All shades of purple and their names. Color combination: lilac with yellow, white and other colors. What colors does it go with?

And cold blue, giving incredible effectiveness and attractiveness. IN ancient world shades purple had special significance among priests and monks.

general characteristics

Purple is the last of the six main colors, and the darkest of them. It is formed by hot red combined with icy blue. It is precisely because of such a contradictory combination that this color is quite complex. It harmonizes violence and calm. The result is an elegant, mysterious and noble tone.

Shades of violet are saturated, heavy, visually reducing the volume of objects, they are cold, calm, significant, darkened. Psychological assessment of color: excited, mysterious, sad. This is the color of creativity, intuition, imagination. It promotes sleep well, so it is recommended for bedroom interiors. However, too much purple can contribute to sadness and even depression.

Shades of purple appeal to sentimental, artistic and creative people. It is not recommended to use them for interior decoration a study or children's room, and in a bedroom, home theater or meditation room it will be very harmonious. To complement the design, purple can be used in styles such as Victorian, high-tech, futurism, pop art, and modern.

What does it represent?

If you believe the myths, then shades of purple were the favorite of the famous beauty ancient egypt- Cleopatra. Rulers, dukes and kings very often used it to sew their outfits, emphasizing their greatness. This color emphasized the position of noble people in society, and also created an aura of mystery around the persons.

In traditional Chinese painting, this color represents the harmony of the Universe. In this regard, clothes in purple tones look stylish and feminine, as well as very attractive.

Where found in nature

This color is not typical for the world of wildlife. However, some plants delight in its manifestation during the flowering period. For example, orchid, lilac, lavender and violet. Moreover, these flowers are among the most beautiful and graceful representatives of the flora. It is important to note that the plants listed are as capricious as shades of purple and require a special approach.

Fruits such as blueberries, currants and blackberries also contain purple pigment. In addition, gemstones of similar shades and sea shellfish are occasionally found.

Deep shades of purple

Titles different options This color is difficult to remember, since there are about 170 of them. However, they are divided into several main groups based on brightness.
Deep shades are the darkest, for example: plum, eggplant, rich dark, mulberry.

This group contains all the dark shades of purple that do not have pronounced fiery red undertones.

Translucent, red and cold

Light shades of purple include amethyst, orchid, pearl, thistle and heliotrope. This option is often found in nature and is less saturated.

Shades with a reddish undertone echo scarlet. These include the famous fuchsia, lilac, purple, red-violet and fandango. This is the most difficult option color, so in large quantities it can be irritating.

Cool shades of purple have more blue than fiery red. These include: dark purple, indigo, rich mulberry, electric violet, as well as the natural color of black currant berries.

What to combine with

It is important to use this color correctly, because it is one of the most capricious. For example, deep dark purple shades are not without reason considered the most attractive and magical. They can be used in festive outfits, as well as in everyday ones (but more modestly). This will add luxury to the image and emphasize the person’s high social status. You can combine deep purple with classic white or black, dark gray, blue.

If you want to create a bright and unusual look, then you can try combining purple with wheat, gold, lemon, orange, emerald, coral, neon pink or grassy. When playing with combinations, you need not to overdo the overall richness of the image with complex and bright colors. It is not recommended to group, for example, dark purple and several of its other variants. One shade will be enough.

The easiest way to use translucent and light shades in combination with other colors. This option is perfect for spring and summer outfits of the fair sex. The most winning options are: lilac, violet and pearl in a duet with silver, pink or light gray. Combinations with peach, cream and other pastel shades will also look great.

Light colors can be combined with each other, and also added to white, beige, cream or milky. Lemon yellow also looks good with light purple; sometimes this shade is combined with brown (if it is not too pronounced).

Red shades are rightfully considered the most capricious. These are very complex colors, so combining them with others is difficult. The easiest way to combine it is with white, milky or beige. Light shades gray can also look quite harmonious in such a duet. As for any bright options, then only deep purple is acceptable (but even this option is very bold and not every girl will decide on it).

If we talk about the positive aspects of the impact, they include:

  • Calm relaxation.
  • Relieving intense stress.
  • Forming a feeling of calm and bliss.

But at the same time, it can have a suppressive effect on appetite. In addition, it can be too depressing, cause irritation and anxiety. Everything ultimately depends on the tone and its saturation.

Basic shades of purple

There are quite a large number of shades of purple. This is due to the fact that additional colors may be mixed into it.

Thus, purple begins to sound new. They take on a completely different direction, both psychological and emotional.

This fact is important to consider when decorating a room in purple.

So, the main shades of purple:

  • Purple blue.
  • Glycine.
  • Lavender.
  • Lilac.
  • Eggplant.
  • Plum.
  • Blackberry.
  • Grape.
  • Purple.
  • Blue.
  • Violet.
  • Grey-violet.
  • Brown-violet.

If we talk about the compatibility of purple color with other tones, then it plays a big role style decision, in which the entire room is decorated.

Styles That Use Purple Walls

If we talk about the use of purple, it is used quite widely. But the stereotypes in relation to this tone are quite strong.

For many, when the word purple appears, a saturated plane appears, which is filled with intense color.

But this is just a stereotype, not the real state of affairs.

Provence style

Purple walls in an interior decorated in Provence style use the most delicate shades, close to lavender, violet and heather.

These gentle tones are in perfect harmony with the rest of the space, which is predominantly realized in the most light colors. This purple color creates a light airy marshmallow space.

You can implement such walls in this style using wallpaper. Moreover, it is worth choosing a design purple walls so that the wallpaper has small prints in the form of flowers, branches and small insects.

It is not advisable to use other types of finishes in the Provence style.

High-tech style

This style is more aggressive and “masculine”. Therefore, you can use more here modern methods, which allows you to demonstrate all the achievements of science and technology.

So, for example, purple wall paint will become ideal solution for use on one of the planes. You should not abuse this about paying only the left side or only it. This will create an accent in the room. all eyes will be drawn to this particular area in the room. Especially if you decorate it with neighbors in the most neutral colors from white to light gray or black.

By the way, it is worth remembering that in modern styles it is better to use dark purple walls. They will add shine and style to the interior.

If we talk about the method of decorating the surface, this modern style, then can be used as paint coatings, and made in the form of wallpaper.

If we speak directly of both, they can be:

  • In a single color. In this case, the purple walls are covered with embossed wallpaper.
  • In two-color form. In this case, openwork, ornate patterns are located on a purple background. As a rule, the openwork is made in white or light gray or silver.

Also, purple wallpaper for walls can be made in a multi-color solution. But in this case, you should prefer a geometric or linear ornament.

Another interesting combination for a modern style would be a combination of purple and silver. They are usually combined into geometric patterns, in the form of stripes.

Wallpaper for ethno style

For ethno style you can use photo wallpaper. In order for them to be made in purple shades, it is worth choosing the right design, which can be both realistic and abstract. The ideal option would be to photograph flowers such as iris or violet, which will create a purple wall.

But one thing is worth remembering important rule when decorating the interior using photo wallpaper. If there is such a bright, accent wall in the room, then everything else should be as neutral as possible.

White or light gray walls will be an ideal companion. And the same light furniture.

In order to choose the right design of purple walls for a specific room, you need to focus on your taste and chosen style.

To obtain a harmonious and complete drawing or painting, artists use many colors and shades, which are often obtained after combining a certain number of colors. This also applies to the purple color; it is quite possible to make it yourself by mixing equal amounts of red and Blue colour. Let's look at mixing options in more detail in the article.

What colors of paints need to be mixed to get a purple color from gouache paints: step-by-step instructions

There are three main color options, when mixed you can get one or another shade that you need:

  • Yellow
  • Blue
  • Red

Accordingly, to lighten the color, you need to use white paint. Well, to darken it, you should add black or dark paint to the mixture of primary colors, depending on what color you need.

  • The main thing is to use pure paints to obtain desired color, without various contaminants. This is especially true for light shades, which are quite difficult to correct if the color is not quite right.
  • To obtain a rich violet color, it is better to use a bright red color, or better yet, bright ultramarine, without green or yellow shades, because the result may be brown.
  • Checking for extra shades or pigments is very simple; to do this, you need to add a few drops of white to the paint.
  • You can mix the shade both on the canvas and on the palette, the main thing is to use a palette of only white colors or the color of the main background, because On wooden or dark palettes, the resulting color may be distorted.
  • To mix gouache, it is best to use a ceramic or disposable plate. It is better to change the water you use as often as possible to keep the shades clean and the pictures clear.

To highlight certain details, use a minimal amount of water when mixing. Before applying gouache to a drawing, it is better to draw a sketch with a simple pencil, and erase it with an eraser during the process.

How to make light purple, soft purple from paints, gouache when mixed?

Many artists are quite familiar with the situation when they run out of the required color or shade. This problem is quite easy to solve, and you shouldn’t immediately go to the store for a new tube; you should mix several colors, usually 2-3, and you can get the color you need. It is, of course, worth taking into account the presence of those colors, thanks to which the missing paint can be obtained. And to be sure of this, you just need to look at the color mixing table.

Since school days, everyone knows that purple is a secondary color that can only be obtained through a mixture of red and blue, but difficulties arise if another shade of this color is needed, for example, soft purple, or light purple. In such a situation, not everyone, even professionals, manages to bring the desired shade to the ideal. Therefore, it is best to gradually introduce additional colors to the main color, and it is advisable to do this not immediately on the canvas, especially if you use gouache.

Mix gouache and paints

To get these shades, you need to mix pink color paints or gouaches with blue. If such camp colors are absent, then a mixture of red and blue colors need to add White color. It is better to do this on the palette to reliably make sure that this is exactly the color that you need. For such manipulations, it is best to use red colbate or ultramarine, and from the blue palette, shades of azure or phthalocyanine are more suitable.

If you add cool red to black, you can end up with a muted color. purple shade. For such manipulations, it is better to use shades of red such as alizarin or phthalocyanine. And for lightening, use clean white paint or special white.

Of course, the color purple, as well as its shades, is quite beautiful and is used not only in art, but also for painting walls, creating new design interior, even for hair coloring. Colors play an important role and are used in many areas of activity; it is worth knowing how to get one or another shade correctly.

How to get a dark purple color when mixing paints or gouache?

As a result of combining red and blue in a variety of proportions, you can get a whole range of purple shades. In order for your new color to be accurate and match your plan, you must thoroughly mix the paints together, because as a result of improper mixing, unwanted stripes or spots may form on the canvas during the process. For such manipulations, artists most often use a palette knife - this is a special thin spatula for mixing colors.

  • Of course, the purple color, as described above, can be obtained by mixing red and blue, but if you choose the wrong shades of these colors, you can get an undesirable result, for example, with a gray or brown tint.
  • When you combine cool shades of red and blue, you can definitely get a rich color that makes a great dark shade of purple. Of course, to get what you want you need to add black or dark gray, this is at your discretion, because... There are many dark shades of purple.

  • It is advisable, when adding black, to use a deep, rich color, like black resin. The amount of black color depends on the desired result that you need, it is best to add it gradually, while thoroughly mixing the colors, because black color often absorbs red color and its companions, thus, you will not get a purple color with a red or fiery tint.
  • To achieve a vibrant purple color, experienced artists often use a combination of blue or cyan with mangenta. This combination will 100% give the desired result, and from the resulting color you can easily make various shades, both light and dark.
  • The color of mangenta can be compared with ink from a printer, and in order not to make a mistake when purchasing, you just need to print out an example and select the desired shade by comparison.

It is worth remembering that dark shades absorb red, and therefore often produce an “eggplant” shade of purple when mixed with black. This is worth considering if you want a purple or red-violet color. A similar shade can only be obtained by mixing dark purple with a small amount of pure white, and a grayish tint may also be observed.

How to get lilac when mixing paints, gouache?

Achieving the desired effect in the process of combining paints seems simple only at first glance, including this applies to purple shades. Most colors can “absorb” others, while dominating the resulting shade, therefore, it is worth gradually introducing new colors and mixing very well, as described above. Professionals perform this work directly on the canvas itself, but if you are in doubt, it is better to do it on ceramic plate or a special palette.

  • Despite the fact that purple is not considered a basic color, it has quite a lot of pop-up colors, and as a result of introducing additional colors to the main colors or directly to purple, you can get almost 200 different shades of this color, ranging from white-lilac, finishing to deep purple. Guessing the correct proportions of the desired colors is the main problem, because... the transition from one shade to another has a very fine line.

  • Traditionally, the lilac shade, as well as the main purple, are considered cool colors, and, of course, the initial stage of production is considered to be mixing blue and red colors.
  • Lilac color is easy to obtain; to do this, add white to the “regular” violet color, which is made from cold blue and cold red.
  • Lilac color belongs to the third group, because you can get it by combining 2, or even 3 or more colors.

If, as a result of manipulations with tones, you get a lilac color that sets off a red or pink tint, while you need a cold shade of lilac, this problem can be easily corrected, just add a small amount of black to the resulting mixture, which, after mixing, will absorb the redness.

How to get purple when mixing paints, gouache?

Of course, the lilac shade is very beautiful, and paints of similar colors are often used to design walls in the interior of a house. But, of course, in nature you can find a large number of plants that have a purple color. Among them, a huge number are occupied by vegetables, berries, and flowers. But this color does not belong to the primary, primary colors.

  • Lilac, as well as lilac and other shades of violet, is considered a secondary color, because obtained by combining other colors.
  • If you use gouache, then you should pay attention to the name of the purple color. There are 2 categories of this color - these are K and C. In the first case, the red shade is dominant, and in the color scheme, it is between red and purple. But in the second case, purple has a predominantly blue tint, and is between blue and violet in the color scheme.

  • Of course, there are also a large number of shades of purple, and therefore you need to add white carefully. The classic “recipe” for a lilac shade is considered to be a combination of red, blue and white in equal proportions.
  • You can go the other way, if you have pink and blue color, they also need to be mixed thoroughly and thus get the desired lilac color. If you don’t have such shades, then you can separately bleach the red color until you get pink, and the blue color until you get blue.

If you use watercolors, then in this case you won’t need white, and ordinary water plays the role of a clarifier; the main thing is to change it more often for the purity and clarity of the drawing.

Shades of purple: palette, color names

Purple color, today, is very popular among interior and clothing designers. Also, it is difficult to imagine various paintings without using at least one shade of this color scheme. As you know, purple is produced by combining red and blue; for lightening you will need white, and to saturate the colors more dark shade black or just a dark color will help.

The Pantone palette contains almost 200 shades of this color, in which you can find not only bright, light, dull shades, but also dark, deep, with a blue or pink tint.

The most popular purple colors are:

  1. Deep, dark and rich:
  • Plum
  • Mulberry
  • Eggplant

This group represents those colors that lack redness, and blue or gray are dominant.

  1. Light:
  • Lilac
  • Violet
  • Orchid color
  • Amethyst
  • Pearl
  • Fuchsia (has a brighter color)

These shades echo delicate scarlet tones and have a red undertone; it is thanks to this characteristic that these colors are classified as warm shades.

  1. Cool shades:
  • Dark purple
  • Indigo
  • Rich, dark silky
  • Purple electric
  • Blackcurrant color

Here are those colors that predominantly have a deep blue undertone. Classic purple is considered the sixth main color; it has a huge number of shades, while having various tints, the main ones, as mentioned above, are red and blue; gray, pink, blue and even orange are also found.

Today it is considered fashionable to use non-standard colors not only in clothing, but also to create modern paintings and drawings. Using different shades, you can convey the depth and precision of an image, and most often, many artists can achieve the desired result only by mixing other colors.

There are chromatic shades, which are placed side by side in a circle of color combinations, as well as achromatic ones - located far from each other or opposite, when mixed, a shade with a predominant gray tint is obtained. Of course, to get the expected result, you need to understand the color scheme and the correct proportion when mixing, but it is also important to use materials that have similar chemical composition. This can dramatically change the result, or you may end up with a completely different color than you want.

In order for the result to be as accurate as possible, it is better to mix a small amount of paints, because with large volumes, you may not be able to guess the proportions accurately. The table that we offer allows you to significantly simplify the task of finding the right shade; it is used in various fields life.

Thanks to the knowledge of proper color mixing, you can create real masterpieces. Good luck with your creativity.

Video: Mix colors and get purple color

The world is full of bright and colorful flowers. Sometimes it’s simply surprising where such a huge variety of tones and shades comes from. Due to the huge number of similar colors, people often confuse them, and all because there is no knowledge about the significant differences. Much confusion arises when asked to distinguish between two shades - lilac and violet, and all because each of us can perceive these colors as similar or even opposite, that is, in different ways.


Purple is a “cool” shade that appears as a result of mixing red and blue, but the percentage of blue will be higher. The symbiosis of these two colors leads to control and calm.

Purple is still considered one of the most mysterious shades; it is part of the seven primary colors of the rainbow spectrum. There is an opinion that violet has an undesirable effect on nervous system. The name of many famous shades originates from the sources of these same shades. Everyone knows that the word purple originates from the word “violet”. So, we conclude that purple is the color of violet. This color can be designated as #8B00FF.

Interesting fact that purple is different:

  1. Spirituality. The same purple color helps us find a connection with our thoughts during meditation or prayer.
  2. Imagination. Coloring helps to find potential in creative activity, stimulates sleep activity.
  3. Inspiration. Brainstorm could serve as a source original ideas that come during inspiration.
  4. Individuality. The tone reflects originality and is suitable for those who do not want to copy others by doing things their own way.


This tone is a type of purple, only it has a lighter shade. Lilac appeared as a result of mixing two basic tones: blue and red. However, the percentage of the second will, of course, be higher. Lilac equates calm and protection.

This pale shade conveys lightness, openness, and tenderness. In addition, lilac is characteristic of people with a creative nature. The name of this color also originates from a specific source. This source is lilac. It turns out that lilac comes from the word “lilac”.

It is worth noting that lilac perfectly creates harmony in the interior, so if you use this color, then only in combination with light tones. Lilac coloring represents the future, nostalgia and creativity. It is not surprising that this tone is chosen most often in adolescence, as it is characterized by immaturity and vanity. There is an opinion that lilac coloring acts as a source of difficult conditions. Color can be represented by the following symbols: #C8A2C8

It is worth remembering that lilac acts as a symbol:

  1. vanity. The shade carries within itself the desire for glory, the need for honors, for praise.
  2. Sensitivity. Lilac has been proven to promote psychological effects, which can be both beneficial and depressing.
  3. Perseverance. The tone influences a person in a favorable way, pushing him to achieve his goals, increases self-esteem and self-confidence.
  4. Mysteries. It is not surprising that the coloring is mysterious, since it is a secret to others and shows an alluring secrecy.

What do they have in common?

Even though both colors are not very popular in the interior, we can say for sure that by using even one of these tones, you can achieve a cozy and luxurious atmosphere. Both lilac and violet are “cool” colors, which gives them a slight coolness.

It is worth noting that both shades are expressed in nature in the form of the most delicate options. These colors are suitable for absolutely any room. If in the living room shades are conducive to communication, then in the bedroom they promote relaxation and light sleep.

Comparison and how they differ

Now, when the debate begins on the topic “what is the difference between purple and lilac,” we must boldly say that everything depends on the proportions of red and blue. Indeed, depending on the percentage of a certain shade in the composition of the desired color, color can be distinguished.

Violet originates from the word “violet”, this proves that violet is the color of the violet. In the same way, lilac comes from the word “lilac”, which is why it is called that. So, we can say that both colors have more differences than similarities. The main thing is to remember these tones and not confuse them!

designer 2018-08-28

Purple color in the interior is popular today. It is original, unusual, but it must be used wisely so that the room looks pleasant, and not tacky and depressing.

Purple color is obtained by mixing two colors - blue and red. It has many shades from refined and delicate to rich, intense. There are subtleties of combining purple color with other colors. The right combination makes it possible to create a variety of images in the interior.

Shades of purple

People most often distinguish two shades of this color:

  • light purple;

  • dark purple.

Every designer knows that purple must be used correctly. This bright color, so you will need to choose a suitable color scheme for it, be careful with textures, furniture, and other interior elements.

Depending on the predominance of blue or red in the purple color, you can get a different palette. It can be warm or cold.

If you want the environment to be enjoyable, combine the colors correctly. The basis will be violet and its shades, and the rest can be selected in different variations and combinations, focusing on the chosen style of the room.

In the violet color scheme, the most popular colors are:

PurpleLilacEggplantRipe plum
Blackberry wineLavenderAmethystFuchsia

It is important that a room made in purple tones will make the interior attractive and alluring, it will be luxurious and elegant.

Purple is not always the main color great idea, especially if the furniture is also made in a similar color scheme. If you want the room to be elegant and stylish, it is recommended to use a light purple color scheme, complemented by other shades.

Color of the year 2018 - Ultraviolet

In 2018, ultraviolet 18-3838 Ultra Violet was recognized as the main color. In history, ultraviolet is associated with mysticism. It symbolizes the galaxy, the future and new technologies, self-expression, creativity.

The new color scheme is based on the fashion collections presented at New York Fashion Week.

IN new palette There are various shades of this color that can be used for interior design. Among them are:

Pink Beighton Road
18-2527 TCX
pink baysenberry color
19-2431 TCX
color crimson glow
19-2432 TCX
magenta festival
19-2434 TCX
bright purple color
18-3025 TCX
clover flower color
18-2320 TCX
purple wine color
18-2929 TCX
deep orchid color
18-3022 TCX
purple orchid color
18-3027 TCX
lilac meadow color
18-3230 TCX
bright violet color
18-3339 TCX
Byzantine purple color
19-3138 TCX
purple mallow color
19-2924 TCX
phlox color
19-2820 TCX
gentle and romantic lavender 14-3207 TCXgrape juice color
19-3230 TCX
sparkling grape color
19-3336 TCX
sunset purple color
19-3424 TCX
hyacinth purple color
18-3331 TCX
purple dahlia color
18-3324 TCX
amaranth color
19-2410 TCX
purple magenta color
19-2428 TCX
purple potion color
19-2430 TCX
color dark purple
19-2524 TCX
color purple heart
18-3520 TCX
royal lilac color
18-3531 TCX
royal purple color
19-3620 TCX
passionate purple hue
19-3223 TCX

Combination of purple with other colors

White, black and gray shades. Also very successful combinations relate:

  • Red, crimson, coral and purple. These shades can be muted or stand out from the main background. Wallpaper, curtains, and furniture elements can be in a similar color scheme.
  • Brown color. This is an original choice. A rich chocolate shade will go well with purple color. It is important that the room is well lit so that brown shades the furniture created the desired effect.
  • Pink color. It looks unobtrusive and unusual. Perfect for decorating a child's room. It will be cozy and very comfortable.
  • Green color. A delicate mint shade will go well with purple; olive and malachite will also harmonize. Recommended color: apple green.
  • Yellow. The shade of yolk suits purple especially well; it is rich and sophisticated.
  • Beige shade. Sand and cream colors will be combined with purple. It makes it possible to tone it down a little so as not to oversaturate the room.
  • Grey colour. This is a nice combination for the interior. It is recommended to combine violet and lavender shades with soft gray color scheme. The emphasis should be on furniture and textiles.
  • White color. The perfect combination with a purple tint. It will look perfect in any room. Purple and white will give you luxury, the room will sparkle with new colors and facets.

A little more combination of purple-lilac color with other pastels.

Purple color in the interior of different rooms in the photo

Let's tell you how the purple shade will look in different rooms. Let's talk about the kitchen, children's room, living room and bedroom.

  1. Kitchen.

This shade is perfect for a place where food is prepared and where people sit at a cozy table. Many are convinced that purple colors are unacceptable for the kitchen, but if you choose the right combination flowers, it will look stylish.

Plum and eggplant shades look especially piquant on tiles and kitchen set. Facades in soft purple tones give freshness in combination with other delicate colors.

  1. Living room.

The main goal when decorating a living room is the desire to create pleasant impression on its inhabitants and guests. The living room should be designed in calm purple colors, sometimes saturated elements of this shade are acceptable.

Violet will look advantageous in vases, sofas and armchairs, lighting fixtures, pillows and others decorative elements.

  1. Bedroom.

This shade makes it possible to relax, so it is often used to decorate a bedroom.

The shade allows you to make the bedroom sentimental and enchanting, giving it a romantic atmosphere.

The palette is perfect for dreamers and creative personalities who need inspiration.

Lavender and lilac, purple and lilac are great for upholstery; you should also give preference to a chandelier in this color, curtains and other items.

To make the room luxurious, use purple colors precious stones, combine them with other noble shades in the interior.

Delicate purple colors are perfect for a woman’s bedroom, which will add a touch of sentimentality and relaxation.
