All about roses, how to plant and care. Climbing rose - planting and care in open ground, tips and recommendations. Park roses: care and cultivation

Women who don’t like beautiful flowers called roses probably don’t exist. They are presented to both young girls and ladies of different ages. Together with these wonderful flowers they declare their love and give them as a gift for any holiday. From these petals the most beautiful creatures prepare various cosmetics for skin care. Culinary masterpieces are made from roses. Rose petals are used in folk medicine.

If you want to grow roses - these beautiful flowers on your plot, then you must not only have the necessary skills, but also love roses, plus have great patience in caring for them. But the roses, experiencing the love of the gardener, will certainly thank him lush flowering m and the wonderful aroma that fills his garden.

In order for roses to take root on the site and delight the eye for a long time with their long flowering, you need to know the rules for caring for these popular plants. Therefore, we will consider in detail what needs to be done throughout the year for the good development of rose bushes, starting in spring.

There are such types of roses as:

  • Park;
  • Shrubs;
  • Climbing;
  • Hybrid tea;
  • Floribunda;
  • Ground cover;
  • Canadian.

With such a wide choice, you can plant rose gardens that will take your breath away with delight.

Planting of rose bushes is carried out both in spring and in autumn, it all depends on the region where the area prepared for planting roses is located. If the gardener lives in Krasnodar region or central Russia, then the bushes are planted during September and the first half of October.

During these periods there is no longer any heat and there is enough time and natural precipitation for the bushes to take root in a new place. If rose bushes are planted at the latitude of the Moscow region and further south, then planting is done in the spring, starting in mid-April, when the sun is well warmed up.

When choosing a place to plant bushes, you need to make sure that they receive sun during the day. If it doesn’t exist, then the roses won’t bloom.

Stages of work:

  1. When the gardener decides on the planting site, a hole of 50x50 cm is dug and a little humus and peat is placed in it.
  2. The seedling is installed vertically in the hole, its roots are straightened in different sides and sprinkled with earth on all sides. After which you need to press the ground with your hands so that the voids disappear and the seedling sits firmly in the ground.
  3. After all procedures, it is necessary to water the planted seedling. If the water has eroded the soil, it should be added. Planted seedlings must be constantly watered; drying out the soil is unacceptable.

Before lowering a rose seedling into a prepared hole, its damaged roots are removed and those that are too long are shortened. The place where the graft was made is buried 5 cm into the soil.

When planting rose bushes, you must take into account that over time their size will increase and therefore, when planting them along the path, you must retreat from the planted bush at least 70 cm.

You can propagate the bush in various ways:

  1. By cuttings;
  2. By dividing an old bush;
  3. By layering;
  4. Vaccination;
  5. Root shoots, if the rose is planted on its own roots.


This method of propagating a bush has its advantages. First of all, he will never have wild growth to fight with. For the cutting, a semi-lignified shoot with three buds is taken. The lower cut is made oblique, at an angle of 45 degrees, the upper cut is made straight to reduce the amount of moisture evaporating from the cut of the cutting.

The lower cut is treated with any root formation stimulator, the branch with leaves is removed, and the upper leaves are shortened by half. After which the cutting is planted in peat or sand, deepening the cutting just a couple of centimeters and slightly tilting it to the side.

Cover with a jar or a bag. It is important to create greenhouse, humid conditions. For it to take root, it must be warm, at least 25 degrees Celsius, the humidity should be almost 100%, and the sun's rays should not fall on the young plant.

Such a seedling can even be left to overwinter in the ground if it is planted in central Russia or in the south of our country. But to do this, it, together with the jar, is completely buried in the ground and covered with special material.

How to grow a rose from cuttings in potatoes

Dividing the bush

Climbing and park roses are propagated by this species if they have their own root system. To do this, a bush is dug up and divided in such a way that each separated part contains a root system and a pair of branches. Then all the parts are planted in the usual way and need to be cared for like an ordinary seedling.

By layering

Ground cover and climbing varieties propagate well in this way. To do this, in the spring they take a non-woody shoot, bend it to the ground, place it in a groove 10 cm deep, and pin it. Then you need to fill it with soil and water it. The top of such a shoot should look out of the ground. After a year, the twig becomes a seedling and can be separated from the mother bush.


The grafting is done on rose hips grown either from seeds or from cuttings. To do this, take a cutting or eye of the selected rose variety. Vaccination time is mid-summer. They take the rootstock and clean the top, lightly split the vine, inserting the cutting there. They are firmly attached to each other with an adhesive plaster. If after a while the cutting begins to grow, it means the grafting was successful.

But it is best to immediately buy the variety of rose you like in special garden centers. When choosing a seedling, it must have three branches for the development of a lush bush. Having healthy roots is a must! The leaves should not be dry.

Caring for roses is needed day after day, since removing weeds and loosening the soil not only gives the rose garden a decent appearance, but also serves prerequisite on the cultivation of roses. Loosening begins in May and continues to loosen the soil around the bush until the end of summer.

Further loosening is stopped so as not to provoke the growth of new shoots. By loosening the soil, the root system receives more air and this stimulates the growth of new shoots on the bush. This is especially good to do in hot summers after watering.

After prolonged rains, a crust forms on the surface of the soil, which blocks the access of oxygen to the root system of the plant. Therefore, during such periods it is necessary to do additional loosening of the soil so that the bushes can grow and develop normally. But you need to know that loosening around the bush is carried out to a depth of no more than 10 cm so as not to damage the small roots of the root system of the bush.

Mulching and fertilizing rose bushes

Mulching the soil around the bush is carried out in order to retain moisture in the soil and partially get rid of weeds. And if mulching is carried out using peat or rotted manure, this will also serve as additional fertilizer for the plant. Peat or other mulching material is laid out in a layer of up to ten centimeters. But all this must be done before the buds begin to bloom on the bush.

After planting a rose in its first summer, the bush is fertilized three times. So, due to their biological characteristics, roses need different feedings at different times.

Greater efficiency is achieved by simultaneous fertilization with mineral and organic fertilizers. Since organic matter feeds rose bushes, saturating it with nitrogen.

We must not forget that all fertilizing must be done either after rain or after watering. This is done so that the root system does not get burned when applying fertilizer to dry soil. If the gardener decides to use dry fertilizers, under no circumstances should they be poured into the center of the bush.

Fertilizers are poured around the bush at a distance of about 20 cm and after that you need to water the plants again so that the fertilizers get into the soil. If the soil on the site is clayey, then fertilizing is carried out less frequently, and if the soil is sandy, then fertilizing should be carried out more often, since there is almost no organic matter in such soil.

When a long flowering period begins, roses do not need feeding at all.

Rose bushes, like all plants, need watering. If you do not water, the bushes lose their leaves and the buds wither prematurely or do not bloom at all. Roses need water most during the period of growth of the vegetative mass and until the end of the first flowering.

Watering is done warm water in an amount of 10 l. under each bush. Water is poured under each bush, into a specially designated trench, and not into the center of the bush. In hot sunny weather, when watering a rose bush, it is better not to splash water on the leaves when watering, as this can cause brown spots to appear on the foliage. This will be a consequence of burns.

Watering is done once a week, and if the temperature goes beyond 35 degrees, then on such days the roses will respond well to evening sprinkling - this is watering done in the evening using a hose not only under the bush, but also over the leaves of the bush. But they water it this way only on hot days, when the area has a shadow from the setting sun.

How to grow roses in your garden - proper watering

If you water the bushes every day and a little at a time, then such watering will not help the plant get enough water. Since it has a root system that goes 2-3 meters deep into the ground.

It is important to remember that you cannot water roses with cold water, as this will cause the rose bushes to become sick, their thin roots die off, and after a while the plant begins to dehydrate.

There are also features in watering at the end of the season. At the beginning of autumn, watering is reduced, as it is necessary to give time for the shoots to ripen. Therefore, autumn precipitation is quite enough to water roses. Only in particularly hot September or in the Krasnodar Territory should watering be done, but only at half the dose - 6 liters. under the bush once a week. Ripened shoots will be better able to survive wintering in the latitudes of Russia.

Caring for roses also includes covering them for the winter. Since this is a heat-loving plant, cold temperatures down to -10 degrees can cause the death of the plant. Some advise cutting off unripe shoots for the winter, and some cut off in the spring only those that did not survive the winter and have turned black.

To cover the roses, you can cover them with soil, peat or compost on top. All this can be diluted with pine sawdust. Covering material is prepared in advance and at the first cold snap the bushes are covered with it. The layer of covering material should be approximately 35-40 cm. If the area with rose bushes is located at the latitude of Moscow, then cover it with lutrasil or spruce branches on top.

Everything that is prepared for insulating roses must be dry, otherwise when it gets cold it will be covered with ice and it will be impossible to cover the roses for the winter.

The method of covering with lutrasil cannot be used on soils with close groundwater or swampy soil, because a greenhouse effect will occur and the roses will freeze out in winter. In the spring, when the weather is above zero, the covering material is carefully removed, and the remaining soil or peat is washed off with a bucket of water.

Spring is the time when the bush develops intensively from the buds that have survived the long cold months of winter. If cold snaps to sub-zero temperatures are no longer expected, then the bushes should be dug out from their shelter for the winter. This is easy to do if you simply pour a bucket of water into the middle of the bush. The excess soil that covered the bush in winter will go in different directions around the bush. It is better to do this on cloudy days, so that the branches that were under the cover of snow and earth do not get burned in the spring sun.

At this time, new growth of branches begins, on which flower buds and young leaves grow, depending on the variety, either light green or red. At the same time, branches of the rootstock (rose hips) may sprout; they should be cut out so that over time the bush does not turn into an ordinary rose hip instead of a wonderful rose bush.

How to distinguish rosehip shoots? He's more light color and an almost completely straight, fast-growing shoot; in a couple of days it grows to a height of about a meter, clogging the branches of the rose. To get rid of it, you should carefully dig up the bush in the place where this wild shoot appeared from the ground and simply cut it off in the ground with pruning shears or a sharp shovel. Let the cut dry for a couple of hours and dig in this place.

You also need to trim off all blackened shoots. These shoots are frozen and the dormant buds that will grow in spring and summer do not exist on them. Therefore, the shoots are pruned to a healthy place on the branch, and the last waiting bud should be located not inside the bush, but outside. This will help avoid thickening the bush and correctly form its shape. Pruning should not be done in rainy weather, so as not to provoke rotting of the branches.

After pruning branches in spring, the bushes should be fed either with mullein infusion diluted 1 to 10 or with complete mineral fertilizer. This will help the bush grow branches and lay flower buds on them, which will delight you with their flowering.

To prevent roses from getting sick, it is best to prevent the development of the disease. After all, when caring for a bush, it is always in front of your eyes, and, having noticed the onset of a disease or a small nest of pests, you need to cut off this part of the bush, and treat the remaining branches with the appropriate preparation.

Pests and diseases of roses

Even new hybrids that are resistant to most pests sometimes contract various diseases of rose bushes:

Unfavorable weather may also contribute to the occurrence of these diseases. Therefore, when examining rose bushes, at the slightest manifestation of disease or pests, you must begin to get rid of such a scourge, otherwise all the bushes may suffer.

About - read here.

Rose is a flower that will decorate any garden. However, not all gardens are still fragrant with these royal beauties. Inexperienced gardeners are afraid that the rose will require special care, a lot of trouble and greenhouse conditions.

An experienced gardener certainly has at least a rose bush in his garden. It is known that this plant is quite unpretentious, can withstand short-term frosts down to -5 degrees, takes root well in our harsh climatic conditions and requires no more attention than any other flower.

And yet, this does not mean that you can plant a rose and forget about it.

In order for the beauty to delight with lush blooms every year, it is necessary to create conditions for her. And for this you need to find out in more detail what this magnificent flower is.

Roses have many types and varieties.

Roses are divided into:

  • garden;
  • climbing;
  • park;
  • bush;
  • spray.

Garden roses

This plant comes from the common rose hip. Breeders have created a real queen of the flower world. Garden roses begin to bloom 2-3 weeks earlier than their counterparts. Flowering is long and abundant.

Unlike its ancestor, the garden beauty is more demanding in terms of care, in choosing a planting site, and cannot overwinter without proper preparation.

If a garden rose is deprived of all this, it is capable of degeneration. The plant will survive by losing its best qualities– flower shape, splendor, number of buds. However, if all requirements are met, roses will delight you for a long time - long years.

climbing roses

Climbing roses are descended from rose hips. But unlike other roses, these plants have very long stems. Flowers may have different shape: terry, semi-double, simple.

Climbing roses are divided into:

  • ramblers;
  • claims.

First, ramblers were created. Flower growers immediately fell in love with them. Now roses began to grow not as single bushes and played a serious role in vertical gardening. Flexible trunks of ramblers began to climb trellises and arches, decorate the walls of houses and improve unsightly areas.

The flowers of this group do not differ in size, they are only up to 2.5 cm in size, but they are located along the entire length of the shoot. They are also good because they can withstand frost even under light cover.

But the breeders didn't stop there. By crossing ramblers with floribunda and hybrid tea roses, climbing roses appeared. These were roses that had longer and stronger trunks than ramblers (the trunk length reaches 4 meters). And their flowers were larger. The size of the climbing rose is from 8 cm to 11 cm.

Claimings pay for their beauty with weaker resistance to frost. Their long lashes must be well covered. If the lashes are not preserved, the rose will not die, but it will not have time to grow full-fledged lashes again, and all the charm of verticality will be lost.

Park roses

Park roses are various types and varieties of cultivated rose hips.

They include antique garden roses, wrinkled roses and hybrids from modern breeding developments.

Plants of this group are unpretentious; flowering begins in May and continues throughout the month. They have good winter hardiness.

Canadian roses, a type of park rose, are particularly resistant to frost. They were bred specifically for harsh climatic zones. These are exactly the roses that can tolerate frosts down to -35 and even up to -45 degrees without shelter. At the same time, they gift their owners with abundant flowering, which occurs in waves. Repeated flowering is not so lush, however, it has its own charms.

English roses, other representatives of park species, cannot boast of such frost resistance; they need to be protected from extreme cold. However, their feature is the increased doubleness of the flower. The number of petals can reach up to 100 pieces.

Shrub roses

Another descendant of the rose hip is the bush rose. The name alone shows that this rose grows as a bush. The shape of the bush can be spreading or pyramidal.

The height of such a bush can be different, it depends on the plant variety. There are roses whose bushes rise only 25 cm, and there are also those that spread over meters. The length of the peduncle is also different, it can reach more than 80 cm.

The flowers themselves can have different shapes and sizes. The flower can reach 18 cm in diameter. At the same time, the flowers can be single, or they can be collected in large caps of inflorescences (up to 200 flowers). The terry pattern of this species is also varied - from the very simple structure flower to many petals, the number of which reaches 120 pieces.


Breeders developed the spray group relatively recently at the end of the 20th century. Roses of this group originated from the famous floribunda. Their peculiarity is the small growth of the bush, but very abundant flowering.

The height of the bush rarely reaches 50 cm, but on one small shoot about 15 flowers bloom simultaneously. At the same time, the bud itself is quite large for such a bush - up to 7 cm.

The flowers cover the branch so tightly that the stem itself is not always visible.

Because of this feature, designers are especially willing to use this type of roses in wedding bouquets. The rose is very decorative, resistant to frost, disease, damping off and requires very little care.

Preparing a place for planting garden roses

One of the main requirements for the long growth of a rose and the abundance of its flowering is the correct location of the bush.

Rose is a flower that has a very high need for sunlight. The plant itself can survive in the shade, however, in the shade the lush beauty will certainly begin to degenerate and very soon, instead of a bright, elegant bush, the owner will receive long, thin shoots that will bloom sparsely.

To prevent this from happening, a number of requirements must be met:

  1. The place should receive sunlight throughout the day. At the same time, if several bushes are planted, tall ones should be planted in the background, and lower bushes should be placed in the foreground so as not to shade them;
  2. The rose should not be in a draft, however, it needs good air circulation. Otherwise, the flower will be susceptible to fungal diseases;
  3. groundwater should not be close to the planted roots;
  4. swampy soil is not suitable for this plant;
  5. you should choose soil that is loose and saturated with minerals (the fertile layer should be at least 40 cm);
  6. Roses love a lot of space, so crowded plantings should be avoided.

Preparing the soil for planting

Once the site for planting the bush has been chosen, you can begin preparing the site. This is a serious matter; it determines how long the entire bush will grow and develop, how quickly it will take root, and how successfully it will withstand the winter cold.

Best to use long way preparation.

Experienced flower growers do this: they do not dig up the turf right away, but cover it with several layers of newspapers (8-12 layers) and secure the newspapers so that they do not blow away. This shelter is left for 2 months. All weeds die under the newspapers, and the soil becomes soft, now it is easy to dig up with a shovel or rototiller.

After this, holes are prepared for each bush. If the plot of land has already been cultivated, you need to add substances that improve the soil. To find out what the soil needs, it is best to test the soil for its composition - the ideal pH for roses is between 6.0 and 7.0. If the soil is acidified, add lime.

When digging a hole for each plant, fertilizer is added to each hole.

In addition, about 250 g of bone meal is added to the planting holes. If superphosphate is added, you need to make sure that the roots of the plant do not come into contact with it. It is necessary to pour in superphosphate, then add a layer of soil and only after that plant the bush.

Spring planting dates

In order to plant roses in the spring, you need to wait until the ground has completely thawed and warmed up. It is believed that best time for landing is the period from the last ten days of April to the second ten days of May.

Delaying the landing too much is not good, even very early boarding better than late. In this case, the young plants will not begin to develop, but will not die, but will wait for the onset of favorable weather. But later, the earth will dry out, the sun will begin to heat up strongly, and under such conditions it will be extremely difficult for the young plant to take root; it may simply die.

Autumn planting dates

Many gardeners strive to plant all their plants in the spring. However, in the fall you can easily plant rose bushes; they will have time to take root.

Roses can be planted in open ground in autumn from mid-September to mid-October. At this time, the weather is still warm, the earth has not cooled down and is well saturated with moisture.

But flower growers who live in cooler regions (Siberia) cannot count on a long and warm autumn. Therefore, they are recommended to plant roses from the end of August to the end of September.

The plant should be planted 21-30 days before the first frost.

Selection of varieties of garden roses

There are a huge number of varieties of roses. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to familiarize themselves with everyone.

Therefore, in order to choose a seedling, you need to decide in which direction to look for the most suitable variety for your own garden.

The best varieties for vertical gardening

For those who want to choose the best varieties for vertical gardening, we can recommend varieties of semi-climbing and climbing roses:

  • Variety “Hamburg” - the bush reaches a height of 2 m. Beautiful flowers are crimson in color, slightly pointed in shape, up to 9 cm in size. Has a subtle, unobtrusive aroma;

  • “Berlin” is a bright scarlet flower, up to 8 cm in size. The middle has a golden color. A very unusual rose. Scourges can reach 1.5 m or more;

  • “Gella” is a bush up to 3 m in size. The flowers are semi-double, collected in large clusters. The rose is creamy, with a light creamy tint;

  • "Dorothy Perkins" is a bush that grows up to 5 meters. The flowers have a rich pink color. The flower shape is open, the flowers are collected in large baskets of inflorescences.

Frost-resistant varieties

There are no ugly roses. Therefore, it is especially important to pay attention not only to beauty, but also to other qualities. For example, for resistance to harsh climates.

Canadian roses are the invincible leaders in this matter. They are able to winter without shelter and tolerate frosts down to -45 degrees.

Here are just a few varieties of this species:

  • “Gartentraume” - has not only large flowers, but also an incredibly pleasant aroma, and the bush can grow up to 140 cm in height;

  • “Midsummer” - in addition to the fact that this is the hardiest rose of all presented, its flower has an unusual color - the petals are bright red at the edges, and the center is fiery yellow. The shape of the flower is also beautiful - like that of old English roses;

  • “Piccolo” is a well-known variety with a red-carmine color.

Miniature varieties

Not only roses with huge flowers, but also miniature ones are very interesting.

Here are a few varieties:

  • "Ferry" is one of the most famous miniature roses. Has a rich pink flowers, collected in rich caps of inflorescences. Quite unpretentious;

  • "Los Angeles" - bright yellow, almost orange flowers, up to 4 cm in size. The bush is not tall - up to 40 cm. It blooms very profusely;

  • "Curler" - new variety in an unusual color of flowers - bright red with white streaks.

Varieties with the largest flowers

  • "Polka" is one of the most famous varieties. Flowers can reach 16 cm;

  • “Paul Neyron” is a variety that probably has the largest flower, reaching 18 cm;

  • "Ashram" - flower up to 13-15 cm.

How to choose the right rose seedlings

Seedlings should be selected carefully. IN retail outlets roses can be sold both with a closed root system (in containers) and with an open one.

If possible, it is better to purchase a rose in a container, because the root system is better preserved there. However, if the rose was recently dug up, there is no problem if the rose is purchased with bare roots.

The seedling should have 2-3 pruned and woody stems, which should be smooth, clean, without spots, sores or other signs of any diseases.

The kidneys should be in a dormant state.

There should be no leaves or flowers on the seedlings.

How to plant roses

To plant, dig a hole measuring 40x50 and make a small mound in the middle of the hole. Plants are placed on this mound, and the roots are straightened and lowered from the mound into landing hole.

It is necessary to ensure that the root collar of the bush is 5 cm below ground level. After this, the hole with the root system is buried.

For ease of watering around the plant, it is best to make a small edge of soil that will prevent water from spreading.

After planting, the plant should be watered.

After planting, water the bush abundantly! If watering is missed, the plant may die.

Pruning before planting

Few people know that seedlings need to be prepared before planting.

To do this, it is necessary to consider the ratio of roots and shoots. It’s okay if there are few shoots, and the root system is strong and well developed - the plant will grow and produce new shoots.

But if there are many shoots and the root system is weak, then you need to leave as many shoots as there are roots. Excess shoots are cut off. Otherwise, under the bright spring sun, the buds on all shoots will begin to bloom, and they will need a lot of moisture and nutrients. A weak root system is not capable of feeding a lush bush. Therefore, the plant may die.

Long shoots of the plant are not suitable for planting. Only stumps are left, 10 cm high, with two or three buds.

The dried ends of the roots are also carefully trimmed with pruning shears.

Treatment of the root with a clay mash

This treatment is done when the roots of a dug up plant need to be preserved for some time (during transportation) or in order for the plant to take root better in a new place.

In order to prepare mash, you need to take 10 liters of water, add a little clay (so that after dipping the root there will be some clay left on it), add 1 tablet of a root formation stimulator (heteroauxin, kornevin), and stir. The resulting mixture should have the consistency of liquid sour cream.

Before planting, you need to dip the roots in mash and air dry them for about 30 minutes. After this, the plant can be planted.

How deep to graft, depending on the region

In regions with different climates and different soil compositions, rose grafting is buried in different ways.

So, for example, in steppe regions where the wind blows and the snow cover is blown away, and the ground sometimes remains uncovered, it is recommended to deepen the grafting by 5 cm.

On average, it is believed that a rose’s graft should be buried 3-5 cm or left at soil level.

Rose care

Roses - plants not demanding. However, a complete lack of care is unacceptable. For roses, watering, timely feeding, spraying the bush against pests and treatment for diseases (if any) are important.

Overgrown bushes need to be shaped, that is, pruned. And also, you need to rejuvenate the bush, that is, cut out old and dried branches - carry out sanitary pruning.

An important activity is preparing roses for winter.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering flowers is necessary. Roses are watered abundantly - 10 liters per bush as the soil dries.

Regular watering is especially necessary for bush and climbing roses. This is explained by their large green mass.

Watering should be done in the evening, when the moisture does not evaporate so quickly and the sun's rays do not burn the leaves.

On cold days (closer to autumn), you need to water the rose less. Dampness and cold can lead to fungal diseases. But it should be taken into account that without watering at all, even in autumn period roses cannot - the roots must come out strong and not dry in winter.

In order for a plant to produce huge heads of flowers, it needs strength. This requires fertilizing.

It is believed that you need to feed 7 times per season:

  1. The first fertilizing is done immediately after the ground thaws (mid-April). Ammonium nitrate is added (30-40 g per 1 sq. m).
  2. 2 weeks after the first, feeding is repeated.
  3. When setting buds, it is better to feed with complex fertilizer (Kemira), 30-40 g per 1 meter kW.
  4. Before flowering, feed with mullein infusion prepared according to the following scheme: mullein is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, infused for 4-7 days and again diluted 1:10.
  5. After the first wave of roses bloom (mid-July) - complete complex fertilizer.
  6. Two feedings at the end of August and mid-September - with potassium, for better ripening of shoots and resistance to diseases.

Under no circumstances should roses be fertilized with fresh manure! The roots of the plant will simply burn. Weakly rotted manure is also not recommended.

Bush formation

After planting, the bush takes root, and increased shoot growth begins. However, not all branches grow equally; there are some that stick out more than others. In order for the crown to maintain its neat appearance, these branches need to be pinched. Such pinching not only stimulates the formation of new shoots, but also has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system. Therefore, it is recommended to pinch not only young bushes, but also old, weakened ones.

To ensure that the bush is not too thick, it is done summer pruning. With this pruning, diseased shoots, old and dried out, are removed. Too thick, the shoots can also be removed. Roses don't like being too thick.

It often happens that new shoots begin to form below the grafting. Such shoots must be removed. This is wild. Such shoots will not bloom, but will become an additional burden for the plant.

Preparing for winter

In order for roses to winter safely, they need to be prepared for this.

Roses need to be covered when the temperature reaches -5. Otherwise, covered roses can fight.

Before covering, the shoots of roses are pruned.

In order for wintering to be successful, the base of the bush is covered with humus or peat, and the tops of the shoots are bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches. Once the snow falls, the shoots will not be able to freeze.

Experienced flower growers believe that it is not as important to cover roses for the winter as to open them in early spring.

Roses are quite strong plants and can withstand light frosts. In some areas, they can even overwinter without shelter (if there is enough snow and frosts are not severe). But in the spring, roses often die from overheating or from uneven thawing of the soil.

If the buried base of the bush (which has been used to insulate the roses since the fall) is not dug up in time, the plant will overheat and dry out. Rose will die.

However, this situation often happens - the bush was freed from the covering material, green leaves began to appear, and the rose suddenly withered and died. This happens because the first rays awaken the buds, they begin to grow, and the leaves unfold. But the earth has not thawed yet, the root system cannot work fully - it is in ice, and the plant does not receive nutrition. It dies.

To prevent this from happening, you need to do this: as soon as upper layer When the soil thaws, you need to rake the compost away from the center of the bush, level the soil and cover the entire plant with covering material. Under this material the temperature will be higher than without shelter, the ground will thaw faster. At the same time, the bright rays of the sun will not be able to warm the bush through the covering material with the same intensity, which means that the buds will take longer to wake up, the leaves will not appear, and the plant will awaken evenly.

Diseases and pests

For a rose to be strong and healthy, it must be protected from pests.

The main enemies of this plant are aphids, whiteflies, spider mite, caterpillars.

To combat them, there are many drugs on sale; if you regularly carry out preventive spraying of the bushes, the rose will not be disturbed by uninvited guests.

Spraying is carried out in dry weather. If it rains after such an operation, it is better to spray again.

Spraying should be done in the morning or evening so that the solution does not burn the leaves of the plant.

There are various diseases of roses. These are gray rot, rust, cytosporosis, fungal diseases. To treat them, you should use special medications. However, if you properly care for your plant, diseases can be avoided.

After all that has been written, it seems that growing a rose is a difficult task. But the rules described here apply to any plant. Everyone needs care and attention, and roses are no exception. Completing these simple activities will give you beautiful, strong and healthy plants, which will delight you with lush flowering for many years.

Most owners of personal plots would like to see a water corner in their garden - at least a small one, but still their own personal “lake”. In response to this request, ready-made structures for constructing express reservoirs from polymer materials. The task of those who want to have a pond is to dig a suitable hole and install a plastic bowl of the selected configuration into it. But how to choose the right container for a pond?

Zucchini contains vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and other beneficial substances. Its dietary fiber adsorbs toxins and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. This vegetable is considered an essential dietary product. Thanks to its delicate pulp, easily digestible by the body, it is recommended as the first complementary food for children. At the same time, zucchini is not that difficult to grow. But there are tricks that will help you get a truly rich harvest from each bush.

Growing crops with a long growing season through seedlings is a painstaking process that takes more than one month. And, you see, it’s incredibly disappointing when the results of our labors perish in a matter of days. It is very difficult for seedlings grown on a windowsill to adjust and get used to a new habitat, although open ground conditions are much more natural for plants. Our task is to do everything possible to ensure that their survival rate approaches 100%.

When you want to plant and grow a low-maintenance garden, in which, even if you work, it’s not “until you drop,” then you have to look for suitable ornamental plants. Naturally, these plants should not be demanding on soil, watering, and resistant to diseases and pests. But, not only that, we also need them to be decorative! And if they also bloomed beautifully... And what do you think? There are such plants. We’ll talk about one of them today – holly mahonia.

Beef roll with chicken fillet and sweet peppers - juicy, tasty and healthy. This dish is suitable for dietary and low calorie menu. Several thin slices of juicy meatloaf with salad fresh vegetables- what is not breakfast before a working day? You'll have to tinker a little with shaping the product itself, and then watch it cook for a couple of hours - the rolls can be steamed in baking bags or boiled in a large saucepan at a temperature of about 80 °C.

Common parsnip, or field parsnip, or field parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) is widely distributed in the wild in regions with temperate climates ( middle lane Russia, North Caucasus, Crimea, Ural, Altai, etc.), but is still rarely found in garden plots. True, today the popularity of parsnips is growing quite actively. In animal husbandry and beekeeping it is used as a fodder plant and honey plant, and in cooking as a tasty and healthy vegetable.

Among the plants, the very sight of which seems to transport us to a place filled with aroma. rainforests, quisqualis is one of the most “atmospheric”. This is a rare and valuable indoor and greenhouse vine. And although the plant has long been reclassified into the genus Combretum, it is very difficult not to recognize it. This steeplejack is unusual in every way. The favorite feature of quisqualis remains the inflorescences, in which graceful flowers change from snow-white to crimson-red quite quickly.

A quick and delicious cabbage and pork salad. Koreans prepare a similar salad, apparently our housewives spied this one from them delicious recipe. Indeed, this is a very quick dish to prepare, and even without much culinary experience, it is easy to prepare. Choose lean pork, shoulder blade or sirloin are suitable. It is better to cut off the lard. Early cabbage You can simply chop it, but I advise you to chop the winter one thinly, sprinkle it with salt and rub it with your hands.

A universal favorite among decorative deciduous perennials, the hosta captivates not only with the beauty of its leaves. It is durable and relatively undemanding, in right place has been growing for many years, but it can hardly be called fast-growing. Hosta propagates easily, although to obtain spectacular, highly decorative bushes you will have to be patient. To independently increase your hosta collection, first of all, you need to remember the characteristics of this culture.

Dill spreads well by self-sowing, so many summer residents do not consider it necessary to sow this crop every year on their site. But everyone understands that dill and dill are different. And the greens of carefully grown dill in the garden are, as a rule, superior in taste and aroma to the greens of dill that grows on its own. In this article we will tell you how to have green dill in your garden beds in sufficient quantities from early spring to late autumn.

Stir-fry with beef, soy noodles, vegetables and Iceberg salad - a recipe for a quick dinner or lunch for busy man. It takes no more than 15 minutes to prepare, and you can feed it to a couple of hungry mouths that can’t bear to wait for a fancy lunch. Stir-fry is a method of quickly frying vegetables and meat that came to us from the east. Don't be upset if a wok is not among your kitchen utensils. A regular frying pan with a thick bottom and non-stick coating will do too.

Among plants that boast variegated foliage, alpinia claims to be not only the rarest, but also the most original culture. It simultaneously reminds of bamboos and calathea arrowroots, and sometimes even of vriesea. True, it resembles the latter only in its inflorescences. Luxurious leaves, most often covered with variegated contrasting stripes, look so modern that it is impossible not to admire the beauty of their impeccable patterns and shine.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls made from savoy cabbage with mushrooms - steamed cabbage rolls for dietary, vegetarian and lenten menus. Stuffed cabbage rolls are incredibly tasty, very appetizing, and, if applicable to food, beautiful, unlike their counterparts from white cabbage, stewed in a Dutch oven or fried in a frying pan. Savoy cabbage is tastier than white cabbage, the head is loose, it is easier to separate it into individual leaves. The color of the leaves ranges from soft green to emerald.

IN winter time Every summer resident is looking forward to spring and is happy to open the season with the first plantings of flowers and vegetable crops for seedlings. But, unfortunately, the space on the windowsill is limited, and it is not always possible to place it in the apartment required quantity seedlings in cups. In addition, some of the crops may simply not grow, some will die... And for us, summer residents, no matter how much we plant, it’s not enough! Therefore, almost every gardener buys at least some seedlings.

Growing annuals in the garden has at least two advantages over growing perennial flowers. Firstly, most popular annual plants bloom profusely throughout the growing season. Secondly, many annuals sow freely and appear in the garden year after year with minimal participation from the grower. Which annuals can be planted only once, and then, following simple techniques, can be seen in the garden every season?

  • Type: Rosaceae
  • Flowering period: June July August September
  • Height: 30-300cm
  • Color: white, cream, yellow, pink, orange, red, burgundy
  • perennial
  • Winters
  • Sun-loving
  • Moisture-loving

If the lion is the king of beasts, then the rose is the undisputed queen of the garden. Since ancient times, this plant has been considered an object of admiration and worship. It’s not for nothing that she was chosen as a symbol of love. The first mentions of roses can be found in the legends of the ancient Hindus. Legends of beautiful flower are also found in the chronicles of Ancient Iran. According to legend, charming white rose Allah himself created with very sharp thorns. She was supposed to become the mistress of flowers instead of the magnificent, but very lazy Lotus. Today this plant can become a real decoration for your garden, but to do this you need to learn how to choose and plant a seedling, what proper care for roses.

Planting and caring for roses is not as difficult as it seems. It's important to follow simple rules, and your garden will be filled with magnificent fragrant bushes.

Selecting and saving seedlings

To initially ensure success in growing roses, you need to purchase high-quality planting material. It is better to choose plants whose root system will be closed. When planting such a seedling, the soil around the root must be preserved.

It is best to choose rose seedlings with a closed root system: they take root more easily at the planting site and are less susceptible to illness.

Often in modern supermarkets you can see imported roses with a closed root system, which are sold in advance. Several seedlings can be stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf at a temperature of 0 to +5°C. During storage, you will have to regularly monitor the condition of the substrate around the rhizome. It should not dry out completely, but too much moisture is also harmful for it.

Advice! A solution of root or heteroauxin promotes root growth, so you can water the seedlings with it several times.

When should you plant roses?

Most roses are recommended for autumn planting. The preferred period of work begins in mid-September and ends in mid-October. An earlier planting time is undesirable due to the fact that the rose can produce fresh shoots in the warmth, which will not have time to grow stronger and will freeze in winter. Late boarding is also dangerous, because the plant must take root before frost.

Most roses are planted in the fall. This is also convenient because when purchasing planting material at the market, you can see the flower itself

Planting flowers in May. Useful tips gardeners and the May planting calendar:

Determining a landing site

The place for planting roses should be sunny. In the shade, roses can get bored, they stop flowering, dark spots appear on the leaves of plants, and blind shoots form. The plant can be affected by powdery mildew. Choose an area that is ventilated but has protection from strong northern winds.

Roses decorate the garden, regardless of their location, but the plants themselves successful growth and flowering requires conditions

Roses have no special preferences in terms of soil. They are not as capricious as they might seem. Any soil is suitable for them, except heavy clay and light sandy loam. The planting site should not be located where groundwater comes close to the surface of the earth.

Rose planting process

Planting holes need to be dug so deep and wide that there is room for the plant’s roots. If the soil is fertile, then half a meter of depth and the same width will be sufficient. For clay soil with the same width of the hole, you need to dig 60-70 cm deep.

It is necessary to prepare a nutrient mixture for filling into the hole. It contains humus or compost, rotted manure and soil. Fertilizers should not come into contact with the roots of the plant, so sprinkle them with a layer of soil.

The soil or substrate that covers the roots of the plant must be preserved: the rose quickly adapts to new living conditions

Before planting the seedling, you need to pour water into the hole so that it is absorbed. If the root system of a rose is closed, there is no need to free the root from the ground. If the root is free, it needs to be cut to a third of its length and soaked in plain water or a root growth stimulator for two hours.

Shoots should also be pruned:

  • for polyanthus and hybrid tea roses so that 2-3 buds remain on each shoot;
  • For floribunda roses, leave 3-4 buds;
  • for park roses, shoots are shortened by 10-15 cm;
  • Only root sections are trimmed (renewed, not shortened).

The seedling should be covered with earth so that the grafting site is approximately 5 cm underground. Wax, if any, should be removed from the buried area. The soil should be compacted and watered again. In this way, air that could remain around the roots is removed, and the closest contact between the plant and the soil is achieved. You can hill up the seedling by about 10-15 cm. The resulting hill should be removed after two weeks - the time during which the seedling should take root.

Reproduction of the Queen of the Garden

There are not many ways to propagate roses. But the desire to have as many of these undeniably beautiful and diverse plants on the site as possible is so great that gardeners strive to master them all to the maximum extent. Here is a list of ways to propagate roses:

  • Budding. A T-shaped cut is made on the bark of the plant trunk close to the ground level, into which a bud of a cultivated variety is inserted, after which it is secured with film. The scion can use the developed root system rootstock This operation is simple, but requires some experience.
  • Seeds. This method is used extremely rarely due to the fact that you have to wait a long time for the result, and there is no confidence that it will be positive. And the germination of rose seeds leaves much to be desired.
  • Layerings. Shrub and climbing roses are propagated this way because they have long and strong stems. The shoot of the plant in the lower part is cut for 8 cm, and a sliver or match is inserted into the cut. The cut part of the shoot is placed in the ground and fixed, and its free tip is tied to a peg. The rooted shoot is cut off from the parent bush.
  • Cuttings. The good thing about this method is that roses rooted this way will not produce wild shoots. The cutting is part of a strong shoot. It is cut off next to the leaf bud and germinated using root formation stimulants. After the root appears, the rose can be planted in the ground.

The layering method is good to use only for propagating plants with long stems, which are used to create a new rose bush

Rules for caring for a garden rose

In order for a rose to bloom and delight its owners for many years, you should pay attention to it, do not forget to feed it and protect it from viral diseases. Don't be afraid of difficulties: growing in a garden is not as difficult as it seems.

Plant nutrition

Manure is a natural fertilizer and, of course, preference should be given to it. Horse manure that is at least six months old is considered the best. Chicken and pig manure, especially when fresh, can seriously harm the plant: it is sour and can simply burn young shoots. Fresh manure also has a bad effect on the soil because it blocks nitrogen.

Manure is a natural fertilizer, and therefore the most acceptable. When choosing fertilizer, preference should be given to rotted horse manure or mullein

During the period of bud formation, you need to feed the plant with a solution of calcium nitrate at the rate of 1 tbsp. for 10 liters of water. During the period of active growth and development of the plant, it should be watered once every 10-15 days with herbal infusion, a solution of mineral fertilizers, chicken manure or infused mullein. In order for fertilizing to be better accepted by the plant, it is better to apply the same mineral fertilizers in dissolved form and after the next watering. When the first half of summer is already over, that is, in the second part of July, feeding the rose stops. The plant begins to prepare for winter.

Plants can also survive stress. It is in this state that they remain during periods of extreme heat, cold or prolonged rain. To make roses more easily overcome difficult times in their lives, you need to spray them with zircon, epin, ecosil or sodium humate. Overfed roses produce abundant greenery, but bloom very sparingly.

The procedure for watering the plant

Roses should be watered no more than once a week. If the summer is hot, then the frequency of watering can be doubled. Watering norm is a bucket of warm water for each bush. It is necessary to pour water at the root, being careful not to get on the foliage. Water must penetrate the soil to a depth of at least 20-30cm. If you water roses shallowly, shallow roots may form that are easily damaged.

A rose in dew is a magnificent sight, but nature decreed that the dew disappears with the first rays of the sun, otherwise its drops, like magnifying glasses, would enhance the energy of the sun and burn the petals: you need to water roses at the root

If there is no one to water the roses for a long period of time (more than a week), the soil at the base of the plant should be covered with humus, mown grass or tree bark. This measure will not only retain moisture at the roots, but will also prevent the growth of weeds.

If there is a lack of moisture, the flowers of the plant may become small, but you should not overwater the roses: this can lead to a reduction in the supply of oxygen to the roots. As a result, the plant's leaves will turn yellow. To prevent this from happening, do not forget to loosen the soil after watering.

Certainly, proper feeding and watering are important, but the process of caring for a garden rose is not limited to this. One of the most unpleasant diseases for garden rose– powdery mildew. They will help you take care of your plant’s health in advance. preventive measures. The rose must be sprayed directly over the leaves with a solution of ordinary baking soda at the rate of 40 grams of soda per liter of water. This must be done 2-3 times a week in the spring, as well as at the beginning of summer.

Plants, like all living things on earth, can get sick. These are not random stains or traces of fertilizers. This is powdery mildew, which is easier to prevent than to treat.

Aphid – big trouble for roses But you can overcome it. To do this, boil a bucket of water, put a piece of grated laundry soap and a couple of branches of wormwood, after which they cook for 10-15 minutes. The cooled and strained solution is sprayed onto the roses. After a week, the procedure should be repeated. If the aphid stubbornly refuses to leave the plant, you will have to use a systemic poison, for example, Aktara.

Aphids will not appear on roses at all if you plant lavender or nasturtium under them. And calendula and marigolds will help get rid of beetles. By the way, onions and garlic will add health to roses, just like people. In their environment, plants become more fragrant and suffer less.

Spots on the leaves, cracks on the stems and cessation of bud development indicate a disease. Affected branches should be removed. Prepare an infusion of horsetail, wormwood and nettle, with which you spray the rose.

A few words about pruning roses

Shoots of the plant growing inward should be trimmed. This stimulates the emergence of young shoots and active flowering. Fading flowers need to be removed, then the plant will use the saved energy for a new wave of flowering, which will be more abundant.

Just look how beautiful it is! But all this splendor can be grown with your own hands. If someone can do it, it will definitely work for you too.

There are many pruning rules and this topic is undoubtedly worth being devoted to.

To grow beautiful flowers, you need to choose the right seedling. There are 2 types of roses: grafted and self-rooted. In the south, both grow well, but in the northern regions it is better to stick with the first option. These flowers take root better and tolerate cold weather. They also get sick less often and recover quickly.

When choosing seedlings, carefully examine the sprout from all sides.

If the leaves are wrinkled, dry, or there are spots and cracks on the trunk, feel free to set aside the goods. There should be no less than 3 shoots, otherwise a lush bush will not develop.

The root system is not always visible. If it is open, check that there are no kinks or scratches and that it is intact. The best option is one with closed roots - it can be a lump of peat or a container, the plants grow and adapt faster this way.

If it’s still cold outside, don’t rush to arrange shoots in a permanent place. It is easier for them to get used to new conditions when warm weather. In the meantime, place them in the refrigerator; the temperature on the bottom shelf - from 0°C to +5°C - will not harm them. If you notice drying, moisten a little.

If with autumn planting you are too late, dig up the seedlings with exposed roots until spring. In greenhouses, dig a shallow trench (up to 40 cm) and place the plants at an angle. After this, cover the ditch with earth. Cover it on top with spruce branches, peat, and then snow - this will protect the shoots from frost.

Planting material is also well preserved in cellars and cold basements. You need to proceed in the same way - dig it shallowly into the pot. At zero temperatures, roses will “sleep” until spring.

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Rules and nuances of planting garden roses

Growing and caring for roses begins with error-free planting.

Flowers love light very much. The more light, the more active the buds are formed. However, an area that gets full sun all day is not a good option. Delicate petals burn out, turn pale, and their edges, scorched, dry out.

They don't fit and shady places. Flowers reach for the sun, stretching out and weakening. Fungal diseases and pest attacks are more common concerns.

Areas blown by northeastern and northern winds are contraindicated. Fragile flowers are afraid of drafts and risk breaking under strong gusts. Place them next to bushes or trees, buildings. Don't overdo it: if the neighborhood is very close, more large plants They will take away food and water, and the roses will die.

Most good decision— plant them in the southeastern part of the site. Sun rays caress the roses without burning them.

Avoid landing on damp place. Plants love water, but in certain quantities. From its excess they suffer from powdery mildew.

What soil do roses need?

Roses prefer light soil that “breathes.” Air and water easily reach the roots in black soil and loamy soils. Sandstones and sandstones are not suitable. They freeze quickly in winter and overheat in summer. The roots suffer greatly from such changes, but the situation can be corrected. Add lime, peat, turf, and rotted manure to the soil.

IN clay soil, which retains water, roses cannot be planted. Adding humus, sand, compost and peat will help.

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Optimal disembarkation time

Plants can be planted in spring. But when autumn landing they have time to adapt, gain strength and bloom much earlier.

It is advisable to identify the bushes for a permanent place in September-October. If you delay, the seedlings will not have time to take root and will not survive the cold. Planting earlier may awaken dormant buds, and in winter they will die.

Timely planting will lead to the formation of new roots within 10-12 days. They will grow up, get stronger and will not be afraid of frost. In spring, roses will vigorously and quickly grow their above-ground parts and delight their owners with abundant flowering.

Preparing roses for planting.

Immediately before planting, inspect the roots and cut off all parts: too weak, broken, or showing signs of disease. Do not spare the roots; cut them, leaving a maximum of 20 cm. If necessary, shorten the shoots: there should not be more than 3-5 buds on them.

Make a hole in the ground 50-60 cm wide and about 30 cm deep. It will be good if you add any organic matter there: humus, compost, vermicompost. Minerals will not be superfluous: mix 10 g of phosphorus, 20 g of nitrogen and 10 g of potassium.

There are 2 options for further actions. With the “dry” method, the seedling is lowered into a hole, the roots are straightened and carefully covered with earth. Then they water it.

With the “wet” method, pour 10 liters of water into the hole. If desired, first dissolve 1 tablet of heteroauxin or sodium humate - the color of the water should be similar to weak tea. Hold the plant with one hand and cover it with soil with the other. No need to water.

Both options are equivalent. When planting, make sure that the root collar goes 2-3 cm deep into the ground. This way the plant will be saved from drying out in the heat. Afterwards, be sure to hill up the bushes.

Caring for roses in the garden.


  • Roses need to be fed regularly, preferably horse manure, not fresh, definitely aged. It needs to be mixed with soil and placed under the bushes. Fresh chicken and pig manure can burn and is therefore not suitable;
  • if buds form, feed the flowers with calcium nitrate - 1 tbsp for 1 bucket of water. l. After this, you need to water every 10-15 days. mineral fertilizers, mullein or herbal infusion. When the rose blooms, all procedures are stopped;
  • Before fertilizing, water the plant generously to avoid burns. After the procedure, 1 more abundant watering is necessary. It is best to carry out this work in the early morning or evening; during the day and in the heat you risk destroying the plant;
  • Delicate flowers do not tolerate cold rainy weather or extreme heat equally well. You can relieve them of stress with resuscitation drugs: potassium humate, Zircon, Epin, Ecosil;
  • do not forget the main rule: during drought, fertilizers are applied little and rarely, in rainy summers - more and more often;
  • In the first year of life, young roses cannot be fed;
  • Protect plants from overheating. At temperatures above 25°C, the soil, heating up, overheats the roots and worsens the well-being of the plant. You can help your pets: cool them by covering the bushes with hay, humus or peat.

How to prune roses.

By removing diseased and old shoots, new ones will appear - healthy and strong. The cut is made just above the healthy kidney, retreating 5-8 mm. The procedure is carried out in all seasons except winter. Use a sharp pruning shears; the stems can be split with a blunt instrument.

In spring, the plant is pruned immediately after growth.

In summer, faded buds are removed. Damaged shoots are cut between the second and third leaves, from above. Grafted roses must be deprived of wild growth. If the “wild plants” are cut off at the same level with the ground, they will grow even more. Correct removal is carried out from the base, removing the soil from the root collar.

Autumn pruning involves removing buds and shortening elongated shoots.
