrigerator, start from the top and smooth it with a cloth so that the sticking is even. The film will last for many years and will significantly transform the refrigerator. And it's also very fast!

    To paint a refrigerator, it is better to use aerosol paints, which are more economical and convenient for painting, as they eliminate the need to use a brush, apply thin and even layer, can be easily applied to hard-to-reach places.

    For painting, you can use acrylic aerosol paints, enamels, or there are special paints for household appliances that are more wear-resistant and can be washed.

    Before you start painting, be sure to disconnect the equipment from the power supply and empty it. Cover the floor under the refrigerator with film or newspapers. Tape up all those parts that do not need to be painted, or even unscrew and remove them.

    Before painting, you need to thoroughly degrease the surface, wash, remove old paint sand with a stiff brush so that the paint adheres well. Spray paint should be applied in a thin layer, then allowed to dry and then applied several more layers.

    Many people recommend aerosol cans, but I can’t imagine how to do this at home. No matter how careful you are, you still end up painting something extra unplanned.

    My choice - acrylic enamel on water based and a fur roller. Doesn't stink, doesn't splash, looks great.

    In order to choose paint for your refrigerator, you don’t have to visit a car store; you can buy a couple of cans spray paint in any specialized store for repairs. Nowadays the choice of such paints of all shades is very large, which allows you to paint creating a specific pattern. The only thing is that you must first thoroughly clean the surface, sanding it away from stubborn greasy stains, degrease and, if necessary, prime. When working with the sprayer, it should be closed. masking tape all places that do not need to be painted, and also create a pattern if desired. Well, we spray paint it twice. Consumption is approximately one can for a medium-sized refrigerator - up to 170 centimeters.

    To paint a refrigerator at home, you first need to determine the purpose of painting, that is, what you need it for: update a used one, paint it simply in a different color (well, it doesn’t match the color of the wallpaper) or you decide to make a designer one out of an ordinary unit so that all your friends and acquaintances gasp. Having determined the goals, we choose the paint accordingly. It’s quite possible to update the shabby corners of your old refrigerator with spray paint, but better paint on metal. Nowadays a large number of paints are sold that can be applied even over rust. But it’s better to clean off all poorly adhered old paint and degrease the entire surface.

    Remember that when spray painting you will need personal protective equipment: goggles and a mask. Yes and in indoors spray paint is not the best you can imagine. Of course, every paint smells, the only question is the drying speed. Therefore, this point is also worth taking into account. In my opinion, if you do not need a design project, then metal paints are best. If you need a design, then either acrylic paints or spray cans. True, in this case you will need work skills and at least a small, but artistic talent.))

    Completely painting, or rather repainting, a refrigerator is a very difficult task, requiring a lot of effort and expense if you want to get good result, but not an option for a summer residence will do.

    You will need to remove the old paint with fine sandpaper, then apply primer for metal from a can, then after drying, aerosol car paint, then let it dry for another day and then apply car varnish on top again. All this must be done in a large, well-ventilated room.

Painting a refrigerator is the easiest and most affordable way improve its appearance with your own hands, mask cracks and other cladding defects. This operation may also be necessary when you need to fit old equipment into new interior after kitchen renovation. If you choose the right paint, the new coating will not only decorative function, but also protect the external surfaces of the device from corrosion.

Paint selection

To obtain a strong and durable coating, you should use moisture-resistant metal paints that are easy to apply in a thin layer.

Paints meet these requirements:

  1. 1. Enamel. You can use regular or automotive nitro enamels in cans. The latter are more expensive, but they are convenient to use, and the color range is quite wide: in addition to standard shades, there are silver and gold. They form a durable, mechanically resistant coating with a glossy sheen. A significant drawback is toxicity.
  2. 2. Acrylic. Among the advantages: no toxins in the composition, affordable price, big choice colors. However, the application process is more complicated: it is necessary to properly prepare the surface for painting. Acrylic coating is inferior in strength to enamel.
  3. 3. Epoxy and polyurethane. Two-component compositions have almost the same qualities as enamels, but are more expensive. Another minus - complex technology applying paint.
  4. 4. Slate. Resistant to water, forming an impressive black matte finish. You can purchase them at a hardware store or make them yourself. The last option will allow you to save a lot. To make slate paint you will need to combine 200 ml acrylic paint with 2 tablespoons of tile grout or putty.

Materials and tools

To paint a refrigerator at home you will also need:

  1. 1. A film that can be used to protect floors, walls and other surfaces from paint. You can use old newspapers instead.
  2. 2. Roller, brush 3-5 cm wide, paint tray. If the composition is used in cans, then these tools will not be required. To obtain a thin, uniform layer, you can use a spray bottle, but in this case it is necessary to carefully cover all surfaces of the room in which painting will be carried out.
  3. 3. Masking tape. Paper adhesive tape is needed to protect the non-removable elements of the device from paint ( rubber seals, pens and more).
  4. 4. Respirator, goggles and rubber gloves. During the dyeing process, it is imperative to use protective equipment for the skin of your hands, eyes and respiratory tract. Work should be done in a well-ventilated area.
  5. 5. Varnish. If desired, it can be applied to painted surfaces. Depending on what kind of result you want to get, use matte, glossy or with shimmer.

To prepare surfaces for painting you need to take:

  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • primer;
  • putty and spatula (if there is damage on the refrigerator casing that needs to be repaired);
  • rags;
  • degreaser.

Surface preparation

Before painting the outside of the refrigerator red, green or any other color, the surfaces must be prepared.


  1. 1. The device is disconnected from the network, freed from products, shelves, trays.
  2. 2. Clean the external surfaces from grease and dirt using a sponge with dishwashing liquid.
  3. 3. Use sandpaper to remove old paint.
  4. 4. If there is damage on the outer walls, they are sanded and puttied. Old refrigerators (ZIL, Dnepr) may have traces of rust and need to be cleaned.
  5. 5. Wipe treated surfaces damp cloth to remove any remaining paint, and then wipe dry with a clean rag.
  6. 6. After moistening the cloth with alcohol or other degreasing liquid, wipe the outside of the refrigerator.
  7. 7. Lay out newspapers or cover the floor and surrounding furniture with film.
  8. 8. To make the paint adhere better, prime all surfaces.
  9. 9. All parts that cannot be painted are sealed with masking tape.

Once the primer has dried, you can paint a small area to ensure that the color you choose will look exactly as intended.


The procedure for painting depends on the type of paint and the tools chosen.

If you use automotive nitro enamel or a spray, the process is simplified. When painting with acrylic or slate paints Using a brush will take a little more time.


They begin to apply the composition from the less noticeable side (for example, the one that will be adjacent to the wall or covered by furniture) from top to bottom.

To transform the good old “white friend”, designer Tatyana Nazarova suggested gilding it a little.

Gloss blue paint distribute it evenly over the surface of the refrigerator. The refrigerator should turn completely blue.

Second paint, which was used for decoration, has a completely different texture - thicker, with a marble effect. It was sprayed with a thin stream and chaotic movements so that the design did not turn out to be too geometric. The golden pattern should not interrupt blue background, so you need to stop coloring in time. Ideally, the pattern should resemble light shiny scales.

Leaves and branches

User of our site Marina came up with a different image for the white refrigerator, reminiscent of golden autumn.

First the surface was sanded, then painted with brown acrylate paint for walls and ceilings with a regular paint roller. Then it was time for creativity: we went over the refrigerator with gold spray paint, painted brown branches on a gold background, and gold ones on a brown background, respectively.

The final touch - leaves: nylon blanks for decorating gifts were also covered with gold paint, glued to painted branches and slightly tinted brown.

Flower thickets

User Elena Belyanskaya made her battered pet light up with new colors and covered it with flowers.

Refrigerator outside washed thoroughly and degreased. Then red spray paint was applied. The paint was applied in two layers to achieve a dark red surface color.

After this, using acrylic golden composition started decorative painting. In the process, drops of paint were applied to individual areas of the flowers along the line of the petals and rhinestones were attached with glue. Tiny pieces of glass were used to decorate the center of each small flower.

At the bottom of the refrigerator To fill the space, painted golden grass with wildflowers appeared.
