Rectangular ventilation. Advantages and disadvantages of round air ducts

When the question arises about laying air ducts, there is a desire to make them as inconspicuous as possible. In this case, irreplaceable flat rectangular ducts . Our specialists will help you quickly calculate air ducts and assemble the necessary rectangular air duct system.

Main advantage rectangular air ducts the fact that they have a small height, which makes it easier to make them invisible while maintaining the necessary performance, they can easily be hidden in suspended ceilings, within the walls, and in the case when we're talking about about using them for output kitchen hood, then on kitchen cabinets.

Flat ducts can be both hard and . They have 3 sizes:

110x55mm - used for hoods and fans with a capacity of up to 300m3/hour

120x60mm - used for hoods and fans with a capacity of up to 350m3/hour

204x60mm - used for hoods and fans with a capacity of up to 1000m3/hour

The system of rectangular (flat) air ducts in any house is part of its unique respiratory system. Technically, each duct, whether rectangular or, is a pipe that opens to open air access from the house and allowing effective ventilation of the room. Modern production rectangular air ducts are in a state of constant improvement, new shaped parts are appearing, which makes it even easier to assemble even the most intricate ventilation system.

Rectangular flat air ducts, can be used in aggressive environments and have a long service life. All these factors, in turn, make it possible to organize the circulation of air flows in residential premises and industrial facilities as efficiently as possible.

Installation of rectangular and shaped air ducts.

Rectangular air ducts are like a construction set just for adults. To install flat air ducts, you do not need to be a specialist or have any special qualities. To install air ducts, you may need only two things: a jigsaw or a hacksaw for metal (in order to cut the required length) and a drill (if there is a need to attach the air ducts to the wall or ceiling). All shaped parts of rectangular air ducts fit tightly onto the air ducts and do not require additional sealing. The air ducts are connected to each other using connectors, which allows you to assemble a ventilation system of any length. A large number of corners, transitions and other shaped parts will help you assemble the most intricate ventilation system.

The frequently encountered ones we have prepared will help you better understand the variety of plastic rectangular air ducts and their fittings.

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Air ducts (straight and shaped parts) rectangular and round section are manufactured in certain sizes and types established by:

  • VSN 353-86 “Design and application of air ducts from standardized parts”
  • TU 36-736-93 “Metal ventilation ducts”
  • SNiP 2.04.05-91 “Heating, ventilation systems, air conditioning”

Round ducts have significant benefits before rectangular. In most cases, a rectangular air duct can be replaced with a round one without increasing the passage of the air ducts. When calculating installation flaps for rectangular air ducts, the height of the flanges - 40-60 mm - and the required installation area for tightening bolts at the corners of the flanges are not taken into account. This space can be used when replacing with round ducts with nipple connection. Round air ducts with nipple connections have no protruding parts and require significant less space for installation of ventilation systems. Almost always, a package of round air ducts takes up less space than rectangular air ducts of corresponding cross-sectional area. This is especially important for those who are constrained suspended ceilings, corridors and shafts, where air ducts are installed in several layers.

The surface area of ​​a round air duct is 12% less than the surface area of ​​a square air duct with a similar cross-section. When the aspect ratio of a rectangular duct is 1:4, the difference increases to 40%. This makes it effective to replace one flat duct with several round ones running in parallel.

For thermal and fire insulation For round air ducts, a thinner layer of insulation is sufficient than for rectangular ducts with equal requirements. Insulation consumption is also significantly reduced.

The smaller the perimeter of a rectangular air duct, the greater the specific (per 1 m2 of air duct surface) cost of flanges and fasteners. Air ducts with a perimeter of 1600 mm are the most expensive.

When detailing, only standard shaped parts of minimal length are used.

Round straight sections are ordered maximum length, convenient for transportation (4-6 running meters). Remember that the longer the duct used, the fewer places connections, air leaks and cheaper installation of ventilation systems.

It makes sense to use rectangular air ducts only if their perimeter is over 1600 mm. At the same time, the use of air ducts with a length of 1250 mm makes it possible to increase their rigidity and get rid of the problems of “slamming” air ducts. When the aspect ratio is more than 1:3, additional stiffeners are used. These measures will insure you against additional work when putting systems into operation.

Using standard nodes allows you to “survive” any changes in the project and work from the “sheet” without any losses. If the project changes, all dismantled air ducts can be reused, since they are standard. When working from a “sheet”, having a certain number of standard air ducts, you can immediately begin installation, and then deliver the necessary parts.

Air ducts- this is one of the most important parts ventilation system. Inside the air ducts, which are combined together, air flows move and are distributed to the desired rooms. To date air ducts made from different materials, for example, aluminum foil, galvanized steel, special fabrics, various polymer compounds. By design, they are divided into spiral and straight-seam, and the connections can be flanged, wafer or welded.

All flexible and rigid air ducts are divided into round air ducts or rectangular, which depends on the shape of their section. But rectangular air ducts are clearly inferior in popularity to round ones. Why, now let's try to figure it out.

It turns out that the cost of its manufacture and installation depends on what cross-section was used in the air duct. The set is also changing functional characteristics. Now, if you consider this important parameter quality ventilation systems As airtightness, it can be said that rectangular ducts are less economical than round ones. It's no secret that when the air flow moves through the air ducts, some air is lost, which reduces the efficiency of the ventilation system as a whole. As a result, additional electricity is consumed. And in designs with rectangular air ducts air flows into several large quantities than in the same designs with round ones. This is because the connections in straight ducts are not very tight, requiring the use of two flanges with seals instead of one fitting. And air leaks constantly occur at the joints of the structure.

Other disadvantages include uneven distribution air flow through the system. Inside rectangular duct pipes Turbulent zones often form, which lead to noise and impose restrictions on air pressure and its speed in the duct.

Air ducts price you can notice that the price for rectangular ones is 20-35% higher than for air ducts with a round cross-section. This difference in price is due to the large weight of rectangular air ducts and their large dimensions, which increases the complexity of installation and leads to high material costs.

Rectangular ducts are not specially produced, and in order to purchase them, you will need to wait until they are made to order. And you can buy round air ducts ready-made, directly from the warehouse. Repairing the ventilation system and replacing damaged parts is also a little problematic, because all the replaced parts must first be made manually.

And in general, installation stainless steel air ducts must be carried out by very experienced installers, because only experienced workers will be able to qualitatively and correctly connect and fit all sections. Installation of round air ducts, as a rule, is much faster because the installation is very simple and easy, and even people without much experience in such matters can handle it.

And finally, in order to clean rectangular air ducts from mold and dust that has accumulated inside, the craftsmen will have to work hard, which will not cost you that much.

But the main advantage of rectangular air ducts is their compactness, compared to round ones. After all air ducts with a rectangular cross-section, they are very easy to install in any room and are placed in rooms even with limited ceiling heights. And in buildings for public use, rectangular air ducts can be safely installed openly; they will not spoil the interior at all. If during installation they need to be hidden behind some hanging or wall partitions, then the area and height of the latter will be relatively small. However, this statement is not always true. After all, even small air ducts around the perimeter are fastened with flanges, bolts and brackets, which still protrude above their surface, which means they require extra space behind the partition. Therefore, installing air ducts with a rectangular cross-section in small rooms is not very profitable.

Most often, when installing air conditioning systems, metal air ducts are used, because they have great strength and resistant to fire. Metal air ducts can also have a round or rectangular cross-section. They are made galvanized or of stainless steel. With views metal air ducts and prices for them in Moscow you can find in our price list.

Spiral-lock round air ducts, which are connected using a rebate, are made from durable steel tape with an anti-corrosion coating. Their thickness ranges from 0.5 to 1 mm, and their width is 130 mm. Among the advantages of such air ducts are the following: high seam density, aesthetic appearance, no length restrictions and increased density compared to straight-seam ones. Their disadvantage is that when installed on a seam, about 15% of the metal from which the air duct is made is used.

Spiral welded round ducts They are also made from steel tape, which is coated with an anti-corrosion compound. They have a thickness from 0.8 to 2.2 mm, a width of 400-750 mm. The joints of such air ducts are overlap welded. They are also not limited in length and have high density seam When installing them, metal is consumed in significantly smaller quantities than when installing spiral-lock air ducts. But spiral-welded air ducts cannot be made from steel that is less than 0.8 mm thick.

Rectangular straight-seam air ducts are made from steel sheet. In this case, it is advisable to make a seam on the bend of the air duct so that it serves as an additional stiffener. Such air ducts are easier to install in rooms with low height, and they look more harmonious in the interior than round ones. Only here they are aerodynamic drag there are several more round air ducts with the same performance.

Round straight-seam air ducts are manufactured similar to rectangular and made of the same metal. The only difference is the cross-sectional shape. Prices for all types of air ducts in Moscow can be found in the price list.

Today, ventilation systems are constructed using one of two types of air ducts - round or rectangular. But differences in form also entail significant differences in cost and functionality. The main advantage of rectangular air ducts is the ease of their installation in any type of premises, where round ones are more than inferior to them. But they want more operating costs than round ducts. But the latter are more economical and functional.

One of the most important indicators of the quality of a ventilation system is air tightness. After all, the loss of air flow from the system immediately reduces efficiency. And in turn, this leads to increased energy consumption, which increases costs. In this parameter, round air ducts are superior to rectangular ones, because they are connected by only one fitting, which does not allow air to leak out. And rectangular air ducts are connected using two flanges with seals, which increases the possibility of air leakage.

In the price list You can see that the price of round ready-made air ducts is 35% lower than the cost of rectangular ones. But in the end, it turns out that the entire ventilation system with round air ducts costs less than the same system with round pipes. Sometimes you need to use two round ones instead of one rectangular air duct. This is necessary in order to ensure good regulation of air flow and simplify the coordination of pressures inside.

The lower cost of round air ducts is motivated by the easier manufacturing process. They require fewer parts and assemblies that are much smaller in size. Which in turn reduces the amount of time spent during installation, that is, such a ventilation system can be designed several times faster than the same one, but with rectangular air ducts. In systems with round air ducts, it is more convenient to carry out insulation work, and the cost of insulating materials is lower, because the perimeter of the air ducts is much smaller. Air ducts with a round cross-section have better pronounced properties that affect the attenuation of unnecessary vibrations in the system. And, of course, such air ducts are secured using fewer hanging supports.

To install round ducts, you need to use much less space than when installing rectangular ones. This is very beneficial when the system is installed in small rooms.

The price and complexity of installing round air ducts is significantly less than their counterparts with a rectangular cross-section. This is due to the fact that the dimensions and weight of round air ducts are smaller than similar rectangular ones.

Ventilation systems today include air conditioning devices with constant or variable flow air, and characteristic of them high level noise. Round ducts, which have stiffer walls, are better at reducing the level of low-frequency noise than rectangular ducts.
